Le Masurier â€" Lindsay Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sinclair LeMasurier sign the register following the wedding ceremony in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. The Presbyterian Church oflthe ceremony, which took placer Richmond Hill -- decorated with‘on Saturday, September 16th. pink and white gladioli â€"- was The bride was given in mar- the scene of the wedding of riage by her father, and wore Miss Rosina Duffy Lindsay, a gown of white slipper satin, youngest daughter of Mr. and with pleated flowing train, a The bride's mother wore a powder blue two piece ensemble in taffeta and lace, with mush- room and black patent accessor- ies. The bridegroom’s mother wore an ice blue sheath dress of chinese satin, with water- melon coloured accessories. The reception was held at the Royal Canadian Legion Banquet Hall, Springdale Gardens, where lun- cheon was served. Among the 125 guests pres- ent, were: Mrs. Frank Stephen- son from Jamaica, and Mrs. Alex Braid from Port Credit, grandmother of the groom. His grandparents, Mr. and‘Mrs. Le Masurier were also present. Mr. and Mrs. John Eachenlohr both of Burlington attended, and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Mitchell were also present. Mr. Charles Weir, the bride’s uncle was the MC. and gave Mrs. Andrew Lindsay of Cells flowered crown head-dress held Road. Richmond Hill, to Mr. her shoulder length veil, and Harry Sinclair Le Masurier, el-,she carried a bouquet of red dest son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E.‘roses and white carnations also Le Masurier, Langstaff. Thelwhite heather sent from Scot- Rev. J. N. Hepburn officiated atlland. . The maid of honour was her PfOperty Pfotectlon eldest sister, Miss Anne Lindsay, E d T Evhlo war: atrose belie dress of eusre sainâ€"a s orerver- qua lz‘e reatment sion oé thelbride’s dress â€" and carrie yel ow mums with yel- EmPUBSIZEd Board low sweetheart oses. The bride- Terming the enterprise 3 won smaids were Joan Rilings and thy one, members of the public Mar-V Lihdsayv SISIel' 0f the school board expressed regret bride: and Mrs- Rosemary Mit' at their last meeting when theyCheuv 0°“5Ih 0f the bride- They turned down a request for melwore identical dresses of Royal loan of a 16 mm projector forlblue delustred satin, also a u , n the showing of films at the pub- Short V9510“ 0f the bride's the toaSt lo the brldei After he library on Saturdays The gown, with matching accessories, the reception: the huh? ahd project is run by two residents and carrie‘i White mums: With‘groom 1?“ for a wedding mp who take a special interest inlsweetheart “3595- to the mld'weStem and smithan seeing that the town’s young_l The flower girls were Susan parts 9f the UnitEd.States‘ For sters have an opportunity of'Weir, cousin of the bride, andiher g°mg away With- the brlde viewing films which are not av-lDoreen Laidlaw of Toronto. “’9â€? 5‘ Phocade Sheath dress, ailable commercially. lThey wore white dresses of mm a Chlhese 1'91? three-quar- The board has been faced withiBm'Jerie Anglais With blue sat' ter lepgth coat’ “nth black acâ€" requests for loan of school e-in Climber belts. and Wore alcessomes' quipmcnt in the past and, as band of very small white roses The bride’s parents entertain- a matter of policy in order to in ‘ their hair. They carrieded their friends at their Gell’s protect the property of taxpayswhite mums and sweetheart Road home. and. the bride- ers, has refused to 1et it leave roses. The ring bearers were‘groom's parents entertained school premises, In this case. Miss Anne Lindsay and Mr.ltheir guests at their home in it was pointed out, the projec.‘Peter Le Masurier. The vocal- Langstaff. Celebrated also, was tor was simply for use as a ist was Mrs. Douglas Marshallmthe 30th wedding anniversary of spa-re. Board members felt thatThe groom’s brother, Mr. Peter Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Le Masurier. if material was refused to one‘Le Masurier was best man. The On returning from their wed- group it should be refused tolushers were Andrew Lindsay, ding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Harry all and consequently turnedJohn Eachenlohr and Ted Mc- S. Le Masurier will make their Old Age Pensionlixi Should Be Upped? Seniors Advised? The Senior Citizens Club. , Richmond Hill, held its election .. of officers for 1961-2 in the Education Building of the Uni- ,ted Church. Richmond Hill, on I 5 iOct. 11th. This resulted as fol-. - g lows - Past Pres, Mr. A. E Plewman; Pres, Mr. H. Calver-~ ley; Vice pres. Mr. Wm. Med hurst; Treasurer, Mr. A. Skill iter; Sec., Mrs. R. J. Shi'igley Telephone. Mrs. E. Davis; Social Mrs. G. Elliott, assisted by Mrs. IA. Mercer; Publicity, Mrs. G ,Powell; Membership and sick» conv'enor, Mrs. Emma Masters;; Transportation, Mrs. J. Shec-' .han; Music, Mrs. C. Harding: :assisted by Mr. J. Rose and Mr. . ,J Hillman; Craft Leadership, , ,Mrs. G. Langley: Entertainment, ‘ ers. E. Brown; Mr. J. Rose and Mr. J. Hillman; Council Reprc- - sentatives, Mr. Wm. Medhurs and Mr. J. Hillman; Mailing; ers. W. W. Sherar; Bowling. Mr J. Sheehan; Mr. W. W. Siierar official at Day Centre, Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Grace Sayers, delegate to the Ontario Senior Citizens Con~ , vention at Oshawa, Sept. 26th and 27th, expressed apprecia tion of the wonderful reception _ accorded Ontario Club mem bers who came from all over, including a banquet and free lodging. She informed the club that _ of 282 Senior Clubs in Ontariag 82 were already affiliated witho the O.S.C., Windsor, among oth- ers, has already invited the ' 0.5.0. to meet there next year. Several have interesting names . she said, such as “Roses in De- cember" and suggested Richr mond Hill Club also find a name. The O. S. C. urged reports of local activities be sent to the Esenior body every few months. A Provincial Charter was seen at Oshawa. Mr. M. J. Coldwell, guest speaker, called for a $75 a month pension supplemented by a pension geared to a per- son’s ten best earning years. Looking forward, he suggested pesnions at the age of 60 years. He predicted a complete med- ical plan in five years. Resolutions passed by the 0.8.0. to be presented to the provincial and federal govern- ments included reduced fares on buses for the elderly; $75 per month pension with increases according to cost of living; low- er S. C. assessment to reduce taxation and more housing at rents Senior Citizens can pay. It was suggested that clubs arrange for broadcasts of meet- ings and all were urged to vote right for those who will support the S. Cs. * Mrs. E. C. Jackson once again congratulated the members on their election of officers and interesting activities. Mr. Wm. Medhurst, reporting on his visit to England, said he visited many castles seeking a rich duchess only to find that they were all gone. i Mrs. R. J. Shrigley gave an ,excellent report of the year's activities. Mrs. G. Langley, reporting on, the bazaar’s preparations invited imore helpers to join with her ‘and her helpers on Tuesday af- ternoons at the Day Centre inL the municina1 hall ‘or nui‘tindq sewing and the waxing of drift- wood. Mrs. May Duncan is also‘ helping on the white elephant‘ table. A toy elephant and al beautiful Xmas wreath were dis- played by Mrs. G. Sayers who urged others to help to make the same for the bazaar to be. held on Nov. 11th in the muni- cioal hall. Mrs. D. Duncan, soprano, ren- Idered acceptably, several solos among them “A Prayer of lT‘hanksgivinr’," and “lo “we Ger- lden of Toâ€"morrow." This was followed by the servinsy r‘f tea and cookies by the social con- ‘venors Mrs. G. Elliott and Mrs. A. Mercer. ‘ i s I TABLERITE . . . .. AL PRICES EFFECTIVE “ OCT. 18. 19, 20, 21 ATOTAL or $36 IN IGA BONUS TAPES RECEIVE FREE $6.00 BONUS BOOSTER TAPE WITH-â€" THE TEA THAT DARES FLEECY LAUNDRY RINSE GIANT FAB 1/3 FREE WHITE, PINK, YELLOW, AQUA WHITE SWAN TISSUES KRAFT Velveeta CHEESE WITH FREE $2.00 BONUS TAPEâ€" 3-LB. CELLO CRISP FRESH CARROTS BAG TABLERITE SLICED BOLOGNA12-02.PKG. SWANSON FROZEN TV CHICKEN DINNER WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SERVE IT RARE, MEDIUM OR WELL DONE STANDING RIB ROAST "’ Ib.45 .49 BLADE or SHORT RIB ROAST PKG. OF 60 12c OFF 64-OZ. BTLE. GIANT SIZE BOX BLADE BONE REMOVED 4 ROLLS I 1-LB. PKG. Cross Cut RIB or Boneless Shoulder Extra Lean Boneless POT ROAST . Sliced Side BACON DIRECT FROM THE SUNNY SOUTH FLORIDA RUBY RED NO. I GRADE GRAPEFRUIT I 0 SIZE 96's 49‘ VALENCIA ORANGES 10c OFF 11-OZ. PKG. 1-LB. PKG. KRAFT MILD CHEESE Cracker Barrel I2 oz. cut 43: DONALD DUCK FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 5 6 $1.00 AURORA : Town council has ‘rejeoted a suggestion that the ‘former Bowser estate at the Isouth end of the town should be lacquired for park purposes. With 54 acres involved, it was said that the land might cost up to $275,000. Council memâ€" bers felt that the town could JUICY, SWEET 5-LB. BAG down the requeist. Guire. !home in Langstaff. not stand that price. LARGE NONâ€"FOOD SPECIAL I Will They Walk-Or Strike Again? MeetingOf Board, Council, Jefferson Parents Hangs Fire As Bus Arrangement Nears Finish Instantpomogs... 