rocking chair, $§,oo.'Av. 5. 319. c1w8 00D used furniture for sale. all Frank's Movers and Stor-, 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- .613. tfc3 ~PIECE modem dining suite. Bookcase bed, double dresser. nigh boy; no-mark finish. TU. 4-2136. c1w8 EDROOM suite. good condi~ tion, complete with spring and mattress, reasonable. TU. 4~ ‘168. c1w8 ass/M baby c'Eriage, jolly- .iL'mper. playpen. Reasonable. TU. 4-4528. c2w7 MECLTARY’STOVE â€" 4 bufner. \50.00. Philco automatic frig, .2 cwbig ft. $125.00.!1‘U. _4~ ‘Fï¬EFKB GARAGES from 5299: Call Loughlin Lumber and Sup-‘ ply. AV. 5-1109. may ‘ 3 BED and mattréés, like new, ‘15.00. I bed and spring, £5.09. BABY PICTURES .«re priceless when take-n by the Lagerquist Studio, TU. 4-2791. tfc3 Parts 13 Yonge St. N. USED Car Radios and Sony ransistor portable radios. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.V. Appliances - Sales - Repairs SANDY LOAM SAND & GRAVEL Call Joe Hampton 'Rospect 3-5922 or TU. 4-2538 tfc50 ~INGINE pmï¬s FROMâ€"STOCK egistered dealer for Briggs & tratton - Lauson - power pro- lucts - Kohler - Clinton en- :ines, repair service. CARL WALKER SALES 8: TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES 1 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer 11 popular makes for sale in- luding new and rebuilt stand- rd portable and electric mod- ls. Special rental rates avail- ble to students. L. H; SIMS 88 Baker Ave. ..._v .-.._. -_r‘.... ........n.... FALL RAINY WEATHER ‘Ebh'diuon.’TU. 4-3496. AHEAD? e1w8 ainy weather ahead will bring LWEAVING couEt’_â€"’ . . . ry, household ‘ldren Indoors to play m base'erticles and furniture for sale. ents. Keep yours drv from‘. . .. ,. ' txres good as new. 2 size 670 x “mpness “1m 3“ OASIS de‘15"2snowtires,570x15.AV.5- midlfler. May be rented by1903 clwa e week or month. NOTE: An -_J_~ __._,- e A - ASIS dehumidifier Is the best SCREEN door. $2.00. irompg otection against costly baseâ€" board. $3.00. cherry-wood dw- ent TV breakdowns due toling table. .3500, hand basin. mpness. Free delivery. $100.7 {vgshmg machme. $25.00. .1. Hbuse trailers for side or ~nt. Call Oak Ridges, PR. 3- 721. this SERVICE Lawn & Garden Equipment . ictorla Square Gormley 5413 tfc5 ‘ichmond Hill HERMDGE ELEcm’Ié‘ 'r.v. ITU. 4~57§9 ,ppllances - Sales - Repairs - & BEAUTYR] parts mnn< SPH TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT ew box trailers, all sizes $68. 1d up or $12.00 weekly renâ€" XXX PACE HEATER, 95.660 luau uh Smite}. Alm'ost'new Rea- nable. PR. 3-5558. c1w8 'ILIPS p’EtEbléTél‘eVisionfl 'lue. $350. won as prize, selll yr $200. TU. 4-1382. _ y xxi Yonge St BUY A NEV SET NOV WITH A LOW-COST LIFEJNSL‘RED CLASSIFIED ADVERTlSING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion So each word, min. charge 75c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 5c per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOG NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 COMXNG EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word; min. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week possible but not later than 10 am. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mall and enclose payment, or telephone TU. (-1105 and you will receive invoice. XXXX X X XXXX FEAT LOAM â€" SOD AXXX "XXX XX "xxx "xxx v“xx xx xx xx xx xx xx .xx xxx xxx ,xxx XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX NO MORE TV REPAIR BILLS! ARTICLES FOR SALE LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA ‘x’xx xxx TU. 4-3211 tfc4 TU. 4-3211 tfc8 1.1745 TAPE RECORDER, Bell an'd “Mg-Howdl. dual track. twln speak- -â€" ers, with extra tapes. Excellent ER condition. TU. 4-3496. c1w8 “C3 ELECTRIC Rangette “Acme†- â€" Oak buffet and round table - studio couch - small Bureau with mirror . reasonable - TU. 4-1480. *1w8‘ TRANSPORTATION wanted from Birchwood Village, Rich- mond Hill to Front and Yonge. Working hours 8 am. to 4.30 pm. 884-5090. clws TRANSPORTATION wanted from Birchwood Village, Rich~ mend H111 to Yonge and Eglin- ton Avenue. Working hours, 8.30 am. to 4.45 pm. 884-5090. BARN timbers, rafters. joists, sleepers and lumber in various lengths and sizes. Reasonable. Gormley 5216. c1w8 STUDENT wishes "transport; tion. Teachers‘ College, Carlaw Street. TU. 4-7120. c1w8 - "" UPHOLSTE’IQY ang" toy trains. Phone TU. 4- MID‘SUMMER CLEAR-MW:E lRecovering and repairing of any 4513- “W8 New and “35d M0Wer5» hand' kind of furniture. Experienced‘CHEST of drawers suitable for propelled. self-propelled and on Scandinavian furniture. Free baby's room. TU. 4-3513. “(mig- estimates. Reasonable prices.‘ c1w8 BuggS. Stratton & Lauson and Call anytime. TU. 4â€"4813 resi-‘Wor‘whï¬TEDâ€"V â€" Power Products parts serviced.‘dence, business, Av. 5-5345. ‘ . Carl Walker Lawn & Garden Any Size or make: Pay cash: : Lfc44 _ _ Equi rm] ‘ -‘ ‘phone Toronto. LE. 4 9419, ml toriapglv:11x§fef}0 8y 5413' CHAIF.S§W§ . llect- “03 a_h,y, TU. 4-5759. clwaied service anytime. Pickup and mEâ€"Sm'lrï¬mjdeï¬very. Good rates. TU. 4- mons. Semi. Seely and omerjw'gol‘K _ “€12 spring mattresses repaired, re-l' SPECIAL turned just like new, medium;Chester£ield sets recovered â€"- firm. extra firm. Two-day ser- 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. sired. A. Smith, Upholstery, tfc44‘phone AV. 54682. tfc43 l 9 CU. FT. Frigidaire refriger- ator, excellent condition, also apartment size stove. TU. 4- 2492. c1w8 FARQUH’ARSON - Gifford col- onial Chesterfield suite. eight months old. $335.00. TU. 4- TU- 4'22“ ' SANITARY’CONTRACTOlYâ€"iGexfe‘EaT‘EonZFéfé -nu;o;1;:“s;wer cÂ¥W8lwe “Niall mleete septic tamkchangeovez‘s, swimming pools. 30" STOVE, refrigerator, 3“. and weepmg beds, save for cash No job too small - free estim- tomauc washer, dryer, kitchen All work guaranteed. ates. suite, 2 dressers. bed and sew- can Murray Baker AVA 5-1153 ing machine. Phone. AV. 5-5078 Tw- 5-4151 tfc39 mP-m- °1W3 “-7 ï¬g RICH BLACK FEAT LOAM 21" CONSOLE T.V. set with WELL DR!LLING (A natural, organic, and condi- doors, a real piece of furniture, K1118 City Drlnmg C0. Ltdu tioning product) 395‘ repairiqg._pum‘DS_ in§ta116d and A150 guaranteed free from ashes 21" CON-SOLE T.V. set with . WELL qniflflmc doors, a real piece of furniture, King. .Clty 13â€â€œng 00- Ltd-- $95. repairgégwpumpsl matalled grad . F x & So , Ste 24 You e repair - omer y Porg'e ' SLJ T6. 4.161;; p 0153 Eggs. Box 192 King City. TEf. 3‘; l. t c4 HALF-SIZES and OVER-SIZES; CONCRETE - MASONRY DRESSES CLEARING AT $5.98,CARPENTRY CONTRACNORS “WYN-DOT†iBuilding, alterations & repairs, TU. 4-2214 : prompt service c1w8 WALKER & MITCHELL TAPE RECORDER man and AV.5-2526 - 1avauau1c. ers, with extra tapes. Excélientl DRESS ALTERATIONS SOD, SEED & FEAT MOSS centres. BA.7:72:4373. condmon- TU- 4'3496' Imp“ 61355 Work- camlyn Ba" Loads delivered start from 3.00 BED-sitting room with 7_*_c1w8‘gent, 9018 Yonge St. at Rich-‘ and up s window, kuchen and LEAVING country, household EE:_AV-,5:1591- 7 tfcleLGIN MILLS LOAM & son bath. Partially furnishe articles and furniture for sale, PAINTER & DECORATOR | CO. LTD. gle Christian business tires good as new, 2 size 670"x For good prices see our show- _You may also pick up these preferred. Apply 119 15†2 snowtires, 670 x 15. AV. 5-1room. Wallpapers, drapes, etc. - Items at our location by truck'Grove Ave., Oak Ridges 1903. clw8 gym lBargent. 9018 Yonge St..‘1 _lor by Eusifieflrbgsketsd H.“ ~â€"â€"--'â€" â€"- SCREEN doo fszfironina 13%;,5‘L-5'l5m- , “C5 m‘ e “9†° ‘0 m0“ 1 ’ RICHMOND HILL RE! board. $3.00. :hef'ry-wood din‘i' MOVING & STORAGE west Side Onfoné’e Street 3 and 4 bedroom home: ing table, $15.00, hand basin, Frank’s Moving & Cartage,c It. ï¬odDSDg [IggREDd $95 a month $3.00, washing machine, $25.00.fpacking and storage. Experienc- lane "’3 e S Odvd 0d ya“ 5 "3 Cat] AV. 5-1951‘ TU. 4-5759. c1w8 ed service anytime. Pickup and yard' eezoe 5 aloe 5’†5 Charles Marple Real . B‘rUTYï¬Eâ€"smu-Si ‘Jdelivery. Good rates. TU. 4- “'9 C Y“ ' _-_- our- .1.._.,, m,’ “"112613, AV 5-51m «ms ' AV- 5-1514 (Continued) MAHOGANY dining room suite, garden tractor both in good condition. TU. 4-2377. cle TRAILER hookâ€"up roFVolks- wagen, reasonable. AV. 5-5989. c1w8 OIL BURNER andvcontrols, “Torid-Heet.†$35.00. First class condition. TU. 4-3717. c1w8 ï¬DRo POLES, _ G._Lecuyer, Sharon, Ont, or Queensville, G-R. 8-4235. tfc7 WESTINGHOUSE Hi Fi. Ster- eo, record player, with radio. J. Fox and Son, StOp 24 Yonge St. TU. 4~1610. c1w8 ORDER DRAPES NOW Save Tax 6 panels lined. full length $49.98 “WYN-DOT†TU. 4-2214 15 Beatty pressure water bowls Good as new. Gormley 5216: 5898, after 8.00 pm Tsowrxmmr sha116{v ’ well pressure pump and tank. TU. 4- 2760. Call after 6 pm. or week; REBUI'LT used washing mach- ROTOVATINGÂ¥ ,Chimneys built and repaired. ines from $29. ‘Rotovating, Aerating, lawn and Free estimates. Expert work- J. Fox & Son, Stop 24 Yonge‘garden maintenancg Tom Mash- manship. Phone Walker and St. TU. 4-1610. clwsmter, TU. 4-1170. tfc41 Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 BARN timbers. rafters, joists,| BAny'SIï¬fNG_ ‘ CHILD STUDIES sleepers and lumber in Various Mothers’ Hehpher Service. Adult A SPECIALTY lengths and sizes. Reasonable. baby sitters only. Also Home- LAGERQUIST STUDIO Gormley 5216. clw8 makers’ service. TU. 4-7253. TU- 4-2791 Transportation FOR SALE am. to 4.30'Free Advice elwsl ... 1.00 clw8 c1w8 clw8 ucAVAuc nl. LLB DCDL if - - ' - ' T' ' Ma-Or Re - _ USED FURNITURE ‘trically equipped, mediate N63,, Chagggsplllll‘glglngg WANTED â€" pianos and used tenancy; $110.00 per month. W. i Pocket Chain Breakers furniture. Cash prices paid. Call L. Nixon, Realtor. BA. 1-3443. 2 Cycle 0“. Chain on. Etc. Frank‘s Movers and Storage.’ clwg “Authorized Dealers†EU. 4-2613, AV. 5-5101. trcr Pioneer & Homelite 40 to 50 horsepower diesel trac- â€" TU. 4-1124 ‘tor - breaking plow. three fur- RELIABLE MOWER SERVICE row _ cultivator - tandem disc ï¬czg barrow - seed drill. Phone Hud- m‘son 5-7897 or 1250 Avenue Road.‘ RICHMOND HILL TREE Toronto 12. c1w8 27 PIGS, eight Weeks old. For- test Jones, Dufferln COMPANY J LICENCE N0. 69-C-61 AL 7-3915‘ _ cl“? RICHMOND HILL flVe pick up dead or disabled High grade pullets. Ready to OWNED AND OPERATED horses and cattle. Phone collect start laying during September, BY HAROLD VAN DYKE ‘Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2538. Plymouth Rock bred to la" and TELEPHONE 884-7774 Central Dead Stock Ltd. Please White Leghorn and California HANGINGW 7’ WEED CBTTING, mowing vac-[AV 5-5205. tfc6.$95.00. TU. 4-1414. cle 3- 1" Dum- TU~ “793- 4'1538-__. t'f°*’1_10NE.BEDROéM apartrï¬ent onilsss cï¬Eï¬tâ€"(SLET, excellent __ “c LANSING DRIVING SCHOOIa‘Yonge VSt. 5Parking availarleicondition. AV. 5-4228. c1w7 LANDSCAPING 8: lawn cutting For professional service an Call A . 5â€" 587. c w Wmicau a; garden maintenance. H. Sorg‘free pzck-up. Call BA. 1-1700. UVPSTAIRS71-ont room, centre‘A-l. $100.'or best offer. AV. 53: mm“ TU' 441.29 “c451. ,- tf‘ffoichmond Hill. Adult family 5932. clwg PAINTING paperhanging. Free CARPENTRY - DECORATING‘Parking. TU. 4-1547. c1w7 W ‘ I . ry, motor etc. estimates. Colour samples. A.‘ PAINTING ROOM _ suit one gentleman-excellent. Body unmadworthy. Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfc15.Recreation rooms, etc. Large orlCIOSe to bus_parkmg available_ Best offer. Tu 4_2859_ clwa ‘" ~*Aamall jobs. Prompt service.‘ _ ‘____â€"_____ A . _--_ EEEQHQYETEG mm {Webb & Ennor. AV. 5â€"2546. LTE;f1433' °1W8ߤ8 Plymouth excellent confli- CHAIN SAWS Service At Its Best Major Repairs - Tune Up: New Chains. Plugs, Files Pocket Chain Breakers 2 Cycle Oil. Chain Oil, Etc. "Authorized Dealers" Pioneer 8.: Homelite TU. 4-1124 RELIABLE MOWER SERVICE MOVING & STORAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage, packing and storage. Experienc- ed service anytime. Pickup and delivery. Good rates. TU. 4- 2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc16 MISCELLANEOUS WEED CUTTING Large or small lots, BA. 5-2781. tchO POST’HOLE DIGGING We specialize in farm fencing, call Joe Hampton, PR. 3-5922. tic-.12 BABY PICTURES try the friendly Lagerquist Stu- dio with the know how. TU. 4- 2791. tfc3 RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Light pick-up and delivery. TU. 4-1812. £ch SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-508f5. t c4 Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332. {1648‘ PAINTING & PAPERHAFGING Favourite of old Richmond Hill] uuaulus vu cam. mu: UL lung:- CUSTOM iCKlfPENTRY St., Richvale. Richmond Sod Kin-hens remOdeleid.’ be"mom.Landscape Contractors Ltd., AV. and bathroom vanmes, stereo,y5_1933' tfc42 hl-f‘, china cab'nets. Free estim-v ms“ M_ 0_ ï¬amson. TU. 4JPAINTING & PAPERHANGING 2333. “c15‘lFavourite of old Richmond Hill Wâ€" â€" - newcomers ive me a call. cfflï¬fngï¬nwagnlfilquPRv {MARSH TONNgER TU. 4-1882 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard 148 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 Low prices on aluminum siding, awnings, doors, windows. sand- stone. Free estimates. PR. 3- 5305. c1w8 EXCAVATING s; GRADINGâ€" - newcomers give me a call Marsh Tonner, TU. 4-1882. Remodelling of kitchen, bath- room, al-terations. Call Enter- prise Home Improvement. AV. 5-5037. c4w6 “mime. & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798 FEAT LOAM â€" soï¬ SANDY LOAM SAND & GRAVEL JACK & LEE TV Calrl Joe Hampton PRospect 3-5922 Free Estimates tic: " - 1w8 tfc43 WANTED, second hand “Tn-l_â€".__-c___ fang" toy trains. Phone TU. 4-!APARTMENT. 3 rooms and {any'4513. clwa bathroom furnished hor unfurn- _ .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ ‘ished, equippe kite en, separ- "F‘ng 0f ‘1â€ng†£3???“ for ate entrance, large grounds Bus- ricresei a ys room' ' ' clwa iness adults only $20.00 weekly. Aurora. PA. 7-5597. tfc’? resi- *ï¬.‘ .é. . -"nnn ;td.. and Ad- E. 3- fc46 I 3R5 airs, l th8 Bar- ,ich- tfc6 (A natural, organic, and condi- tioning product) Also guaranteed free from ashes - from our stockpiles. WELL ROTTED MANURE TOPSOIL ORDINARY SANDY LOAM SPECIAL MIX SANDY LOAM FILL Available straight or shredded - and delivered in special loads, ranging from one to ten cubic yards. Bushel basket rates also qavailable. SOD, SEED & PEAT MOSS Loads delivered start from $3.00 and up _ELGIN MILLS LOAM & SOD quu pct wccn. AV. aflnau. c2w8 6-ROOMED, brick bungalow, 2 years old, recently decorated. Attached garage, large land- scaped lot. Includes T.V. tower. Located in Maple. ALpine,7- +1269. c2w8 FLAT. unfurnished, large bed- room, living room, kitchenette, private 4-piece bathroom and entrance, T.V. antenna, parking, ‘close to schools and shopping centres. BA. 2-4373. clw8 BED-sitting room with picture window, kitchen and 2-piece bath: Partially furnished. Sin- tfc8 ..».| I PEAT LOAM tfcszICKED UP 0R DELIVERED +â€" Loading on east side of Yonge St., Richvale. Richmond Sod omniLandscape Contractors Ltd., AV. ‘reo- 5-1938. tfc42 u... I tfc6 mint Jones, Duï¬erin St., Maple, LICENCE N0. 69-C-61 1AL- 7-3915- _ _°}_""§ We pick up dead or disabled High grade pullets. Ready to horses and cattle. Phone collect start laying during September, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2538. Plymouth Rock bred to la." and Central Dead Stock Ltd. Please White Leghorn and California Phone Promptbh any time- 1Greys - crossed. Gormley 5471. “c381 c1w8 MISCEHLLANEOUSLwTO RENT srnall Jobs. Prompt Sew‘ce-‘TU 4-1433 ' ’ ciwsl 5; E . _ â€"2546. l ' ' Webb nnor AV 5 ffog[NPTBMAC'I‘IVE room with or! â€"~â€"--â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" without hoard, park-lug. AV. 5-‘ C.‘L. KNAPPETT 3270' clws Landscaping - Home Improve- -____'â€"~â€"___ ments, BUNGALOW. 218 Church St.. TU. 4-3089 Richmond Hill. Available Sept. tfc5 15%. Phone TU. 4-5883. c1w8 INDUSTRIAL and Residential MODERN 3-bedroom apartment, lawn and garden maintenace. ground floor, all conveniences, Garden Gate Nursery. AV. 5- central. TU. 4-3352. c2w7 MTU' 44172“ fl TWO bedroom apartment - 266 Rotovating. garden mainten- ance, landscaping. Call Joe Hampton, PR. 3-5922. tfcg SHEET METAL WORK Eavestrough. new and repaired. Heating, roof flashings etc. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-1006. tchO UPHO'LSTERING any style, ex- pertly done; Free Estimates, Murray Upholstering, 53 Yonge St. South. TU, 4-5776. PIANO WANTED Any size or make, pay cash, phone Toronto. LE. 4-9419, col- lect. tfc3 C. L. KNAPPETT Landscaping - Home Improve- ments. TU. 4-3089 CARPENTRY WORK, additions. renovations, gar-ages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No. job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 CHIMNEYS RENT or sel Chimneys bpilt and r‘epalrefi-galow. Call PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 PAYNE CONTRACTING CHIMNEY FLASHING E. S. SKEAD MOUNT ALBERT EAVESTROUGHING WANTED ROTOVATING (Continued) Phone 53.14 c1w3 ROOM, board optional. Busi- "gness lady or working mother {SXfljtwi-th one child preferred. 884- nahh. CZWB *4w7 tfc52 I'LARGE room, kitchenette, clos- “c39let, self-contained, second floor, ‘Mâ€" parking. Langsta-ff near Yonge. $10 per week. AV. 5-4190. nnAL 1ates.‘FURN’ISI-PED room to let, clean 902. quiet home in Maple. Will give tchl breakfast or full boarding if ions; so desired. BA. 5&52. c1w8 ation AURORA, modern, spacious 4- ) too‘roomed apartment, 2 private en- ’rice.]trances, alll conveniences. $90.00. tfc28 PA. 7-9488,IPA. 7-5046. th5 tfc2 tfc3‘4 ROOM HOUSE to rent Don- .I â€" caster area. Outside privy. Rea- sonable rent to responsible ten- ants. LE. 5-0222. *2w7 a“ M%\fl\w\mw¢' ‘ RICHMOND HILL RENTALS ! 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from ' $95 a month - Call AV. 5-1951 5 Charles Marple Real Estate tfc18 a FLAT. unfurnished, large bed- room, Hving room, kitchenette, ;private 4-piece bathroom and '[entrance, T.V. antenna. parking, ‘close to schools and shopping leentres. BA. 2-4373. c1w8 3 BEDROOM house, unfurnish- ed. $135.00, fenced garden, av- ailable Sept., 28. will consider renting furnished. AV. 5-4735. REPAIR garage and equipmenthssa Ford. Good transportation. TRUCK driver over 25. Phobia} Wink!“ AV. 5-5205. ttc6;$95.oo. TU. 4-1414. c1w8 TU. 44043 after 7 p.m. clw8 1d Emblem?B Ag. may Lliglp lyou. r - " r . “"’ ‘ '" ’ WOULD LIKE to rent large 0 ontaot ox 4 The era. ‘ . - M artment on 1953 CHEVROLET, excellenJHOMEMAKERS wanted hourly,‘ ‘ . $§nieBE§3gï¬rm§§ availablencondition. AV. 5-4223. c1w7 daily or weekly. Mothers helper â€" We†.LIGHT Housekeeping room with grille. use of refrigerator; ialso garage. Reference requir- ‘ed. TU. 4-1777. 1ch U§§TAIRS front room. eengre‘A-L $100.1» best offer. AV. 5 Richmond Hill. Adult famxly 5932. clwa M‘4'1547' n Clw? 1953 DODGE battery, motor etc ROOM - suit one gentleman. excellent. Body unroadworthy Close to bus-parking available: Best offer. TU. 4-2859. cle Markham Rd.. TU. 4-5859. Call after 6.30 pm. *1w8 LARGE réfns, use of kitchen; suit young men. Phone even- ings, TU. 4-7743. *1w8 2 ROOM'S, unfurnished J36 Markham Rd. Call after 5 pm. TU. 4-7377. *2w8 ONE bedroom aparthâ€"ehtjpartly furnished with all conveniences. TU. 4-4923 after 5.00 pm. near Richmond Hill, 3 bed- rooms, available Sept. lst.| $100.00, Don Head Farms. phone‘ AV. 54992, *2w8} WILLOWDALE ON Yonge, south of Finch, over store; 5-room apartment, elec- trically equipped, immediate LUUlllCu fly“ LIIICALL, A yllvdlc Cll' trances, alul conveniences. $90.00. PA. 7-9488,LPA. 7-5046. tfc5 LIGHT Housekeeping room with grille. use of refrigerator; also garage. Reference requir- ed. TU. 4-1777. thB 2 ROOMS, quiet home, busin- ess or pension lady. Partly fur- nished. TU. 4â€"5600 evenings. clw8 SMALJL bright room light cooking facilities - quiet lady preferred - parking space. $9.00 weekly. TU. 4-5446. c1w8 FURNISHED bed - sit-ting room with equipped kitchen. Apply 16 Lorne, l-st house east of Clarke’s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w8 ATTRACTIVE FARM house near Richmond Hill, 3 bed- PETS FOR SALE SKUNK, adorable baby, deod: erized. AV. 5-5989. c1W8 WHITE French Poodles, regis.‘ tered. Miniature, $100.00 and up. TU. 4-7607. 4 nc1w8 FRENCH poodle, registered ‘male chocolate brown, 4 months ’old; $150 or best offer. 1-4 pm. ‘AV. 5-1650 or evening HU. 3â€" 7108. c1w8 A CUTE LITTLE KITTEN to anyone who will give it a good home. Part Persian. 16 Yonge Street S. TU. 4-1856. c2w7 POODLES, small blacks, regis- tered. from champion blood lines. Terms can be arranged, $100.00 up. Phone Gorrmley 5339. tfc29 HERE is an opportunity for a mature person with a good edu- cation and business experience. We are opening a sales and ser- vice office at Newtonbrook Plaza in Willowdale and require a woman who can handle recep- tionist and clerical duties. The position requires good Dicta- ‘ phone, typing ability, an inter- est in insurance, and the ability to work on your own. We offer in return pleasant working con- ditions, insurance training and extensive employee beneï¬ts. Salary is commensurate with qualiï¬cations. Please write in detail and in conï¬dence to Per- sonnel Department, Co-operators Insurance Association 30 Bloor St. West, Toronto c1w8 FURNISHED bed - sit-ting room with equipped kitchen. Apply 16 Lorne, 1-st house east of Clarke’s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w8 ROOMS â€" for men only. With’SE‘ modern kitchen and privatelFO bathroom. Parking available.i10‘. TU. 4-1629. tfc8;’61 galow. Call AV. 5-2951. T Murphy, Real Estate Broker. THORNHILL person Maple c1w8 *IQE‘ CONVERTIBLE -~ 7‘1955 Meteor, T/Bird engine, Chenq‘radio. new top, new paint. E""â€"1$995.00. Will consider trade and *1w8 terms. Call TU. 4-7258. 'nish- WED, AUG. 30. 1961 â€" Auction 1, av- sale of household furniture, an- sider tique articles. garden tractor, 735. igarden rototiller. tools, small clw8 implements, dishes. glassware, ‘" etc., on Markham-Pickering hfgflmownline, 1 mile North of No. epar. 7 Highway. Property of the Es- tate of the Late Arnold Hutch- .ekly ings. Terms cash. No reserve. 'tfc-i House is sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. c1w8 l'SAT†AUG. 26 â€" Auction Sale 'of Household furniture and im- plements, P.T.O. Mower M.-H.. ‘15 run seed drill M. H., near lnew, Chesterfield suite, electric refrigerator Norge, 4 burner Beach electric stove, chrome kit- chen sets, dishes, china, at lot‘ 34, con. 6 Vaughan Township“ to be sold on the property of‘ Alex Marshall. No reserve ~[ terms cash, sale at 12 noon D.S.T. sharp. Alvin Farmer, auc- ‘tioneer, clerks - Gordon Orr, ‘Jack Walkington. SAT., SEPT. 2nd â€" Auction ‘sale of upright piano, household 'furniture, many antique artic- les, dishes, glassware, cooking utensils, ornaments. pictures, garden tool. etc.. at corner of gRobinson St and Water St., {Markham Village. Property be- .longing to the Estate of the “Late Edward Hand. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. House is sold. Ken 8; Clarke lPrentice, Auctioneers. c3w7 THE FOLLOWING REPOS- |SESSED CARS ARE NOW UP 'FOR SALE. i10% down take over payments V61 Karmen Ghia '60 Falcon, station wagon ‘60 Dodge, hardtop. ’59 Chev. ‘58 Pontiac ’57 Ford '56 Ford ’55 Chev. ’54 Ford 353 Chev. tion, back seat speaker, white- walls. TU. 4-2492. clw8 1959 Volkswagen deluxe, sun roof, radio; good condition, rea- sonable. TU. 4-2394. *lw8 1960 METEOR, “Rideau 500†in outstanding condition with au- tomatic transmission and cus- tom radio. Will consider a trade. Private. AV. 5-3193. c1w8 anyone who will give it a good home. Part Persian. 16 Yonge Street S. TU. 4-1856. 02w? POODLES, small blacks, regi; tered. from champion blood lings.hTerms c511 be arranged, SAT.. AUG. 26 â€"â€" Auction sale of electric refrigerator, pro- pane gas kitchen range, house~ hold furniture, glassware, dish~ es, and many other articles, at Prentice‘s Auction Rooms, Franklin House, Markham, 0nt., Property of Estate of the Late James Rattle, and Mrs. R. H. Crank. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Rain or shine. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice, Auctioneers. 02w? ï¬r’i‘ée $636536. éSlT’I'fJ‘E-ï¬s’éf' I “The Liberal SALE REGISTERS SOMETHING TO SELL TRY LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS FOR RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 0R AV. 5-3318 USED CARS [HELP WANTED} WANTEE Call Ed. Rose AV. 5-1105 PA. 7-5001 c3w6 «u... 5' °1DOOR-to-door salesman wanted clwg for new household article; com- â€"7 mission. Please apply Box 97, The Liberal. *1w8 it your business to become an Avon Representative. Write Miss Ziegler, Box 635 Oak- ville. c1w8 SALESMAN for wholesale food, selling to restaurants. Top sal- ary and commission for experi- enced person only. Must have own car. All replies strictly conï¬dential. Write Box 98,‘ “The Liberal", stating experi- c2w8‘ence and rphone number. c1w8 25g. |“The Liberal.†c1w8 01W3ILADY to work in local Dairy "_|Queen. Part time hours approx- POS- imately 1 pm. to 7 pm. 884- r' UP‘3671. CIW8 ‘75 YEARS 0f proud sérvice proves that AVON BEAUTY is la number one business. Make nents {2;}; EXPERIENCED painter and ' decorator desires local work. TU. 4-5033. cle Monday and Friday .7-1553. AURORA: Wesley Harper, local chiropractor, was killed in a plane crash at Locust Hill Airport. Killed with him were three passengers, Wilfred Chaf- fen, his wife and daughter, when the plane nose-dived during takeoff. Harper was a former RCAF pilot. RichvaIe-Weldrick area. TU. 4- 4930. c1w8 T.V. AND APPLIACNE sFrvice IMen. Apply in own hand writ- ,ing. Box No. 87 The Liberal. lMAOHINE operator. experienc- Jed on children'sï¬ats, single or twin needle machine. wishes position locally for second week in Sept. 884-4055. c1w8 WOMAAN would like home typ- ing urgently, envelopes, labels, manuscripts, stencils etc. Will pick-up and deliver in the area. gTU. 4-3181. c1w8 DAY care for 2 small children EXPERIENCED truck driver & service station attendant seeks steady work. Family man will consider any job. TU. 4-3016. nc3w8 Experienced Gardener Gardening, Landscaping. and Lawns cut. H. Sorenson, TU. 4- 3120. tfc52 DAY CARE available for two pre~school children in the vi- cinity of iRockport Cres. 884- 3104. c2w8 YOUNG MEN, 16:19. ldbking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV._5-5126. tfc52 EXPERIENCED ' ladyâ€"baby sit- ter available all evenings after 6 pm. or take care of one baby all day at home. TU. 4-2684. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for éli derly gentleman country home ngnr :I‘nornnill. Apply box 96. CLERK-typist, recepfionist, de- sires full-time employment. TU. 4-4294. r *1w8 L‘Apr grill giizg day care ADY will give day care to 1 child. Fenced back-yard. 884- 2354. c1w8 DRESSMAKfNC and altera; tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4-1 5057. tfc34! GIRL will baby-sit. Weekends‘ and evenings tree. Live out. AV. 5-5737. c1‘w8 REFINED lady wishes 513131037- ment, store or office, no house work or babysitting. TU. 4-4546. EMPLOYMENT WANTED GOOD OPPORTUNITY THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 24, 1961 7 ucuu, “1â€. Tu. H657. clwa “2115‘s GENTLMNWW clw’l c1w8 tfc4 hound needs furnished room. Possibly someone who won! find the dog, a Border Collie. company during the day could accommodate. Box 4, The Lib- eral. ‘1w8 ï¬nm“u1nu1mumummum“munnnummmmnulm“\mumuuummnulu\mmummun\m\iu“\\mlmlm\\“\mmmuuuuuuE SHAMROCK For Complete Collision and Bake-Oven Reï¬nishing Bowling from 9:00 am. until 12:00 pm. 5 and 10-Pin Bowling. Open for reservations for League Parties or Birthday Parties. SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS 12 Yonge St. S. 6 Levendale Rd. For Full Particulars Mail This Coupon MORTGAGES ABC BOWLING ACADEMY Offers You A F R E E QUARTER 0F BEEF FOOD SERVICE With The Purchase Of Any FREEZER Richmond Hill Ontario Ladies’ Blouses Dan River Gingham, Terylene, etc. Reg. $2.98 & $3.98 $1.97 AV. 5-5329 Richmond Hill Boys’ & Girls’, plain and patterns, with collar and round neck, Reg. $1.59 for Tan & Brown AV. 5-2994 CHILD’S "Q LEATHER Sandals /“ Lady Bird T-Shirts 66c ea. Up to 16 years FURNISHED room. board op- tional, business person. TU. 4- 4546. c1w8 Sizes 5 to I: OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Ton- ic Tablets help “pep-up" thous- ands of men, women past 40. Only 69c. At all druggistS. c1w8 ROOM & BOAR‘Diavailafble foi- one lady . Central location. TU. 4-7395. *1w8 ROOM foirflrént. Board optional; suitable for lady teacher. Close ROOM and BOARD ROOM & BOARD availaï¬l’e‘. Richvale area. AV. 5-2230. Reg. $2.98 $1.97 Richmond Hill PERSON AH TU. 4-5801 *th19 c2w’7