A good representation of the Curtain Club saw the Drao play- er's presentation of the Japanese play "Rasho-man," winners of the Central Ontario Drama Fes- tival. at Hart House. prior to it competing this Saturday at Montreal in the Dominion Drama Festival. A surprise birthday party was given for Mrs. Blanche Wilson at her home on Oak Avenue last Saturday. Seventy five friends and relatives, some from as far south as Dallas, Texas attended. and during the course of the ev- ening Mrs. Watson was the recip- ient of a lovely gift. The father looked up from his racing form and noticed the baby in the playpen. Turning to his wife he said, “Baby's nose is run- ning again." mus “EGIH- A chicken dinner was enjoyed His wife snapped: “Don't you by all followed by an evening of ever think of anything but horse dancing winding up another suc- races?" cessful season of bowling. Marking the end of Navy Week, members of H.M.C.S. Ontario Sea Cadet Corps and Navy League Cadet Corps No. 29 paraded to St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, on Sunday. The two units are located at Willowdale, Willi a m s Secrelarul Service LEGS & BREASTS LEAN MINCED CUT-UP CHECKEN lb. 49: PRESSWOODS bythe piece lb BEEF lb. BAYVIEW PLAZA BLADE ROAST 60 .url T, 13: 5.. ‘_ ~ .‘- 9;: .& ,,-_ “‘3, ' ‘ C, 'l-i‘ag.‘ TYPING - DUPLICATING - MAILINGS FAST SERVICE QUALITY WORK . NElS GAGE PHONE TU. 4-2208 For appointments or pick-up and delivery Cadets, Colours, Leaving St. Mary's Editor Margot Crack §5€ - 3 lbs. 95c At Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church a recent baptism was that, of Kirk Hugh, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. l-larold Lemon, Crosby Avenue. Richmond Hill. They al- so received a New Testament fiom the Sunday School on be- half of their son. As a service to our many read- ers "The Liberal" is always pleas:- ed to receive any newsworthy it- ems for this column. Drop us a line or call TU. 4-1105 for in- clusion in “Life in the Hill". St. IR 30! it II Gabriel’s W. A. regular The staff of the Town held their annual bowling banquet at the Allencourt Restaurant on Sat- urday night. Reeve Perkins at- tended and presented the Coun- cil award to the ‘Smokies’ Team, Captain Alf Stong with individ- ual trophy prizes going to V. Patriarca, J. Mayhew, E. Haley, F. MacMillan and J. Ward. Prize winners for high indivi- dual scores were presented to Ruth Bush, Alf Stong, Dorell Stong, Art James, Kay Bellis, V. Patriarca. Bernice Haley, Merv. Wiseman, Mae James and Fred Thomas. TU. 4-7691 . 29c where a number of Richmond Hill lads join them each week for training. The young sailors are seen leaving St. Mary’s Church while Rev. Jas. O’Neil looks on. (Photo by Lagerquist) THE Mr. Chris Cumiskey, former as- sistant manager of S. S. Kresge Store. Richmond Heights Centre has been transferred to the Kres- ge Store at Prince Albert, Saska- tchewan. Mr. R. Labbe. former assistant manager of the Kresge store at the Westgate Shopping Centre in Ottawa will be re- placing Mr. Cumlskey at the 10- ,cal store. Richmond Hill Public Library is well represented at the 59th annual Conference‘of the Ontario Library Association during May 16 to May 19 at the Sheraton- Connaught Hotel, Hamilton. Librarians Mr. and Mrs. Fred Israel are attending the sessions on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, while Mrs. Peter Town- send (Library Board Chairman) Mrs. Margaret Southwell (Council representative to the Library Board), and Mrs. Jack Wilson (Trustee) attended the Trustee’s section of the Conference on Wednesday and Thursday. The Richmond Hill Figure Ska- ting Club held their annual meet- ing on April 25th, with Mrs. Ross Smith in the chair, the new exec- utive was elected. A meeting was held on May 3rd. at which the following offices were filled; President. Mrs. W. Hannah; lst Vice President, Mrs. G. Fumer- ton: 2nd Vice President, Mrs. R. Wilson; Secretary, Mrs. W. Hall; Treasurer. Mrs. G. Fenwick; Membership, Mrs. J. Dick; Ice Supervision, Mrs. T. Timperon. The clause in the constitution dealing with the maximum two year term of office