A coal and wood cook stove, good condition. Phone TU. 4- 2683. MM) 12 gauge single-barre! shotgun, 1 year old. Apply to AV. 5-1.083‘ after 5:00 pm. ('1qu ELECTRIC stove,_ [Our-burner; large, good condition. AV. 5- 1312. c1w8 MfEFAB GARAGES from $299. C111 Loughlin Lumber and Sup- ply. AV. 5-n09. um BABY carriage; English uyle; also playpen; both In very good condition. TU. 4-5434. *1w9 GOOD used Iumiture for sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. m3 1 large desk. 5’x 3’. leather top, with 2 sets draWers. one on either side. $50. TU‘ 4-2314. ELECTRIC sewing machine, Singer portable; very good con- dition reasonable. AV‘ 5-4792. clwg BABY PICTURES are priceless when taken by me Lugerquist Studio, TU. 4-279;.4 SMITH-Corona portable type- 'writer. new condition. very rea- sonable; idea} {or student. TU. 4-5710. clw9 MAN'S royal blue suit. new. size 36 also man‘s brown trench coat. -Reasonlabie. -'1‘U. 4-7980. c1w9 CARRIAGE. high chair, crib and mattress. Good condition, clean. reasonable. TU. 4-5723. *1w9 STOVE. Viking. fully auto- matic, $100. Chesterï¬eld and chair with new slip covers, $50. Good condition. TU. 4-3556 23" Westinghouse console ’I‘.V. 1962 model. Regular $269.50, Sale $220.00. J. Fox and Son, Stop 24. Yonge St, TU. 4-1610. ‘ m _ 7 W» c1w9 USED Car Radios and Sony transistor portable radios. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.v. 1 CHINESE hand-hooked rug. 11‘): 15'; 1 plain green rug with felt underlay. 9‘ x 11'; stair car- pet. plain green; 1 Beatty de- luxe troner; 1 new Chesterï¬eld chair, beige nylon; 1 used ches- terï¬eld chair. green. TU. 4- 2879. MW!) .LU- ‘x'utav. sLevo MAN'S royal blue suit. new. size 86 also man‘s brown trench coat. -Rcasonable. -'1‘U. 4-7980. c1w9 CARRIAGE, high chair, crib and mattress. Good condition. clean. reasonable. TU. 4-5723. _ A _Mi \ *1w9 STEVE, Viking. fully auto- matic, $100. Chesterï¬eld and chair with new slip covers. $50. Good condition. TU. 4-3556. c1w9 23†Westinghouse console TV. 1963 model. Regular $260.50, Sale $220.00. J. Fox and Son, Stop 24. Yonge St., TU. 4-1610. c1w9 USED Car Radios and Sony transistor portable radios. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.V. Appliances - Sales - Repairs Parts 58 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-3211 ~tic§ 1 CHINESE hand-hooked rug, 11’}; 15'; 1 plain green rug with felt underlay, 9’ x 11'; stair car- pet, plain green; 1 Beatty de- luxe ironer; 1 new chesterï¬eld chair. beige nylon; 1 used ches- terfleld chair, green. TU. 4- 237.9; _ - ., _ “‘19 TRâ€"AILERS FOR SALE 708. RENT New box trailers, all sizes $68. and up or $12.00 weekly ren- tal. House trailers for sale or rent. Call Oak Ridges. PR. 3- 5721. tfc3 14' boat. windshield, controls, two new life jackets. $150.00. 011 burner and controls. (2.15., $30.00. excellent condition mov-| ing. AV. 5-5782. clwil til-Fl stereo record player. ma-' hogany cabinet, Admiral, new. Regular Sale w sun hou e. R :- 220.00.l "' FOX and 50m 5‘0? 24- Yong? Sale $189.00. leggy: arid Son, CARPENTRY CONTRAC'FORS clwii Stop 24’ Yonge 5L, TU‘ 446m Building, alterations 5; repairs, TU. 4-1610. ‘ ’PEAT LOAM:’son (lflu UUIII LJIIUP, 6U I‘UUKPUIL Ems. TU. 4-4986. c1w9 WALNUTâ€"ï¬nish bed and springs for sale: also Acme rangette. AV. 5-4398. ch9 LIGHTNINcTTods and copper cable, like new. Gormley 5216. c1w9 Remodelling oi kitchen, bath-, room, alterations. Call Enter-I prise Home Improvement. AV.i 5-5037. c4w6‘ #1-. ...,..1 h EXCAVATING & GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332. tfc48, CHILD STUDIES A SPECIALTY LAGERQUIST STUDIO TU. 4-2791 tic3 "‘EU'MBIN’anEATING '7 A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 1 l REFRIGERATOR. A d ml r a1 push-button automatic defrost nine cubic foot. excellent con- dition. AV. 5-2154. c1w9 LARGE space heater, "Norge". , ,_ excellent condition. reasonable; also tank: girls‘ clothing, 12-14. AV. 5-4363. clw9 WATER scooter. suitable for children's fun at the cottage; never used. Reasonable. TU. 4- 1979 after 5:00 p.m. clw9 MANURE delivered in small quantities for lawns, gardens and flower beds. TU. 4-2236 or AV. 5-2236. “C45 USED washing machines. re- built. from $29.00. J. Fox and Son. Stop 24, Yonge 51.. TU. 4- 1610. clws CHERRVâ€"WOBD dining table, $15; washing machine, $25; iron- ing board. 