A very pretty wedding was 501- emnized on Friday evening, April 14th at 8 pm. in the chapel of the Christian Education Wing Richmond Hill United Church with the minister Rev. Charles Higginspn‘ pfficiatina ‘ _ The bride. Miss Shirley Mar- garet Thomas was given in mar- riage by her father Mr. Fred Thomas of Elgin Mills to Mr. Howard Hugh Allen also of El- gin _Mil_ls.A _ The bride looked charming in a bouffant street length dress of pure white silk with lace bod- ice and three quarter sleeves car- rying a sheath of red roses. The bridesmaid Miss Peggy Ferguson ShirleyMargaretThomas Bride Of Howard Allen 404 Highway Said To Be Influence On Sale Of Neighbouring Property Further changes to a district population which, in recent years. has become increasingly fluid are revealed by sales recorded by David McLean Limited, realtors. The new Colborne Street, Thornhlll, bungalow of builder George F. Charlton has been sol-d to William R. Lye of Armour Heights, who is a Highway 401 widening casualty. The Thorn- ridge Drive home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hooper, who are moving to Vancouver, has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. J. K. MacCallum of Weston. The West Carrville Road home of Dr. and Mrs. D. K. Mco Laren has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Sellen. Enquiries Jump, Say McLeans The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. McCamus at 200 Centre Street. Thornhill. has been rented as a Manse to the Presbyterian Church of Thornhill. following the sale of the original Presbyterian Manse to Mr. Jack Westerhock. custodian of the Thornhlll Pub- lic School. Mr. and Mrs. William Clegg of 90 Woodward Avenue, have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. John Rivett of Roberta Drive. Toronto. 113 Edgar Avenue. has been pur- chased by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alker. Norman J. Nixon has pur- chased 69 Roosevelt Drive, Lang- ltaff, originally owned by Mr. Rhodes. 25 John Street, Thorn- Bayvlew Plaza Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-5701 TU. 4-5331 FERTILIZER "Best by Every Test" FOUNTAIN HARDWARE ADVANTAGES V0†1L UKE You’ll enjoy our longerâ€" more convenient Shopping Centre hours. 3‘/2% INTEREST No service charge is made for a reasonable number of withdrawals by cheque. Open a savings account at National Trust and earn a big 3}§% on your mini- mum half-yearly balance. LONGER HOU RS FREE CHEQUING NORTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE 5385 Yonge Street NCSJ 3| of Toronto was a pretty picture in a pale blue silk organza carry- ing a bouquet of pink elf roses. The groom’s mother wore a green flowered silk over taffeta dress with champagne accessories and wore an apricot shade cor- sage of roses. The reception was held at the home of the bride. After the cake cutting cere- mony and congratulatory speeches the newly weds motored to Flor- ida for two weeks honeymoon returning home by the east coast and New York. On their return they will make their home temporarily in Elgin Mills. hill, the home of the late Sarah Dean, has been bought by Don- ald Sabiston. RR. 2. Gormley. Richmond Hill Sales In Richmond Hill a new house is to be built for Frederick Evans of Baker Avenue at Lot 11, Rose- mar Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Sy- rett's property at 315 North Tay- lor Mills Drive has been sold to A. O’Halloran of Toronto. The Palmer Avenue home of Anna Lehtonen has been purchased by Arthur Cyr of RR. 2, Aurora. 92 Oak Avenue, Richvale. has been sold by Edith Mills to L. Kniper. 