A WA Y TU. 4-1172 This was the last meeting be- fore the summer vacations be- gin, so we thought the theme of the programme “Hints and Ideas For Vacation Time“ Was very ap- propriate. The retiring officers for 1960-61 were thanked by the President Mrs. Deena Simpson. who said how well everyone had worked together. also how much it helped to have the full co- operation of the Principal G. Mc- Diarmid and the staff of Mc- Conaghy. The new executive ap- proved by the members present. Mr. W. J. Babcock, Head of the Physical Education Department at Richmond Hill High School. gave a very interesting talk on "Richildaca" the childrens‘ sum~ mer day camp, which {or the first; time this year will be av- ailatble to pre-school children, the four and five year olds. The new camp which is at Kettleby will be able to handle 180 child- ren each day. The swimming pool 32’ x 48' is 'equipped with filfers. and there Is to be a changing room with showers adjacent to Mrs. J. A. Price. who- was the ï¬rst president of the Walter Scott Home & School Association when it was formed five years ago. was on hand to present a past president's pin to retiring President Mrs. W. Strugnell. Hea- ther Stevens presented Mrs. Strugnell with a beautiful bou- quet of spring flowers from the students and staff in appreciation of her work in making the cos- tumes for the Rhythm Band and other help during the year. The executive for the coming year of 1961-62 was installed by the second president of the assoc- iation, Trustee Mrs. E. Castle. Mrs. McWhirter's class. Grade 5. won the parent attendance cup. Refreshments included a beau- tiful birthday cake baked and decorated by Social Convenor, Mrs. L. Milley. WALTER SCOTT HOME 8: SCHOOL ASSOCIATION The Walter Scott Home 8; School Association held its final meeting of the year on Thursday, May 18th Mrs. W. H. Crown from the home 3; school federa- tion, gave an outline of the lead- ership training camp at Lake Couchiching in June. McConaghy Home 8; School Association held their meeting on May 29th. FIFTH I'SSUE' Sgt. Robert Hood of the Mark- ham Township Police Depart- ment was introduced and with the use of film and a practical demonstration explained “Artifi- cial Respiration" Mouth to mouth. with and without a plas- tic device, and the Holger-Neilson Method were discussed and Sgt. Hood told the audience it was important to have a knowledge of both methods since the type and extent or injury to the pa- tient frequently made one or the other impractical. Handy folders from the St. John Ambulance Association were distributed as we . GARDEN â€" GATE NURSERY “Everything In Building" OBSERVATORY LANE AV. 5-1436 THORNLEA WOOD PRODUCTS B O R K's JEWELLERS your home 5. school association Roses * A ' Perennials * ' Evergreens * Shade Trees Elgin Mills West SELECT FROM OVER 100 DIFFERENT WATCH STYLINGS - $399 UP McCONAGHY HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION 88 Yonge Street 8. “'l'l-IE LIBERAL" CARRY GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRS 24 HOUR SERVICE Each Week for 26 weeks, there will be a diï¬'erent Baby Picture on this Contest Page. The Title or Caption for each picture will be found by local,- ing the extra word. inserted in some of the Ads. After ï¬nding these words and properly arranging them, you will have the correct Title to the pic- ture. Compose a caption of your own and send it. along with the original title to KIDDIE KWIPS CONTEST. “THE LIBERAL“. The best one selected each week will be awarded $10.00 in MERCHANDISE CERTIFI- CATES good at any of the ï¬rms participating. In addition to the $10.00 award there will be a 10% DISCOUNT VOUCHER awarded to the writers of the next best 5 Titles sent in each week. .1172 - AV. Open Evenings CASH THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, ontarlo, Thursday. June 15. 