83; hand basin. $3: verandah steps. $5. TU. 4â€"5750; RUBBER STAMPS. all kinds any size. Quick service. The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1105. ti‘c43 WESTINGHOUSE stereo ree’b’Ed )player with radio. 1962 model. Special $149.95. .1. Fox and Son, Stop 24. Yonge St., TU. 4-1610. clw9 HALF-SIZES and OVER-SIZES DRESSES CLEARING AT $5.98 “WYN-DOT" TU. (-2214 c1\\‘8 PORTABLE‘TIVT’set,‘new'Isr' l c 1 wt) IYAINTINCE’PAPERMANGING‘ 1‘“ 4-2201 Favourite of old Richmond Hill! I A 7‘#7 ttc43 - newcomers give me a callJRA’LPH ELMS DECORATING Marsh Tonner. TU. 4-1882. Painting. paper-hanging, inter- tic23ior and exterior. Free estimates. “CUSrinM'CARPENTRY 'M’ork guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. Kitchens remodelled. bedroom _ M" w 7 , A p “C3! and bathroom vanities, stereoJCARPENTRY WORK, additions, hi-li, china cabinets. Free estimâ€"‘renovations, garages. recreation ates. M. 0. Harrison. TU. 4-‘rooms. tile floors. No. job too 2338; ttclalsman. Free estimates. T. Price. “MKsoNnY‘CONTnACTon‘ AV- 5‘3553- )W}! Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. PEAT LOAM Ostergaard 148 Yon-go St. S..iPlCKED UP 0R DELIVERED Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4-1Loading on east side of Yonge 5688. tfc23ISt†Richvale. Richmond Sod -w ’7‘ ’ ‘ Landscape Contractors Ltd.. AV. CLASSICAL BALLET SCHOOL I 54933. “C42 OPENS on Sept. 13th. Wednes- - ,__-, A 1 _ ,, . . , ,. day. 6:30 pm. to 8:30 pm. athAINTINGdaPAPERHANGING St. Mary‘s Anglican Church,2Favourite of old Richmond Hill Wrixon Hall. For informationl- newcomers give me a call. call MissiB‘ubikLTU. 4-5102. MARSH TONNER TU. 4-1882 PEAT LOAM â€"â€" son 1------ We WT “‘2 SANDY LOAM EAVESTROU IIING SAND a; GRAVEL a, G Call Joe Hampton CH NEY FLASHING PRospect 3~5922 ’ “v;- S. SKEAD A ,_ “381 MOUNT ALBERT SANITARY CONTRACTOR i Phone 53.14 We install complete septic tank,‘ MW? 2’}? quflf‘gfagjgféjgԠi" “‘5†W PAYNE CONTRACTING can Murray Baker [General concrete work. sewer Tw_ 5,4151 “C40 changeovers, swimming pools. , TA, - . . L N ‘ b t ll - free estim- WELL DRILLING 31:5?" 0° sma King City Drilling Co. Ltd.. repairing, pumps installed and impaired. Formerly George Ad- ams. Box 192 King City. TE. 3- ’6321. tfc46 CONCRETE ’â€" MASONRY A AV. 5-1153 ttc39 i i RICH BLACK PEAT LOAM (A natural, organic. and condi- ‘ tioning product) \Also guaranteed free from ashes [- from our stockpiles. , WELL ROTTED MANURE sweet 5:91:12.-. . l TOPSOIL -L “Cuâ€--. ~... v “Iv... -Auu. SMALL bright room. Church‘ and Centre; quiet bUsiness per- son preferred, parking space: $9.00 weekly. TU. 4-5446. 1 - 11,1 09â€" 7-room bungalow, large kitchen, .new recreation room. lovely garden and fenced yard. close to schools. $125.00. AV. 5-4618. “W‘J‘ “V M clw9 AURORA, modern, spacious 4- roomed apartment, 2 private en- trances, all conveniences. $90.00. PA. 7-9488, PA. 7-5046. tfc5 .____._.._.. __ _. iâ€"___ SHARE bungalow with small family. Large yard. close to shopping and school. Child wel- come. Reasonable. TU. (-5505, after ï¬ve. c2w9 EIUHT Housekeeping room With grille. use of refrigerator; also garage. Reference requir- eai‘u. 4-1777. tfc8 FURNISHED bed ~sitting room With equipped kitchen. Apply 16 Lorne. 