PRIVET HEDGING Winter hardy. 30" high. 20¢ each. TU. 4-2279. c2wl6 MASON & RxscuTxpEi'gï¬t grand piano. Cost $1.000. Best offer. 'I‘Winin‘g 5-5888. sly/18 BOY’S black winter coat. at- tached hood. size 16. good con- dition. TE. 3-5484. clw18 SINGER trendle sewing mach- ine. good condition. TU. 4-2675. c1w18 5 PIECE dining room set, oak wood. good condition. Baby carriage, 4 way convertible. TU. 4-5986. c1w18 DRY Hardwood for ï¬replace. TU. 4-2549. Phone between 6 and '1 pm. Charlie Mashlnter. *3‘w18 STRAW. 50c bale delivered 10 bales or over. TU. 4-2549 be- tween 6 and 7 pm. Charlie Mashlnter. *3w18 GIRL'S’Co'AT, size 12, like new.| PR. 3-5407. c1w181 SNOW TIRESTseo'T'sb’o â€" 13‘. like new. TU. 4-2365. *1w18, SPACE HEATER. almost new. contained, equipped with with tank. TU. 4-7855. c1w18 bques. TU. 4-1397. c1w18 woon 0R COAL cook'stdveQPREFAB GARAGES from $299. $15.00. TU. 4-2549 between 61Call Loughlln Lumber and Sup- and 7 pm. *lwlfllply- Av. 54109. tron 21" MOTOROLA TV set, n’m’v picture (ube and re-lined. In good condmon. reasonable. Phone AL. 7-1309. c1w18 PINE CUPBOARD. arrowback bench. rocker. chair. birdseye mirror, marble-top tables. 71 Trench, TU. 4-2149. tfcla KITCHEN SET. 2 living-room lamps. 2 oil pictures. fur coat. grey Chinese kid. size 12-14. Reasonable. TU. 4-2660. clw16 CHILD’S three-piece winter coat set, size 3x, pink tweed. Regular $17.50 for $5.50. Good condition. TU. 4-2815. c1w18 MWRE delivered in small1 quantities for lawns, gardens‘ and flower beds. TU. 4-2236 or AV. 5-2235. «as AUTOMATIC washer, Westing- house laundromat, perfect con- dition. Bargain. $75.00. TU. 4- 1809. c1w18 BEAUTIFUL dining’téï¬l’e, lea- ï¬EHe"f)e'r63}§§F£u'8‘£ 3111' if]. ther top library table, drl'op legs 4-5532. c1w17 tables, commodes, Victor an s e U~SE'D‘â€"~CAR RADIOS mm chairs, gilt mirrors, whatnot". . Fine quality‘ excellent condition. transistor portable radios. i‘ran 71MTH~_E}B_,, U312 S‘sï¬â€˜iinié‘i‘ï¬â€˜aie‘é‘t‘rf‘cmc w SPIES, Delicious. Talman Appliance Sales Repairs Parts Sweets. some hail marked. Bring 58 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-3211 our own container. $1.00 pfefr [1115 bushel. Maurice Pike. Stou ~5ExKâ€"diï¬iam ' V . - nr . g room suite, r..c- {3,19 R- R- 4‘ PM†5673 tangular table 52" x 37" wide. ,__..a_ ,,,_ ._ _.__ opens to 90" x 37," 4 matching MOFFATT Gas Range stove. chairs. Teak buffet. 51†long excellent condition. Sacriï¬ce at‘x‘ 30" high. Excellent condi- 360.00. Call at 214 Ruggles anyltion. Teak triangular end table. lime or phone TU. 4-1848 even-iPhone Mrs. Little, TU. 4-1225. ings, c1w18!_ 7 c1w18 FREEZER. upright. Amora: 2!L{\RGE G.E. automatic defrost continental beds. 30". 2 Antique mg" 30" automatic timer, elec- settees. Washing machine. 2,"!!! “WE. Washing machine and Double coil springs. Buffet. oddllaundry {11115. 24". Lawnmaster chairs. dresser. AV. 5-1321. )mowel‘. garden furniture and Richmond Hill SANDY LOAM SAND 8: GRAVEL Call Joe Hampton PRospect 3-5922 or TU. 4-2538 tfc50 FIRST GRADE ‘4" 5 ply Sam- ara Marine Plywoodi Cut-offs from boat deck panels Good bargain for panelling recreation room, making toys etc. W. Al- thoff. Sailfish Sports Craft Ltd.. 59 Industrial Rd.. Richmond bull. _" 7 _ V m vlwls' HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV BEAUTYREST. Marshall. Sim-Applllnoe Silas Repair: Parts. mons, Serta. Seely and otheri Good ï¬nancing available g spring mattresses repaired. re-‘53 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-3211, l turned just like new. medium[ tfcls firm, extra firm. Two-day ser-; vice, Eiderdowns recovered. On-l tario Bedding Co. AV. 5.1591. [ROOM and BOARD tfc44 LKdeMZATIC‘WASHERsf NaviRICELY “mg?