~(SFRivals Clash Richmond Hill Indians tastedlwin anothefr one kall seaéon.f h I Just beore te en o te the bitter dregs of defeat for the first time this season aslfirst quarter a bad Indian kick they were defeated 21-7 hy:and a no yards penalty com- Northwestern Ghosts last Sat-xbined to give Ghosts possession urday. The defeat rankles all'on the Indian 15 yard line. Bob the more because the Indians‘Bailey crashed for the major and the Ghosts have one of score after a 5 play series and those special rivalries built upzthe conversion attempt was d. There was no further between them. This is the kind goo of rivalry that makes teams andiscoring in the first 01‘ second players go all out in an effort to quarter and Northwestern led Win this game if they never 7-0 at the end of the first half. nnrlv in the third quarter Indians Lose First For Seasc As North-western Wins 21- Luuac ayuuu. -..__,,,, ‘ ' ‘ ' cod. Lucas was m H, J I ‘ between them. This 15 the kind‘g . . the first or second‘won on Frlday night by Lou k tams and scoring In t . . V _ . ggalg'igraslrgotzlzitotgfitfsanceffort to quarter and Northwestertn h;€?;Alr1C0. . Airlco.t]\\h? carries a 'f they never 7-0 at the end of the 11‘s . 157 avciagc 111 ie eague, was Win this game 1 Early in the third quartel‘torced to bowl 51x games be- Northwestern revived an Oldlfore being declared the winner. Chesmut “Kat turned 9""; so be Runner-up spot went to Bob Minor Hockey mat sitter-.333“Nsszgzxennedxdmg adv- Wl ’ . erage in ie eague. enne y weStem ConYincfg cigshlfgglzg‘: was. forced into a play-oil game ï¬bril: 35;; gxnaiick kick with an against Ron Biggar who bowls olnside man caught the Indians 5}] 152 ï¬verage “Ittthe 36351113 napping and the amide man. 1e rues comm1 ee on e The Richmond Hill Minor Andy Tornowski, recovered the tggï¬gléiénfï¬le‘ggid‘fï¬g Sgg‘ï¬li: Hockey Association got under ball in the Indian end zone for a average by the Greatest number way with a flying start on Sat- T.D. The conversion attempt was‘of ins would Duke runnermp mday October 14th with the no good and at three quarlel‘ll p t A116 Bi 3r beat Mites'and SQuirtfl skating and the Ghosts were leading‘ï¬gg‘iggsav‘érag; lugging but stick handling. t 1 of m, vi- - - ' 7- ’ gout and vitality after their Rod Irvine kicked another gaerggetibeSFï¬isige‘r‘gg bay summer layoff, so it looks like Ghost single point in the open- pins and take woond place a good season ahead for these ing minutes of the fourth quar- monev ‘ hockey enthusiasts. ter to make the score Ghosts . _ Fittingiy enough Bob hen- ‘ . . ‘ 0. After the sinnle The Ommal Hockey season itininlgoï¬lsiwestern’s Bob Baife nedy became the big Ace on the opens this Saturday, -- 50. you scored on a 30-3mm dash whinh‘night’s league play with a three fathers and others -- come - i onverted to we the Ghosts game total of 843 and a boom- down to the Arena and Cheel."a]a§1(:;)oint lead. g iing 384 single. Larry Bishop our be 1 ! ‘ h ' . _ . gqujrt H’Luigiiag: $3,215? With three minutes remaining 733, Jacï¬ï¬ihaiï¬â€˜ï¬ 736vl A11- Rye}; ers eight and nine years of age in the game JOhn Morgan Went 3" 5°“ ' 0w†“m ' ' Bob Weeks 761 and Arne h Northwestern 20- W†mm t e Skretteberg 751 qualiï¬ed Deuces “League convenor is Earl J. yard line. being 51131“en 10°59 - . . . . . . , u..- 1.1....» In! an†an Wlld‘ The Official Hockey Season opens this Saturday, -- so, you fathers and others -- come down to the Arena and cheer your boy along! Richmonl Hill Squirt House League is for play- ers eight and nine years of age. League Convcnor is Earl J. Methe, who may be reached at TU. 4-3568. Teams â€"- and their coaches are - Biltmores, Ed. Brown; Jr. Canadians Don Bromley and George Field; Flyers, Blll Oakley and Ray McIntosh; Marlboros, Jack Shropshire- Petes, Bill Pollard; Royals, Pe‘te Dyson and John Nicholls; Teepees. Jos Raneiri; Tiger Cubs, Frank Murphy. 