1st house east of Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge. r_v _ 77 h _ Â¥ *2w8 MAIN floor of 3-bedroom 'bun- galow far rent with one tur- nished bedroom reserved. Rea- sonable to suitable Christian couple. Phone 884-7097. c1w9 ,ATTRACTIVEAFARM‘hâ€"ous‘e 1 near Richmond Hill. 3 bed- roomS. available Sept. lst. $100.00, Don Head Farms. phone ‘AVV. 5-1992. *2w8 NEAR Richmond Heights Plaza; 3-bedroom. ï¬rst floor. frig., stove, automatic laundry equip- ment, vacuum system. hot water included. TU. 4-3352. cl‘w9 LARGE room. William, Clo?- ei, self-contained, second floor, parking. Langstaff near Yonge. $10 per week. AV. 5-4190. l ‘_,._ c2w8 RICHMOND‘IIIIJL‘RENTALJS‘ 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from ca: _ “null. TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT New box trailers, all sizes $68. and up or $12.00 weekly ren- tal. House trailers for sale or rent. Call Oak Ridges. PR. 3- 5721. UC3 FOLDING cot with spring mai- tress, clean and good; one Que- bec heater. medium size; Mc- Clary electric rangette; four kitchen chairs, chrome; two card tables and a quantity of elec- tric wire. new; one mantle mir- ror. 884-7627. clw9 ENGINE PARTS FROM STOCK registered dealer for Briggs & titration - Lauson - power pro- ducts - Kolilcr - Clinton en- gines. repair service. CARL WALKER SALES a: SERVICE . Lawn 5: Garden Equipment . Victoria Square Gormley 5413 tics Sales Servloe Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand~ ard portable and electric mod- els. Speclal renlal tales 8V3“;PIANOfapaftmeritâ€"Slie:reason- able to students. ‘able. AV. 5-1572. clu-Q . . x s â€"â€"~W ., , Jamil?“ WILL buy Grade 12 text books Riehn‘ond Hi“ TU. £1745 in good COHdlllOl’L TU. 4-5775, prmml cl\\‘9 53 Yuan St. N. 'u-vua. Call Joe Hampfon spring PRospect 3-5922 or 'lU. 4-2538 turned ,,_“,c.59.flrm. I FALL RAINY WEATHER Wm AHEAD? hm; Rainy weather ahead will bring led children indoors to play In base- h ments. Keep yours dry from dampness wikh an OASIS dew“!A humidifier. May be rented by fun [he week or month. NOTE: An Fm 0.5515 dehumidifier is the best 3 protection against costly baseâ€"s ment TV breakdowns due tol dampness. Free delivery. ‘We HERRIDGE ELECTRIC T.\'. Appliances - Sues - Repairs - & park CASH RATES, lst insertion So each word, min. charge 75c Second and subsequent insertions If wording unchanged, 5c per word. min. chum . . . , . . 65c FOR. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per inflation of 506 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word: mln. charge 751: CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS' per lnserlion . . l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Cllsslfled ldvertlsements should be in In early In the week poulble but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesday. Send Ida by mall and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will recclve lnvolce. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ARTICLES FOR SALE SANDY LOAM SAND & GRAVEL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 'r's All. IN THE TU. 4-1745 “€49 TU. 4-32†gov? GIRL GUIDE complete outï¬t.[dren 15c. TU. 4â€"2577. V ‘ ' size 10. Reasonable. TU. 4-1979 H 4 V“ BABY PICTUR] 61W after 5:00 1:11; CW9ltry the friendly Lagerc tgun. 6‘.obo'boardteet pine’root'boardsldio with 1he know hm ".033 delivered. $50 per 1,000. Germ-@791. “1‘1â€? [9Xi_572_16-_ _ clw9 RICHMOND mew mennynno POLES, G. Lecuysr. I ‘SERVICE V. B-Sharon. om.. or Queensvme. nghtpmk-up and dz c1w8 GAR. 8~4235. 1m TU. 4-7632 $299.“ gag-chwflnger waghermwnh‘ ‘ SUD-‘timer and pump, $60.00. TU.SEP:11C tanks PUde ticsliqqno. cl‘wg'servwe. C. Burns. PR. clw9 tfc3 A Maxwell reel-type lawn mow-l er, 18", In ï¬rst-class condltlon. Cheap. TU. 4-3942. CLWQ ELECTRIb_5tove. ibu'hieii, lh good condlllon. $35. TU. 4-2747. _' n H » clyyg LLOYD‘S convertible baby car-[ riage. like new. $20. 2854.984. 1 GIRLS‘ ï¬gure skates. size 3 Mâ€"ï¬TA'N‘K's 4; girl's bicycle; two iron chaise pump ins: 103391-44! 