Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Feb 1961, p. 6

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Worn, $75. cash. Phone TU. 4- 1105 ask for Alex. Av; 512703. ' tfc30 FURNACE, oil burner, complete â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" with pipes, tank, thermostat con- $90 TAILORED-Tuxédo: 38v “'1' trols. $75.00, AV. 5-5024. 23 worn, $75. cash. Phone TU. 4' Roosevelt Drive. c1w33 11A: -al. Inn A'lnv CUSTOM HI-FI, stereo manaur- a! amplifiers and speakers. Will sacrifice. AL. 7-2460 after '1 pm. c2w32 DRY HARDWOOD from dry stor- nge, cut 16" length, two grades. Delivered in single cord lots. TU. 4-4519. tfc22 CLEAN wooden boxes, garbage‘ bins, dog houses, chicken houses and packing cases etc. AV. 5- 4417. t1c13 Fire place wood, also kindling AV. 5-2703. tfc3C GOOD 'used furniture for sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. t1c3 BANDSAW. 12", Edgerite. new, $55. cash. Phone PR POLAROID CAMERA, model 95, flash. light meter and case. TU. 4-1397. C1w33 CLOVER and Timothy hay, 2nd cut alfalfa and straw. Will deliv- 0] er by bale or ton. AV. 5-2236. TU. ’ A 4-2236. Lfc28 :2, STANDARD 28 gauge steel roof- ing. 20 square or over, $10.00 per square. Under 20 square. $10.35 per square. Gormley Lumber, phone 5710 Gormley. tfc24 PREFAB GARAGES from $299. as new, $65.00. Babyv'cal‘riaééz Call Loughlln Lumber and Sup- converts to stroller. $40.00. Crib ply. AV. 5-1109. Ltc31 and mattress, $45.00. TU. 4-5986. var“ Ant-“n I‘AIJ'II'DA “-3.” n: €1W33 FORMAL DRESS, size 14. pink chiffon and nylon net, $25. TU. 4-7706. c1w33 REFRIGERATOR. good condi- TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales- Service - Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale In- cluding new and rebuilt standard. portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. SPECIALS SPECIALS All New Materials . PICKUP PRICE ONLY Gyproc Lath $1.25 per bdle‘. Gyproc Sheets 4x8 . . . . . . $1.70 Poplar Underlay 4x4 $1.20 Mahogany Plywood 4x7 .. $3.50 Mahogany Plywood 4x8 .. $4.00 CLEARING 2(000 New Storms. Screens and Sash. 50c and up OPEN DAILY UNTIL 5:30 pm. AV. 5-3942 CLEAN W'HEAT STRAW. 50c a bale. TU. 4-2364. 213;La\vrence Ave. Call after 7 p.m.‘ TU. 4-7483. tfc27 METRO WRECKING & LI'MBER TOWN 8: COUNTRY freezer, 15 cubic feet. TU. 4-2817. c1w33 88 Baker Ave. Richmond mu 1‘ PRE-FAB FURNITURE III-Fl Cabinets Speaker Enclosures Room Dividers Book Cases Custom furniture of all types. To your design or mine In kit form. machines sanded. ready to assemble and finish, or will finish to any stage. For free infnrmation call “KEN CHENEY" CUSTOM KRAFT CABINETS 9184 Yonge. at Spruce Avenue. Rlchvale Phone AV. 5~5681 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. c4w31 Clearing at 15c ft; with mungs. DUDU‘ DOD SHERWlN-WILLIAMS v High grade paints and enamels‘i to clear at $1.25 quart. . Open Friday & Saturday to dis~7 DISCOUNT RETAILER’S ' pose of this stock. All items will1 OPPORTUNITY be sold at less than cost price.‘Store in heart of Richmond Hill Stock must be completely sold has space for aggressive opera- out as we are giving up business. tor of clqhing store. Financial 2 DAY SALE ONLY FRIDAY 8; assistance by principal available SATURDAY at 15 Yonge St. N. to satisfactory prospect. Call M. 