10 THE LIBERAL. To officially open the sea- son's games this Safurday. Oc- tober 215t, the following teams are matched: 1.45 p.m., Petcs vs Teepees; 2.30 Flyers vs. Royals; 3.15 Blltmores vs. Marbnros; 4:00 Tiger Cubs vs. Canadiens. A Few Membership Vacancies Are Now Available RICHMOND HILL CURLING CLUB ATTENTION CURLERS GARDEN - GATE NURSERY THORNLEA WOOD PRODUCTS “Everything In Building†OBSERVATORY LANE AV. 5-1436 B O R K's JEWELLERS “'I'I-IE LIBERAL" KIDDIE KWIPS CONTEST SELECT FROM OVER 100 DIFFERENT WATCH STYLINGS - $3.99 UP 23 rd WEEK Evergreens, Shrubs, Perennials Planting Now Elgin Mills West 0r Write To Club, Richmond Hill For Information Call AV. 5-4554 LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS Each week for 26 weeks, there will be a different Baby Picture 011 this Contest Page. The Title or Caption for each picture will be found by locat- ing the extra word inserted in some of the Ads. After ï¬nding these words and properly arranging them, you will have the correct Title to the pic- ture. Compose a caption of your own and send it, along with the original title to KIDDIE KWIPS CONTEST, “THE LIBERALâ€. The best one selected each week‘will be awarded $10.00 in MERCHANDISE CERTIFI- CATES good at any of the ï¬rms participating. In addition to the $10.00 award there will be a 10% DISCOUNT VOUCHER awarded to the writers of the next best 5 Titles sent in each week. - 88 Yonge Street S. TU. 4-1687 CARRY this seaso_n as GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRS 24 HOUR SERVICE AV. 5-5942 Open Evenings Jl‘les uuu» “pl.†[is is the kind good. There w kes teams and’SCOriHE in the in an effort to quarter and N! f they never 7-0 at the end 0 Early in the Northwestern r chestnu_t_ thgt tu and PA'I‘RONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS. THEY APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. EACH WEEK FOR 26 WEEKS THEY WILL BE AWARDING SOMEONE $10.00 IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES AND EVERY FIFTH WEEK SOMEONE WILL RECEIVE AN EXTRA $20.00 IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES. WINNERS WILL BE PUBLISHED EACH WEEK. READ THE RULES CAREFULLY. Richmond Hill; my .. ‘ Rod Irvine kicked another Ghost single point in the open- ing minutes of the fourth quar-i ter to make the score Ghosts 14. Indians 0. After the single point Northwestern’s Bob Bailey scored on a 30-yard dash which was converted to give the Ghosts a 21 point lead. With three minutes remaining in the game John Morgan went over from the Northwestern 20- yard line, being shaken loose on a fine block by Geoff Orr McIntosh converted and the game ended with the Indians losing 21-7 to the Ghosts. WFonr Indians are on the limp and were unable to dress for the game_._ Bi}}y “Wilson; John Fav- H ___1 In: annnb unusa- _.-__, Sty, Charlie Dunn and Eli Snook erage game of 248 pins. Arne were sorely missed by the 1V1? Skretteberg has a 244 average, jury-riddled Indian team. Bob Larry Bishop 237, Tim Soul 237 lSheridan gave a terrific pass and A1 Richardson 237. Jack ‘catch display from hls end posx~ Shadoff has a 236 average, Bill tion while Jerry McGowan, gave Jones 234, George Jordan 233, ‘a good performance in his Initial and Bob Kennedy and Howie start on defence, Guards A1 San. Inch 230 pins per game. defrson and Vic Claytonv along Team standings in the Allen- w‘th centre La“? wall, “'9†court Majors are: Richmond well on the Indlan OffEnSlVEIHiH Auto Wreckers 37,1“,an team PHONOGRAPH RECORDS AND ACCESSORIES AGAIN fl/éfl C011 I'l 168 Yonge St. North with $3.00 purchase or over Allencourt Centre TU. 4-1868 W&P Service THIS WEEK USED CAR SPECIAL '56 METEOR FORDOR RANCH WAGON. RADIO, AUTOMATIC, 2-TONE GREEN For Ont, Thursday, October 178 Yonge Street N AV. 5-3591 TU. 4-< SPECIAL CLEANING CLOTH AND BRUSH VALUE $2.25 FREE $10.00 WEEKLY MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES ONE YEAR'S FREE OIL SUPPLIES TO USED CAR BUYERS New and Used VOLKSWAGENS ’uJic THIS WEEK ONLY R. D. LITTLE 8. SON lRunners-up Hon Celebration For Season Wind-up season and it was everyone’s night to howl. In the impromtu bowling tournament Ken McCrae, or Members of the Allencourt Lanes softball team and their wives and lady friends were entertained at a party held at Allencourt Lanes last Saturday “Old Four Eyes" as some team night. This was the final get- members fondly dubbed him, fnaofhpr nf the team for this won the first prize. Vi Bowen together of the team Allcncourt Major League The ï¬rst “Beat Your Aver- age" tournament held by the Allencourt Major League was won on Friday night by Lou Alrico. Alrico, who carries a 157 average in the league, was forced to bowl six games be- Tim Saul is packing the high- est average in the ABC Major Leagues with a pimfall of 241 pins per game. Bill Smith is second in the average division with 233 followed by Henry Kn-uckey who owns a 230 aver- age. Frank Munroe, Bob Hud- son and Arne Skrerbteberg each have 229 averages. Manufacturer's Life rolled a team triple flat of 3703 pins while Allencourt Lanes racked up a 1425 flat for a single game. Team standings in the Allen- ‘court Majors are: Richmond ‘Hill Auto Wreckers 37, Menu- ‘facturer’s Life 35, Dynes Jew- ellers 31, Tumbufll Groceries 30, Allencoumt Lanes 29, Rothman’s King Size 24, Dan’s Essa Ser- vice 19, Hughes Shel-1 Service 18, Allencourt Pharmacy 14, Kent Clothes 9. Nutrth 6, Canadian Tire 0. Sta-n Shadoff leads the high average department with an av- erage game of 248 pins. Arne Skretteberg has a 244 average, ABC Major League King of the Week was Tim‘ Saul with his high triple of 781. Memubem ocf the King’s Court were Bill Jones 737, Bili Haan- paa 729, Bob Hudson 727, Bdb Julian 722 and John Moore 720. Davis and Day lead the team standings with 33 points, fol- en [re . . . Pin Pafler . . . 19, 1961 ON ALL LOWE BROS RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 20% OFF PAINTS AND ENAMELS Free Colour Blending Service Free Parking at rear of Store Entrance off Arnold St 1‘1 BUTTER PECAN ICE CREAM $795 Special for October Richmond Hill Hall’s Fuel Oil own 14 points, Sports 12, Turnbull Groceries 12 and Franks Movers 12. John's Boys have 10 points while Al- bion Construction and Michael's Gift Shop have a total of 9 points each. Bowen Bombers. hold down undisputed possession of the cellar spot with only 4 points on the ledger. Thursday Afternoon League Whether or not you can blame it on the Russian fallout we really wouldn't know but the ladies found very sticky going at Allencourt Lanes last Thurs- day. Connie Sna‘ith captured top honours with a three of 669 (295), with Dot Webster in the runner-up spot with 655 and a 247 single. lowed by MacDougall Pontiac with 27 and A.B.C. No. 2 with 26 points, Richvale and A.B.C. No. 1 are tied at the 24 point level with Liquiflame cruising lalong at 23 points. Dynes Jew- ellers with 21 and ABC. No. 3 with 20 round out the teams with 20 pom-ts or over to their credit. Other high singles in the league were rolled by Bev. Brocklehurst with 235, Connie McDowell 235, Gertrude Brad- ley 225, Jean Nugen‘t 219, Sylvia Gossman 213, Ellen Parrett '212 and Lorraine Carwardine 206. Eastsiders Jeanne Richardson topped the league, both men and women, by tossing a booming 843 triple for the rest to shoot at. Jeanne also rolled a 363 single game to capture high single honours for the evening. Second lady was Ellen Parrett with 670 (278) followed by Madge Nich- olson 657 (227), Mary McDonald trunudled a 287 single. In the initial Queen of the Hill Tournament held at Allen- count Lanes last Sunday even- ing, Pat McLean, laSIt year’s champ, rolled against Rene Church and Louise McIlzmurray. In the qualifying round Audrey Young came