TYPEWRI’I'ERS ADDING MACHIle sues- Service - Rentals “1 AW Dream- in popular or sale - eluding new mt stamina, pottablo and electric models. Special rental rates available to Itudents. ENGINE PARTS FROM STOCK registered dealer for Briggs 8: Stutton - Lauson - power prod- ucts - Kohler - Clinton engines, repair service. CARL WALKER SALES a: SERVICE Lawn & Garden Equipment Victoria Square Gormley 5413 PEAT LOAM â€"- SOD SANDY LOAM SAND & GRAVEI. Call Joe Hampton PRospect 3-5922 or TU. 4-2538. [(CSO HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.\'. Appliances -Sales ~ Repairs -Parts 53 Yonxc St. N. TU. 4-3211 {1'04 TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT New box trailers. all sizes $68. and up or $12.00 weekly rental. House trailers for sale or rent. C111 01): Ridges, PR. 3-5721. PONY FOR SALE Four years old. black Welsh pony. melding). Fond of children. Call Mr. Ross. evenings. Unionville 30w2. clw6 HEAVY GAUGE steel roofing, 20 squares or over. $10.00 per sq.; under $10.35 per square. Gormâ€" ley Lumber. phune 5710 Gorm- ley. ‘ c1w.6 ‘ M, ,_ USED Car Radios and Sony tran- slsjgg portable radios. 303's s6bn‘1NG Field Ind Nursery Sod. Rototill- in: and seeding. Free estimate. TU. 4-2677. tfc43 wmsmeGHouss exe'ékéicâ€"stb‘: automatic oven. Radio. reqord player, sandbox, swimming pool. TU. 4.7473. c1w6 THREE space heaters. with fans. Call E. J. Sand, Business Admin- lstrator. T.S.A. No. 1 Markham. AV. 5-5278. (-2w5 are priceless when takerni by the Lugerquist Studio, TU. 4-279]. HONEY 22c. Please bring con- tainers. Saturday: and evenings during August or phone Abram, TU. 4-3068. *3w6 SMITH-CORONA portable type- writer, new condition. Very rea- sonable. Ideal for student. TU. (-5710. c1w6 BED, complete with restonic mattress and springs, also rollo- way cot. In good condition. Rea- sonable. AV. 5-3937. ems ELECTRIC rangette. good condi- tion, reasonable. TU. 4-1386. EASY washing machineIAï¬b'; gain at $25.00. J. Fox & Son, Stop 24 Yonge St. TU. 4-1610. clwï¬ CARRIAGE. high chair, crib In?! mat-tress. Good cond‘iuon, clean. ransonn’ble. TU. 4-4723. clwï¬ ROTARY power mower, 71:7†Craftsman, self-propelled. Good condition. TU. 4-2810. c1w6 PREFAB GARAGES {mmâ€"3E)? Cal] Loughlin Lumber and Sup- ply. AV. 5-1109. Lt‘c31 REFRIGERATOR. goad’ candl- tlon, new unit. TUmer 4-7197. ONE MAN'S winter coat, hardly Worn; one lady‘s coat. TU. 4-2870. c1w6 $0†AUTOMXT101ankef-Ké1vin. ator, like new. J. Fox 8: Son, Stop 24 Yonge St, TU. 4-1610. (:1th [YER’S deep well pressure rump, 80 gal. storage tank. 1/2 up. motor like new. AV. 5-3059. LUGGAGE trailer, 4’6" x 7'. Steel body, $40.00 or best offer. TU, 4- 1122. clw6 30" McCLARY electric range, like new. Will sell or trade for freezer. TU. 4-7720. c1w6 tube $99.00. J. Fox & Soï¬, Stop 24 Yonge St., TU. 4-1610. c1w6 21" BARN TIMBERS, pine and hem- lock. in most sizes and lengths. Gormley 5216. (~le ELECTRIC refrigerator. stove and washing machine. Reasonable after 7.00 pm. AV. 5-2214. c1w6 BED. complete with spring and mattress. TU. 4~3396. c2w6 CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 5c cioh word, min. charge . . Second and subsequent insertion: if wordinx unchanged, 5c per word, mln. charge . . . . . . . . FOR BOX NUMBERS as extra charge per insertion of . . COMING EVENTS NOTICE: 5c per word; min. charge . . CARD 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed Idvcrtisemenla should be in as early in the week as posllble but not Inter than 11 a. m. on Wednesdays. Send ad: by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive Invoice. GAELTY Console, new picture L. H. SIMS §8¥§aker An. BABY PICTURES ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES T. -_-w. H“ mm ARE OUR’BUM I!!! 7 u.