Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Nov 1961, p. 10

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heavily wooded and the rich standards, both in time andlday for the Georgian Bay South reds, golds and purples of the distance for the cross country Volleyball Jamboree. The pur- the Richmond Hill junior anddeaves provided a background of meet, a permanent site must be pose of this is to give the grade senior girls volleyball teams 113- barbaric splendour. chosen, The officials of 03‘s. nine girls experience in school Ieated Aurora and Thornhill at 217 In One Race SA, could do far worse than to teams. Thornhlll High. But last Mon- The junior race was started settle on the Boyd park site asiBaYVieW High day, October 30, both local from deep in a valley, Specta- the permanent home of the‘ Bill Barclay quarterbacked the teams lost to Newmarket. The tors were gathered on a hill- meet. The sooner this is done senior football team to a 32â€"6 Richmond Hill girls volleyball side approximately a quarter- {hen definite arrangements can win over King City on Tuesday teams are now in second Place-Imile from the runners and some he made to keep track of record of last week. Observers remark- The Newmarket team“ are in three hundred feet above them. times and standardization of the ed that this game was the high- mst Place- . As the crack of the gun sounded junior. intermediate and senior light 0‘ BarclaY's school career This year RiCthd Hm High to start the runners on their courses can begin, as he called a flawless game- SChOOI was hOSt school for the gruelling waY- the knot 0‘ 217 Richmond Hill's fine undefeat- The Senior Squad “’35 braced O-F-S~S~A- “055 00ml?“ Feet; starters broke into a rainbow of ed junior football team go ag. By the: addition. of two mam}; .i Ann n 1» a un nr ennan Rn Richmond Hill High On Wednesday, October 25, Mr. Bill Babcock. direr‘tor of] physical education at Richmond Hill High School, was the meet convenOr. Some 700 competitors in junior. intermediate and sen- ior competition were run over the course in just over two and one half hours. The organization of the meet left little to be de- sired and Mr. Babcock and those who assisted him are deserving at high praise. 10 THE LIBERAL, Boyd Park was chosen as the meet site. Schools from every corner of Ontario were repres- ented and we doubt if a better location for the meet could be found anywhere. Weather condi- tions for the meet held last Sat- urday were perfect and the set- ting of the meet was a scenic wonder. Save with State Pam's low In- surance rate: for careful driv- ers. See me. It was one of those smoky. hazy autumn days â€" the truly golden days of autumn that sent poets into flights of poetic fan- éy. The rol'ung hilisldes sur- rounding the entire area are - James Grainger IIAII "I. uuunuq 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-1529 Head Office. Toronto GARDEN - GATE NURSERY “Everything In Building” THORNLEA WOOD PRODUCTS Will! Imam comm STATE FARM MUTUAL OBSERVATORY LANE AV. 5-1436 B O R K's JEWELLERS SELECT FROM OVER 100 DIFFERENT WATCH STYLINGS - $3.99 UP 88 Yonge Street S. TU. 4-1687 26th WEEK “'I'IIE llBRAI." DIE. KWIPS CONTEST Evergreens, Shrubs, Perennials Planting‘ Now Elgigi Mills West LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS Each week for 26 weeks, there will be a different Baby Picture on this Contest Page. The Title or Caption for each picture will be found by locat- ing the extra word inserted in some of the Ads. After finding these words and properly arranging them, you will have the correct Title to the pic- ture. Compose a caption of your own and send it, along with the original title to KIDDIE KWIPS CONTEST, “THE LIBERAL”. The best one selected each week will be awarded $10.00 in MERCHANDISE CERTIFI- CATES good at any of the firms participating. In addition to the $10.00 award there rwill be} 10% DISCOUNT VOUCHER awarded to the writers of the next best 5 Titles sent in each week. GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRS 24 HOUR SERVICE AV. 5-5942 Open Evenings and Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 9. 