Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Oct 1961, p. 5

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Belle Aprons large and small. Red ones. blue ones all to sell. To cover occasions all. WHITE ELEPHANT White elephants also have bells That ring so- loud and clear, To tell you of the special things That you may find right here. Play Festival won the award for the best production of‘figl’g‘gigfi (t‘gorfif Hi“; 93“” e 'a one-act play by a Canadian author. It was presented J e 9‘ a 39'5" _ I . . , planting miniature gardens in by Richmond Hill’s Curtam Club, of which its author boxes, (which they brought! is an active member. home), collecting various species‘ _of fungii, moss, toadstools, Mr. Rabinowitch is a native!the Univeristy of Toronto in ferns, etc. Lunch -- followed Torontonian. He graduated from 1926 and from Osgoode Hall‘by marshmallows toasted over [Law School in 1929 and prac-ithe open fire -- provided a fit~ ticed law in Toronto until mov- ting climax to the 13th's “Au- ing to the Hill in 1945 with tumn Hike." his wife Ruth and his twin‘ “Autumn Meeting" of the boys David and Royden. Prior‘13th Brownie Pack held in St. to that he had served in the Matthew’s on Tuesday afternoon RCAF. |was featured by instructions and . . Ipractice in makinv \vea'her and An artist of consxderable merr ° L _ I , . leaf charts. under the direction lt- Mr- Rabmownoh entered m of Brown Owl Mrs. Josie Flem- a Commonwealth-wide art com-‘ i and th n ', petition while in the Air Force mg 9 ew Tawny OM . . . . u b Mrs. Vera Smart, who was ac- aqd'. w‘th hls Pamtmg 50m corded a warm welcome. Vlnhmc" nlonnri tan-nu. .n - A Things are buzzing amongst HANDICRAFTS the various booth convenors for Here we find the Wedding Bell. the annual St. Matthew's United We know what it brings to mind, Church Women's Federation 83â€" Showers need that special gift, zaar. It is rush. rush to complete Handicrafts here you‘ll find. the many final details before TOYS this coming Saturday, October School Bell, School Bell, 28th. ‘Rings out loud and clear, To support the title of the Come, bring a penny, if you have bazaar this year each booth has any, a name of a bell as a symbol. And see what we have here. Following are the jingles ex- CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS plainlng this. mos}. Noe1,_ the Christmas Bell, FISH POND Children love a Jingle Bell, So come and you will find, A fish to give you all the fun That you may have in mind. - APRONS Here we have for the Kitchen He Acts - He Paints - He. Scores Award - Winning Play Was Written By Local lawyer, School Trustee Mrs. E. Mldmer is at present confined to bed for six weeks with a slipped disc and arthritis of the spine. Mrs. Midmer who is the business administrator for the Midmer’s Dance Studio, is carrying on her duties from the bedside and the pupils and parents ‘of the school and her many friends wish her a speedy Ind complete recovery. The Women’s Circle of St. John’s Baptist Church held a very successful bazaar on Thurs- day. October 20th, in the Mall, Richmond Heights Centre. With a large assortment of baked goods and hand-made articles for sale. the ladies raised over one hundred dollars toward the building of a new church on Oxford Street. After a stay with friends in Indianapoiis, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hunt have returned to their home pn Hunt Avenue. They were accompanied by Mrs. A. J. Weller (mother of Mrs. Hunt) and Mrs. A. Weller (aunt) of Hastings, in Sussex. England, who are staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. Gay Jingles Tell Of St. Matthew's Bazaar A man who has been practicing law in Richmond Hill since 1945 â€" who has played a major part in promoting the education of the children of “The Rose Centre of Canada” .. who has also contributed greatly to the town’s cultural activities - helped Richmond Hill to score another honour recently. Joseph Rabinowitch was the author of the play “The Transplanted,” which in the recent Central Ontario Drama League One Act Play Festival won the award for the best production of a one-act play by a Canadian author. It was presented by Richmond Hill’s Curtain Club, of which its author is an active member. Specialists in Custom