Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Sep 1961, p. 7

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TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in cluding new and rebuilt stand ard portable and electric mod els. Special rental rates avail able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. . Lawn 8: Garden Equipment . Victoria Square Gormley 5413 tch Richmond Hill SACRIFICE Gllson 17 cu. ft. Freezer, Mof- fat range_ 26". Excellent condi- tlon. Both $200 or nearest ofi‘cr. Owners leavlng country. TU. 4- 5013. clwl2 TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT New box trailers. all sizes $68. and up or $12.00 weekly ren- tal. House trailers for sale or rent. Call Oak Ridges, PR. 3- 5721. tfcR MEDIUM Enterprise circular oilt heater, good condition, $35.00. Small silent glow circular oil heater. good condition, $20.00. Phone AV. 5-3108. *lwl2 PRESSURE TREATED Osmose poles, posts and lumber for pole barns and other structures re- ‘quirlng (weather Protection). Ratcllfl‘e Bros. Ltd., Lumber 8W Bldg. Supplies. phone Stoufl- \fllli204W1. clw12 uantities {of V iii/Es, and flower beds. TU. 4-2236 or -V. 5-2236. “C46 2 DIAMOND RINGS, value $300 for $80. Washing machine, new motor, $20. Muskrat fur jacket, perfect condition, $25. TU. 4- 70072 c1wl2 BABY PICTURES Ire priceless when taken by the l‘agerquist Studio. TU. 4-2791. fic3 gMAN‘gffiEâ€"§Eliv9red*in-Small _ _ 4 7" V Ac1w12‘ RUBBER STAMPS, all kinds( ny size. Quick service. The: Liberal Office, Richmond Hill» l‘U. 4-1105. tfc43 IRbN’mGQESArdiwashing mach-L‘ Ine. dining table. hand busin.‘ buffalo blanket, organ case. TU.‘ 4-57â€"59: clwll x-uluu. c1w12 USED Car Eagles and SonyI ' _“~" ‘ NE‘ t‘ f; transistor party In ra Ios. ‘ finggNgwyfififlu £12330, OASIS Dehumidiflen. Sales or I . _ . ' . lrentals. ‘ $533". “kc "w' 575 0213,12. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC 1w. %â€" _~7 g [Appliances - Sales - Repairs BABY PICTURES ¢ Parts urn nrlno‘ne- “an... A.‘_., L__ .L, __ -_ v v * u v . - u n uuu. V 10. TU. 4-2309“: c1w12 “ST‘RECOVERY _._______ . . .- WATER HEATERS VOLT car ndiO. very goodlon Lime payment or rental plan. Unditlon- $1500 TU 4-4389. Low monthly flat ratés. On- clw12 tarlo Hydro. TU. 4-1191, Rich~ *CbTVTr~NENTKL~bed5f0né mond Hill Hydro, TU. 4-3511. double. one ‘14, good condition.1_~_ fl, _-‘ ‘ W cm“) Reasonable. TU. 4-3216. » H" 1.1.). .VApt._2;” ' '°c'2w12 GA ‘WEET CORN, good quality mm or freezer or corn roasts. Bob bed Igmppell, TU. 4:3042. *lw12 REFAFGARAGES from 3299. all Loughlln Lumber and Sup- and Iy. Amy-3199; tfcal‘$15. IIGH SCHOOL books, grade 10 Pm nd up, in good}_c)7 hone AV. 5-2703. c1w12 Cal] v_â€"" age. & nm FIE I'YPEWRITER [orâ€"sale. coml ple'tely rebuilt, call after 6 pm. AV. 51317451. Private. clw12 DININT; roofixâ€"cfilna c3binet"& uffet, very good. Telephone KL. 7-2650. clwu 2371. AND‘VVobDYBBk stové vith oven, in good condition _I_O;TU. 4-2609. c1w12 WHITE ducks tor'uileT'Bargam. ru. 4.2444. *1w12 'OIL BURNER ’unnngoH c0ndi~ hen. LE. 6-7994._ ‘7_ “ c1w12 NE nanny goat for sale $15.00. w. 5-2342. c1w12 ‘fiCi‘RI‘C-Hove‘,‘ 4-burner, in ood condition. TU. 4-2747. [l‘OMA’l‘OES or’wiuâ€"nide for pint or quart sealers AV. 5-1623 pr AV. 5-2995. c1w12 EASY spin diTWashlng mach- ine, needs small electrical re- Dilg.‘ $39.00. AV. 5-3142; c1w12; BABY carriagé._good condition.‘ 515:0}. fpply 34A Yonge St. CASH RATES, lst insertion So each word. mln. charge 75c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 5c per word, min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion 01' 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word; min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early In the week possible but not later than 10 am. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and yon will receive Invoice. FEAT LOAM Ison ' 'jTU. 4-26131‘33’7 53-131 ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES U049 c1w12 - 3"furniture. CasHpfiEés Iagi‘d. fifcalFranlg's Movers and Storage. 7% on 43-acre Whficfiorcl Township farm valued at $28. 000. BA. 5-7321. tfc! SOLICITBR has ,cnén's fund available for mortgages at rca sonable rates. Mr. Cooper. BA MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and LeClaire. TU. 4-719]. t£c2 WANTED; $9,500 mortgage ax WANTED girls 15 years to learn Hula Dance for the Thornhill and District Hockey Club two day “Calypso Fair". No exper- ience. Choreography, Mrs. Doris J_ Pollock of Thornhill. Apply at once to Dave Barbour, AV. 56205. clw12 WANTED Six hunters with $325.00 each to buy a furnished hunting camp three hours from Toronto. where their families can vacaâ€" tion or get away from the bombs. Box No. 111 The Liberal. c1w12 DRESS ALTERATIONS First class work. Carolyn Bar- gent, 9018 Yonge St. at RichJ vale. AV. 5-1591. tfcfi' *PXIRTER & DECORATOR ‘l 7 ‘ For good prices see our showâ€"x TWO cold frame windows 3 x 6.r00m- Wallpapers‘ drapes. etc. - complete. Write P. O. Box 115‘HFI‘FY Bargent. 9018 Yonge St. Thornhill. *zwlgxmchvale. AV. 5-1591. tch WANTED quart and pint seial- m â€" tfcll MOVING _&-‘STORAGE ers. Will buy or trade for tom- Frank’s Movmg & Carpage.‘ atoes. Av. 5-1623 or Av. 5_ packmg and storage. Experlenc- 2995. nhmfled service anvtime. Pirknn and ] Gen char Nb ates .. ll USED FURNITURE WANTED 7â€" pianos and used .__,_u‘_, ‘ywnuouuuu A lVllSC {Those clothesqyliu are tired of Richmond Hiil, phone inni- befjusEA what someone is 5688. 00 mg or. 150 many bargains‘cAleâ€"U ‘f‘i .' ' In new wqmen's anq childrens fin. topsso‘ii 33%“; 5:11;: apparel. {the Bargam Box, sprompt delivery. Re Sheppard Av... Wm. BA. - ' 6m. ;,w?,!£a§";§-__J--12;-PeFe"a“ PIANO WANTED Any Size or make, pay cash, phone Toronto. LE. 4-9419, col- lect. Lfc3 GOOD USED clothing for re- sale. For information call Helen Brown. TU. 46775 or Kay Smith. TU. 4-1494. c3wll 53 Yonge St. delivered delivered in small and half loads. Landscaping and grading - Sand Crushed Stone and Gravel Mushroom Comvbost. Pea! and Manure, $7.00 per MEL’S HAULAGE jGARDEN tools, handâ€"Efidrpower r mower, tractor, 35 MM. camera, FRANK'S WELL DR‘LLING bed with mattress. Av_ 5_4190.;Pump Installed and serviced. 03w” Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. â€" ~â€"â€"» 7 ~ PA. 7-5272. tfc50 FIBRE glass drapes. full width â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"~â€"â€"~ 7 and length, six months old“, “ROTQVATINGI 4-1006. tchO clwlz ih__ _A *lwll LIGHT bu? Gendm‘n’ baby car: SHEET METAL W0RK riage, excellent condition. Also EaveSt-mugh’ new and repaired baby car seat and swing. TU_ 4. Heating, roof flashings etc. Free 2132. clwlz estlmates. Work guaranteed. _TU HYDRO P0LES,’G7’Lecuyer, Sharon, Ont, or Queensville. GR. 8-4235. lfc7 RONEO number 250 duplicator, almost new, half price at $89.00. PA. 7-6827 after 6.00 pm. MORTGAGES ATTENTION LADIES LpAM AND son FOR SALE BA. 5-2781 SPECIAL Peat Loam ; WELL DRILLING TU, 4.3211IKing City Drilling Co. Ltd.. “612 repairing, pumps installed and Râ€"*‘ repaired. Formerly George Ad- ;on ams. Box 192 King City. TE. 3- 211!! h.1r-5321- “C46 ’al'gams CALL US for your sand lildl‘ens fill, top soil and blac BOX, 5lPrompt delivery. Re: BA- 5-lrates. J. B. DeFerrari, cZwlszLpine 743876. load c1w12 U640 c1wl2 tfc7 Loads Delivered $3.00 and up Sod Delivered (18:3. 