THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. February Elect T.MiIIs I96I Head R. Hts. Centre Merchants A verv enthusiastic meeting of President: Tom Mills. congenial, the Richmond Heights Centre'manager of the S. S. hresge Merchants Association was heldiStore; Vice - President. \c‘rn, last Thursday at the RichinondiDynes, of Dynes Jewellers; Sec- il" " ‘ "t Sim" "“""-lretary, Bert Grant Jr. of Elgin , . "Hills Investment Co.; Treasurer, C. Harper, manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce: The Board of Directors will consist of the following members. Jack. ‘Watts of the Jack Watts Hard- .ware: Leo Shamata of the Varie- lty, Smoke and Barber Shop; Gor-_ 'don Fox, manager of the Jack Fraser Stores; Fred Baker. mana-‘ ger of the Bala Shoe Store: Gary Baker, manager of Agnew-Sun; "a in. M. ,,. “I, . 6 pass Shoe Store; Arnold Haworth ‘ ,of the Play Pen and D. Lotin of ithe Children's Fashion Shop. I These men will form a strong lexecutive for the coming year and some great promotional l schemes to make the centre more : popular than ever to the residents 1of the area should ensue. . DONCASTER Correspondent: ‘voted against the motion. I Selkirk Subdivisionâ€" Markham Reverses Sell RescindByLawUnregiste Markham township Council. in session Monday even- ing, gave three readings to a I).\'â€Iaw which rescinded their earlier by-law to unregister the plan of subdivision on the Selkirk lands. Mr. George Selkirk. accompanied by his solicitor, told council that he had but 21 hours to save his lands. He explained that British Mortgage Company were willing to to lend him money to clear his land of debts upon certain conditions. One condition was that the, township council rescind their earlier by-Iaw 1842. Another condition was ' that Mr. Selkirk present a new plan to council and one that must be approved by the township authorities. A letter from the company explained that the officials had no wish to become embroiled in internal troubles on the lands. Council had met earlier on i vide an adequate. and well-fenced Wednesday. January 18. and a ditch to carry off storm water. motion to rescind the by-law was A sixty inch culvert will carry defeated. In a recorded vote the run-off into the Little Don Councillors Sumner and Watson river. CNR officials expect that and Deputy-reeve Mumbcrson l work on the underpass on Yonge street will begin in the Spring. Mr. Davis also told council that will interrupt some Council did not discuss in‘ front of the press their reasonsiilie bl‘DaSS g 1961 COMING EVENTS l :VERY 5A TUdIlAS NIGHT â€" V FEBRUARY 14 -â€"- "Shrove Tues-v. 900 p.m. - 12.00. Dancing to Max day Valentine Partyâ€. 8.30 mi Cameron ~ Orchwtra. at Canad- 11.30 p.m., in the Parish Hall. St,, ian Legion Hal. Carrville Elea‘iflliary‘s bichvale Sponsored by Rich- l tainment .1oud Iiii Brynn 3'15 t‘ansd:an . merits, «egion. Si 00 m" Tli.‘r‘0n C G 'h D Dancing Refresh-r ‘ 51.00 per person - 50c. 'tv'BG , teenagers. Men's Club. St. Mary’si .\nglican Church. Richmond Hill.i DANCING. 'ilOdn‘rn and aid ‘ c.2331; Tyme every Saturda) nth at‘, t e a e ‘ Maple Community Hall \iusic oy.FEBRL’AR\' 15 # \Yednesda) . «\rz C91ng and iiis Singing P‘ains- 18.30 p.m. Jefferson Community. men. <‘ars 01 IV Hid radio iClub euchre party. Attractive‘ " " ' 'prizes, Refreshments. Admission OLD FASHIONED Sleigh Rides. 500†02.631, Brsorvaiions. ("all Maple AL. T-i o t t .v i 39-19 ’ a ClW31*FEBP.L‘ARY 15 _ Wednesday i. ‘ ‘p.m. W. A. Richmond Hill United FEBIILSARV (i â€"â€" “Ollday â€"‘ 311d Lilurcn. Annual Valentine .‘i::~‘ ‘cvcrr Hominy. Dixieland Jazz itcheon Tickets $1.00. TL'. 4-2753. the Arena Restaurant. Aurora 8â€"1 32431 I‘ll p.m. with the City Gents Dix-1 - - t - 1icland Band. 010'311FEBRUARY 18 ~â€" Saturday at ’ ' ‘ ‘ ‘3 p.m. at Maple Community Hall, FEBRUARY 10 _. Friday- 9 p.m. Fashion Show of Cotton \‘lazic. :chferson Community Club Tickets $100. Call AL. 7'2589. Square Dance. Everyone wel- I Sponsored by 30111131310 COIII- . come, munity Club. c3w31 i c2w31 I t ‘ .' C > 10 â€"â€" Friday. 8.15 ‘ Valentine Euchre. Bridge and Cribbage Party will be heldl lat Our Lady Help of Christians iSt'hool. Bayview Avenue by Our lLady, Queen of the World C.W.l ’L. Refreshments iFEBRCARY i p.m. Langstali Crash Kills Aged Pair Anglican Church. Enter-i. Come In And NO OBLIGATION BEST FURNITURE YOUR HOME : We carry these famous names â€" at lowest prices! FOR A XDREW MALCOLM KROEIILER PEPIJ‘ZR VILAS SLEEI’MA STEB BIIAEMORE MONA RCII PO 9 am. to 9 p.m. W ‘ Look .4 round! ‘ ‘rwo taxi drivers got out to inspect iflon when their cabs collided: driver. “Ya blind or sumthin’?'