Outstanding solos were given by young guests. Judith Copland, Joanne McConnell, Susan Thomp- son‘ Susan Adams. Brenda Evans, Marilyn Walker. Brenda White, Maureen Gilmore. Deborah Mor- ris. Ann Graham. Katherine Gunâ€" dy. Jackie Anderson. Robert Cnrko. Perry Lawson‘ Willis mi Noble and John Lannaway. mve Senior students acted as ushers for the crowd, which filled All Saint's Church auditorium. Music Director llltyd Harris of Aurora. who played all the piano accom- paniments as he led each class choir. was complimented on his efforts by School Inspector Mr. W. ’l‘etley school officer J. McLeod and by thé Principal of Doris M. Patton School, Mr. Car- son Bice. In a ceremony at St. Paul's Uni- ted Church, Oak Ridges, Miss Lydia Garbutt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Garbutt of Bond Avenue. Oak Ridges and Mr. Eric Sindeirson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sindeirson of Germany were mar- tied by Rev. G. Winch. The audience was welcomed by Master of Ceremonies Gordon Given in marriage by her fa- ther. the bride wore a floor length gown of white nylon over satin with lace bodice and sleeves flow- ing down to a large hoop skirt. Her shoulder veil of white i1- luslon tulle carried a cascade of red roses and white carnations. Mrs. Beanie Parker was matron of honour and was lssisled by Given in marriage by her fa- ther. the bride chose a long white gown with a yellow underslip. Her three-tier finger-lip veil was also lined with yellow and she completed her ensemble by car- rying yellow roses. Maid of honour was Miss Joy Byford, who wore a ballerina When Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Agar of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church came. the minister pleas- ed the gathering by reading from a two-volume Bible brought to Canada from Ireland after Mr. McClure's great-grandfather \‘is- ited there in 1867. Some 300 fond relatives en- thusiastically applauded every singing number in the Spring Festival of Music sponsored by Doris M. Patton School. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Yake of Tyler Street, Aurora to Mr. Harâ€" old Roy Geary. son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Geary of Yonge St. Oak Ridges. Rev. John Morris of- ficiated. Aurora United Church was the letting for the marriage of Yvonne Lorraine Yake. daughter About '75 long-lime friends call- ed on King City's historian, Vlr. Andrew McClure, at his North Keele St. home to wish him a happy ninetieth birthday. Mr. Agar chose the 7lst Psalm, verses 17 to 23. Printed in an old- er form of type. the Scripture was all the more difficult to read be- cause the "s's" had been inter- changed with the letter Mr. McClure received numer- ous cards and gifts of flowers. His close friend, Mr. James Patton of King Street. who beat him to 90 by a few weeks. was unable to be present but telephoned a mes~ sage of congratulation. Once again Mrs. Aubrey J. Gor- don and Mrs. Irving L. Scott are combining their organizing talents to convene the Daffodil Tea in aid of the Cancer Society on May 27. 'Lady Flavelle is opening her home. “Kingswold,†for the an- nual social event, which usually attracts friends from a distance as well as King and Aurora resi- dents. Bake Sale and Tel ’ St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church W.A. has Set Saturdav afternoon, May 13. as the date {or the annual Spring bake sale and tea at the Church. Mrs. Robert Farren will open the event. Mrs. John Tanner is convening the home-baking: Mrs. Donald McCallum. the sale of candy, and Mrs. Fred Curtis, the tea arrangements. Lydia Garbutt Wed At Oak Ridges Mr. McClure's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gillham of Maple Lane Farm. Strange. with whom he stayed since mid-December, assisted in welcoming visitors 24 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. May 11. 