200 - 100 yards and up) All items may be picked up at our location by Truck or Car. QUALITY DOES COUNT WHEN YOU BUY RICH BLACK PEA'I‘ LOAM SPECIAL MIX RICII BLACK SANDY LOAM WELL ROTTED MANL’RE TOP SOIL ORDINARY SANDY LOAM SOD. SEED. PEAT MOSS FILL UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence, business. AV. 5-5345. \w WOW“, v“ nun. [IclU ' ‘ P 5 years guarantee. Terms if'de-‘ :gox 114 The Liberal. *1w12 31533;: A‘v. gri‘éégi W 1101555833 RICHMOND HILL RENTALS TEEâ€"AREâ€"OURVBUSINESS; ‘ 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from RICHMOND HILL TREE fiâ€" _ $95 “ m‘m‘hl ~ P 1:11: ‘~‘ 1‘ "*1 - . Call AV. 5-195 SERVIcgégBAEgRESTRY b12833) pureggggleéu. 111512132ng Charles Marple Real Estate tfclB RICHMOND HILL I ~_ 1, _, _ ,_02W111L__.H ,hh ‘ OWNED AND OPERATED POODLES, small blacks, regzs- CARS & JRUChS by the am. BY HAROLD VAN DYKE 'tered, from champion blood day. mpmh or yearly. TELEPHONE 884-7774 ‘lines. Terms can be arranged, Don Mills Car & Truck Rentals Free Advice Free Estimates $100.00 up. Phone GormleyI L‘rd- ~ r mm 5339. “029 447.5544 m-ssu mcnvale. AV. 5-1591. tch‘ C. L. KNAPPETT _- ~ - LANDSCAPING MOVING & STORAGE ; Frank’s Moving 8: Cartage,’ HOME IMPROVEMENTS Packing and storage. Experienc- '1'“ ' Shrubs - Perennials ed service anytime. Pickup and Cedar Hedges delivery. Good rates. TU. 4-‘ Loam Manure ' 5mm 2613' AV. 5610]. “016 Cement Work - Carpenter Work _*_- ‘_SPECIAL _.. -- TU. 4-3089 Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 6 Houses gil‘glayfiéfim Avenue 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99.‘ tt«1n MAsoTviiY cdfiTRKCTOR‘ Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Qstergaard 148 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACmORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. M. 0. Harrison. TU. 4- 2838. tfcls BABY SITTING Mothers‘ Helper Service. Adult baby sitters only. Also Home- makers’ service. TU. 4-7253. ELGIN MILLS LOAM & SOD CO. LTD. A V. 5-1 3 I ‘ !ODD JOBS! ‘ Around your home. No job is too small. Hourly rate or con- tract. Phone Bolton 859-0480. *1\v]2 ‘WEED CUTTING, mo’x'v’ifi'g“ {mt lots. TU. 4-1538. t PAINTING]; PAPER I HANGING ! R. E. Dunn. TU. 4â€"2798 PAINTING papex-hangingffi‘reé “03 estimates. Colour samples. A. LANSING. DRIVINGfiSCHOOL Rojnnian. TE- 3~6571~ “015 For professional service and JACK & LEE TV~ " free pick-up. Call BA. 14700. Electronics? We fix it. “C4 _ , _TFJ- 4-3811 “047 CARPENTRY - bEé’o’n‘ATrING‘ POST HOLE DIGGING PAINTING We specialize in farm fencing Recreation rooms, etc. Large. or can Joe Hampton. PR. 3-5922. small jobs. Prompt servxce. “C42 Webb 8:. Ennor. AV. 5-2546. MISCELLKNEOUSIMISCELLANEOUS;r T0 RENT (HELP WANTED MASONRY - STONE CONCRETE PLANS & BLUEPRINTS MADE Alterations Free Estimate-s H. SCHINDLER CUNS’I‘. TU. 437635 RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Light pick-up and delivery TU. 4-7632 PEAT LOAM -â€"" Son SANDY LOAM SAND 8; GRAVEL Call Joe Hampton PRospect 3-5922 soil and black‘loam; delivery. Reasonable B. DeFerrari, Maple, AV. 5-2526 grave}, 04w] ‘S I PAYNE CONTRACTING I$31’3General concrete work, sewer R'Ch‘lchangeovers, swimming pools. {RENO job too small â€" free estim- tfc44 tfc23 tfc46 [plml PEAT LOAM OLD Presbyterian Church on tfc-z‘PICKED UP 0R DELIVERED Yonge St. Thomhill. Ideal for r »-â€" Loading on east side of Yonge,church groups, organizations, St, Richvale. Richmond Sod‘clu‘bs, etc. Large parking area. Landscape Contractors Ltd., AV. RU. 3-6229. c1w12 5% _ “£42 MODERN two bedroom apart. PAINTING & PAPERHANGING merit. electrically equipped, 36 maiFavourite of old Richmond Hill Church St. 8., Richmond Hill. - newcomers give me a call. 3110-00 monthIY- Phone PA- 7" .Atd MARSH TONNER TU. 4-1882 5319 available Nov. 1. tfcll and t~ch ATTRACTIVE a rnnrn Ihnnenl tch L A- LANSING DRIVING SCHOOL “01% For professional service and free pick-up. Call BA. 14700. tfc4 V87!