1961 PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS. THEY APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. EACH WEEK FOR 20 WEEKS THEYâ€"“III; BE AWARDING SOMEONE $10.00 IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES AND EVERY FIFTH WEEK SOMEONE WILL RECEIVE AN EXTRA $20.00 IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES. WINNERS WILL BE PUBLISHED EACH WEEK. READ THE RULES CAREFULLY. HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS 1 Volunteer scorers. finish of- flclais, judges and the 1001 other necessary jobs were han- dled in a most efficient manner. Course layout, rules M proced- ure and other necessary vital Jobs were Mr. Babcock's res- ponsibiiity. He succeeded in running a very orderly efficient meet and he has nothing but praise for those who lent their time and assistance to ensure this success. Wayne Yetman of Etobicoke finished well out in front in the junior event in a time of twelve minutes 34 seconds. York Mills Collegiate won the team race. scoring a total of 104 points as York runners finished well up in the team scoring positions. Coach Jack Foote's runners were in excellent condition. Finish cards were given to each man in the chute showing his order of finish. in less than ten minutes after an event, school finish orders Were an- nounced as well as individual winners. How anyone could fault this system is beyond under- standing. And there were over 200 competitors in each event! Once over the brow of the touted as one of the finest in the last hill and the long straight to cm of Toronto unm a player the flniSh line- Runners were eligibility rule cost them their guided into a long chute and victories. the order of finish was soon The game was played hard dEtElened- some 11mg teStmg- and well but a crushing Thorn- muscle cracking duels took place him offence was not to be de- on the final dash for home as nied. This Friday the team will runners were fighting down to may 1,, Midlphd as "1va am nut the wire for a higher placing. a'ter another Georgian Bay Foot- Excelleflt System 1bali Championship. It is interest- Finish cards were given ‘0 ing to know that two members each man in the chute showing of the team have never been on his order of finish. In less than a losing team slnce starting colours with each competitor wearing the colours of his res- pective school. It was a sight to dazzle the eyes and added just one more pleasure for the many spectators, gathered from the four corners of the province. The course is GEfiD‘tGIY one 0‘ Admission of 25c to the grounds the cruelest to be found any- will be charged to aid in de- where. Steep hills and long rak- fraying expenses_ If you can ing grades took their toll early Dossibly get there plan to see and soon showed who condltlon- this game_ It Should be a good ed runners Were. Raging stitch- one! es. severe stomach cramps and Thommu mg}. “Otted mud“ 50°“ We°d9d Thornhill’s nowerhmise senior out the weaker runners. For the botball team humbled Lawrence remainder “- W35 l real com‘ Park 19-8 in an exhibition game petmm- last week. Lawrence Park was once over the NOW Of "‘9 touted as one of the finest in the last hill and the long straight to cm, of Toronto until a player the finish line- Runners were eligibility rule cost them their guided into a long chute and victories. Rich Pyne of R‘ichview Collng iate was the individual winner in the intermediate group. Art Bell's Don Mills Collegiate team won the team title with a score ‘of 124 points. The senior event was won by Steve Ball of Etobicoke which surprised not too many people. Ball ran a very strong race and crossed the finish line well in advance of the pack Western Tech. coached by Bill Eckers- ley won the senior team title. Permanent Home Needed In order to establish definite PHONOGRAPH RECORDS AND ACCESSORIES FOR GUARANTEED“ â€"â€"â€"A|.