1961 Andrew McClure, King's Historian Visited By Many On 90th Natal Day Spring Festival Of Music Brings Many Visitors To Offer Applause for the month of May. tea par- ‘ pro ties are a big part of the local are locial whirl. ‘and May-time Teal Yvonne Yake, Walter Geary, Married Doris M. Patton School Is Locale Mrs. A. E. Kelley and Misses in his three capacities as trustee. parent and church KING CITY, OAK RIDGES “The Liberal" I: always pleased to publish items of est regarding people and events in lhe Oak Rldze: Wilcox and King City districts. Our new“ corrosm ln King City ls Mrs. William J. Houston. tclc TEmple 3-5457; and In Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox‘ King City Notes The same afternoon. mothers of par- ; prospective kindergarten children .ocdl I are being invited to “open house" and tea at All Saints' Church by Gop‘the mothers of this year‘s class. ‘ At Convention might. tevantï¬ One hundred friends attended the dinner reception given by the bride‘s mother at the Highland Golf Club. After a motor trip honeymoon. the couple intend to make their home in Cooksville, Ontario. Glenna Cairns as maid of honour and Valerie Roffey as flower girl. They wore ballerina length gowns .one yellow. one green and one blue. all with floral wreath caps and all carried pink and white carnalions. Each choir made two appear- ances. Miss Doris Patton's grades one and two sang, “Healthy. Wealthy and Wise," "Spring Is Here." “A Happy Child." “Little Lambkin." "The Swing" and “Cookie for Snip." Grade two and three pupils from Mrs. Jack Suringa's class sang, "Birds' Songs." "I Won't Get Up." "Popping -Corn.“ “A Breeze Comes Dancing." “Pussy Next Door" and “Lucy Lavender." Miss Eva Dennis’ grades four and five sang. "Child Ballad," “I Hear Spring Calling." "Moon Song," "Caravan," and “Panca- kes." Russell Keenan of Oak Ridges was best man and Larry Killer and Danny Geary .‘cted as ushers. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride‘s parents On their re- turn from a motoring honeymoon, the couple will take up residence in Oak Ridges. length gown with flowered motif, mauve on white background. At- tending lhe bride were Miss Don- na Yake and Mrs. Edith Martin, both wearing yellow ballerina length gowns Miss Catherine An- derson, wearing a plain mauve dress, was flower<girl for the oc- casion. Mrs. Norman Wade was pro- gram convenor for the meeting of St. Andrew‘s W.A.. at which her granddaughter. Linda Wade, entertained with songs. Several members of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church W.M.S. are planning to be in Maple tomorrow for the section- al meeting. Linda's school teacher. Miss Helen Thompson played the piano accompanying her singing of, Mr. glans Sindeirson of Brad- ford was his brother’s best man and ushers were Roger and Ken- neth Garbutt, brothers of the bride. Roberta and Mildred Gillies ser- ved refreshments. which included a birthday fruit cake with decor- ated top layer. ' Born on the 8th Concession of King. Mr. McClure has clear I‘ecâ€" ollection of his school days at Nobleton. He still delights in hel- ping people trace their family histories and never tires showing visitors his parlor collection of early Ontario museum pieces. St. Andrew's WA Among the popular nonagen- arian‘s visitors were his name« sake nephew, Mr. Andrew Mc- Clure. with the latter’s mother, Mrs. Norman McClure. of Toron- to; Mr. McClure’s two sisters, Mrs. James Cameron of Weston and Mrs. Cecil Keyes of Toronto. with their daughters. Mrs. Clarke Wardlaw. Mrs. Albert Faulkner, Mrs. R. Lundberg. Mrs. Carl Wil- son and Mrs. Russell: Mr. and Mrs. Matt Bell of Lefroy. Mrs. Allan Gellatly, President of Snowball Women's Institute, was in Guelph last week for the two-day convention of Women's Institute presidents at the On- tario Agricultural College. Sectional Meeting Friends were present from Un- iom'ille, Stoufl‘ville. Aurora, Nob- leton and Woodbridge. in addition to King City neighbors. Feeling much better than he had all win- ter. Mr. McClure decided to re- main at his village home. \\ ell come pom at e if nual To date more than $1,400 has been turned in. Contributions this month are expected to meet the objective. At Open House Several village women went to “open house’ at the Ontario Men- tal Hospital, Aurora. where they saw handcrafts made by the male patients. On a guided tour the visitors