- tfcbl tfc l2 SANITARY CONTRACTOR. “ We install complete septic tank d and weeping beds, save for cash “8' All work guaranteed. ‘U Call Murray Baker 50' TW. 5-4151, tfc40 I BAYVIEW SODDING a A-l field sod, 18c and 20¢ per a'yard delivered. Kentucky and idlMerion Blue. Laid if desired. , {Free estimates. TU. 4-2538. w yLeave message for Ted. TU. 4- ;5910. c1w12 TRANSPORTATION availabIE, Bathurst and St. Clair, leaving Richmond Hill 7.45 a.m., return- ing 3.30 pm AL 7â€"1133. c1w12 RIDE available Monday to Fri- day from Oak Ridges to Univ- nrsity of Toronto, leaving Oak Ridges 7.50 a.m.. arriving Univ- ersity of Toronto, 9 am. Call PR. 3-5908 after 6 pm. clwlz Transpdrtation ‘RlDE wanted for Thursday! ;nights to University of Toronto. ‘Leave message for Ted. TU. 4- 5910. W 7 crwiz TRANSPORTATION available, lBathurst and St. Clair, leaving Richmond Hill 7.45 a.m., return- ‘ing 3.30 pm AL 7â€"1133. c1w12 AVAILABLE leaving Richmondl Hill at 10 to 7 am. to downtown Toronto via Bayview. return approx. 4.15 pm. TU. 4-5576. clw12 TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richmond Hill to down- town Toronto, leaving 8 a.m., returning 5.30 pm. TU. 4-5132 aster 7 pjn. 7A clw12- TRANSPORTATION available leaving Richmond Hill at 7.30 am. Arriving Yonge and Davis- \'ille 8.15 a.m. TU. 4-4007_ 7’ APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bathroom furnished or unfurn-l ished, equipped kitchen, separ-J'IW te entrance, large grounds Bus-De liness adults only $20.00 weekly.‘a Aurora. PA. 7-5597. tfc'lisfi ATTRACTIVE one~bedroom ap- g; artment. Richmond Hill. un- m‘ furnished, with stove, fridge“ and open fireplace. Suit couple_lBc Available October lst. TU. 4-.â€" 2444. c1w12| 'EXCELLEN-‘l‘ location - 3 bed- room apartment on ground floor; an broadloom; vacuum system; tree‘s“,n use of automatic washer and“an dryer and hot water; frig and 25 stove, recreation room; lockers; as: fenced backyard; carport. Av- pr. ailable now. TU. 4-3352. clw12 mg Tv In: FAST-RECOVERY WATER ii; ‘ HEATERS lRent for less than 7c a day. Free 1:1) installation and service. 1“ nM'rADIn uvnnn '1‘” A 11m no STUDENT requires lift 44:30 4-3511 pm. from Bloor-Spadina, Aven-l ue Road area. Phone TU. 4- 1909. cum! n,“ RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 CARPENTRY WORTifidditions} AVAILABLE leaving Richmond Hill at 10 to 7 am. to downtown Toronto via Bayview. return approx. 4.15 pm. TU. 4-5576. DH“... ~n..u¢ n uun, auuuluus, renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No. job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 CHAIN SAWS Service At Its Best Major Repairs - Tune Ups New Chains, Plugs, Files Pocket Chain Breakers 2 Cycle Oil, Chain Oil, Etc. "Authorized Dealers” Pioneer & Homellte TU. 4-1124 RELIABLE MOWER SERVICE tfc29 CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfcls CHILD STUDIES A SPECIALTY LAGERQUIST STUDIO TU. 4-2791 BABY PICTURES try the friendly Lagerquist Stu» die with the know how. TU. 4- 2791. th3 ROTOVATING Rotovating, garden mainten- ance, landscaping. Cnil Joe Hampton. PR. 3-5922. tfc42 EXPERT tuition in piano and singing, classes now being for: med, 290 K-ingsdaie Avenue, Willowdale, 222-3474. c2w11 INDUSTRIAL and Residential lawn and garden maintenace. Garden Gate Nursery. AV. 5- 5942 or TU. 4-1172. tfcM ROTOTILLING. free estimates. Call TU. 4:7166.__ __ h c2W12 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart ’l‘U. 4-2201 AV. 5-1153 (Continued) clw12 tfclO [£039 tfc43 tfc46 312* FAST-RECOVERY WATER able‘ HEATERS 7:30 Rent for less than 7c 3 day. Free V15" installation and service. ONTARIO HYDRO TU. 4-1191 “312 RICHMOND HILL HYDRO TU. tfc3 tfc8 APARTMENT. basement, equip- )OL ped stove and trig. TU. 4-5482. and tfcll 00. :,'1‘W0 ROOM BATH flat and “04 garage_ Duffel-in and No. 7. mam. 5-1985. c1w12 6 ROOM IiBUSEfiEn‘ge St., E, 01‘ north of Richmond Hill. TU, 4- ’lce-iamz 01‘ TU. 4-5883. c1w12 ltfc3.3 R00M basement apartment, mdmking available. 