Deciantis-Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repair: a. Alterations Drain and Concrete Work H. D. Melsness, D.C. X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate and Bayvï¬ew (1 block south Bayvlew Plan) L Phone TU. 4.1075 F†By Appointment Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH Water (-1511 Richmond um Dr. W. R. Redford Dr. J. M. Wachna Wm. Clubine PLASTERIN G CONTRACTOR KING Dr. P. R. Macfarlane Vohn R. Kane, DAHL & SON CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Complete Alterations, Repairs & Additions Plastering & Painting FREE ESTIMATE TU. 4-1215 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 9, 1961 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG B COM. cmmnso ACCOUNTANV Bank of Nova Scott: Building Aurora Telephone Aurora PA 7-9451 CHIROPRACTIC Building Trades ELL PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 5453 V2 YON GE STREET BA. 5-4701 James G. Keogh CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 15 YONGE ST. NORTH ACCOUNTANTS Arthur G. Broad, -â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 X -Ray 13 WEDGEWOOD DR. WILLOWDALE, ONT. BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 G. Chassie BUILDER CONTRACTOR Homes or General Repairs TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill Suite 108. 77 York St. Toronto fl Bedlord Park Ave. Richmond mu TUrner 4-4251 3! Appointment RICHMOND HILL Philip Swan L. E. Clark (Lowrie Buiding) Gu Extractions 50 Yonge St. North TU. #1177 Richmond Hill pmnsrs 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill 'l'U. 4-4601 AV. 5-1845 Res. TU. 4-5770 DENTAL TU. 4-1483 EM. 3-1329 TU. 4-4951 DENTIST PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECIORY COMPLETE Washing Machine Service TURNER & CRAIG Richmond Hill TU. 4-4059 Richvale Auto Body Body 8; Fender Repairs Complete Refinishing I! you haven't heard of our re- putation, enquire from your friends All work guaranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St. Richvaie For appointment. 911. AV. 5-363] HELEN SIMPSON LYNET'I‘ Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY TU. 4-1701 Member - Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association RICHMOND HILL ANSWERING SERVICE SAND and GRAVEL Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Duplicating & Stenographic Service Coach lines ltd. Coaches for all Occasions General Business Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 661 YONGE STREET AV. 5-4442 Thornhill, om. Septic Tanks, Water & Sewer Services, Landscaping Custom Digging and Trenchln; MAPLE, PHONE AL. 7-1251 l5 YONGE ST. NORTH TU. 4-3800 - AV. 5-2798 ENGINEERING 8. ELECTRICAL Dr. J. Perdicaris MEDICAL-DENTAL Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evening- Gu Extractions 18 YONG! SI. 8. RICHMOND HILL “know 4-“!!! Langdon’s SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES FOR INFORMATION Telephone E. CHARITY 2518 YONGE ST. .. . PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-3571 FLOWERS (at St. Clements) GARAGES Diamond Contractors AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITTING WELDING DENTAL TE. 3-5351 (Continued) Richmond Hill Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto, Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg, Aurora, Ontario TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE LIMITED Real Estate AND General Insurance Receiving Hours: 3 am. - 6 pm. or otherwise by appointment Ernie Brock & Son Roy A. Phillips Bus‘. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 24 Adelaide St. W. Toronto EM. 3-0311 Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1551 Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile. Plate Glass, Automobile Financing. etc. Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill TU. 4-1219 John S. Walkington 113 King St. 8" Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill 9205 Yonge St., Richvale Office - AV. 5-3721 After Hours - TU. 4-5542 Humane Services Formerly Bloor 8; Yonge Sta. Individual Attention Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers Sellwood Salon“ TU. 4-2321 TROYER NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE Yonge Street, Oak Ridges PR. 3-5071 GENERAL INSURANCE For All Your Insurance Needs PAINLESSLY DESTROYED by approved S.P.C.A. Method G. G. WALKER H errington Insurance Agency Hair Styling 8. Beauty Salons GENERAL INSURANCE GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALptne 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-1224 Neill & Neill Box 324. 