. . fl ‘ , President-Elect TOM MILLS ï¬ve members of the association in attendance laid tentative plans‘ for the coming year and elect \d their new officers and board of directors for 1961. The following is a list of of- ï¬cers and board of directors elected to direct the destiny of, the centre for the ensuing year. David Barbour Henderson Arr. Phone AV 5-5205 A stork shower for Mrs. Ed- wards of Morgan Avenue, was given by her friend and neigh- ‘bour, Mrs. Monkman on January 23. I‘wcntyâ€"one guests attended. For the ladies of Doncaster. a charm school is to be sponsored by the Doncaster Community Ladies' Club. commencing Feb- ruary 13 at Woodland Public School. Subjects dealt with are makeâ€"up and skin care. hair styl- ing, wardrobe, poise, etiquette, for their sudden change of heart. l‘Mve Wilfred Dem M†“r. Selkirk that council would give .him 90 (lays in which to carry out agreements stated verbally to council. This included a plan‘ of subdivision that would meet the township‘s engineers speci- Creations. “We‘ve bent over backwards trying to help you and now you have 90 ‘days in which to Show us your good faith.“ said the reeve. l50'.) acres of a drainage area on 1the Vaughan side. However. he added that this would be the CNR's problem. School Site Council again objected to the T.S.A. No. 1 school board's re- ‘quest for 5172.000 for seven pro- posed school sites. “I can't see council obiigating taxpayers of thiS'township to pay for school lands not required for at least. ï¬ve more years." said Reeve Dean. A letter from the. Reeve Dean added later thatiboard said that two of the siteSi he hoped that council's latest ion the Leitchcroft and Green, entine Card Party. ldoor prizes. Admission 50c. c2w30 .- ‘Iv a FEBRUARY ll â€"â€" Saturday p.m. Valentine Tea. Home Bak- ing Sale. Ilal Bar. Children 25c, iAdults 35c. Si. Gahriels Angli- lcan Church Parish Hall, Crosby and Bayview Ave. ore-:9 & ‘ c1w31 FEBRUARY 14 â€" 815 p.m. Valâ€" lloly Trinity Parish Hall. Thornhill. Sponsored by Parish Guild. Prizes. Refreshâ€" ments. Admission 75c. c3w30 AURORA â€" A new 25.000 square and numerOUSEFrom 2-0 . ‘ Markham Township Police be- lieve that Sidney Grant ,Taylor, 72 of Forest Hill Village who with his wife Bertha. 70 was kill- ‘ed Monday when their car crash- ed into a truck at Bayview Aven- ‘ue and No. 7 Highway, failed to notice the stop light. The cou- ple's car went through the red 1light into the path of a loaded ‘dump truck driven by William ;Yarrow, 33. of Toronto. :Taylors were dead on arrival Iat the Branson Hospital. Yarrow ‘was treated for minor cuts and .bruises and released. Counselling Servrce Is exercise, diet and beauty ethics. There is no charge and all Donâ€" caster women are invited. The: subject for the ï¬rst week is make-up and those attending this ‘ class are asked to bring a hand ‘st‘age of the trunk action would clear up "this mess.Lane propertiesll could be drOlJ' once and for all." lped but only if council could asâ€" ‘sure the board that no 131' e Trunk Sewer l g . . , .scale residential development Councxl received some dISCDUY'inll take place on these lands ‘ - ' i . . aging news concerning the ï¬rstimthm the next ï¬ve years. sewer pres. ifeet factory iAlanco Aurora Lim-I Mr. Taylor, president of Beau- ,itedi will be built here on the . vale Mines Ltd, was driving east isouth side of Dunning Avenue on i on Highway '7 and his car was .an extension of Edward Streetlstruck broadside by the truck.‘ "Fenders closed January , 19 for‘The lights at the intersection the cons second driver. “I hit. Ya. In» If you've been ‘blind' to the fact. ,tliat there's a difference in dry cleaning. you'll be in for a pleas- ant surprise the ï¬rst time you send your garments to us. We take special pains in getting your ,gar‘ucnfs thoroughly clean . . . and finish them like-new. The i ll98 ' LLOYD KRL'G GIBBAR D KAUFMAN DEILC'RAFT L. KNECII'I‘I‘ZL WELL FURNITURE 85 Yonge St. N. (next to Pirri's Market) 11'. 132922 SATURDA YS 9 am. to 6 p.m. "'-HA~V:'E_.;.Y.-QU,,.“,E.ARD....~T-H.IS the damage at the busy lntersec- “What-ch11 doin‘?†said the first ~- "‘“'hat'ya mean. blind?†said the a" didn’t I , 1 I..\\'E‘ SIRHIONS .