Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Aug 1961, p. 7

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isov's bicycle. 18". TU. 4â€"3927. 7 _ _ _ c1w7 4-WAY baby carriage, jolly- jumper. playpen. Reasonable. TU. 4-4528. c2w7 CONTINENTAL BED. complete with head board. Reasonable. 884-3253. c1w7 BICYCLES. one lady’s andfione man’s. Good condition. TU. 4-1669. *1w7 TWO 33'" cofiitnenm beds. al- most new. 350. TU. 4-5186. _ PREFXB'GARAGES from $299. Cal-1 Loughlin Lumber and Sup- ply. AV. 5-1109. tfc31 OIL TANK, zoo galf’halfifined. furnace oil. $22.00. TU. 4-2909 after 6.00 pm. c1w7 REMINGTON Noiseless 7 Type; writer. Good condition. $30.00. AV. 5-2625. clwfi EITECTRIC_cu1'i'ycomb [orw hon- ses; 3150 PA system. Phone PR. $5361. 21w? GRADE 11 text books, reason- able. good condition. TU. 4- 3185. c1w7 A unnuty of good quality mix- ed ay. Phone AV. 5-2456. Ev- enings only. clw7 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age, 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. Lfc3 HONEY 22b._PléHsew bring"con- tainers. Saturdays and evénings FLdOR'fnodel"radioi’record g‘brluga‘gé‘gu“ 0r phone Abfam' player, needs repair, $10. Bird- ‘ ~ ‘ 3W6 cage 52. Triple mirror vanity 77000 NEWâ€"BRICKSTchment and bench. $15. Wooden bed blocks used. two buildings sult- frame, $1.50. TU. 4-1396. able for cottage. TU. 4-2349. c1w7 17" TABLE model TV set. A bargain at $39.00. J. Fox 8: Son, Stop 24 Yonge St. TU. 4-1610. TOWN 8c OOUN'DRY food freez- er, 15 cubic feet. $200.00 cash. TUmer 4-5472 after 5 pm. CONNOR washing machine, thermo line. automatic pump, in working order. TU. 4-4367. clw7 BABY PICTURES are priceless when taken by the Lngerquist Studio, TU. 4-2791. tfc3 10 CU. FT. WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator, 1961 model. Re- duced to $179.00. J. Fox 8; Son. Stop 24 Yon-ge St. TU. 4-1610. new double cement laundry tub. $12.00; combination garden plan- ter and cultivator, $12.00; chick brooder. $5.00; electric fence controller, $5.00. AL. 7-2513. NEWVQUVEBEC HEATER. $25.; USED Car Radios" and 7 Sony transistor ppljtalgle yadios. 53 Yonxe St. N TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT New box trailers. all sizes $68. and up or $12.00 weekly ren- tal. House trailers for sale or rent. Call Oak Ridges. PR. 3- 3721. tfc3 SANDY LOAM SAND & GRAVEL Call Joe Hampton PRospect 3-5922 or TU. 4-2538 Uc50 JOHN BRADLEY cullivator, with plow, barrows, cultivator. snowplow, lawn roller. grass cutter. cost $750.00. will sell for $200.00. Phone after 6 pm. '1‘U. 4-2555, or may be seen one mile east of Bayvlew on 18th Avenue. *1w7 PRESSURE TREATED Osmose poles. posts and lumber for pole barns and other structures re- quiring (weather Protectionl Ratcliff Bros. Ltd.. Lumber 51 Bldg. Supplies. phone StouiT- ville 204W1. clw7 Richmond Hill TORD LAWN MOWER. outdoor play pen 12‘ x 12'. stroller. car- riage. small playpen. small child‘s bike. folding baby rock- er with tray, TV aerlal, fireplace grate. TEmple 3-6394 anytime after 5 pm. clw? ENGINE PARTS FROM STOCK registered dealer for Briggs 8: Stratton - Lauson - power pro- ducts - Kohler - Cllnton en- gines. repair service. CARL WALKER SALES Gt SERVICE . Lawn & Garden Equlpment . Victorla Square Gormley 5413 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentlls Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in eluding new and rebuilt stand ard portable and electric mod els. Special rental rates avail able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. HERRID‘GE ELECTRIC 11v. Appliances - Sales - Repairs Parts CASH RATES, 15'. Insertion So each word, min. charge 75c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 50 per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOG NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word; min. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per lnlertlon . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early In the Week possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesdays. Send Ids by mall and enclone payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive lnvoloe. ARTICLES FOR SALE PEA'I' LOAM â€" SOD ELASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES IT'S ALL In THE TU. 4-3211 tfc4 TU. 4-1 c1w7 *Zwfi c1w‘7 clw7 c1w7 clw7 4745 tic“ tfc5 Avg-uâ€"uuu-u-u-v vuu‘uulnt‘uu ‘ . _Chesler[ield sets recovered â€" 3.:glfijl‘gefigg "iififiggffig’d “33:15 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 1- riding ' slyedars Aguarsantlctelel. 'I‘Elvrfislift de- lr - ‘ sre. . m . poserv. Bnggs, Stra-tton a; Lauson and . Power Products parts serviced. phone Availisz.‘ , __ “C43 _ Carl Walker Lawn & Garden SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed Equipment, Gormley 5413, Vlc- stone. loam and fill. E. Charity, ltoria Square. th2 Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. ‘7“ What ls An 0131:? ‘ PAINTING fiberhanging. Free 8 Ask us about an OIIII basement estimates. Colour samples. A. ‘mdellumidlfler. It collects waterlRollinson. TE. 3-6671. Lfcl5 ‘IR‘ONIING BOARD $3: screen door $2; veranda steps $5; hand basin $3. tires 850 x 14, $3 each: chest of draWea-s, tables and .‘lamlps. etc. TU. 4-5759. c1w7 (Continued) {SPEETY Raleigh racer. $14.50: §_V._>5:130A3._7 _ A c1w7 TEXT BOOKS, grade 10 and 11, in good condition. AV. 5-2525. A SMALL DlNGHY with new oars, $30.00. TU. 4-3424 after 5.00 pm. c1w7 MANUR‘E delivered in small quantities for lawns, gardens and flower beds. TU. 4-2236 01- AV. 5-2236. tfc46 USED washlng machines, re- built from $25.00. J. Fox & Son, Stop 24 Yonge 51.. TU. 4-1610. c1w7 ONE REFRIGERATOR. perfect condition $40.00 or best offer“ one rangette, good, $2000; two card tables: one kitchen table; four chairs; a quantity of odd dishes. 884-7627. c2w6 DAVENPORT, good condition. converts to bed. Cash terms $75.00 or best offer. TU. 4-‘ 1609. Call after 6.00 pm. c2w7 RUBBER STAMPS. all kinds any size. Quick service. The Liberal Office. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1105. tfc43 21" ADMIRAL Console TV set. A steal at $79.00. J. Fox 8: on. Stop 24 Yonge St, TU. (-1610. clw‘? PRIVATE - musl be sold be- fore Sept. lst, one chrome table 8.: four chairs. one 54" contin- ental bed, a desk. one bed-ches- terfleld complete with spring and mattress, one small sized crl‘b, a electric hot water hea- ter with controls. one washing machine motor, all reasonable. I TU. 4-1955 clw7 l MID-SUMMER‘CIJEAR‘ANCE’ ONE McLA'RY refrigerator. one grey chrome set, one green Chesterfield c‘halir, one Phllco TV. one good bed spring, will sell reasonable. The above ar- ‘tlcles are in A-l condition. Ap- ply PR. 3-5229. c1w7 BABY FURNITURE 1 Cr-ivb with mattress and springs $15.00; 1 long play pen $10.00; 1 Sunshine carriage $15.00; 1 wooden high chair, $2.00. 1 baby ‘jumsper $6.00. If bought in total $35.00. TU. 4-5576. c1w‘7‘ BEAUTYREST Marshall, Sim~j mons, Set-La. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired, re- turned just like new, medium firm, extra fimn. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered. 0n- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 What is an Oasis? Ask us about an Oasis basement dehumidifier. It collects water out of the damp basement air and walls (a gallon a day). It prevents mildew and dampness damage to rugs. furniture and valuables. We rent Onsll dehumidifiers: $5.00 a week; $15.00 a month. Model SD32, sale price, $149.50. Try one. Call us for a free home trial now. uucl uuuh, can: yxnuc, vxaamu.‘ ""' " tfc44lELGIN MILLS L6AM a; son ' one. Call us for a Iree hom â€"~r- _ r V _ > , i1 now. el DO-ALL MAINTENANCE ' CO. LTD. “manual; Emcrmc | Commercial& Residential )0“ may also ‘plgk up these TV - Appliances . sales WINDOW CLEANlNG Items at our locat1on by truck Repairs - Parts Floor - Cleaning, Waxing. Pol-l 01‘ by 'bushel baskets. 53 Ynnge St. N. TU. 4-3211 iishing. Sanding & Refinishingl mile “9‘” 0f Richmnd “i”! finhtffiy COMMERCIAL INQUIRIES 1 west slde on Yonge Street A V iAui ____i[ INVITED SOD DELIVERED l Tu, 4.4325 Cultivated Sod. 100 yards up. iiifl‘eflgirpat: m7 18c yard. Seezc(l)ed focli 100 yards {xxxxxxxxx} l KINGSLEY ‘ UPAY g-lisali. Q TREE EXPERTS 8.: FORESTRY ' 3952 xx xx COMPANY . :75 Richmond SL. Richmond Hill Ont. :â€" XXX Xxx xxx’ NEED A NEW STOVE OR ’FRIDGE? XXXX FOR SALE XXXX BUY‘ El WITH A LOW-COSTJJFl-INSURRD XXX XXX THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA XXXX LOAN Lllyo’ fling MQVING .& STORAGE Sized Franks Movmg & Cartage, hea_ packing and storage. Experienc- shingted serwce anytime. Pickup and lab1e.1de11very. Good rates. TU. 4- clw7x261'_MV_~5"510L “016 ‘llMISCELLANEOUSMISCELLANEOUS} HELP WANTED g TQ__R_EN7T LINDSCAPING (S; lawn cutting & garden maintenance. H. Sor- enson. TU. 4-3120. tfc52 PAINTI’NG‘JJ DECORATING Townsend and Donald. Phone 884-7065. c4w3 WEED CUTTING Large or small lots, BA. 5-2781. [£050 We specialize in farm fencing, call Joe Hampton, PR. 3-5922. tfc42 BABY PICTURES try the friendly Lagerquist Stu- dio with the know how. TU; 4- 2791 SANITARY CONTRACTOR We install complete septic tank and weeping 'beds, save for cash All work guaranteed. Call Murray Baker TW. 5-4151 JACK & LEE TV | 03‘” Electronics? We fix it. #’ “izgfifiEy’pAnxii 'V “TU' 4'38” km”? 3rd line Markham, south of 17th J. CHRISTENSEN lAvenlue, picnic, swimming. Adâ€" Painting, intevior and exterior.u11ts 25c, children 150. TU. 4- paper-hanging. materials 5119- 2577. clws plied- TU- 4-5764- “C52 SHEET METKI. WORK pneu. '1'u.75-a'm§. fl LICDA SHEET METAL WORK ROTOVATING Eavestrough. new and repaired. RotOValing. Aerating lawn and Heating. roof flashings etc. Free garden maintenance. Tom Mash- estimates. Work guaranteed. Tu.| inter. TU. 4-1170. tfc4} 4-1006. thSO BKBY‘SITTING ‘ FRANK’VS WELL DRILLING Mothers’ Helpher Service. AdultiPump install-ed and serviced barby sitters only. Also Home- Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. makers‘ service. TU. 4-7253. PA. 7-5272. tfc50 Remodelling of kitchen, bath-Hill, lop soil and black loam. room, alterations. Call Enter- Prompt delivery. Reasonable prise Home Improvement. AV.