Re- covering and Repairing at a reasonable price. Easy Terms. No job too small. JOSEPH RA “1 B mowncn He has been one of the mov- ing spirits in Richmond Hill's Curtain Club and has appeared in most of its productions. Last year he was invited to play the part of an Eskimo hunter in Len Peterson’s new play. “The Great Hunger." by the well- imown stage and TV director FREE ESTIMATES 53 Yonge St. South FURNITURE C0. M U R R A Y Upholstery TU. 4 - 5776 Richmond Hill and Editor Margot Crack lgms. On October 17th, the staff with whom Miss Haws works at P.S.I.. entertained her at sup- per at the Bella Vista Restaur- ant, Eglinton Ave., and show- ered her with a host of lovely School Bell, School Bell, ' Mrs. Currie began her guid- Rings out loud and clear, ing career as a member of the Come, bring a penny, if you have local association where she any, took over the responsibility of And see what we have here. Badge Secretary. In 1955 she CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS was.appointed Division Com- Noel. Noel, the Christmas Bell, missmner and has been a great Tolls out the joyous song, strength and inspiration to all If here you buy your festive Guiders because of her personal needs, interest in her many duties. At You can not go far wrong, present she is acting as Deputy HOMEBAKING Area Commissioner. The Dinner Bell will ring for; A‘ftél' th}? thanking those pre- you ‘sent 101' the tribute paid her, To provide that special treat, ,‘. _Currie intrqduped the new Home made with care and here BIVISIOD Commlsswnel‘. MI'S. dismayed, . .' McTaggart-Cowan of To Tempt, to buy, to eat. Ihornhill, to the assembly which KNITTING included Guiders and Commis- Sleigh Bells ring, children sing, Sioners from Districts of Rich- With hands so toasty warm. Wale. Klng, UpionViUE, Mark- Tucked way inside these dainty‘hamv Oak Ridges. GormleY. mms_ [Thornhill and Richmond Hill. An artist of considerable mer- it, Mr. Rabinowitch entered in a Commonwealth-wide art com- petition while in the Air Force and. with his painting “Bomb Victims" placed fourth in a field of 700 entries. He also played the cello while in the service and was in a string en- semble attached to the RCAF Central Band at Rockcliffe. mitts, Away from Jack Frost’s harm fl, ,,,,_ _. __ . v . â€" . . . u I. UAAAJ “nu: auu7a present " Leo Ornstem. but four new “Tweenies” turn- Based on Fact !ed up for admission! The basic idea of the play 9‘“ G1“ G'de Company “The Transplanted" came to its‘ 'I"he newly formed 9th Girl author a few years ago when Gplde Company of Richmond he read a report in the news- Hill held {‘5 {egUIal‘ Monday papers telling of an Italian we- night meeting in Pleasantville man, who did not understand Public School with full atten- the English language, had been dance. under the leadership of arrested for theft, and the Guide Captain Iva Bovaird and tragic consequences. It was his Llemenant Connie Link. Full first play and took him about pse of .the evening was made a year to write in his spare 1n Passmg Tefldel‘foot. Playing time. games. and diseussing nlanc fru- Miss Deanna Haws, North Taylor Mills Drive, was the guest of honour at two showers recently. prior to her coming marriage, November 4th, to Larry Epworth, Brookside Drive. The first was held the evening of October 12, at the home of Mrs. R. Epworth, 6 Pagoda Place. Thistletown. The bride was the recipient of many love- ly gifts. A delightful lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. Rabinowitch has been a public school trustee in Rich- mond Hill for the past Six years. He has served on the planning committee and has seen the number of schools in the system grow from two to six. He is also a member of the Richmond Hill Rotary Club, A beautiful doll, and its Twenty-two graduates of Plea-I Mr. Ralph Hunter of Wis wardrobe, has been donated by'santville School gathered at the is visiting his son Mr. J: Mrs. D. Schell of Stoufiville. alsolhome of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ross Hunter and his family, L a hand hooked rug in a colourful prior to their graduation on‘B1vd., this week Mr_ Hume “Hen Party" design are amongstlThUI‘SdaY. OCtObel' 19. They held is delegate from Bruce Co the door prizes offered to theta "Create Your Own Sundae" to the Ontario Progressive patrons of the annual bazaar to‘pal‘ty. The young People hi“? 