Travelling by air, Mrs. Robert Fountain, accompanied by son Paul. aged nine. daughters Alice, seven. and Judy four years, left for a three weeks’ vacation in Bermuda. To see the family off at Malton airport was Mr. “Bob†Fountain who has to remain on duty at his Bayview hardware bus- iness. Prior to coming to Canada, Mr. Fountain was engaged in the hardware business in Bermuda. Mrs. Fountain will be staving with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Frlth, 1n Padget. near Hamilton. Bermuda. Visiting Switzerland for one month, Mrs. Paul Harris, of Car- tier Crescent. is flying from Mal- ton airport on Friday. August 11th by B.O.A.C. to London. Eng- land, where the journey will be continued by Swissair plane. Staying in Val d’Herens (Val- ais Canton) with Mrs. Jeanne Mettam, her mother, and two of her brothers. Mrs. Harris will accompany them on their vaca- tion period to I chalet high in the Swiss Alps. Joining the group on Saturday were the parents of Mrs. Barth, Mr. and Mrs. Erlc Broser from Brampton. and all left for a holl- day family re-union. 16 in all. at the summer cot-{age of Mr. and Mrs. Barth. Joyland Beach. Lake Slmcoe. Guests at the Harrygan Cres- cent home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Barth last week were Mr. and Mn. Broser of Detroit, Mich]- gan, and their two young sons, Philip and Kenneth. George Clifton, Harding Blvd.. pro at the Meadowbrook Golf Club. gave his members a les- son in accuracy Saturday after- noon. He scored a hole-in-one on the 165 yard, 14th hole with a six iron. It was the fourth ace of his lengthy golfing career. And it was also worth $136 to him, the payoff from Meadowbrook’s vol- untary hole-in-one insurance plan. Flying both ways by T.C.A. Super Constellation. Jamie Mac- tnuel and Grant Dunn recently returned from the Sea Cadet Camp at Sidney. Nova Scotia. where they were attached for two weeks to H.M.C.S. “Arcadia.' Miss Barbara Fisher from Min- neapolis is at present holidaying at the home of her cousin, Miss Joan Featherstonhaugh, Arnold Crescent. M V/é M § § § Mrs. Roydon Cecil Wood signs the register after her marriage on July 29th at Newmarket United Church, as her husband looks on. The bride was form- erly Margaret Ann Rose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rose, of Newmarket, Richmond Hill Teachers Wed At Newmarket Editor Margot Crack Guests at the home of Mr. 8: Mrs. Max Leeson, South Taylor Mills Drive. are Mr. and Mrs. Lorne King of Fort Churchill, Manitoba and their three child- ren, Gordon, aged eight, Mar- ianne, five, and Marilyn. who is four. Mrs. King is .1 sister of Mrs. Leeson. After flying from Fort Churchill to Winnipeg en route to Richmond Hill, the fam- ily visited Mr. and Mrs. John Morrison in Amherstburg, Onâ€" tario, parents of Mrs. King, while at Mindemoya, Manitoulin Island. they visited Mr. and Mrs. Herbert King, the parents of Mr. King. Four modes of transportation have been employed so far, tra- velling by air, bus. train and car. Visitors to Mediscope. the On- tario Medical Association’s free health exposition at this year’s Canadian National Exhibition. are liable to see some familiar faces. Among the doctors from a bun- d-red Ontario communities who have volunteered to man the Mediscope exhibits during the 15-day show, is Dr. John Wynne of Richmond Hill. Metropolitan Toronto doctors. \.ho comprise one~third of the Ontario Medical Association’s members. have assumed major responsibility for manning the medical exhibits, volunteering their services for one or more of t' e three daily four-hour shifts at this gigantic health exposition. A This is Canada‘s first health fair and one of the largest in North America. The C.N.E‘ opens August 18 and closes September Mrs. W. T. George. who has been spending the summer in Muskoka, was home at 348 Sugar Maple Lane for a week to wel- come the newest member of the family, Christopher William, six- th grandchild for Mrs. George and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Black from Edinburgh. Scotland. arriv- ed aboard the ‘Empress of Bri- tain' at Montreal on Tuesday last for a three month stay with their daughter, Mrs. I. F. Allan. Libby Blvd. Happy holidays! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southwell and family, Church Street South. haw returned home following an enjoyable vacation spent at Mul- d\ w near Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeff: reiurned week from holidays spent with friends at their cottage at Lakefield, Ontario. while her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wood, also of Newmarket. Both are Richmond Hill public school teachers. Mrs. Wood is at the MacKil- lop School and the groom is at the Wal- ter Scott School. (Photo by Lagerquist) 1.: ', Miss Janet Buddin of Las- kay, who held a miscellaneous shower. Several parties have al- ready been given for Miss Taylor, including a surprise party by fel- low employees of Consumers’ Gas Company in Toronto. showers by her attendants and an evening party in Toronto attended by re- latives. Entertaining for Miss Jean Taylor prior to her marriage to Mr. Frank Buddin in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Au- gust 19th, was her 'uture si§ter in The Curtain Club Theatre, which it is hoped will very soon become a well-known and pop- ular attraction in Richmond Hill, is rapidly taking shape under the enthusiastic hands of its members. During the past few weeks they have spent most of their spare time renovating and remodelling the one-time garage premises or! the Canadian Tire Corporation into an attractive and much needed home for the Curtain Club. Work is sufficiently advanced for the artistic directors of the Club to begin work on the interior decoration of the thea- tre. Ruth Rabinowitch and Ann Featherstonhaugh, whose attrac- tive sets have added much to the Curtain Clu‘b productions, are devising imaginative colour schemes and the use of unusual materials to achieve an effect of gaiety and originality in keeping with the spirit of the Club. Just arrived back home from your holidays? Then why not phone and tell us all about your vacation. Our Social Editor would be very glad to hear from you, and your friends and neighbours will enjoy reading all about your vacation. Just phone our office at TU. 4-1105 or drop us a line through the mail. After an interesting trip to the Paciï¬c Coast by train â€" with a stopover at Edmonton. Mrs. Mary Lewis of Centre Street and child- ren, Andrew and Yvonne, have been vacationing for three weeks in Vancouver. BC. Mr. Gareth Bork and his bro- ther Roy have returned home af- ter spending a very enjoyable week in Ottawa and Pembroke, visiting friends and relatives where they lived before coming to Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Forsyth ac- companied by friends spent the holiday weekend at their cottage in Muskoka. Just returned home from an enjoyable two weeks vacation trip together at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, are three Rich- mond Hill families, nine in all. Travelling in two cars, the group comprised Mr. and Mrs. F. Aldred of Mill Street. their daughter Sharon, sons Barry and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Leech, and Mr. and M55. S. Worsdale. Tyneview Lane. Entering the United States at Buffalo, the party drove down through New York state and Pen- nsylvania to Myrtle Beach, which is situated on the Atlantic coast. During the week’s stay at this spot, the temperature soared to one hundred degrees, from which, ocean and pool swimming provid- ed a welcome relief. On the way home, the party had some good fishing at Nag's Head in North Carolina, which was ended by a cloudburst with torrential rains. Shenandoah Val- ley and the Gettysburg Battle- fields in Pennsylvania were also visited on the return trip. Mary Monks, a member of the Curtain Club, is back in the Hill after two energetic and enjoyable weeks at the Red Barn Theatre, Jackson’s Point. Her ï¬rst week was spent in rehearsal. but there was always time to spare for swimming and various social ac- tivities with members of the Red Barn company. Last week she ap- peared in the Barn's production of Blithe Spirit, starring Maud Whitmore as Madame Area-ti. On Wednesday night there was a large contingent of Curtain Club members in the audience, and after the performance they had coffee with members of the east. The party from the Hill in- cluded, Rosalind and John An- derson, Ruth and Joe Rabino- witch, Anita and Dennis Steiner. Dorothea Painter, Wanda and Frank Trott, Margot and Gerry Crack, Joy and Ernest Madden, with their son Jack and Harold Monks. Visiting the Barn on Fri- day evening were two more mem- bers of the Club, Esther and John Postlethwaite. Richmond Hill Building In- spector Jack Hollowell and his family have reburned after a camping holiday spent on the shore of Lake Opeongo where they were accompanied by the Bill Bowdry family. The wedding of Constable Jos- eph McFarland Easton. a former graduate of Richmond Hill High School and now with the R.C.M.P. is to take place in Moncton, New Brunswick on September 2nd. His parents are now living near Denver. Colorado. BUDDING DON JUAN A friend of mine reports that his 15-year-old son. after only six dates, has bought a little black book for telephone numbers. 