Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Aug 1961, p. 5

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Editor Margot Cracli . ii Mrs. James Gil-singer Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ktrkpatâ€" Nancy Mirrlees or 117 Law-‘ merEiilice. Yonge Street S. rick and their children Bradley rence Avenue,_has been award- have returned home f0110wing and Susan have returned to ed a second prize - a Sono-llte - an enjoyable motor trip through'their Kerrybrook Drive home In the Elmer Whats wrong the New England States, New following a two week cottageiWiLh this picture?" contest hav- BwnSWICk and QUEbecs vacation in Haliburton. ing to do With education in “ * " * ' i t t it 1safety factors. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Maxwell Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Yer“, a a o o and their daughters Cathy and and Mr. James Grainger wonl The grand old man of the: Barby returned last weekend tOp honours and the H. w. Pier-district, Mr. A. E. Jones, Elgin from 5‘ “liming IWO W991i COI' cey Trophy in the lawn bowling‘Mills, known affectionately as use holiday in the Hallburton‘trehles at Tottenham, last Sat- ‘Pa‘ to his many friends, will district. 'urday_ ‘ ,on Thursday of this week be 4 s s- o I. t: III 1- * icelebrating his 87th birthday. Afteramonths absence plan-i Had some holiday visitors?“The Liberal' joins with his ist teacher, Miss Ruth Garson, Then why not phone our Social friends in wishing him a hap- AD-CM- has returned to the Editor, and tell us about them. py birthday with continued good ‘Hill' after a sojourn at Queen’S.Your friends and neighbours health for many years to come.‘ UhiVerSIty In Kingsmn- Partld'will more than enjoy reading it: at in ii: mung m the musical depart' 3“ “bout your summer guesm' Plan to visit the Garden Par- ment of the summer session'm simPle just phone our office - in fine arts. With such a red“ TU. 4-1105 or drop us a “new tea and bake sale being held THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, August 17, 1961 5 "av pie _ i Typewriters - Adding Machines SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS L. H. SIMS ‘your office machine speciallst‘ 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill Day or Evenings TU. 44745 95‘s unis sag saunas sgpnasualeuu. 'v uuogaq5999 All popular makes on hand Special Students‘ Rates see portable models at ‘Wight’s Pharmacy' The great outdoors is the yearâ€" ly holiday for Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Scott. Meridith. Vicky, and , Shelley who returned last week end from a three week camping f= holiday at Meacham Lake, New York. ‘ 2 “CVA9GVK9JVx30Â¥A90<%0\R90§k9£\)oflk90<% chshu’i World ruin. i Verily this is that Most Great Beauty foretold in the Books of the Messengers, through Whom truth shall be distinguished from errO' and the wisdom of every command shall be tested. Vel‘ily He is the Tree of Life that bi'ingeth forth the fruits of God, the Exalted, the Powerful, the Great. -: (£"\ \W-vxwwmwammm M‘x-vxc‘x \«rvx l “<30V?<>CY>0 not: i“ Mr. and Mrs. Len Jones, dau-, , ghter Carol and son Michaelfi: returned last week from a six week stay in England and are‘ spending the remainder of their' holiday at their cottage at Thunder Bay Beach, Georgian Bay. l t: t- t a “Destination - Asia!" Bound, for Colombo, in Ceylon. by air and by sea, Miss Grcthe Dalll, of Richmond Street. last night ’W'! JERSEYS ” W AVENA PRODUCTION SALE on Thursday, August 17th at the iAugust 16thi flew from Malian trashing summer interlude, MISSIthrough the mail (our mailing Garson is eagerly looking for-'addrcss is no. Box 390, Rich- ward to the new fall season. imond mm it- it it a * * * , sympathy 0‘ “‘9 °°mmumtyikichmons lull W.I. is extended to the family ..nd- 5 A bus has been chartered to relatives of the late William .i. visit the Canadian National Ex_ Hall who passed away at the . _ Toronto General Hospital on “‘b‘t‘°gugflstmҤi§h“$33331 daY! égfggg agh‘zsqéhfwgifiiafirhgfillleave Yonge and Centre Streets He is survived by his wife the:fit 9 a‘m‘ Sharp' All members who have not already reserved fiflfi'gfiiefv‘mfgy’ “Tasha andtheir seat are asked to please mother [contact the President, Mrs. H. martha Jane Hau‘ brothers Ex"Sanderson at TU. 4-1404 as soon nest and Alfred. Mrs. Sadie - McKay, Mrs. Nina Large, Mrs!