3 servative Leadership Cor raise funds for the ThornhavenPChance to swap tales about highltion being held in Toronto School for Retarded ChildrenJSChOOIb afnd take palrt ifn a sifng t an : :- This event is being held in the 8003 e Ore Severa. 0 t e a-I Mr. Aubre Rue f . Lions Hall, Centre Street East, the” called to dljlve them to Ashtom neary Brlsfol.r%"r‘lg' on Saturday,‘ choper 23m school for graduation exerciseslspent several hours in the 7‘11 Then the Guiders of'the 2nd R. H. Company under the cap- taincy of Mrs. J. C. Orme serv- ed a delicious dessert and cof- ifee. Tables were decorated with autumnal flowers and the whole fete was convened by Mrs. W. S. Thomson with assistance from ‘the Local Associations, East and West District, Richmond Hill. 13th Brownie Pack ............ , h" AAEuLC auu An “Autumn Hike" â€" from’junior bronze dance. Susan twelve to four o'clock -- lastLBrown, lst figure and junior Saturday afternoon provided albronze dance. Susan Burton, late fall excursion in the greathst figure. Donald Timperon, outdoors for the 13th Brown-ieljunlor bronze dance, Janice Pack. with every one of 1{5«Austerberry, 2nd figure. Bever- members out on the trail. Thls 1y wnsom 2nd figure and fox- led along BayVieW. into and trot. Heather Brent, senior through the WOOdS- bronze dance. Under the guidance of Brown‘ There are still 55 few member- Owl Mrs. Josie Fleming, the‘S‘hills guallableLglther call Mrs. HONORED The service was given by the. Guides and Commissioners Rev' R' E' MCLennan' and the from the York Central DivisioniDeanerY Secretary' Mrs' J' Ar' met at wrixon Ha“. Monday nold Price addressed the group. even- , t h nor VI _ H. ‘ G_ The organ was played by Mrs. Currligg “:10 Dis liegng lgrom‘E. Collier. At the reception desk her dut- s a Divisio C mmi _ were Mrs. E. O’Neill, Secretary stonen ‘6 S " ° 5 of the Little Helpers-Mrs. G. A beautiful Sterling silver Bacon and Mrs. A. Snaith, W.A. Bowl designed by Douglas BoydiPFeSident- The mOtheTS were and inscribed 1955-61. was pre-Iglve“ “The cards made by Mrs- sented to Mrs. Currie by the‘R- E. MCLennan- . District Commissioner of Oaki Games were supemsed by Ridges, Mrs. J.'D. Smith. Aisoflcommittee members Mrs. R. in the name of Mrs, Currie a'Colvin, Mrs. R. Fountain. Mrs. sum of money from York Cen- J. Haggart. J.A. Secretary. Mrs. tral Division has been given to T. Debenham. Mrs. W. Whitman. the Girl Guide Headquarters Vlrs. I. Browne. Refreshments Building being erected in T0- were served bYMI'S. G- Shaw. ronto. ers. H. Coombs and W. A. mem- Guides and Commissioners from the York Central Division met at erxon Hail. Monday evening, to honor Mrs. H. D. G. Currie who is retiring from her duties as Division Commis- sionerv. This 13th Pack must be a lucky and popular pack -- as not only were 100% present â€"- but four new “Tweenies” turn- ed up for admission! 9th Girl Guide Company The newly formed 9th Girl Guide Company of Richmond Hill held its regular Monday night meeting in Pleaeantville in passing Tenderfoot, playing games. and discussing plans for the Hallowe’en party for next Monday night. At Campfire - reports on last meeting were given â€" followed by skits and sing-song. The new tartan â€" “Dress Gordon" - to be worn by the 9th Company only in this area for ties, etc., was greatly admired. Guide No #93 DIVISION COMMISSIONER MRS. H. D. G. CURRIE HONORED ance from| Bobby Cowan, preliminary fig- :, East and‘ure. Judy Dick, preliminary nd Hill. figure and preliminary dance. lSusan Hannah, lst figure and " - fromijunior bronze dance. Susan Ck :- last‘Brown, lst figure and junior II‘UVIded albronze dance. Susan Burton, the greetilst figure. Donald Timperon, 1 BT0\VX!'le|junlor bronze dance. Janice “9 .0f 1tS‘Austerberry, 2nd figure. Bever- “311- Th1: 1y Wilson. 2nd figure and fox- anA nâ€" 7, W , The Richmond Hill Figure 'Skating Club commenced their new season last Tuesday and will continue through to March ;24th, ofi‘ering once again a very interesting season for beginners, intermediates and advanced skaters at a very reasonable fee. There will be twenty-two weeks of skating. with skating days. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday morning. Club Prn- fesionals Miss Eleanor McLeod, 1Gold Medallist in Figure and Dance, as well as being the 11960 Junior Canadian Cham- pion, also Mrs. Jane Milne, the professional at Scarborough and Upper Canada, will be on hand to instruct the members through all the intricacies of ice skat- mg. I All this to broaden the know- iled‘ge of members Judith Dod- son, Ronnie Boon, Robert Free- lman. Dale Wagner. Janice James in the musical field. One of the ideas presented for this season was to attend Sunday Concerts at the Art Gallery in Toronto; lalso inviting noted musicians in Richmond Hill to discuss their particular instrument . . . the .public will be invited . . . so keep your eye posted for fur- ther notices. The club would like to con- gratulate the following mem- bers, who during the spring. summer and fall season passed their tests: Games were supervised by commit-tee members Mrs. R. Colvin, Mrs. R. Fountain. Mrs. J. Haggart, J.A. Secretary, Mrs. T. Debenham, Mrs. W. Whitman, Vlrs. I. Browne. Refreshments were served by_Mrs. G. Shaw, Mrs. H. Coombs and W. A. mem- bers. J. G; Dick at TU. 4â€"1904 or go 'to the arena‘on club days. The M.T.H. Musical Club, members ranging in age -from 10 to 16, fresh for the new fall season, met at its first gather- ing in the home of Miss Ruth Garson, A.D.C.M., Sunday. Oc- tober 22, eagerly presenting their ideas and projects for the forthcoming programme. Mr. Aubrey Riley from Long Ashton. near Bristol. England. spent several hours in the Hill on Thursday evening as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Crack. iFollowing brief visits this week to Cleveland, Detroit and New York, he will be returning to the Hill on Sunday when he hopes to visit a golf range and trampoline centre which are as yet in the experimental stage in England. The annual gathering of the "Little Helpers” was held at St. Gabriel Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill East on Saturday. October levt. when 78 young members were present, also 48 of their mothers. Elections were immediately held for an executive and the returns made a good choice with Barbara Lenting re-elected as President. Jane Dean, Secret- ary, Patricia Shelton, Treasurer‘ and Geraldine Bruce, Telephone Convenor. This was followed by a quick review on last year’s subject “3 Ways To Make Music” for the new members and on to ireadin‘g and discussing “Tchai~ lkowsky, his personality and ,mentioning some of his compos- ritions." Mr. Ralph Hunter of Wiarton is visiting his son Mr. James Hunter and his family, Libby B1vd., this week. Mr. Hunter Sr. is delegate from Bruce County to the Ontario Progressive Con- servative Leadership Conven- leu'ge OI memners Jualln Dod- son, Ronnie Boon, Robert Free- man. Dale Wagner, Janice James in the musical field. One of the ideas presented for this season was to attend Sunday Concerts at the Art Gallery in Toronto; also inviting noted musicians in Richmond Hill to discuss their particular instrument . . . the public will be invited . . . so keep your eye posted for fur- ther notices. By the way. anyone interested in seeing last year's hobbycraft made by members can view this in the window of ‘The Liberal" This club is strictly a non-profit organization. With the small return its members' project “Music Fair" brought in, a rec~ 0rd library has been added at no charge and now we are in- itiating (dealing only in music) a book library. Any help or ideas you wish to suggest will be greatly appreciated by the mem- bers (this being a furtherance to their education) they being our future citizens. nominations for the new slate of. officers for 1962 were held With the president’s chair being st, Gabriel Friendship Circleltravel chllmond Hill streets in held their weekly meeting on COStume are Concerned -â€" the Th da momm under the pupils of grades four, five and taken by Dennis Lamb. Also lea‘éiishi’p of thge president,iSIX at the PUbllc SChOOlS â€" they elected were: Vice President, Mm Dorothy pricm T\venty-i\Vill be helping unfortuna'tes in Frank Rohinson: Secretary, eight members from a member- far lands- . Peter Koopman: Treasurer. Jim ship of thirtyâ€"two were pres- A5 "1 PREVIOUS years. the Hunt"; courts' Chairman. J01“! cut, and