5475?. 7“! “WE Frank Gem OAK buffet. Acme electriclgé-A'L'EZW rfxnge. TU. 4-1480. c1\v9 R( TITOR_“â€"AF{TI\7IEEE"~â€"thle1‘. Romvanng: good condnkm. reasonable. AV. garden ma†5-4481. crwsilfï¬ffiu- OIL burner with controls, al- most new. Gormley 5216. STAMPS. coins. The LC. Stamp and Coin Shop, 20 Rockport Cres., TU._4~4986. clw9 WALNUT ï¬nish bed and springs for sale: also Acme rangette. AV. 5-4398. c1w9 mons. Serta. $9er and' other spring mattresses repaired. reâ€" turned just like new. medium firm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice. Eiderdowns recovered, 0n~ ‘ario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 BEAUTYREST. Mar'smnf Sim- RIDE wanted from Yonge 51., Richmond Hill, (a Jarvis and Dundls. arriving at 8:30 am. TU. 4â€"1512. *1w9 WTLL buy Grade 12 text books CHAIN SAWS r in good condition. TU. 4-5775. 59"â€? f“ “5 395’ “W9 Major Repaer - Tune Ups WW __V _ A New Chains, Plugs, Files PIANO WANTED Pocket Chain Breakers Any size or make. my cash. 2 Cycle on. Chain on. Etc. phone Toronto. LE. 4-9419. (‘01- “Authorized Dealers" lect. ' N ‘ “03 Pioneer .9 Homeme USED FURNITURE TU. 4-1124 WANTED â€"â€" pianos and used RELIABLE MOWER SERVICF furniture. Cash prices paid. Call tfc29 Frank‘s Movers and Storage. "3“ S" †TU. 4â€"2613, AV._5-5101. (M T ï¬fenï¬ï¬nï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚gï¬s ï¬akn‘rxnm'swocx“’ SERVICE AND FORESTRY LICENCE NO. 69-061 COMPANY We pick up dead or disabled RICHMOND HILL horses and came. Phone £011er OWNED AND OPERATED Richmond Hill. TU. 4â€"2538. BY HAROLD VAN DYRE Central Doad Stock Ltd. Please TELEPHONE 884-7774 phom prompUy. any time. _ r‘ree Advice Frec Estimage§ Transportation FOR SALE (Continued) ‘ ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" hiJi, chlna cabinets. Frée estlmi‘ “name for ates. M. 0. Harrison. TU. 4-‘ we. cottage: 2335; Lids] putr- . cl‘ c1w9 Llc38 PAINTING paperhanging. Free \estimates. Colour samples. A. ‘Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. tfclb 'MRS. D. Warren. A.L.C.M., now has vacancies for Piano and Theory pupils. 274 North Taylor Mills; leave message at TU. 4- WEED CUTTING Large or small lots, BA. 5-278} MI‘SCEIIL'ANEO‘U‘SIWEELEANEOUS' TO RENT gHELP'WANTEITI ‘U’S’E‘ITCKRS Electronics? We fix it. emu-ENTRY TDECORATING TU. 4-3811 “(‘47 PAINTING PosT HOLE DIGGING Recreation rooms, etc. Large or We specialize in [arm fencing,l‘9ma“ jabs. Prompt service- can Joe Hampton, PR‘ 3â€"5922. Webb & Emmr- AV- 5-2543 “can; d 7 - 7 VALLEY’Pa’rkf3Fd'nneTMark-I C-,L- KNAPPETT ham, south of 17th Avenue; picJLandscapmg rserl‘itgm' Improvc‘ nic, swimming; adults 25c. cml- ~ dren 15c. TU. 4-2577. *1w9‘ T U- 4’30†_ , r tch BABY PICTURES 2 , . > . . ~ try me friendly Lagerquist Shh IBDUSFRIAL and ReSIdenhal die with the know how. TU. 4-113“ and gardeï¬yflaintenace- n_,,;u, n.A II..__ AV! . ROTOVATING yard delivered. Kentucky and Rotovaiing. Aerating. lawn and‘Merlon Blue. Laid if desired garden maintenance. Tom Mash-Free estimates Tu. 4-2538. inter. TU. 4-1170. tfc41¢ mute BABY SITTING l CHIMNEYS Moihers‘ Helper Service. Adull‘Chimneys built and repaired. baby sitters only. Also Home- Free estimates. Expert workâ€" makers‘ service. TU. 4-7253. manship. Phone Walker and tch Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. U015 Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V.‘ PEAT LOAM Ostergaard 148 Yon-ge St. S..[PICKED UP 0R DELIVERED Richmond Hill. phone TU. 4-1Loadlng on east side of Yonge 5688. tfc23 St., Rlchvale. Richmond Sod CLASs‘CAL BALLET gagdsca‘pe Contractors Ltd., AV. OPENS on Sept. 13th. Wednes-l '1 33' “C42 day. 6:30 pm. (a 8:30 pm. athAINTINGszPAl-‘ERHANGING St. Mary's Anglican Church,2Favourlte of old Richmond Hill Wrixon Hall. For inform‘atlonl- newcomers give me a call. call Miss Bubik, TU. 4-5102. MARSH TONNER TU. 4-1882 PEAT‘LOAM -â€" son “62 an...