|. WINTER STARTING W&P Allencourt Centre TU. 4-1868 Service 178 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-3591 TU. 4-4221 For R. D. “THE 8. SON ONE YEAR'S FREE OIL SUPPLIES T0 USED CAR BUYERS AW; 10% Off On All L.P.’s New and Used VOLKSWAGEN S $10.00 WEEKLY MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES Come In And See Our Service Dept. YOUR FORD, FALCON DEALER ’udic SPECIAL V encour :en re Jim Wren finished in 12th place in the junior cross-coun- ‘try 0.F.S.S.A. event while War- ren Jackson finished 12th in the intermediate grind. Mark Snid- ‘er finished in 110th place. There ‘were 273 entrants in the event. \Football Dance l The junior football team. man- aged 8 13-13 tie with St‘ An- ‘drew‘s College last week to sal- vage something from a not too successful season. It Isn’t al- ways winning that counts eith- ‘er! “Wait till next vear," is the Thornhill Junior cry. Football week wound up at Thornhill last Friday night with a dance. Mr. and Mrs. Donkersley were the instigators of the parents attending the dance, and it turned out to be; a very successful affair. Mrs. Donkersley contacted parents, iarranged for dance prizes and. [attended to other details. The .Donkersley family have been» real friends to Thornhill High School. Last week there was an area volleyball tournament for "A" schools with the Thornhill Sen- iors winning one game. The‘ l \UUIILAIILICU ALuul page; a! l improving with each play. All der, Joni Brent, Jack and Edna the boys on this team with very Thomas“! D0“ Mayo? few exceptions are smaller than JaCksonl A” ,MCGeaChle average they look peanuts be- Jean KarwaCkl- side a team like Brampton but" After the fun came the b°W1' according to their coaches allimg- MuriEI Steven tODPEd 811 concentration is on speed which}b0W181‘S by finish-111g With 8 they feel sure will pay divid- count of 817 for three games ends, ‘and rolling a 373 triple. Muriel Brampton Squirts will be at had eight straight strikes be- Richmond Hill Arena next Fri- fore snapping the string in the day, November the 10th at 7 ninth frame to finish with the lam. Let’s see you all there. 373. A nice bit of bowling and Bantam Series a real Hallowe’en shell out! At the local arena Friday Second lady was Ev. Jones evening Richmond Hill Ban- 696 (296) followed by Pat Jones tams will meet the Brampton 661 (260), Marge Field rolled “A. _..__..- c-...° .. y,..._ ..._... and Thornrhill Juniors lost, but play: ed an exceptionally well game.I They are coached by Linda Jackson. Tuesday, November 14th is the. Bantams. It promises to be a a 617 helped by a 236 and Ellen‘ lively game so if you want to Parrett 606 (229). Madge Nich- good action packed olson recorded a 604 total and plan to be at the arena 3 257 single. evening. . Pat Jones led the men with a see some hockey, Friday â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"Â¥r Glen' ,points, “no a gun averasc. uauy leflUP 237 and Al Richardson and Jack Shadoff each own 236 averzuzes.1 Tim Saul with 235 and Don Boyle at 233 round out the high average group. Manufacturers Life league-leading team is the with 54 followed by Richmond Hill Auto Wreckers with 50. Al-l lencourt Lanes have garnered 45 points, Dynes Jewellers 42 and Turnbull Groceries 41. Tom Hughes’ Shell Service have scor- ed 33 points and Allencourt Pharmacy 31 to complete the list of teams with tallies of 30 points or over. ‘ Rothman's King Size have 26 points on the books, Dan’s Essol Service 25, Kent Clothes 21, Nutri-Bio 10 and Canadian Tire have yet to score a point. IIBI' I Iguli JI‘II‘GI Has Come To Town Fred and Annette Gardiner became the parents of Rich- mond Hill’s newest figure skater last Friday. Diane Stephanie Gardiner made her debut at Newmarket Hospital at 9 o’clock on Friday morning and weighed in after the main event at 7 lbs. 7 015. ‘ Fred Gardiner is well known in sporting circles in Richmond Hill, while wife Annette was a1 figure skating instructress at the Granite Club. Dad has Jim and Kevin, two budding young hoc- key hopefuls and now Mom has‘ a figure skater to work with. Congratulations to all members of the Clan Gardiner. Richmond