Richvale Anglican Church held its combined Stewardship Cam- paign Dinner and Third Annual Vestry Meeting on. Friday at Wrixon Hal]. It was a great suc- cess with more than eighty peo- ple attending. A wonderful cas- serole supper was provided by ladies of the congregation. Mem- bers of St. Mary's W. A helped in the kitchen so that all mem- bers of Emmanuel could en- JOy dinner together. Ladies from St. Gabriels were baby sitting. Hold Emmanuel Vestry Meeting Something . .7 To Think About! â€" NOTICE TO â€" USED CAR BUYERS WIiSflN-NIBLETT 355 Yonge St. N. â€" AV. 5-4991 â€"TU. 4-1194 Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, F.85, Corvair, Envoy, 0. K. Used Cars DO YOU EVER BECOME CONFUSED, FED UP, 0R JUST PLAIN BORED WITH ALL THIS TALK ABOUT SALES? For The Record . M For your convenience the parts department will be open ’til 3 pm. Saturdays Just North of Richmond Heights Centre WE BUT MOTORS LTD. WELL, WE DO T00! Mr. William Rhodes, Diocesan Stewardship Officer from Toron- to Synod Office, who has done so much to guide the parish in the campaign. talked on plan- ning our churches future. To be successful he felt a good balance must be struck between our con- tributions of time. talents and treasures. This was followed by a film strip “Two sides to a coin." , Campaign Chairman Mr. Ron Ncun spoke on the proposals com- DO NOT... 1. Offer Free Gifts. 2. Sell with no down payment. 3. Sell cheaper than all others. WE DO... Sell Clean, completely reconditioned automobiles, at a reasonable price. Use low, easy monthly terms. Provide written O.K. warranty certiï¬cate. Provide Free Lifetime Lubrication Cards. Provide guaranteed authorized service and parts. WATCH THIS SPOT, 57 57 57 57 57 56 56 55 55 Olds. 4 Dr. 88, hardtop, aut. trans. power steering, two-tone, windshield washers, radio Pontiac 4 Dr. Strat. V8, automatic trans, two-tone Plymouth 4 Dr. Regent V8, trans, radio, windshield washers Volkswagen 2 Dr. Pontiac 4 Dr. Laurentian V8, radio, two-tone Oldsmobile 4 Dr. 88 Hardtop. power steering, power brakes, radio. aut; transmission Chev. 4 Dr. Belair. aut. trans, radio, two-tone, V8 Chevrolet, 2 Dr., two-tone, radio Pontiac 2 Dr. Deluxe Wagon, 6 cyl., aut. trans, radio, two-tone Ford Convertible Fairlane Ford 4 Dr. V8, aut. trans, radio. two- aut. tone ing as a result of the stewardship drive. Plans are under way for a Mens Club, a married couples fellowship. baby sitting for ser- vices, an even more active young peoples group and an expanded programme for the Sunday School that is fast outgrowing its present facilities. Additional leadership has already been vol- unteered for many of these ac- tivlties. The Rector. Rev. Fred C. Jack- son notcd on Sunday that church attendance has shown a sharp increase as a direct result of the interest shown in Emman- uel church‘s great activity. The Department of Municipal Affairs has informed Whitchureh Township that it has approved its request that the application for a subdivision development by Charles RatcliiT. R. R. 4. Stouf’f- ville. be turned down, and that the draft plan for the subdivis- ion (part of Lots 6 and 7. Con- cession 6) has been withdrawn. Cancellation by the department ends a hassle between the town- ship and Ratclitf that has been going on for several years. Central factor in the dispute surrounded the question of a one-foot road reserve along one side of a road in the subdivision. The road was built by Ratclitf at a cost of $5.000. Ratcliff said he was willing to go along with the reserve requirement buttfelt that when any of the lands adjoining the 1~foot reserve was subdivided that he be partially compensated in the amount of $1,500.00. The Department of Planning and De- velopment felt this request was not unreasonable. Council, with a collective sniff which said in effect it was easy enough for the department to spend the township's money. turned thumbs down on the whole suggestion. The township took the attitude the compensation asked was ex- orbitant to begin with and if accepted could establish a troub- lesome precedent. _ A wild life committee. I wasn't cor-‘ tain whether my duties meant I was to take part in night life or what will you, but I haven't stopped going in municipal at- fairs since." Mrs. Gibbs spoke highly of Mrs. Jinks, adding that she had shown considerable in- terest in recreation and plenty of intelligence to boot. Reeve Wallwork and Deputy-reeve Frank Williams will represent council and rounding out the committee will be Harry Laven- dcr. Kenneth Seager, Michael van Nostrand and Mrs. Russell Ellis, all of whom served last year. Roads Roads Superintendent E. Davis said the major works problem facing his department involved keeping pot holes ï¬lled and grad- ed on the North Lake Road and Ninth Concession. “We'll keep them passable until spring," he suggested, “and then we can get permanent work done on those stretches.