Sue with State Fnrm's low in- Inrqnce rates for careful driv- ers. See me. 10 . Canadian Legion . Richmond Hill Branch 375 REGULAR MEETING Second Monday of each month at’8 p.m. LEGION HALL One Block west of Yonge St All Veterans Welcome where every hamburger is king size. |'l All IIIIJ.II¢I,l James Grainger How often should you hive a health checkup {or cancer? Once a year. says the Canadian Cancer Soc- iet. unless you have any of cancer‘s danger signals. In that case, see your doc- tor right away. FACT FOR THE WEEK: 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit Head Office. Toronto THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Tpursday, Ocfler 26, 1961 Carrville Road GARDEN - GATE NURSERY THORNLEA WOOD PRODUCTS “Everything In Building†AUTOMOBILE msunm COMPANY OBSERVATORY LANE AV. 5-1436 [U‘NCH STATE FARM MUTUAL B O R K'S JEWELLERS DADS SELECT FROM OVER 100 DIFFERENT WATCH STYLINGS - $3.99 UP “nu: ALIBERAI." KIDDIE was coirâ€":3? 24th WEEK Evergreens, Shrubs, Perennials Planting Now Elgin Mills West LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS 88 Yonge Street S. TU. 4-1687 Each week for 26 weeks, there will be a different Baby Picture on this Contest Page. The Title or Caption for each picture will be found by locat- ing the extra‘ word inserted in some Of the Ads. After ï¬nding these words and properly arranging them, you will have the correct Title to the pic- ture. Compose a caption of your own and send it, along with the original title to KIDDIE KWIPS CONTEST, “THE LIBERALâ€. The best one selected each Week will be awarded $10.00 in MERCHANDISE CERTIFI- CATES good at any of the ï¬rms participating. In addition to the $10.00 award there will be a 10% DISCOUNT VOUCHER awarded to the writers AF Han “nul- L-..L r m:u__ ,, â€"~VVVA‘.L VVU of the next best 57Titie'slvse3t in each week. GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRS 24 HOUR SERVICE at AV. 5-5942 Open Evenings and ‘--IIII I‘rII-v WhVoUU I PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS. THEY APPRECIATEYCUR PATRONAGE. EACH WEEK FOR 26 WEEKS THEY WILL BE A! AND EVERY FIFTH WEEK SOMEONE WILL RECEIVE AN EXTRA $20.00 IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES. WINNERS WILL set By Jones. : Bill Jones has a 239 aver- Stan Shadoff rolled 678 (262).‘age going for him followed by S'tuatlon ‘Jim Henderson 676 (276) and Jack Shaqoff and Larry Bishop 0 John Allen 668 (254). Jim King wlth a pm of 236 averages. A1 en tossed a three of 665 (252). VlclRlchardson has a 232 average Palmer 660 (278), Dave Nich-'3fld.30b Kennedy a 231. To Appea Olson 537 (233». l Rlchmond Hill Auto Wreckers Other games over 500 went and Mandfacturers Life lead the An unusua to Bob steven 627 ((225). Neil-league wrth 42 points each fol- last Saturday McDonald 314 (222), Len Mcï¬lowed. by Allencour‘ Lanes with flcials failed Lean 605 (241) and A1 McLeod 36 pomts. Dynes Jewellers have mond Hill. R 600 (255). lchalked up 33 points followed were schedu Ellen pan-e“; showed the m,- by Turnbull‘Groceries with 32. game that m sex the way to bowl with a high Rothmans .King Size have Indians but c three of 763 pins and l‘ singlelscored 24 .pomts, Tom Hughes playoff chanl game of 269_ Lynn Lepper rollJShell Serv1ce 23 and Dan’s Esso The lndlar ed a 744 (315), pat Jones 69018ervlce 21 points. Allencourt second place (243), Marge Field 575 (252) Pharmacy have a 19 point total‘the extra re and Murlel Steven 656 (235). 'Wllh Kent Clothes owning 16ers might .1 The first series is drawing to pomts, Nutrl-Blo 6 points andkthey have n an end with '7 teams in conten- the haplees Canadian Tire team ecutives nov Eon. for _t_l1e first place finish. Gary 8 pomtll ltask of fimr Bill Jones led the way for all Eastsider bowlers with a booming 880 total for three games. Bill aided his own cause with a very nifty 345 single. Second place went to Art Mc- Geachie with a 745 (305) total. 