295 Boisdale Avenue, Richmond Hill, has been sold by Mr. and Mrs. Jonker to Stan Greer of Toronto. The Parker Avenue, Oak Ridges home of Mr. and Mrs. Egner has been purchased by Rosa White of Richmond Hill. 228 Beachy Drive. Richmond Hill, has been sold by Mr. and Mrs. Christo- pherson to Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Ziccan‘di. An encouraging note for tax- payers is the increase in demand for small industrial sites. Lots 26 and 27 on Marilyn Crescent in King have been sold to Barbara Coomber of Oak Ridges. The dwellings on Lots 26 and 27, Reaman Avenue, Rich- mond Hill, owned by Victor H. Marchant have been sold to Mary L. Pocklington of Toronto. The Keele Street, Maple, property of Herbert Constable has been sold to Lorne Goddenham of RR. 1, Maple. Land Being Sought Land has enjoyed a little Spring interest. the McLean real estate ï¬rm reports. There are renewed enquiries for all types of vacant land within the town particularly. The projected Highway 404 to the east has aroused new interest in Richmond Hill properties, as it has in the areas of Markham Township to the south. Two en- quiries, say McLeans, have come in the past week for Markham Road properties, with the pros- pective purchaser interested in ‘the proximity of the new road ‘which will connect with Toronto's water front via the Don Valley Strawberry Festival Any parents wishing to have their children christened please get in touch with Mr. Kennedy. This service will be held on Mothers Day. May 14th at 9.45. Wednesday. June let is the date of Temperanceville United Church Strawberry Supper. Church News The Special Worship Service will be held on Sunday, May 14th by the Temperanceville Sunday School at 11 o‘clock for Mothers Day which is the conclusion of Christian Family Week, May 8-14. We are particularly anxious that parents of our Sunday School pu- pils be present onAthis occasion._ May 6th the Temperanceville W. A. will be catering to the wedding of Miss Marion Lloyd. All members will be contacted regarding assistance needed. York Manor is sponsoring a drive for the purchase of tele- vision for its residents. Four are needed for the new Manor. W. A. members are asked to consider this matter. W. A. and W.M.S. The April meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Hare. With Mrs. Milton Wells presiding on behalf of Mrs. Ray Jennings. the W. M. S. meeting opened with the poem “A Good Woman." A well written explanatory con- densed article on “The Lords Prayer" was read by Mrs. L. Cun- ningham. During the business period it was related May 8th is the Spring Rally date. Stewardship Convenor, Mrs. Jack Macklin read a letter re- ceived which revealed the organ- ization total membership as 1170. There are 41 groups in York and an allocation of $18,850.00 to be met, money over this amount is used for “Projects for gifts for building advance" It was decided we try and reach our last years allocation of which we were a few dollars short in 1960. Rev. Morris of Woodbridge will be our guest in October to show slides on Africa. Third and fourth chapters of the Study Book were given by Mrs. Wells. It was decided not to further the study of "The Ship Easter Thank Offering envel- ppes were given out n the meet- mg. Explorers began on Thursday. April 20th at 7 pm. in the church Sunday School Rooms. Mrs. Wm. Turner will be grateful for some assistance in this work. The girls will receive their third star in six weeks time if work is com- pleted. Three new members are expected. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS, 3. I. 8. KING TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Phone PB. 3-5239 Correspondent: Mrs. B. Lepkey Phone AV‘ 5-3“! Home and School News_ Anvil-y .u. --u--- _ The April meeting of Thorniea Home and School Assn, was held on April 19. Announcement was made that the square dancing on Friday evenings had been discon- tinued due to a lack of interest. Principal K. Kinzinger spoke a few words of welcome to the Fathers and Sons present and also displayed the Sports Trophy donated by the Home & School. He also reported that a Mark- ham constable had visited the school that afternoon to take part in raising the “Elmer Safety Flag." If the school is accident free for one year the Thornhill Lions present a trophy. Programme Convener. A. Wright introduced guest speaker. Jim Dawson. He gave a talk on how to enjoy camping and he certainly made cooking over an open fire sound very tempting. Mr. Dawson emphasized the ne- cessity of planning when going camping and a_ $1311 programme 4,“. for {heoboys and also ‘gooa cloth- ing is an essential part of safe and happy _camping. _ ...