†r°°m 1" "9W G.E.’s and used units - sell orihï¬ge' TU_',4'4179‘ “WIS rent (service included). We \villiROOM & BOARD available fol‘ demonstrate at your home. gentleman. Richvale area. AV. HERBIDGE ELECTRIC TV 5-2230. c2w18 Appliance Sales Repairs Parts“‘““i ‘â€" 5““ . 53 Yonge St. 5,- Tu +3211 ROOM & BOARD available for, “015 one or two men. TU. 4439?. . ? TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- 915. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst Insertion 5c each word, min. charge 75c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 50 per word. min. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERSan extra charge per insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word; min. charge 750 CARDS OF THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should he in u elriy in the week possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose plyment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE 175mm“ 'h TU. 4-1745 tic“ (Continued) FIREPLACE LOGS. TU. 4-3989. ask for Jack. c2w18 POWER SKW. 95 May AVE: POWER SAW. 95 May Ave.. Eskva!2__,,__ :13“! TRAVEL TRAILER, 16 ft. self- contained, equipped with brakes. TU. 4-1397. c1w18 PIANO. Schubert. in excellent shape, 45' 1%" plastic hose, cis- tern pump. 2 oil drums, with taps, 45 gals. AL. 7-1280. c1w18 GIRL’S junior bicycle good con- dition $18.00; tricycles, small, medium, large, good condition; odd toys; medium size steel storage trunk. new, $7.; treadle‘ sewing machine. $7. AV. 5-5989. LARGE crib and mattress, ex- cellent condition. $12.00; mantel radio, long and short wave, good condition, $12.00: quantity of odd dishes and GE. steam lion. AV. 5-5989. c1w18 FIREWOOD Dry hardwood in 12" and 16" lengths. Delivered free. Any quantities. AL. 7-8831. ttcl4 GOOD used fun‘iittirffor sale. Call Frank's Movem and Star- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 ï¬Rï¬IR‘E $6.00 per roll \vlTife they last; 6 foot steel posts, 90¢ each. Norm Bone. TU. 4-1443. tfcl7 BABY PICTURES‘ are priceless when taken by the Lagerquist Studio, TU. 4-2191. tfc3 GARAGES Protect that car with a National Prefab Garage. Free with order 1 Picnic Table. Limited time only. No payment till May. For Home Demonstration call TU. 4-5532. c1w17 USED CAR RADIOS and Sony transistor portable radios. Fran- sistor radio repairs. 1 Picnic Table. Limited time!‘49 FORD. $50 or best offer. 331‘ only. No payment tlll May. ForiNeal Drive, eyenings. tfclq Egg; Demonstram" “Helig-yss PLYMOUTH. good condition, __ h ,H $175. BA. 2-1933. clw18 USED CAR RADIOS .and S0“ 1952 INTERNATIONAL short- "mmtorporublg radms' Fran‘ibox pickup, excellent condition. sistor radio repairs. :AV 5.3196 nclwla HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV Jâ€"râ€"â€"‘â€"r_,__~_ r- .â€" Appliance sue, Remirs pal-“1954 FORD. sedan With radio, 53 Yonge St, N" Tu 4.32“ 100d condition. $195.00. TU. 4- g “615 7416 clw18 TEAK dining room suite, rec- tangular table- 52" x 37" wide, opens to 90" x 37," 4 matching chairs. Teak buffet. 