135 pins off the blistering pace set by Jones. uu cuu wuu 1 warns ll! conten- tion for the first place finish. Captain Madge Nicholson‘s Red Sox are on top with 30 points followed by Jeanne Richardson’s Tigers and Pat Allen’s Red Legs with 29 points each. The Pir- ates headed by George Field and the Yankees with Edna Thomason at the helm have re- gistered 27 points. Braves, cap- tained by Les Chidley and Dod- gers with Pat Jones as captain have a 26 point tie going at the present time. Thursday Afternoon League Luc uapiess uanaman Tire tea nary a pointii Allencourt Ladies League President Pat Jones leads in the high average department with a fancy 184 written into the record. Barb Boyington is trundâ€" ling along at the 181 mark as Lil Hudson is packing a 179 average. High single flat hon- ours also went to madame presiâ€" dent as Pat rolled a 290 game to top all bowlers. Betty Causten m ecutives now have the knotty ’task of figuring out just what ‘to do about the unplayed period. Something new happens every day in the crazy world of sport! I Printin _. - igardEdba 287 Single followed CONSULT y Bar Boyington with a 283. _Pat Jones also captured high “TLII: I IDEDAI " A. B. C. Major Igue results last Thursday can The race for top spot in the only be blamed on fall-out - league is tightening up with‘the girls claim there's no other five teams now within strikingllogical explanation It seemed distance of the leaders. Davis-as if the whole league went and Day have 35 points to date sour - all on the same after- and are 1 point ahead of Mac-‘noon! dougall Pontiacs with 34 points; Bev. Brocklehurst was the Close behind are ABC No. 2high lady with 616 (217) and with 33 points and ABC No. lithe only other three game to- at the 29 point mark. Dynes‘tal to exceed 600 was the 612 Jewellers and Liquiflame are 7 (211) scored by Madge Nichol- points off the pace. each team son. The track must have been having racked up 28-point!really rough for the rest of totals. the girls! Dobbys Sport and Cycle (for-t Jean Scott [00k high Single merly Richvale) have chalkedihonours with 238 followed by up 24 points to lead ABC No. 3 Sally Wilson wlth 236. Sylv‘a ‘with 22 points by a 2-point mar- Gossman rolled 234 and Sadie gin. John's Boys and Turnbull Elem 231. From here 0'- 1“ Groceries are deadlocked with Single Scores tapered off sharp- each team owning points_ Boy! the thlngs thlS KI'USChOV ‘followed by Hall's Fuel Oil's 14-nd0es to people! Ask the league point tot“ members and they'll gladly tell _ . tum. Tim Saul and Frank Munroe‘gmng 10" "19m 3115‘ 0m“; PomE are all even in the high average ahead 0’ Marg‘} 31301†Hot group with each man hittingiao“ls With 27 POIMS- for 238 pins. Bill Smith is cruis-Allencourt Major ing along with a 234 pin aver- Ace of the week was Arne age, Jim Cairn a 231 average Skretteberg with his 842 total. and Rich Margerum at 228. Jack‘Deuce§ Wild were Bill Jones ‘Stanway and John Moore are 759, Tlm Saul 764, Gord Tonner boasting 226 averages. 749, Nick Nichols 743, Harold King for the Week was Jack Howlett 729, Bob Weeks 721 Stanway with his three game and Jack Stanway 720. total of 804 pins. Membersof Manufacturers Life were a the Court are Orville Symonds really hot aggregation as film 795, mm Blanchard 794, guurolled 3821 to take high triple Bowen 775. Tommy Lemperg flat honours and went on to 765 and Jim Menary 745. iwin high single flat honours Elstsiderl .