14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond 3111, Ontario, Thuuday, February 2, 1961 ACCOUNTANTS ‘ Deciantis-Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS » Building Repaln a. Alteration: Drain and Concrete Wort PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 5453'/3 YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 s and Associates AV. um ’ mm a. mum LEONARD R. ROSENBERG 3. Con. cmmno ACCOUNTANY m 0! Nov: 890th swam Anton lemon. Anton IA 7-3451 James G. Keogh CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 15 YONGE ST. NORTH (Lowrio Balding) RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1845 Wm. Clubine PLASTERING CONTRACTOI H. D. Melsness, D.C. X-RAY our. WIndhm-st Gate and Bayview (1 block south Buview Plan.) Phone TU. (-1075 By Appointment Building Trades Arthur J. Everett CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 'John R. Kane, D.C. X-Ray ‘ 13 WEDGEWOOD DR. WILLOWDALE, ONT. BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 Dr. W. R. Redford Dr. J. M. Wachna CHIROPRACTIC - PHONE Tl. 3-5295 .â€" 'Arthur G. Broad, ARCHITECTS Complete Alterations, Repairs & Additions Plastering & Painting DAHL & SON Suite 106. 1'! York at Toronto Homes or General Repair: TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill Philip Swan FREE ESTIMATE TU. 4-1215 81 Bedlord Park A". Richmond Hill TUrner 44251 By Appointment G. Chassie BUILDER CONTRACTOR ,. E. Clark 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill TU. H601 EM. 8-1829 BED ACCOUNTANT TU. H951 DENTAL TU. 4-1483 TU. 4-57 70 DENTISTS PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dr. P. R. Macfarlane Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONG! 51'. SOUTH muse: 4-1511 Richmond um Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 661 YONGE STREET AV. 5-4442 Thomhill, Ont. HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Member - Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association COMPLETE Washing Machine Service TURNER 5 CRAIG Richmond Hill TU. 4-4059 Body & Fender Repairs Compiete Refinishing I! you haven't heard of our re- putation, enquire from your friends All work guarankeed 1M Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St. Blchulo For appointment, ph. AV. 5-3631 Richvale Auto Body SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam .and Fill TU. #1701 RICHMOND HILL ANSWERING SERVICE General Business Duplicating & Stenographit Service Dr. J. M. Dryer ENGINEERING 8. ELECTRICAL Dr. J. Perdicaris MEDICAL-DENTAL Septic Tanks. Water a. Sewer Services, Landscaping Custom Digging and Trenchlnz MAPLE. PHONE AL. 7-1251 CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES 15 YONGE ST. NORTH TU. 4-3800 - AV. 5-2798 2518 YONGE ST. .. . (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 SPECIAL MACHWEBY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE 51'. EAST RICHMOND HILL PHONE OFFICE TU. (-3571 DENTIST Gal Extractions so Yonxo St. North TU. 4-1177 Richmond mu FLOWERS E. CHARITY n YONG! 51'. a. RICHMOND am. “Iraq 61“! DENTAL GARAGES AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITI'ING WELDING Diamond _ Contractors Open Bum (Continued) Richmond um Coach Lines ltd. Formerly Bloor & You" Sb. Individual Attention Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers Sellwood Salon TU. 4-2321 ‘ 80 Image St. 8. Richmond Ell! Receiving Hours: 5 mm. - 0 pm. or otherwise by appointment â€" NO CHARGE â€" Humane Services General Business 24 Adelaide St. W. Toronto EM. 3-0311 Ernie Brock 8. Son PAINLESSLY DESTROY!!! by approved S.P.C.A. Method TROYEB NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE Yonu street, Oak maxe- PR. 3-5071 Hair Styling 8. Beauty Salons General Insurance Insurance â€" Mortgages Fire. Auto, Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Bank of Nova Scotin Bldg†Aurora. Ontario TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 A. Burnett General Insurance Suite 2, Lowrle Building 15 Yonge Street N- Richmond Hill TUruet 4-1551 9205 Yonge St., Richvale Office - AV. 5«3721 After Hours - TU. 4-5542 Coaches for all Occasions FOR INFORMATION Telephone TE. 3-5351 Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE 7 Fire. Auwmobile. Plato Glam, Automobile Financing. etc. Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Bill [I]. 6-1219 Richmond am Langdon's REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE LIMITED H errington Insurance Agency Roy A. Phillips Ins. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. (4935 GENERAL INSURANCE For All You: Insurance Needs COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALplne 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-122‘ Neill 8. Neill INSURANCE INSURANCE SERVICES Box 324. 75 Hardin; Blvd. Richmond mu AVenuo 5-4201 Corner Agency Limited 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhifl CALUMET Kirby Brock Maple, Ont, Complete Insurance Service Roy V. Bick Real Estate AVenue 5-1379 ' CATS (Continued) John 'S. Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE rum - AUTO - LIABILITY II! Kill: 8!. - King City TE. 8-5283 Stuart Parker, Q.C. RICHMOND HILL _ 7 Bulletin St. AVenuo 5-1477 I'm-net 4-1543 BARRIS'IEB. SOLICITOB AND NOTARY PUBLIC The Bank of Nov: 800“. Building AURORA, ONTARIO 'l'elephonea Ofï¬ce: PA. 7-9488-9 Rem: PA. 7-5046 Floyd E. Corner, 0.0. Blaney, Pasternak, Luck, Smela, Eagleson & Watson Barristers. Solicitors etc. G. G. WALKER Stiver, Vale, Peppiatt, E'rrington BARBISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTABIES K. M. B. Silver. 0.0. Joseph Vale. 9.0. J. M. Pepplatt, BA. William Erflngton, 3. Com. 195A MAIN ST. Ph.: TW. 5-4571. Newman-hot. OM. BARRISTEB dc SOLICITOB Suite 2. Lowrie Building 15 Yonu St. N.. Richmond Hill livery Thursday Anemoon - TUrner (-1551 Toronto Ofllco - 18 Toronio 80. Phone EM. 3-5877 GENERAL INSURANCE John J. Lawlor, B.A. Plaxton & Deane 11 Queen Street E. - Suite 5“ Toronto 1. Ontario EMpire 6-2362 Lowrie' Building , 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hm. Ontario TU. 4-7191 J. Rabinowitch, BA. mum“ 0m“ Cflem 7-1051 At Maple. a; ghoi 0â€qu o! BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill fl Bloor St. W., Toronto Ont. WA. #9755 " Ernie' Brook 8; Son Ltd.. aver: Monday and Thursday night. 1 mm.†9.30 p.111. BARRISTER SOLICITOB Anstey Block Yonge Street. Thornhfll, Ontario AV. 5-5453 AV. 5-5454 AV. 5-3046 -' AV. 5-5085 '. C. Newman, Q.C. Norman A. Todd, INSURANCE Barrister. Solicitor 5 Notary Bruce M. Ralph Barrister. Solicitor. etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office 15 You" Street N. AV.5.51“ Thornhlll Ofï¬ce AV. 5-1197 15 YONG! 51'. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Office Water #1780 ledduwe ’l'Urner 4-1868 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 REAL ESTATE 8118 YONG! ST. THORNHILL Barrister-Aple Solicitor LEGAL (Continued) By Appointment AL. 7-2621 TU. 4-5829 Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public James H. Timmins (By Appointment) Medical Centre Bayview Plaza Richmond Hill, Ont. Oflloe and Residence TU. (4M0 Burrlster. Solicitor. Notary King City, Phone TE. 3-5451 Phone TUrner 4-3962 Dr. Cameron Cowan Dr. Jas. G. M cK innon TU. C4271 Office TU. 4-7015 Res. TU. 4-7473 Dr. D. A. McBurney BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge St. N.. Richmond mu Northern Building Office: TUrner 4-3121 If no mswer call PRospect 3-5327 Dr. Jas. R. Langstaï¬ Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Dr. Victor Zuck Dr. D. F. McGregor Gariepy and Mann Donald M. Findlay Mundinger School of Music Branch Dr. D. B. Maunsell D’Alton McLaughlin F.T.C.M. L.Mus. W.U. F£.C.C.0. Residential calls if required. BRING RESULTS TU. (-1105 r AV. Barristers and Solicitors 6197 YONGE STREET. WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 Marguerite Boyle MRS. H. NICHOLLS 192 WELDRICK ROAD STOP 23B. YONGE ST. Piano and Singing Dr. J. P. Wilson Dr. Leon Bloom 4 Church St. S. Richmond Hill By Appointment Office: TU. 4-1422 Residence: â€" TU. 4-1314 Elocuuon, Public Speaking Platform Deportmeut Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL" Thornhill Available for instruction In Richmond 11111 Phone TU. 4-3523 HUdson 5-2591 (mornings) By Appointment 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block west of Bayview) Piano Accordion "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS Kenneth A. Garlepy BA. 5-1557 W. E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 By Appointment 6 Church St. 8. RICHMOND HILL AVenue 5-3165 MEDICAL Registered Masseur by appointmen. Suite 1 3! Yonge St. North Richmond Hill THORNHILL MUSICAL MASSAGE LEGAL By appointment 50 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1154 (Continued) AV. 5-1950 Family rates. . Johnston “I. #1“! A. W. Kirchen, R.0. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled 6: Repairs 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday 8: Saturday Alternoons by appointment Open Friday Nights Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 mm. to 6 p.111. including Sat. RU. 3-8949 Eyes Examined Wednesday. Evenings by appointment. Room 205 Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Benin to: Richvale Electronics STOP 22. YONGE STREET TU. 4-1552 AV. 5-2669 PETER E. SMITH Antenna installation Taclan TV and Electronics Complete TV - Radio Hi-Fi & Phono Service All Technicians R.E.T.M.A. Trained Ontario Land Surveyors 105 Willowdale Ave., Willowdale, Ont, BA. 5-3031 Res. George '1‘. Yates. 0.L.S. 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 F. L. Lowrie, R.0. 63 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS & AIRLLINES BOOKINGS FOR SEA-AIR TOURS AND CRUISES GLOBE TRAVELSERVICE Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 147 Yonge St. N. Office â€" TU. 4-1432 Richmond Hill 24o KING 5!. KING CITY RADIO 8. TV STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Speciï¬cations PINDER BROS. LTD. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 OPTOMETRY formerly W. C. Knox, R.0. STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS ‘ Eyes Examined * Prescriptions Filled * Optical Repairs Hours 9:00 - 5:30 e'xc Evenings by appointment Travel Service Phone TU. 4-7851 KINGSDALE ANIMAL SURVEYORS VETERINARY Yates & Yates J. C. Horvat, Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service OPTOMETRIST HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 RADIO â€"- III-Fl TU. 4~7186 Glasses Fitted TU. 4-4641 5130 except Happy Birthday Méhy happy returns of the day to Heather Smith on Feb- ruary 5th and to Ruth Harper on the 6th. Jefferson Community Club Calling all square dancers - the next square dance will be on Friday, February 10th. (See Coming Events). The next Family Night has been planned for the beginning of March, watch for further details. The Community Club are holding a euchre panty for Wednesday, February 15th. Please keep this date in mind, come and bring your friends for an evening of fun. (See Coming Events for time and place.) St. John's Church News The Evening Branch of the Woman's Auxiliary will hold their February meeting tonight, Feb- ruary 2nd, at 8.30 pm. at the home of Mrs. S. Leno. There will be a fireside ser- vice in the parish hall on Sunday evening, February 5th, at 7.30 All women in the congrega- tion and district are invited to take part in World Day of Pray- er to be held this year at St. John's Church on Friday, Feb- ruary 17th. This service had its origin in the United States in 1887. when consecrated women inaugurated a Day of Prayer for missions. Since that time the observance has moved to many lands. becoming world wide in 1927. Richmond Hill ed secretary. Th annual congregational meet- ing of Richmond Hill United Church was held Wednesday night, January 25, in the church hall, with 20 pages of reports from all departments presented Rev. Charles G. Higginson pre- sided. The opening hymn was Guide Me, 0 Thou Great Jeho- vah, followed by a prayer by Mr. Clare Atkinson. Mrs. Ralph Wood presided at the piano. The keynote of Mr. Higginson's mes- sage was, Thanks be to God who leads us, wherever we are, on His own triumphant way.†Truly we have much to thank God for in this past year. Mr. Gordon Robinson led in a remembrance ceremony as we recalled those whom we have loved and lost awhile. United Church Budget Struck At $46,000.00 Mr. Frank Southwell. church treasurer presented highlights of the ï¬nancial picture and the gen- eral pattern of achievement throughout the church Progress Report 7 The Sanctuary has been repair- ed and completely re-decorated. adding beauty and warmth to this ï¬ne old place of worship. The Chapel in the Christian Edu- cation Wing has been made more useful by the addition of a Bald- win organ, thus completing the furnishing of this very attractive place. Funds for these two items were made available by the Woman's Association. In the visual aid area we have acquired the latest model Bell and Howell 16mm movie projector and another slide and ï¬lmstrip projector equipped for use in the large hall. These purchases were cared for by a vote of $500 from the W.A. and $280 from the Church School. Membership Church membership has reach- ed 905, and Sunday Church School a total of 820, with a staff of 79. Thirty of the staï¬ attended an area teacher-training school in Thornhill last Fall with great proï¬t to themselves and the school. ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Mr. Arthur Uren, chairman of the committee of stewards, ex- pressed appreciation to all who had given time and talents to the work, and presented the budget for 1961. The total budget amounts to $46,000.00. and re- ceived approval without dissent. Elections Mr. Ralph Kerslake reported for the nominating committee. The action following this report resulted as follows: Elders re- elected: C. H. Atkinson. R. S. Belfry. V. Dynes, Dr. A. H. Hill. W. J. Lake, G. S. Robinson, R. U. Sanders, J. D. Smith, J. Spanner, and R. J. Steven. New Elders elected: K. Mark, C. Whelan. J. Van den Hoek. A. Macdonald. and A. Blackburn Stewards reâ€"elected: P. Addison, R. Baker, C. Bowden, G. E. Fumelfton. H. R. Ludlow, Today, in 1961, the service is F. R. Perkins. New Stewards elected: S. Coxzford. L. Hancey, and D. Paton. New Trustee elect- ed: H. Sayers. Nominating Com- mittee for the coming year: G Robinson (chairman), Mrs. G. K. Martin, Wm. Barker, J. Pounder, and C. Atkinson. Tribute Mr. Paul Angle, speaking on behalf of the congregation paid high tribute to the spiritual lead- ership, inspiring messages and ï¬ne Christian example of devo- tion and stewardship of the Minister, Rev. Charles G. Hig- ginson, and Mrs. Higginson. He expressed the joy of all that the happy association was continuing. Mr. Higginson voiced his thanks and his enjoyment of the privi- lege of serving a congregation so varied. interesting and colorful in character. Mrs. R. J. Miller conveyed warm appreciation of the work of the Assistant, Mr. J. Spanner and Mrs. Spanner. Mr. Spanner expressed sincere thanks for the opportunity of such association and service. Mr. Ross Scrimger paid de- served tribute to the wide range and highly eï¬'ectlve contributions of the women of the congrega- Ralph Wood was appoint- Corresponden‘: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church TU. (-2708 T0. 4-1534 being used in more than one hundred countries, translated in- to countless languages, drawing together a multitude of Chris- tians who are using the same theme, singing the same songs. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. G. Gardner‘ and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter Abram in Midland last week. The Monday Niters enjoyed an evening of cards and chatter at the home of Mrs. S. Leno last week. The prize winners were Mrs. A. McFee. Mrs. Wm. Bell, Mrs E. Hall and Mrs. E. Terry. Mr. Ken Gamble went to Kap- uskasing last week where he will be for a while. Mrs. G. Kerswell is visiting relatives in Michigan. lst Jefferson Cubs, Brownies. Guides & Scouts Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hallgren returned last week end from an enjoyable trip to Florida. The York Summit Sixers' Council was held on Saturday last at St. Andrews United Church in Markham attended by David Hanson. Dennis Gamble. Leslie Laughiln and Ronny Cosâ€" toff of the Jefferson Cubs. The boys were instructed as to their duties in regard to their own six and their duties to their own pack. They played a few games and Skipper Ensor told them a story. Refreshments were served at the close of the meet- ing which was very well attended with about 100 boys present. tton. Their achievements in every department of church life are beyond praise. Whiter 1he Benediction, refresh- ments were served and a happy social hour was enjoyed by all. MARKHAM â€"- The end of hunt- ing in Markham Township may be in sight if township adminis- trators act on the flood of wide- spread complaints over hunting infractions and hunters' arrogant disregard of private prbperty. REPAIRS REPAIRS Guesswork Is Eliminated NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD “CHECKED†Electroncially WITH THE STROBOSCOPE - AL PY|.E - If no answer at TD. 4-3614 during daytime, call TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 Electric-TV. if APPLIANCE REPAIRS gr RADIO, '_rv & AERIALS m1 .,, -__A if ELECTRIC “WIRING ,,,a_-.l _ $7 OIL BU_RN_ER SERVICE g3; 7RE_PAIR_S & srqugcn gr REFRIGERATION REPA "I'll. 4 - 321 PIANO TUNING 53 YONGE ST. N parts on hand 5 BEAVERTON RD. TU. 4-3614 sales. rebairs, TV for rent FREE ESTIMATES if you want It wired up or connected â€" call us washers, dryers, stove! all makes OPEN DAILY 8 am. to 9 DJ!!-