Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Oct 1961, p. 13

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Richmond Hill Hydro - Electric Commission SAM COOK, Chairman VERNE SNIDER. Superintendent 56 Yonge St. N. (86W Snve with State Farm’s low In- surance rates for careful driv- ers. See me. . Canadian Legion . Richmond Hill Branch 375 REGULAR MEETlNG Second Monday of each month at 8 pm. One Block west of Yonge St. All Veterans Welcome Fast. . . clean. .. - convenient cooking! That’s the BEAUTY of an AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC RANGE! James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. Ont. TU. 4-1529 Head Office, Toronto A beauty to look on . . . a beauty to cook on . . . that’s what women are saying about today’s beautiful auto- matic electric ranges. Designed for extra speed, easier cleaning, controlled baking and top-of-the-stove cooking . . . these new streamlined models are more automatic than ever before! Now, you can have an automatic oven that will keep your roast ready to serve â€"even when dinner has to wait! Top elements, too, can be set to turn of when foods are cooked “just right”! LEGION HALL Can-ville Road AMDMOBIL! "GIMME! COMPANY STATE FARM M UTUAL As a service to the commun- ity, provided by the Hender- son Avenue Home and School Association. a selection of high- quallty motion nictures has been to feed for a day or more they out into the open. It was withlone. Each envelope cor think they have banded from a great feeling of accomplish-‘notice of a hearing by 50 to 75%. They have had many ment that we finally identified tam, Municipal Board, iurprises}: dthe bigger one; were,the bird as a short-billed marsh with a copy of the amen wo ru 8 grouse .813 saw-lwren- ,use and zoning by-law Whet W15 and a Sparrow haw?“ Observations for the pastlmunicipality, “111611 in There,were “"0 Sparrows mlweek include: a flock of 26laccompanied by a ma the m1“ "at and they believeievening grosbeaks, white-l Everybody turned that was What caused the SParicrowned sparrows still quiteiTow'n Clerk Russell row ha‘Vk w “’00? down- 0" numerous, robins migratingiLynett and the job vs Ocmbe" 15th they “Oted that‘through in smaller numbers,‘in about two days. Pos‘ m°5t 0f the warble“, had left~igeese flying over. Isaac Reamanlounted to approximate Myrtle warble“ are 5”“ around-‘had Canada Geese land on hisi The mailing was in A banded black-throated blue farm pond on the Lansghffltion with the zoning E waflfler lift ma the 11th, 3ft?r|Sideroad for the first time. _Hevuse by-laiw for Richmc Stabflng tdree Tiysi geedlng In fed them, then became WOI‘I‘Wd recently amended by t ghelt‘hegafSEhn.of iiichaig°$elsrwhen they made ”° "We mining Ward and 3P1” juncoes a first fall banding of :‘travel on' Finally they l‘efi 0'") ' .Friday 13th. A Swainsons “'99 §Parmw and two “15W Thrush and a Hermit Thrush blaCRblrds- !were seen in gardens in the On September 23rd the Club village and at the Thornliill‘ went to Luther Marsh to observe Pond about 100 mallards and CORRESPOND] ‘ducks and shore-Ibirds. The black ducks were reported. Also shore-birds were scarce. Amonga Wilson‘s snipe and a lesser Te ithe ducks, there were severalyellow-legs. magnificent male ruddy ducks. The speaker for the October‘ lAn osprey hovered over the 20th meeting of the Naturalists, Cal-Wine United Chu water, diving suddenly down for‘is Conservationist. W. J. Lam-'man's Association met a fish. A turkey vulture and oureux, of the Royal Botanical home of Mrs. John A_ I a golden eagle were the two Gardens at Hamilton. The public Wednesday evening outstanding observations for the is invited to come and hear members present and fi ‘day. The swampy-bog area pro-‘this outstanding speaker. "N Mm JV Rump," r Henderson Ave. Home 8: School Association V Th fall has been a busy‘duced the usual lntere ting one For many naturalists. Pos- plants. The bog myrtle swas u sibly the busiest place has been‘blooming a second time, thef . the home of John and Gwen‘cranberries beginning to ripen‘ Lunn on Weldrick Ave. To date, and the carnivorous sundewl o 0 they have handed around 1600 showed orangy-scarlet against; birds. The Peak day was 102. the blanket of Sphagnum moss! Due to this extensive bird-band-‘A persistent clucking sound in The staff in Richmond Hill‘s ing they have been able to addfa roadside thicket excited every-‘municipal building had a big earlier records for spring mi-'one's curiosity. Finally thelmailing job last week. Around gration arrivals and later fangshrubbery was surrounded by 4,000 pieces of mail were sent tdepartures for this area. Of‘five people, some imitating the to property owners. each per- the migratory birds that stayed sound in the