“ posslble' .. * n .. Anne Reid. Mrs. Vi Gamble,‘ Mrs. MM” Joyce, Mill St" Mill .St- homt‘ 0f MI'S- Charli‘s Airport to London, England by Hardmg and take advantage 0f BOAC Britannia plane. From the mémy attTaCtlve aprons and London, aboard the Peninsular novelties on sale at bargain pri- & Orient Liner “Acadiavv‘ Miss 095' The afternoon 15 beihg Dahl will proceed to Colombo, Sponsoer by the Riellmond H111 traversing the Atlantic Ocean, womens Insmme through the Straits of Gibral- "‘ * "‘ "' tar into the Mediterranean Sea; “Yes, it‘s a camping trip for,At Port Said. Egypt. the trip. us again next year," said Mruthrough the Suez Canal will, and Mrs. Cecil King, of Tay1orlcommence, then, at the canal'si lMills Drive South, referring to southern end Gilt into the Red their recent ten-day campingISea. and after a stop at the; .motor trip. In their family car, port of Aden. across the Arabian {together with their eight child- Sea to COlombO. situated 0n the5 Iron, plus tent and cooking southern tip of the isle of Ceyâ€"i equipment, the King familyilon, off the most southern point of Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. John Meadows are pictured following their recent wed- ding at the United Church, Richmond Hill. The bride was formerly Diann'e Ewart, daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. Kresswell Ewart of Richvale. The groom is the son of Mrs. Meadows and the late Mr. Thomas Meadows Funeral Service i Prominent Businessman WJ. HaIIDies Suddenly1 The sudden passing of Mr.I. While William Hall was ovâ€"i in his erseas, his father bought a farm For Fire Victim High requiem mass was held yesterday at 9 a.m. at St. Mary‘s Immaculate Catholic Church, Richmond Hill, for J. Earl Tan- sey, 66, who perished in the William Joseph Hall, i I I i â€"- Photo by Lagerquist . With Added Consignments From Other Well-Known Herds WEDNESDAY. August 23, 1961. 7 pm. EDST I HAYS SALES ARENA, Trafalgar. Ontario. (North of Oakville - on No. 5 Highway) All consignments Accredited, Vaccinated, Bloodtcstcd. Included are daughters of wellâ€"known Superior or Tested The entries consist of selected young cows; first- calf heifers, freshening August through November; open choice calves. Immigrant -â€" linebred to the noted Pauline of Oakdale; Brampton Carom Beacon; Marin Commando Milestone; Brampton Sixth Generation; Brampton Ronald Acme and Sires. yearlings; Stein Bros, Cookstown. Ontario 75 Head Selling AT Service sires used include Mrs. Maude Mur h and Mrs_i - , . . . ‘ - Au vust 13 fire which destro ed Ruth Goulding. 'riieyservice was‘and M" “1‘” Grave" hem“ head“ 0‘” to ngsmn’ “me Of India’ and 3"“ north 0f the‘thegszoooo Del Brocco Co. th. 07th year. on Wednesday even-Ion Bayview Avenue, in Rich- ' t r they set up their tent for the Equator. - . - held from the Wri ht & Ta ions“ R‘Ch'mnd “‘11,.“11 mm“ , - - i . building on Keele Street, Ma le. mg. AUgust 9th. 1n Toronto;mond Hill. Chapel of the P151191. Funiral'the PFeVleW ShOWIDg 0f the “St mght' c°°kmg 0‘“ in thei M155 Dam is a member 0f the Rev, E McGinn officiated End General Hospital, came as a Following his return from‘, others. For catalogues, write to: HAYS FARMS LIMITED, film “Nuclear Energy in On- Open ,Canadian Overseas Volunteer Sale Managers, Home on Friday, August 11th. Interment followed Lawn Cemetery. s s i- s in Pm,kjtarlo” and a reception following Driving along the St. Law- at the Ontario Building, Canad- rence Seaway, they took the con- Lian National Exhibition on ducted tour of the Robert Saun-, ‘Thursdayi August 17. 