†uun Auk ‘xuxb VAL-y. 1.4.4. u-' __CONCRETE 7‘ MASONRY A ‘A1 ara teed free from ashes CARPENTRY commcvons‘- {flï¬uournstockpnes_ Building, alterations 5; repairs, WELL ROTTED MANURE prompt service 1 TOPSOIL WALKER} MITCHELL f ORDINARY SANDY LOAM from our stockpiles. â€""-â€" 7 W 7â€" W râ€" :11: WELL ROTTED MANURE RICHMOND HILL RENTALS vnnrnnlnl. bUL‘lnflb'UflDl- Building, alterations 5: repairs,‘ prompt service ‘ TOPSOIL ‘ 3 "1d 4 bedroom homes. from WALKER & MITCHELL I ORDINARY SANDY LOAM gvm5°§31511 AV. 5-2526 1 . ~ “08 SPECIAL MIFX‘LSLANDY LOANI Chu‘le‘ M.mle Real Eata‘e ‘ V DRESSVALTERATIONS 'lAvaiIa-ble straight or shredded - _.____ BUG†First class work. Carolyn Bar- and delivered in special loads,‘APARTMEN’F,_â€"3 rooTns aid gent, 9018 Yonge St. at Rich-jranging from one to ten cubic bathroom farms)qu or unfurn- vale. AV. 5.1591. tfcs yards. Bushel basket rates also‘lshed. eqlllpped kltche'n, separ- PA‘INW‘EIE’xglh’EnnRATnR laVFila‘blez, ‘.te “trianï¬ey lanegmundS BUS- PAINTER & uncommon §( For good prices see our show-1Loal room. Wallpapers, drapes. Maw Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge SLJELC Richvale. AV. 5-1591. tchl Movmp’_& STORAGE lYou UPHOLSTEBY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices‘ Call anytime. TU. 4â€"4813‘resi- deuce, business, AV. 5-5345. RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Light pick-up and delivery TU. 4-7632 \ul. .n. n! nan-5:. .1, was ARE 01m BUSINESS- 'sfi'66foowï¬lf Phone Gormlcy RICHMOND HILL TREE 15339. Lfc29 V | , _ .V r â€" r _ SERV‘Cg3ï¬gAggflsmY I SUMMER HIGH OAK RANCH offers two v ‘ ' r German Shep- RICHMOND HILL S black and §:1\ er OWNED AND OPERATED CQTTAGE herd pupmesr One male. one , - . . ' '_ "â€" d . ' ks old. Regis~ I“ HAROLD \Ah DYKE R-bedloom cottage for sale at female 9 “e9 TELEPHONE 884-7774 Oakx'iew Beach. a! reduczd tgl'cd.‘ ()utsttalndcénig1 Etirongblggg- Advi o Fre. Estimates 'rice, 2,500 cash. TL‘. 4-2505..p1es mm on a a an .- rce c flea“) s *lwmllne. TU. +2580. CNS "PAINTING a; PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4~2798 JACK & LEE TV SANDY LOAM SAND a; GRAVEL Call Joe Hampton PRospect 3~5922 24 hour 3-5085. “‘5†t2:35")EL(IJN MILLS LDAM 8: SOD | CO. LTD. AGE 'You may also pick up these Cal‘ï¬age. items at our location by truck CANSING DRIVING SCHOOL 3731. For professional service and “950 free pick-up. Call BA. 147092 lfc44 tfc3 tfc (C°“tinued’_} {LARGE room, suit gentleman. WEED‘EUTTINGTmo'wmg vac-[$8 weekly. TU. 4-7743. *lw9 ant lots. TU. 4-1538. ‘mwtfcbl ROOM to rent, {Urnished’ heat: SANIS‘XND‘GRAVEL, crushed ed. and light housekeeping. TU. stone. loam and rm. E. Charity, #2196. r 1&9 Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. SMng Mugâ€"f coï¬â€˜ple (mm m “calconveniences. TU. 4-1627. tfc4 CARPENTRY T DECORATING PAINTING INDUSTRIAL and Residential lawn and garden maintenace. Garden Gate Nursery. AV. 5- 5942 or TU. 4-1172. “C44 C. L. KNAPPETT Landscaping - Home Improve- ments. TU. +3089 ' PEAT LOAM [PICKED UP on DELIVERED [Loading on east side of Yonge St., Richvale. Richmond Sod Landscape Contractors Ltd., AV. 5-1938. tfc42 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING lFavourite or old Richmond Hill I newcomers give me a call. MARSH TONNER TU. 4-1383 c EAVESTROUGIIING a; CHIMNEY FLASHING , E. s. SKEAD ‘ l MOUNT ALBERT 1 { Phone 5314 ‘4w7 PAYNE CONTRACTING General concrete work, sewerx changeovers, swimming pools. No job too small - free estim- ‘ales. |AVV. 5-1992. LIGHT Hau'seï¬Ã©ï¬inngom‘ with grille, use of refrigerator; also garage. Reference requir- gd. TU. 4-1777. _ if tch FURNISHED bed -sit»ting room with equipped kitchen. Apply 16 Lorne. 