\l \RSl-l \I.I_. STANDARD GENDRON C‘IIESLEY BICLAG \N o u.) \NARK ;: lg PHIL. EARTH Appreciated , Richmond Hill’s Coâ€"ordinatedj Welfare Counselling Service, the local co-operative effort of ser- vice organizations is function-l ing smoothly filling a very im-' portant need in community life. The Board met January 24th and received encouraging reports . from all \committees. During the Christmas season 41 baskets were I distributed to needy families in, Richmond Hill and immediatei vit’ity. The Committee wishes to thank th Town Council and municipal staff for co-operation, Rev. Will- iam Patterson for a donation, the Police Department for dona-i tions, and many individuals who contributed to the fund. ‘ There is immediate need for good used children's clothing, and anyone having garments to spare may leave them atsthe Senior Citizens‘ room at the Municipal Hall any afternoon‘ Monday through Thursday from: two to four o'clock. Anyone needing the assistance of the Counselling Service may contact any of the local servxce clubs of Norman Lewis. Welfare Officer at the Municipal Build- ing. itainable from the hockey mirror. Birthday congratulations are in order for Harry Morrison. of Sprueewood Drive, who celebrat- ed his lï¬th birthday January 30. Doncaster Community Ladies Club announced the number of entries in the euchre and bridge marathon which is to get under- way next week. In the bridge grouping there are four and in euchre twenty couples. Proceeds of this venture are earmarked for the Thornhill and District Hockey Club. Those who have been unable to participate in the marathon will be able to enjoy the progres- sive games the night of the mar- athon play-off. Tickets are oh- and ladies’ club members. The date is Friday, March 10, at the Thorn- hill Public School. Somone had a birthday? 0r entertained out of town friends? 01- maybe went dashing off on a holiday to faraway places? These are the things that make for “Life in the Hill" . . and your edi- tor would appreciate hearing about such social ‘doings’ Call us at TU. 4-1105 â€" drop us a note by post â€" or call in personally. any time during the week, we’ll be glad to hear from you. W Typewriters - Adding Machines SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS L. H. SIMS ‘your oflice machine speciallst’ 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 see portable models at ‘Wight's Pharmacy’ All popular makes on hand Special Students' Rates Clearance Sale Continues! ently being installed just west of Bayview Avenue. Engineer Ben Davis, of Crysâ€" ler, Davis and Jorgensen, town- ship consulting engineers ported that they had run into difficulties. He blamed the delay on Carrollâ€"Sharpe, tors. Mn Davis explained that this ï¬rst stage of the trunk sewer should have been comâ€" pleted by December. "A barrage of letters from our oï¬ice to the contractor has ï¬n-. ally lit a ï¬re under him and we hope to get along with the work." said Mr. Davis. He added that the delay and continuing flushing through of water had dislodged some of the pipes and remedial work would have to be done. He assured council that the contrac- tor was responsible for this work. Mr. Davis reported that the trunk sewer on Metro side was not completed as anticipated and that some 130 feet of pipe south of Finch was giving the contrac- tor there great difficulty. “The pipe just disappears, explained Mr. Davis. He estim- ated two months would be need- ed to clear up that problem. In the meantime schools on the township side and the su’bdivis- ions developing along Steele's have to cope with temporary ar- rangements to dispose of sewage. Council also discussed at some length the engineer's recom- mendation that drainage from' Highland Park, and Meadowview Heights be diverted to a 12â€"foot wide ditch along the CNR bypass. The railroad would construct the three foot deep ditch and the township would have some res- ponsibility in maintaining it, Councillor Charles Hooper vot- ed against accepting the engin- m 'eer's recommendation. No clear alternative was offered. Deputy-reeve Lawson Mum- berson pointed out that the rec- ommendation was the least costly to the township and would proâ€" 2 GOODWILL USED CARS :- Due to our increasing Pontiac, Buick and Vauxhall sales. we have taken in trade. some exceptionally ï¬ne one-owner cars. All our used cars have been properly re-conditioned. Late models carry the GM. Goodwill Used Car Warranty. today. We Have A Limited Quantity of Low Mileage 1960 Demonstrators Priced To Clear During This Sale 10% DOWN Yonge St. South BECAUSE OF THE EXCEPTIONAL RESPONSE TO OUR AD LAST WEEK WE HAVE DECIDED TO CONTINUE OUR WINTER CLEARANCE SALE. . Ithe major renovation and revamâ€" ‘ ». gping of the two main offices had lcontributed largely to the new " Come in and see these ï¬ne cars G.M.A.C. TERMS BRUCE MACDOUGALL MOTORS Pontiac - Buick - Vauxhall - GMC Trucks AV. 5-1128 - TU. 4-2864 (Opposite Dunlap Observatory) Richmond Hill Lions Hall , . "I think the board is doing at pretty good job in securing these ' school sites before the prices go I truclion. re- ' the contracâ€" v ‘ January, . enquiries and sales have exceed- " led by 58% that of the correspond- .. ' Carlisle and Ken Shields, 1 McLean Realty .have been buzzing with activity ' since the New Year and their en- . .of Councillor Stanley Watson. Councillor Hooper thought that land prices did not rise that ,quickly in the area under dis- cussion and moved that the inat- tcr be deferred until advice from the township solicitor could be obtained. Council gave approval to the erection 0‘. three temporary buildings to be used for display purposes on the property of he Loughlin Home Supply Company Limited, located on Don Mills road. plained that the township's plan- ning board had already approved the application. Final readings were given a members to Victoria Square. Community Centre Board, Depu- ty-‘reeve and Councillor Charles Hooper, Irepresenting council and Herman Mort’son, John McCague, Leslie Hart. Everett Vanderhooy Norman Tyndall. Council gave approval to a res- olution calling for the payment of fered on the second and third is due. and Duncan Road on the stret- zoning, received from council. The road depart- ment has been instructed to set up the signs immediately. Council agreed to meet the ï¬rst and third Mondays in the oil will also meet with planning at 8 p.m. The meeting will be open to the public. McLean Realty January Increase has increased tremendously since lst. 1961. ing 1960 period in the Richmond vid McLean Limited, Realtors. McLean Realty Managers, Sam gratified with the new lof activity stated that they felt I business success. § On May of last year )icLeani '. Realty ‘ acquired their [premises in Richmond Hill and lmoved from their original Richâ€" imond Hill location after the re- .building was completed by Con- I . v tractor Arne Flemming. In .\0v- ‘- fember the major face lifting of the office that had housed real estate activity since the turn of I {changes following careful archi- tectural planning. s‘w'itchboards Iquiry graph shows an increase ,in more modestly priced homes reouired as follows: 312.500 to 813.500.. 4-15?“ 313.500 to 517.000.. 27%.. 317.000 to 335.000. 26’}. lothers being the balance. I An unusual situation for this ,tirne of year. the McLean Realty iCompany are now sold out ,houses in some price classes and .ings. up on the land." was the opinioni Clerk H. C, T. Crisp ex- 'j by-law appointing the following ‘ Lawson ' Mumberson‘ I and '31. 1961 'taxes to be made in three ' installments, with a discount ofâ€" Y installments if paid when the ï¬rst ' A resolution to establish 30 : mile per hour zones on 16th Ave. , ches between Bayview and Yonge 5} ' Street that qualiï¬ed for such ~ full approval 1' month at 7.30 p.m. and the other - meetings to be held in the after- noon at 1.30 p.m. Next meeting will be an evening meeting. Coun- » board on Thursday of this week, The local real estate business :‘ Purchaser M Hill and Thornhill offices of Da- . tost .‘ surge '~ present ‘ ithe century underwent extensive ' of lstate they are seeking more list- , $50. FULL CARD TO GO 7v a â€' “BLADE BONE A YLMER Porka- Bean KRAFT’S Cheez Wh MONARCH size 4 it»... . 00 our prices are A 6] CK iwere installed December 1, 1960. .4. I» or LE RAT ' lb. S 2 20 oz.tinls 3 7C iz I6 oz. jar 57C REMOVED" NO. 1 GRADE ONTARIO UTATIIES loi0r49c TTI ‘ RLEY'S 500mm“: 29 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA 602. pkg. Elihu v2 lb. pkg. iiiiiiiiii pkg. of a , all for 89¢ 2 II oz. bttls. 35C A YLMER CHOICE PEAS 3 15 oz. tins 44c 50 lb. bag $1.49 CUDNEY CHOICE 40 01- Pkg? 49C Tomatoes 228 oz. tins 43c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE GRAPEFRUIT o _ FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS | pound bag 69: FROZEN FOOD BIRDSEYE STRAWBERRIES 15 oz. pkg. 43c 2l2 oz. pkgs.45( B. E. Beef, Chicken 8. Turkey Pies 2 8 oz. pkgs. 55C