‘with a team total of 1442. How’s Bill Jones led the way for that forAbowling Hattie? Everything that is a bit un- pleasant or unexpected these days gets blamed on fallout from Russian nuclear tests. Lea- Franks Movers and Sportsiyw; each own 12 points. with Albion flhree Rams can ï¬niSh in the Constructtion and Michael‘s Gift Winner's “Pele 35 the ï¬rst ser- shop having 11 points each les comes to an end. Tail end- Still holding down the canar‘ers led by Ida Madeli own 30 spot are the Bowen Bombers and Pom“, Alley Cats SklPPEd by their 5 point total. ‘Irene Bartlett have 28 points Tim Saul and Frank Munroe|g°m8 for them just one point are all even in the high average ahead 0‘ Marge Black's Hot group with each man hittingiROdS With 27 Points. ‘for 238 pins. Bill Smith is cruis- Allencourt Major W&P Service 178 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-3591 TU. 4â€"4221 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS AND ACCESSORIES SPECIAL CLEANING CLOTH AND BRUSH VALUE $2.25 FREE with $3.00 purchase or over Allencourt Centre TU. 4-1868 For Don't let the ï¬rst shanp drop in the temperature catch your car unprepared. Let us put it in shape NOW! INTER R. D. LITTLE 8. SON éï¬fhi‘zm‘. ONE YEAR'S FREE OIL SUPPLIES T0 USED CAR BUYERS flflé VOLKSWAGENS 510,00“ WEEKLY MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES New and Used 1d Cycle (for-| Jean Scott took high single have chalked honours with 238 followed by ad ABC No_ 3 Sally Wilson wlth 236. Sylv‘a a Z-pointmarâ€" Gossman rolled 234 and Sadie and Tumbun Brent 231. From here or. in “flocked with single scores tapered off sharp- lg 17 points_ 1y. Boy! the things this Kruschov Fue] 011's 14_‘does to people! Ask the league members and they'll gladly Lell 'udz'c . . . Pin Pafler . . . yen (01¢ rt cnlre Arne Skretteberg is now high man in the average department with an average pinfall of 249 pins per game. Stan Shadoff is ï¬ve pins on? the pace at 244 and Tim Saul is knocking over 240 pins every time out. Pat Jones also captured high three flat honours with a 735 total followed by Joyce Harris with 716 for her three game ".- tal Barb Boyingtbh' “fiiiiéhed uuuuu urocerles With :52. game that meant nothing to theJ Under special regulations, an a hmans King Size have Indians but could affect Rexdale open season for hunting pheas- i 24 points, Tom Hughes playoff chances. iants in Sibbald Point Provincial Service 23 and Dan’s Esso The Indians have now lockeleark this fall from October 14‘ :e 21 points. Allencourt‘second place up for keeps and to November 18 inclusive. east 9:00 am, to 5:00 pm, daily ex- Jacy have a 19 point total‘the extra rest to injured play-inf Sutton and 1..rth of high~ cept Sundays. and only pheas- Kent Clothes owning 16‘ers might just be the breakwvay 48, has been established. A’ants may be taken. The daily s, Nutri-Bio 6 points andithey have needed. League ex-‘portion consisting of 270 acresihag limit 1': Hanan mm. mm“: nnlnee (“nu-“n-.. nu.“ 1961 hunting licence to be pre- sented to the park authorities when applying for a daily per- mit. Hours of'hunting are from USE OUR XMAS LAY AWAY PLAN NOW! AND WE WILL PAY THE TAX FOR YOU! TU. 4-2101 RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE BUTTER PECAN ICE CREAM Special for October INTERESTING 168 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Thirty two bowlers took part in the event with major league bowlers from Oshawa turning up for the action. It seems as though the King of the Hill tournament, a bi-weekly affair with the Queen of the Hill Tour- nament going on the alternate weeks, is attracting a great deal of favourable attention in how- ling circles generally. times. Betty Mae Hamilton and RichmondWl-iill Junior and Shirley Price have racked up l7ESenior Girls’ Volleyball Teams headpins each. ‘started a series of games at Team No. 1 and .Team No, 7iThornhill High School on Oc- ,tober 25.. It is hoped that the with 26 DOintS going for each Richmond Hill's Junior foot- Of them- :ball team kept their undefeat- King of the Hill Tournament :ed record intact bv seating Paul Shanahan lost his King Newmarket 20-7. with one of the Hill title to Bob Weeks‘lelgue game