CONNECTIONS AT BARRIE FOR COLLINGWOOD, OWEN SOUND, PENETANG AND SUDBURY Elgin Mills - De‘More Gen eral Store. TU. 4-5961 FOR REGULAR SERVICE to N EWMARKET, SUTTON 9.16 a.m. 6.06 p. B 11.36 am. 0 8.36 p. B 2.36 pm. 12.46 a. B - to Bracebrfdge only 0 - to Drillia only lAUNDRY ALLENCOURT CENTRE Markham & Bayview Tickets and. Information at COIN OPERATED . . .Mel's Smoke Shop.. .. Phone TU. 4-1285 Mrs. M. P. Maltby - Agent SPRING TIME TABLE Eï¬â€˜ective April 301h. 1961 BUSES LEAVE TO NORTH BAY Wash 25: Dry 10c Eeele Street GROWER -â€" FLORIST sum use The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 See Time Table No. 6 See Time Table No FERTILIZER "Best by Every Test†ALLENCOURT HARDWARE DAYLIGHT TIME 433 Markham Road Richmond Hill, Ont. E LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. April 27. 1961 6.06 pm 0 8.36 pm 7 12.46 a.m Maple, Ont “I‘ve been intending to join Al- coholics Anonymous.†Police said they found him slumped over the Twenty-nine-year old Douglas Burkholder of Stoufl‘ville. will spend ten days in jail for drivirg while impaired on April 6. Asked whether he had anything to say before he was sentenced he said: Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake in Newmarket Court Monday told Franc-is Agnew, 42, of Mount A1- bert, charged with threatening his daughter with bodily harm: “I don’t. think you’re a bad fellow. You’re apparently a good provid- er and a considerate husband and father when sober. When you get drinking you become quarrel- some. I am ordering you to post a $200 bond to keep the peace for one year." Agnew, whose wife said he act- ed in a threatening manner ag- ainst their 13-year-old daughter and that it was habitual of him to pick on her, his wife, when- ever he drank, insisted that the woman and daughter had it all wrong.~“My wife is a sick wom- an," he said. “The slightest thing upsets her. Why, on the night in question, she came home from a neighbour's saying she had de- cided to cut short her visit there because she feared she was going crazy. My daughter refused to obey me and I probably made a motion toward her. I've never struck any of my children." Said the cadi: “You've been married 18 years. There are eight children. Your wife isn’t well. This is the time for you to show some consideration. After this, you behave yourself. I‘ll not deal so leniently with you another time.†Gets Ten Days l When we put these traits to- gether what do we get? We get a person who is friendly, proud and dignified, one who believes in her religion and who can get a job done. When we consider the clean oval letters, the Os and As, we know that this writer does not deceive herself, and because the mind is an open one, that when she errs she is willing to listen and learn and admit her errors. She is willing to give the next person the benefit of the Threatens Daughter Must Keep The Peace For Year Post $200 Bond nity. which means she has an es- tablished standard of personal ethics and a desire to conform to the conventions. Note the strong finish to the letter Y in the word ‘only' and in the letter G in the word ‘give.’ This means determin- ation, the ability to finish a task. 63 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-1105 The skill, experience and facilities we offer is the best cure for printing “head- aches†you ever encounter- ed! We do everything from layout to binding . . . in any number of colours in quan- tities up to any ï¬gure. You get a better. faster, more ec- onomical job as a result . . and we can prove it with price and performance. Phone us for fast economical ser- vice. “THE LIBERAL" When we consider the forward slant of this writing before us we know there is a liking for people shown. Considering the upper loop letters, we must sur- mise there is a definite spiritual or philosophic outlook. Now then, when we consider the retraced D5 and Ts we know that the writer possesses pride and dig- This week‘s specimen is an interesting one. To the analyst. it reveals energy, pride and digL nity. a positive approach to mat- ters and determination. We thought We would do a bit of eval- uating in this column because many readers