from this number they‘yo'ungstel‘s W111 ask for contrib- And°r5°n and 500131 Convenol"are boasting three sets of twinsJPthDS fOP.UNICEF â€" the UH- George Major. , being the String-er, Major and ited Nations group which Presentation of prizes was Reid twins, Twenty minutes of‘through its world-Wide organi- made to the winners of the‘exercises were enjoyed follow- zation helps. .to bringObetter tournament â€" in the junior (ii-led by coffee, and a short ser-‘health and liVing conditions to 1vision: Girls' single, Deborah mm on the amalgamation oflchildrenjn poorer lands. Uni- ‘Anderson; boys’ single, David churches in India was capably3cef prov1des.th_e collection box- ;Smith; girls’ double, Deborah described by Mrs. Jean Whit-‘es â€" the prinCipals at the local Anderson, Elisabeth Hutchison; man. A presentation of sterling‘schools tell the four, five and boys’ dOUble. DaVid Smith. Ian‘silver earrings in the Rose otsix' grade pupils the story of Ross. Senior division: Ladies'iRichmond Hill design was madeiUnicef â€" the public responds Single, Anne Holbek; men's,to Mrs. Audrey Milks upon her to the call of. “shell out”. With Single. Dennis Lamb: ladies’departure to Ottawa, in apprec-jits coppers, dimes and nickels. double, Lou Holland, Anne Hol- iation of her talents and good' The youngsters take their bek men's double, Dennis Lamb, will, Each member worked on money to school the. next morn- Frank Robinson: mixed double,§her copper tooling. instruczion ing. It is banked immediater Pat and Frank Robinson. jbeing given by Mrs. Reta Boy-leland. at 3 pm. principals tell Following the meeting the‘Next. week plans are being_ii:i-1their pupils what the results senior members adjourned to alized for the ‘Fashions by Simp-‘were, and how much was raised the home of the past president, sons’ being presented on Nov-{to help underprmleged children Mr. Kai Holbek for codes and ember 7th at 8 pm. The meet- in faraway countries. Ilight refreshments. ling was adjourned at 11.30 am. Registration for Drama Class- es, for pre-teens and teens, to be given by Miss Devon Metcalf, will be held next Thursday, Nov- ember 2nd, from 2 to 5 pm. in the Curtain Club Theatre, rear of 25 Yonge St. North. Miss Metcalf has been trained in London, England, in Drama and Ballet and teaches exclusively in Toronto. - ' in Toronto. - ' a at- m e Mrs. Ross F. Kerwin of Elgln Mills, Ontario, is on an extended tour of England and Switzer- The Richmond Hill Curling‘land. While in London she will Club officially opened its new‘be staying with her sister-in- season on Saturday last with‘law, Mrs. A. E. Pugsley. Mrs. five draws of six end games ianerwin will be returning home the afternoon followed by an early in November. ‘Opening Dance’ in the evening * * * *. when over two hundred curlers Well known local lawyer were 0,11 hand in the,10ungei)Stuart Parker Q.C.‘was chair- decorated for the occas1on withtman of the nominations com- the Hallowe'en motif, to start‘mmee at the Ontario progres- the season With a real swmg. Atsive conservative Leadership bUffft SUPP" supplie‘i by the‘Convention held this past week clubs caterers was “par excel-in Toronto. lence’ completing an evening of not no: a: m initiation for the new members Mr, and Mrs, Robert Milks and reacquainting 01d membersiand their children Beverly and with the joys of one of the old-lea“ are leaving this Friday ESt and 11105? 13091118? Winter‘to take up residence in Ottawa. Sports ' curllng. Din-inc thpii‘ fmvr vnnr etav in \al‘yl ' Aichabaly LU Mrs. J. Sims, oronto, Vice Matthews to President M no student a this year. T will be Vice J. Rorke, of tario Federa Vice Preside] itz. This will ant meeting of intereste prove that t] secondary hi tion is fully preciated. Teen A record audience of 420 at- tended Parents’ Night at Bay-‘ view High School Thursday night to discuss mutual educa- tional interests with the teach- ing staff. The school enrollment is 471 pupils, Highlight of the evening was a panel discussion by highly qualified specialists on the staff who answered questions in their subject field submitted by the audience to the moderator, Miss Ruth Kinsella, B.A., head of guidance and teacher of Latin. Rev. W. W. Patterson of SL\ Mrs. C. Holmes left on Fri-. Mn