|ra.tes, J, B. DeFerrari, Maple, 5-5037. c4w6 ALpine 7-8876. tic? EXCAVATING 8: GRADING BAYVIEW SODDING Front end loaders and trucking. A-l field sod. 180 and 20c per ‘Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332n ard delivered. Kentucky and tfcilB| erlon Blue. Laid if desired. Pm‘&‘P“AfiERHANGING Free estimates. TU. 4-2538. Favourite of old Richmond Hill! __ U046 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard 148 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 5638. tfc23 :First class work. Carolyn Bar- )gent, 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- vale. AV. 5-1591. (fc6 “PA-INTER & DECORATOR ' Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, hl-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. M. 0. Harrison. TU. 4- 2838. was - newcomers give me a Mi’CI-IIMNEYSi Marsh Tonner, TU. 4-1882. Chimneys built and repaired. “02 Free estimates. Expert work- â€"C‘U§Tfi’cxfififNTRYâ€" man‘ship. Phone Walker and Kitchens remodelled, bedroom PEEK” AV- 5‘2526- __ “91E and bathroom vanities, stereo, CHILD STUDIES hl-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- A SPECIALTY ates. M. 0. Harrison. TU. 4- LAGERQUIST STUDIO 2838. Mc15 TU. 4-2791 CONCRETE - MASONRY lLoading on east side of Yonge CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS St., Richvale. Richmond Sod Building, alterations & repairs,‘Landscaipe Contractors Ltd. AV. prompt service @1938; _ _ _ _ iffifi_£ff(§27 WALKER, 8‘5 1:51;;CHELL PAINTING & PAPERHANGING ‘ ' Vfl, Favourite of old Richmond Hill iVDRESSâ€"AVLTERATIONS - newcomers give me a call. WELL DRILLING King City Drilling Co. Ltd., repairing, pumps installed and repaired. Formerly George Ad- ams. Box 192 King City. TE. 3- 6321. tfc46 For good prices see our show- room. Wallpa‘pers. drapes, etc.- Harry Bargent. 9018.Y0nge St., Richvale. AV. 5-1591. tfcfi UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian fiurniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence, business, AV. 5-5345. Free Advice Free Estimates Telephone TU. 4-1749 CHAIN SAWS“, ’7‘ 1 UAW Ufluu Service At Its Best ‘WHITEâ€"Frenchâ€"Poodles, regis~ Major Repairs - Tune Ups tered. Miniature, $100 and up. New Chains. Plugs, Files TU. 4-7607. c1w7 Pocket Chain Breakers 2 Cycle on Chain on, Etc. ' “Authorized Dealers" Pioneer 3; Homelite i TU. 4-1124 â€" â€" 7 7 RELIABLE MOWER SERVICE STRAY'ED (corner farm Bath- tfczg urst Street and King-Vaughan , 7, , V ,, , __ V . \. ' , ' _ TREES ARE OUR BUSINEssfifmgggig Eggs‘ggnff“ RICHMOND HILL TREE if B u R R‘ V‘ ‘1' SERVICE AND FORESTRY “ 5mm" Ur.“ ‘ ' ' ‘ 0' ’ COMPANY ;R1chmond Hm. Telephone E‘Ur- RICHMOND HILL “9: 4'30“: , _ v ____}EZ OWNED AND OPERATED PLEASE CALL TU. 4-5528 if BY HAROLD VAN DYKE you found Janet's pin. RED TELEPHONE 884-7774 enamellcd butterfly. lost at Bay- Free Advice Free Estimatesyiew Plaza. Much treasured gift “czlfrom Grandma in Europe. clws TfiNi‘lNG '5; PAPER HANGING R. E. Du-nn. TU. 4-2798 POST HOLE DIGGING SPECIAL [NG lCARPENTRY - DECORATING 'hone PAINTING c4w3 Recreation rooms, etc. Large or "“gmall jobs. Prompt service. mm, |Webb & Ennor. AV. 5-2546. uco‘CNDL US {or your sand, gravel, bath-“fill, top soil and black loam. nter- Prompt delivery. Reasonable AV. rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, c4w6 ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 tfc40 tfc3 m5: tfc6 (Continued) WEED C'UTTINGI mowing vac- gflLlots. TU.v411757387.__rtfcb1 LANSING DRIVING scuoon‘ For professional service and, free pick-up. Call BA. 1-1700. E I tfcéz C. L. KNAPPETT Landscaping - Home Improve ments. TU. 4-3089 Garden Cafe Nursery. AV. 5- 5942 or TU. 4-1172. tfcM lawn and garden maintenace ROTOVATING Rotovating. garden mainten- ance. landscaping. Call Joe Hampton. PR. 3‘5922. tfc42 BIVER'S VAIR flitered fast rm, equipment. Aurora Heights, 5 Kenmano Rd. PA. 7-6562. 