find evaluation a rather fascinating game, as in- deed it is. NEW CURE FOR HEADACHES Character In Handwriting First Lady Of Vaughan Is Qualified For Duties That Is . . . Printing Headaches, Printers 5; Publishers (BY ALEX SJOBERG (CGA - IGAS) J’B‘qfw Mdddfl/MA MW/ V/l/AIA/Zcom; o‘w 0’ Constable Lee of the Bond Lake Detachment of the Provincial Po- lice was guest speaker, and gave an interesting talk illustrated by a film on “Safety Precautions on the Highways" as they par- ticularly apply to young people. CARRVILLE NEWS St. Mark‘s. Oak Ridges Angli- can Men‘s Club held their usual monthly dinner meeting on Thursday last April 20th at 7.15 His friend. Reginald Baker, 26, Thornhill, did not fare so well. Police said he was the owner of a car they had checked out just prior to the arrest, after it had run info a tree. “But I ‘had only four bottles of beer, also." ac- cused said: “That must be power- ful brew," said the magistrate. ï¬ning him $10 and costs and coupling the ï¬ne with some ad- vice. “After this you had better look upon your limit as two hot- tles. not four." he said. Peter Kerr, 26, of Richvale. who pleaded not guilty to a drunk c rge laid April 23 by Richmond 11 Police, was given the bene- ï¬t of the doubt and received a suspended sentence. Police said he and a friend were picked up at a phone booth at 3.45 am. at Yonge and Duï¬erin streets, ac- ross from the police station. Said Kerr: "I told the officer I had consumed only four bottles of beer and that the rest of the case was at my home, but that didn‘t stop him from hauling me in. When the arrest took place. a friend and I were on the way to my home to pick up a ï¬shing net and I was phoning for a taxi." He added that he had now chang- ed his mind about going ï¬shing. Clarence Ross, 50, of Queens- ville, charged by Markham Town- ship Police with impaired driv- ing. was in no doubt about his fall from grace. Police said they found him slumped over the wheel of his car at 9 pm. on the centre portion of a road and that it appeared he had'intende‘d to sleep off his jag. Magistrate Hol- linrake took the view that inas- much as the truck driver, by los- ing his driving privileges, would be severely penalized, said that he would impase the minimum ï¬ne, $50 and Costs. The crown chipped in and said it would al- low a three dollar reduction in witness fees. Accused was told to pay $30 on the spot and an- other $23 by May 8. Limit Intake ' Lance McKay of Markham Township, who pleaded guilty to having liquor in a place other than his residence, said that on April 12, when arrested downng a bottle of beer beside his car a mile south of No. 7 on the Third Concession, that he had been hunting for a job, got thirsty and decided to abate that thirst. The drink cost him $10 and costs. Impaired wheel of his car after he brought the weaving vehicle to a halt in the centre of a road near Mark- ham lelage. at 1.2 a.m. Burk- holde-r pleaded guil . Expensive Bracer (A grapho analysis report of your character is available through the GA. Department, ‘The Liberal', for the nominal fee of $2. Submit one page of handriting, and allow about one week for the analysis to reach you.) So, to you ladies (and men) who write like Mrs. McCon‘key, it may very well be that you too are suited for public affairs. Her writing shows that she has many irons in the fire, but that she does not confuse matters. We know this because while the low- er loop letters are long, they do not become entangled with th Line of writing below. i ble to provide neiwsmen with in- formation. At the same time, she can show discretion. doubt. All things 'considered, these traits also mean that she would not seek to impose her personal views on another. From a reporter's point of view. Mrs. McConkey in her actions. bears out the positive traits re- vealed by her writing. She is Liendly, always ready to help, and will go to considerable trou- This is the writing of Mrs. Ruth McConkey, Vaughan Township Councillor, the ‘First Lady of Vaughan.’ When we study the M5 and N5, with their sharp points, we know that the writer likes to know what makes things tick. There is mental energy coupled with cur- iosity, the desire to explore or look into matters. The Jr. W. M. S. of the United Missionary Church met on Mon~ day night at the home of Mrs. Ronald Elliott. During the even- ing Mrs. Paul Bolender was pre- sented with a baby shower. Hos- tesses for the evening were Mrs. C. Hunking and Miss E. Raymer. FOR ALL KINDS OF- JOB PRINTING: . ~â€"- nun-voou night with his brother-in-Iaw and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Em» pringham. 1 Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Vanderbent visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. French on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brillinger and Kenny of Toronto had Sun- day dinner at the home of his parets, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brill- inger. Ross had the misfortune to have his car stolen while park- ed on a residential street in To~ route a couple of weeks ago. It was spotted by police on Saturday morning on a street not far away. The ladies had a bee on Tues- day and cleaned Heise Hill Church. The biâ€"annual Love Feast will be held at Heise Hill Church on Saturday, April 22. Services will be held at 10 am, 2 pm. and 7 pm. The special speaker will be Rev. Glenn Diller of Portland. Oregon. Miss Reatha Brillmger of To- ronto spent the week-end with Miss Ruth Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. Efmer Byer of New Brunswick spent Wednesday night with his bl‘nfhpr-in_lam M1,: in Ne‘wmarkei EXIT} supper with Mr. an Ro‘s_e of Newmarket Mrs. George French has completed her 24th Log ( quilt top, besides hundrec other quilt tops she has pi Mrs. French had her 83rd l day on April 3 so we e: belated birthday wishes. .. nunnbg. Mr. and Mréfhnas Elliott ed MT. and Mrs.‘ Cont-an Mr. and Mrs. Bing family of Oak Ridges h on Wednesday with Rev Ro_y_ Nigh. We welcoï¬Ã©â€"Mâ€"rf'and Mrs. John Farquharson who have returned after spending six months in Florida. iMr. and METCJ visited Mr. and French op Monday ny We welcbme Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pepke who have purchased and moved into Mr. Arthur Caffin’s house. ' Miss Velma Brillinger is spend- ing a few days in Toronto with her brother Ross and family. Miss Vera Hilts came home from Newmarket Hospital on Sat- urday. Following the regular Sunday morning worship hour at Heis-e Hill Church an impressive ser- vice was held when fifteen young people were received into church fellowship. The pastor, Rev. Wm. Vanderbent had charge of this service and was assisted by Bish- op Alvin Winger. A committee meeting of the United Missionary Sunday Schools of Ontario met on Monday night at the home of Mr. Murray Ben- 1AA“ ham Heise Hill Jr. Se'win‘ met on Tuesday night home of Mrs. Bruce I nett Mr. qnd Mrs. Glenn Bolen spent Sunday with Rev. and IV Gordon Bolender and family Kitchener. _ _ _ fl ~ v . . . . bylln, nLLLL‘d. Sunday 7:30 pm. Rev. R. Reilly of Elkhart, Indiana, Foreign Sec- retary of ’the United Missionary Society. Mrs. Ida Cook spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Spence of Stouffville. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Cress- man and children of Moorefield called on their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. George Cober on Saturday gvgning. Sunday 10 am. â€" Special Mis- _sionary Sunday School with a spgakey from the S.I.M. 7 Sunday 11 Rim-“'1‘? Trgub _of Nigeria, Africa (Ha-.. . . . . y yuUAJL. Friday night - Rev. George Weppler of the African Inland Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hockley and children of Zephyr had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Elliott and Dougie. The annual Missionary Rally at the United Missionary Church commenced on Wednesday night with Dr. Jean El‘b as special speaker. Other speakers are - Thursday night - Rev. Jake Hos- tetler of the Deminican Republic. H.144†- Rev. Paul Nigh spoke at special services at Heise Hill on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. A missionary convention is being conducted from Thursday to Sun- day with special missionary spea- kers at Heise Hill. Rev. Ralph Palmer of Merrill, Mich.. was guest speaker at the special services at Heise Hill Church over, the week-end. PHONE TU. 4-1105 Mr. ahd Mrs.vSam Winger of Vaughan had dinner on Sunday wi‘t‘h Mr; qn_d Mr; Joseph Heise. Miss Dorotl‘. chener spent her home here Mrs. D. Nicklin spent a few days with her niece. Mrs. West- hey, at Pickering. Miss Dorothy Doust of Kit- chener spent the weekâ€"end at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor at- tended the funeral orf Mr. Abram Good in Ohio on Saturday. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Owen Witmer and children of Salem. Ohio. Gormley News roem nad charge of this and was assisted by Bish- in Winger. and Mrs. pliffprd Winger lu 1v1rs. mnas Elliott visit- and Mrs._Greiorge Baker Correspondent Mrs. Chas. Milsted Gonnley 5421 her 24th Log Cébin beside; hundreds of Mas: . Bingham and aqd Mrs. GéBrge Ridge} Hardr‘gypsé; y night at the Bruce Empring- Friday' and Kitâ€"i and Mrs. Steve _Glpnn Bolender 80_ we extend Sejwjng Circle has piecezi: 83rd birth- Rev. Ozra and Mrs and Mrs 'e just ‘gHa's Everything â€" and At Your Price THKT BFG§ Custom engineered for perfect 'fnew-car" fit Free Exhaust Safety Check â€" Just Iron Clad Guarantee â€" drive to your Canadian Tire Store A new Muffler if it â€"- no obligation, glad to be of blows out. No time service. limit. With Leaf MULCHER ATTACHMENT F039 SEMESTE’OR Single Exh. Replace power-robbing, noisy worn-out muffler â€" at Canadian Tire’s DISCOUNT _ q‘: " , ‘â€"-'ï¬ SAVINGS VOLKSWAGEN: 1955-59, 4-cyl. MUFFLERS DODGE: 1949-53, 6-cyl. D31 to D43 (exc. conv.) ................. H V 1954-59, 6-cyl. (exc. conv.) PLYMOUTH: 1949-53, G-cyl. P17 to P23 (exc. conv.) ......................... 1954-59, G-cy]. (exc. conv.) CHEVROLET: PONTIAC: 1949-54, 6-cyl. 20-22 1955-60, 20, 22, 7o Similar savings on other passenger cars, inpluding imports. Big discount on Mote-Master Exhaust Equipment for com- mercial vehicles. Brackets for tail-pipe installatiOn (extra, where needed) Clamps, each 1949-54, 8-cyl. (exc. conv.) 1955-56, 8-cyl. . , .. ...... 1957, 8-cyl. (exc. conv.) ...... 1958-59, 8-cyl. (exc. conv.) 1949-53 (exc. conv.) 1954-58 (exc. conv.) 1959-60 ...................... MAKE AND YEAR (SINGLE EXHAUST PASS. CARS) 0 LONG LIFE 0 SAVE GAS O QUIET MOTO - MASTER Extra - Life The Value : Leader â€" [3†a beauty in styie 15 MINUTE INSTALLATION CflflflDlflfl TIRE "Du-ID-Yourself" Muffler Discoum Price 10.80 YONGE ST. TU. 4-1196 8050 9.312 57.8.& HAS EVERYTHING ‘ \ and at YOUR PRICE MUFFLER INSTALLED DISCOUNT PRICE $7.20 8.85 8.85 3505 2544 &9mo 11 16.80 9.90 . N., RICHMOND HILL ‘6 - AV. 5-4501 , SAVE ! SAVE! A VALUE SENSATION! S’TOR Mom-Master gene- rators are factory rebuilt to “new- car†standards . . . every part showing the slightest wear is expertly machin- cd or replaced as required. You are assured of guaran- teed service equal to your old unit. Save Safely. DODGE and PLYMOUTH 1951-54 ............................... 1955-60 FORD and METEOR 1949-51 ...................... 195266 ...................... 1957~59 std. susp. 1960 std. snsp. CHEVROLET. CAN. PONT. Here’s What We no EXPERT INSTALLATIONâ€"1.80 to 3.80 per pr. Similar savings on other cars, including imports Big Discounts for commercial vehicles GUARANTEED ‘l FULL-YEAR or 15,000 MILES SHOCK ABSORBERS 1949â€"54 (exc. Corvette) l955~57 (exc. Corvette) 1958~6075td, spsp. EXPERT BRAKE RELINING as low as 14.90 Your generator has been working overtime this Winter! NEW-CAR PERFORMANCE Pack front wheel bearings Adjust brakes. in- cluding emergency brake Add approved heavy-duty brake fluid (superior to new-car quality) to master cylinder . . don't chance bad brakes .' (exc. CorVair, borvette) For safe, smooth driving! MOW-MASTER cushion Comfort PASSENGER CAR MAKE and YEAR SAVE UP TO 50°/oâ€"on "NEW-CAR†QUALITY Mower and Engine Guar- anteed For 0 n e F u l 1 Year After Purchase A- gainst Manu- facturing De- fects. GENERATORS Front, pr. 9.30 "DO-lTâ€"YOURSELF" DISCOUNT PRICE TWINPLY NYLON rm: 12 Month Road Hazard Guarantee ' FOR All CAR REPAIRS OPEN A CTC CAN CHARGE N0 DOWN PAYMENT NOTHING TO PAY FOR 30. DAYS SUPERLASTIC 670x15 $9.95 AND ALLOWANCE FOR (LEFTOVER) MILEAGE ON YOUR OLD TIRE Rear p? 8.40 8.40