hopes of calling it son on the town‘s roll receiving to feed for a day or more they out into the open. It was withlone, Each envelope contained a think _th-ey_have_ banded from a great feeling_o{_accpmplish:1notice of a hearing by the On- your home 6': schgol association Nature Notes By Richmond Hill Naturalists TU.4-35|l the Department of Education in Ontario and also a resident of Richmond Hill will speak at the Pleasantville Home and School Association. His topics will be “Music Through The Grades.” The meeting will start at 8.15 pm. on Monday, Octo- ber 23 at the school. We invite all parents and friends to at- tend this meeting and assure them of an enjoyable and infor- mative meeting. Certificates were presented to .he students by Principal Garnet McDiarmid, who spoke congrat- ulating his graduating class, and wishing them every success in the years ahead. Refreshments were then serva ed by an able group headed by Mrs. E. Cook and a delightful evening came to an end. But 'to the firdnnéwgeople it is only the beginning. Watch for these bright youngsters. - they are our "citizens of to- morrow." Pleauntville Home & School Mr. Lloyd Queen, superinten- dentROf Elementary Music with On behalf of the staff, Mr. D. MacWilliams, vice-principal and teacher of the graduating class during 1960-61, welcomed the guests, and Trustee H. Sanderson spoke briefly on be- half of the Town Public School Board. As a note of interest, Mr. Sanderson, father of one of last year’s graduates, men- tioned that, at the time of his awn graduation his father was 1150 serving as a member of the coal school board. The McConag‘hy Home & School Association sponsored a well-attended graduation cere- mony on Thursday, October 5th. MoConaglLy Home and Schoo Association Jan Jan. 20 - Sign of Zorro Feb. 3 - Jungle Cat Feb. 17 - Gulliver’s Travels Mar. 3 - Three-Ring Circus Mar. 17 - Rob Roy Mar. 31 - Bells of St. Mary’s Apr. 14: - Swiss Family Robinson usu servmg as a member OI me Beside her husband she 15 0°31 5°h°°1 board- survived by four sons, Arthur of Mr. Akin Akinselure, a stu- Toronto, Lloyd of Kingston, lent at the Ontario College of Roy and Stephen of Lake le- Education, who arrived from cox) and one daughter, Mrs_ R_ Sierra Leone only three weeks‘wude (May) of Tommm ‘go' was gueSt speaks“ ms in' The service was conducted at teresung address dea.” with the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Hall, fugtipml “Stem m ms part Aurora with interment in West- ) rica. ‘ Award: m nnfcfnnr'lina in“, minster Memorial Gardens. ‘ A. R. SimpsorI, ioffltfie home: 1nd school association. These presentations will be given in the auditorium of the Henderson Avenue Public School, and will be under the zupervision of adult volunteers 3f the community. obtained and will be shown‘ on alternate Saturday afternoons for the entertainment of the' children. Awards for Outstanding Ach- 'evement in 1960â€"61 were pre- ented to Lynne Metcalfe and )avi_d L_qftus by President Mrs. out into the Open. It was withlone. Each envelope contained a a great feeling of accomplish-Inotice of a hearing by the On- ment that we finally identifiedltario Municipal Board, together the bird as a short-billed marshwith a copy of the amended land wren- |use and zoning bydlaw for the Observations for the past municipality, which in turn was week include: a flock of 26 accompanied by a map. evening grosbeaks, white- Everybody twrned to. said crowned sparrows still quitelTown Clerk Russell "Curly" numerous. robins migratinglLynett and the job was done through in smaller ngmbers,|in about two days. Postage am- We have mufflers, tailpipes, and exhaust pipes in stock to fit any make of car. Drive in today for quick, reliable service. COOK'S BP Change To A New Mufl'ler! Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars 16 - Bafiflfi 8 - Absent-Minded. Profes- sor ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 The Sugar and Spice Club held its first meeting at the home of Mrs. B. Shepherd, Ar- mold Street, on September 28. The executive for the coming year is as fol-lows: President, Mrs. T. Saul; Secretary, Mrs. A. Young; Treasurer, Mrs. M. Clement; Press Secretary, A. Blackburn. : Mrs. M. Holmes of Yongehurst ;Road entertained eight ladies lfor lunch and an afternoon of bridge on October 5th, at the :home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. C. P. Holmes in Toronto. Congratulations to Mrs. Wm. Costofi of Walmer Road, who was the winner of the Christie Hamper announced on CJRH last week. Winners at cards were: Mrs. T. Saul, Mrs. M. Holmes, and Mrs. W. Buchanan. Hestessas of the evening were Mrs. T. Saul and Mrs. A. Blackburn. On October 12th, the ladies spent an evening at the theatre, enjoying