- sale 111- m RICHMOND KILL TREE t mndud, c models. TRANSPORTATION S‘R‘m’scc‘s‘s‘iéi’rgmm vaIJahlo to RICHMOND HILL TRANSPORTATION wanted by OWNED & OPERA'IED two students. From Hope to F ' HAROLD VAN DYKE a. 11in~ton and Yonge Streets. Arriv-x EPHONE 884-7774 m. 4-1145 ling by 9.30 am... returning 4 p.m. in“. via. Free mumte i;\ “MW-0750, , m." “8 tfc5 c1w6 Lfc3 c1w6 tfc3 tfc44 POODLES, small blacks. register- ed, from champion blood lines. Terms can be arranged, $100.00 up. Phone Gormley 5339. ticzg HIGH OAK RANCH offers two black and silver German Shep- herd puppies, males, 8 weeks old‘ registered. outstanding. strong puppies from {up Canadian blood lines. TU. 4-2580. c1w5 SCOTCH Collie. nialeiFiEnTuE and sable. $10.00. AV. 5-2379. ment size dog? RéasohébieerV. 5-3984. clw6 OHFHIJ‘AHU‘A puppies. thg apart- YOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Ar- my. AV. 5~5l26. “C52 DAYTIME job as receptionij (dental office preferred) or clerk in dry goods store in the vicinity of Richmond Hill. Thornhill or Maple. Phone AV. 5-4019. clwï¬ Experienced Gardener Gardening. Landscaping, and Lawns cut. H. Sorenson, TU. 4- 3120. tfc52 ENERGETIC, experienced truck driver seeks employment. Will consider anything. 13 years ex- perience. TU. 4-2747. nc3w8 DAY OR WEEKLY CARE, lei also board if desired. TU. 4-7020. clwï¬ ENERGETIC young man 21 seeks sales work. BA. 2-4572. nc3w4 DRESSMAKING and Querations‘ Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4-5057. What is an Oasis? Ask us about an Oasis basement dehumidifier. 1t collects water out of the damp basement air and walls (a gallon a day). It prevents mildew and dampness damage to rugs, furniture and valuables. We rent Oasis dehumidifiers: $5.00 a week; $15.0C a month. Model SD32. sale price, $149.50. Try one. Call us for a free home trial now. MID-SUMMER. CLEARANCE New and used Mowers, hand- propelled, se1f~prope11ed and lid- Ing. Briggs, Stratton a: Lawson and Power Products parts serviced. Carl Walker Lawn & Garden Equipment, Gormley 5413, Vic- toria Square. tfcz ‘ONE REFRIGERATOR, perfect condition $40.00 or best offer; one rangette. good. $20.00; two card tables; one kitchen table: {our chairs; a quantity of odd dishes. 884-7627. c2rw6 BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- mons, Serta. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired, re- turned just like new, medium firm, extra firm. Two-day service, Eiderdowns recovered. Ontario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tic“ PETS FOR SALE RUBBER STAMPS, all an}; any sine. Quick service. The Liberal Oflice. Rlchmond Hill. GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frnnk’s Movers and Stor- age, 28 Industrial Rd., TU, 4- 2613. ms MANURE delivered in small quantities for lawns, gardens and flower beds. TU. 4-2236 or AV. 5-2236. tfc46 Good condition, $60.00. AV. 5- 1709. clw6 7,000 NEW BRICKS. cement blocks used. two buildings suit- able for cottage. TU. 4-2349. TV 17". BABYS large crib. like new Chest of drawers. TU. 4-4997. TWO-PIECE chesterï¬eld suite. TU. 4-5717. c1w6 GIRLS, ’ C.C.M. Bicycle, 28". $20.00. AV. 5-2380. cle ARBORI‘IV‘E Kitcï¬n 1361b, 4 chairs. childs feeding table. TU. 4-4936. clw6 HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV - Appliances - Sales Repairs - Parts 53 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-3211 EMPLOYMENT WANTED FOR SALE table model Admiral (Continued) cluï¬ tlc34 “C43 tfc5 650 500 75c *2w6 clws CHAIN SAWS Service At Its Best Major Repairs - Tune Ups New Chains, Plugs. Files Pocket Chain Breakers 2 Cycle Oil, Chain Oil. Etc. “Authorized Dealers†Pioneer & Homelite TU. 