up with a 329 sing- le but was beaten out by Rene Church with an 820 for three ‘and Louise McIlmurray who \rolled a 793. Apt McGeachie led the men with a high three of 789 (328). Vern Thompson rolled a 708 (320), Stan Shadoï¬ 689 (254), Mike Parrett 682 (268), Joe Jefï¬s 680 (296) and Bil-l Jones 674 with a 256 single. Queen Tournament In the ï¬ve-game champion- ship match Rene Church was crowned as the new queen with an 1119 total. Making things very close was the defending champion Pat McLean as she ï¬nished with an 1100-:pin tobal. just 19 pins off the pace. Louise Mcflmurray took show honours with a total of 1062 pins for the ï¬ve-game series. 24 Yonge 21 Yonge‘St. North. Richmond Hill WINNER: J. Paterson, 164 Ruggles Ave., Richmond Hill CORRECT TITLE: “I Saw How He Did It†CAPTION: “Well For Heaven’s Sake A Strike" PATTI - LU SHOP â€" NOW SHOWING â€" NEW FALL ARRIVALS SPORTSWEAR - DRESSES ETC. Phone TU. 4-2961 Benjamin KNAPP’S PAINT SERVICE LTennis Winners ’To Get Rewards After a supper of chinese food supplied by restaurateur Bing Lew. a tired but happy group of players and their la'dies wand- ed their homeward ways. and Dot Smith won prizes while Russ Cripps was presented booby prize. Casey’s prize ‘ a horror mask with which terrorize and intimidate 1 pires. The question is - (1 he really need it? Aszer a supper of chinese A ï¬ne end {0 a great' softball season. After completing the best season yet, the Richmond Hill Lawn Tennis Club will hold 1 ï¬nal party and wiener roast this Saturday night at the court‘ loca-tion. Admission will be 50m per person and the party will commence at 7.30 pm. If the weather is as cool as it has been recently, long johns and parkas will be the dress of the evening. All members are urged to at- tend the party as the executive nominations for next season will take place. Trophies will also be presented to winners of cluo championship events. v ...... r ........ r ......v. Anne Holbek won the l-adiesic. singles championship this year;Cl and then teamed with Lou Hal-13: land to win the ladies doubles C‘ event. Dennis Lamb won the 0‘ mens singles trophy and formedlh' a partnership with Frank Robin- a] son to take the doubles honours. ‘ The mixed doubles title will be} decided this weekend and chan- ‘31 ces are that it will be played in weather more conducive to curling than to tennis. A hardy _ breed - these local tennis play- ers! Township hunting licenses, is-‘ sued in regulated townships in‘ the Lake Simcoe District, are identified as “RECIPROCAL†and “NON-RECIPROCAL." Sometimes this appears to be a ‘little confusing to some hunters. BALLANTRAE: Subdivid in g of land in the area is not favour- ed by the Ontario Municipal Board, Whitchurch Town-ship Council has been advised. A survey revealed that ï¬nding of an adequate water supply would be difficult and that sewage dis- posal would also create a prob- lem. License Classification ls Given By Department Of Lands & Forest Non-reciprocal means that the Pcense is not valid for hunting n townships other than the one in which it is purchased. Reciprocal means that the 11- cense is valid after the pheas- ant season, in other townships within the' same county in ‘which the license was issued. It should be noted that ALL regulated townships are NON RECIPROCAL during the open paints * m. MILLS & SON York County’s Most Exclusive Wallpaper & Paint Headquarters Prompt chinese food wards the best mond Hill in hold a :ner roast , the court Iill be 50c party will .m. If the. as it has johns and 'ess of the rged to at- : executive season will The majority of members at' this local club are new curlers who have the opportunity of learning and mastering the sport together. This, plus a happy bal- ance of experienced curlers, makes for a wide-open game with all curlers playing an im~ portant and active part. Curlers, whether experienced