once again the movie, “Gone with the Wind". The Blackburn family enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tur- ner and family for Thanksgiving dinner. Correspondent Mrs. A. Blackburn 108 Yongehurst TU. 4-2617 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bounds of Yongehunsrt Road were pleasant- 1y surprised when a party was held at «their home on the oc- casion of their 20th wedding an- niversary on October 14th. The party was given by their son Gordon and Miss Bev. Turner. Twen’ty-four friends and rela- tives attended, and all enjoyed the large cake, baked for the occasion. Mr. W. Davis sold his home recently on Yongehurst Road and is now making his home with his son Roland and family in Montreal. We welcome to the neighborhood Mr. and Mrs. Logan, who have taken up resi- dence in the former home of Mr. Dav-is. A resident of Fergus Avenue, Lake Wilcox, for approximately five years, Mrs.- Percy Goddard, formerly Alice Edith Whit/ting- ton, died on October 10th at her home. She had been ill since early spring. Mrs. Ethel Morrison of Niag- ara F-alls, N.Y., and Miss Dor- othy Didimus of Niagara Falls, Ontario, spent several days last week with Mrs. Ness and Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baker and family. Alice Edith Goddard Annual Turkey Supper is to be held at Can-Irvine Umited Church hall on Wednesday, Nov- ember 1. See Coming Events for more particulars. Mrs. Jack Barton and Mrs. David Barton of Beverley Acres attended a shower on Thurs- day evening at the home of The bazaar i-s rto be a’c the end of November. Plans for the Prince-Bailey wedding on Fri- day were completed. The turkey éupper is to be on November 1 and the arrange- ments were completed. Visitors present were Mrs. C. Morris of Stoufivillle, Mm. Stan- ley Harrison and Mrs. Percy Harrison, Mrs. Bolb Walker and Mrs. Roy Lindsay. Mrs. Grant Drewex‘y, a1; a previous meeting, had suggest- ed the making of Christmas cakes to sell. It was planned several of the ladies would go to Mrs. Drewery’s home and make a number of cakes. Ordens will be taken 'by the members of the WA. The November meeting Is to be at Mrs. R. Kirk’s home on November 8. Turkey Supper home of Mrs. John A. Baker on Wednesday evening with 14 members present and five visit- ors. Mrs. J. Bushedl read the scripture and explanations of "Commissioned For Service”. Mrs. J. Barton read a paper on three hymns of the seasons, and Mrs. J. Baker played a verse orf each on her organ. ounted to approximately $400. months ago, with Yonge Street The mailing was in connec- property owners objecting vocif- tion with the zoning and land erously to a set-back of 70 feet use by-law for Richmond Hill, for buildings - a requirement recently amended by the plan- which was washed out under ning board and approved by the pressure of public opinion. Zoning By- law To Be Considered Big Mailing Despatch. PriorTo O. M. B. Hearing; North Richvale News Carrville United Church Wo- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone AL. 7-8920 at the Millinery 5; Accessories 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fairlawn) 2 bus stops below city limits 9 1.111. - 6.30 pm. Fri. to 9 pm. The "look" this season is un- questionably luxurious. At Madeleine’s we've the softest, bulkiest, furriesl; and most opulent hats ever! Bubble toques, side draped profiles, cloches, pillboxes petite and grande are the latest in fashion. ' Come in soon for the best selection of these irresistible chapeaux. Prior to her marriage, Lynne was entertained in Toronto at a shower by her hwsband’s fam- ily, also Mrs. N. Alexander en- tertained at a personal shower; Mrs. R. Middleton at a miscel- laneous shower; and the staff at the Villa private hospital enter- tained in her honour. The reception was held at Oarrvflle United Church hall with 60 guests in attendance. The bride’s mother received in an emerald green silk shantung with white accessories, and cor- sage of talisman roses. She was assisted by Mrs. Prince, the groom’s mother, wearing a blue grey suit with powder blue ec- cessories and cars-age of pink baby roses. Following the reception the bridal party went to the Villa hospital, where Lynne had worked, to see some 0! the pat- ients. She changed to a teal blue corduroy dress with white accessories for going away. The couple travelled to the States for a short trip and will make their home in Toronto. Mviss Dianne Bailey, sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, wore a street length dress of deep blue nylon chiffon and Mrs. E. Garner als matron of honour wore deep rose nylon chiffon. Both carried shasba daisies and wore perky head dresses of white net and velvet ribbon. PRINCE-BAILEY A very pretty autumn wed- ding took place at Carrvil'le Um- ited Church on October 6, when Miss Donna Lynn Blailey, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Bail- ey, Richvale, became the brid_e of George William Prince, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prince 0! Toronto. Rod Henderson of To- ronto, was best man and Mr. M. Alexander, usher. The marriage was performed by the Rev. Hugh Robent Mac- Donald, B.A., B.D. Mr. Jim Bushell played the wedding musi-c. The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in her gown of nylon tulle wi’ch lace jacket, a coronet of seed pearl-s caught her flowing veil and she carried a cascade of pink baby roses and stephan- otis. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Nunn and Jill and Jane Nunn spent Thanksgiving week-end at l(he home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown at Collins Bay and had a visit and get-together with all Mr. Nunn’s family. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bob WVnn on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Phil Humphrey, Wilson Heights. for Pauline, Mrs. Hum- phrey’s sister-in-law. Mrs. J. Oliver and Miss Helen Oliver of Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. David Barton and Bonnie and Douglas Barton of Beverley Acres and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Barton of Downs- view had Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton. The by-iaw which is to be the subject of the hearing is the one which raised a considerable amount of cqritroversy some at the municipal building on Friday, October 20th at 10 a.m.. and either approve or disap- prove it, requires that every ratepayer affected should be ad- vised of what Is planned. Any one of them can then go before the board and speak for or ag- ainst the byâ€"Iaw or any part of i-t. town council The Ontario Mun- icipal Board, which will con- sidte the by»-1»aw4 at a hearing What; We!” ./4f Wade/due .2 Over 1,000 New Fall Hats [yflacle/eine walling Use Our Convenient Lay-Away Plan A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ANY ITEM IN THE STORE UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Teaspoons Reg. 15c Dessert SpoonReg. 20c Dessert Forks Reg. 200 Knives Reg. 45c OCTOBER SALE RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Open Daily Including Wednesday ’Til 6 p.111. Thursday and Friday Nights "HI 9 pm. 9%,” diameter . . . 3 various designs with pink or blue borders. Reg. 49c October Special 3 for 97¢ 9” diameter . . . Assorted roses and orchid decoration. Reg. 98c October Special 59c Ladies’ & Misses’ Rayon gloves in all the smart colors for Fall. Misses‘ â€" Sizes: 4-7 Ladies’ ~â€". S-M-L Reg. 59c October Special 3 Pr. $1.00 7 PIECE KITCHEN TOOL SEI EARTHENWARE SALAD BOWLS 9” diameter . . . Rose, Violet or Fruit decorations. Reg. 98c October Special 590 Chrome plated set with black handles. Reg. $2.98 STAINLESS FLATWARE HERITAGE PATTERN FANCY PORCELAIN DISHES PORCELAIN DEEP BOWLS PLAIN KNITTED GLOVES October Special 33c lb. October Special $1.97 CHOCOLATE DROPS Reg. 45c lb Assorted Patterns: Tole, Rose, Black Tole, Rose, Floral, Gold Crest. Reg. $2.59. King Size TV Tray Tables October Special $1.99 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Spec. Spec. Spec. Spec. THE LIBERAL‘, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, October 19, 19613 11c 13c 27c With vinyl face in a sit- ting position. Choose from: Skunk, Cat, Dog or Bear. You may double the amount of your cheque by cashing it at Kresge’s October 19th to October 28th. Jumbo Farm Tractor Plush Animals Assorted sets with 12 to Polythene steam roller, 16 pieces including cups, 91/2” long with 3” front saucers, knives, forks roller and 4” diameter and spoons. rear wheels. PIasticToyTelephone Bagatelle Game Polythene satchel type Colorful 18” long bus bag with toy medical with painted detail and instruments. plastic Wheels. Doctor 8: Nurse Kits Polythene Bus Polythene basket with 8” n" “m” ' "'"G baby doll in flannelette With friction action . sleeping bag. 14” long. 11%” 50” to 53” long .. . Var- sity or Professional types Mothers - Enter Our Baby Bonus Contest 14” long plastic model with painted detail. HOCKEY STICKS Princess style phone 81/2x4”. Sleepy Time Set 'PEtic Tea Set A” . . . All pastel Sturdy holster with shades with white. single shot cap gun. Plush Animals PLUSH BEAR Holster-MetalGun Includes: Metal Fry Pan, Saucepan, Cake Turner, Salt Shaker, Egg Timer & 2 Plastic Eggs. Size: 121/2x6%” with metal base. Adorable animals with vinyl faces. Assorted: Cat, Squirrel and Bear. Toy Cooking Set TRANS CANADA Air lines Plane Steam Roller 3 DAYS ONLY OCT. 19,20, 21

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