4-1124 RELIABLE MOWER SERVICE tic29 KINGSLEY TREE EXPERTS & FORESTRY COMPANY '15 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill, Ont. Free Advice Free Estimates Telephone TU. 4-1749 WINDOW CLEANING Floor - Cleaning, Waxing, Polish- ing, Sanding 8c Reï¬nishing COMMERCIAL INQUIRIES INVITED TU. 4-4326 Free Estimates UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 residence, business AV. 5-5345. tfc44 po-ALL MAINTENANCE PAINTING, paperhangiigg. Free estimates. Colour samples. A. Rollinson, TE. 3-6671. tfc15 Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€"- 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms it de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV 5-1682 tfc43 SAND AND GRAVEL, crisis; stone, loam and fllL E. Clarity, Richmond H111. TU. 4-1701. MOVING & STORAGI Frank's Moving a: Cartage. pack- ing and storage. Experienced service anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Good rates. TU. (-2613, AV. 5-5101. ttclo PAINTER. I: DECORATOR For good prices see our show- room. Wallpapers. drapes, etc. â€" Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St., Richvale. AV. 5-1591. t;ch DRESS ALTERATIONS First class work. Carolyn Bargent 9015) Yonge St. at Richvale. AV 5-1591. tch CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations and repairs, prompt service. WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 WELL DRILLING King City Drilling Co. Ltd., repairing. pumps installed and re- paired. Formerly George Adams. Box 192 King City, TE. 3.63121.6 t c4 SANITARY CONTRACTOR W2 install complete septic tank and weeping beds, save for cash. All work guaranteed. Call Murray Baker TW. 5-4151 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4â€"5683. ttc23 Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-ï¬, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. M. 1.). Harrison. TU. 4-2838. tfc15 Remodelling of kitchen. bath- room. alterations. Call Enterprise Home Improvement. AV. 5-5037. c4w6 J. CHRISTENSEN Painting, interior and exterior, paper-hanging, materials supplied. TU. 4-5764. tfc52 ROTOVATING Rotovating. Aerating. lawn and garden maintenance. Tom Mashin- ter. TU. 4-1170. tfc41 Mothers’ Hebper Service. Adult baby sitters only. Also Homema- kers' service. TU. 4-7253. tfc6 POST HOLE DIGGING We specialize in farm fencing call Joe Hampton, PR. 3-5922. SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. immune a nsz HANGING ‘ n. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2793. in Aluminum Windows, Doors, Awnings and Railings. Call Ron Woods, TU. 44514. tfcn Commqrcial 5: Resianzhfigl try the friendly Lagerquist Studio with the know how. TU. 4-2791. tlc3 QUALITY. PRICE & Sikhâ€"Ci: WEED CUTTING Large or small lots, BA. 5-2781. tfcso PAINTING 8: DECORATING Townsend and Donald. Phone 884-7065. c4w3 LANDSCAPING 8; lawn cutting & garden maintenance H. Soren- son. TU. 4-3120. tfc52 MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM LARPENTRY JACK 8r. LEE TV Electronics? We fix it. TU. 4-3811 ‘ BABY PICTURES BABY SlTTING SPECIAL 3 884-7714 ‘BUILDING suitable for two car Free Euflmgfeg | garage for 5a.: club. in Richmond tfc52 5m a5c an my. LLILU' .u; manna;qu Elma... w. um. _ an tfc40 tfc47 tfc42 tfc4 Cultivated Sod, 100 yards up. 18c yard. Seeded sod, 100 yards up 20c yard. AV. 5-1514 TOPSOIL ORDINARY SANDY LOAM SPECIAL MIX SANDY LOAM FILL Available straight or shredded - and delivered in special loads, ranging from one to ten cubic yards. Bushel basket rates also available. SOD, SEED 8; PEAT MOSS Loads delivered start from $3.00 and up ELGIN MILLS LOAM & SOD CO. LTD. You may also pick up these items at our location by truck or by bushel baskets. .1 