or not, start curling as soon as they 1join. There isn't the interim 'waiting period of months or ‘ years so prevalent in many To- ronto clubs. The six sheets of ice available, and the restric- tions put on the club’s total membership,’ gives everyone Call JAMES D. STEWART TU. 4-2201 Plumbing - Heating New Installati3ns bowling "Casey" with a does LIMITED Repair i CURLING CLUB i ATTRACTING MEMBERS Reports from the Richmond Hill Curling Club indicate an increasing number of new mem- bers from out-of-town. Club of- ï¬cials attribute this growing in- terest in the Richmond Hill Curling Club to the simple, but nevertheless important fact. that . . . "It’s fun to curl at Richmond Hill." plenty of curling activity from} October to April. Joining the Richmond Hill Curling Club is made as ï¬nan- xcially attractive as possible by lan optional arrangement that ‘can amortize the initial payment over a period of years. This whelps to prevent any undue ï¬n- lancial hardship the ï¬rst year of curling. season for pheasants and the following regulated township licenses are non-reciprocal at any time: Markham, King, Vaughan and Toronto and Chin- ‘gu‘acousy. A11 cuflers, being part own- ers of this private club, take a Excellent weather prevailed for the opening of the duck season in the Lake Simcoe Dis- trict at noon Saturday, October 7th. Main duck marshes, in the district, were patrolled by all available Department of Lands and Forests staff situated on access roads and hunters were Many Hunters In Marsh In the following regulated townships licenses are reciproc cal after the pheasant season in the county of purchase. Ontario County - Whit-by, East Whitby and Pickering. York County - Whitchurch and East Gwillimvbury. ‘Peel County - Caledon, Albion ia‘nd Toronto Gore. ‘Simcoe County - Adjala, Tecum- ‘seth and West Gwillimbury. Duck Season Opening Successful $20.00 BO‘NUS EVERY 5th WEEK TU. 4-2819 Service DID PRE-DRESSED FRYING or ROASTING CHICKENS ALLENCOURT LANES FREE DELIVERY Patios NATURAL STONE RED 8. WHITE} FOODMASTER i Take Advantage of Our, PROCTOR STONE MARKHAM RD. AT BAYVIEW Open All Summer Suppliers of All Types “We’ll do You AV. BAYVIEW PLAZA on all purchases of $5.00 or over This coupon and 15c entitles you to One Free Game Open Bowling after June 4 Barbecues These Vouchers are good for a 10% discount on any purchase made, within TWO WEEKS from the date won, at any of the FIRMS that have a STAR in their advertisement. In addition to the above awards someone will re- ceive a $20.00 BONUS in Merchandise Certiï¬cates, every FIFTH WEEK. The selection of the BONUS PRIZE will be made from the entries sent in that contained a SALES SLIP from any of the ï¬rms in the contest. You can win the $10.00 weekly. prize without attaching a Sales Slip but for the $20.00 Bonus you MUST ATTACH SALES SLIP to your entry. It’s a good idea to attach a Sales Slip to all your entries then you are assured of being eligible for that extra $20.00 Bonus someone will get every Fifth Week. healthy at only in th: the club’s \ NOTES healthy and active interest, not only in the curling itself, but in the club‘s administration and the many special events that take place throughout the sea- son. Whether it’s club curling, bonsplels, social dances. the an- nual golf tournament. the spec- ial children‘s day or even a day at the new Woodbine Racetrack, a lgood time is always had by al . Richmond Hill is proud of its u-o-u-uc Richmond Hill High ‘red colour team followed by For the first time in six years green, gold and b.‘ac. in that Richmond Hill‘s ï¬ne junior soc- order. The speedball champion- cer team bowed in defeat to Ship for grades 10-12 was won Thornhill. In a fast and furious by the red team with green and game featuring some fine soc-black tied and gold finishing .1; cer play the Thornhill team the last spot. won by a 5-2 score. Intramural volleyball gets 3')- The junior football team won ing on Oct. 16 with the junior two games last week with Rick group comprising grades 9-10 Bradshaw working the throttle'and t1» 'enior group grades from the quarterback position.