75 Harding Richmond Hill AVenue 5-4201 AV. 5-3046 - AV. 5-5085 Corner Agency Limited INSURANCE SERVICES A. Burnett General Insurance Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N.. INSURANCE ‘ CALUMET 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 â€" NO CHARGE _ Complete Insurance Service Roy V. Bick REAL ESTATE 8118 YONGE ST. THORNHILL ' CATS TE. 3-5283 Richmond Ell] King City Blvd. T. C'. Newman, Q.C. BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Suite 2. Lowfle Building 15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Ell] Every Thumday Afternoon - TUrner 4-1551 Toronto Oflico - 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5871 John J. Lawlor. B.A. Peppiatt, Errington BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES K. M. R. Stiver, QC. Joseph Vale, Q.C. J. M. Pepplatt, BA. William Errington. B. Com. 17 Queen Street E. - Suite 544 Toronto 1. Ontario EMpire 6-2362 Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hizl, Ontario TU. 4-7191 J. Rabinowitch, B.A. James H. Timmins Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 Blaney, Pasternak, Luck, Smela, Eagleson & Watson Barristers, Solicitors etc. 57 Bloor St. W.. Toronto Ont. WA. 4-9755 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND NOTARY PUBLIC The Bank of Nova Scone Building AURORA. ONTARIO Telephones Office: PA. 7-9488-9 Rem PA. 7-5046 King City, Phone TE. 3-5451 Phone TUmer 4-3962 Stuart Parker, Q.C. RICHMOND HILL 7 Dufl’erin St. AVenma~ 5-1477 TUrner 4-1543 Floyd E. Corner; Q.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Bruce M. Ralph BARRISTER 8; SOLICITOB Anstey Block Yonge Street, Thornhill, Ontario AV. 5-5453 AV. 5-5454 Gariepy and Mann Donald M. Findlay At Maple. at the office of Ernie Brock & Son Ltd., every Monday and Thursday night. 7 pm. to 9.30 pm. Norman A. Todd, Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public Plaxton & Deane Barristers and Solicitor: 6197 YONGE STREET. WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill, Ontario 195A MAIN ST. W. 5-4571, Newman-kn. Ont. Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 Office TUrner 4-1780 Residence TUrner 4.1863 By Appointment Barrister. Solicitor. etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV.5-5144 Thornhill Ofï¬ce AV. 5-1197 Kenneth A. Garlepy Stiver, Vale, Thistletown Office Cflerry 7-1051 Banister, Solicitor. Notary Barrister-At-Law Solicitor BA. 5-1557 W. E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 LEGAL AL. 7-2621 D’Altoh McLaughlin F.T.C.M. L.Mus. W.U. F.R.C.C.O. Piano and Singing Mundinger School of Music Branch BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge St. 10., Richmond mu Northern Building Office: TUrner #312! If no answer call PRospecc 3-5327 Dr. Jas. R. Langstaï¬ Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Residential calls if required. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled a; Repair: 31 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3952 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday a; Saturday Afternoon: by appointment Open Friday Nights Optical Repairs NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET Eyes Examined In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 mm. to 6 p.111. including Sat. BU. 3-8949 Dr. Victor Zuck Dr. D. F. McGregor A. W. Kirchen, R.0. Office TU. 4-7015 Res. TU. 4-7473 FOR ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING PHONE w. 4-1105 Dr. Cameron Cowan Dr. J as. G. M cK innon Dr. D. A. McBurney (By Appointment) Medical Centre Bayview Plaza Richmond Hill. Ont. Office and Residence TU. 4-4040 I'D. (c1271 J. L. Johnston F. L. Lowrie, R.0. MRS. H. N ICHOI. LS' 192 WELDRICK ROAD STOP 23B, YONGE ST. Dr. D. B. Maunsell Marguerite Boyle Available for instruction in Richmond Hill Phone TU. 4-3523 KUdson 5-2591 (mornings) Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Deportment Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD HALL" Thomhlll Piano Accordion Dr. J. P. Wilson By Appointment 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block west of Bayvlew) 4 Church St. S. Richmond Hill By Appointment Office: TU. 4-1422 Residence: -- TU. 4-1314 OPTOMETRY Evenings by appointment Dr. Leon Bloom Registered Masseur MASSAGE MUSICAL by appolnnnem Suite 1 31 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill By Appointment 4 Church 86. 8. RICHMOND HILL MEDICAL AV. 5-1950 Family rates. By appointment 50 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TUrnel' 4-1154 Glasses Fitted ['0 6-143! A very good turn-out of mo- thers arrived despite the very cold evening. It was decided to hold 3 Bake Sale on Friday morning of February 24. All mothers are asked to bake 3 dif- ferent articles, and will be con- tacted by telephone. The depots will be at Mrs. A. Baird. Roose- velt Dr.. Mrs. A. Oliver, Denham Dr. Mrs. A. Peck, Westwood Lane and Mrs. J. Shaw, Maryvale Cres. Ontario Land Surveyors 105 Willowdale Ave., Willowdale, Ont" BA. 5-3031 Res. George ’1‘. Yates, O.L.S. 