1st house east of Clarke's Drug Store at Yonge. *2w8 MAIN floor of 3-bedroom 'bun- galow far rent with one fur- nriShed bedroom reserved. Rea- sonable to suitable Christian couple. Phone 884-7097. house‘ near Richmond Hill, 3 bed- roomS. available Sept lst. $100.00, Don Head Farms. phone *ZWB NEAR Richmond Heights Plaza; 3-bedroom, ï¬rst floor. frig., stove, automatic laundry equip-‘ ment, vacuum system. hot waterl AV. 5-1153 A:_nn: includgdi TU. 4~3352. cl'w9l 1 son, SEED & PEAT moss iness adults’onli' $50.00’we5k19. {Loads deliveretéstart from $3.00{Au1‘0ra. PA. 7-5597. th7 { H an up ‘ _â€"â€"â€"__ CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple, ALpine 745876. tfc7 BAYVIEW SODDING A-l field sod, 13c and 200 per yard delivered. Kentucky and PfR. 3-5293. ' c2w9 MONEY available for good ï¬rst and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and LeCIaire. TU. 44191. tIc2 WANTEDT'ss,5oo mortgage at HAVE you a mortgage to sell? SHEE‘ PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 CHILD STUDIES A SPECIALTY LAGERQUIST STUDIO ’ TU. 1-2791 MORTGAGES f‘r" POODLES, small bla_cks, regis~ ‘ '“cm' tered, from champlon blood lines. Terms can be arranged, â€"-‘$100.00 up. Phone Gormlcy {5339. Lfc29 ;H1GH OAK RANCH ofl‘ers two : lblack and silver German Shep- ! ‘herd puppies. One male. one sale at female. 9 weeks old. Regis- educz-d tercdl Outstanding strong pup- c1w8 tfc46 3" 7-room bungalow, large kitchen, ' new recreation roams lovely garden and fenced yard. close “cfll‘to schools. $125.00. AV. 5-4618. F‘Wtï¬TM-‘FORDSHI-RE bun teEiéE‘constaer ah’y jbb’TTiI. 345616;†"5 ,thorough‘bred, 10 months. $15.i RC3W8 SOflr r - r ._ A andITpï¬ï¬‚wm-H‘fllleOUNG MEN. 16-19. looking ucz'l-‘REE to a good home. Two cuteilor work. Anything considered. _ 5 little kittens. 8 weeks old. AV. Can you help us. Call Salva- jh 5-3946. cxwgluon Army. AV. 5-5126. tic52 2~BEDROOM apartment. frig. and stove supplied. Apply Su~ Lperintendent. 50 Benson Ave. FOR sale or rent; 5-room bun- galow in Oak Ridges. Phone PA. 745372. c1w9 2 ROOMS. unfurnished - 36‘ FURNISHED room, all modern conveniences. private bathroom. Gentleman preferred. close to Yonge St. AV. 5-4409. clw9 ROOMS - for men only. With modern kitchen and privatel bathroom. Parking available. TU. 4-1629. LfC8 ONE-bedroom apartment, self- contained, private entrance, business couple. 'I‘U. 4-1263; ‘centrally located. c1w9 FURNISHED room to let, cleanr [quiet home in Maple. Will give lbreakfast or full boarding if [so deslrEd. BA. 5-4852. c1w8 SMALL bright room. Church and Centre; quiet business perâ€" son preferred, parking space; $9.00 weekly. TU. 4-5446. LARGE room. kitchenette, clos- et, self-contained, second floor, parking. Langstaff near Yonge. $10 per Week. AV. 5-4190. PUPPY, part pomfanid‘rteï¬â€˜iérr, 3 months, $10. AV. 5-2379. W V _ _~ clwfl MALE. 3 months old. part bot; der collie. Gormley 5349. PERSONAL *trcm‘zézi tch idem "oom. :e to ch9 With ‘ivatel table. ttc8 selfâ€" ance, 1263; c1w9 clean! give ig if c1w8 \urch per- pace; ICI’W9 V._§A LADIES! Earn that neededl money the AVON-WAY. Writel Miss Ziegler. giving phone, Box 635 Oakville. c1w9 YOUNG MA‘N to work in gro~ cery department of Supermark- et. Experience preferred. Apply Mr. Smythe. King City Super- market. c1w9 WOMAN for cleaning duties in institution. Able to supervise boys in cleaning duties. Live in or out. Phone Salvation Army, AV. 5-5126. ch9 FEMALE retail clerk, some ex~ tperience in gift buying pre- ferred. Apply Jack Watts Hard~ ware, Richmond Heights Plaza. c1w9 DOMESTIC help, fond of chil~ dren, wanted to live in; modern country house, generous wages and time off. AL. 7-2525. *1 W!) Q‘LOSlI‘; Green Budgie. InflRich; S~‘m0nd Hi“. TU. 4-3549." clw9 ‘1 5100. 