884-2737. tch FURNISHED ROOM. adult home. near transportation, please phone after 6 pm, or any time week-ends. 884-5734. ‘ tfc12 15 ROOM modern bungalow. el- lectrlcal appliances furnished, 1,4 block from Yonge Ste-at and shopping plaza. TU. 4-2613, or AV. 5-5101. tfcll A VERY ATTRACTIVE 2 bed- room with all conveniences at Centre and Bayview. Inquire ‘Apt. 4 evenings or week-ends. ‘ *3w10 l vFURNlSHED cottage. near Richmond Hill, reasonable. Eld- erly couple preferred. Abstain- ers, immediate possession. Write IBOX 114 The Liberal. *1w12 SEMI-DETACHED 3 bedroom {bungalow available October 1. {Reasonable rent. Call TU. 4- ,2830. c1w12 COMPLETELY serviced - five rooms near Yonge, almost fin- ished - owner occupying part of basement - reasonable rent. 285-2992. c1w12 MODERN two bedroom apart- ment. electrically equipped, 36 Church St. 5., Richmond Hill. $110.00 monthly. Phone PA. 7m 5319 available Nov. 1. tfcll ATTRACTIVE 6 room house, about 1 mile from Richmond Hill. Oil heat, $100 monthly. Don Head Farms, AV; 5-1992. *2w12 PLEASANT furnished room, with kitchen privileges, suitable for nurse or school teacher, central. TU. 4-1623. Lfcll 3 ROOMS, kitchen and bath- room, oil heated, hot water, ganage, private entrance. Phone TU. 4-4007. clw12 ONE large furnished room in basement. Heated. Cooking fa- cilities, private entrance and parking. TU. 4-5337. c1w12 5 ROOMED spacious apartment, conveniences, central. $75.00 month. Telephone PA. 7-9488 or PA. 75046. tfc12 THORNHILL ~ self-contained 2 bedroom apartment, business people preferred. AV. 5-1714 after 6 pm. c1w12 FURNISHED self-containéd 75c: comumodation. Bayview and Markham area. TU. 4-5309. AV; 5-4115 HOUSE for rent. Availgfilre‘OCZ tober 15. For information call TU. 4-1036. c2172 FUBVNEHED ROOM in quiet ROOM. large, furnished, prix}; at}, _sl_u"t”gentleman, parking. FURNISHED ROOM, Bifiifiésg person preferred. 884-2737. adult home, parking space: $8, weekly. TU. 4-3801. *1w12 1 BEDROOM apartment, priv- ate entrance, parking. Available immediately. TU. 4-1189. clw12 1 BEDROOM APT., Yonge st'. 8., Richmond Hill. Heated. $75 month. RU. 3-66229. c1w12 SMALL Eottage suitable for one or two. Reasonable rent. BA. 1- 8551. tfc12 glean??? HILL RENTALS AV._'5LE55§."' ’ clw12 TU.’ 4-17524. "c2613 m sgsr20%::3:es’ “om J MALE budgie, gmrge‘nilostiMor; Ca“ Av. 5-1951 1 R- REPORTER day vicinity of Sussex and Marlin Charles Marple Real Estate Progressive weekly newspapepham Rds' Reward' AV' 53%:71'2 tfc18 has1 opening for male orlfe-liTOrâ€"_s__ , ‘ Tâ€"“T‘ , ma e junior reporter. Excel ent ’. - blue Windbreaker, re- '£F§nfn&Rg.C§e§rlf; the ham’ training, pleasant working con- versible fawn colour on inside, ,o’n Mius Cm. & Truck mama‘s ditlons. Apply in writing .to on Monday 18th, bet-ween Pres- Ltd. 180x 107 “'l‘he Liberal” stating byterian Manse and the Post 47.5544 “76545 agey e_dllcal10n and any bUSlness‘Office in Maple. AL. 7-2519. mm“, experience. nonlZg clwl2 4 ROOMED HbUSE with bath, all conveniences. Full basement, Bayview. TU. 4-2566. c1w12 THORNHILL . bachelor spin? ment. self~contained. unfurnish- gd.iA7V. 5-3512. c1w12 NEW 3-BEDRO0M APARTMENTS Completely Self-Contained Early Possession Call CHARLES MARPLE REAL ESTATE A\'. 5.195! c4w10 7-5545 c2w12 clwll clwlil c2w11 c2w11 bath,'NIGHT dishwasher wanted. Ap~ nent, ply Pop's Restaurant. tfclo 131g BRIGHT apartment in farm part- house. in exchange for part nlsh- time help of man and wife. AL. 1w12 7-1083. clw12 quip- $70 MONTH plus room and 5482. board for capable housekeeper from to help with family of four. h'n‘d Mother works 4 to 12. 884-2344. 