'TU. 4-7281. Ferraro. RU. 3-6156. after 6 p.m.. call TU. 4-1970. c2w33 clw33 FIRE WOOD. $8.00 a single cord delivered. AV. 5-5761. tfc30 tlon, new unit. TUrnér 4-7197 SELLING OUT COMPLETE SELL OUT OF SURPLUS DISCOUNT HOUSE 15 YONGE ST. N. LOWRIE BLDG. Bedroom suites. cliesterfields. one 14 cu. ft. Fridge, Stereo sets, lamps. humidifier, toasters, irons. kettles, fry pans. toys. novelties. chinaware. children's clothing. etc. BICYCLE, English racer, $20. Phone after 5. TU. 4-3585. c1w33 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 16. 1961 Cedar Ave. CASH RATES, first insertion 5c per word, min. charge . . Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, So per word. min. charge . . . . . . . . FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . COMING EVENTS NOTICE: 51: per word; min. charge.. CARD 0!" THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classified advertisements should be in as early In the week u possible but not later than. 11 on Wedneldays. Send ads by mall and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive Invoice. STAN’S GUNSMITH FIREPLACE LOGS DRAPERY TRACK 'ARTICLES FOR SALE L. 11. SIMS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Richmond Hill SPECIALS fU. 4-1745 tfc49 Almost 3-5426. *1w33 *3w33 bdle. $1.70 $1.20 $3.50 $4.00 tfc30 Lfc44 SET OF Book of Knowledge and Encyclopedia. Vactric vacuum cleaner. Playpen, also car bed. AV. 5-2470. . c1w33 WASHINGA __1\‘/I‘ACI:IINE, EASY. 3 REAL ESTATE WANTED BIG, sturdy plywood cartop car- rier for Volkswagen, new design, goes on or off in seconds. $16.50. TU. 4-3980. c1w33 MODERN gas stove (Moffatt) ex- cellent condition. Apply 214 Rugâ€" gles Ave., evenings or day time, Saturday. c1w33 CHINA CABINET, $45.00. Ward- robe trunk, $25.00. Platform roc- ker, $10.00. Cedar chest, $25.00. Pine cupboard, $8.00. Rock- ing chair $3.00. Chrome el- ectric coffee set, $10.00. TU. 4- 1407. clw33 1 FLOOR LENGTH tangerine formal, shoes and gloves to match, size 16, worn once.'0ne white semi-formal and stole, size 15. 1 floor length mauve formal with jacket. All like new. Rea- sonable. AL. 7-2530. c1w33 stove, excellent condition. For quick sale - leaving district. Mrs. Baars. AV. 5-5663. c1w33 3 BURNER McCLARY RANGE $Cf§NDINAVIAN style Chester- POTATOES 751b. bag. $2.25 de- livered. TU. 4-2549. C. Mashinter, Gamble sideroad and Bathurst St. *3w32 1 BABY CARRIAGE, good con- dition, TU. 4-1583. c1w33 field and chair, praéticallyrherw. AV. 5-3555. CIW33 PORTABLE electric ironer, like new. TU. 4-2679 after 6 pm. RUBBER STAMPS, all kinds my site. Quick service. The Liberal Ofl'lce, Richmond Hill. VACUUM CLEANER. Sales and Service. Call TU. 4-2931. c2w33 LLOYD Baby Carriage. grey good co‘ndition, $15. TU. 4-4864 45" WESTINGHOUSE ERNIE; HOUSES rent. AV. ker. WE have clients, with various down payments interested in buy- ing houses and property in the Richmond Hill, Langstaff and Richvale areas. Call George W. Rayfield Real Estate. BA. 5- 4040. Suitable for home or cottage ' $14.95 TAKEN IN AS TRADES THE FURNITURE SHOPPE - CHESTERFIELD SUITES recovered - remodelled . i AV. 5-5201 17" WESTINGHOUSE Tv 144 Levendale 1m, Richmond mu BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Richmond Heights Centre TU. 4-4401 USED MERCHANDISE 23" MARCON! TV In excellent condition Lovely Cabinet $79.95 FlRESTON’E STORES 21" ADMIRAL TV In excellent condition $64.95 21" ADDISON TV FOR SALE Needs Repair: $9.95 Needs repairs $14.95 “‘ “"““‘“ I UPHOLSTEBY I {Recovering and repairing of anyl iki‘nd of furniture. Experienced} wanted for sale or £0.01: Scandinavian furniture Free 5â€"2951. T. Murphy Bro- estimates. Reasonable prices. Call c1w31 anytime. TU. 4-4813. tch (Continued) 500 150 750 c1w33 c1w33 c1w33 c4w33 [£043 ‘ PAINTER a: DECORATOR gFor good prices see our show- !room. Wallpapers, drapes. etc. â€" tHarry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St.. lRichvale. AV. 5-1591. ucs MOVING & STORAGE Frank's Moving & Cartage. pack- ing and storage. Experienced service anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Good rate]. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. llcls SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€"- 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms 1! de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV 5-1682 tfc43 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tfcls EXCAVATING & GRADING Front end loader: and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332. tfc48 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard. 148 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4-3:?88. c23 EDYTHE'S Dressmaking Shoppe, ladies’ custom dressmaking and alterations. Mrs. Warwick, 24 Hillsview Dr., Stop 24 Yonge St., TU. 4-3206. tfc26 We clean, shampoo and moth- proof in your home. Modern method, reasonable prices. TU. 4-5322 TU. 44932 Elastic Stockings. Body Supports Trusses, Hernia Belts Fittings on Premises 9014 Yonge St, AV. 5-3772 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities. stereo, hi-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. M. 1.). Harrison. TU. 4-2838. tfc15 Free Estimates WELL DRILLING King City Drilling Co. Ltd, repairing, pumps installed and re- paired. Formerly George Adams. Box 192 King City. TE. 3-61314. c 6 Doors, windows, awnings, Rail- ings, all at Discount prices. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514. tfc31 BARNES VACUUM SERVICE Repairs to all makes, Hoover authorized. Phone HO. 3-2112. Residence 255 Beechy Drive, TU. 4â€"4714. tfc33 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations and repairs, prompt service. WALKER a; MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 First class work. Carolyn‘ Bargent 9018 Yonge St. at Richvale. AV 5-1591. tfc6 INCOME TAX returns prepared. reasonable. AV. 5-2787. c6w32 ROY’S PROMPT WELL SERVICE Wells cleaned, drilled and dug. Phone AV. 5-5923. tfc30 orator. Reliable. good workman- ship. PA. 7-9377. tfc31 VENE’I‘IAN BLINDS cleaned and repaired. C. Thompson, 103 No. 7 Highway, East Langstafl‘. *2w33 SNOW REMOVAL Call J. Hampton. R. R. 1. Rich- mond Hill. PR. 3-5922. tchO SEPTIC tank: pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. RICHMOND DELIVER! SERVICE Light pick-up and delivery. TU. 4-1812. tic) FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed 1nd serviced. Frank Gerrm. R. R. 1 Aurora. PA. 1-5272. ucso PAINTING a. PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. A. W. HEARD, Painter and Dec- TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS RICHMOND TREE SERVICE and ' MISCELLANEOUS CHAIN SAWS Service At Its Best Major Repairs - Tune Ups New Chains. Plugs. Files Pocket Chain Breakers 2 Cycle Oil. Chain Oil. Etc. “Authorized Dealers” Pioneer & Homelite TU. 4-1124 RELIABLE MOWER. SERVICE tfc29 Richvale Rexall Pharmacy FORESTRY COMPANY TU. 4-1221 Electronics? We fix it. TU. 4-3811 1 â€"â€" A NEW SERVICE â€" DRESS ALTERATIONS HOOD’S RUG & UPHOLSTER! CLEANERS SAME DAY TV ANTENNA SERVICI TU. £4749 JACK & LEE TV ALUMINUM Free Advice TU. 44932 tfc42 t!ch “(:13 tfc31 tfclo .tfc47 tfc4 BOYS with bicycles for morning paper routes TU. 4-7543. , WANTED, Richmond Hill, Bev- erley Acres to Dufferin â€" Lake Shore. Working hours 8 am. to 4.30. TU. 4-5188. c1w33 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Beverley Acres to Bloor 8; St. George. arriving 8.45 a.m., returning 5.40 pm. Apply 286 Browndale Cres., Richmond Hill. tfc30 WOMEN, .part time work, shop or home. Interviews, Thursday, 1 to 5 pm. TU. 4-1842. c1w33 Thornhill, Iad§’s navy blue suit skirt. AV. 5-1325. c1w33 AVAILABLE from South Taylor Mills to Simpson’s Mail Order, arriving 7.50, leaving 5.15 pm. TU. 4-5860. c2w32 AVAILABLE leaving Glenbrae Subdivision at 7.50 am. for down- town Toronto. TU. 4-4029. CASHIER for Maple l.G.A. Apply in person at Maple Plaza. c1w33 of four children after school. AV. 5-3723. c1W33 WOMAN for two days house- ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet_work, wooc. carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. .fc31 SCHOOL GIRL to help mother work a week. AV. 5-1546 and AV. 5-2123. c1w33 VICFNITY Stop 17, Yonge Street. TRANSPORTATION RELIABLE experienced clean- CERTIFIED Nursing Assistants and Registered Nurses for day duty. Apply Miss Mackie, The Villa Hospital. AV. 5-4931. c2w33 YOUNG WOMAN required to look after young boy, light house- keeping duties. Live in. TU. 4- 0053. c1w33 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. renovations, rooms, tile small. Free AV. 5-3653. LATHING & PLASTERING Renovations. Recreation Rooms. Acoustic Ceilings installed, etc. All work guaranteed. AV. 5-3688. tfclO ing woman in Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1668. c1w33 tfc31 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, OPENING for one salesman, Thornhill ofl'ice. David McLean Ltd. Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5â€"1176. MALE OR female bookkeeper, small manufacturing firm, com- plete set of books and invoicing. Phone AV. 5-4953. c1w33 CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple ALpine 7-8876. tfc'l LICENSED MECHANIC for local â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" service station. Apply in writing. '57 'FORD CUSTOM 300- A-l stating qualifications. age and inside and out. G-cylinder, two- salary expected to Box 14 The tone blue. $119 down, balance Liberal. czwgz arranged. Ed Rose, AV. 5-1105. - “Mnun‘ _,,, ,,,,,_, 7 PA. 7-5001. c1w33 RICHMOND TREE SERVICE and Forestry Company require three experienced forester-s (tree sur- geons), top wages paid for ag- ressive climbers. For appoint- ment. phone TU. 4-1221. tfc33 MIDDLE AGED lady to act as companion for same with light housekeping duties. Live in. Good home. Box 17 The Liberal. c1w32 General Carpentry and repairs. Call J. Anderson. ‘TU. 4- 2505. c3w33 FOR Sewing and darning. Call ment. AV. 5-5205 TU. 4-4007. c1\\'33 n nnnnnn‘. ____ SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed club dances, wedding receptions, etc. Call Ron. AV. 5-4201. tfclO FRENCH LADY. graduate of Par- is University, will give tuition in French, individually or groups. Conversation, translations. Phone AV. 5-4542. , c3w32 LADIES’ dress alterations ex- pertly made. Audrey Arseneault. TU. 4-5885. tfc5 DANCE BAND â€"- available for CUSTOM dressmaking and alter- ations. expertly done. Mrs. J. Shields. 