We can supply for most Brilish can including Austin, Hillman, Morris, Triumph. Standard Vangunrd, Vauxhall and most Irlï¬lll Foul producti. Rebuile 1 Q original manufaceurer’s specifications. Lu: pulley . . . . . . . . . . . . h-I-I-n-I-i \ \ u: u“: q... u. p... ‘3 \ unit. 6-vole (mos!) 1 U. ----- on) . . . ' §da 3:. 12‘55 was ammon EXGHANGE for snmsu msâ€" Canadian Tim has expert servicemen may requirrâ€"for a moderate service lt-Yourself" . . . save on labour! instruction sheen, and for a moderate 8 THE LIBERAL. Richmond III, Ontar CHEVROLET 1953-60, 6-:yl. with non, oil pgmp MOTO-MASTER REBUILT and TEST RUN 1 65.40* Ilmllal loving: for mil: to", I;;;1:I(I!.‘-Exp|rf {nuâ€"Iamrion â€" I! My uvingl NOTE: Abovo wk" [.03. Factory. Shipping Chev†cxhu. 'A nfundnbh block deposit In uqulud. Amount 9! nlund duermhwd 9y condition 9! ¢u_ltnmgr'g Iglofk; , ,A “A -_..:__- GENERATOR EXCHANGE 5::n:°*:.::::,'::.::." a: 'FAST INSTALLATION or TU. 4-1196 1951-55, 6-¢y|., Iâ€. "an: VI"! head, panhoil pump DODGE-PLYMOUTH Io hkn can of any installations charge. But if you prefer . . . ‘ W0 will supply FREE “Know-l lentil, loan you “It tooll. Enquire I" With ov Dynometer better the original eq ENGINE For most popular can Ind trucks using standard-type Auto-Lite, Delta-Remy and Ford systems. Mote-Manor generators are fac- tory rebuilt to "new :ar" standards . . . nary part showing the slight- ut Iign of wear is upertlv machincd or replaced as required. You are alsured at guaranteed service equal to Y0“? old unit. 6-volt (most) Factory GUARANTEED 90 DAYS 0R 4,000 MILES ‘IT-YOURSELF†over 257 new parts eter tested to equal c the performance of a ne 1 equipment unit. Remanufactured FORD 1949-54, V-l with Mad, oil pump {0, Thursday, August 10. 1961 inflation: you ‘er . . . "Do- "Know-How" Enquire today. ml or a ne\ Eummtmm'llmmnnmllnmnnlnmlmnlrlmmmnnnmmmmmnmInmmummnumInnunnumum-mnumummmmnmmnnmmlmmmnlmnnnnlnlnmmnmmuunnnna Wlllllllllllllllll||l[lfllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllIllllllllillllllll"IHUI!IllIIIIllllllllIllllllllIIIIIUIEIHIIIUllllllllllllIllllllfllfllflflmfllllflllllfllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllluuuumlE SERVICE DEPT. OPEN UNTIL 9 RM. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SATURDAY 6 RM. NEW DELUXE "RIDE-O-MATIC" SHOCKS aufomaï¬call adiusf ’ro fond and load condifions +0 give fhe ï¬ned CONTROLLED RIDING C MFORT. They banish +he bumps â€" smo’rher road shock and are designed +0 compensafe for wear on coil springs and froni’ and park. PER PAIR (ins’rallaï¬on ox’rra) 1 ‘Ride-O-Matic' Deluxe SHOCK ABSORBERS ancl like if . . . Gef a "New-Car" ride wi’rh MOTO- MASTER SHOCK ABSORBERS. Provides smoolh- ness and comforf under all driving condih'ons. Molo-Masfer Shocks are Road and Load Tes’red *0 original equipmenf qualify sfanclarcls and per- formance. Guaranfeed for one full year or |5.000 miles! Safe Safely . . . Ride Safely . . . on Cana- dian Tire's MOTO-MASTER SHOCK ABSORBERS. Getting a rough ride? You NO NEED TO TAKE A BEATING EVERY MILE YOU DRIVE â€"- INSTALL MOTO-MASTER SHOCK ABSORBERS SAVE UP TO 5070-0N “fl-GAR†QUALITY MOTO-MASTER :CUSHION COMFORT Extra FRONT END WHEEL ALIGNMENT ALL WORK DONE ELECTRONICALLY ON NEW BEAR TELALINER Safety 0 Extra Savings 0 Extra Comfort lugh ride? You don't have to lump it . Get a "New-Car" ride with MOTO- ‘OCK ABSORBERS. Provides smooth- »mfort under all driving conditions. ‘ Shocks are Road and Load Tested iquipment quality standards and per- uaranteed for one full year or |5.000 Safely . . . Ride Safely . . . on Cana- IOTO-MASTER SHOCK ABSORBERS. 40 pr. “or. M PM W) CORRECT (ASTER & CAMBER CORRECT TOE-IN, TOE-OUT chief cause of tire wear INSPECT STEERING BALANCE WHEELS install necessary weights PONTIAC PLYMOUTH 1949-52. s-cyl. P18. 20, 22, 23 (oxc. conv.) l953-54, S-cyl. (exc. conv.) l955-59, S-cyl. . . . . . . . . . FORD and METEOR ISM-54. 8-cyl. (axe. eonv.) 1955-56, s-cyl. . . . . . . . . . l951, s-cyl. (exc. conv.). I958-59. s-cyl. (oxc. conv.) Votk'sWEdm 1955-55. 4-eyl. iI ABSORBERS Brock-2'1: n'ndcd). Clampl, l954-58 (axc‘ l959 . . . . . . l35l-53, 5 cyl. 20. 22 I954. S-cyl. 20. 22 .. “355-55. S-cyl. 20, 22 (etc. conv.) . . . . . . . l351-59, S-cyl. 20. 22. 70 1949-52. S-cyl. 032. 38. 39. 40 (exc. conv.) l953-54. S-cyl. (axe. conv.) 1955-59. S-cyl. . . . . . Similar savings on othcr passenger can, including imports Big dixcounls on Motngum Exhausf Equipmfnf for commercial which: Easy Credit Terms .. OPEN A C.T.C “INTERNATIONAL No Down Payment = Nothing To Pay For 50 Days $9.50 MOTH-MASTER “Extra Life 0 LONG LIFE 0 SAVE GAS O QUIET MUFFLERS ‘Dorlt-Yourself' Muffler Discount Price 4.95 555 £5 771 8050 9312 57.0%“ 9.95 MUFFLER INSTALLED DISCOUNT PRICE 3505 2544 8900 11 15.95 000 33 999 INSURANCE pi: 5-YEAR GUARANTEE CHARGE" ROAD HAZARD â€" at SANADIAN TIRE’S WHOLESALE DISCOUNTS A. ! EASY BRAKES ""M‘ INSTALLEDâ€"29.95 9 Tip Tee Control 0 A faster step 0 Safer â€"- eliminates high-speed brake fade. Duplicale: function anJ performance of original equipment that normally adds $42 to $85 to the price of your new car, an an optional extra. Meet: SAE Speciï¬cations 0 Easy to install. _ N Y T E x pi us ‘ EE 1: ï¬x- \ now FOR THE FIRST TIME - V0l The fabulous new SUPER-LAST": NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME - you can get the BEST features of both NYLON and max cords combined in one Great New Tire! Câ€"SPEEDOMET‘R CABLI GREASEâ€"Us. M pvotect Iguin"_ vufl, min and wearâ€" in any hinpcrulun Handy tuba . . . ‘ . Dâ€"IGNITION COILâ€"Original equipmenv quality 90 assuu maximum efï¬ciency at SLâ€Â§Â§"Z..‘.'........ ...... 4.40 [â€"IGNITION TUNE-UP KITâ€"Equal or be!- 9.: Ohm ovIglncl aquip. qucllfy. Includu ‘31:» rotor, condemn. 1 '75 WWA‘EQ3 rm: .29 uni