1951 BS ders generating station, with the interment was in Holy Cross profound shock to his rclatives,lWorld War I, William Hall join- Cemetery. friends and business associates ed his father in operating the Efferts to locate a brother, in Richmond Hill and Toi'Jilii). Richmond Hill farm for a while. believed living somewhere in ‘Born in Standish, Michigan, Experienced in the operation of Group, being one of the ten Canadian university graduates selected from the University of Toronto to serve as volunteer Box 490, Oakville, Ontario Last summer during a ho spell in New York, a panhand- ler collapsed on the street. lm- mediater a crowd gathered and began offering suggestions. “Give the poor man a drink of whiskey,” s littl i “m. e od lady "Give him some air," said several men. “Give him a drink of whis- key," said the old lady. “Get him to a hospital." some. "tamari- . . ve ma rnkofwi- key.” said the old lady. h s The bubble continued until all at once the victim sat up. "Will you all shut up and its- ten to the little old i d !" hollered. a y be Iguests of the Hon. Robert W.,showjng of interesting fi1m5_ Onite-chnicians in the less devel- Macaulay, Minister of Energy‘to Ottawa, touring 311 the points oped regions of the world. Her Resources for Ontario. Inf interest a it it it also viewing the first year’s stay in Ceylon is ceremony of “Tile Changing ofisponsored by the “Voice of i The Richmond Hill Baptist the Guards". Driving along the Women”. a Canadian women's .Church are happy to announce scenic ottawa River they camp- organization dedicated to world {2e call1 izf PastoruG. Forbes to'ed at e.pupt. He w l commence his ministry in this area with‘gél’ffinififld hggréh Bay' services at 11.00 and 7.00 on ° ‘ Sunday, August 20th. Iroquois Falls, Martin peace. After‘. three daysHign School, were spent at Bass Lake. Added‘graduated from a Toronto Gen- . _ ~ Mrs. King, "a family adds to‘ ' He, his Wife and three Chlld' the enjoy“)th of a calnping va- A graduate of Richmond Hill Miss Dahl later eral Hospital nursing course, followed by a University of To- have so far been unavailing. The remains rested at the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. The fire broke out about 3 am. Firemen from Maple and Riclivale were unable to bring it under control because of its advanced state. The building, which contained the contracting firm’s offices, was 1%, miles north of No. 7 Highway and Ten Will be leaVinE Lime Brl'ication the children all pitched ronto Di ' ' ' I ' , , . p1oma Course In Pub. contained an apartment occu- ital!) to commence a 119“ la"in, collected and chopped the,1-lc Health. Since being chosen Ebour here. Mr. Forbes has been wood for the fires, helped with a student at Central Baptist‘ Seminary. Previously he lemming" a position with the Bell Tele~ ‘ phone Co. in Western Canada. Though he had a family and ##it Auxiliary :for this mission, Miss Dahl has the 000king. dishes and everY- actively been studying langu- ages, conditions, etc. to be en- countered, under a schedule ar- The Canadian Legion Ladies’ ranged by Keith.Spicer. Branch 375 held a During the first year of her home he left called to obey the Lord in full-time service. GREAT TENT REVIVAL He will be warmly Welcomed in Richmond Hill. E. G. Gagain, Miracles, Signs, * * " * Wonders. The Spiritual Event Entertaining for Miss Evel- of the year. Location: On Bay- 311 Beatty Prior to hel‘ marriage view Avenue. 