Hill’s fine undefeat- ed junior football team go ag- ainst Barrie North this Thurs- day afternoon. The game will be played at Thornhill High School with kick-off time sched- uled for 3 pm. Winner of the zame wins the Georainn Bay Junior Football Championship. Admission of 25c to the grounds will be charged to aid in de- trayin‘g expenses. If you can oossibiy get there plan to see this game. It should be a good one! Thomhill High Thomhill's nowerhnnse senior their careers with Thornhill. Paul Rivers a'nd Jim Keliam have played in 29 games as jun- iors and seniors and have yet to taste the dregs of defeat. It is very doubtful if they'll have to taste the dregs this Friday either! II‘ This Week’s Feature Value TU. 4-2101 24 Yonge For real value use Cousins Ice Cream, packaged in half gallons. It is the same high quality and comes in a large assortment of flavours. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE ' regular $2.50 as advertised on CFGM Windsor Rose Pattern $1.66 TV Table 168 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Colin Barion suffered a brok- en nose and concussion in the game against Markham on Thursday afigm’ooni flfhe gamg During the first week in De- cember the intramural badmin- ton will begin and a great many entrants are expected. Bill Barclay quarterbacked the senior football team to a 32â€"6 win over King City on Tuesday of last week. Observers remark- ed that this game was the high- light of Barclay's school career as he called a flawless game. an 8_7 W1}; ov’er' the red. Mack'along at a 233 clip. Jack Stan-“place finish went to Jean Nu- and white team. In the O.F.S.S.A. junior cross-country event John Bax- ter finished in the forty-second position, Ricky Wilson 108, Jack Elms 110, Wayne Rumble 132 and Don Timperon 159. Don Chapman finished ninety-fourth in the intermediate event with Jim Bradley 161 and Wayne Haviland 170. On the girls' sport scene in the intramural volleyball, gold defeated red and gold again won over green in the junior group- ing. In the senior section green won over black. During the first week in De- cember the intramural badmin- ton will begin and a great many entrants are expected. Bavview was host School for the B. school volleyball tourna- ment with Woodbridge, Brad- ford, Stoui’fville, Markham and King City taking part. Mark- ham won the junior champion- ship but a three-way tie camemflifll'sflrpél Oil Ell/7959911.??? gieor-ge ALawson 775. Don Boyle way is one pin down at 232 and Frank Munroe is hitting for 231. John Moore and Bill Smith are enjoying 230 averages, while Al. Richardson has 229 going fort lhim. King of the Week was John Moore with a three game total of 844. Members of the King’s Court were Chuck Morris (730), Joe Dempsey (703), Al. Richard- son (700), Lou Alar-ico (689) and Lionel Gilbert (687i. Macdougall Pontiac have an 'eight point bulge on their near-i ,est rival having amassed a to- tal of 48 points to date. Davis and Day, A.B.C. No. 2 and Li- quiflame are tied with 40 points each with Dynes Jewellers very close back with 37 points. , ABC No. 3 own 34 points fol- lowed by ABC No. 2 with 33. Dobby’s Sport & Cycle own 29 Michael’s Gift Shop 23 John’s Boys on even 20. ‘ points. Turnbull Groceries 24,1 and“ . Bob Weeks. the incumbent gent 670 (228) with Madge Nich- “King of the H111," came very Olson finishing third at 625 close to breaking into the magic (267). Lorna McBrien recorded 450 circle last Friday night. In a 620 (2333), Connie MCDowell bowling sweeps at Allencourt. 617 (227) and Hilda LUdIOW 302 Weeks hit eleven straight strikes (217). land left the right corner up on Other high single games were,the twelfth ball. He settled for, recorded by Denise McDonald'a 44a and it just isn't possible 245. Myrtle Milley 237. Sadie to come any closer. The boys in Brent" 23?, Dot Webster 225.‘the major leagues in Richmond Jean Smith 222. BeV- BI‘OCkle- Hill are really knocking on the burs-t 221. Audrey Harris 208.