mile north of Richmond Hill, west side on Yonge Street SOD DELIVERED RICH BLACK PEAT LOAM (A natural, organic, and condi- tioning product) Also guaranteed free from ashes - from our stockpiles. WELL ROTTED MANURE PAYNE CONTRACTING General concrete work, sewer changeavers, swimming pools. No job too small - free estimates. AV. 5-1153 PEAT LOAM PICKED UP 0R DELIVERED Loading on east side of Yonge St., Riohvale. Richmond Sod Landscape Contractors Ltd., AV. 5-1938. tfc42 CARPENTRY WORK, addï¬ions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanglng. Interior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tic)! CHIMNEYS Chimney: built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker nnd Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526. tlcl: BAYVIEW SODDING A-l ï¬eld sod, 18c and 20¢: per yard delivered. Kentucky and Merion Blue. Laid if desired. Free estimates. TU. 4-2538. tfc46 GARDEN SERVICE, spring clean-up, grass cutting, sod, loam and sandy loam. Manure $5.00 a load delivered. TU. 4-2538. tfc46 CALL US for your and, gravel, ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrarl. Maple ALpine 7-8876. tfc'l mum's mm. DRILLINGi Pumps installed and Mood. Frank Genitz. R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 1-5272. ucso SHEET METAL WORK Eavestroulgh, new and repaired. Heating, roof flashings. etc. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-1006. tfc50 VALLEY PARK 3rd line Markham. south of 17th Avenue. picnic, swimming. Ad- ults 25c, children 15c. TU. 4- 2577. ch6 DIVER’S AIR filtered fast fill, equipment. Aurora Heights, 5 Kemano Rd. PA. 7~6562. Rotovating, garden maintenance, landscaping. Call Joe HamptOn, PR. 3-5922. tfc42 PAINTING 8: PAPERHANGING Favourite of old Richmond Hill - newcomers give me a call. Marsh Tanner, TU. 4-1882. tfc2 EXCAVATING & GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5333. tfc48 INDUSTRIAL and Residential lawn and garden maintenance. Garden Gate Nursery. AV. 5-5942 or TU. 4-1172. tic“ RICHMOND DELIVER! SERVICI Light pick-up and delivery. 4-1812. CARPENTRY - DECORATIN} - PAINTlNG Recreation rooms, etc. Large or small jobs. Prompt servlce. Webb 8; Ennor. AV. 5-2546. tfc3 ant lots. TU. 4-1538. _tfc51 IANSING DRIVING SCHOOL For professional service and free pick-up. Call BA. 1-1700. tfc4 ant lots. TU. 4-1533 WEED. cgmtrINcgmwins’m- C. L. KNAPPETT Landscaping - Home Improveâ€" ments. TU. 4-3089 MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS a; SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 CHILD STUDIES A SPECIALTY LAGERQUIST STUDIO TU. 4-2791 WANTED TO RENT SAME DAY TV ANTENNA SERVICI TU. 4-4749 ROTOVATING (Continued) Lf C52 tfcas tfc43 tfc13 03w4 tfc3 tie! Uc5 01.1 furnace. Ideal fcrrcouple. Tablets help “pep-up" thousands Shown by Appointment only _ of men, Women past 40. 011%! 69c. pic-u. AV, 5-1905. M a «am oh" ‘ J. A. WILLOUGHBY 8: SONS LIMITED REALTORS CENTRE ST. WEST $14,900 - Attractive, very com- fortable 5 room brick bungalow, newly decorated inside and out. Living room 15x13 with open brick fireplace, full separate din- ing roam, good kitchen with loads of cupboards. Two good bed- rooms, 3-pieco bathroom, full basement, oil heating. Many extras including drapes, wall-to- waLl broadloom. complete alumin- um storms and screens, TV an- tenna. Lot 50 x 150 landscaped and with large trees. Garage. Telephone AV. 5-1905. Exceptional 2 storey brick home close to Yonge Street. 4 com- plete large bedrooms upstairs with 4-piece bathroom. living- room, full dining room, huge kit- chen and 2-piece bathroom down- stairs. Full basement. knotty p'me recreation room, breeze- way and attached garage. Tele- phone AV. 5-1905. $8,500 . Adorable white frame “V “’9†“95'1"; “m bungalow on lovely landscaped ï¬ï¬‚’ï¬â€˜gox 34 Th, mflyw‘ lot. Combination living-dining ttfclg room. neat kitchen. 