Matthew’s United Church will day for her home in Victoria'Richn be the guest preacher at Stuhaving spent the last two weeks this Johns United Church, I‘weed with her daughter, Mrs. Wood- broth this Sunday, on the occasiur. of burn Thomson. at Li their annivgrsary service: Rev. * * "‘ * Patterson egan his ministry Em near Tweed in the Bay of Quinte Yfm‘ central Hospita‘ Board Sadie Conference in 1941. tghalrman Mr- Douglas H- ’T‘nwn Entertaining for Mrs. Richard Beckley (the former Mary Gib- son) last Friday were a group 0f former high school and out of town friends, who held a miscellaneous shower at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Beckley, who were mar- ried in Bermuda last February, spent several days in the Hill, prior to returning to their home in Ohio on Tuesday. Said Mr. Howard Eubank, principal of Bayview High School who made a keen, incis- ive analysis of the many prob- lems confronting teacher and parent, “It is heartwarming and encouraging for teachers to work with students whose par- ents have such an undeniably healthy interest in the commun- ity and its educational activi- ties." Following a very successful season sixty members of the Richmond Hill Tennis Club were present at the annual gen- eral meeting and wiener roast. held last Saturday in the Lib- rary basement. Nominations for the new slate st of officers for 1962 were held'held with the president's chair being Thu] taken by Dennis Lamb. Also lead. elected were: Vice President, Mm Frank Robinson: Secretary, eigh Peter Koopman; Treasurer. Jim ship Hunter; Courts’ Chairman, John ent_ Anderson and Social Convenor'ape] George Major. hpin Following the meeting the senior members adjourned to the home of the past president, Mr. Kai Holbek for colfee and light refreshments. The parcel post booth under the direction of Mrs. Dawson Lang was one of the many popular features at the first fall bazaar sponsored by the ladies of Our Queen of The World Parish, Richmond Hill East. The suc- cessful bazaar was held last Saturday afternoon in Our Lady Help of Chris- tians_Separate School, Beverley Acres. Byron Lang makés a parcvel post purchase assisted by (left to right) Mrs. A. E. Snowdon, Mrs. Dawson Lang, and Mrs. A. Burgin. New Parish Holds Successful Bazaar Mrs. N. Drew (Mabs) who has written several poems and ar- ticles which have been accepted for publication, was notified this week that she had won 151: Ron- ourable Mention with her story “The Little Ballerina” in a re- ;cent I.0.D.E. Short Story Com- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Powell of Ottawa were luncheon guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Elliott, 431 Fern- leigh Circle North. Mr. Powell is an administrator of the De- partment of Northern Affairs and had many ‘Shaggy Dog‘ Stories’ to tell! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milks and their children Beverly and Gary are leaving this Friday to take up residence in Ottawa. During their four year stay in the Hill, they have made many friends who join with ‘The Lib- eral’ in wishing them every suc- cess in their new environment. On Sunday afternoon at Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church the Sacrament of Baptism was ‘administered to Lawrie James, ‘and Shelley Joy and Kelly Marie, son, and twin daughters 10f Mr. & Mrs. G. A. Tait of ‘Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill. A number of friends and rela- tives attended the ceremony. day for her home in Victoria'Richmond Hill was ~~d having spent the last two weeks this week in the passing of his with her daughter, Mrs. Wood- brother Judge J. A. McGibbon burn Thomson. at Lindsay. .L....J. York Central Hospital Board Chairman Mr. Douglas H. Storms and Trustees Mrs. Ruth Miller, Don. Stewart and Dr. Allan Smith attended the an- nual convention of the Ontario Hospital Association in Toronto this week. Miss Mabel Robertson who has been a patient in Toronto General Hospital for the past two months, undergoing suc- cessful surgery four weeks ago, has now been moved to St. John’s Convalescent Home for a period of>recuperation. Well known Io'cal lawyer Stuart Parker Q.C.