made a thorough inspection of the building, “right down to the refrigerator contents," one report- ed to The Liberal. Refreshments were served by York County Branch. Canadian Mental Health Association volunteers. Mrs. Howard Clegg. Mrs. Robert Starkey. Mrs. Robert Agnew. Mrs, W. A. McWilliam. Mrs. H. C. Smollet, Mrs. S. C. Calvert. Mrs. Everett Cor- coran. Mrs. L. J. Redman. Mrs. Fred Patterson. Mrs. Harry Lacey. Mrs. Jack Barraclough. Mrs. Geo. Reynolds. Mrs. D. McKechnie. Mrs. William Cook. Mrs. Douglas Scott. Mrs. George Dawson, Mrs. Al D'Ambrog’io and Mrs. John Langdon. All persons having claims ag- ainst the Estate of Joseph Winger late of Maple. R. R. No. 2. who died on or about the 19th day of March. 1961. are hereby notiï¬ed to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the lst day of June. 1961. after which date the Estate will be distribut- ed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall DATED at Toronto this 3rd day of May. 1961. E. Underhill. Mrs. Raymond La- Fond. Mrs. T. H. Backhouse. Mrs. Peter Kitchen. Mrs. D. F. Head. then have notice. and the under- signed will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. Guided by King City Unit President. Mrs. Ian Gilchrist and Campaign Chairman Mrs. E. E. Harrison, the house-to-house can- vassers included: Mrs. J. C. Wil- liamson. Mrs. William Wilson. Mrs. George O‘Hara. Mrs. Lowell Hicks. Mrs. Bruce M. Rawlings. Mrs. Jack Clift. Mrs. William Der- rick. Mrs. Jame-s Wilkins. Mrs. Bob Berwick, Mrs. Quentin Har- dy, Mrs. Leonard Appleyard. Mrs. C. F. Johnston, Mrs. Ed Poulin, Mrs. Donald Findlay. Mrs. John Fox. Mrs. J. C. Wemyss. Mrs. C. "Bright Little Spring Flower." and “Hunter's Horn.“ Mrs. Wade read a poem and. with Mrs. John Tanner. led con- tests. Members played two games and had refreshments. Cancer Canvassers Three men. Mr. Alfred McBride, Mr. Gordon Orr and Mr. John Langdon. joined the large can- vassing team covering King'City area. to help raise the local ob- jective of $2,000 for the Cana- dian Cancer Society. The public will be welcomed .it the open meeting, at which it is expected a speaker will be pres- ent from Division Headquarters. Mrs. Ian Gilchrist will be retir- ing after two years as Unit Presi- dent. Suggested nominations may be supplied to the convenor. Mrs. Quentin Hardy. St. Andrew's W.M.S. Mrs. L. E. Siverns explained the Study Book. “Together We Min- ister To Human Needs,†at the May meeting of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church W.M.S. Annual Meeting King City and District Unit of Aurora Branch, Canadian Cancer Society, is planning its annual meeting for June 5 at All Saints’ Church. Mrs. Fred Gray led in the worâ€" ship service, taking as her topic, “Hannah.†Preparations were made to pack the bale this month. Mrs. Ed Munn gave a prayer and Miss Lillie Anderson. the Scripâ€" ture reading. Miss Judy Ball con- vened the lunch. Funeral ALLAN SMITH and JOHN BAKER, Executors, by their solicitors. “The Liberal" Is always pleased to publish items of Inton- est regarding people and events in the Oak Blazes-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new: correspondent in King City in Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone TEmple 3-5457: and In Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox, Mn. Eleanor Chunk. Bayvlew Ave. North; phone PR. 3.5954 Many relatives from King at- tended the funeral of Mr. John Colby of Weston, who is survived CARL E. HILL, M.D.. M.O.H Notice To Creditors Spring has come and with it the urge or the necessity to tidy up the lawn, the yard the garden. and to general- ly beautify your home and immediate surroundings. Ev- eryone has pride in his or her home and a combined ef- fort can do wonders to imâ€" prove the appearance of your block. The lady of the house takes a keen pride in its in- terior â€" let the man of the house have the same pride in its exterior. JOSEPH “'INGER, deceased WALSH AND WALSH. 