1961 and _-â€"--â€" v-Il --_â€"-- PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS. THEY APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. EACH WEEK FOR 26 WEEKS THEY WILL BE AWARDING SOMEONE $10.00 IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES AND EVERY FIFTH WEEK SOMEONE WILL RECEIVE AN EXTRA $20.00 IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICA’I‘ES. WINNERS WILL BE PUBLISHED EACH WEEK. READ THE RULES CAREFULLY. Annuals ‘ Shrubs 5-5942 - THIS AD WORTH $1.80 - Till June 22 on the purchase of New Windshield i Wiper Blades for yom I952 to 1959 Ford or . Meteor â€" Reg. Price 54.50 i R. D. UTTLE & SON At a recent meeting of the Richmond Hill Advisory Commit- {tee held at the home of Mrs. L. D. Clement and chaired by Mrs. Dickson Miller. the representa- .tives of all the Y. W. Neighbours elected Mrs. Jim Critchley as their delegate to the Nation- .al Y.W.C.A. Convention being held at Acadia University Wolf- ville N. 5. June 18-24th. Mrs. Critchley. fondly known as "Peg- gy." is the tireless volunteer in- structor in a wide variety of crafts who has generously shared Iher skills with all the local Y.W. groups. She has a delightful sense of humour and a practical Chris- tian philosophy of life which en- dears her to her associates and enriches their lives. Mrs .tnita ï¬udson. 290 Brown €13.19 Ctes, Beverley Acres. the pool, Mr. Babcock's aim is to ,have something to interest every child, for example there are to be sand boxes for the very young children. We all wish him every success in this new venture. Principal McDiarmid did a follow up of his talk last year, on vacations and how to make ae- tiVities work in withschool work. Such as visiting pioneer places. farm airports, wildlife in Algon- quin Park. Before closing, Mr. McDiarmid asked parents to once again check with their youngsters on the route they took to school and to impress on them the- importance of crossing roads at traffic lights or guards. Mr. D. Hutchinson concluded the programme by giv- ing a brief talk on camping sites and conservation areas. There Mn. N. Watson. R. R. 1 Nashville Service The meeting also entertained numerous requests for new Y.W. Neighbour groups next fall. And plans are being made to accom- modate them. Since there have also been requests for a similar program to be extended to teens and pre-teens the July meeting will be devoted to discussion of Y.W. experience elsewhere with this type of program and Mrs. J. Bennich. National Y program see- retary 'will be the guest consul~ tani. Allencourt Centre TU. 4-1868 W& P For 178 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-2591 TU. 4â€"4221 In conclusion the 1960/61 ex- ecutive of the McConaghy Home 8: School Association would like to wish all parents and friends a pleasant vacation. also to thank them for their support during the past year. We shall look forward to resuming old ac- quaintances in the Fall. and We!- coming new friends. ‘k * I PHONOGRAPH RECORDS our trUCkS are Customers are AND ACCESSORIES ; completely 3 refrigerated not pncourt . . l t d 1 Just lnsu a e . 777nm}? Con/re i I 20 to 40% oï¬â€™ invited to inspect on all L.P. records nnv nf nnr v ere various maps and booklets for everyone to see, one Mr. Hut. chinson specially. recommended was “Camp Sites and Roadside Parks in Ontario." The meeting came to a close around 10 pm. and everyone enjoyed the special treat of strawberry and cream tarts provided with the coffee. Local Delegate To National "Y" Meet 168 Yonge St. North WINNERS 10% DlSCOl'NT VOUCHERS FOB SATISFACTION TRY A “LIBERAL WANT ADS†PHONE TU. 4-1105 JV( l on (on r[ 777nm}? (on In: 20 to 40% ofl’ I all L.P. records ONE YEAR‘S FREE OIL SUPPLIES TO USED CAR BUYERS New and Used VOLKSWAGENS $10.00 WEEKLY MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES TL; 4-2101 ROPE START $39.95 with the town’s Parking Authon ity. Members are George Hill. Charles Taylor and George Pot- ter. .O'her models from $49.95 Garden. Supplies Centre The Yonge Street business men will make a survey of all parts of the town to discover the, attitude of retailers towards closing all day Wednesday during July and August. It was emphasized that in the first instance this would be a survey only. No steps wou‘d be taken unless the results show- ed a definite majority in favour. Discussing parking conditions and finding them to be far from satisfactory. association members named a committee to consult Expressing appreciation of the greatly improved cleanliness of Yonge Street, association mem- bers decided to send letters of appreciation to Councillor Mrs. M. Southwell. who had raised the question of the dirtiness of Yonge Street in the down-town area; Chairman Floyd Perkins of the works committee. Works Commis- sioner