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 The February meeting of the 2nd Richvale Guide and Brownie Mothers took place on the first day of the month at the home of Mrs. E. Sand, Maryvale Cres. Repairs to: Richvale Electronics STOP 22. YONGE STREET TU. 4-1552 AV. 5-2669 PETER IL SMITH Antenna installation "' Eyes Examined * Prescriptions Filled * Optical Repairs Hours 9:00 - 5:30 except Wednesday. Evenings by appointment. Room 205 Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Many of our area know Mrs. Heathcote and a collection of clothes for the family was start- ed the next day. 2nd Richvale Guide and Brownie Mothers Taclan TV and Electronics Complete TV - Radio Hi-Fi & Phono Service All Technicians R.E.T.M.A. Trained The Emmanuel Anglican Church on MacKay Ave., held its Annual Vestry Dinner at St. Mary’s in Richmond Hill. at Wrixon Hall. It was a casserole dinner with Emmanuel provid- ing the dinner. St. Mary's the ladies for washing up and St. Gabriel WA. provided baby-sit- ting service. Sympathy to our neighbouring community and to the Heath- cotes of Ruggles Ave., who lost 14 of their dogs, all their cloth- ing and possessions in a fire on Wednesday evening. 63 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS 8; AIRLLINES BOOKINGS FOR SEA-AIR TOURS AND CRUISES VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 7 147 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-1432 240 KING ST. KING CIT! Engnanuels Vestry Dinner The dinner was well-attended and reported to be a great suc- cess. A _Local Tragedy Dr. W. Allan Ripley GLOBE TRAVELSERVICE 25 Roosevelt Drive RADIO 8: TV KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 Travel Service Phone TU. 4-7851 OPTOMETRIST formerly W. C. Knox, R.0. OPTOMETRY VETERINARY SURVEYORS Yates & Yates J. C. Horvat, RADIO â€" m-n TU. 4-7186 TU. 4-4641 (Continued) Office RICHVALE NEWS Richmond Hill CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. I. SPEARS It was unanimously agreed to donate a cheque for $25.00 to help Mr. and Mrs. Héathcote after their disastrous fire. After the singing of the Queen, delightful refreshments weré served by the hostesses Mrs. Drew and Mrs. Morrison. Langstaff Home and School News The February meeting of the Langstaff Home and School As- sn. will be held on Thursday, February 16 at 8.15 at Langstaff SchooL Members of the Vaughan Township School Board will be guest speakers.‘ Visitors during the past Week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Holt were:- Mr. and Mrs. Byran Edney, and daughters of Agin- court Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carr, Cooks- town, Miss Phyllis Edney of Brad- ford and Mt. Vernon Connell, Newton. Plans were also made to hold a Garden Tea at Mrs. Hamblyn’s, on June 23rd. It was also agreed to sponsor an essay competition by the pup- ils in grades 5, 6, 7. 8, at Langâ€" staff School in commemoration of the Schools 150th Anniversary on March 7th. ' Pleasé note change of day for this month only. Socials Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brodie, Yonge St. entertained a few friends at euchre last Friday ev- ening, among the guests were, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hicks, Mrs. Rose Brodie, Miss Cora Brodie and Mr. Don Brodie, Mr. and Mrs. M Holt and Mr. Fred, Morris. Congratulations Members are asked to look out articles for an auction to be held at the March meeting. so will absent members please make a note of this. Mrs. Holt, Public Relations Of- ficer was in charge of the Pro- gramme. She read two papers and conducted an educational quiz on trees, the winner of this was Mrs. Hamblyn. Fire /Fire destroyed the interior of the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Heathcote, Ruggles Ave., at 11.30 pm. Wednesday, February lst. . Mr. Heathcote was burned a- bout the head and hands while trying in vain to rescue their prize Boston Terriers who were trapped in the basement. Two of these dogs were scheduled to be shown at Dog Shows this week, A total of 14 were lost & all per- sonal clothing of the Heathcotes was also lost. They escaped in their .night clothes, Mr. and Mrs. Heathcote and their daugh- ters are well-known residents of Langstaff. We would like to add our con- gratulations to those already re- ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Peter LeMasurier whose marriage took place recently in Richmond Hill. The bride is the former Miss Gayle Ann Fuller and the groom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry LeMasurier of Langstaff. Sick List We are sorry to hear that the following people in our commun- ity are or; the sick 1i§t. 