51" long .x‘ 30" high. Excellent condi- FREE NEW ELECTRIC BLANKET This rose coloured. double bed. single conLrol electric blanket is yours free with the purchase of a new electric clothes dryer anywhere. Buy 3 CE. Dryer from HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV Appliance Sales Repairs Parts Good ï¬nancing available 53 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-3211 {£015 CHILDREN’S BOARDING HOM'E Experienced couple offer ex- ceptionally good boarding home for children. day or weekly care, 200 Cedar Street. Call TU. 4â€" 5834. 9.12 pm. or 5-9 pm. Mon- day to Saturday. c3w16 two working men South, Richmond 1856. ROOM 5; BOARD FOR SALE MEL'S‘ HAULAré'E BA. 5-2781 available for 16 Yonge St. H111. TU. 4- 1.00 condi-‘PRIVATE. $395 buys a 1955 173. [Plymouth sedan, in good condi- Llwl8ltion throughout. PR. 3-5539. ‘lw18 c2w18 tfcll 2 CHOICE LOTS. 45' x 241'. 300' of! Yonge Street. 4 roomed icottage on one lot. For quick jisale. Apply 20 Spruce Avenue. ‘AV. 5-3670. c4wl7 ‘IB'UTIIIï¬NG LOTS FOR SALE of any kind. Han own car. 884-8791. c1w18 GIRL desires office work. ex- perienced on com‘ptometer and book work. TU. 4-1065. c1w18 RELIABLE man wishes work DAY CARE and light hEï¬sékc-e- ping available. TU. 4-3374. GET YOUR sewing and altera- tions done at reasonable rates. Phone 285-4405. Lfc17 31955 DeSOTVOTone owner, any or no down payment. ME. 3-1630 3r AL. 7-1084 evenings. c1w17 1954 RAMBLERT‘rSdio.“ w.w.‘, ‘back-up lights, $140.00 cash. TVU. 4:1542 after 6 gm. *lw18 SECRETARY with 7 years‘ ex- perience desires stenographic work at home. Electric type- writer. Anything considered. TU. 4-5927. c1w18 ‘PART TIME or full time office .work. experienced in switch- board, bookkeeping. pay roll and general office routine. TU. 4-4770. c1w18 EXPERIENCED carpenter, early 40's seeks permanent position. 18 years in the trade. Complete set of tools. Good at maintenance work. Reliable, energetic. Box 29 The Liberal. nc3w18 YOUNG MEN. 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. tfc52 RELIABLEâ€"“MANf own car, wants morning or night work. Adaptable and conscientious. AV. 5-1687. clw15 YOUNG MAN desires full time employment. truck driver or :m'yvthing considered â€"- also has own half ton pickup. TU. 4- 5612. *1w18 BOARD available for hoEei Good feed and care. TE. 3-5556. c1w18 tion, $90 or best often“: Must sell. TU. 4-1320. C1W13 '54 CUSTOMLTNEVFEFdEnTa’t'iE coach, real good condition. 5 Station Road, Ma‘pleA nclw18 1956 BUICK. 4 door hardtop, automatic transmission, radio, etc., $900. Terms. TU. 4-4274. c1w18 ‘56 FAIRLAiN‘E Haiaiop, am; matic. PR. 3-5328. clw18 1958 VOLSWAGEN deluxe. \vindow van, new motor and clutch. will accept small trade and will finance balance. PR. 3- 5360. chle 1961 ZEPHYR. Convertible white. red interior W/Wall Tires one owner, showroom condition. Under 12,000 miles. $2375. or near offer. TU. 4-4865 evenings or weekends. c1w18 1950 IijQUTH, good condi- EMPLOYMENT WANTED XXX Xxx USED CARS WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! 'xxxx BOARDING STABLES BUY IT NOW V111! A LOW~COST LIFE-INSURED XXX ixx THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA xxxxxxx LOAN clwlu c1w18 FIREPLACE WOOD Crushed Stone. Sand. Gravel. and Loam. AV. 5-2703. “€14 PAINTING paperhanging. Free estimates. Colour samples. A. Rollincan. TE. 3-6671. tfcl5 SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour ‘servlce. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. tfc4 We specialize in farm fencing. call Joe Hampton, PR. 3-5922. tfc42 LANDSCAPING Ploughing, discing. final grad- ing and seeding. TU, 4-1538. FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pump installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfc‘io RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Pickup & Delivery Moving a Specialty TU. 4-7632 Mothers’ Helper Service. Adult baby 'sltters only. Also Home- makers‘ service. TU. 4-7253. WELL DIGGING, garden main- tenance and odd jobs. George P. Line, west side of Yonge S-t.. opposite Summit Hereford ,Farms. *2w17 INDUSTRIAL and Residential lawn and garden maintenace Garden Gate Nursery. AV. 5- 5942 or TU. 4-1172. tfc44 EXCAVA'ï¬NG & GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332. tfc‘fli MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace. etc. V. Ostergaard 148 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awning and railings. Ron Woods, TU. 4- 1514. tfc13 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192 King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. tfc13 'â€" mm flN-ine salesrï¬en to serve you. UPHOLSTERY 25 years Real Estate experience Recovering and repairing of any HERB SlLLS LTD. kind of furniture. Experienced Members of Toronto Real Es- ton Scandinavian furniture. Free tate Board estimates. Reasonable prices. AT. 8-1143 Woodbr-idge Call anytime. TU. 4â€"4813 resi: R0. 9-4901 .dence. business. AV. 5-5345. ‘ tfclO CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rate& J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 CONCRETE - MASONRY'i CARPENTRY CONTRAC"‘0RS Building, alterations 8; repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AY. 5-2526 DRESS ALTERATIONS First class work. Carolyn Bar- gent, 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- vale. AV. 5-1591. tch PAINTER & DECORATOR For good prices see our show- room. Wallpapers, drapes, etc.- Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St.. Richvale. AV. 5-1591. tfc6 MOVING & STORAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage, packing and storage. Experienc- ed service anytime. Pickup and delivery. Good rates. TU. 4- 2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc16 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 TRUCK & AUTO BODY 37-41 Maple Ave.. Richvale, Ont. Dick P. Jonzkind 285-5334 c3w17 Radio Repair Genieral Repair Safety Glass Collision Painting Rebuilding Welding TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY COMPANY RlCHMOND HILL OWNED AND OPERATED BY HAROLD VAN DYKE TELEPHONE 884-7774 Free Advice QUALITY DOES COUNT WHEN YOU BUY RICH BLACK PEAT LOAM SPECIAL MIX RICH BLACK SANDY LOAM WELL ROTTED MANURE TOP SOIL ORDINARY SANDY LOAM SOD. SEED. PEAT MOSS FILL Loads Delivered $3.00 and up Sod Delivered l18c. 20c - 100 yards and up) All items may be picked up at our location by Truck or Car. ELGIN MILLS LOAM 8; SOD CO. LTD. AV. 5-1514 ’PAINTING' a; PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2793 POST HOLE DIGGING PEAT LOAM â€"'son' SANDY LOAM SAND & GRAVEL Call Joe Hampton PRospect 3-5922 - BABY SITTING Free Estimates tfcl-t tfc44 Can" USED FURNITURE yOD IWANTED â€"â€" pianos and used .furniture. Cash prices paid. Call Frank’s Movers and Storage. UCIZ TU. 4-2813. AV. 5-5101. tfe'l tfc8 tfc tfc8 PROPERTIES WANTED We are nearly sold out of prop- erties, houses. lots. acreage, farms, businesses, gas stations. Buyers waiting. some with cash. others with good down pay- at“_ment. Prompt efficient service. tf°2.N-ine salesmen to serve you. D E n 7 '7' "v V i I ___‘CB"“““9‘â€_H__ .