5 '7 Clw12‘ 2'TU. 4-1317 1Two full tlme sales women, ex~ ‘perienced in retail selling for a large furniture and appliance store, opening soon in the Yonge & Steeles area. The ap- plicants will be given a suitable |training program. Interviews xcan be Arranged by writing to [Box 12, “The Liberal." c1w12 UNUSUAL I'm looking for a man who does not answer every ad in the pa- per, an unusual man for an un- usual opportunity. If he can train Sales Personnel and work hard he can practically write his own ticket. I don’t have time for a Question and Answer session on the phone, but if he sincerely wants an Oppor- tunity to cam at least $20,000 annually and can spend an hour and a half in a inlerview, phone 25 years and over, capable of assuming responsibility and be prepared for rapid advance- ment. Interviews can be arrang- ed by writing to Box 12, “The Liberal.“ clwlz HELP WANTED Two full time experienced sales- men for large retail furniture and appliance store, opening soon in the Yonge a; Steeles area. The applicants should be 25 years and over. capable of ‘CAPABLE, energetic woman of neat appearance for general domestic duties. [Must be fond of children. Private room with TV. Permanent position. Refer- ences essential. AV. 5-3419. MEN and WOMEN who wish to supplement their present income. Take orders for large utility company in your own district. No quotas -- work on your own. For information, call Mr. Smith. WANTED girls 15-25 years to learn Hula Dance for the Thorn- hil and District Hockey Club twoday "Calypso Fair." No ex~ perience, Choreography, Mrs. Doris J. Pollock of Thornhill. Apply at once Dave Barbour. AV. 5â€"5205. c1w12 AVON’S exciting new gltt line of cosmetics and toiletries can g-ive you an unusual earning op- portunity during the coming Holiday Season. Write District Manager, Miss Ziegler, Box 635, Oakville. c1w12 SALES ladies, department store, ladies department, Yonge and Steele: area. Excellent oppor- tunity, good working conditions.‘ 285-3801 daytime. After 8 AMA 7-3242. c1w12 2 WEEK-END receptionists re- quired, preferably 25-35 age group for Real Estate work, some typing. Real Estate exper~ ience not necessary. Call AV. 5-1052 for appointment. ’ PART-TIME hairdresser, female, for Thursday, Friday and Satâ€" urday. Must have at least two years’ experience. Phone AV. 5~ 4451. Penny.Dot Salon, Thorn- 1hill. c2w11 REGISTERED nurse and cer~ ‘tified nursing assistant requir- ‘ed for evening shift, 4.30 - 12 pm. part time. Mrs. Stewart, The Villa Hospital, AV. 5-4931. c2w12 YOUING man, age 19-24, to as- sist in stock-room of department store. Yonge and Steeles area. Excellent opportunity for ad- vancement. 285-3801 day time. After 6 AM. 7-3242. c1w12 TNURSE, practical or trained, for three hours (8-11 am.) every morning to attend a. patient at home. Phone AV. 5-4224 even~ inlgs only. c1w12 MEN.AN12 WOMEN Afar rough plucking, September 27-30. Hat. vest Moon Turkeys on No. 7 Highway at Dufferin, AV. 5â€" 2626. c1w12 EXPERIENCED Muffler man for local Canadian Tire Store. Apply Servica Manager, C.T.C. Store, Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. c1w12 FEMALE clerk {’07 ellâ€"arteréd'issa PLYMOUTH. {SFquiéfi bank, previous experience pre- sale, $95. TU, 4-5759. c1w12 ifer-red but not necessary. Apply :75}; {,dfifi‘s'wXG'E’N 1975. ’PR; meeral' °3wu_ 3-_578:1._goocl contiition.’ rc1w12 SALES LADY for afternoon '51 LINCOLN good rubber and employment in shoe store. Ex~ radio. TU_ 43,951. clwlz perience an asset, reply to Box â€"â€" â€" ~ â€"â€" ~7 . ‘112 The Liberal stating age and 1951 PLYMOUTH, PAl'kV‘ew 7' Qualifications. c1w12 A___V_°‘W}g MARRIED man, 24-39, for route '55 PLYMOUTH be“ “391" sales, $117 plus expenses to AL- 7‘1309- “W12 start. State education. Car ne- '56 pLYMbUTH' v.3, gamma- cessary. Write Box No. 117 “The tic, radio. Excellent condition. Liberal." c4w12 must sell. TU, 4-2200. clw12 LADIES' wanted to sell a, pres- WRECKINGQâ€"1_9â€"55__Bu?k< car. tige cosmetic, reputable firm. All parts for sale. PR. 3-5134. pays highest commission after c1w12 a narlnA A: 6L ..... -1. 1...