†He also reported his department was looking into the matter of a culvert steamer, a steam gun, flame thrower and a transit. but that he would do more looking wlh a view to af- fecting the most in economy be- fore asking council to authorize the spending of township funds. Wants Action R. Preston Lezaett of Don The matter, officially settled at the township's regular meet~ ing on Monday afternoon, is now closed once and for all so far as Whitchurch is concerned. Lions reque: Mrs. Emily Jinks may not know it Xe} buyt a_s of Monday she was a 1961 member of the Whltchurc‘h Recreation Committee. Her ap- pointment was moved by Coun- cillor Elsie Gibbs, duly second- ed and unanimously carried: Mrs. Jinks will replace Arthur Starr who said the pressure of busi- ness preVen-ted him from serving another year. Reeve Cliff Wall- work, after several names had been considered said: “It won’t do any harm to appoint Mrs. Jinks. You never know where this might lead for her. About 10 years ago Councillor Ivan Mc- Laughlin had me drafted: for a Vaughan Township Police con- tinue their investigation of the January 26 attempted holdup by two youths of George’s Grocery, Richvale. Two months ago a suc- cessful holdup cost proprietor George Shalvoss, 61, $148.00. Grocery Owner Chases 2 Young Robbers Away According to police two well- dressed youths entered the store and coffee bar at Edgar Avenue and Yonge Street. One of the youths ordered coffee and while being served his companion walk- ed around behind the counter. The ï¬rst one demanded more February 8 the W.I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Maurice Bey- non, Aurora at 8 pm. Roll call will be an “Emergency Recipe". Program convenor, Mrs. Milton Wells, Home Economics, Lunch committee. Mrs. H. Hutchinson, Mrs. E. Phillips. Miss Irene Mash- inter. District President Mrs. Ar- mitage will be guest of the even- mg. Tickets for York Presbytery Men’s Dinner at Willowdale Un- ited ChurchI are availablevfrom Mr. Wilbert Jennings. Dr. Stan- ley Jones will be guest speaker. Annual Meeting Due to the extreme cold and the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jennings the congregational mee- ting of Temperanceville church was held at their home. Mrs. Jen- nings was secretary. Rev. Mr. Kennedy presided. Splendid re- ports were given by Mrs. Mack- lin for the Sunday School; Mrs. Lorne Cunningham, W.A.; Mrs. Jennings, W.M.S.; Explorers, Mrs. Wm. Turner; Mrs. Fred Hare. the choir. Reporting for the parson- age committee, Fred Boys re- ported it was suggested a steel door he put on the garage at the manse and prices be secured for paving the driveway. The minis- ter reported no weddings, three baptisms, two funerals, 35 active, 15 inactive families, a member- ship of 93, eight of whom are non resident, four communion services. Mr. Kennedy attended six Presbytery meetings. Relig- ious instruction was given in four schools with a total of 225 pupils. A brief silence followed by pray- er was held in memory of Mrs. George Phillips, Mrs. Howard Province Cancels Proposed Subdivision CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS, R. TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Phone PR. 3-5239 Roads Superintenth E. Davis said the major works problem facing his department involved keeping pot holes ï¬lled and grad- ed on the North Lake Road and Ninth Concession. “We'll keep them passable until spring," he suggested. “and then we can get permanent work done on those stretches." He also reported his department was looking into the matter of a culvert steamer, a steam gun, flame thrower and a transit. but that he would do more looking wih a view to af- fecting the most in economy be- fore asking council to authorize the spending of township funds. Wants Action R. Preston Leggett of Don Mills (Concession 2) wrote to say that when he bought a farm from H. Bathom he was told that the area south of the land had on it a used car storage building and a sawmill, but there is a tannery also and the silt and sludge from it, of a foul odor, cost him the sale of a lot re- cently. The would-be buyers re- fused to go along with the stench. Mr. Leggett said it was up to council to do something about this situation. that the onus was on the township to obviate such a condition and that if it didn’t look into the matter he would take it to court. Council agreed that this type of sludge could be pretty hard on one’s nostrils and disposition, instruc- tea" the clerk to acknowledge the communique and agreed to do some investigating. ’ Council acknowledged a letter from the Ontario Educational Association in reference to its upcoming April convention in Toronto; authorized the signing of an agreement with Bell Tele- phone relative to burying a stretch of cable on Vivian Road; passed on some charge-backs, a rebate and minor bills in the to- tal amount of some $500 and