‘.ll-12. volleyball officials are at- On Wednesday they defeated St. tending volleyball practices in Andrews College 20-12 and de-prder to officiate in extramural feated Thornhill juniors 15-0 onjvolleyball games. ‘ Friday. Regular quarterbaclehornhill High Bruce Walker was attending a Thornhill’s power house sen. hockey tryout with the St. Cath- ior football team overwhelmed arines Teepees and got back in Newmarket by winning 52-0. Richmond 11111 is proud of its arines Teepees and got back in Curling Club â€" and the calibre time to Play in the Thornhill of its members who enjoy the game. Running from a halfback good fellowship that comes from Spot Walker ran and blocked healthy, active participation in extremely W611 for the Rich- the sport itself and in making mond Hm Squad- new friends and developing new In senior football competi- interests. We welcome the fol- . . . lowing new members from the hon Richmond H111 defeated Au- rora 13-0 on Wednesday and Toronto area: 1nd 91-1 tn ’I‘hnrnhfll 1n um new Il‘lCIIUS HHU ueverupmg 116W interests. We welcome the fol- lowing new members from the Toronto area: Vince and Isobel Gin-anni, Willowdale; June Collard, Gorm- ley; Martin and Nan Cormack, Aglncourt; Murray and Audrey Doherty, Toronto; Bruce and Olive Harrower, Richmond Hill; Keith Jennings, Aurora; Dr. ‘Bill LaCroix. Thornhill; Bruce. Sheppard, Willowdale; Bill and Win Simpson, Toronto; Jack Southcott. Don Mills; Roy and Barbara Taylor, Richmond Hill; Cord and Eillcen Webster, Wil- lowdale: John and Ann Wood.. Thornhill. - In senior football competi- tion Richmond Hill defeated Au- rora 13â€"0 on Wednesday and lost 21-1 to Thornhill in the Dr. Broad Trophy game. At half time the Richmond Hill team led 1-0 but the Thornhill pewer was too much to handle in the second half. Richmond Hill sen- iors lost an early season game 40-0 to Thornhill and the Fri- day performance was a dis- tinct improvement that pleased team coaches and heartened the Richmond “"1 student body. Bovview High '1 Bayvicw's senior and iunior football teams won their games ‘last week to come up with the . .. wanna»... found themselves Richmond Hill at mark in the seni .Trophy last Frid. Just because the Idefeated Pichmor ,‘earlier in the sea: son to grow fat any game. By th< ihalf time interval gue lashing had '1 on the beam and to a 21-1 win. No was ever won on .ance or newspax Let’s hope that don't make the again this year! Jim KoWlam Rn] Curling Club officials advise that there are still a few male and female memberships open. If interested, please contact the club manager, Mr. Lorne Miller, 285-4554. ‘ Although completed figures 1are not yet available, it would appear, from early reports, that more hunters were present in the Holland Marsh than last year. Reports also indicated that hunters' success was higher with blacks, mallards and teal mak- ing up most of the bag. Some pintail, woodduck, ring neck and bluebills were also recorded. Although no geese were report- ed shot, with large flocks, now beginning to migrate south, hun- ters will quite probably get some goose shooting ghis com- ing week especially in the. Mat- chedash Bay area. co-operative in supplying De- partment personnel with infor- mation requested and donating wings from birds as they were checked, for identification pur- poses: There were a few infractions of the Game and Fisheries Act and Migratory Bird-s Convention Act and some firearms were seized by Department conserva- tion officers and the R.C.M.P. According to Senior Conserva- tion Officer Bob Trotter seiz- ures were approximately the same as in the season opening \ln 1960. LOCAL cunLINGg NOTES . 