- ._..,r_, , Several parents from Thorn- lea attended the Henderson Ave., Home and School meeting to hear Dr. Robert Gauthier. on Monday, Aprjil 18th. Dr. Gauthier had a group of Grade 5 students and he didn't speak a word of English to them but after two 15 minute periods of instruction the students were understanding him and asking questions in French themselves.‘ All the parents who attended agreed that they found this‘ a fascinating way to teach conver- sational French and agreed it would be a wonderful subject to add to our elementary school cur- riculum. . Birthday Greetings Mrs. G. Martin, Highway 7, had a busy time recently when all four of her children celebrated birthdays within a week of each other. The twins Barbara and Nancy held a Hawaiian Party to celebrate their 9th birthday on April 10, while Jimmy went Bowling with some friends on April 19th to celebrate his 6th. Cirbl was 13 also on April 19th. Many Happy returns of the day to you all. $5,666 Fire Destroys Local Home, Furniture An estimated $5,000 in damages resulted from a ï¬re which gutted the residence and destroyed the furnishings of Mrs. Mary Thomas and her ï¬ve children at 108 Hall Street, Richmond Hill. Seventeen members of the local fire brigade under Chief Alf Stong. responded with one pumper minutes after the outbreak occurred at 11.50 am. While the conflagration was brought under control in 20 min- utes, another 30 minutes were required for mopping up opera- tions. No one was injured. Mr. Stong said it appeared that the ï¬re could have started from defective wiring over the living room door. This area suffered the greatest damage. It was not known immediately whether the house, the property of Mr. Stan- ley Sims, Thornhill, was insured. Under the Cross." The W.A. meeting opened by Mrs. Fred Hare. Thank you let- ters were received from Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rum'ble and The Victor Home. Continuation of vis- iting will be done as soon as pos- sible. Mrs. Stewart Paxton, pro- gram convenor read a lovely poem followed by an article. “The Glory of Trouble.†This revealed the best thin-gs in life are the most difficult to attain. Trouble is a valuable trust we dare not throw away. Accept life’s disappointments and use them for betterment of Christian living. Rev. Kennedy closed the meeting with prayer based on this beautiful and thought provoking article. Socials It was a pleasure to have Mrs. W. S. Hare with us at this meet- ing. We were also glad to have Mrs. Wm. Turner feeling well enough to attend and continue her duties with the explorers. We in Temperanceville, rejoice with Mr. and Mrs. Cox in know- ing that little Heather has come through her serious operation suc- cessfully and will be all right af- ter a period ofrecuperatlon. MARKHAM VILLAGE â€" The Markham Arena Fund Is now over the $25,000 mark. NASHVILLE â€" The three well known Foster girls, Joyce. 14, Carol, 13 and Marlene. 12, re- cently placed first in the Ken Sobel Amateur Hour Talent Show. We_ are also haï¬py to report that Mrs. Skerratt and Mrs. Pren- tice are feeling much better. If a parent dies of cancer are the children more likely to luve the disease? No. In many families where a parent has had cancer, the dis- ease has not appeared in the children. Again, a person in whose family there is no rec- ord of cancer may develop it. THORNLEA CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit 'ACT '0' m m Fun Fair The Richvale Public School, Spruce Ave., are holding a Fun Fair on Saturday. April 29, at 1 pm. There will be something to interest everyone. so come along and support your neighbourhood school‘s efforts. For the adults there will be the tea table. bake table. white Elephant. rummage, plants, re- cords and books. For the child- ren’s delight they have provided gamgs, moviesn refreshments and , u- u. ,_- gumca, Auuuca, u.u...:u...~..