was deleted. It is hoped that in 1962 the Rich- mond Hill Figure Skating Club will hold a Carnival. ....rr., u... going ahead for the sale to be held on Saturday. September thir- tieth. Mrs. W. H. Purvis. Convener. has had experience both with this local effort and with the mammoth T.S.O. sale held each spring in Toronto. The last bus- iness meeting of the season will be devoted almost entirely to its planning. Last minute catering details for the Men's Club Supper to be held on May the twenty- fifth will also be arranged. With th winter and spring programme completed. members of the Auxâ€" iliary will be able to look for- ward to their pot luck supper in June - a pleasant social Occasion with new members very welcome. St. Gabriel’s W. A. regular gleejingiwas conducted by Mrs. V. Cox. It took the form of Han- dicraft instructions in leather carving, lacing, tooling, shell- craft. Each member was taught to make either a purse, brooch, or earrings, which she was able to purchase at the end of the lesson. Many thanks from the Rich- mond Hill Music Theory and His- tory Club goes to pretty baton twirler Sandra Bry who came from Toronto to help get the Music Fair parade off to a good start last Saturday. We inadver- tently omitted Sandra’s name in the story of the fair to be found elsewhere in this issue and hope this makes proper amends. Those who assodate Septem- ber and St. Mary’s Evening W. A. Rummage Sale together. will be happy to know that plans are going ahead for the sale to be held on Saturday, September thir- tieth. An informal buffet lunch was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burns, 150 Richmond St. following the christening of their five children in the chapel of Richmond Hill United Church, on Mother’s Day, May 14. Reverend C. G. Higginson officiated. The children were Tom 9%. Paul 7. Shirley 2 and 8 month old twin girls. Kim & Karen. Out of town guests relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Burns included her father. Mr. Dan Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. K. Cretzman, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wilson and their three children and Miss Joan Racicot. About thirty five guests attended the luncheon which included re- latives, friends and neighbours from Richmond Hill and sur- rounding district. A rehearsed reading of "Un- der Milkwood†by Mary Monks and Rex Sevenoaks and an in- teresting discussion on the con. cept of modern theatre by Z. A. TurJansky, Director and coach of “Theavtron†was the program at the Curtain Clubmeetlng held last week‘at their club house on Mill Street. Jean Rails and Flavia Redelmeler convened the‘ refreshments. The best of luck to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sevenoaks and their children Timothy, Guy and Kerry who left the Hill this week to take up residence in Thomhill. Fortunately for the Curtain Club, with whom Rex has been associated for many years, he will continue his connection with them as an actor and director, having in the past brought great prestige to the club in both ï¬elds. Postal schedule for the Rich- mond Hill post office on the hol- iday, Monday, May 22nd. is as follows: The lock box lobby will be open from 8.00 am. to 3.00 pm. Wicket will be open from 8.00 am. to 10.00 am. No mon- ey order or postal savings bank business. No carrier delivery. Pick up from street boxes at 11 pm. for despatch at 3.00 am. Attending the Garden Club of Toronto’s annual Spring Flower Show held at Casa Loma, Toron- to last week, were Mrs. J. An- derson, Mrs. D. Featherstonhaugh. Mrs. D. Gillard. Mrs. A. Famell. Mrs. C. Bell, Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. H. Monks. Mrs. E. Madden. and Mrs. G. Crack. Elected to office were: Presi- dent, Gary Bork; Vice President, Dawn Wilson; Secretary, Carol Neal; Treasurer. Roy Taylor; Elecreational Director. Jim Ew- c. At a meeting of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Young People’s Society held on Sunday, May 14, election of officers for the 1961- 62 season took place. A successful Mother's Day Tea and sale of decorated cakes and