‘ was chair- man of the nominations com- mittee at the Ontario Progres- sive Conservative Leadership Dr. Dennis Stainer was the winner of a power mower on the programme “Take a Chance” televised on Channel 9 on Mon- day last. Visiting at the Highland Lane home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Storms is Mrs. J. S. Salmond from London, England. petition The Richmond Hill High! School Home and School Assoc-i iation is holding the first meet- ing of the season at the school on Monday, October 30th. Three of the executive have found it! necessary to resign: President Mrs. J. Sims, has moved to Tora oronto, Vice President Mrs. C? Matthews to Aurora. and Vice' President Mrs. R. Castles hask no student at the High Schooll this year. The guest speakers‘ will be Vice President Mrs. C. J. Rorke, of Area E of the On- tario Federation and Executive Vice President Mrs. P. J. Glaub- itz. This will be a very import- ant meeting â€" a large turn out of interested parents would prove that the importance of a secondary high school associa- tion is fully realized and ap- preciated. Entertaining following the Sadie Hawkins dance at Teen Town held in the Lions Hall last Qaturday evening were Miss Sue Savage who with a group of friends continued the fun at her home on Leisure Lane, and Miss Jane Thomson of Vaughan Road who hgrlr] a pizza party. Linda Christie, Ton-ell Sam- uelson and Chris Dunlop, pupils of the Midmer’s Dance Studio. will be appearing on Sunday next on the programme ‘Tiny Talent’ on Channel 11 at 4.30 pm. This is the second in the series of televised programmes given by pupils from this studio. TV Highlights A very enjoyable time was had by all last Saturday night when Sadie Hawkins went to Teen Town. Don’t' worry girls the boys pay the next Teen Town Dance on November 4th. “Shelling Out" Helps Children Of Other Lands This time it was the girls turn to ask their favourite boy at the expense of his admission and by the looks of the large turnout the gals didn't mind paying one bit. The dancing was done to the latest pop music supplied by the popular Disc Jockey, Gary Anthony. witches walk next Tuesday â€" Hallowe’en â€" in Richmond Hill they will be doing more than scaring innocent householders into “shelling out." Insofar as a certain section of those who will travel Richmond Hill streets in costume are concerned -â€" the pupils of grades four, five and six at the public schools â€" they will be helping unfortuna'tes in far lands. I When the goblins and the As in previous years, the youngsters will ask for contrib- utions for UNICEF â€" the Un- ited Nations group which (Photo by Lagerquist) Teen Town RICHMOND HILL Norman McGibbon of THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 26, 1961 l_ :HRB-HRB - I-IRB- HRB IllHERBERT R. BUTT Richmond Hill _ TUrner 4-1312 fl INSURANCE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd “He Who is the Everlasting Father calleth aloud between earth and heaven. Blessed the ear that hath heard, and the eye that hath seen. and the heart that hath turned unto Him . . . This is that which the Son (Jesus) hath decreed.” â€" Baha’i Writings ADDRESS ENQUIRIES TO Box 9 THE LIBERAL PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE DRAMA CLASSES Nov. 6, 1961 8:00 pm. RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL, 67 YONGE s. Open To All Players UNWANTED HAIR WIENERS 29c lb 4 lbs 99c LEAN MINCED BEEF 3 lbs 95c BAYVIEW PLAZA LEAN LOIN PORK CHOPS lb 65c 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill Q k/V'v“ ’V‘““ 'I gut sAvmes! ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE Richmond Hill Bridge Club For Information Call Ron Neill, AV. 5-4201 FROM 2-5 P.M. FOR REGISTRATIONS FOR HER DRAMA CLASSES. TELEPHONE Duplicate Bridge DEVON METCALF WILL BE IN THE CURTAIN CLUB THEATRE ON Open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday For appointment or Free Consultation . NELS GAGE The only medically-approved method BAHA'I WORLD FAITH WORDS FOR THE WORLD MARION LAMBERT 469 LYNETT CRESCENT RICHMOND HILL Permanently Removed by. Electrolysis Master Point Awards ADMISSION $1.25 DEPENDABLE Te}ephone SERVICE TU. 4-5553 A.C.B.L. Franchise Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 TU. 4-7691 COMPETENCE EXPERIENCE RELIABILITY 112 Yonge St. Toronto

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