0n the cover the boy has conï¬dently written “Vol. I." A Richmond Hill girl, Judy Laird, of 59 Rockport Crescent, has won a second prize in the “What's wrong with this pic- ture?" Elmer the Elephant safe- hy contest. Her prize is a Sono- te. Always interested in power boa- ting and motor boat racing. Mr. and Mrs. Al Cooper and their a- d-ult son Ronald of Lucas Street, were at Picton to witness the vic~ tory of Canada’s “Miss Supertest III,†queen of the waterways. On the picturesque Bay of Quinte. the Canadian craft, designed by Jim Thompson of London, On- tario, and piloted by Bob Hay- ward. Miss Supertest III cap- tured the Harmsworth Trophy for the third year in succession, at a sxieedpf 96.1__02 miles per hour. “Good sport" -- commented Al Cooper who witnessed the smile, handshake and congratulations to Bob Hayward by the loser, Chuck Thompson of United States. Both father A1 Cooper and son Ronald have experimented and built boats -- of which we hope to hear more of in the near future. At the Grand National Trophy car races at Mospont Park on Sat- urday, 224 cars battled through ten heats. Local area winners in the Formula J11, class were; Walt MacKay, Richmond Hill first in Lotus 18; Bill McDonald of King City was second in his Cooper DKW. Terry Dean of Ashlar Road en- joyed a weeks vacation at boys Camp Ahshunyoong including all the facilities of swimming, boat- ing and fishing that the Camp offers. An unscheduled feature was a terrific down-pour of rain, which soaked through and under the tent in which some of the boys were sleeping. Other boys, who had decided on a ‘sleep-out' by the camp fire were soaked, and, when they rushed into the tent, to quote Terry. “Everybody was all wet." SOMETHING TO SELL TRY “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS FOR. RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 01! AV. 5-3316 Mrs. Joseph Orr and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness. messages of sympathy and beautiful floral of- ferings received from neighbours, relatives and many friends. Es- pecially thanking Rev. James O‘Neil for his consoling words and help in their recent bereaveâ€" ment. cl'w6 Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Proctor of Orangevllle announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Mar- garet Rose to Mr. Donald Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Cole of Richmond Hill. The wedding will take place the 9th of Sep- tember. at 8 o'clock, in West- minster United Church, Orange- ville. Ontario. ‘1w6 Mr. and Mrs. Morris Harrison wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Marie Norma to Mr. Donald Bond. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bond of Sharon, Ont. The marriage to take place August 26, 1961, Kingdom Hall. Cedar Avenue, Richmond Hill. at 3 pm. c1w6 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watt. Con- cord. Ontario. announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Nancy Ellen, to Mr. James Shank- land Murray. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Murray. Willowdale. Ont. The wedding will take place Friday. September 8. in Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church. c1w6 AVERY â€" In loving memory of my mother, Jessie Pearl Avery, who passed from this world, August 10, 1957. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. â€"-- Lovineg remembered by daughter Shirley. Ross, Lynda and Sharon. *lwï¬ Miss Evah Sheppard would like to thank all her kind friends and neighbours for their beautiful cards and get-well wishes, flow- ers and gifts during her recent stay in the hospital. c1w6 CARD OF THANKS CARD 0F THANKS CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank, through “The Liberal" my many friends, in- cluding “The Councilâ€, “The Bank of Commerce†and “The Liberal", wishing me "Health and happiness for many years to comeâ€. I am only 95 years young at present. I will do my best to make your kind wishes come true. I received over 50 Birthday Cards. In memoriams LARGE â€" To Mary Jane (nee Horsfall) and Peter Large on August 7th, a son Robebt Scott. brother to John Douglas at Wellesley Hospital. Toronto. DICEMAN â€" Orville and Frances (nee Rumble) announce the birth of a son. Orville Scott. on July 29, 1961, at York Coun- ty Hospital. Newmarket. A lit- tle brother for Dorothy, Lor- raine, Nancy and Marjorie. Civic Holiday traffic was light until Sunday night, said Police Chief Clarence Wideman of Markham Township, when it be- came dense. There were six min- or accidents, he said, in addition Three Go To Hospital After Car ls Ditched North Of Buttonville to one which saw three people taken to Scarboro General Hos- pital. A car driven by Michael West, 23, of Tell Street, Scarboro. went into a ditch while south-bound on Don Mills Road one mile