{HOUSE FOR RENT, 2 bedrooms. »_(C°ntfnjled>_ Md SAND AND GRAVEL' crl‘lshedIPR- 3'5082- €1W18 3 ROOM apartment. Langqtaff stone. loam and fill. E. Charity Ewlmad A“ H448 m, “in or Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. 'ROOM T0 RENT. sult one gen-l“,eekend_ ‘3 ffwm uca tleman. Kitchen privileges. TU.[_ ,_77 V 7 r _ 4-1629. tfc13BRIGHT warm furnished room. ____‘._.., _. _ l CARPENTRV - DECnRA'I‘nuni CARPENTRY - DECORATING PAINTING Recreation rooms. etc. Large or small jobs. Prompt service. Webb 8: Ennor. AV. 5-2546. ROTOVATING Rotovating, garden mainten- ance, landscaping. Call Joe Hampton, PR. 3-5922. tfc42 BABY PICTURES try the friendly Lagerquist Stuâ€" dio with the know how. TU. 4- 2791. tfc3 CARPENTER, alterations. addi- tions. kitchens and recreation rooms. BA. 1-3929 or TU. 4‘7155. c2w17 renovations. garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No. job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 77‘7_ _ r_ rtfc43 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. _ ,,,,,,,, _ -7. #53†CARPENTRY WORK. additions, PEAT LOAM PICKED UP 0R. DELIVERED Loading on east side of Yonge St., Richvale. Richmond Sod Landscape Contractors Ltd., AV. 5-1938. tfc42 Storms, Screens 8; Awnings Aluminum Storms our Specialty For prompt service call BAYVIEW WINDOW CLEANERS 8: FLOOR SPECIALISTS Proprietor A. J. Cook 1960 Yonge St. HU. 8-2666 CHAIN SAWS Service At Its Best Major Repairs - Tune Up: New Chains. Plugs, Files Pocket Chain Breaker: 2 Cycle Oil. Chaln Oil, Etc. "Authorized Dealers†Pioneer 8: Homelito ; TU. 4-1124 iRELIABLE MOWER SERVICE t1c29 PAYï¬â€˜c’b’ï¬i‘RTCï¬NG" General concrete work, sewer changeovers, swimming pools. No job too small - free estim- ates. SPANISH lessons, beginners; conversation and coaching. Ex- perienced native teacher. AV. 5- 2_964. emu FRENCH LADY, graduate of Paris University. will give tu- ition in French, individually or groups. Conversation, transla- tions. Phone after 6 pm. AV. 5- 4542. c3w16 HOUSES WANTEDifor sale or to rent. Call AV. 5-2951. T. Munphy Real Estate. tic15 BA. 2-2548 SECOND-HAND trunk or large cgipall TU. 4-1200. c1w18 PIANO. in good condition. Rea- sonable price. AV. 5.52fl. c1w18 BABY’CARRIAGE. not more than 510. TU. 4-4513. clw18 SCRAP METAL and batteries. TU. 4-7328. c1w17 CLEAN white‘cdét'ciu required fairiéimcer dressings. Mrs: Mc- Dougall, TU. 4-3463. c1w18 HOMES, FARMS. BUSINESS PROPERTIES URGENTLY NEEDED LIST NOW MR. B. G. PALMER S4 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 REAL ESTATE WANTED ROYAL TRUST CO. Real Estate Department TUITION WANTED AV. 5-1153 PR. 3-5102 tfc3 tf039 tfc12 tfc3 3 BEDROOM apartment, many extra conveniences, central. TU. 4-3352. :3wl8 3 LARGE. bright 'unturnished rooms in Maple area. Reason- able rent. AL. 7-8788. *1w18 3 ROOMS. $65.00 per mom}: 177 Essex Ave. TU. 4-4893. FURNISHED flat. 2’r’b’omsfk1tl chen and bathroom. TU. 4-2545. c1w18 FURNISHED ROOM. bright andl’ls‘ warm. all facilities. central. TU.