On Oct. 18 at 5 o’clock the Temperanceville United Church turkey supper will be held in the Sunday school room. Tickets are available from all W.A. members. They must be pur- chased early as they go quickly and there is no admission at the door‘ Richmond Hill Branch 375 REGULAR MEETING Second Monday of each month at 8 pm. LEGION HALL Choose from any of these famous makes of eiectric dryers: BEATTY BELWOOD COFFIELD-HAMILTON CONNOR DOMINION GENERAL ELECTRIC One Block west of Yonge St. All Veterans Welcome CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS, R. B. 3. KING Phone PR. 3-5239 CAPLANS T. V. 8. APPLIANCES WBEWEEWW 0 Full double bed size 0 Full 2-year guarantee 0 A top quality blanket made by Canada's largest electric blanket maker 0 Can be washed and dried automatically 0 Offer good from Oct. 14thâ€" Nov. 30th 1961 Canadian Legion TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS FIRESTONE STORE RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE RICHMOND HEIGHTS SHOPPING CENTRE Carrville Road GM. FRIGIDAIRE lNGLIS KELVINATOR LEONARD MAYTAG McCLARY-EASY This offer good at the stores displaying this symbol Make every day a drying day ELECTRICALLY ...costs less than 5¢ a load to operate 0 FlAMElESS 0 flflflllRlESS 0 SAFER 0 WHY AUTUMAIIB OECDNUMIBAI Mr. and Mrs. Inman have been going through a trying time, with their infant son be- ing hospitalized the past few weeks. He is now at home with the family. Sympathy is extended to rela- tives of Mrs. Black. the former Jean (Beynon) Rusell, who pass- ed away after a lengthy Illness at Welland General Hospital on September 22nd. Mrs. C. Bey- non and other members of the :family attended the funeral on \Sept. 25 in vyenand. Contributions were made for the needy of Fred Victor Mission on Thanksgiving Sun- day. However. if you were un- able to contribute at that time. please do so as soon as possible. Personals Members of the Temperance- ville W.A. are requested to be on hand at 9 am. Oct. 17 at the home of Mrs. C. Beynon, to pre- pare the turkeys for the turkey supper. The tables will be pre- pared at the usual time. . . . AND OTHER FINE MAKES A $29.95 VALUE anno MOFFAT PHILCO-BENDIX RCA WHIRLPOOL SIMPLICITY THOR WESTINGHOUSE 8 your: MW Brownies of Richmond Hill West have recently held ï¬rst meetings of the season. The First Pack, with Mrs. L. Todd, Brown Owl, and Miss Annette Ostergaard, Tawny Owl. meet at McConaghy School on Wed- nesdays at 4:15. At erxon H-all, the Second Pack meets on Mondays at 4:15. Mrs. D. Crampton is their Brown Owl and Mrs. F. Redely meier is new Tawny Owl. ] Brownies of the Third Pack meet at MacKillop School on Thursdays from 5:00 to 6:15. These girls aresad Indeed be- cause they are/ unable to start Pack meetings. Their former Brown Owl,.Mrs. D. Ashworth, has been looking for someone to take her place. Would some kind, interested person who be- lieves in Brownies, please phone District Commissioner Mrs. H. Yerex, TU. 4-1317, and offer help The Seventh Pack at MacKil-l lop School now meets \Vecl‘lr‘C-‘ day evenings from 6.45 to 8:15 with Tawny Owls Miss Diane: Yerex and Mrs. J. Lavender. ‘ Mrs. F. Israel. Brown Owl.‘ and Mrs. W. Armstrong, Tawny Owl. meet with the Eighth Brownie Pack of our Lady of Fatima School on Mondays at 4:00 pm. The 14th Pack, with Brown Owl Mrs. B. Rel! and Tawny Owl Mrs. V. Williams, meet at Pleasantville School on Wed- nesdays at 4:15. Guides of the District Have A Busy Year Planned ; The First Girl Guide Com- ‘pany, which meets at MacKillop ‘School on Mondays at 7:15, will be taking a special course in needlework. The 2nd Company at Wrixon Hall meeting on Mon- day at 7:15 are looking forward to a St. John Ambulance First Aid course with Mrs. C. Bury as instructor. The Fifth Company meets at Our Lady of Fatima School on Thursdays at 7:15. The newly formed Ninth Guide Company, which is com- posed of seven girls studying Tenderfoot requirements for en- rolment, meet with Captain Miss va Bovaird on Monday'evenings it 6:45 pm. in Pleasantville School. The wonderful work with Brownies and Guides, all girls .vho are eager to learn to be of ervlce in home and community, 'ontinues only through the vol- mteer and enthusiastic leader- :hip of mothers and other inter- ested persons who believe in the Guide movement. At this time, me Brownie Pack needs imme- liate help. Will you give it? Please phone TU. 4-1317. 