473 Lynett Cres., Rich- mond Hill. . c2w33 AMBITIOUS? PreSent job inse- cure? A large Life Insurance Company requires three repres- entatives. age 23 to 45 for the Richmond Hill, Maple 8:. Willow- dale areas. The men selected will receive extensive training, wel- fare benefits and an excellent op- portunity for advancement. Write stating age.‘marital status,.educa- ion. business experience to Box 8 The Liberal. c3w31 stone, loam and fill. E; Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. PAINTING, paperhanging. Free estimates. Colour samples. A. Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 MISCELLANEOUS ! TO RENT HELP WANTED (Continued) LOST garages, recreation floors. No job too estimates. T. Price. ' tfc28 c1w33 c1w31 tfc25 '2 BEDROOM apartment. TU. 4- 5482. 3024 LARGE room in new home, close to Yonge St. AV. 5-5808. NEWLY decorated, electrically equipped, bachelor apartment, centrally located Richmond Hill. $70.00 monthly. References. TU. 4-1880 evenings or week-ends. tfc30 LARGE housekeeping room, large cupboard, grill privileges, use of refrigerator, quiet. References re- quired. Parking. TU. 4-1777. 2 bedroom apartments - in ma- dern 4 plex. $115.00 and $120.00 per month. possession February 15th "and May 15th. AV. 5-3181. TWO BEDROOM apartment, with balcony, $115. monthly. Apply TU. 4-4761 or Superintendent. 260 Markham Road, Richmond -.--¢,.v 7535 Yonge, Thol‘nhill. suitable ‘ and wired for automatic laundry. rooms. Licensed. Most hairdressers, ladies’ wear, or Detached 2 car garage, Beautiful Address enquiries to haI‘dWZII‘G, etc, $150 monthly- {'treed, landscaped lot. WonderfullManager, Markhaven 7697 Yonge, Thornhill, suit pliOtO-lspot for children. Very handy to i' 517, Markham, Ont. grapher or professional officewshopping churches. schools, trans-l $100 monthly. lportation and recreation. Calll 70 Yonge South, Richmond Hill,|Mi~, Fraser, TU. 4-1067 or HU. 1- SUit bakerl’. j6\\'61ry, Etc. $100-‘0301. Joseph A. Peters Real ES- . Mr. McLean, AV. 5-1176; {tats Ltd. c3w33 I 1' - i 7 7”; . Da\ 1d McLean Ltd., Realtors A SIMPLE HOME .uu v n p n.,,,,,, c1w32 ONE bedroom apartment. fully equipped, free parking. Call N. Ferraro. TU. 4-1970 after 6 pm. FLOOR SANDERS, POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331, Richmond Hill. tfc32 RENT TV HERRIDGE electric, TV. appli- ances, sales, repairs, parts. Open daily 8 am. to 9 pm. 53 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-3211. tfc20 2 UNFURNIS‘HED rooms & kit- chenette. equipped with cup- boards. sink, rangette and re- frigerator. Centrally located. Call TU. 4-5179. *2W32 ‘59 RAMBLER “Club Sedan”. one owner, low mileage. $179 down, balance arranged. Ed Rose. AV. 5-1105. . c1w33 2 BEDROOM, self-contained apt. In older part of town. Private entrance. Large Back Yard with trees. Available April lst. $85.00 monthly. Phone TU. 4-5603 after 5 o’clock. *1w33 RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA Office, showroom and warehouse, parking facilities, available im- mediately. Hill ’58 CHEV. Convertible. V8, aut- omatic. One owner, low mileage. Must be seen to be appreciated. Ed Rose. AV. 5-1105. c1w33 5-ROOMED brick bungalow, all conveniences. immediate pos- session‘. 45 Carrville Road, Rich- vale. clw33 1956 DODGE Regent, automatic, excellent condition. Best offer. TU. 4-2492. clw33 54 STUDEBAKER. Commander, sports coupe. $250.00. TU. 4-4104. c1w33 ’56 MONARCH Sedan, brand new condition throughout. must sac- rifice. $109 down. balance arran- ged. Ed Rose, AV. 5-1105. PA. 7-5001. c1w33 KFNG CITY. 5 room bungalow $90 monthly. For appointment call TE. 3-6634 after 6 pm, FOR RENT or sale. Bungalow. 