‘|sq‘ 4-5446 after 11 am. clwleo ROOM To RENT, furï¬isrhfled. heated, light housekeeping. TU. 4-2196. tfc13 ROOM. furnishedilouble bed, parking, gentleman preferred. Maple vicinity 257-2438. c1w18 TWO bedroom apaftment fix; nished, no lease, available Nov- ember lst. AV. 5:1234. tfcl'l 3W0 BEDROOM apartment in Richmond Hill. Imrï¬ediate lids- s_e.s_sion, broagloom throughout. LARGE Room/1,. kitchenette. closets. selfâ€"contained. second floor, parking, Langstaff, near Yonge. AV. 5-4190. 02w17 dern apartment, conveniences, $55. PA. 7-9488 or PA. 7-5046. tfc14 6 ROOMED house plus rec. room, gas heat, opposite school. Immediate occupancy, $100. AL. 7-1017. c1w18 AURORA. central 3 roamed mo- FURNISHED room. ground floor, private entrance, light housekeeping, frig.. parking space. TU. 4-5269. c1w17 $110.00 MAIN FLOOR, 2 bed- room apartment. Large rooms. Nicely decorated. Heat and light. AV. 5-1321. *1w18 TWO NEW dwellings, heated and very reasonable. 70 Pem- berton Crescent. Open all day or 6 to 9 pm. c2w18 BUNGALOW, 2 bedrooms, oil furnace. all conveniences, TV outlet, garage. $85 monthly. TU. 4-2860. *1w18 FARJMHOU'SE at Langstafl, 6 rooms and bath. $75 per month. ‘Immedi‘ate possess-ion. Phone ‘Toronto 485-9884. c1w18 LOV THREE ROOM apartment, self- contained, conveniently located. parking, TV outlet. Non-smokers and abstainers please, TU. 4- 1472. *1w18 TWO U‘NIFURNISHED rooms in new home, parking. TV outlet, own phone. private entrance, four-piece bathroomh TU. 4- 7671 after 6 pm. Stove and frig. if required. c1w17 APARTMENTfs‘moms and bathroom furnished or unfurn- ished, equipped kitchen, separ- te entrance, large grounds. Bus- iness adu=1»ts only $20. weekly. Aurora. PA. 7-5597. tfc7 STORE FOR, RENT $75.00 monthly, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill store, suitable for barber, millinery, jeweller, etc. Mr. Shields, AV. 5-1164. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors. THORNHILL STORE 7586 Yonge Street in the plaza at Yonge and Arnold Streets. Only one store left in this busy, successful location. Call Mr. Mc- Lean, AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd. Realtors. c1w16 farmhouse, near Richmond Hill. Also Oak Ridges 2-bedroom bungalow. garage. west of Yonge. $75 monthly. Mr. 'Mash- inter. PR. 3-5412. David McLean Realtor. c1w18l ï¬ï¬_ï¬_m (I'ch BATHURST STREET, IO-room ATTRACTIVE one bedroom apartment, front and back en- trance. $85 a month. Stove. heat, light and telephone included. Driveway. parking. Vacant. Suit couple. Apply 124 Wood Lane, Richmond Hill. c1w18 RICHMOND HILL RENTALS 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from $85 a month Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Real Estate tfc18 NEW 3-BEDRO0M APARTMENTS Completely Self-Contained Early Possession Call CHARLES MARPLE REAL ESTATE AV. 5-1951 5-5294. TU. 4-5468. E1w18 c1w18 c1w16. Central parking. Adult fnrï¬lly; TU. 4-1547. C1W18 3 BEDROOMâ€"bungalow. Rich- mond Hill. AV. 5-2951. T. Mur- phy Broker. clw18 2 ROOM “at unfurnished;‘priJsonable. AV. 5-4129. clw18 vate washroom. heavy wiring. GARAGE, vicinity BedFrd Park bright and warm Steeles and‘Avenue. Cal‘l Mrs. Pickering. Yonge, AV. 5-4784‘ clwlB AV. 5-4201. tfcl§ THORNHIL'L, 4 ro‘ainCaduItsIwANTIï¬TTYYREï¬T_2 or 3 basement occuple'i. rent inclu- bedroom house in Richmond des heat and hydro. AV. 5-1903.