1: REWARD for information lead- ‘g‘ing to the arrest and conviction _ of persons responsible for then 0 of 1 Linmark 6-transistor radio, r-Yred plastic in brown leather e‘case: 1 Sony TR84 B-transisior s-Iradin. wlme plasï¬c in brown )- leather case. Items both stolen in August. Herridge Electric. RELIABLE woman will give day care or board if desired for one cor two children. TU. 4-5616. PART-time work. earn extra in- come evenings, with-Star Car- riers, $3.00 per evening plus commission. Phone J. Kennedy, TU. 4-4501. c2w9 SOMEONE to share our home 'and care for three girls, parents «working,_,live in, evenings and week-ends free. Please phone \TU. 4-3719, after 6:00 pm. A FEW LIMITED openings for full-time male and female help between the approximate ages {of 25 and 40. Must be able to ‘provide satisfactory local refer- ences. Please apply to Mr. Stemaway during the day at Dad's Drive-in. 255 Yonge South. Richmond Hill. c1w9 HOUSE work wanted after 4 pm. PR. 3-2276. *1w9 FORMER legal secretary re- quires secretarial or reception work. TU. 4â€"4380. c1w9 SALES ‘ SALES representative with sev- eral lines to call on industries and farms in this area. Highest commission paid. Car essential. Apply Box 100. “The Liberal", stating sales experience, etc. DAY care available for 1 child fenced-in yard. TU. +2421. _, V M ‘ 0132 DRESSMAKING and altera- tions. Mrs, MacDonald. TU. 4- 5057. tfc34 WILL give day care to child 5 days a. week. TU. 44478. DAY or weekly care for chil- dren, will board 1: desired. TU. 4-7020. c1w9 DAY care to children tinder school age. Good respectable home. TU. 4~5139. c1w9 EXPERIENCED day care for 1 or 2 children or will board. TU. 4-4513. 02w!) RELIABLE day ogre availéï¬le for one or two children. vicinity of Yonge and Richmond, TU. 4- BILINGUAL Junior Matriculam' i desires office work. No training‘IN THE ESTATE OF ARNOLD or experience. Call 884-7598. I MOODY BEACH. deceased. EXPERIENCED truck driver 8; service station attendant seeks steady work. Family man will consider any job. TU. 4-3016. nc3w8 yOUN'Gf'MEfos-w.‘ looking TU. #3211. EMPLOYMENT WANTED LOST *2w9 c1w9 01w!) c1w9 elm/9}I c1w9 cl “’9 ex: &‘ seeks will All persons having claims against the Estate of Arnold ,zMoody Beach. late of the Town- “. (ship of Vaughan in the County ca‘ws of York, Taxi Cab Operator, . who died on or about the lst “KIDS day of July, 1961, are required VeFEd-ito send a statement of their Elva-[claims to the undersigned be- t“52101? the 29th day of September. _ 1961. after which date the estate " will be distributed. having re- gard only to the claims of which Ricthhe‘undersigned shall then have "hunlnouce. c1w9 lBlSGChevrole't. $250.00. or best offer. PR. 3-5749. c1w9 ’58 Austï¬x. A-lQondiï¬on. radio: $750 or best offer; must sell, t_a_ke trade. AV. 6-5632. c1w9 1955 VJkswagen rider-luxe; new motor. will sell or Krade. H.953 Studebaker Champion. with 1overdrive, good battery. tires and brakes. Best offer. AV. 5- 4190. c2w9 1952 Chevrolet pick-up, original 33,000 miles. 1954 Plymouth Savoy. Trailer heater. electric sewing machine. 11" television set. one table saw, Reasonable. AV. 5-2487. cth "59 Volkswagen van. good con- dition, economical. new béttery. wholesale price. Beat the tax. To be sold tonight. Call BA. 5- ‘93-93; evenings, AV. 5â€"2633. lé-ton truck preferred. PA. 7- 4188. Aurora. 01w? 1955 Dodge Regent. 4-door auto- matic. custom radio. window washers. wheel discs: private. AV. 5-1610. c2\\r'9 I~~ » ' 'l 1 THE FOLLOWING REPOS-l LSESSED CARS ARE NOW UP, |FOR SALE. ‘ 10% down take over payment; ‘61 Karmen Ghia ’60 Falcon, station wagon '60 Dodge, hardtop. ’59 Chev. '58 Pontiac ’57 Ford '56 Ford ‘55 Chev. ’54 Ford '53 Chev. IWYUIICVIUIEI' wauu. ofl'er. PR. 3-5740. Uu, ux ucaL wclwfg ‘58 Austin. Aâ€"l condiiiun. radio. $750 or best offer; musl sell. lake trade. AV. 6â€"5632. MW!) 1955 Volkswagen de-luxe,i new motor. will sell or trade, l‘z-ton truck preferred. PA. 7- 4188. Aurora. clwg ‘1955 bo‘déé'Regent, 4-door auiO: mvallc. custom radio. window washers, wheel discs: private. AV. 54610. c2w9 '54 Mercury panel, excellent mechanical condition. very rea- sonable. Must be sold tonight. Call BA. 5-9393; evenings, AV. 6-2633. clivs 1960 Falcon. 