cut flowers was held by the "D" Group of the United Church W. A. last Saturday at the Christian Education Building. Convenor for the tea was Kay Kirk, assisted by Jean Babcock in the tea room and Irene Miller, flower stall. Following an operation at Tor- onto General Pnivate Patients Pavilion, Mrs. Florence Cornell. mother of councillor Margaret Southweil. is now at St. John's Convalescent Hospital where she is making favourable progress. Dr. and Mrs. James Langstafl and Mr. and Mrs. George Sweeny attended St. Andrew’s College Highland Cadet Corps Parade on Friday last, where the salute was taken by General Sir Neil Rit- ch-ie, G.B.E., K‘C.B., D.S.O., M.C. Plan to attend the Spring Bon- net Tea and Bake Sale to be held at Thornhaven School on Wed- nesday. May 3lst. Admission on- ly 50 cents, with all proceeds for the school. Opening the plckerel season with a “good catch" were Dennis Steiner and Dennis Thatcher who spent the weekend ï¬shing at Bobcaygeon. Mrs. John Postlethwaite was present at the recent three day Canadian Conference of Arts at the O'Keefe Centre. It was with a sense of justifi- able pride that the local mem- bers listened to the speaker as they felt she had made I lasting impression on the audience as t how in women's organization everyone could help to strive and work together for a lasting ‘peace.’ For the rest it was an (arm chair tour) full of interesting de- tails as the speaker eloquently described this gigantic and im- posing building (compOSed al- most entirely of glass) in the heart of New York City, built and designated with the sole purpose of working to create ‘peace' among the nations of the world in these turbulent times.» ' Mn. A. A. LIndor sang two solos accompanied by Mn. C. Harding at the plapg. The “Bring and Buy Auction" with Mrs. W. Sayer: proving a most capable auctioneer, Was a popular and profitable proposi- tion, with many satisfied custom- ers taking home the many var- ied articles. plants. home baking. candy. with bidding especially brisk for the homemade bread. To the members who had visit- ed the United Nation's Building in New York in revived happy memories. Final arrangements were made {or the Picnic, June 22nd, more details later. A social half hour followed the meeting with refreshments serv- ed by the hostesses, M!- E. Smith, Mrs. G. Topper and Mrs. J. Stephenson. it' was' an interested and wrapt a.:dlence for the speaker Mn. James Poll-rd who recently re- turned from New York City where she had attended the Methodist Semlnn as I delegate from Richmond Hill. Fifty three membe: and guests (including a good representation from Thornhlll W. I. and Maple W1.) attended the regular meet- ing of the Richmond Hill club in the library auditorium last Thurs- day, May 11th. Holy Communion was adminis- tered by the Celebrsnt. Rev. E. H. Costigan, rector of All Saints Church. The speaker. Canon Dixon â€" introduced by Mrs. Priestman, past-president - spoke briefly on the campaign for en- largements of the A.W.T.C., then launched into an interesting and enlightening address on Africa. Discussion groups {or the follow- ing subjects Were conducted by: Missionary - Mrs. H. J. Watts: Ecclesiastical Embroidery - Mrs. H. Tipping; Educational - Mrs. T. W. Barnett; Dorcas - Mrs. J. D. Scott; Finance - Mrs. S. A. Shoe- maker; Social Service - Mrs. E. R. Bagley. Members of the Afternoon W. A. St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, attending this conference were: Mrs. M. 1). Mc- T-nart, president; Mn. D. Ross. vice president; Mrs. W. Hall: Mrs. S. G. Phillipa. treasurer; Mrs. M. C. Fry. educational sec- retary. Richmond Hill W. I. Deanery ï¬fesident. Mrs. Walker welcomed all branches of the W. A. to the Deanery. "Not so much what we do â€" but how we do it. Be 3 bush â€"â€" if you can‘t be a tree. Whatever our task -- or whatever we are â€" we are equally close to God". These were the opening words in the address by the president of the Toronto Diocesan Board, Mrs. H. J. Watts in welcoming members to the (arty-second Annual Conference, Woman’s Auxiliary of the Deanery of York. at All Saints Church. King City, on Thursday, May 11th. "Showtime" is a complete stage production consisting of about 2 numbers, supported by music and a large variety of stage props. The children from Thomhaven school enjoyed a small sample of what is in store for them when they attended the Midmer Dance Studio’s annual party in January, “hen the pupils of the studio, of their own accord, decided to give a demonstration Revue. This is not the usual run-o!