remaining against as Weeks piled up an 1191 total St. Andrew’s College the Hlllers for five games to 1111 for Shun-have Clinched the Georgian Bay ahan. sum Jarvis of Scarbor.:South football title. From here ough finished in third spot with they expect to go against Barrie a total of 1033, North for the Georgian Bay In the qualifying round Weeks Chanfl’mnsmp- 4“ the way rolled a total of 874 for three they re “ding r9ugh§h°d 0"“ games with Jarvis carding an the opposition, it Will take a 822 for the second and last qual- 30"“ 'team ‘0 deny them the ifvinz snot. High single llama in‘CPOWn. An unusual situation occurred 135; Saturday when footbalkof- ficials failed to arrive in Rich. mond Hill. Rexdale and Indians were scheduled to clash in a game that meant nothing to the Indians but could affect Rexdale playoff chances. In the qualifying round Weeks rolled a total of 874 for three games with Jarvis carding an 822 for the second and last qual- ifying spot. High single game in the qualifying round was bowled by Ed Bellavance of 232 Axmin- ster D12. Richmond Hill. as he totted up a 363 for a single game. Situation In Doubt When Officials Fail To Appear For Game 24 Yonge CONSULT "THE llBERAL" TUrner 4-1105 â€" NOW SHOWING â€" NEW FALL ARRIVALS SPORTSWEAR - DRESSES ETC. 21 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill THIS Winner: Mrs. Ida McCauley, 40 Church St. 8., Richmond Hill. Correct Title: “He Did It Again" Caption! “Well How Did That Happen†£6355": Phone TU. 4-2961 PATTI - LU SHOP Benjamin KN APP’S PAINT SERVICE‘ with Richmond Hill take not) betweth J6; Wiisdï¬ and Linda Lewis. the damage wag s_uperficial. Richmond Hill High The recently organized speed- ball team of the Richmond Hill High School eeked out a 7-6 win over Bayview High. The notable deed tuck place at .1. - view High last Tuesday. During the game a head on collision oc‘curred (Chief Robbins please ,,-H..._-.._. ~., .- um uuy LuuL uuu uu'ee. 13-0 count. while on the soccer Thornhill's junior football front it was an in and out week team is having one of those as far as the Hill was concern- years that are best classed as ed. Richmond Hill juniors won character building. St. Andrew's by a 1-0 count over Pickerlnq‘College laced the Thomhlll Jun- College while the senior squads iors 31-0 after leading only 6-0 of the two schools battled to afat half time. It would almost 2 all tie. Newmarket won a 2-liseem that in the second half of decision over the Richmond Hill‘rthe game that discouragement senior soccer team while the and not football ineptness. was junior contest ended in a 2responslble for the top heavy all draw. «MM On Saturday. October 28th the Georgian Bay cross-country ‘cpanlpiopsnips will be held at portion consisting of 270 acres‘ of suitable pheasant cover has been set aside for this pur-‘ pose and adult birds are being released into the area from time to time, in the quantities related to the number of hunt- ers taking part in the hunt, and the number of birds. The number of hunters per- mitted to hunt on any one day is limited to 25 and daily hunting permits for a fee of $5.00 may be obtained from Department of Lands andï¬â€˜orests staff’at the park office only. Permits are issued on a first come, first served basis and go on sale at 8:00 a.m. daily. To qualify for the daily hunting permit, hunt- ers must be in possession of bag limit is less of sex. Lands and Forests staff re- ported that two of the hunters using dogs on opening day, Oc- tober 14. were successful in taking their bag limit. The present open season is being conducted on an experimental basis for the purpose of pro- viding additional hunting facil- ities for the public and extend- ing the recreational uses of a suitable area being a provincial park. HunterS'are being asked to supply department staff with information and