-- .... a fish pond. and to top it off theré will be door prizes. Lona Martin. Westwood Lane, gave a music recital. at the North York Public Library on Saturday. April 22 for the Ontario Music Teachers Association. This talent- ed young girl from a musical family gave a wonderful perfor- mance. Lee Goldthorp of Bryson Dr. has recovered from a serious vir- us infection which kept him off school for two weeks. Martin B-enum, also of Bryson Dr. had his tonsils removed last week and he is back at school now. Penny Mitchell of Bryson Dr., was one of the many children infected with German Measles. which seems to be “going around" this years. Naï¬cy Marquis, Roosevelt Dr. is back to school after the mea- sles. but sister Susan is now sick. 23 Roosevelt Orin Gail Esau, Edgar Ave., has fin- PROCTOR STONE ELGIN MILLS AV. 5-2239 Visit our modern show rooms where the most comprehensive collection of stone is shown. OPEN - WED. - THURS. & FRI. TILL 9:30 PM. Will STONE WORK RICHVALE NEWS increase CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. E. SPEARS ally had the casts removed from her arms. Her parents reported 'that thirty-two children bearing gifts, as well as many of their parents helped to make Gails' days of inactivity go quickly. Mr. and Mrs. D. Esau were happy that the people were so kind. Wim Trophy ' ' John Peck, Westwood Lane played on the St. Mikes Hockey Team this winter in the Rich- mond Hill League. He was happy to receive news last week that he had won the trophy for “the most valuable player." Cnrrection Last week's information about 2nd Richvale Guide Camp was in- correct. The date of their camp is Friday, May 12. 1st Langstafl Auxiliary The April meeting of lst Lang- staff Cub and Scout Mothers Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. D. Janssen, Maryvale Cres., on Wednesday. of last week. The president, Mrs. R. Clark, thanked the mothers for the help on the Gang Show. It is hoped that a small profit was made and plans are being laid for next year's production. A nominations committee was formed with Mrs. D. Mills as chairman and Mrs. J. Jellicoe and Mrs. Spears, assisting. They will draw up a slate of officers for the next meeting. Phone AV. 5-8118 After the meeting adjourned one of the members. Mrs. R. Goadsby. introduced her Art tea- cher Mrs. Marie Siddell. who had been sketching the room and 0c- cupants during the business meet- ing. Mrs. Siddell had each one of the 25 members present come up to an easel and add a portion of the oil painting which when fin- ished showed a Scout camping on the side of a lake. This pic- ture. done by the mothers will be presented to the Scouts for their hut. After their labours the mothers were rewarded with lovely big chocolate eclairs. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Miller, Westwood Lane on Wednesday, May 17. _ Several ladies from this area attended the Thornhill Anglican Church Spring Luncheon held on Thursday, April 2_0. Mrs. J. Howard. Mrs. J. Shaw of Maryvale Crescent. Mrs. A. Miller of Westwood Lane and Mrs. E. Spears were at the table of Mrs. Everett, Westwood Lane. Birthday wishes Janice Winterfield, Roosevelt D11, is celebrating her eighth birthday with a party at her home for 12 of her friends on Saturday. April 22 atï¬ï¬‚o'clock. _ Peter Wilson. Cedarbrook Farm, Westwood Lane is celebra- tin-g his birthday with a party at his home on Saturday, April 22. Bake Sale A successful Travelling Bake sale was held on Friday, April 21. The proceeds will be used for the Graduation Banquet and Landscaping at Charles Howitt Public School. BEAUTIFUL OUTDOOR STONE PATIOS DESIGNED FOR MORE GRACIOUS OUTDOOR LIVING GRACEFUL FLAGSTONE WALKS WILL ADD CHARM and BEAUTY TO YOUR LANDSCAPE FLAGSTONE WALKS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 27, 1961 A Little Stone. . . Adds A [OT 0F "/ DISTINCTION L PATIOS IDSCAPE and BEAUTY g l ‘1 ONE WALKS LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Get Results TU.4-1105 E Garden Gate Nursery w“-_-y.(MWMymm.oz REXDALE CAR 8. TRUCK RENTALS LTD. R. R. 1 MAPLE ALpine 7-1461 (Sherwood Motors) of industrial and residential lawn and garden maintenance Complete selection of quality Garden Supplies, Loam and Fertilizers CARS 8. TRUCKS FOR RENT AV. 5-5942 BETTER SERVICE SALE STATION 3/10 Mile West of Yonge St. on ELGIN MILLS ROAD RICHMOND HILL, NORTH V. 5-5942 WE DELIVER TU. 4-11‘ BY THE DAY â€" WEEK â€" OR YEAR ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS MAPLE â€" RICHMOND HILL THIS SPRING HAVE THAT BARBECUE YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED BUILT. ENJOY OUTDOOR LIVING AT ITS FINEST Free estimates and advice on request TU. 4-1172