1 mile north of to MY- Pal“ Lawrence in RiCh- Richmond Hill. mond Hill on Saturday last, were friends of the bride and Commenctng Sunday. August groom who gathered in the Vic- 13th. at 2 pm. and 7.30 pm. toria Square Community Hall we“ flights at 8.00 pm. Old.and held a miscellaneous show-iDeIla Sparkes. time_ preaching. singing andfer; Mrs. Harry Empringham ofEBlow, 153 Simpson Ave.. 3rd. popularity this summer with a prayln for the sick. Bring the Gormley a linen shower anlehe draw was made by Mrs. A. number of our local residents, Mrs. Michael McCleave a mis-jMarinoff and Mrs. E. G. Lemire, over the spending of their vaca- slck. Al welcome. pellaneous showar. very successful garden party atistay in Ceylon, Miss Dahl will ‘the home 0f MB and Mrs- Frank'travel through to the various: Tit-9’13“, May Avenue- The Bux- centres of the Public Health- 'ilial‘y were delight“ t0 “Tl-Services in the island, and has come honoured guest, Mrs. Della promised to keep this column Spark“: Chart“ member. Whodnform-ed of her travels and ex- is now well on the way to re- periences, covery following a prolonged _ I. * I. iiilness. A grocery basket draw “was held, winners being: Mrs. "The great OUIdOOI‘S". Plus IAda Davies, Meaford, lst: Mrs. camping Ollt in different Scenic 2nd; MrS. A, spots. appears to be gaining in tion period at a lake cottage. [ One of these families Mr. ' and Mrs. Albert J. Jackson of Rockport Crescent and their son David. aged seven, have lboth of May Avenue. pied by Mr. Tansey. The fire victim, 21 retired lawyer, Was found in his bed three hours after the outbreak ocurred. He had succumbed to smoke. At 5 am. the Maple Fire De- partment responded to a call a quarter of a mile south on Keele Street where flames de- Te-xas, and a sister in Chicago,‘William Hall at {weive years of‘dairies, both before and after age. came to settle in Toronto i stroyed a 200-year-old barn. The . :' barn is believed to have been constructed in the eighteenth century. In 1943 a fire wiped,with his parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. same property. The barn de-‘Martha J. Hall. At the age of Jack Hall stroyed on August 13 had been 21, he joined the artillery corps ’ brought to the property, re-as- and went overseas with the Slst IHowitze-r Battery in World War out another large barn on the sembled and improved. i ’ Late w. J. Hall ‘Alfred Evans Hall - 1940, he bought - Hall then moved to Richmond’. going overseas, in 1927 he for- med Hall’s Pure Milk Dairy - Ltd. in Toronto. ‘ During Mr. Hall’s many suc- ,‘ cessful years in business, he j gained the esteem and admira- ; ’ tion of all his assooiates. In. his father’s‘ farm in Richmond Hill and he and his family lived there for , three years. :- In 1958 he sold his dairy busi- » . ness and retired. Mr. and Mrs. " EXTRA SPECIAL PICNIC HAMS O HOME-MADE PORK lb. 39: SAUSAG Hill, spending their time be- tWeen their home here their cottage on Sparrow Lake; For many years they\were mem- ' bers of Carman Memorial Un- ;, ite-d Church, Toronto. "’ Richmond Hill. daughter surviving are: Mr.’ Florida and Mrs. Burlington, Ontario. Early Morning Accident Fatal Bernard Waters Victim Of Crash An early-morning Kay, Mrs. P. Large, Mrs. H. Reid, Mrs. E. Gamble, Mrs. T. Murphy and Mrs. D. Goulding. Rev. F. W. Brailey of the Car- oificiated at the service held two-car sister, Marjorie (Mrs: E. J. M_c- in the Wright 8; Taylor Chapel ~ crash on No. 11 Highway just Laughlin) of the Isllngton dis- of the Pipher Funeral Home, The late Mr. Hall is survived - -‘ by his wife, Mrs. Eva M. Hall, and by his mother, Mrs. Martha 3 1 Jane Hall, who, aged 95 years, is extremely active and visits A son and a " Fort Lauderdale. |. W. Gall of Brothers and sisters are Mr. Ernest Hall, " Mr. Alfred Hall, Mrs. A. Mc- > man Memorial United Church ' STYLE 39(g'iiiilis 35( GRADE “A” SMALL 21/: D02. Flat 89c C. NELS GAGE BAYVIEW PLAZA . TU. 4-769I Finance yours with a low-cost lite-insured loan 5 FFFZSR TIME TO HAVE THOSE BACK-TO-SCHOOL CLOTHES DRY CLEANED! ALWAYS ferry' was taken across Lake‘jaw and leg. His wife, Barbara, mond, Hill took place on .July er girl dressed in a white waltz 1.; Champlain from Fort Kent to 27, suffered leg cuts. 3' Burlington, 3 the excellent, free campsite atiafter a visit with friends, sus- setting of red, white and