north of Buttonville, hitting a culvert and tree. West was admitted to Scarboro hospital in serious con- dition with internal and head in- juries. His passengers, Anthony Greenhall and his wife Carol of 481 Timothy Street, Newmarket, were also admit-ted to hospital. (Engagements HERBERT R. BUTT (Mrs) M. L. McConaghy Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill INSURANCE DEPENDABLE *lw6 *1w6 Telephone SERVICE Dear Mr. Editor: Your recent editorial on the lack of co-operation between council and other bodies is borne out by the ABC Bowlian situation. Perhaps answers to these ques- tions by council would reveal how inane this sort of thing is. 1. Did not council receive a notice of the adjustment commit- tee hearing on the ABC applica- tion? Why did not council inform the committee of the impending road? 2. Did not planning board like- wise receive a notice of the ad- justment hearing and why did not the board either attend or notify the committee of such plans? 4. Is it not true that a builder has grandiose plans for this area? Why was not the committee of adjustment and Mr. Price in- formed BEFORE THE HEAR- ING? 3. Did not the planning board know the proposed large scale program for this area BEFORE Mr. Price appeared before them with his application to expand? 5. Does council not regard the committee of adjustment import- ant enough to acknowledge their existence at least to the point of paying attention to notices of hearing and either having an of- ï¬cial or officials attend so the committee will know what’s go- ing on? 6. Is council going to reimburse Mr. Price for the costs of his ap- plication to the adjustment body which he might have avoided if he [had been told of plans affect- ing HIS property . . . on which he depends for his livelihood. 7. Is not Mr. Sanderson in er- ror in saying the council revers- ed the committee of adjustments decision? Council can only ap- peal to the Municipal Board. Maybe the OMB Wil'l ï¬gure the council was asleep at the switch in not paying attention to the no- tice of hearing and decide the council’s appeal is no good. That’s what should happen. 8.‘W‘hat does Mr. Price do now? He needs the extra alleys for September 1 to meet commit- ments. Now. thanks to council. he appears to be blocked. Is that fair to Mr. Price? 0r doesn’t council care? NEWMARKET : Davis Drive is rapidly becoming congested, it is claimed. Some 7.500 cars per day use the mile-and-a-quarter stretch between Main Street and No. 11 highway. A new shopping plaza, a possible new high school and completion of a subdivision are likely to strangle traffic even more. York County Engineer Jack Rettie said that the Toronto and York Roads Commission was aware that something had to be done, but money was the problem. Come on, council, let's hear your story. And let’s 'have you pay some attention â€" or more attention, to those civicâ€"minded people who serve on your ap~ pointed bodies. If you're going to disregard them, why appoint them? “:bear mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Van Wieringen are seen following their recent wedding in the Church of St. Mary and St. John at Newton Le Willows, Lancashire, Eng- land. The bride is the former Anne Par- ker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. QUESTIONS LACK OF CO-ORDINATION IN TOWN AFFAIRS Puzzled Citizen Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 THE LLBEKAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. August. 10. 1961 112 Yonge St. Toronto V. l 0!‘ Married In England Typewriters - Adding Machines SALES . SERVICE - RENTALS ‘your omco mnehlno mecinlilt’ 88 Baker Ave., Richmond Ell! Opening Special SAVE! SAVE! $$’s FREE ESTIMATES All Work Done Right On Our Premises 53 Yonge St. South Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 LEAN MINCED BEEF 35c lb. 3 lbs. 95: BONELESS BAYVIEW PLAZA STEWING BEEF Mod satin \ 3v A'l' sAvmss! MAGAZINES - PERIODICALS - NEWSPAPERS CANDY - SOFT DRINKS . ICE CREAM CIGARS - CIGARETTES - TOBACCO GREETING CARDS - STATIONERY . ETC. FOR A FULL 5 YEARS No Job Too Small __ No Job Too Large NOW OPEN PAT'S Variety Store 44 .YONGE ST. S. lee port-bio models It ‘leht's Pharmacy‘ L. H. SIMS Murray Upholstering AND FURNITURE COMPANY We Carry A Complete Line Of Popular Priced Furniture RICHMOND HILL Carrying A Complete Line Of [SCHOOL SUPPLIESI (Formerly Dalley’s Variety Store) on your NELS Parker of Newton Le Willows, Lanca- shire. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Van Wieringen of Richmond Hill. The happy couple spent their hon- eymoon in London and expect to return to Canada where they will take up resi- dence. All popular mnku on hand Special Studenta’ Intel TU. 4-769] lb. 49: TU. 4-5776