7 A ; V ._ _ . J‘Es. "1‘37. AIN‘D APPLIACNE Service INDUSTRIAL and Residential Men. Apply in, oyn land \yrit- _ VV_V__ V __ tfc43 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperqhanlging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 CARBENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No. job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 PEAT LOAM PICKED UP 0R DELIVERED Loading on east side of Yonge Favourite of old Richmond Hill - newcomers give me a call. MARSH TONNER TU. 4-1882 hch General concrete work, sewer changeovers, swimming pools. No job too small ~ free estim- aIES. (A natural, organic, and condi- tioning product) Also guaranteed free from ashes ~ from our stockpiles. WELL ROTTED MANURE TOPSOIL ORDINARY SANDY LOAM SPECIAL MIX SANDY LOAM FILL Available straight or shredded - and delivered in special loads, ranging from one to ten cubic yards. Bushel basket rates also available. Loads delivered start from $3.00'condiblon. Telephone 285-3102. iand yup A r | clw7 “cszlor \Vlll: [HIKE ll pdlulcl. Bull 0': take The leeral‘ W w 02“ care of children under school V USED FURNITURE gage and/or infants in own .WANTED â€" Pm)“ 3“? usedmeme. five days weekly, board LIVESTOCK éurmfiyre-nfashrpncefi pggdrggél‘it desired. Call AL. 7-1529. clw’l ran S We 5 an - “__v '“v’i‘ _ _ ENERGETIC, empenenced truck 'ZU‘ 4 2613' AV' 5 5101' wth driver seeks employment. Will ~ â€"â€" â€" â€"â€"-â€" . I DEXDiFARM STOCK consider an thin . 13 ears ex- WHITE French Poodles, regls“ LICENCE N0. 69-C-61 pericnce. Tf}. 4-5747. y nc36 tered. Miniature, $100 and up. we pick up dead or disabled _. e; 7 u , A TU- 4‘7607‘ (‘1W7 horses and cattle. Phone collect Experienced Gardener [Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2538.‘Ga“deni“g' Landscaping. and ECentraI Dead Stock Ltd. please Lawns “L H- Sorenson. TU. 4- 919A H‘nfl') _ "r W _ {ny32 RICH BLACK PEA'I‘ LOAM son, SEED & PEAT moss ICOAL a; WOOD stove, in good PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. PAYNE CONTRACTING CHIMNEY FLASHING E. S. SKEAD MOUNT ALBERT EAVESTROUGHING James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 Phone 53.14 AV. 5-1153 â€"-v vâ€" vvu...u.... _ .. De andlbmvn‘iz for dry‘c‘regairg plant. c2=~f§ 5-5932- cm “729-4 Married, for large route. AV. 5-{M0DERN 3-bedroom aparyniefnt, 1960 RENAULT Dauphin_e. ex- °.3692. 7_c17nground floor, all convemences. cellent condmon. low mueage. LATINGI‘DTYmted for small central. TU. 4-3352. c2w1 reasonable, TU. 4.5186, c1w7 ‘boy, Richvale-Langstaff area SELF contained apartment céh- '59 AUSTIN HEALEY de luxe' “39°F . .1448. cl 7traI-1y located ideal for 3 lady hard and convertible to s 1995. “NICE-Preferred AYaEfl“ . -3“; foanhprsa 'I‘U, 4-4291r c1w7.phnnn 'rn 4-719: p 'snnm zu‘i 1.9:? at ViléfivaléLangstaff area §ELF contained apartment cen-|'59 AUSTIN HE’ALEY de'luxe' preferred. AV. 5-1448. c1w7 trally located ideal for 3 ladyihard and convertible tops, $1995 WANTED CASHIER-for IIGK FEW-m TU-4'4291- c1W7:Phome TU. 4-7185. elm e or lice. lfc3.Store. Maple. Apply in person. UPSTAIR‘S front Town. centre‘ 1956 Bylck c1w7 RiChmond Hm- Aduu fa“‘“y‘Roadmaster, four door hardtop, ove- WOMAN bookkeeper â€" exper- “enigma; -_CIW7,%power equipped throughout. "en ed in an t es of office-4 rooms and bath, self con- 1953 CONSUL lwofk Av‘ 5.2671yp c1‘w7 gained. September lst. Centre AV. 5-1600 c1w7 "VA- mvv A qn-n _,.,...,â€"_A!W_k *4w7 tfc3 _ #__‘m_rr th4 1 WEEK'S CARE {or 3 child- ren, ages 1 - 3% years in Nov- ‘em‘ber while mother in hospital. TU. 4-4137. c1w7 IEAY CARE fbr baby girl and light housekeeping. 5 day week. ‘Please call AV. 5-3049. any? ABLE BODIED manâ€"forâ€"shipL ping room and other general duties. Apply 157 Crosby. BUTCHER counter man for REPAIR garage and equipment. 1953 CHEVROLET. axeâ€"ellth “Leek-ends. TilJ.__4-i89vl.__c1q\xi AV. 5â€"5205. ____ intfc6{condition. AV. 5-4228. c1w7 EXPERIENCED hair dresser FURNISHED, single beds, suitx1951 FORD, radio. mechamai wanted. TU. 4-5021. *4w4‘two, central. TU. 4-7960. Aâ€"l, $100.00 or best, offer. Av. CEWEiS-5932. c1w7 DRIVER for dFyTI'éEEing plant; ing. Boi'N'o. 87 The Liberal COUPUE for part-time help on country estate in King. Small bungalow provided. TE. 3-5253. c1w7 DOOR & WINDOW frame man- ufacturer requires carpenter. Must be experienced in mill work. AV. 5-2677. c1w7 BOOKKEEPER required for office in Richmond Hill, muat 'be experienced. Box 93 The Lib- eral. clw7 EXPERIENCED niEintenance man for golf club, night work. Phone 'Mr. C00n. AV. 5-4833. CLEANING WOMAN wanted Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri- days, 8 am. to 12 noon. Mark- ham-Bayview area. Richmond Hill. AV. 5-3695. clw7 NIGHT fireman and general worker. Two room cottage on premises. Joy Valrley Green- houses, Plnegrove. ATlas 8-0432. c1w7 MAOHINIST - must be good on lathe work and general mach- inist. Apply 35 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill or AV. 5-4953. c1w7 STENOGRAPHER. female. 21- 35. Apply J. W. Davidson, Chief Constable, Township of Vaugh- an, Malple. Ont. Phone 257-2244 for appointment. c2w6 BOOKKEEPER, to keep com- plete set of books, capable of vtakaing charge of small plant of- fice. Invoicing and shop orders. \Write Box 92 The Liberal. c1w7 MAPLE residents to serve as School Crossing Guard. Apply J. W. Davidson, Chief Constable, Township of Vaughan, Maple, Ont. Phone 257-2244 for ap- pointment. c2w6 APPLICATIONS now being ta- ken for male help. junior mat- riculabion required, single, and free to travel. Apply Woolworth Co. Ltd., Yonge St. Richmond Hill. clw7 GIRL OR WOMAN for house- keeping in country home. Ex- cellent wages and liberal time off. Reply, King. TE. 3-5265 af- ter 6 pm‘ c1w7 for Drive-In night shift. Must have local references and live In immediate area. Permanent position. Please apply in per- son to Mr. Art Steinaway at Dad's Drive-In, 255 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. c1w7 AVON Dreaming of vacation this sum- mer? A few hours daily with Avon Cosmetics will make it possible. Write Miss Ziegler, Norfolk Apartments. Guel-ph. APPRENTICE Energetic young man wanted for apprenticeship in printing shop. Prefer lad with some printing experience. Must have chauffcrs license. Apply “The Liberal." W. S. Cook, TU. 4-1105. MAN 30 TO 35 YEARS of age WANTED nc2 c1w7 c1w7 clw'i ‘2w71BA‘BY SITTING :11 hours. Re- lliable. AV. 5-1871. c1w7 tained. September lst. Centre & Yonge. TU. 4-1853. c1w7 LAKE WILCOX, large. attrac- tive 3 bedroom cottage $65.00 monthly. AV. 5-5162. c2\:v7 ONE BEDROOM house available September lst, $75 a month. Box 95 The- Liberal. c1w7 FURNISHED recreation room, close to Bayview in Richvale. AV. 5-5037. c1w7 AURORA, separate 3 room ap- artment, modern bath, near Yun‘ge, $55.00 monthly. PR. 3- 6412. - c1w7 YOUNG MAN wishes to share his three bedroom home with two others. Call after 7.00 pm. TU. 4-7743. *1w7 4 ROOM HOUSE to rent Don- caster area. Outside privy. Rea- sonable rent to responsible ten- ants, LE. 5-0222. *2w7 KITCHEN, bathroom and bed- sitting room. Fridge and stove. Private entrance. AV. 5-4690. c1w7 FURNISHED ROOM. with use of modern kitchen. parking av- ailable, suit one gentleman. TU. 4-1629. tics. 2 BEDROOM apartment for rent, 260 Markham Rd., Rich Hill Manor. TU. 4-5859. Call after 2 pm. c1w7 AURORA, modern, spacious 4- roomed apartment, 2 private en- trances, all conveniences. $90.00. PA. 7-9488, PA. 7-5046. tics THORNHILL - Large, well-fur- nis‘hed room, sui-t one or two gentlemen. Parking. AVenue 5- 4115 after 5.30 pm. c1w7 §}£af£r_5.30 [fin-i 7_ C1W7 RELIABLE couple. no children. 1N MAPLE, on Keele Street wquld like house or small farm. Three rooms, suit couple, or W111 do own decorating or min- with one child. Reasonable. lst 01‘ repairs- October Ist or soon- September. AL. 7-1080. A _ er. AV. 5-5782. c1w7 AIN unfurnished 3 room com- fortable apartment, private en- trance water inside, near Maple, $10. weekly. Phone ALpine 7- 8700. c1w7 UPPER 8: Lower duplex apart- ments, pnivate entrances, rea- sonable, available immediately. 2% Miles South of Aurora on Yonge St. PR. 3-5949. 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from $95 a month Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Rell Estate tfc18 APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bathroom furnished or unfurn- ished, equipped kitchen, separ- ate entrance, large grounds Bus- iness adults only $20.00 weekly. Aurora. PA. 7-5597. tfc7 1 BEDROOM apartment, self- con-tained, private 4 piece bath- room, kitchenette, vparking, TV antenna. close to schools and shopping. unfurnished. BA. 1- 7623. c1w7 One living room, bedroom and large kitchen and bathroom, 34B Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. Includes water. heat, light and power. Apply HU. 5-5035. c1w7 FLAT. furnished or unfurnish- ed, quiet adult home. Large bed- sitting room. kitchenette, priv- ate bath and toilet. Separate entrance, parking and large storage space. $52.00 monthly. TU. 4-5953. c1w7 work, cleaning stores or offices. TU. 4--3333. *lw'l ENERGETIC MAN seeks steady MAN, 34, requires work even- ings and/or Saturday - have chaufieur‘s licence. TU. 4-7927. DRESS-MAKING and altei‘a- (ions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4- 5057; tfc34 EY‘OR_WEEKLY‘C AR ET will also board if desired. TU. 4- 7020. c1w6 GERMANâ€"WOMAN wants clean- ing work, days. TU. 4-4382. work. TU. 4-2543. clw7 YOUNG LADY desires evening RICHMOND HILL RENTALS EMPLOYMENT WANTED APARTMENT FOR RENT c1w7 *1w7 m5 ‘pROFESSIdNAL‘gErffieman re- furflquires room in Richmond Hill, two‘wuhout board. AV. 5-3695. wm AVAILABLE from Richmond s ex- Hill to downtown Toronto 7 a. nc§6 m.. return 5 pm. TU. +1604. 1955 GMC 1 ton pickup, excel- lent condition or trade for half ton. Alex Young, Muirhead Cres. lst road north of Bond Lake O.P.P. PR. 3-5186. *1w7 52 DESOTO, good condition, re- liable engine, good body, good white wail tires. new seat cov- vers custom radio, $150. TU. 4- 5761 after 6 pm. 1956 BUICK Roadmaster, four door hardtop,l power equipped throughout. OAKVIEW BEACH, 3-bedroom 1953 CONSUL cottage to rent at reduced rates AV. 5-1600 c1w7 for the rest of the season. $30 '51 CHRYSLER, excellent mech- 1191‘ Week-JP-J‘Zfl- 01“” anical condition. needs body work, $28.00. TU. 4-2902 after 5 pm. c1w7 r I null-n All 1956 DODGE - 6 cylinder new motor, very good condition, one owner, private sale. TU. 