9th Girl Guide Company‘ The newly formed 9th Girl} Guide Company of Richmond‘ Hill held its first meeting with 100% of members present, on Monday night, October 2nd in Pleasantville school, under the leadership of Guide Cap- tain Iva Bovaird. The evening was a "pioneer" one, with the Captain and guides discussing preliminary plans and such details as selec- tion of plaid for their new 9th ties, etc. The attentive girls were eager to learn the fun- damentals of guiding, also new games and songs, which they learnt and sang around the camp fire. In fact, the even- in was enjoyed and passed all too quickly, as some of the girls were heard to exclaim -- “'wish the meeting was longer.†'ith Girl Guide Company At the meeting of the 6th; Girl Guide Company of Rich-‘ mond Hill, held on Tuesday! last in Crosby Heights school,, last in Crosby Heights school, two new guides were welcomed, Barbara Richardson and Susan Sims. Captain Mrs. G. Rimmer welcomed her new assistant, Mrs. J. Milligan, welcomed. her new assistant,l Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Canning Mrs. J.M111igan. iwill be celebrating their sev- The evening 0f games, Work. enth wedding anniversary on and sing song around the camp October 16, fire was highllgilted by the\ A speedy recovery is wished VlSit and insplratlonal talk PY‘for Mrs. Waiter Ridley (Alma Richmond Hill East District Attwood) who has suffered a Commissioner Mrs. S. G. Snopkuheart attack. and 1, mm in the who concluded With the readm ‘Oshawa HospitaL of the stirring poem ‘Candle A number from here amend_ aGllltm that was appreciated by ‘eg I the .13tgmggoqal Plowing Arnold St. Man HelpsDailyCheck Millionlbs.Spuds How would you like to peel the quantity of “spuds†that 3 Richmond Hill resident sees ev- ery day. Archie Murray, former proprietor of the store now run by Councillor A1. White as Al’s Cycle and Sports, is serv- ing as an inspector with the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture. a post for which he is well available as the result of his long experience in the retail food business. Guides 8: Brownies At this time of the year he carries out his duties at Alliston, where he is engaged in inspect- ing potatoes coming into the Salada-Shirriff-Horsey Company plant. The potatoes, after pass- ing inspection, are processed in- to the “instant†potatoes which have achieved great popularity withinm few years. They come to the plant in big tanks which hold 240 bags of sands a a time. Those "tanks" â€" anï¬her word for trucks - are urï¬'oaded in twenty minutes or less. Average intake of the plant is over a million pounds of potatoes daily, with the top intake being nearly two million pounds in a day: Repeat - flow would you like to peel 'em? Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Hï¬Ã©fon of Falcoubridge called on friends in the community on [Thursday of last week. .1191 A speedy recovery is wished W‘for Mrs. Walter Ridley (Alma 1c‘iAttwoom who has suffered a 3k:iheart attack. and is new in the flgjOshawa Hospital. FV'| Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and hegboys of Islington had Thanks- “Hgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. e11rJohu Empringham. hi5; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning.‘ alliLaurie and Clarke, Miss Dorothy he'Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. William ISandle, Margaret and Betty had ogz-Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. file and Mrs. Stanley Boynton, Grace (m, and Donald. Lions At the regular meeting of the Lions on Tuesday evening of last week. the ï¬nal plans and preparations were made for the third Charter Night Dinner of the Lions Club, to be held on Tuesday evening, October 17, in the Buttonville Hall. This will be the official visit for the year for District Gov- ernor Jack Fiikin. The guest speaker will be Dr. Johans W. Mohr. who is on the staff of the Psychiatric Hospital in To- ronto. There will be other en- tertainment suitable for the guests. This dinner is open to the