3- bedrooms, all conveniences. close to everything. Private. TU. 4- 2196. c2®33 ’53 PLYMOUTH. good motor, new tires. Best reasonable offer. TU. 4-5759. c1w33. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK- 1953 METEOR. automatic and radio. must sell. only 35 weekly. C. Elliott, Emerald Isle Motel. ’56 FORD, a real buy at $49 down. Balance arranged. Ed Rose, AV. 5-1105, PA. 7-5001. ’58 HILLNIAN Convertible, like new. Low mileage. $119 down. balance 'arranged. Ed Rose, AV. 5.1105, PA. 7-5001. C1W33 FIVE room apartment ~ electric stove and frig. included, 4 pce. bathroom and separate entrance, phone Gormley 5426. APARTMENT. 4 large rooms. self contained one block from main corner in Maple. AL. 7- 1114. c3w32 REPAIR GARAGE and equip- APARTMENT for rent. 2 rooms, kitchen. Private entrance. Park- ing. telephone. TU. 4-3257. t£c30 RICHMOND HILL RENTALS 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from $95 a month Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Real Estate USED CARS EXCLUSIVE COURT STORES FOR RENT WA. 2-5075 c1w33 c1w33 c2w33 c1w33 c1w33 c1w33 tfc33 tfc24 ate CENTRAL RICHMOND HILL i {fem $14,700 - Solid 3 bedroom storey and half home in top condition. Full high dry basement, vented tfc32 tfc25 RICHMOND HILL RAVINE LOT 150 It. flankage overlooking scen- ic parklands and small lake $5,950 includes sewers; water, paved roads, curbs. etc. Builders' terms. Private. RU. 1-3727. QUIET SHADED STREET About $3000.00 Down Payment ' One Mortgage 7 rooms. plus 2 sun rooms in a brick square plan home - with hot water, oil heating, hard- wood trim, garage etc. Situated on a large landscaped lot, one block from centre of toWn. Call Mr. Slater, AV. 5-1156; H. Keith Ltd.. Thornhill, BA. 1â€"1102. c1w32 PIANO WANTED Any size or make, pay can. phone Toronto. LE. 4-9419. collect. tfc3 With A Wealth of Charm $16,900 - just a short block west of Yonge Street in Central Richâ€" mond Him. You will be delighted to find such a home nestled a- mong tall trees with a garden 87’ x 150’. Eight rooms, not new. but well cared for; Iron fireman oil heating, two bathrooms and gar- age. c1w33 Telephone Mrs. D. Carter 2 CHOICE LOTS 50’ x 145’. Res- idential, west of Yonge St. Call Mr. Fraser. TU. 4-1067. tfc29 $700 DOW’N, $12,500 full price. 6 ROOM solid brick bungalow, 1 N.H.A. mortgage, Principal, In- terest and taxes carry for $86 monthly. Call T. Medland, TU. 4- 2931, or TW. 5-5445 after 6. H. Keith Ltd., Thornhill s-Bedroom House, Large Lot Close to everything $8,700. full price qarries $85.00 monthly. complete. This is good investment for a working man who doesn’t “mt to be burdened with high payments, $750. down. Please call Mr. Cutler, AV. 5-1052. c1w33 OPEN HOUSE RICHMOND HILL Watch your child to school from the front steps. $4,000 will give you possession of this 6-roomed solid brick bungalow with attrac- tive garage. Automatic gas heat. completely decorated throughout. Balance of $15,000 arranged on terms. Easy to find â€"‘ come up this weekend. North on Yonge Street to Benson Avenue in Rich- mond Hill. West to Parkston Court. Or for further particulars call BA. 1-3411. KING CITY Modern three bedroom frame bungalow on large landscaped lot. Rec. room and bar, shower in basement. All storms and screens. TV. Antenna, This home must be sold, your offer invited. EARL V. STEWART Real Estate & General Insurance 