DEPENDABLE E- INSURANCE SERVICE DANCING. modern and old Tyme, every Saturday mgm at Maple Community Hall. Music by Art Celsie and his Singing Plains- men, stars of TV and radio. EVERY sATUHUAY NIGHT .â€" 9.00 pm. - 12.00. Dancing to Max Cameron» Orchevlra. at Canad- ian Legion Hall, Carrville Roaq, kichvale. Sponsored by Rich- mond Hiu Bram-n 375 Canadian Legion. $1.00 )er person. tfc36 DECEMBER 23 â€"- Friday. Christ- ma‘s Dance at Vellore Hall. danc- ing to the music of Fergie's Ram- blers. Everyone welcome. Spon- sored by the Vellore Junior Far- mers. Admission $1.00. ‘ c1w25 DECEMBER 27 â€"- Tuesday â€" Northcrest Lodge No. 476 Giant New Year's turkey euchre, Mas- onic Hall, Thornhill, 8 pm. Ad- mission $1.00. Everyone welcome. *1w25 ALLENCOURT Ratepayers’ Ag- sociatlon. The usual monthly meeting of this association will not be held. The ï¬rst meeting in 1961 is scheduled for Wednesday, February lst, at 8.30 pm. at the Walter Scott School. c1w25 EHERBERT R. BUTT 198 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL LIONS LIBERAL f" .ASSIFIEDS BRING RESULTS PHONE 'l‘U. 4-|105 aming Cuenb 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill Telephone 1 flow 3/“, peopé wax J0" 77ml, Polling Subdivisions WARD I 1 - 7051 Yonge St.. Highland Pk. 2 - 86 Glencameron Rd.. Don- caster. 3A - 10 Colborne St. Thornhill. 3B - York Farmers' Market, 7509 Yonge St., Thornhill. 4 - Residence Clarence Thomp- son, 103 Highway No. '7. Langstafl‘. 5 . Rose Garden Supplies, 9201 Yonge St., Richvale. Radios TV JOHN'S T.V. With the exception of Ward 1, where 45 per cent of Markham Town- ship voters turned out, there was a 30-35 per cent turnout at the polls in the December elections. And of the 1960 council, Stanley Watson, Ward [11 was the only member returned to the same office for 1961. Deputy-reeve Wilfred Dean moves up to the reeveship; Councillor Lawson Mumberson will be the new deputy-reeve; and Reeve William Clark and ward ,1 Councillor John MacNeil retire at the end of this year. Reeve Dep.-Reeve Councillor Councillor Councillor Pnllinz Sub. Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Polling Sub. 14A and 176 14B pâ€"a U1 1 h‘ m l 24 1 A-L 1 M-Z 7162 Totals 123 AV. 5-4138 PHIL. BABTH Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 112 Yonge St. Toronto TUrner 4-4411 Car Radios 61 71 b'l ï¬loFI i477 1168 1 4 0 1 O 3 133 148 94 76 This is a flat on the second floor of the old Arnold house which belongs to the Spring Valley Developement Co. Thanks to the enthusiasm and zeal of Mrs. W. J. Lambert, and her assistants. and to the generosity of members of the congregation, and of interested village resi- dcnts ,the four large, bright, well heated, rooms have been completely, and comfortably fur- nished, and the kitchen pantry overflows with food and staples contributed by the United Church W.A., the Sunday school. Scouts, and Cu'bs. Flowers centred the table. and in the refrigerator was a full course chicken-chocolate- eclair dinner prepared by Mrs. .Lambert and Mrs. Harrington in anticipation of an earlier arrival. Despite their weariness the Paj- evics were obviously very pleas- ed. and touched by their warm reception, and, accommodation. Mrs. Paievic clasped her hands with delight when she saw the decorated Christmas tree, and the boys ran about exploring ev- ery nook and crannv. It is hoo- 9ed that Christmas will indeed be a memorably happy one for this .family. and the beginning of a ; life of security. and prosperity in ' Canada. Before the last .v'ar Mrs. [Pajevic and her husband owned ‘a restaurant in Jugoslavia. When Tito came to power Mr. Pajevic ,was shot as an enemy of the State, and. Stefia. left with two .small sons to fend for. took .what jobs she could. She has “ done office work and nursing. and .latterly had been employed in Ia paper box factory. About four 1 years ago she obtained a visa for herself, and her oldest son to go to Italy. After two years in Italy they went to France and were chosen by the congregation of Thornhill United Church (who had been inspired by a sermon preached by the Rev. H. R. Mac- Donald last March) as a fam- ily to sponsor. The many delays so disappointing to the enthusias- tic