ag- reed to meet with the planning board, on Wednesday. When the reeve said it was about time council got cracking on the budget and asked the dif- ferent departments whether they had any extras in mind, they said no, with the exception of Councillor Gibbs. Said she: “I‘ve nothing in mind now except Christmas decorations for the township hall next year." Reeve WaIIWOrk grinned. “There’s something for the property com- mittee,†he said, but indicating by his tone council would not ob- ject to a few dollars being bud- geted for Yuletide frills. M & M Fund: William Jennings and Fred Boys were given auth- ority to secure an organist. Mrs. Fred Hare was appointed assist- ant organist. Jack Macklin is this years representative to the York Men‘s Association. Fred Boys and Wilbert Jennings were appointed auditors for 1961. Mrs. Milton Wells accepted the office of Sun- day School Superintendent. Ap- preciation was extended to Mrs. Wilbert Jennings for her many years of faithful service in this office. Bill Mitchell expressed appreciation to Wm. Turner, Church Treasurer for 12 years. and to Mrs. Turner, Explorer leaâ€" der. ‘ cream in a surly tone. When Mr. Shalvoss went to get the cream the second youth moved toward the cash register saying: “We came for money,†and without warning struck the proprietor on the face. The ï¬rst youth hurled a pop bottle at Mr. Shalvoss who ducked behind the counter. seized a butcher knife and launched himself against the youths who fled. A late model Ford car was seen leaving the scene seconds later. Clark and Mrs. Wilkins. The min- ister expressed appreciation to Organists Joan Hare and Wm. Turner, to the choir, the Board of Elders and Stewards, the Sun- day School staff, the Explorer leaders, the girls who work in the Junior Congregation and to the ladies of the church for their cogtinqed support. Re-alignment of charges is un- der discussipn and it may affect Temperance-ville Church. Dis- cussion will be held .during the workshop program in Teston on February 12, 13 and 14, and the local church should be strongly represented. Our church dates back to 1887. Fred Hare was appointed treas- urer of the general fund and the AURORA â€"- A sewage service rate by-Iaw is being planned which will charge a sewer rental to all industries putting other than domestic waste into the town's swerage system. R. 3. KING HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke 8: Jane Streets Priest in Charge Rev, D. L. Varey. BA. Wednesday 10.15 am. â€" Holy ’Communion SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1961 Scxageslmn Sunday 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Preacher - Rev. J; A.-Wntton '7 pm. â€" Evening Prayey ST. MARK'S ANGLICAN Yonte at Elm Grove, Oak Ridge: Morning Prayer . .. . . . 9.45 am. Holy Communion .. lst Sunday Sunday School 9.45 am. ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN (Yonge at. Jefferson. Oak Ridges) Rector: Rev. D. C. H. Mlchell. Morning Prayer . . . . . . 11 am. Teen Age Bible Class . . 9.45 am. Sunday School 10 am. Holy Communion . 2nd and 4th Sunday (Sunday School bus from Elglh Mills 9.50 am.) 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church o! Can-d1 Rector; Rev. Ramsay Amman. THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL of month at 1! ll a.m. â€" Sunday School Holy Baptism by appointment Crosby and Bayview Avenue: Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Church TU. 4-0040 Organist: Mrs. E. V. Collier A.T.C.0. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1961 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School and (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - Kln: C“! 10 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am - Sunday School Bible Cléss 11 am. â€"- Holy Communion 7 pm. â€" Eivreniing rrayer . Wednésday V 10 am. â€" Holy Communion and Intercession MUNSHAW â€" Mr. and Mrs. Roy Munshaw (nee Carol Downing) are happy to announce God's gift of a baby son, Greg Ed- _Edward, 8 lbs. 61/4 025. at Bran- sdn Hospital. Mother and son ï¬ne, thanks to Dr. Bigford of Maple. c1w31 CARD OF THANKS Mr. Arthur Leech wishes to thank his many friends and neighbours for their cards, flow- ers and many acts of kindness during his long stay in the hos- pital. c1w30 Vaughan Council And School Bd. Planning Close Liason "In I961 Close liaison ‘betwaen Vaughan Township Council and the Vaugh- an Township Public School Board, established shortly after the new council took office will continue. At council’s January 30 meeting, Reeve A. H. Rutherford. who chairs the finance and gen- eral purpose committee. recom- mended that council continue the existing policy of providing accommodation 'and telephone and other services to the board and to keep the board fully in- formed as to all phases of deâ€" velopment in the township. The reeVe explained that his committee met with the board on January 26. “The board want- ed to know if the present policy of providing them with township facilities would continue, and we assured them that policy cer- tainly would go on.