'Mrs. Thompson, Morgan Drive is confined to bed with pneumon- 1a. Mrs. Morrison' reported on the successful euchre held at Mrs. Roy’s on January 14th, six tables were filled and everyone ‘agreed they had a wonderful evening. Plans are under way for a Euchre during February, date and place to be announced. Mrs. Mary Jones, Garden Ave., has a badly infected thumb and is under a doctor’s care. Mrs. McMullen, Garden Ave., is at present In York County Hospital, A _ Mr. Robert Hamblyn has re- turned to work after being in- capacitated by an innoculation for Asiatic Flu, apparently the needle touched a nerve and has been affecting his hand and arm. Although he has considerably im- proved he is by no means back to his normal self. The Area Captain Mrs. E. Spears. wishes to thank all the canvassers and residents in her area for swporting the March of Dimes. e were slightly un- der last year's total. but the lack of publicity and the unem- ployment problem made this un- derstanbable. Anyone who was not home at the time and still wishes to contribute may do so, just contact Mrs. Spears and she will see that it gets to Headquarters. lst Langstaff Scout Mothers The sewing committee. headed by Mrs. R. Goadsby, met at the The February meeting of the Mark-Vaun Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Stella Wilkins, No. 7 Highway. Fourteen members answered the Roll Call of - “A Service I Can Render My Community," many and varied were the suggestions all of which should be carried out. Mrs. Hobbs is once again in the Women's College Hospital. We extend our hopes for speedy recoveries to all these ladies. "wé ar'e' glad to know Mr. Ted White has now returned from the hospital. Surprise Party March of Dimes We are endeavouring to get a relief fund organized for them so watch this column for further details. Mark-Venn Women’s Institute . Brown Owl, Mrs. A. Baird an- nounced the Skating Party for Brox'nies and asked for trans- portation to Unionville on Sat- urday. February 25 at_}.30 pm. ml..- _~Â¥A we next mé'etiâ€"n'g "viriii'ï¬e'h‘é‘id on March lst at the home of Mrs. J. L. Goldthorp, 25 Bryson Drive. 6n Saturdéy. January Zlat a Phone AV. 3-3116 lANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B» LEPKEY - AL PYLE - former resident of Fairvlew Ave., Mrs. Nancy Floyd, now residing on Melrose Ave., Toronto, was pleasantly surprised when a group of her late neighbours ar- rived for a visit, the occasion was to welcome her baby born in November. It had been planned to give Mrs. Floyd a shower at the home of Mrs. Vi Drew but as the wea- ther was so cold and it was thought inadvisable to ask Mrs. Floyd to come out, the party was taken to her. The refreshments were all packed in boxes and transported to Nancy’s home. After showing some movies a presentation was made of a Car- Bed from the ladies and Car-Bot- tle Warmer from the young daughters of these ladies. Among those present w_e_re: The wives of the Toronto branch entertained the visiting ladies and Mrs. Brash was re- sponsible for the transportation of them to their various activities and for the floral decorations and corsages at the luncheons and dinners. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold S. Payne. Denham Drive. was the scene of a dinner-meet- ing Friday evening, January 27. when plans were discussed my members of the committee in charge of the three international dog shows and the indoor retrie- ver field trials which will he held in conjunction with the 1961 Canadian National Sportmen‘s Show in the Coliseum. Exhibition Park, Toronto. If no answer at TU. 4-3614 during daytime. call TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 g: APPLIANCE REPAIRS gr RADIO, '_I‘V & AERLAALS 53 YONGE ST. N. “I. 4 - 3211 REPAIRS REPAIRS Guesswork ls Eliminated NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD “CHECKED†Electroncially WITH THE STROBOSCOPE {3: ELECTRIC WIRING If you want it wired II, or connected â€" call us The costumes will be stitched by the sewing committee and then handed over to the Cubs to get their Mothers to fringe and decorate their own so that each one will be slightly different. Socials . Electric-TV. * OIL BU_RN‘ER SERVICE * REPAIRS & SERVICE home of Mrs. Spears on Thurs- day, February 2nd to cut out costumes for the Cubs Indian night to be held this month. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brash. Roosevelt Dr. spent last week at the King Edward Hotel attending the International Ship Master's Association Convention. Mrs. Ruby Glassey and Bab bara, Mrs. Doris Iris and Carolyn, Mrs. Marion Eagleson and Joan, Mrs. Ruby Newton and Pamela. Mrs. Marg Grieves and Eleanor, Mrs. Vi Drew and Janet Hart. g3 REFRIGERATION Owing to sickness and a prev- ious commitment, Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Edwards and Yvonne were unable to berpresent. In the words of Mrs. Drew. "it seemed we were no sooner there than it was midnight.†So a good time was had by all. PIANO 'I'IINING parts on hand sales, rebairs, TV for ten. washers, dryers, stoves all makes 5 BEAVERTON RD. TU. 4-3614 FREE ESTIMATES OPEN DAILY 8 am. to 9 pm. REPAIRS