supporters of the project in Thornhill, turned out to be bless- ings for the Pajevics, for in the interim Branislav, who had not been permitted to leave Jugo Slavia with his mother and bro- ther, managed to join them in France and come with them to Canada. ' . Stefia Pajevic speaks German, French and Serbian and will not have any language difficulty with her landlord Mr. Bert Schoo, a Dutchman. When the family have had time to rest. and catch their breath Mr. J. D. McGhee has volunteered to tutor them in English. A job has been found ‘for Mrs. Pajevic and whether it will be school. or work. for Du- san and Branislav has yet to be determined. Mr. John Honsberger acted as chairman of the refugee com- mittee and many other members of Thornhill United Church have had hands in this undertaking of good will. Markham Village Turns Down Open Sundays Markham Village voted down Sunday sport 606 to 464 in the recent elections. WARD II 11 - Residence of Jack Curtis, 4'7 Greenlane. 12 - Residence. Wm. Rodick, Lot 6, Concession 5. 13 - Community Hall. Buttonville. 14A - Veterans’ Hall, Unionville. 14B - Veterans‘ Hall. Unionville. 15 - Community Hall, Victoria Square. 16 - Community Hall. Victoria Square. Mrs. Pajevic Family Arrive In Thornhill (By Doris M. FitzGerald) . “Thank you, thank you,†murmured Mrs. Steï¬a Pa- jevic, smiling, but on the verge of tears, when she and her two dark', good-looking sons, D'usan, 19, and Branislav, 17, were welcomed at 9.45 on Monday evening, December 19, by a group representing Thornhill United Church, which had brought them to Canada. The pastor, ,the Rev. Hugh R. MacDonald, Mrs. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Har- rington, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lambert, and their son John, had already met the 5.05 train at the Union Station, scan- ned faces, and waited uneasily for some time before dis- covering that the boat train from Halifax was late in reaching Montreal, and that the Pajevics would not have been able to make the planned connection. When the re- fugee family ï¬nally did step off the train, there was in- stant recognition between them and their sponsors. A bouquet of red roses was presented to Mrs. Pajevic by Mrs. Lambert, and after a lengthy and unexpected barrage from newspaper reporters, interpreters, photographers, and TV camera men the Pajevics were driven up Yonge St. to their new home, in Thornhill. 136 Sponsored Thornhill United Churchâ€" 70 48 49 Sellwood’s Salon Mmcmhm Residence" Stan Leno, Elgin Mills. 210 118 159 76 77 44 & Stafl' 105 359 418 353 7483 602 331 141 70 'a rkham 21 - Residence of Miss A. Walker, Lot 6, Con. 7. 22 - Residence of Mrs. B. Madsen. Lot 11, Concession 6. 23 - Residence‘ of J. Gordon For- gie, Mount Joy. 24 - Residence of Wm. Grove, Dickson's Hill. 25 - Residence of W. Carson Arm- strong. on the 10th line, Lot 8. 26 - Premises of James Cowan, Mongolia. herself, and her oldest son to go to Italy. After two years in Italy they went to France and were chosen by the congregation of Thornhill United Church (who had been inspired by a sermon preached by the Rev. H. R. Mac- Donald last March) as a fam- ily to sponsor. The many delays so disappointing to the enthusias- tic supporters of the project in Thornhill, turned out to be bless- ings for the Pajevics, for in the interim Branislav, who had not been permitted to leave Jugo Slavia with his mother and bro- ther, managed to join them in France and come with them to Canada. ' 205 66 Markham Village voted down Sunday sport 606 to 464 in the recent elections. Whether the turn-rhwn is the genuine feeling of the majority will be a matter of argument among the 1.074 persons out of a possible 2.280 eligible voters. Out of the slightly more than 47 per cent who cast ballots, the de- cision not to allow Sunday sport was in the hands of 142 persons who spelled the dif- ference between "yes" and "no." A number of districts during recent municipal el- ection: gave their approval to Sabbath Day sports. 175 121 “YARD III 5O 72 ownéAi, 'JJ Christmas Light Uudging Dec. 27 Richvale Fire Claims xx Life Of Aged Resident Jaycee's Proieci The Christmas Lighting Cam- paign sponsore'd by the Rich- mond Hill Jaycees is well under- way. The judges of the Lighting Contest will be our Mayor-elect Jim Haggai-t, Councillor Mrs. Margaret Southwell and Ralph Markham. president of the Rich- mond Hill Jaycees. The judging will take place on the evening of Tuesday. December 27th. and all residents are requested to have The‘fire which took the life of one of two aged sisters last Sat- urday in Richvale is being inves- tigated by the'Chief Fire Mar- shall's office, but may have start- ed in a quantity of old papers in the frame five-room house on Spruce Street. According to Vaughan Township Fire and Po- lice Ch'ief James Davidson, Mrs. Annie Grimble, in her 80’s, Was found on the floor in the south- west section of the front bedroom between the bed and the wall. Her twin sister, Margaret Mur- ray, received burns to her chest and face and following treatment was taken to the home of a neigh- hour. The Maple and Richvale Fire Brigades brought the flames un- der control within 20 minutes of arriving at the scene with two reels at 10.45 pm. but contin- ued mopping-up operations until 1.47 a.m. The house was gutted. Damage was considerable, though no firm estimate was arrived at. The alarm was turned in by Er- is CALIFORNIA ANJO PEARS 5 for 29c As you observe the joyful Christmas holiday, may your spirit be uplifted, your heart ï¬lled with the radiant happiness and quiet contentment of the season. ~ , was Margaret Murray succeeded’in outh- getting outside. It was at first room believed that the sister was trap- wall. ped inside and that she was Mur- found leaning against the front chest inside wall. Firemen‘say this was 1 at. etrates the centre sectlons or me}, Q Er- ten-test. Iï¬nammmmmmm ‘mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmï¬mmmmmmmmmma *E’FRESHLI’BI'IDEHIES “917‘ .W"“’ E! c E KKKKBKKKKHKKKL‘ZCZKKKK‘KKKKKKHHKKXKEKKKK“ ’WIMI?" 5: OCEAN SPRAY Whole or Jellied their lights on. Minute events are the hinges on_ which' magnificent results turn. Each little light will add to the 'glow that will make Rich- mond Hill the brightest Town in all Ontario. And may our Christmas be bright and full of cheer and ovâ€" erflow far into the New Year. Frank Da Costa Chairman, Jaycee Lighting Committee The body of Mrs. Annie Grim- ble was first removed to the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, and later taken to Branson Hospital for an autop- sy. The sisters had ccupied the house for the past six years. nest Elvin of the Richvale V01- unteer Fire Brigade who spotted the flames as he drove past. 24 oz. jar 43C WRWM KKflW’KKï¬lfl In!!!†15 oz. tin 25C iuhlnl E “Illflï¬lï¬‚ï¬ not so. It is believed that the fire victim was overcome with smoke. The interior of the house was finished in ten-test, a pres- sed paper which, when ignited releases powerful, acid, suffocat- ing smoke. - It is extremely difficult to thoroughly extinguish the flames in such material as the fire is drawn up into the cells and pen- etrates the centre sections of the ten-test. Lranberry )auce ‘5°’-““L)‘ “#943: ‘45:â€: tag 2% a: KKK 1% 52900991 mxmexmxm:maxmuummxuuunxwxm FRESH ONTARIO TURKEYS 8. CAPONï¬AWm THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday December NO BINGO MON., DEC. 26 or JAN. “PM n E III 9 am. to 9 pm. SATURDAYS 9 am. to 6 pm. 5 ammnmmnmm A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO "THE LIBERAL" ONLY $3.50 PER YEAR WWWWWWIIWIKKKIKKW E Season’s Greetings 5 RICHMOND HILL g gin}me Typewriters - Adding Machine. SALES . SERVICE - RENTALS ‘your office machine Ipeehlht' 88 Baker Ann, Richmond Hill Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 65 Yonge St. S. TI FROM THE STAFF AT MORLEY'S ' FOODLAND TOMATO g JUICE _.-§ 29 YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL AYLMER 248oz.tins 3 lb. tin 99c William meme MAPLE LEAF 28 oz. tin MINCEMEAT MAPLE LEAF Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 WWWWWWWWWWW? JOS. RABINOWITCH, B.A. see portable models :0 ‘nght‘s Pharmacy‘ L. H. SIMS ioliday 59%†eadon To my clients and friends. Special thanks to my supporters in the recent town elections. All popular makes on hand Shortening Special Students’ Rates Eflgflflï¬ï¬‚flflï¬ï¬‚liï¬ c .70 JM 99c TU. 4-5829 1960 3