1 bedroom.‘â€"â€"______â€" 3 [316136 bath and utility roomiOLD, RUNDOWN‘.’ Ostrex Tonic NJLA. RANCH $79 MONTHLY $14,900. Owner transferred. 6 room, centre hall ranch, 19 foot living room, family dining room, spacious kitchen, on landscaped lot, complete with extras. $3,000 down. One N.H.A. mortgage for balance at 6%. Mr. Bunting, AV. 5-1158 RICHMOND HILL N.H.A. $15,900. 6 room brick bungalow. 60 ft. corner lot, long patio, at- tached garage, close to plaza and schools. N.H.A. mortgage, $2,000 down. Mr. Putt, AV. 5-11.56 500% N.H.A. $14,500. 6 room brick 1% storey in Richmond (Hill, 2 baths. fenced lot, paved street, sewers. Close to schools and shopping. Mr. Pratt, AV. 5-1156 $3,000 DOWN $15,300. Exceptional 6 room solid brick bungalow, 591% N.H.A. montgalge. Fenced lot, [paved drive, finished recreation room, oversized 2-car garage. Immed- ialte possession. Call Mr. Pratt. AV. 5-1156 H. KEITH LTD. REALTORS 8242 YONGE ST., THORNHILL $1,000 DOWN $12,500 full price, 3 bedroom de- tached brick‘bungalaw, about 4 years old. close to schools and shopping. Mr. Clouvter, TU. 4- 77‘58. ‘THE EXQUISITE STYLING of E. C. A. Cox's prize-twinning deâ€" sign for a 3 bedroom bungalow with sunken living room. Situated on a large treed lot on a. quiet street in Richmond Hill. This beautiful property can be pur- chased for $5,000 down, with one amortized mortgage for the bal- ance. Mr. Clouter, TU. 4-7758. BEAUTIFUL PLEASANTVILLE GARDENS IN RICHMOND HILL 6 room solid brick ranch bunga< low, 2 car brick garage, beauti- fully landscaped grounds, featur- ing all well planned rooms, holly- wood kitchen, 24 foot recreation room with bar, all aluminum storms, screens, combination doors, call BA. 1-3411. W. C. McLAUGl-ILIN LIMITED cZw5 BAYVIEW SHEPPARD $23,900. on exclusive quiet cres- cent, 6 room solid brick bunga- low. with built-in garage, air con- dition oil heat. large pleasant living room, dining room, open ï¬replace, master bedroom with babhroom ensuite. 24 foot recre- ation room, plus hobby playroom, with entrance to garden. Excep- tional home. Call BA. 1-3411. W. C. MoLAUGHLIN LIMITED Private sale. 8 room brick bun- galow, attached garage. aluminum storms and screens, TV tower, landscaped lot, 70' x 197'. Any reasonable offer considered. AL. 7-1269. c2w6 SACRIFICE â€"â€" owner moving out of town, 4 bedroom, 115 storey stucco over block. large block building in back. Owner willing to take back second mortgage. Priced very low. TU. 4-1719. 2 LARGE residential lots. Thorn- hill area. Mrs. Plaxton. AV. 5- 1210 or BA. 1-3448, W. L. Nixon Realtors. c1w6 MOST nomasvum LISTEDâ€" WITH DAVID McLEAN RLTRS. tfc32 RICHMOND HILL’S FINEST NEW RICHMOND HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION $17,900 - $23,000 12 MODEL HOMES Builder‘s Agents. AV. 5-1951 CHARLES MARPLE REAL ESTATE The Mall Richmond Heights Centre W. L. NIXON REALTOR 5307 YONGE ST.. WILLOWDALE MEMBER OF TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4 BEDROOMS c1w6 clw6 c2w5 clws tfc2 DO YOU EA“ 1 Drinking Problem? AA. may help you. Contact Box 84 Thu Liberal. Richmond Hill Homu urgently required. Due to the opening of our Richmond Hill oï¬ï¬‚ce. We are in need of all types of properties in Richmond Hill and area im- mediately. Buyers waiï¬ng. Con- tact Mr. Clouter. TU. 4-7758. W. L. NIXON. REALTOR 5307 YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE MEMBER OF TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD Home: wanted for sale or to rent. Call AV. 5-2951. '1‘. Murphy Real Estate, Broker. clwï¬ LADIES! Are you in need of man- ey? Avon Cosmetic: holds the answer. Service Avon Customers. Write Miss Ziegler, Box 635 Oak- ville. clw6 DEPENDABLE married man, 2 dependants, to help handle local business. Special pay to start. Steady work; Write Box No. 86 The Liberal. c3w4 MAPLE CENTRE Restaurant on No. 7 Highway between Jane and Keele, experienced waitresses wanted, days or nights. Cal/l AV. 5-2544. cl'w6 SALESMAN required, salary and commission and car allowance, no experience necessary, full training given. Phone TU. 4-2931 {0- appointment. c2w5 WANTED -â€" a saleslady 'wiflh a Well groomed. neat appearance. Preferably with selflsing experi~ ence. Box 2 'Dhe Liberal. clwï¬ 2 MEN to work 76-9 pm. daily, $56â€"53} Eeéï¬." 6v;1c:"§‘o;Ҥ3t 85 The Libel-Al. c3w4 Men. Apply in own hand writihi Box No. 87 The Liberal. tfcé MAN for grass maintenance. Ap- ply in person. Dufferin Fairways, Dufferin St. at No. 7 Highway. EXPERIENCED cleaning woman wanted one day a week. Cal‘l AV. 5-5267. c1w6 T.V. AND APPLIANCE séI-vicE _____ .. “n. ...v.. "Inna-y uxuuuns, day caré éhd‘homemakers. Rhone TU. 4-7253. clw6 EXPERIENCED bindery girl for local printing 5-‘hop. AV. 5~2971. WOMEN waft-ged for {why sitting. CASHIER WANTED. Apply Thornhill I.G.A. c1w6 EXPERIENCED halr "dresser wanted. TU. 4-5021. *4w4 6 ROOM RANCHER 1 CAR ATTACHED GARAGE $22,900. just west of Thornhill in beautiful Elmwood Acres. Must be sold. owner being transferred out of town, custom built on large well landscaped. lot 100 by 180, loaded with extras including op- en ï¬replace, wall to wall broad- loom, aluminum storms and screens, combination doors, built in Hi Fi FM radio. 28 foot pan- elled in Mahogany recreation room with built in bar, must be seen to be appreciated, priced far below actual cost. Call BA. 1-3411. W. C. MoLAUGHLIN LIMITED 3 bedroom bungalow, wife-saving kitchen with plenty of closet and cupboard space. spacious living and dining rooms, all newly dec« orated; located close to schools, shopping and transportation to Subway, in the west of Yonge St. area; combined with large land- scaped lot, aluminum storms and screens and 51/979 mortgage, make this home a bargain at $16,500. Call TU. 4-3503 or in- spect at 178 Remote Court. c1w6 EARL V. STEWART Real Estate & General Insurance 21 Yonze St. North. Aurora Phone PA. 7-5076 Large 3 storey chicken barn and brooder {house on over 4 acres of land with frontage on paved highway. Full price $4,500. 10 Acres and house. Paved road trontagesiFull price $13,000. $14,800, 3 bedroom bungalow in pleasant neighbourhood, close to schools; outdoor cabana provides summer shade; landscaped with fruit bearing peach trees, office in basement. TU. 4-4153. c1w6 LAKESHORE LOTS on register- ed subdivision. Parry Sound dis- tr-ict, 130 miles from Toronto. BA. 1-6691 01' AV. 5-3881. c2w6 2 CHOICE LOTS, 45' x 241' with four~roomed cottage. 300' off Yonge St. For quick sale. 20 Spruce Ave. AV. 5~3670. c4w4 REAL ESTATE WANTED HELP WANTED PERSONAL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE KING TOWNSHIP BUY DIRECT AVON (Continued) THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontarin c:le cl'wï¬ c Iw6 c2w5 clw6 a sun room, all modemly equip- ped and heated, wall kept grounds, on a quiet centrally lo- cated street, garage. Adulrts. $85.00. Box 318 Stouï¬ville, Phone 567. c1w5 ATTRACTIVE lower dupleï¬ri Stouffvil'le with 2 bedrooms and A TWO FAMILY house. 3 bed< room-s, living room, dining room, kitchen. bathroom, newly decor. ated. oil Jhea-tinz, near Maple. AL. 7-1573. clw6 RICHMOND HILL RENTALS 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from $95 a month Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Mnrplo Real Estate mm FURNISHED bed-sitting, kitchen. bath; parking. 