21 Yonge St. N.. Aurora Phone PA. 7-5076 PIANO for use in Church Sun- day school room. AV. 5-1849. GOVERNMENT Disposal Act. Li- cence No. 18C60. We pay highest prices for dead or crippled horses & cattle. We pick up within fifty mile radious of Argyle. Phone Woodville, Zenith 3-2800, at Our expense. We sell all types of mink food. Ed Peconi 8; Son Ltd., Box 11 Argyle. tfc30 MOST HOMES ARE LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN RLTRS. tfc32 N.H.A. 5%% Mortgage - cérries $57. AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy Brok- $1500 DOWN Furnished six room bungalow, hot air, oil heating, hardwood floors, ceramic tile bath. Handy to schools, shopping and transpor- tation. Don’t miss this buy at $12,600. Mr. Slater, AV. 5-1156. J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. REALTORS AV. 5-1905 1%: storey frame home on scenic treed lot. Two miles west of King City, paved road location. Three bedrooms, family size kit- chen, $12,500.with easy terms. A GOOD HOME for nine month old black Labrador retriever. Very friendly. partially trained for bird hunting. Complete with kennel. TU. 4-7772. c1w33 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cask prices paid. Cal] Frank’s Movers eind Storage. TU. 4-2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc? DEAD FARM STOCK LICENCE NO. 44-060 Highest prices paid for dead or disabled horses and cattle. Phone collect Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 2538. Central Dead Stock Ltd. Please phone promptly, any time. tfc33 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE W. C. McLaughlin Ltd WANTED c1w33 61w33 clw33 c2w33 c2w32 c1w33 c1w33 c2w33 MARKHAVEN - a home away from home for older Christians featuring T.L.C. Close to shops and churches. Single or double rooms. Licensed. Most reasonable. A 4.1., AGaress enquiries to W. Neely} Manager, Markhaven Inc. Box 517, Markham, Ont. c1w33 GENERAL CARPENTRY and re- pairs â€" recreation rooms. Call J. Anderson, TU. 4-2505. c4w33 DAY CARE for children. Hot dinner at noon. Fenced yard, basement playground. TU. 4-3300. c1w33 FAMILY. {our children, requires house in Richmond Hill north of Centre St. TUrner 4-5259. *1w33 POODLES ARE OUR SPECIALTY Clipping and grooming with bath. $8. without $5. Pirouette Ken- nels. TU. 4â€"7668. 02w32 INDUSTRIAL cleaning night or day. Call PR. 3-5826. after 6 cent BOOKKEEPER accountant avail- able evenings and weekends. Full set of books, statements, etc. AV. 5-4542. c3w32 ONE-BEDROOM apartment want- ed by couple. in or around Map~ 1e. by April lst. Box 15 The Lib- eral. 03w32 POODLES, small blacks. register- ed, from champion blood lines. Term_s_ can b_e arranged. $100.00 AVAILABLE, day care for pre- school children. 36 Cartier Cresâ€" WOMAN would like domestic work, 9 to 4 p.m., weekdays. TUV. 4-4595. c1w33 YOUNG FAMILY MAN wants steady work. Anything consider- ed. Experience industrial main- tenance, driver. sales. general office. Phone TU. 4-5125 or Box 18 The Liberal. *1w33 BRIGHT Icon} jfgr young man Board optional. Hdmérfigicx’Iil-eug'e; TU. 4-4650. c1w33 R_OOM__ BOARD available. Par- YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking to} work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Ar- my. AV. 5-5126. tIc52 AVAILABLE in private home on daily bus line to Toronto. Apply Vera Hilts, Gormley 5319. c2w32 YONGE-SHEPPARD,‘ comfort- able room in quiet home. Abstain- er, non-smoker. board optional, garage. BA. 1-3861. c1w33 ROOM and BOARD ‘ v .._‘._...v. - «A 7 king. Keele StEeet, Maple. AL. 7-1508. c1w33 ROOM 8: BOARD available for two men on farm. 11/2 miles south of Maple, on Keele Street. Park- ing. AV. 5-4094. c1w33 DO YOU HAVE a Drinking Problem? A.A. may help you. Co_ntact Box 84 The Liberal. ROOM or room and boa;d avail- able. TU. 4-1433. tfc33 PETS FOR SALE Men’s W001 Suburban Coats Boys’ Wool Suburban Coats & Duffle s . 