pink ’: Groton National Forest, , drove ' Hampshire and Maine to Bar‘hospltal- Harbor, registering and camp-‘, , Aling for several days in Acadia‘lington, the son of Mr. and theyand Mrs. Charles Chittenden Sr. Bracken sang beautifully, 1m- ‘~ , National Park. From this poin-t,ilate Mrs. C. 0. Waters and Ire-all of Richmond Hill. . iside trips were made, with supâ€"Iceived some of his educationi HURRY . HURRY ’- HURRY H II R R Y Buy Your New or Used Car NOWV After Sept. 1, 1961, a New 3% Provincial Tax Is Added MANY BARGAINS TO CHOOSE FROM IN SOME OF OUR USED CARS just returned from a two weeks south of Oak Ridges on August trict, eight nieces and Six ne- Richmond H111, with interment - combination motor tour of 2,- 14, resulted in the death of Ber- phews. of the Late Mr wmiam Hall in 437 miles on the speedometer, nard Waters, 30, Bayv1ew Aven-. .The remains rested at the parklawn Cemetery, Toronto. this mileage taking them‘ue, Richmond Hill and sent Plpher .Funeral Home, Rich- The pallbearers were Messrs. through the picturesque scene- three others. to hospital With mond Hill and the funeral tqokmloyd Reid, Peter Large. Jack ‘ ry of Eastern Canada and the serious injuries. place yesterday at 2 pm. thh‘HalL George Goulding' Bob United States. The accident occurred at lithe Rev. J. F. Moore of St.'Han and Barry Han. ‘ Camping out in their 9. x 9. am. when the car driven by Mary’s Anglican Church OfflC-i - Waters, travelling north toward iating. Pall bearers were Bill, ' tent’ and cookmg out’ proved Aurora, was struck by a ve-,Waters, Jr., Bruce Waters, Fred BRADFORD The Roam/t such an enjoyable experience . - .Ic1 b h ‘ th L‘br r . . . . hicle driven by Donald Gould- Waters, Jr., Tom HugheS, Nor u as given e i a y‘, £01 th? JaCkions' that ,1} 15 their ing, 24, of Toronto. According man Allen and Gordon Ste-wartlBOal‘d a cheque for $1,500 to- mtemmn t9 cam." 0}“ 9n the“ to Mr. Bill Waters, a brother‘lnterment was in the Richmond wards the. erectltm Of a heWi 1962 vacation Clossmg into theta-f the crash victim who identiâ€"‘Hill Cemetery._ illbral‘y bundling. ‘ United States over the Thous-lfied the body at 230 am_ at Chittenden â€" Haley Nuptials and Islands Bridge, they drove‘ rk O m Hos, it31,Newmar_ through the Adirondack Moun- Est, itcagpezred tfiat the Gould. talhs “I New York SWIG. DIICh'dng vehicle, going south, slewed ., mg the” tent “1 Meadow BPOOk sideways across the four-lanei A very pretty double ring gloves completed their ensem-, Stale Park near Lake PlaCid- highway, striking the Water‘s wedding ceremony solemnized bles. They carried nosegays of . After visiting Ausable Chasm car broadside. Goulding is in by Rev. Basil Breen of St.‘lemon mums. and the Alienome Cave, the car,llospital with a fractured skull, Mary‘s Catllolic Church Rich- Little Mary Mortson was flow- ‘ Marion 8, when Elizabeth Helen Haley length dress the “me as Brides- tofBunker, 38, of Aurora, whom and Charles Edward Chitteuden maids, and Master Michael _, iniMr. Waters was seeing homefivere married before an altarwusonwas ring bearen ' Mr. James Wood of Tweed ’ , acted as best man for the groom. . Mr- and Mrs- Wll'hel‘t Haley The organist was Paul Van Wer- , ,are the bride‘s parents and the ingen. During the Mass and . Mr. Waters was born at 15- bridegroom is the son of Mr. signing of the register Mrs. Vermont, on Montpelier. After camping theyltaincd a broken left arm and roses. New shock. She too was admitted to 1959 Volkswagen 1958 Edsel Citation 4 Dr. Hardtop 1958 Chevrolet Sedan, 6 cyl. through scenic . maculate Mary, Panis Angelicus, a Entering the church on the On this day 0 Beautiful Mop erb views of the Atlantic constithere before the family moved arm of her father the bride‘ther_ ‘ CALL... For Your Complete Professional Dry Cleaning Services At T“. 