85 Richmond Street West Toronto. Ontario DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK his widow, the former Miss IN THE ESTATE OF Clean-up Time AND OTHERS Afterward 1n the school, ï¬lms were shown on types of extin- guishers and how to deal with a kitchen blaze. Badminton Elections In spite of a wet. chilly even- ing. a large crowd of parents and children were interested in the outdoor ï¬re-ï¬ghting practice by the Brigade at Eva L. Dennis SchooL The demonstration was the ï¬rst event arranged by the newly- formed King City and District Safety Council and clariï¬ed how to extinguish different kinds of ï¬res. It was a boy. for Mr. and Mrs. Ted Digel of Patton St. at York County Hospital, Newmarket, on April 22‘ Water Safety A talk and ï¬lm on water safety were given at last week‘s dinner meeting of King City Lions‘ Club in the United Church. Safety Committee Lions Jack Parsons and Harry Lacey explain- e-d purpose and aims of the re- cently organized King City and District Safety Council. Safety Demonstration King City's thriving Badminton Club, which plays two evenings weekly in All Saints’ Church hall, elected as, n‘ew president Mr. Ralph Loney. WOODBRIDGE â€" Public opin-‘ gamggigg ion will influence the choice of . street lighting installed in Wood- bridge - mercury vapor or fluor-1 SOME escent. Model lights of both types LIBER will be installed and public re-: G action sought. 1 h,, Rev. William Morris of Wood- bridge conducted the service. Aid Red Shield King City is participating in the May ï¬nancial campaign in aid of the Salvation Army Red Shield. This is the ï¬rst time the area blitz canvass has been organ- ized for this district from Aurora. Arrival He succeeds the organizer. Mr. Ray Cousins, who resigned the presidency to allow time for anâ€" other interest as assistant scout leader. The badminton players have Mr. John Cheeseman and Mr. John C. Hamilton as viceâ€"presi- dents; Mrs. A. E. Bamford. secre- tary, and Mr. Ray Barton, treas- urer. Mr. Colby died at Branson Hos- pital, in his 44th year. The fun- eral service at W. R. Scott par- lors in Woodbridge and interment in Glendale Memorial Gardens, were attended by close friends and relatives. including Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clubine. Lucy. Doug- las and Tom Clubine, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harris, all of King: Mrs. Jack Williams of Vellore; Mr. and Mrs. John Clubine from Willowdale: and Mr. Howard Clubine of Milton. Laura Irene Clubine. and their‘ nir_n_e~ye§rAâ€"rold daughter. Donna. amen AflTï¬MOBflES m “mama min-amok aitsmansb'iv '5- ftbisj is 58mm wading y indegd -,-4 with 22 ipgw‘mpaz :hreé distinctive s'etié; 'L ' Vst mevtri’m Buick 5 "q; ‘ ' Sag-amysxylazk. shown. tratï¬tion‘a’! qualities 4. arm; BRUCE MACDOUGALI. MOTORS LIMITED TU. 4=2864 i The roads department was giv- en the go-ahead to call for tenâ€" ‘lders for 30,000 gallons of as- ‘plialt prime-1‘; general accounts ;tota11»ing $789.25 were ordered 5paid, and George Crittenden was 'formally appointed liaison officer for Whitchurch on the York Council turned down a bid by Coleman Motors Limited, Toronâ€" to, for a parking depot at Lot 26. Concession 5. This application has been hanging ï¬re for two years. Council said the township al- ready has four wrecking yards but that they are well off the main thoroughfares. expressing concern that good intentions not- withstanding, the proposed park- ing depot could develop into wrecking operations as well. School Last year the board of School Section 4 asked the townshin to seek O.M.B. approval for a $10,- 000 money byâ€"law to cover the cost of a boiler room and wash- rooms for the existing school. On Monday a communique from the board said they had underestim- ated the cost ‘by $3.000. Clerk- Treasurer Crawford was author- ized to seek O.M.B. approval to increase the by-la‘w in this am- ount. Primer The Messrs. Wardley. Bond and Phillips of Preston Lake were on hand to express concern about the land-use by-law passed last January. Council told them their anxiety was premature inasmuch as the by-law has not yet been cleared by the Ontario Munici- pal Board. Every prope-rty own- er will be notiï¬ed of the time. date and place of a hearing and every objection would be duly recorded and considered. This satisï¬ed the delegation. Thumbs