18822221135 for SIMPSDN’S DRYGOODS 12 Yonge St. S. EMPLOYMENT WANTE [) CLEARANCE Phone Gormley'5339: {fcéé Reg. $16.95 â€" sizes 36 to 46 for PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT Nylon with pile lined Reg. $18.95 for Newest Styles Chamois Interlined Up to 18 V2 Reg. $39.95 for LADIES’ WOOL Dress Coats Reg. $34.50 for LADIES‘ Car Coats Blanket Cloth Reg. $19.95 for $29.95 $14.95 $12.95 $24.50 c1w33 c1w33 .*t.fc19 COMING EVENT FEBRUARY 18: Saturday Nightâ€" Valentine Dance, 8.30 to 12.00 pm. Masonic Temple Hall. 112 Crosby Avenue. Everyone wel- come - come along and have a good time. Allencourt. Monday Night. Mixed Bowling League. WED.. MARCH 8 â€" Clearing farm auction of Holstein Dairy Herd (vaccinated and Brucellosis free). including fresh and spring- er cows, bred and open heifers. also two tractors (good). PTO baler. bale elevator. side rake, power mower. spreader. culti- packer, thresher, pigs. hens. hay, straw, grain. at Lot 25, Con. 6 Markham Township (2% miles north of Unionville on paved road at Cashel the property of A. G. Smith. Farm sold no re- serve. Terms cash. R. E. Faulk- ner. clerk. Melville W. A. re- freshment booth. Sale 1 pm. F. Bennett and W. D. Atkinson. auctiOneers. c3w33 BARROW â€" In loving memory of our dear son, Jimmy, who was taken from us eight years ago. There's a road they call Remem- brance, Where thoughts and wishes meet. We take that road in thought In filemnriams each day, To one we cannot meet Each dawning day we think YOU. Each evening time a prayer. For in the hearts that loved you. Jim, You always will be there. -â€" Too dearly loved ever to be forgotten by Mom. Dad, SiSf tbrs and brothers. *1w33 WELLWOOD, Rev. Harold Ever- itt -â€" At the Open Gate Nur- sing Hdme. Highland Creek, Saturday, February 11, 1961, Rev. Harold Everitt We-llwood, formerly of Centre St. E., Rich- mond Hill, beloved husband of the late Amy Ball, dear father of Mrs. W. A. Campbell (Ev- elyn) and Macdonald. brother of Mrs. George Gee (Eva). Dr. Milton Wellwood. B.C.: Dr. George Wellwood. Barberton. Ohio, and Frank. Rested at the Wright and Taylor chapel of the Pipher funeral home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill.‘ Interment Richmond Hill cem- etery. clw33 GEE, Winnifred â€"- At her home. Victoria Square, Monday, Feb. ruary 13, 1961, Winnifred Mc- Math, beloved wife of Fraser I ALE REGISTERS SOMETHING NEEDED SOMETHING TO SELL SOMETHING TO RENT WANTED TO RENT FOR BEST RESULTS TRY A “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIED AD PHONE TU. 4-1105 TOO LATE FOR REGULAR COLUMNS D. Gee, dear mother of John, sister of Marjorie and Ruth. Resting at the Wright and Tay- lor chapel of the Pipher Funer- al home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service Thurs- day at 2 pm. Interment Vic- loria Square cemetery) In lieu of flowers. donations to the Canadian Cancer Fund would be appreciate_d._ ‘ c1w33 Richmond Hill ZlBtaths $9.95 c1w33

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