4-2162 . BUY LocALLY Ai. . line, especially from Cadillagto Richmond Hill in 1945. Here looked radiant in a gown of iMounlain. A ‘sandy beaches was also enjoyed, the past two years he had been with fitted bodice. The scallop- ' picturesque ' scenery of New Brunswick was i v ~ . .- .A ,, - i . ‘enJOyCd‘ (11“ m" “lrough Calals' three brothers. Fred, Bill and pearls swept to a scalloped cha- ,F.alls. Another excellent camp: _ I V ‘slte' proved to be in Fundy Bay‘tumed to hex. wright Street of red roses and white carna_ white. Tne grooms mother rc- - "1 National Park' “Shore “"0 days home after a very enjoyable va~ tions. Attending the bride was CBI‘Ed were Spent, including swims 1“ cation at Virginia Beach, her sfster Theresa Haley as dress .Wim “'mfe accessories 1: , the heated 58h \‘i‘fl'iCI‘ DOOI- D11“ Travelling by bus over scenic maid of honour. The bl'ides- and a yellow conage' Attending ' Many - Bargains ' In - New " Cars “Beaverbrook's 2, through _ ince of Quebec. viewing its past, , Iroquois, Fort Henry. with oneiloo mark. The interesting one lmore overnight camping out at'nnd a half hour trip on the _- Iorable JIJack 1957 Chevrolet Coach, 6 cyl. 1957 Plymouth 8 cyl. Sedan 1956 Mercury 8 Cyl. Hardtop 1956 Dodge Sedans, 8 cyl. and 6 cyl. 1955 Dodge Sedans, 8 cyl. and 6 cyl. 1954 Dodge Sedan Mayfair Ushers Were Bruce Chitten- den, Bernard Haley. Ray Jefâ€" fl i'erson and Martin Naboul‘s. ~ Receiving at the Richmond ‘ Hill Social Club, for the recep- _ tion of one hundred and fifty vv guests the bride’s mother wore ; an orchid sheath dress with lace bodice, and white accessor- . ies, and corsage of pink and Swimming at the‘he attended high school. For white chantilly lace over satin employed at the Tom Hughes ed neckline was trimmed with Shell Service Station, Markham tiny seed pearls. The bouffant and Bayview. skirt detailed at the back waist- He is survived by his father. line with lace roses and seed the coastal Entering Canada again, rugged ISL Stephens and .St‘ Andre.\vs Jack, all of Richmond Hill, a el train. A crown of crystal held and the St. Johns RBVCI‘Slhg / her elbow length veil of tulle Miss Marilyn Baker has re- illusion. She carried a cascade in a turquoise sheath mg on past woue Lake and routes through the states of maids were Bernice Haley, sis- the dance that fouowe‘j “Vere '_ IFI‘EdQI‘ICIOhi With a “15” ‘0 Lord New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- ter of the groom. Mary McMii- 300 gUEStS' _ , 1 Art Gallery. vania and Maryland via Wash- Ian. Priceville. cousin of bride FOI‘ tl‘aveuihg. the bl'lde doh' ,' WOOdSIOCku Jacques, incton D.C. Miss Baker arrived and Shirley McCurdy of Stouff- had a soft green summer snit v St- Andre 0“ through the PTOV‘ atDVirginia Beach. ville. dress with two tone white and .- Staving at the Princess Ann The maid of honour wore a green SWISS straw hat. “bite and present state. to a campsite Hotel’ she visited the Alan street length gown of Shocking accessories and Corsage of white ' “Mr Cornwan Omario- Intel“ Beach Convention Centre, Oce- Pink Organza with white cum- ca_l‘naI10nS. Their honeymoon _,. “ting “Sits incmded UPPEI‘ ana and the Master Jet Base at mer‘cund pleated at the back trip took them to St. Annes. De ICanada Village, tour of the R. Cape Henry. During her stay and falling to a llemline train. Beaupre. Que, the Laurentlans, ‘ H- saundt‘rs genel‘atihg station.‘the temperatures soared to the She carried a nosegay of white and Eastern States. and lemon mums. The brides- Out of town guests were maids wore identical gowns of from Vancouver, Los Angeles, ;. Kingston completing the mem- Creek Ferry to Hampton, Vir- white organza with pink cum- Detroit, North Bay, Pricerllle, camping trlp of the‘;inia, was taken on the home-merbunds and heniliiie trains. Brampton. Newmarket, Stouff- , SOD family. .i-ard journey. Tiny white lace hats and pink Villefland Toronto. WM. “NEAL 61 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill

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