Down Many Topics Keep Councillors Late In Whitchurch Tp. County Emergency Measures 01'- a car-parking lot. Councillors have already examined the site and on Monday instructed the clerk-treasurer to get in touch with the assessment commission- er to estimate the assessment worth. The decision to grant or not to grant permission will de- pend on the ï¬ndings. Preston Lake Whitchurch Township Council returned to night meetings Mon- day and a mass of detail kept councillors at their desks until past midnight. Included in the business at hand was the ques- tion of setting up a cemetery board. suggested in a letter from the Department of Health. Clerk- Treasurer John Crawford pointed out that Whitchurch has quite a number of cemeteries, and that no overall policy governing bur- ial plots exists. The department is anxious that townships take care of this problem and to this end Whitchurch would have to set up a cemetery board under the Cemeteries Act. Council in- dicated that action will be taken. Catering C. R. Smith from South Road. Wilcox Lake. asked permission to cater to week~end tourists and convert part of his property to SOMETHING NEEDED LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 STOP 24 YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL Several renovations have been ;made since the church was first lbUilt. The latest means two new ‘entrances at the west side to the church and the Sunday School room. l A representative of the St. ulohn Ambulance dropped in and ‘told them that the ï¬rst regularly planned‘ course for children is graded on 11 years and over. but :left enough ï¬rst aid pamphlets lfor each brownie He promised to lreturn the ï¬rst Thursday in June Iwith two movies on the subject lot artiï¬cial respiration as a re- lward for their interest. ' Legion Briefs A special event of the morning ;service was the dedication of the new Baldwin electric organ by Rev. Martin Jenkinson. who was lthe first chairman for York Pres- vbytery in 1957. Dedication of the organ as a war memorial is a project arising from the strong support given the Sector Drive last autumn. Its financing was arranged by the Board of Session. the debt to be repaid by the different organiza- tions raising funds. Dr. Quentin Hardy is chairman of the organ committee. The new equipment was used for the first time the previous Sunday. Many former members and friends returning for the anni- versary were pleasantly surprised to see current improvements to the church building. Having barely got her leet wet in the ways of subbing. Mrs. Jean Osborne. balloo of the lst Oak Ridges Cub Pack. was called upon last Tuesday to take her ï¬rst meeting. Mrs. Barbara Wil- son. Akela, was conï¬ned to her home with the 'flu. Brownie News ' At the evening service special speakers were Presbytery's pres- ent chairman. Rev. Norman Pick from Markham, and Rev. Dougâ€" las Davis of Stouffville, former chairman and oneâ€"time minister of the King City Church. Music wias provided by the “Singing Foster Sisters" of Nash- ville. Three chairmen of York Pres- bytery participated in 90th an- niversary services held Sunday in King City United Church. Nothing too much doing at Branch 570. Canadian Legion. However. members have run into one small problem in regard to their proposed baseball program The response- was wonderful as Organ Dedication 90th Anniversary Are Joint Events Illness also hampered the style of the Ist Lake Wilcox Brownie Pack as all three leaders were under the weather with the ’flu bug. Rather than cancel the meeting at the last minute. Mrs. Eleanor Charuk, Brown Owl, de- cided to have a sort of impromp- tu baseball game and with the co-operation of Mr. Hall. prin- cipal of the- school. the meeting was held almost in its entirety on the ‘pad' outdoors. Mr. Hall lent the girls a ball and a couple of bats and gave his permission to use the outdoor facilities. However. since many of the girls did not know the rules of the game it turned into a sort of batting practice as each brownie was given a turn at bat. OaA [gin/412.4, c1114: W/cox Sociaé expected. among ths local boyslture, but nothing