†Reeve Ru- therford pointed out that this was necessary to enable the board to plan for the future. on to the school board." De- puty-reeve Jesse Bryson said that if both groups work closely to- gether the township could surely save taxpayers' money. "If the board is not kept informed, they will not be in a practical posi- tion to plan new educational ser- vices and so forth,†he added. “In relation to the second re- commendation,†he went on, “any application having to do with fu- ture devqlopmqnt _wi_11 be. passed AURORA â€"- The municipality will buy a $1,400 radar timer: 3 greenbelt area on Kennedy Street West has been suggested as a small park: approval has been given for the building of a new service station; an out- standing swim-pool debt of $5,700 remains of the original 59,000 and Aurora's famous Horse Show has been set for June 10. These were some of the items arising out of the town’s recent council meeting. Councillor Ruth MoConkey, in complete agreement, put 111: “We must remember that usually it takes any board about two year to arrange for new schools and staffs when the necessity l- rises." LAKE WILCOX _â€" Ray Hunter was top bowler in the Lake W11- cox League last week with a 675 and 266.‘ - Preacher - Rev'. D. IL. Varey ANGLICAN “Ye Are the Temple of God, the Spirit 01 God Dwelleth in You†PARISH OF KIN a LL.B. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 2, 1961 19 EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvalo Rev Fred (3. Jackson TU. 4-2418 Mrs. Jan. E. Howard» Organist SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1961 STEWARDSHIP SUNDAY 9.30 am. â€" Church School and Young People's Classes (ages 9 to 15) 11 am. -â€" Church School (under 9 years) 11 am. â€"- Morning Service and Commissioning of Visitors 2-5 pm. â€" Every Member Visit- ation 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service of Thanksgiving Report of Stewardship Advance Notice Sum. Feb. 12/61 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service and Youth Group debate on Capital Punishment SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1961 SEXAGESIMA 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Junior Church School (2-11 years) 9.30 a.m. -â€" Morning Prayer 11 a.m. â€"â€" Holy Communion (Senior Church School. 12 years and over. and Infant Care) 7 pm. â€"â€" Evensong Wednesday. February 8 10 a.m. â€"- Holy Commumon RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) For Information Call TU. 4-5179 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1961 9.45 am. â€"- Bible School - Classes for all 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 7:00 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Wed. 8.00 p.m. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting “Unto you therefore which be- lieve, He is precious" 1 Peter 2:7. A Friendly Welcome ls Extended The Young'Church with the Old Messue LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Church St, ngstaff Pastor - Edwin H. Mitchell 9.50 am. â€" Bible School 11 am. â€" MORNING WORSHIP 6 pm. â€" Youth Meeting 7 pm. â€" EVANGELISTIC HOUR Wed. 8 11.111. _ Prayer and Bible THOBNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention or Ontario 8; Quebec) Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Mlnton Johnston. D.D.. Minister Mu. Cuneron Andrew, Organist 10 mm. -â€" Senior and Intermed- . Study Thurs., 1 pm. - Women’s Mis- sionary Fellowship Thurs.. 7.45 pm. -â€" Evening Mls- sion Circle 2nd and 4th Thursday 01 each month Friday '7 pm. â€"- Lamplighter: Friday, 8 pm. â€" Choir Practice ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ontario & Quebec) Pleasantville Public School 400 Mill Street, Richmond Hill SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1961 11 am. â€" Morning Worship and Sunday School Minister: Rev. John Ward Everyone Welcome late School 11 mm. â€" Junior School and Nursery MORNING WORSHIP 11 mm. 7 pm. -- Senior 8; Junior High Fellowships We cordially invite you to worship with us ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Norman E. Wazner. Pastor SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 1961 11 am. â€" The Service 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class THE UNITED LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSION Walter Scott School. Markham Road Pastor - Richard Tubbo 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service RICHMOND HILL PEESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N, Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond. Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1961 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM 11 am. -â€" Nursery Department 7.15 pm. â€"- Young People’s Soc- iety (Guest Speaker: BRIGADIER WILLIAM JOLLY. Prison and Police Court Director, The Sal- vation Army) w Friday, February 3 A 8 pzm. â€" Fellowship Rally ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN Variety Programme with music- CHURCH, MAPLE, ONT, ally talented Ed Lawson of and S.Y.F.C. and singing talent from ST. PAUL’S CHURCH, 7th CON. Newmarket VAUGHAN TWP. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1961 Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1961 11 am. â€" Worship 10 am. â€"â€" St. Andrew’s Church 7 13m. â€"- Evangelistic Rally With and Sunday School Youth Evangelist, Rev. Ken 1030 am. â€" St. Paul‘s Sunday: Campbell of Stouï¬ville Youth School I For Christ 11.15 am. â€"- St. Pml‘a Church ‘ For Further Information Call , l _.-â€" . -..n- S'l‘. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector. Rev. J. F. O’Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. J. R. F. Moore PRESBYTERIAN LUTHERAN COME TO CHURCH BAPTIST To ALL At 11 am. â€" Morning Service‘ Speaker: Professor D. wade Ph.D.. Knox College 11 am. â€"- Sunday School I usual. 7.30 pm. â€" Young Peoples' SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1961 9.30 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. -- Divine Service Nursery & Kindergarten meet. 2 pm. - Intermediate Sunday School SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1961 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CBURCH Rev. C. G. Higgmsou. B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1961 9.45 am. -- Primary. Junior. Intermediate and Senior Sunday 11 am. â€" Nursery and K1 garten 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Servic- Dr. Lorne Henry 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service “Servant: of God" TIIORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1951 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and Rev. Howard J. Veils. EA. B. Pied. Senior Sunday School 11 mm. â€" Sunday School and Nursery 11 am. -- Worship Service Sermon: â€" ‘.I Believe" 7.30 pm. â€" The ï¬lm (‘The Heal- ing of M. Vondo") 8.30 p.m. â€" Hi-C 3.30 p.m. â€" Y.T.U. For further inhrmfllon call AV. 5-2131 MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. Harold W. Davie]. ILA» Minister SUNDAY; FEBRUARY 5. 1961 HOPE 10.30 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship and Church School THORNHILL PRESBY’I‘ERIAN CHURCH Rev Prof. D. V. Wade. Ph. D.. Interim-Moderator MAPLE 10.15 am. â€"â€"- Church School in all department! 11.30 am. â€"- Morning Worship EDGELEY 1.30 pm. -- Church School 2.30 pm. -â€" Church Service CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald. 9.45 am. â€" Worship Service Ind Sunday School CALVAR! CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Affiliated with the Penman-h] Assemblies of Canad- Pastor: P. A. Soremen 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 mm. -- Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"_Evapg_el}§t49 Service V ,n, Speckâ€"l Notice We are now meeting at the Lion! Community Hall}, t106 Centre St. as BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. VanderBent, Pub: Tel.: Richmond Hill, TU. 4-3155 fleiso Hill (Gormley) 10 am. - Sunday School 11 a,m. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed.. 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meetlnl Vaughan 1356 con._._ 3 mile- north of Concord) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11.15 am. -â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School Oak Bldg". Aubrey Aye, Roy Nigh, Pastor 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service 10.30 mm. -- Sunday School Tues.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meetmz Tel.: Gormley 55M GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. flanking. Minute! 10 am. - Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7,30 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Servico RICHMOND HILL SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH (Pastor Lawton Lowe) Meeting every Saturday In the Masonic Hall Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hill Worship Service . . . . . . 9.20 mm. Sabbath Schoolr . . . . 2. 10.30 mm. Meeting in Concord Scheol House Each Lord’s Day Evenint at 7 pan. Gospel Message II TLmothy 4-2 - Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season, reprove. rebuke. exhort with all longsuffering and doc- trlne. Listen to CKEY 9:15 am. Dial 580 on Sundays RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Rugglel Rev. R. T. Holton. Minister .Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML, 9 am. Sunday YOUTH WEEK JANUARY 29 - FEBRUARY 5 Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patteuon. 3A.. B.D.. Minister Other. » Denominations CHURCH OF CHRIST ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Everybody welcome UNITED TU. 4-7097 School and Kinder: