SHIELDS South Block SHIELDS SAVAGE BROWN STRAP $5.95 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE fl/VEMUWR )MQ m9 m5 HIM/0’ v 55%, Mon. - Wed. - 10-6 Thurs. - Fri. - 10-9 Saturday - 9-6 LESS THAN l/z PRICE Soup Spoons, reg. $2 . 87c ea. Forks, reg. $2 . . . . . . . 87c ea. Knives, reg. $3 . . . . . . 97c ea. '/2 PRICE or LESS 13m RINGS MEN’S - LADIES’ . BOYS’ S A I. E OF“ GALBRAITH" JEWELLERS CONTINUES.... STORE HOURS ROGERS & COMMUNITY WATCHES Saturday-9-6 40 LEVENDALE ROAD RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE SALE CONDUCTED BY DANBURY SALES LIMITED Bulova - Benrus - Gruen ST 3 I] A vs PICK UP A LUCKY BUCK AT SILVERPLATE PRICED FROM {7-056 GALBRAI'I'H JEWELLERS OXFORD 81/2 TO 12 -$6.95 121/2 TO 3-$7.95 SAVAGE BROWN §AVE 70% TU. 4-5341 $2.97 8 PIECE GLASSES AND MORE HAND PAINTED HEAVY BOTTOM LT B LT D. Mr. and Mrs. R. Forrester 0! Ottawa spent several days re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirk. Misses Judy and Wendy Kirk of Toronto spent two days holiday with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wark entertained the Wark family at their home recently when Mrs. Jas. Thompson of Florida, were here. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Wark and sons of Oakville: Mr. and Mrs. Murray Wark. James Wark and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cable of Rich- mond Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Guire and family of Claremont; Mrs. Ken Wark and family of Bruce's aunt and uncle, Mr. and‘ in; on to p: There must be son. he said. 5‘ a menace to h v The Essex AV asked the to shacks on a prc ‘down weeds. A fire chief said spected the ' were locked am ed. The structt Roofing paper had been remo Weeds on the 1 need of cuttin Council agree department wc weeds and that be written rega‘ Her funeral took place from‘ the Wright and Taylor funeral home on Tuesday afternoon. She was laid to rest in Carrvllle Un- ited Church Cemetery. At this \tlme we would like to express sympathy to Mr. Ernie Bone andf all his family and relatives. 1 Mr. and Mrs entertained the She was a member of Carr- vllle United Church, a life member of the Woman’s Assoc- iation, and for many years an ardent worker in the Sunday School. Her passing will be a great loss to the community. She had a very quiet disposition which endeared her to all who knew her. and was very active in the WA. work. Mrs. Woods was assisted by Deanna Dobbis-h and Diane fid- eron of Weston. Others present were Mrs. Audrey Colton and Mrs. Al Miller, Weston; Mrs. D. Barton and Bonnie, Beverley ‘Acres. Mrs. J. Oliver and Helen of Richmond Hill and Mrs. Chas. Jordan of Doncaster. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. and family enjoyed round Lake Superior holidays. Mrs. J. Barton. Mrs. J. McEw- en. Mrs. B‘ Middeton. Gretta and Nancy Middleton, and Mrs. R. Middleton attended a per- sonal shower for Miss Jan Mc- Cormick, Downsview. at the home of Mrs. R. Woods, Con- cord. Mr. and Mrs. L. and Mrs. A. Tyndall mond Hill Visited on with Mrs. A. Clement. Mr. and Mrs. R. For: Ottawa spent several ( cently with Mr. and Kirk. Misses Judy and Kirk of Toronto spent t holiday with their gram Mr. and Mrs. R. Kirk. The Curvllle community was isaddened to hear of the passing of Miss Evah Sheppard, fol- lowing a lengthy illness. Having lived in Carrvllle all her life she was well known and highly respected by a wide circle of friends, and will be sadly miss- ediby all who knew her. \ The September meeting of the Woman’s Association will be held at the home of Mrs. Grant Brewery. Stouffvllle, on Sept- em_t;er £5, at 2 pm. Rev. Howard Veals was in charge of the service at Carr- ville United Church on Sunday. Women’s Association CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON SET CARRVILLE NEWS Forrester Telephone AL. 7-8920 Clement D‘ of Rich-l'ed Q Sunday that Williams ‘ trip On tl' Reg. to 3 3 $2.00 ‘ PR WATCH BANDS COMPACTS WATCH BANDS NECKLACES JEWELLERY ETC. REG. TO $15.00 Reg. to $2.50 YOUR CHOICE EARRINGS 26-PIECE WM. ROGERS {heir CULTURED PEARLS SILVERPLATE MEN’S & LADIES’ EXPANSION 50 97c Richmond mu,- 5. Ldr. K. A.‘ r Wark was unable to attend as he was on flight that day. . Birthday Surprise I Richmond Hill Junior Cham- budgets and administration, Mrs. Jack Barton had a pleas- ber of Commerce has done itiwmi Past president Ralph ant surprise on her birthdaY. again. At the recent national Markham speaking on public August 21- After bang out thatconventlon held_in Montreal the relations and showing how their evening for a couple of hours.‘local unit was JUdged the best projection can affect an entire when she returned a numberlin Canada for 1960-61. Local community. of friends were there. com-‘Jaycees also won first place , plete with birthday cake and for their community betterment Jg'iycees regular dlnnel‘s start ice-cream to help her celebrate. projects. Past President Ralph 33:31“ Pext TUESdaY at the Sum- Wm Markham also reported that the‘mlt Vlew Gardens at 7 pm. Like Times Chamber had been asked to submit its records, files and al-i 0n Yonge Street gums tic tthe world cosngress :01] Watch Those It was almost like old P3925; R1635 {53; await: {mash ï¬fc‘ï¬fnfg‘d Ygilfe 13;: (9310;: good material,†he said, “anal SChOOl Basses day _ "old times" in this stand a chance of once again1 cue meaning prior to the winning the world award.†After a two-month lay- construoflnn nf Nn ann Training Course 1 0". the big yellow vehicles Improve con Essex Avem Mayor Jame out that the stricted in 1 in; on to There must son. he said Dealing qd "by 38 need of cutting. Council agreed that the “ department would see to weeds and that the owners be written regarding the sh. Essex Ave. Residents Ask Removal Of Shacks REG. $19.95 It was almost like old times on Yonge Street in Richmond Hill last Mon- day - "old times" in this case meaning prior to the construction of No. 400 Highway - the Barrie and points north road. In that era cars with Uni- ted States licenses were common on Yonge Street during summer months. The flood dried up when traf- flc north-bound to holiday resorts abandoned No. 11 and took to the new and speedier traffic artery. free from the clogging influence of towns. But, last Monday. some of the old-time colour returnâ€" ed. Seen on Yonge Street - and all parked downâ€"town while owners presumably went shopping - were cars bearing the plates of Maniâ€" tabs, Alberta, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Michigan, Texas, Florida and Great Britain. By coincidence, the three latter were parked all to- gether at one time. re must be a statutory rea- he said. such as weeds or xenace to health. he Essex Avenue petitioners d the town to remove :‘ks on a property and to out n weeds. A report from the chierf said that he had in- rted the property. Doors 9 locked and windows board- The structures were sound. ting paper covering walls been removed by children. ads on the property were in i of cutting. ouncil agreeditAhat the works 1e Essex :1 the ks on a 1 weeds. chievf sa aling with a 1: v 38 persons. steps should we conditions : Avenue. Ric r James Hagl with a petition sign- Iersons. which askr-d should be taken to nd-ltlons of land on me. Richmond Hill, [es Haggart pointed e municipality is r-e- its powers of enter- ._prlvaie property. ‘ petitioners to remove r and to cut rt from the he had m- lrty. Doors shacks _||Jaycees Win Top Awards nan-1M Montreal Convention nu th e will Following a recent officer training course, Richmond Hill Jaycees ran a course to train chairman in the art of being a good executive. Course chalr- man was lst Vice-president. Pe- ter Pfenning, who is in charge of the Chamber's leadership training. Vice-president Lindsay Chris- tie discussed the planning and organization of a committee. Treasurer John Bailey talked on Try For World Title Again * ‘ MILLS In The Mall RICHMOND HEiGHTS CENTRE After a two-month lay- off. the big yellow vehicles bearing the label “School Bus" will return to Ontario roads next Tuesday, as the provinces children start on the long drag which inter- venes between summer and Christmas holidays. A reminder to motoriéts: The law requires that other vehicles may not pass a school bus on the highway when it is halted. Play It Safe! you £5?†35955 Rich textured fabrics by the hundred await you at Bond -â€" new plaids, shadow stripes, petit checks, .solid tones! Choose your pattern, chc specially loomed for Bond by world-renowned mills. Your suit will be individually cut, stitched and comfort-tailored for you and you alone. The extra trousers will really double the wear of your suit. Our famous guarantee promises TOTAL SATISFACTION or l’District lions Richmond Hill Lions Club was represented by four of its executives at the August 25 District 7-A get-together con- vened by the district governor. Jack Fllkin of Toronto, which attracted 100 Lions executives. All nine district clubs falling in Zone 18. which is chaired by Dr. H. H. Mackay of Rich- mond Hill, were represented. The affair was held at Summit View Gardens. Sald Dr. Mackay: "We of the Hill went to listen and learn and feel we benefit-ed consider- ably. We’ll be in a better posi- tion to assume the new season's duties which oï¬iclally com- mence locally on September '1. when our ï¬rst meeting will take place." Ten-minute talks were given by qualiï¬ed speakers. They de- tailed the responsibilities of club presidents, secretaries and members, while one dealt with the next international conven- tion which will be staged in Nice. France. There also were talks directed to potential pub- lic speakers and one explaining the importance of the organ- ization’s district office in To- ronto. Attending from the Hill with Dr. Mackay were Don Little, president; Walter Sleaman, sec- retary, and Pete Dyson. treas- urer. THE LIBERAL, gighmgnd Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 31, 1961 w' //A‘¢WW //7 ' TOTAL REFUND! For complete Information on Show courses, cull Registration Week Sept. 11-15 - 7:30 to 9:00 pm SHAW NIGHT SCHOOL 924 - 5771 Head Office: 55 Charles St. West (At Buy) Business Machineé helps place you in a good position-without charge! SHAW EMPLOYMENT BUREAU