data when lea- ving the hunting area, which will be of value in developing further management program- mes. vunvu. Jun: unuy three birds, regard- The number of hunters per- basis mitted to hunt on any One day is viding limited to 25 and daily huntingjities it permits for a f-ee of $5.00 th be obtained from Department offsuitabl Lands and u’E‘orests staff’at the park. park office only. Permits are to sup issued on a first come, first inform served basis and go on sale at ving t 8:00 am. daily. To qualify for will b! the daily hunting permit, hunt- furth‘ei ers must be in possession of mes. ..-.- .fl. leau up the Boyd CHHservation Area on . 1 “- IIICLLII play: no: re In semor football Richmond the junior wmner. ( Hill downed Newmar‘lltet by a Birlreroy four and three 1QJ\ an...“ ...I.:IA , Only 257 To Hunt Daily Special Pheasant Shoot Scheduled For Sibbalds paints * EA. MILLS & SON York County’s Most Exclusive Wallpaper & Paint Headquarters Prompt HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS Call JAMES D. STEWART TU. 4-2201 Plumbing - Heating New Installations "no..- .-... “u: uni-1* 7 ,“V. x. up iy. During The junior soccer team hadgwith a 7-6 win a a speedball collision themselves a very large week game against the Bayview girls ins please as they defeated Bradford 1-0 team. Extramural volleyball gets )y Wilson and went on to trounce Rich- under way this week with Bac- e damale nond Hill 5-0. view competing in the B school Thornhlll seniors. unbeaten grouping along with Wood- ‘nior and so far this year. have two re- dridge. Bradford Stoufl’vi' 9' all Teams maining league games to com- Markham and King City. Win- games at plete. In their last start in lea- ners of the A school series will ,1 on 0c. gue play they toyed with Au- play. off against the B school ‘ that the rora and came out on the long, winners at Bayview High nple sup-long end of a 45-0 score. In School. LIMITED Repair November 4th. Bill Babcock, meet convenor. is Jusily at work ironing out hundred and one details necessary to put on a first rate meet. Thornhill High gue play they toyed with Au- rora and came out on the long. long end of a 45-0 score. In an exhibition game against Woodbridge the seniors won lop- sidedly. defeating Woodbrldge in ~a very lethargic football game. the game that discouragement and not football ineptness. was responsible for the top heavy score. Bnyview High They look to be a Shoo-in for the Georgian Bay South title and stand a better than good chance to go all the way in the Georgian Bay champion- ships. Brian Wilcox was the winner of the senior golf championship played at Thornhill Golf Club, Wilcox defeated Gus Blair 5 and gin matqh play. Joe Pethes was College laced the Thornhlll Jun- iors 31-0 after leading only 6-0 at half time. It would almost seem that in the second half of It was aâ€" sad week in the football life of Bayview High School. The juniors were snow- $20.00 BONUS EVERY 5th WEEK TU. 4-2819 Service DID wrirn‘ngIr. defeating BE AWARDING SOMEONE $10.00 IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES WILL BE PUBLISHED EACH WEEK. READ THE RULES CAREFULLY. Hundreds of Special Features You Can’t Afford To Miss Take Advantage of Our Patios ALLENCOUR'I' LANES NATURAL STONE RED 8. WHITE FOODMASTER PROCTOR STONE This coupon and 15c entitles you to One Free Game Open Bowling after June MARKHAM RD. AT BAYVIEW . TU. GIGANTIC TRAIN - LOAD SALE Suppliers of All Types Open All Summer “We’ll do it or show You How†AV. 5-2239 BAYVIEW PLAZA THIS WEEK ONLY on all purchéses of $5.00 or over Barbecues These Vouchers are good for a 10% discount on any purchase made, within TWO WEEKS from the date won, at any of the FIRMS that have a STAR in their advertisement. In addition to the above awards someone will re- ceive a. $20.00 BONUS in Merchandise Certiï¬cates, every'FIFTIâ€"l WEEK. The selection of the BONUS PRIZE will be made from the entries sent in that contained a SALES SLIP from any of the ï¬rms in the contest. You can win the $10.00 weekly prize without attaching a Sales Slip but for the $20.00 Bonus you MUST ATTACH SALES SLIP to your entry. It’s a good idea to attach a Sales Slip to all your entries then you are assured of being eligible for that extra $20.00 Bonus someone will get every Fifth Week. 5m; ECLEANING (0,. ed under by a 31-0 score as Markham went on the rampage. Bayview senior footballers got their share of the lumps. bow- .ing__2§-0 to APiflckering College. Richmond Hill g‘iFls'ééiï¬â€˜Ã©-"up with a 7-6 win a a speedball game against the Bayview girls On the intramural scene black defeated red in a junior volleyball tilt while gold went on to defeat green. Red won out over black and green defeated gold in the senior division. DRAPES. CARPETS. RUGS. FURNITURE. ALL CARPET REPAIRS Immediate Pick-up and Delivery NEW BROADLOOM Free Estimates RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-3833 Fireplaces “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PROMPTLY PHONE TU. 4-1105 For Your Complete Professional Dry Cleaning Services At T". 4 - 2162 FALL TIME IS PARTY TIME! PARTY DRESSES A SPECIALTY FOUNTAIN'S SERVICE STATION YOUNG'S USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN FREE DELIVERY Phone TU. 4-5701 HARDWARE CHRISTMAS Air-Conditioned General Repairs And Service TU. 4-0009 Yonge & Benson TOYS Bayview Plaza 3Senor Hockey SesTions To Open In Hill Nov. 7 Richmond Hill Senior Hockey‘president for the com-lnB Sea- League schedule will open on‘son with Jim Wells holriing November 7 at 8 pm The foundown the vice-president‘s iob. teams in the league will be in‘Fred Gardiner holds the iual action with Craigie's Rangers, post of secretary and publicity last year's champions going a- director. while Jim Neal looks gainst Dobby's Sport and Cyclenafter the books as league treas- In the second game the Rich-;urer. Matt Kinnari as statis- mond Hill Tree Service teamitician and Joe Boyer as head will play against the formeritimekeeper round out the lea- Pops’ squad. ‘gue executive. Two sponsors have relinquish- Ron Bailey is coaching the. ed teams this year. Allencourt‘as yet, unsponsored team. while Plaza sponsorship was picked Ken Roberts coaches the Rich- up by Harold VanDyke of the mend Hill Tree Service club. Richmond Hill Tree Service The Dobby‘s Sport and Cycle .\'hile Pop‘s Restaurant team is coach is Duke Knox. with John as yet unsponsored. V‘Drummond as the pilot of John Drummond is the league‘Craigie‘s Rangers “ -m i-quuumuuunnnmd =Young's B. A. Service Station Yonge & Benson TU. 4-5511 ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE WASHING. POLISHING, GREASING TIRE REPAIRS, BATTERIES General Repairs 10 all Makes of Cars SID HUNT, Licensed Mechanic IS! GETTING YOUNG'S Mrs. W. P. Clarke. 20 Avenue Road, Richvale - Miss Carol Hunter. 368 Kerry- brook Drive. Richmond Hill Mrs. Grace McNamara, 2A Creat- wood Road, Willawdale Jed Matthews, 325 Skoplt Road, Richmond Hill Mrs. E. Avent, 238 Lucas Street. Richmond Hill. YORK OFFICE 16 YONGE STREET N. TU. 4-0009 THE HOME OF MODERN BUSINESS MACHINES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE WINNERS - 10"“ DISCOUNT VOUCHERS CONTINENTAL Beauty Salon HANS & EDITH Sun-Damaged STATIONERY IN RICHMOND HILL Telephone TU. 4-4231 Hair? - Call Us Today 76 YONGE ST. s. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-7228 EQUIPMENT president for the coman sea- son with Jim Wells holding down the vice_president‘s inb. Fred Gardiner holds the Aual post of secretary and publicity director, while Jim Neal looks after the books as league treas- urer. Matt Kinnari as statis- tician and Joe Boyer as head timekeeper round out the lea- gue executive. Richmond Hill