public. Local Association of Guides and Brownies The local association of guides and brownies met at the home of Guide Captain Mrs. P. Rum- ney. on Wednesday evening of last week with 23 guide and brownie mothers. Mrs. W. T. Gundy. of Union- ville, the new district commis- sioner, was present and was introduced to the guide and brownie mothers. Teachers Training Course The teachers training course for the United Church Sunday School commenced on Wednes- day evening in the Sunday School room. Dr. A. F. Bin- n-ington is the leader. “Teach- ing as Jesus Taught". There is still time for others to take this worth-while course, classes are on October 11. 16, 25. and November 1. Junior Choir The junior choir will have a practise in the church on Thurs- day evening, October 12, at 7 pm. They will be singing at the anniversary service at Mount Pisgah United Church on Sunday, October 15, at 7:30 p.m., so all the members come to practise Thursday evening. Mission Band The Mission Band will begin the fall activities on Saturday, October 14, at 2 pm. in the Sunday School room. All the children in the community are invited to attend. Explorers Fourteen girls of the explor- ers and the three leaders went on an outdoor expedition on Saturday. They left the church at 9:30 am. and drove to the home of Carol and Judy Mort- son; from here they went on a hike through the ï¬elds and bush. Returning to the house they enjoyed a barbecue dinner outside. and returned home about 12:30 pm. Before return- ing home, Mrs. A. Mortson and Carol were thanked by Heather Williams. Everyone is-glad to have Carol Mortson as one of the counsellom. Rural Life Work Shop A rural life work shop spon- sored by the York Presbytery of the United Church of Can- ada will be held Monday. Tues- day and Wednesday evenings, October 16, 17, and 18 at 8 pm. in the Melville United Church. The October meeting a! the WA. will be held on Wednes- day evening, October 18, at 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Nor- man Bell. The members are asked to bring an article for the White Elephant Sale. All ladies welcome. Official Board The oï¬icial board meeting of the Victoria Square charge will be held on Friday evening. 0c- tober 13, at 8 p.m., in the Brown’s Corners United Church. W.M.S. Fifteen ladies from here at- tended the Brown‘s Corners W.M.S. autumn wank-offering meeting on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. A. C. Huston of Falconbridge was the guest speaker. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to Louis Mortson, eight years on October 11; to Keith Rumney, five years on October 12; to Mr. Percy Bennett for October 15. A number from here attend- ed the International Plowing Match at Belleville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family spent the Thanksgiving week-end at their cottage at Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Picker-'1 mg, Miss Minnie Pickering, IMrs. R. Perkins, Kenneth, Neil Mr. Marcus Jarvis sold one of his two-year-old Ayrshire heifers to a buyer from Cuba. The heifer went by truck to Montreal, then by boat to Cuba. Mr. Jim Basinger of Willow- dale, Mrs. L. Knapp and Irene had Thanksgiving dinner ‘with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and girls. Mrs. A. F. Binnlngton Is visit- ing with her daughter and son- in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hewitt, Andrew. and her new grandson, Mark Gordon, at Maplewoqd. New_Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Meed, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichols and Kevin, Miss Faye Nichols, Miss Carol Liscombe and Mr. Donald Nichols had Thanksgiving din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE B. R. 2 Gonnley â€" Telephone Gomley 5421 and Mervin Pickering, Miss De- lores DeLaBarre. had Thanks- giving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and boys. Miss Vera Nichols, a member of the photography club spent the Thanksgiving week-end in the Muskoka district, photo- graphing th_e_ autpmn_colors. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stefl'ler and family of Brown's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett and boys of Richmond Hill had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett. Following the senior choir‘ practise on Thursday evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. W11. bur Brumvwell entertained the members of the choir in their home. I85 Are Presenq At St. Paschal’s4 Third Breakfastl At the third annual Mother & Daughter Communion Break- fast held by the Catholic Wo- men's league of St. Paschal Bay- lon Council. 185 ladies and their daughters attended, as well as Brownies and Guides. Before Mass started. the new executive was formally installed by Rev. Vincent LoSavio, Pastor and Di- rector. Breakfast was held at the Yangtze Pagoda in Richmond Hill. Seated at the head table were members of the Executivezf Mrs. G. Baxter. president; Mrs. M. T. Fox, 2nd vice-presidentu Mrs. H. Kane. 3rd vice-presi- dent; Mrs. M. Jackson, treasur- er; Mrs. L. Lahey, correspond-! ing secretary. Mrs. C. Dalrymy ple, past president; Mrs. J. May thers, spiritual convenor, who acted as Mistress of Ceremon- ies. Also at the head table were special guests: Mr. A. Cobham Archdiocesan president; Mrs. JJ Bannon, Region 8 chairman;‘ Rev. L. Wall, C.W.L. Archdio- cesan director, who was guest‘ ‘speaker, and Rev. Vincent Lo \Savio, Pastor and spiritual di- irector of St. Paschal’s C.W.L. Mrs. Cobham urged each one to make it a project to bring along a new member this year. She also urged the ladies to make a study of the recent En- cyclical of the Pope and ad- vised that very shortly this would be obtainable in record form and suggested that it could be played as members went about their usual house- hold tasks. Father Wall spoke on "V0- cations" - the vocation that each person has In life and said that no matter how humble, it can be made sublime by unitâ€" ing with Christ and by being reslgned to God’s Will. ML, Mrs. R. Arbuckle, Newlyweds, Welcomed In honor of newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arbuckle, the congregation held a social ev- ening at St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Maple. More than forty friends join- ed in the program led by Mr. Jack Tanner. Following a sing- song, Mrs. Ronald McCallum gave two readings by Ogden Nash. Mrs. Jack Tanner sang. “Mine Aloneâ€, accompanied by Mrs. Howard Clegg. Mr. McCallum played two guitar selections, accompanied at the piano by his sister, Mrs. Albert Holman. Two duets were sung by Miss Marjorie McMurchy and Mr. Norman McMurchy. Mrs. William Wflloughby Mrs. William Willough gave an entertaining readil “Caleb's Courtship." She re the address of tribute to t young couple, when Mr. McC lum made the presentation a large oil painting of an al umn scene as a reminder of t congregation’s interest. ‘ Lunch was served by a col imittee headed by Mrs. Fr ‘Curtls. The groom is on t ‘Board of Managers for St. A drew's and is a past treasuri Lunch was served by a com- mittee headed by Mrs. Fred Curtis. The groom is on the Board of Managers for St. Anâ€" drew's and is a past treasurer. His twin sister, Miss Betty Arbuckle, came to the party from her new teaching job In Brantford. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal Hall Change To A New Muffler! We have mufflers, tailpipes, and exhaust pipes in stock to ï¬t any make of car. Drive in today for quick, reliable service. COOK'S BP PHONE TU. Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars V. O. N. ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 4-4101 Wflloughby : reaainé, She read ‘:e to the n aut- of the Socials Many took advantage of the marvellous weather Over the week-end to go for a drive or visit friends. Miss Lamph-ler of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. F. Schelke. V A carload of ladle: the W. M. S. Rally over on Thursday. over 011 Thul'Sdalh Wed., night. Oct. 18 under the Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Steckley auspices of the w. M. s. This and John and Miss Rea'ha is an outstanding film and all Steckley spent the holiday are cordially invited to attend. week-end in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Middle- Quite a number attended the‘brook and Merle of Inglewr‘od plowing match at Belleville last‘spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. week. C. Milstead. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wltmer and children of Salem. Ohio, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reesor. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kozlcz. Jonn. Mr. and Mts. Norman John- and Peter of Wawa, Mr. Ste-@ston and boys met her parentS. phen Navin of Haileybury' and Mr. and Mrs. Suley, at Malton Mr. Francis Navin of McMaster airport on SaturdBY- They re- Unlversity, Hamilton, had turned after spending several Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs.‘months in England. S. J. Navin. Mr. Max Hazel returned by ‘ Mrs. N. Koch and Miss Sarah'?lane on saturday an" spend" ‘Koch of Markham spent sun_nng three months with relatives ‘rlau mifh Mr and Mr: A Tlln GermanY‘ 7. Mrs. N. Koch and Miss Sarah Koch of Markham spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. A. '1‘. Hawkins. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Cober on the arrival of their first granddaughter born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Stry- bosch. Miss Mary Lehman of To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davis of Clarence Centre, New York, had dinner on Sunday with Mr. Levi Steckley and girls. Miss Carol Nigh returned on Monday to resume her studies at Niagara Christian College at Fort Erie. Recent visitors of Mr. and “'35:†,{iign"‘i5;;n:;“wa. 3d- Mr- GePI'ge F 1‘ 9‘10†were Mrs-Tmltted to York County Hospital, ROY Wldeman and Eileen 0“ Newmarket. on Wednesday ev- TuF‘Sdayv Mr- and. Mrs- Glen ening for a goitre operation on Chmenhage of Rirdgeway and Friday morning MI’. and Mrs. Irwm Winger of The next five Sundays at Un- LOWbanks 0“ ThurSday: B‘s‘hopllted Missionary Sunday School and Mrs- E J. Swalm 0f Dun'xare important ones. A special “0°†and Mrs- wesmn 0f Stay‘jattendance contest is being con- “er 0“ sunday- ducted throughout the Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Briuinger Sunday Schools. Please help us and children spent Thanksgivâ€" to keep up our record, or In- ing weekend with Mr. and Mrs. crease it if possibile; Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brillinger and children spent Thanksgiv- ing weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Abram Lehman of Carlisle. Pa. John Ash fell off his bicycle brought their new baby gh on Saturday and broke his right home from hospital on Friday. arm, so John is now wearing â€"â€" a cast. ‘ GET RESULTS Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and; daughter of Satbinsville. ' Pa.“ spent the weekend with them son-in-law and daughter, M131 and Mrs. Frank Nichols. i CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED GORMLEY NEWS Telephone Gormley 5201 NHL 273/74 Now - 10,000 Watts! Toronto‘ Mr. Harry Kruse spent mm 1 Mrs. Fuweekend in Parry Sound. A special film "Cry in the attended Night" will be shown in the at Han-United Missionary Chuljch 9111 HL Mr. and Mrs. Murray Bennett and children had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones at their cottage on Long Lake, Muskoka. VIMâ€"{.‘Véï¬aï¬Mrs. Earl Doner and Evelyn of Stouffvlllle had dln- ï¬er on Monday with Miss Vern llts. ‘ A specidl Thanksgiving ser- vice was held on Monday morn- ing In flelse Hill _Clll_1rch_. Mr. Campey and Mr. Peploe left Tuesday from Malton to‘ return to their homes in Eng- land after spending several months with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reesor and family of Joliette.1 Quebec,uthis week. Mr. Allan Doner arrived home late Monday night after spend- ing ' five weeks in Missionary deputation work in Pennsylvan- ia. Ohio and Michigan. Mrs. Allan Doner was ad- mitted to York County Hospital, Newmarket, on Wednesday ev- ening for a goitre operation on Mr. and Mrst. 1'. Holmes brought their new bapy _girl LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 GET RESULTS PROMPTLY THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Octobqlf 12, 1961 17 with Established 1878 Phone TU. 4-1311 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Will build your garage or carport . . 7V at QQWBHNK THE BHNK OF NOVR 500118 UDINE BUILDERS LTD. Do it now before the winter. PAY NOW 0R LATER ‘PHONE RU. 2â€"6163 24 HOUR SERVICE NO WAITING Mi