is deflnitl I Many between the ages of 9 and lyet. 15 have phoned the men inlAbout People (-harve and things would normal-l g . ' b '. . ‘ lympathy 15 extended to Mrs. amt): ‘“ m†5““‘S but ‘01 one'Robbie Cook and Mrs. A. 1:. Rob- ‘cunnâ€" A: r‘ ..... CL_-_L n_|. I):.I The practice ï¬eld used in other years will not be available and they are looking for some place to hold these important sessions. Anyone in possession. or knowing of a large lot that would be avail- able, is asked to contact either Bill Orton. PR. 3-5610, or Char- lie Swan. PR. 3-5417. One pur- pose of this baseball league is to give the boys a healthy, whole- some way to let off some of that pent up steam and by keeping busy with baseball they would less be likely to get in trouble during these summer months when school is out. Lions Club At their April meeting at the Ridge Inn the Oak Ridges Lions elected officers for 1961-62. They are: Bruce Stewart, President; Bob Dowding. lst Vice-Presi- dent: John Woolley. 2nd Vice- Pl‘esident; Ray Woolley. 3rd Vice- Pi‘esidenl: Tim Woolley. Secret- ary; Charlie Connor; Treasurer. Grant McCachen. Tail Twister; Kjill Styrmo. Lion Tamer; Jack Blyth. Bulletin Euitor: Bob Wool- Iey and Randy Howell, one year Directors; and E. C. Hawman and Don Hodgson, two year Dir- ectors. Ro‘n Laing is the retirâ€" ing President. lst Oak Ridges A Cub Pack is now meeting at the Oak Rid- ges Public School Tuesday even- ings. beginning at 7 pm. 'l‘heii‘ Akela is Mrs. Ellen Davis of the King Sideroad, Oak Ridges. Both packs of Cubs and the Scout troop are taking part in a province-wide ‘Good Deed Day' on May 27. On that day they will distribute large bags to residents of the area and people are asked to put used toys and articles of clothing that can be mended and put in a selling condition. These bags will be picked up again on June 3rd and turned in to the Crippled Civilians in Toronto; The summer weekend for 16 cubs and scouts has been arrang- ed for the last weekend in June at Oxtrail Camp near Orange- ville. This weekend is being pro- vided for the boys by the Group Committee. Lake Wilcox School The- teen-age group at Lake Wilcox School held a “Sadie Hawkins" dance last 'Saturday at the kindergarten rooms of the school. They danced to the pop- ular records of the day. There is talk about a hay ride in the fu- TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH Special Garbage Collection Residents in the Oak Ridges - Wilcox Lake Area and the Musselman‘s Lake area. are hereby not- iï¬ed that a Special Garbage Collection of refuse not normally accepted on the regular days,.will be collected â€" Wednesdays, May 17 and 24, 1961 Kindly govern yourselves accordingly. AV. 5-1128 JOHN W. CRAWFORD Sympathy is Extended 1.0 Mrs. Robbie Cook and Mrs. A. 1:. Rob- inson of George Street. Oak Rid- ges. in the recent 1055 of their brother. Birthday congratulations to my mother. Mrs. Lillian .Robertson of Willowdalv. who celebrated her birthday last Wednesday with a family gel-together at our home. If you think this column in not up to its usual mark this week. please bear with me for I am in the clutches of that ’flu bug. I may not know the correct mm: for every bone in the body but. I can guarantee I know where they all are because they are all ach- ing. I am sure that by next week I‘ll be my usual self. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Let us quote you a prico before you buy. Our Service Shop is fully equipped to overhaul any, machine, Gas or Diesel. For proof of economy and power, ask for a demonstra- tion on your own farm with- out obligation. Little Marlene Sziler, of New- man A\'e.. Lake Wilcox. celebrat- ed her eighth birthday with A party at the home of her parents. Mr. an Mrs. Mathew Sziler, re- cently. Those gathered to help her mark the occasion were Hel- en Wilson, Connie and Debbi. Osborne. Beryle Shaw, Ann Boyle. Judy Arsenal. Sandra Charuk and of course brother! Ronnie. Richard. Paul and Tim- my. MASSEY - FERGUSON New & Used Machinery Agricultural & Industry Bolton -â€" Phone 150 3 Miles South of Bolton on No. 50 Highway WILLIAMS Service & Supply MACHINERY Clerk