‘Hi11area_ wnl pay up to $110.00 __w_ 7H W * ‘ 7C1W13lper month. Call TU. 4-7258. 1s INDUSTRIAL Road. 2200‘ ~ c2w18 square feet. 2 large over-head; doors, high ceiling. TU. 442554 LARGE 3-bedroom bungalow near schools. buses and shoo- ping, Call 884-5764 or 222-3688 for appointment. tfc17 “BEAVERTONT CENTRE- FULLY furnished. 2 room bachâ€" e10r, private bathroom. parking. in quiet adult home, $15.00 weekly. TU. 4-3801. *1w17 FREE RENTYb’elderly‘couple or couple with baby - furnished house - references required, ab- stainers. Write Box 33, The piberal; c1w18 DUPLEX $60. all modern con- veniences. now vacant for re- pairs, suitable for couple with little child. Richmond Hill near Yonge. Write Box 30 The Lib- eral. *1w18 LUXURY lower duplex. $120 a ‘month, 2 bedrooms. electrically equipped. handy to everything. Located in the centre of town, Richmond Hill. Call BA. 1-3411. W. C. McLAUGHLIN LTD. *_ï¬__ c2w18 TWO four-room homes with shower and washroom. Hot and cold running water. $50.00 mon- thly. Suitable for small family. Jack Blyth, Realtor, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5241. clwla HOUSE FOR. RENT 1 bedroom, large kitchen, living room. utility room and four piece bath, hot air furnace and TV tower. garage and large lot. 103 Pemiberton Road. $75.00. TU. 4-7002 or EM. 4-8611. t£c18 MONEY avall'abléifor good‘first: and second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and‘ LeClaire. TU. 4-7191. new SOLICITOR has client’s funds‘ available for mortgages at rea- sonable rates. Mr. Cooper. BA.5-7321. M040 PORTABLE radio on Bayview near 13th Avenue. Reward. Phone TU. 4-5266 or TU. 4-3068. MORTGAGES Includes front wheel alignment, balance front wheels, check front brakes. repack wheel bearings, check grease seals. Complete Automotive Service At Comparable Prices WESTERN TIRE 8. AUTO SUPPLY YONGE 51'. RICHVALE AV. 5-1031 NOVEMBER SPECIAL Winter Check Your Car Includes, check compression, clean and check spark plugs, new points and condenser, check babtery, charging circuit, adjust carburetor, service air cleaner. 6 CYL CARS - $10.00 8 CYL CARS - $12.00 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. November 2, 1961 GUARANTEED REBUILT FORD MOTOR Complete Front End 8. Steering Check LOST Complete With Heads and Oil Pans $155.00 c1w18 *1w18 of Loblawx noar Harrygan Cres- cent. TU. 2870. c1w18 IN RICHMOND HILL'Bre’STs bedroom house. Reasonable rent. PA. 8-2139. Barrie. (‘2w18 2 HOUSEKEE'PING ROO'MS. unfurnished, central, for mother and teen-aged daughter. Rea- sonable. AV. 5-4129. c1w18 bedroom house in Richmond WANTED. smallâ€"Einess. ailâ€"y: Hill area. Wlll pay up to $110.00 thing considered. north of Wil- per month. Call TU. 4425!}. A lgw_dale. Stater fullrparticulars. SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS 12 Yonge St. S. Child’s Lined Jeans in cords and denim, up to size 6X Reg. $1.98 for CHEVROLET RE-BUILT BLOCK ASSEMBLY $143.00 c2w18|Write Box 31 The Lib'eral. c1w18 $1.29 EXHAUST SYSTEM Supplied and Installed As low as $15.00 PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION TU. 4-4596 TRUMPET â€" TROMBONE FRENCH HORN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY COMPLETE Richmond Hill $8.50 $3.99 c4w18