- the mill dance recital, but rather an amateur show performed by up-and-comlng young profesalon- als. all anxious to show you that there is no lack of talent in the Hill. The children from Thomhnven School will be the guests of hon- our of Eddie Midmer, of the Mid- n.er Dance Studio, on Friday. May 26th, at the Richmond Hill High School when they will be entertained by the pupils of the Midmer Dance Studio at their annual Revue “Showtime,†which will be an evening of colourful surprises, incorporating tap and cla_s_si_cal ballet glancingt Mrs. Hoffman and Christel will spend three months in Germany. staying with Mr. Ind Mrs. Peter Coels. parents of Mrs. Hoffman in the town of Zweibruckon. Mr. Hoffman. who is a staff member. transport division of the Royal Canadian Air Force, hopes to spend his vacation time in Ger- many with his wiie and family. Mn. Arthur Hoflmm of Ax- minster Drive, accompanied by daughter Christel, aged six, was wished "Bon Voyage" last night, Wednesday by Mr. Hoffman as the giant “Boelng~707" of the Lufthansa cleared the runway at Don'al Airport, Montreal on a non-stop flight to Frankfurt, Ger- many. Mr. Ind Mrs. D. 1!. Campbell of Sarasota. Florida were recent vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mn. Gil Clublne, Markham Road. Miss June Hetherinzton o! 89 Bedford Park Avenue, Richmond Hill graduated with honors from the Ontario College of Art. Miss Hetherlngton received the Henry Bil-ks Medal award for profic- iency in Material Arts at the graduation ceremonies. I wish to thank my many friends. neighbours and relatives for their cards, flowers and gifts during my recent stay in the hospital. To the young man who so kind- ly and willingly helped our daughter Nora to the doctors and hospital on Sunday afternoon af- ter her accident, our thanks to him from her parents and 515- tel-s. All of the membérs of the Y. Group worked very hard to make it a succeu and it would be amiss not to mention Mrs. Dickson Miller, chairman of the advisory committee and former member of the National Board of the Y.W.C.A. who has so ably led the groups. CARD OI‘ THANKS During the afternoon the guests enjoyed the display of handicraft and Y. literature which Mrs. J. Critchiey and Mrs. Lewis Cle- ment so ably convened. Tea cup reading by Mrs. A. Sura proved to be a real attraction. The ten table was convened by Mrs. R. McMonagle. Mrs. F. Strauman, Mrs. R. Nugent was in charge of tickets, Mrs. A. Sura convened transportation, Mrs. J. Downey and Mrs. Sam Cook were in .qbarge lot publicity. CARD 0!" THANKS On Saturday. May 13th the Y. Neighbourhood Groups held a Friendship Tea in the home of Mrs, Harry Endeln. The money raised will be used to send a delegate to the Y.W.C.A. Convention in Oakvllle, Nova Scotla in June. Guests were greeted at the door by Mrs. Fred Jackson, local ex- tension secretary from National Y., Mrs. J. Arnold Price, repre- sentative of the extension board from National Y. Mrs. D. Fraser and Mrs. J. Downey. Tea was poured by the group chairman. Mrs. G. Pantllng, Mrs. H. Soren- son, Mrs. J. Downey. Mrs. R. Pears and former group chair- man. Mrs. D. Fraser and Mrs. G. Worrell. Mrs. Ryrie Smith, President of the National Y.W.C.A. and Mlss Agnes Roy ex- ecutive dlrector of National Y Were noted among the many guests. For the beneï¬t of the poten- tial new member the Club is hap- py to provide lawn bowls for a trial period until such time as the prospective member decides whether or not he or she decides to take up this tom of grand recreation. The greens are in excellent condition. and many interesting afternoon and evening games have been planned for this sea- son -- which promises to