4-door de-luxe. black and while; many extras: good condition: $1.750. Phone. ' ROOM, EXCELLENT room and buard} 1†“1‘41‘1 central Richmond Hm. TU. 4-!f.ued..oon{’am m. flgtfs'élf_con: Esau-W. «V ,_,,,V 77,â€?9 famed. No basement apls. Vi- BED_S“â€"g 1.0mm breakfast $10 ci‘nily Richmond Hill or Thorn- weekly, vicinity of Markham &i‘“â€~MAV- 5‘2930- *1W9 Ba-VL'is-w. TU. 4-7710. c1w9‘ “LIBERMJ'V'CITASSWIEDS" ROOM and board available {or‘ FOR RESULTS gentleman. Ricllvale area. AV. PHONE TU- 4-1105 OR AV. 5-3316 7W, 7 777 HC2W9 ACCOMMODATION minimaâ€" near public, separate and high schools..'l‘hornhiil. AV. 5-1670. oné“15lock~wesl of Yonge. Business person only. TU. 4-4546. c1w9 Happy Holiday? Ab ROOM for rent. Board optlonal, suitable for lady teacher. Close to schools. TU. 4â€"2148. CIWB FURNISHEDri-onm for business All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named deceased, late of the City of Toronto, County of York, who died on or about the lst day of August, 1961, are hereby notified to send particu- lars of the same to the under- signed Executor, on or before the 28th day of September, 1961, after which date the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. and the under- ‘signed will not be liable to any person of whose claim they ‘shall not then have notice. IN THE ESTATE OF Alice Isabel James, deceased. Notice to Creditors and Others DATED at Richmond Hill this 28th day of August, 1961. Notice to Creditors and Others this 2th day 1961. MYRTLE ALETTE BEACH. Admixlistratrix. by her Solicitors, WALSH AND WALSH. 85 Richmond Street West. Toronto, Ontario. DATED at Toronto, Ontario‘ MARION L. PORTER Administrator, by her Solicitor, Stuart P. Parker. QC WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! BUY IT NOW WITH ~ LOW-COST LIFEJNSURED XXX ixx THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Call Ed. Ruse AV. 5-1105 PA. 7-5001 :I'HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. August 31, 1961 xxxx XXXXXX LOAN of August, A‘D clw9 c2w8 E. G. Gagain. Miracles, Signs. Wonders. Location: On Bay- }view Avenue, 1 mile north of Richmond Hill. Services Sunday, September 3: Services Sun. Sept. 3. 2:00 pm. 7:30 p.m., Evangelistic Service. Week nights at 8:00 p.m., old time preaching, singing and ‘lpraying for the sick. Bring the sick. All welcome. FURNISHED rdo’n? 1'8 girl or teacher; board close to schools. shop; TU. 4-5505. FREE room and ends free, for mot age child, in ret duties: references ROOM and BOARD ‘ ""“WKNTED’ GREAT TENT REVIV AI Prop HERBERT GOODHOOFD" E 63 Yonge St. quth Richmond Hill, Ont. ‘ Phone TU. 4-7851 OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR. ALL‘ STEAMSHIPS a; AIRLINES BOOKINGS FOR SEA-AIR TOURS AND CRUISES TRAVEL SERVICE Green Glove Leather Pumps, elastic gore, sizes 5 to 81/2. $4.95 Black Leather Oxford with foam sole. Ag $4.95 Black Glove Leather Flattie Pump style, with buckle. GYM ROMPERS SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS 12 Yonge St. S. $100.00 REWARD N0 BOOKING FEES far information leading to the arrest and con- viction of persons responsible for the theft of lâ€"Linmark 6-tfansistor radio. Red plastic in brown leather case. Iâ€"Sony TR84 8-transistor radio. White plastic in brown leather case. Items both stolen in August. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TU. 4-3211 RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE and b0: ' mother ‘ return IS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT AFTER SEPTEMBER IST PLEASE CALL “I. 4 - 1632 shoppiï¬g board TU for business optional; week- school~ r light 44396. clw etc 2w! Richmond Hill TO RENT $2.49 $3.19 $3.98 $3.49 $3.98