-:_:_‘ a period of thoroughiifiixfixffifigfi. Call for interview. EM. 3-0607. c3w11 AVERAGE $2.50 ’ nfiu'rly. wpirt time. Need 3 neat appearing men. 24-39 for route work. 8-18 hours weekly. Write Box No. 116 The Liberal. c4w12 HELP WANTED blwll c1w12 clwlz clw12 BRACELET, gold chain with blue agates. Reward. TU. 4-1357. c1w12 SMALL RED wallet, broken zipper, containing PO. box key, small knife, two metal trunk keys and door key. TU. 4-3508. 'c1w12 STRAYED from Elgin Mills and Bathurst. one yearling heifer, black with while face. Reward. TU. 4-1524. c2w12 ’61 Rambler American ; '59 Vauxh-all Wagon | '59 Chev. l ’57 Ford ’58 Oldsmobile ; ’56 Mon-arch ! ’55 Chev. ‘ CALL ED ROSE AV. 5-1105 | PA. 7-5001 c2w12 c'ally good; small accident on front door and centre, left side; $125.00 or nearest offer. Also two tires 670 x 15 and one tire 640x15, good as new. All with tubes, Phone AV. 5-1903. c1w12 1954 FORD 4 Door Sedan. Ex- cellent condition. Automatic, radio. Almost new rubber. Rea- sonable. Phone TU. 4-1105 and ask for Hubert. nc2w12 1952 PONTIAC coach. green, A-l operating condition. Good tires all around. Private owner. Phone Unionville 148.]. c1w12 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, privately owned, $550.00. Also hardtop for Sprite, $75.00, Phone TU. 4-7503. c1w12 .53 PONTIAC wagon, 3 seats, fair shape, rebuilt transmission, clutch, new exhaust, best offer. TU. 4-1981, c1w12 ‘59 DODGE 2 door push button automatic, custom radio, white- walls, spotless black finish, $1275. TU. 4-3888. clw12 1958 EDSELL, power steering, power brakes, $850. Owner lea- ving country. TU. 4-5990. clwll '5-3 STUDEBiAKER Coupe V8 recently overhauled, automatic radio, $110. TU. 4-5274. 1952 PONTIAC, very gfifc‘oifi dition. Best reasonable offer. TU. 4-1889 after 5. clwll One owner, good gooditiofi throughout. AV. 5-3885. *2w11 t547 STUDEBAKER. ' mechani- 1951 GMC 1/2 toniiyick-{Irp‘ HER: luggage trailer and 100 gallon gas tan_k. TU. 4-4513. c2w12 1953 PONTIA'C, excellent run- ning condition. $265.00 or best offer. TU. 4-1959. c2w11 158 PONTIAC S_EDAN $12950". xxx '55 PLYMOUTH, ’B'e‘stâ€"offér“. AL. 7-1309: c1w12 '56 PLYMOUTH. V-B, automa- tic, radio. Excellent condition. m_ust sen. TU, 4-2200. c1w12 XXX XXX 1953 PLYMO'LETH. farâ€"quiéfi sale, $95. TU, 4-5759. c1w12 E? VdIIIZ's'wXG'E’M 37275. 'PRI 3i78]._g99g cointionl rc1w12 '51 LINCOLN, good rubber and radio. TU. 4-7951. c1w12 MALE or’femaleihelp wanted for factory work in Richmond Hill. Phone 'l‘Urner 4-3391. THE FOLLOWING REPOSSESSED CARS ARE NOW UP FOR SALE 10% DOWN, TAKE OVER PAYMENTS Mme, tap wagEvs. KVTâ€"5izéil (Continued) ] 3 DELIVEfiYTan: Elisa” perl _ hour, car essential. Write Box P‘ No. 115 “The Liberal.” c4w12 ja PA Y '15)! OFF WITH LOW-COST. LIFE-INSL’ PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS HEHRWWNTED, EMPL‘OYME‘IW THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA XXX USED CARS MONEY TO LOAN LOAN Xxxx LOST THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill XXX 3r andlEXPERIENErfiâ€"Elfilfi‘carelfof “w” one or two children. will board iew 7- if desired. TU. 4-4513. c2w12 SEW}? WORKâ€"Bnâ€"h-alf ‘to'n ‘LFiickf Satur- offer. days and evenings. TU. 4-7610. c1w12 chle ltoma- WILL CONSIDER afithâ€"fig. iition. one year’s experience in sexvice c1w12 station. '1‘U_ 4-4179. c1w12 , E ( car. WOMATV wants housework - :-5134. Monday to Saturday $7.00 a day c1w12 and cagfare'. TU. 4-2566. clwlz c1w12 clw]2 ENERGETIC young man 32, seeks steady employment. Gen- eral office work. Will consider anything. Ronald Littlejohn, Ob- servatory Lane. Richvale P.O. nc2w12 Local woodworking plant has opening for young man 17 to 23 years of age. Must be mechanically inclin- ed and interested in cabinet making. For interview call A". 