be a ganbdout in the history of the ‘.u- . In a greeting to~ all members - and - prospective new members of Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club, president Ed Butlln is plea- sed to announce that after much planning by the executive, the grand opening of the Club for the 1961 Season will take place on Monday, May 22nd, at 1.30 A recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cal Miller. Maple was Mrs. Ted Whittaker of South- ampton. Ont. Mrs. Whittaker is the former Lillian Petch whose parents for many years operated the radial station at the corner of Lorne Avenue and Yonge Street in Richmond Hill, now the site of the Bank of Nova Scotia Building. Mrs. Whittaker who, with her husband. operates a tourist resort in northern Ontar- io, renewed acquaintances in town end was, of course, amazed at the many changes which have taken place in Richmond Hill since the days when she was an operator for the Bell Telephone Company here. Mr. and Mn. Verral Coombs of Hillsdale Ave., Toronto entertain- ed in honor of Mr. Coombs‘ mo- ther, on her nintieth birthday, May 9th. Thirty guests spent a happy evening with her. Cards letters. flowers. gifts came to congratulate her on this occasion. Mrs. Coombs and her late hus- band lived in Richmond Hill some years ago, when the Hill was a small village. Mrs. Coombs Mes in the home they built in Toronto fifty years agg. 'Congratulltlom on this happy occasion. Members of the Free Methodist thumb. corner of Buggies and Elmwood. Ave., are participating in A Friendly Community Canvass. ! Recent Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mn. J. W. John- ston. Bolsdale Avenue were their son and daughter-in-law and two grandchildren. Weldon and Marie Johnston, Weldle and Cheryl of Roberts Wesleyan College. North Chill, New York. Other visitors were Mlu Denlse Campbell of Klelnburg and Min Dlnno Foster of Stouffvllle. This week we have n nomina- tion for the “meanest thief in town." Last Saturday evening two bouquets of flowers were placed in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Chm-eh by the Sunday School in honour of Mother’s Day. Sunday morning Rev. J. N. Hepburn. the Minister, in announcing that one bouquet disappeared, delivered the Biblical injunction “he who steals from the Lord, beware." Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Willhm J. Scriv- ener. Centre Street West in the loss of his sister. Miss Hannah Scrivener. who passed away at home in Toronto on May 1 . (Mm) Betty Rumble c1w46 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 18, 1961 I Richmond Heights Centre South Block TU. SHIELDSWZ. At 9 am. there was a full church of Anglican children from local public schools in the parish for a children's half hour service. Rev. J. F. O‘Neil said it 65 Teenagers Up Early For Communion Service Sixty-ï¬ve teenager: attended an early communion service at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. on Aseension Day, May 11, at '7 am. and stayed for breakfast prepared by themselves before leaving for high school. Last month's winners: 1. Mrs. J. '1'. Bryan. 258 McConvey Drive; 2. Mrs. V. Fedorick, 434 Bonita Crew; 3. Mn. 3. Klllean, 199 Beechy Drive. BOYS’ & GIRLS’ REGUIéAR UP TO $19.98 h in 2-6): - $10 one CLEARING VAT Size 7.12.312 each CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE FOR FREE DRAW: HIVZ-"FOW EMIQ MR HEW/[V TWO â€" I961 VOLKSWAGENS Richmond Hill SAVE $200. Curity DIAPER SPECIAL - $3.50 001. Bayview Plaza My choice for comfort and good looks too! All Wool R. D. |.|TTLE 8. SON Wonderland One Deluxe 300 Miles Only One Standard 2,000 Miles NEW CAR WARRANTY Regular $4.98 dozen CONTINENTAI. SUEDE CAM. was a unique experience for the local parish. though not unusual for the church itself. "It was all very gratifying." hé salil. Complete wedding comer-u from $37.50 up. Phone for free Bride'l GIICI. LAGERQUIST STUDIO 93 Yonu St 3. Richmond mu BRIDES TU. 4-3541 Boy’s $6.99 Men’s $8.99 - Cognac Brown - Gunamokc Grey Boys’ $6.99 Men’s $8.99 . Forest Green - Cognac Brown - Gunsmoko Grey, AV.5-1105 TU. 4-5341‘ ETU. 4-279l ON EACH