3-2233 it or show How" Fireplaces FOUNTAIN'S SERVICE STATION USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN FREE DELIVERY Phone TU. 4-5701 HARDWARE CHRISTMAS Air-Conditioned General Repairs And Service TU. 4-0009 Yonge & Benson TOYS Bayview Plaza Bruce Walker was attending a| Thornhill’s power house sen- hockey tryout with the St. Cath- ior football team overwhelmed arines Teepees and got back in Newmarket by wlnnlng 52-0. time to play in the Thornhill‘Thornhill is iust too much tealm game. Running from a halfback for most of the other schools to spot Walker ran and blocked handle and this should be extremely well for the Rich- Thornhills year for another mond Hill squad. Georgian Bay title: BaYvicw's senior and iuniOI‘Idon't make the same mistake football teams won their games again this year! last week to come up with the Jim Kellam, Bob Howes, John initial wins of the season. Rumble, Roger Kedwell and Bill Barclay starred for the Peter and Paul Donkersley gave senior squad as it defeated Thornhlll a real effort in the Markham 12-3. The mile ‘3." third and fourth quarters of the clay stole the ball on the Mark- game. ham team and romped 80 odd After winning a junior soccer yards for the touchdown. The‘fixture 5-2 from Richmond Hill other Bavview T.D. was scnred the same club dropped a 2-0 by Mike Line. decision to Aurora. Like we said Aurora was defeated 12-6 by before, past performance doesn't Bayview juniors with Wayne mean a thing! Havilland and Don Chapman Thornhlll juniors dropped a playing Outstanding games fortis-o decision to Richmond Hills Bayview. Ed. Dennis did the junior football team as Thorn- iiron man bit by gOing both at1hill this year is in the middle offensive and defensive tackle Of an era of inexperience. In “for the entire game. Coach Russ other words, as far as this year ‘Snider was greatly pleased 'OY'is concerned, it's purely to build ithe fine work of the defensive character. iunit. ' HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS Gymnastic practices for grade nine students is being held at the school on Saturday morn- ings with quite a few fledgnng gymnasts turning out. On tne intramural scene the senior bor- denball series is still carrying on. In the girls intramural pro- gram the winners of the grade 9 fieldball were members of the RICHMOND HILL ADULT SKATING CLUB TU. 1-5511 Opening Night October 25, 1961 GUESTS WELCOME LIMITED MEMBERSHIP CALL WINNERS - 10‘â€: DISCOUN‘II VOUCHERS Paul Roll‘inson, R. R. 1 King City Ray Matthews. 325 Skopit Rd. Richmond Hill Clara Mason, Oak Ridges Sean O'Malley, Holland Land- ing I Kenneth Wainwright. R Unionville YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT 16 YONGE STREET N Telephone TU. 4â€"4231 CONTINENTAL Beauty Salon THE HOME OF MODERN BUSINESS MACHINES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE STATIONERY 1N RICHMOND HILL Hair? Call Us Today 76 YONGE ST. s. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-7228 HANS & EDITH Sun-Damaged A complacent Thornhlll team found themselves down 1-0 to Richmond Hill at the halfway mark in the senior Dr. Broad Trophy last Friday afternoon. defeated Richmond Hill, 40-0. earlier in the season is no reaâ€" son to grow fat and dumb in any game. By the end of the half time interval a minor ton- gue lashing had Thornhill back on the beam and they went on to a 21-1 win. No football game was ever won on past perform- ance or newspaper clippings. Let’s hope that the seniors don’t make the same mistake again this year! Jim Kellam, Bob Howes, John Rumble. Roger Kedwell and Peter and Paul Donkersley gayo TU. 4-7416 TU. 4-5633 TRY A “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIED PHONE TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3318 SOMETHING TO SELL SOMETHING TO RENT SOMETHING TO BUY SOMETHING WANTED senior team