Otto Whalen. Surprise Decision The business men decided on the move in order to secure an explicit answer to problems affec ting the area and as an aid to redevelopment. which the Yonge Street group sponsored in a re- commendation to town council some time ago. It has two mem- bers on the redevelopment com~ mittee named by the Mayor in response to its suggestion. Closing Survey Planned The study would also include the preparation of briefs and presentation to the Richmond Hill Planning Board and Council. If necessary, Town Planning Consultants will also.represent the association at hearings of the Ontario Municipal Board. At first refusing to accept his resignation. members of the as- sociation [finally accepted the surprise resignation of President F. J. Picking. In a prepared statement he said that the decis- ion had been reached ‘by him- self. without adwvice, consultation The study will involve various phases and will include (a) De- termining the existing and poteno tial development of the Yonge Street commercial district: lb) Determining its existing and fu- ture tributary areas: (c) Determ- Liing the necessary market I:- quirements to adequately support the Yonge Street commercial de- 2 iopment: (d) Determining what higher density residential devel- opment is necessary to provide the above~mentioned market, tri- butary to the Yonge Street area. Will Present Briefs A study of downâ€"town business conditions was auth- request 0f the membership. Will orized by members of the Yonge Street Business and C‘mlinue 101.1013“. afte‘f‘fthe ‘Peclal Professional Association when they held a general meeting E“;ï¬ggflige155isggï¬n°reig§l :35: last week. The study, at a cost of $500.00 will be made by' ' Town Planning Consultants Limited, headed by Dr. E. G.: Faludi, internationally-known planning consultant, who‘ ' has handled many major projects in various parts of the Plumbmg lnsPeaors world. Will Meet In Toronto Consultants Will Su’rvey Down-town With Business People Sharing Cost Charles Taylor Named President HARDWARE POWER MOWERS 18" - 2112 h.p. any of our vehicles. $1118 Richmond Hill 24 Yongsl An original oil painting by Harold Howarth, called "Spring's Coming“ has been presented to the Richmond Hill Public Library. Mr. Howarth is a member of the Richmond Hill Art Group. under the directioneof Mr. Otto Grebze, which had a successful exhibit at the library durin May. The library board in the regu- lar monthly meeting expressed their appreciation of this fine gift to the library. This painting will be hung in the lower lobby, at the entrance to the Gordon Maclaren Auditorium. The Art Group was praised for its ï¬ne civic spirit expressed with this donation. Librarian Fred Israel told members that another six hun- dred books had been added to the library shelves during the month of May, and many more are ex~ pected during the summer months. Over half of this number were books for the children’s col- lection and for the school boxes. The circulation rose to 18,233 for the month of May. During May. 1960 the circulation was 16,227. Many patrons who visit the li- brary regularly are expressing their pleasure in ï¬nding the many new and attractive books being added to the shelves. The librar- ian commented that recently a number of the patrons had made a special note of the wealth and variety of books and materials that the library is providing. Winner: Miss Pat Robinson, P.O. BoxE‘ZT Right Answer: “I Got Away With It‘ Caption: “Shall I Tell Her Now or Later 2’" Members tendered Col. Picking a special vote of thanks. “We have lost the best president this association ever had." said Chas. Taylor. who was elected pres- ident, in presenting it. George Potter was named vice-president in place of Mr. Taylor when he stepped up to the presidency. an office which he occupied in a pre- vious year. Col. Picking, on the or pressure from anybody or ev- en discussion. He felt that as a member of the press he had to live with his own conscience and make his position as an inde- pendent and unbiased recorder of events absolutely clear. As a founder of the association years ago he regretted having to make the move. but felt that it was in thr best interests of not only the association but the town as a whole, that his position should be a completely independent one. i 21 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill Oil Painting Donated To Library Reflects Good-Will Of Art Group ‘ Plumbing - Heating ‘ New Installations Dacron and Prima Cotton Prompt _ Sleeveless Blouses Rel)!!!" Members learned of the récent $2998 KIDDIE KWIPS CONTEST Benjamin KNAPP’S PAINT SERVICE paints GOT York County's Most. Exclusive decision of council on the li- brary budget. The rate for 1961 has been set at $30,000.00. The Library Board had asked for $34.