4-2478. clw7 TRIUMPH 'DRB, 1960. British racing, green, only driven eight months. Regular check-ups. Ex-l tnas, seat-Ibelvts. foglight, driv-' ing light (by Lucas), luggage racks, washers, etc. AV. 5-5003. c1w7l WOULD LIKE to rent large. old farmhouse. TU. 4-4137. c1w7 HOUSE, three bedrooms. in Richmond Hill, south of Mark- haum Road. No gas heating. TU. 4-5764. c1»w7 ROOM and BOARD ROOM & 30AM) Emulble IE King City. TEmple 3-5569. ROOM 8: BOARD availabl? Richvale area. AV. 5-2230. FURNISHED room, board op- tional. Parking space. Suit one or two people. 'I‘U. 4-1768. ROOM 8: BOARD required by lady teacher commencing Aug. ust 28. Crosby Heights vicinity prefierred but not essential. Box 3 The Liberal. c1w7 MALE TEACHER requires room and board in vicinity of Crosby Heights School starting September lst. Please con-tact W. V. Pilger, Graven-hurst. Ont. *2w7 BOXER, pedigreed, nears old, well trained, $75.00 cash. Terms. ’I:U. 4-1609 after 6.00 pm. c1w7 509m}; "'ICOLLIE; pupSiEE male, tri-colour and same-.316: AV. 5-2379. ClW7 3 KITTENS, 10 weEks old. free to a good home. TU. 4-3927. HOUSES wanted for sale or to gent: (2211.1 Av._5-2_951. ’1‘. Murphy RICHMOND HILL HOMES ur- gently required. Due to the op- ening of our Richmond Hill of- fice. We are in need of all types of properties in Richmond Hill and area immediately. Buyers waiting. Con-tact Mr. Clouter. TU. 4-7758. W. L. NIXON. REALTOR 5307 YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE MEMBER OF TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD A CUTE LITTL'E KITTEN to anyone who will give it a good home. Part Persian. 16 Yonge Street S. TU. 4-1856. c2w7 Real Estate Broker POODLES. small blacks. regis- tered, from champion blood lines. Terms can be arranged. $100.00 up. Phone Gonmley 5339. bfc29 PETS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED USED CARS Transportation WANTED TO RENT THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. August 17. .1961 c1w7 clw'l c2w7 c2w6 c1w7 c1w7 c1w7 c1w7 LADY’S WALLET. Richmondino YOU Heights Plaza. owner may have Problem? same by identifying it. Apply:Contact B Liberal Ofl‘ice. *1w7' A SUM of Inoney’at Victorié Square. owner can have same by F‘ proof of ownership and pay-‘ 'ment of this ad. Contact Gorm~ ley 5511 from 5 to 7 pm. clw7 WILLO Salesman required for Richmond Hill and district. Salary and commission. Age 25-35. Car essential. Man with sales experience preferred. Group insurance, pension, production bonus. 12 Yonge St. S. SHAMROCK SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS 6 Levendale Rd. For Full Particulars Mail This Coupon The Liberal”, 63 Yonge Street 8., Richmond Hill SUMMER COTTAGES Offers You A F R E E QUARTER OF BEEF CAREER OPPORTUNITY FOUND FOOD SERVICE With The Purchase Of Any FREEZER CHILD’S W4 LEATHER Sandals / Tan & Brown Ladies’ Blouses Dan River Gingham, Terylene, etc. Reg. $2.98 & $3.98 Lady Bird T-Shirts Boys' & Girls‘, plain and patterns, with collar and round neck. Reg. $1.59 for Richmond Hill $1.97 WRITE BOX 1 DO YOU HAVE a Drinking Problem? A.A. may help you. Contact Box 84 The Liberal. 66c ea. Up to 16 years Sizes 5 to 3 Reg. $2.98 $1.97 WILLOWDALE at Yonge. $85.00 monthly for spot- lessl;,- clean. self-contained, bright. modern, three rooms: electrically equip- ped. Immediate possession. adults only. No pets please. Mr. Nixon. W. L. Nixon. Realtor. BA. 1-3448. PERSONAL Richmond Hill FOR RENT TU. 4-5801 *Lfc19

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