18 Lorne. 15!; house east of Clark': Drug Store at Yonge. *2w6 2 BEDROOM apartment, large kitchen, living room, bathroom and separate laundry room. One block from Yonge St. $95.00. Phone TU. 4-1650. clrws FURNISHED ROOM, with use of modern kitchen, parking av- ailableï¬suit one gentleman. TU. 4-1629. tfc6 FURNISHED ROOM, all modern conveniences, private bathroom, gentleman preferred. Close to Yonge St. AV. 5-4409. cl‘w6 YOUNG MAN wishes to share his three bedroom home with two others. Call after 7.00 pm. TU. 4-7743. I"1w5 2 LARGE rooms, 4 piece bath- room, in split-level home, private entrance, newly decorated. TU. 4- 7671. c1w6 Mm APARTMENT. 1 bedroom in pri- vate home. Free in exchange for part-time help. TU. 4-2340. 12 Yonge St. S. AURORA. Separate three room apartment, modern bath. near Yonge. $55.00 monthly. PR. 8- 5412. c1w6 AURORA, modern, spacious 4- roomed apartment. 2 private env trances, all conveniences. $95.00. PA. 7-9488, PA. 7-5046. tfc5 SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS 2 BEDROOM apartment, iris and stove supplied. A‘pply Superin- lendent, 50 Benson Ave. *1w6 UPSTAIRS front room. centre Richmond Hill. Adult family. Parking. TU. 4-1547. c1w4 ONE BEDROOM apartment. Rich Hill Manor. 260 Markham Road. TU. 4-7066. c1w6 PARTLY furnished (awn bedroom apartment. Reasonable, child welcome. TU. 4-1955. c1w6 4 ROOM apartment. private en: trance, above store on Yonge St. PR. 3-5431. c2w5 ROOM‘ to suit gentleman. cen- tral, close to bus stop and shop- ping plaza. TU. 4-1483. c1w6 SELF contained apartment; can- trally located, ideal for 3 lady teachers. TU. 4-4291. c1w5 REPAIR garage and equipment: AV. 5-5205. 1ch FURNISHED, single beds, suit two. central. TU. 4â€"7960. c2w6 WILLOWDALE at Yonge. $85.00 mommy for spot- lessly clean, selI-contalned, bright. modern, three rooms: electrically equip- ped. Immediate possession. adults only. No pets please. Mr. Nixon, W. L. Nixon. Realtor, BA. 1-3448. FOR RENT TO RENT Reg. $3.98 for $2.87 Reg. $2.98 for $1.87 Ladies’ Summer Skirts c1w6 c1w6 . Thursday. August 10. 1961 Half Price THE FOLLOWING REPOSSESSED CARS ARI NOW UP FOR SALE 10% Down Take Over Payment! ’60 Envoy ’59 Ford ’58 Ford ’56 Meteor Ranch Wagon ’ 4 Ford 03 Chev. 1960 FALCON, 4-door De Luxe. black and white. white walls. ra- dio, window washers, seat covers, etc. Good condition. Phone TE. 3-5657. (3le ’53 FORD Custom-line, 4-door. mechanical. body and paint 11k. new. Radio. AV. 5-5932 after 7 wheel discs, 55.000 mues; $8001 TU. 4.4547. cm; good. body poor. Best offer. AV. 5-1903. clwo 1951 LINCOLN. radio. Good rub‘ ber, $200 or best offer. Apply 112 Markfham Rd. c1w6 '51 STUDEBAKER. mechanically FOUND 14K gold wedding band. with silver design, in Concord vicinity. Owner may claim on payment of this advertisement. AV. 5-2858. clwfl 1956 FORD, sedan. custom radio. $25 REWARD Cat Siamese Seal Point nule. one year. vanished from Laslle- Steelel area 4th August. AV. 5« 2950. clwï¬ NICELY furnished room, in new home, board optional. Parking. Phone 884-4179. c1w5 BED4SI'1V1‘ING ROOM and kit~ chenette, furnished. outside en~ trance. parking. Suit one or two people. TU. 4-1768. clws ROOM 8: BOARD available in King City. TEmpll 3-5569. ROOM & BOARD for lady pen- sioner In exchange for looklnl after school age girl while mother works. AL. 7-1160 after 6 pm. ROOM and‘Bâ€"OARD Richmond Hill x x x x .Xxx“ WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! USED CARS WY 1'! NOW '1“ A LOW-COST LIPS-MID LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Call Ed Ron AV. 5-1105 PA. 7-3001 FOUND ixxx i'xt xxxxxux LOST *1w6 clwï¬ c2w5 c2wl