- 307.00. The librarian commented that this cut in the budget could be offset with increased Provin- cial grants. sinse the auditor’s report had been sent to the Pro- vincial Department of Education. A general policy of conservative buying was approved for the en- tire budget. until the remaining provincial grants have been re- ceived Various programs as demon- strated at the convention were discussed by the members. It was decided that one program of a ten-week duration should be planned for the fall. The librar- ian was asked to obtain materials and more information on the pro- gram chosen. The chairman of the library board. Mrs. P. Townsend, re- ported on the recent Ontario Li- brary Association Convention in Hamilton. Members of the staff. and two other members of the Board. Mrs. J. Wilson, and Mrs. M. Southwell attended as well. A general discussion was held on the role of the library in the ï¬eld of adult education or continuing education for the town. This phase of library activity has been developing greatly in the past few years, and local interest has been expressed to the librarian. York County's Chief Plumbing Inspector Jesse Cox will attend the two-day conference for On- tario's plumbing engineers, be- ing convened by the Ontario Wa- ter Resources Commission at the OWR laboratories and research building on Highway 401 in northwest Metro Toronto at Is- lington Avenue June 19-20. CLEANLINESS BEFORE More than 11 per cent of- On- tario’s householders have no bath or shower. but less than one per cant get along without electricity. The conference is being arran- ged to assist inspectors in their “ork. There will be a review of the plumbing regulations. an in- terpretation of the various sec- tions. and a thorough discussion 01. procedures and on all matters related to plumbing inspection. Call JAMS D. STEWART. TU; 4-2201 Wallpaper 8: Paint Headquarters Repair , Thornhill. $20.00 BONUS EVERY 5th WEEK TU. 4-2819 Service Patios CORRESPONDENT â€" DAVID HARBOUR Henderson Avenue -â€" AVenue 5-2505 Congratulations are in order gate at the home of for Harry Morrison of Spruce- bour. where they w wood Drive, on winning the Mc- I visit Edward Gard¢ Ghee trophy, which is given to north-east end of the tie Thornhill High School stu- weather is not ideal dent who leads in physical fit- ing, which was nlann The Hendry on June Knight. Joseph Kissell. of 59 Clarke Avenue. who on November. 11, last year was in an automobile ac cident in which he was seriously injured, is now working, though only part time. He operates a flooring business. The sixth annual Rownu'ee Hendry family reunion was held on June 11. at the home of TC. Knight, 119 Clarke Ave. This year 95 members were The annual June Tea of the Doncaster Community Ladies Club, will this year be held on June 14. at the beautiful gar- den of the H. Mizen-s. on Spruce- wood Drive. Featured at the gay, outdoor event will be a bake sale, fisth pond game for the children, and tea-cup reading by Mrs. P. Harris, of MorganrAvenue. ness school banquet on Friday, May 26. In his second of the two tests a year. Harry fell just 12 points 511011 of a perfegt 609 scpre. This year 95 members were present for the regular family gathering and enjoyed games and races. They came from many points of the province with Burk‘s Falls being the most dis~ tant point. The Waterson family, on May 27, moved from their home on Clarke Avenue, to a new dwell- ing at 157 Henderson Avenue. Birthday greetings to Gerald- ine Clow, 57 Clarke Avenue. who will celebrate her 7th birthday on Friday. June 16. Ken Boyle of 156 Henderson Avenue, celebrated his second birthday on June 3. ALLENCQURT LAKES FREE DELIVERY Instead oï¬ a r'egular June meet- ing the ladies club will congre- RED or BLUE BRAND STEAKS RED & WHITE FOODMASTER He‘ received