5-5132. c1w12 unn-usuy, wm give tuition in‘ French to individuals or groups,j children’s classes, conversation AV. 5-4542. c3wll WOMAN to care for two pre- school children ln her own home, childless home prefer- ably. Reasonable, Box No. 113 The Liberal. c1w12‘ EBSINESS WOMAN rEanres high school girl, 16 or over, to do vacuuming Saturday morn- ings $1.00 hour, bus fare: SEE YOUR Phone AV. 5-2706 evenings or, ’ Saturday. c2wl2 WOMEN FOR HOME-MAKERS I Over-night workers, baby sltfi ' d d x-t' i. ii‘éTfiEié‘s‘“iiEi}maéé’£€mE’ HEATlNG EQUIPMENT 7 . T" “253 cm DEALER Eâ€"INERGETH; yoimg'ma; 32 ABOUT AN k t d ‘1. t, G 1 2:21:25: ivsrmmnsissri OIL H EATI N G anything. Ronald Littlejohn, Ob- servatory Lane. Richvale P.O. WOMEN FOR HOME-MAKERS Over-night workers, baby sit- ters, evenings and day-time. MOTHERS HELPER SERVICE TU. 4-7253 ‘FRENCH LADY, graduate Paris University. will give tuition in French to individuals or groups, children‘s classes, conversation. AV. 5-4542. c3w11 ‘MARRIED man, experienced! ‘ward duty and service station attendant, seeks steady work.‘ Will consider any job. PR. 3-} 5962. (‘2le YOUNG MEN. 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvaâ€" tion Army. AV. 5-5126. tfc52 LADY 62 years, abstainer, non- smoker, housekeeping for tea- chers or business people with school age children. TU. 4-7716. CAPABLE woman housekeeper for two weeks. start September 25th. All conveniences. Live in or out. TU. 4-2951. c1w12 MATURE baby sitter for two small children for occasional week-ends or short periods dur- ing day. TU_ 4-2186. c1w12 HOUSEWORK. experienced. 9 ‘to 4. Phone Gormley 5341 col- lect. c2‘w10 IF going away will feed pets. Phone AV. 5-4417, or AV. 5- 3241. clwlz DAY-CARE availabledfor child- ren of any age. Maple. Call after 6.00 AL. 7-2559. 92w12 DAY CARE far one or two children, large fenced yard, 165 Baker Ave. TU. 4-7610, DAY CARE, 5 days wEEkly in Christian home. TU. 4-7272. DRESSMAKING “and ‘ altera- tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4- 5057. t£c34 EXPERIENCED woman will care for child by hour or day. iv. 5-4184. c1w12 WOMAN to do housework one day a week, AV. 5-4323. *1w12 BAY CARE for child or i'n‘fiht in good home. TU. 4-1022. shoes JUST ARRIVED SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS in Leather and Glove Leather with ripple soles, foam soles and plain soles, in Pumps, Gores and Ties: women’s sizes Yongc St. S. OPPORTUNITY WANTED 91m. Thursday, September clw12 (‘1w12 c1w12 c2w11 22 Industrial Road Richmond Hill TU. 4-5368 DON ANDREWS ‘lWAYS tool T0 IMPERIAL [0| “‘1 "SI LIVE'DUEk'sfszido each. PB. 3-5696. c1w13 HOUSES WANTED We have many enquiries dailv for all types of property. in- lcludlng rentals in the Thorn- hill- Richmond Hill area. Some with all cash. For Prompt 8: Eflicienl Service Day or Night ‘ CALL AV. 5-1211 01' Come Direct To Our Office JACK JEFFERY REAL ESTATE RICHMOND lllLL HOMES ur- gently required. Due to the op- ening of our Richmond Hill ofâ€" fice. We are in need of all types of properties in Richmond Hill and area immediately. Buyâ€" ers waiting. Contact Mr. Clou- ter. TU. 4-7758. W. L. NIXON. REALTOR 5307 YONGE ST. WILLOWDALE MEMBER OF TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD PROPERTIES WANTED We are nearly sold out of pron- ertles. houses. lots, acreage. farms, businesses, gas stations. Buyers waiting, some with cash. others with good down pay- ment, Prompt efficient servica. Nine salesmen to serve you. 25 years Real Estate experience. HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real [is late Board AT. 84143 Woodbridge R0. 9-4901 Chornhlll BA. 2-2548 FEET? REA’LiESTA'l‘E WAN TED Richmond Hill ROYAL TRUST CO. Real Estate Department PROPERTIES URGENTLY NEEDED LIST NOW MR. B. G. PALMER #P’OULTRY FOR SALE PR. 3-5102 Thornhill c1w12 1961 tfclO Halt! tit-12

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