35c Business Administrator, Nor-‘west of Eureka Road. “The transportation policy. man Jackman, reported to thelRequest Speed Limit has been fully implemented,â€i Vaughan TOWDShlp SChOOl Area, Richvale Home and School said Mr. Gibson, “with six bus: Board at “their October Meet-requested the board's assistancejroutes transporting all children, ing that "CounCil is arranging in having a 30â€"mile speed limit who live more then two miles a meeting between that body, declared on the east-west roadsfrom school." | the school board, and parents of in that area. Principal Kurita‘Pupils At Hospital 1 the Jefferson school children, explained that illegal 30 m.p.h.,I He also reported that classes who are struggling to have the signs have been erected on these conducted by Mr. George Green, board reinstate the school bus roads, but it is impossible for principal of the Edgeley School, serving the Songe Street area. the police to prosecute offend-’are being held at the Villa Pri- The bus, which is being prov1d- ers. The letter was referred toivate Hospital where five young ed by wellvwishers in the inter-the township council for action wheelâ€"chair patients are contin- est of the children’s safety, will in the matter. uing their studies in grades 6, run until October 18, only six Superintendent Joseph Gibson 7, 8. The classes are held after days from the date of the board presented a detailed report on regular school hours twice a meeting. This report was in .an- enrolment as of the last day week for a total of 150 minutes. swer to a question by Vice- of September, 1961. Total en- This programme has been ap- Chairman, Mona Robertson. rolment was 2,985, down slight- proved by the Department of Present at the meeting werer from the high of a year ago'Education, which have allowed Trustees Goodwin and Kerr, due to the removal of 60 pupils five home instruction units for With the rice-chairman preSidâ€"’from the township of Markham the School area. Later Mr. Gib- ing. from area schools. By grades. son explained that eaCh unit A letter from Principal John the report show Martin of the Thornhill Public kindergarten, 414 in grade 1, for grant purposes. School, requested addition of 348 in grade 2, 336 in grade 3, The vice-chairman pointed out school crossmg Signs on No. 7 346 in grade 4. 339 in grade 5, that such a service would have Highway, as a protection for the 301 in grade 6, 202 in grade 7, been impossible without a school children who must cross this 294 in grade 8. Special classes area board. busy thoroughfare to walk on take care of 37 pupils. The report of the property the sidewalk provided on the Charles Howitt School has an committee presented by its south side of the road. A letter enrolment of 387, Concord 181, chairman. Trustee Harold Good- from the Department of High- George Bailey 354, Hope 54, win. recommended that the Breâ€" ways concurred in this request, Jefferson 126, Langstaff 324, thren in Christ Church. now recommending that the signs be Patterson 29. Powell Road 142. holding Sunday School services placed, one facing east, west of Richvale 143, Ross Doan 229 n the Concord Public School, be Oakbank, and one facing west, and Thornhill 357. I s 278 pupils in is counted as one pupil a day , .permitted to continue using the room is now used as a playroom. SIZE 24's CRISP CELERY P.E.|. POTATOES FRENCH'S POTATO BAKERS, SOUR CREAM- BAKERS OR SCALLOPED BELAIR LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Novi/s'gsNLY SIZES: SMALL, MED., LARGE EXTRA LARGE CANADA NO. 1 GRADE A HEARTY ENERGY FOOD 10-LB. BAG REG. PRICE school premises until December 31, 1962, at an increased fee. In, discussion later, he stated that‘ a policy in regard to use of school premises is now being formulated but a previous mo- tion in this regard had been modified to take care of the situation in Concord, the com- mittee feeling that it was in the best interests of the children attending the school to permit the Sunday School to con- tinue using the building. The increase in fee was agreeable to the people of the Sunday School, and would more near- ly meet the cost of custodial care. His report also stated that the George Bailey School in Maple was not available for dancing classes as had been requested. Preliminary steps were ap- proved for the acquiring of a school site on Carrville Road with a view to replacing the present Richvale School. Built in 1931, the two-room Richvale School acquired a steel-type two room addition about 1950. One frame portable is also in use on the present site, and a room in the basement which has at times served as a class- RED SEAL W's TIN Fancy Cohoe SALMON Monarch Ginger Bread DUTCH CLEANSER 4c OFF 2 I4 oz. ctns. 31c SHOP AND SAVE AT .. ALLENCOURT I G A FOODLINER BAYVIEW 8. MARKHAM RD. 41cSTOKELY’S 27‘ TOMATO JUICE 22ooz-tins MISS CANADA CHOICE RED OR COLUMBIA RASPBERRIES IGA’S OWN SPECIAL VARIETY 16-OZ. PKG. I5 oz. tin II oz. bttls. IGA CATSUP 2 IGA SWEET RELISH&P|CKLES Sweet Mixed 2 l6oz.iars