the silverware at 'a Take Advantage of Our This coupon and 15c entitles you to One Free Game Open Bowling after June 4 MARKHAM RD. AT BAYVIEW . TU. 4-5511 Open All Summer BAYVIEW PLAZA We'll do it or show You How" on all purchase: of $5.00 or over Barbecues W l '1‘ H 79c lb. :0utside WHITE PAINTf .Aâ€"Va These Vouchers are good for a 10 % discount on any purchase made, within TWO WEEKS from the date won. at any of the FIRMS that have a STAR in their advertisement. In addition to the above awards someone will re- ceive a $20.00 BONUS in Merchandise Certiï¬cates, every FIFTH WEEK. The selection of the BONUS PRIZE will be made from the entries sent in that contained a SALES SLIP from any of the firms in the contest. You can win the $10.00 weekly prize without attaching a Sales Slip but for the $20.00 Bonus you MUST ATTACH SALES SLIP to your entry. It’s a good idea to attach a Sales Slip to all your entries then you are assured of being eligible for that extra $20.00 Bonus someone will get every Fifth Week. (Est. 1946) DONCASTER NEWS BABY PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY Fireplaces Lagerquist Studio BLACK & .WHITE 0R COLOUR SPECIAL PACKAGE DEALS BY THE STUDIO WITH THE EXPERIENCE, SKILL, AND PATIENCE FOR THOSE PRICELESS PORTRAITS Mrs. Viola Johnson. 43 Wood ward Ave.. Willowdale. Mrs. Hazel Ferguson. Apt. No. 4 161 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill Mrs. M. Mackiy. 1]. Lance: Dr.‘ Maple, gate at the home of Mrs. J. Bar- bour. where they will leave to visit Edward Gardens at the north-east end of the city. If the weather is not ideal for this out- ing, which was planned for Mon- day, June 12, it will be resched' uled for the following Monday. June 19, at_7.30 p.m. Congratulations to Raymond Martin. of Sprucewood Drive, who celebrated his ninth birth- day on June 1. - The Richmond Hill Civitan Club-sponsored annual Wiener roast for ‘The Hill’s’ public school safety patrols took place at the Villa Hospital recently. Thirty-two boys and girls, three teachers, four members of the Civitan Club and the driver of the bus donated by, Trailways of Canada made a real day of it from 8 pm. to 11 pm. At that ‘ ne the bus returned the children to their respective schools where their parents awaited them. Mr. Wm. Menton of Clarke Av- enue. is home from the hospital. He returned on May 31. Wiener Roast Held‘ For Safety Patrol Included in the program was the presentation by Constable Doug Young. who is the club‘s Safety Patrol Committee Chair- man, of leadership awards to Da- vid Smith of the Walter Scott Public School and Ron Ash-worth of MacKillop Public School. Supervising the affair with Constable Young were Civitans Ray Nu’gent, Ken Roberts and Ray Armstrong. The official presentation of the leadership awards is scheduled for Friday at 9 am. at the Walter Scott Public School. FOUNTAIN'S General Repairs { THï¬gDOER§I§qOF And Service BUSINESS MACHINES TI’. 4.0009 OFFICE SUPIï¬J‘IESE y . ‘ OFFICE FURN UR “Mei???†STATIONERY gum“ - 10% mécocm‘ IN RICHMOND HILL VOUCHERS 1 ‘s. Yiqla Joimson. 43 Wnod- SERVICE STATION YOUNG’S RICHMOND HILL @b) r FURNITU’R‘EW 'Air-C auditioned Phone TU. 4-5701 Bayview Plaza $5.95 Gal. Special HARDWARE 63 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. BOOKINGS FOR SEA-AIR TOURS AND CRUISES N0 BOOKING FEES NOW Three European Trained and Experienced Hair Stylists 76 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 47 Yonge N. GLOBE TRAVELSERVICE 16 YONGE STREET N. TELEPHONE TU, 4-4231 OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS & AIRLINES HERBERT GOODHOOFD Mrs. N. Ritchie Women‘s Servicesâ€"TU. 4-3463 Mrs. W. McDougall Transportationâ€"TU. 4-4821 Mrs. W. J. Lennox Campaignâ€"Unionville 239 Mrs. G. Purves Richmond Hill Secretaryâ€"TUrner 4-2382 Unionvllle Mrs. Gordon Pul'ves phone 239 Victoria Square Chairman . George Brand Gormley 5200 Women‘s Servicesâ€"Germ. 5525 Mrs. C. Nichols) l‘ransportationâ€"Gormley 5540 Mrs. L. Mumberson For Information and Services Available. Call: Thornhill Women's Servicesâ€"AV. 5-1839 Mrs. E. Percival Transportationâ€"AV. 5-3552 Mrs. C. J. Foran CARPET SALE $49995 Phone TU. 4-7851 CONTINENTAL Beauty Salon HANS & EDITH 1‘01) RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY TU. 4-2791 EQUIPMENT TU. 4-7228 9†x 12" TU. 4-7061