‘door of the perfect game. The Noreen Clouter 207. and "‘st but only 450 game in Richmond not least Jean Bentley 206. Hill belongs to Tim Saul but Allencourt Major Leagues the others are definitely threat- Phil Blanchard was the big ening to make him move over. gun in the Allencourt Major Fortv-six challengers toerl the League, coming up with a three mark last Sunday night in an game total of 922. In totting up effort to wrest Weeks' crown his 900 plus score Blanchand from his head. Successful chal- strung together a pair of 316‘s lengers were Army Gagnone 0‘ and a 290 to be just about as Willowdale who qualified with consistent as a good bowler can 793 and Stan Jarvis of Toronto get. with 813. Roy Russell came up with an Gaglione is the new “King of 851 (358), Arne Skretteberg 820‘the Hill” with a five game to- (300), Stan Shadofi 777 (348), tal of 1238. Weeks came in for second money with 1075 with Bavview was host wheel for} ABC NO- 3 0W“ 34 POintS 1'01“ the B. school volleyball tourna-10W6d by ABC NO- 2 With 33 ment with Woodbridge, Brad- Dobby’s Sport & Cycle own 2S ford, Stoufiville, Markham analygirgts. Tur_nlgu11 Groceries 24 up in the senior group withifm‘ 19 POintS, Sports 17, Albion Markham, woodlbridge and Construction 16 and Frank’s Stoufl‘v-llle. In the replay. Wood- MOVel‘S 16- The low flying Bowen bridge forged ahead to win the Bombers are W3110Wing 310118 B school senior championship. 1V1“? .1‘2 POintS to their credit. each PATTI - LU SHOP - NOW SHOWING - NEW FALL ARRIVALS SPORTSWEAR - DRESSES ETC. Grand Bonus Winner: Miss Lawrie Clark, 11 Maple Ave., Richvale (Continental Beauty Salon) Winner: Mrs. R. Matthews, 325 Skopit Rd., Richmond Hill Right Answer: “She's Flirting With Me" Caption: “Golly I’m Blushing” 21 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill MOM Phone TU. 4-2961 Benjamin KN APP’S PAINT SERVICE King of the Week was John Other high single games were Moore with a three game total recorded by Denise McDonald of 844, Members of the King’s 245, Myrtle Milley 237, Sadie Court were Chuck Morris (730), Brent 235, Dot Webster 226, paints York County’s Most Exclusive Wallpaper & Paint Headquarters 4 Prompt A. MILLS 8. SON Call JAMES D. STEWART TU. 4-2201 Plumbing - Heating New Installations llMITED 9 PIN '3 PATTER Repair Bill Jones hung up a 652 single with (249). Stan Shadofi 650 (234)”Betty CausI Vic Ribbons 616 (210), Art Mc-‘Boyington 2 Geachie 613 (225) and Ron Ribr Teams 1-' bons 606 (231). noints each ‘ Dynes Jewellers were the top team in the three game flat to- tal department by coming up ‘with 3673 pins for three games. High single team score was roll- ‘ed by Richmond Hill Auto Wreckers as they hit for 1445 pins. Arne Skretteberg ls way out in front: of the high average group with a fabulous 255 av- erage. Closest man to him is Stan Shadotf with 242. Bill Jones has a 239 average. Lam-y Bishop 237 and Al Richardson and Jack Shadofi‘ each own 236 averages. Tim Saul with 235 and Don Boyle at 233 round out the high average group. 758 (346), Harry Fawn 750 a'ndiJarvis flnishirig in the show pos- Ron Salisbury 745. fitign at 10376. $20.00 BONUS EVERY 5th WEEK TU. 4-2819 Service DID Patios Fry Frying or Roasting RIB END up to 3 lb. 39¢ |b TENDERLOIN END up to 3 1b. 49c By The Piece Fresh Yong Ontario ALLENCOURT lANES FREE DELIVERY NATURAL STONE RED 8. WHITE FOODMASTER PROCTOR STONE PORK LOINS MARKHAM RD. AT BAYVIEW Open All Summer Suppliers of All Types “We’ll do it or show You How” AV. 5-2239 BAYVIEW PLAZA on all purchases of $5.00 or over Barbecues This coupon and 15c entitles you to One Free Game Open Bowling after June 4 These Vouchers are good for a 10% discount on any purchase made, within TWO WEEKS from the date won, at any of the FIRMS that have a STAR in their advertisement. In addition to the above awards someone will re- ceive a $20.00 BONUS in Merchandise Certificates, every FIFTH WEEK. The selection of the BONUS PRIZE will be made from the entries sent in that contained a SALES SLIP from any of the firms in the contest. You can win the $10.00 weekly prize without attaching a Sales Slip but for the $20.00 Bonus you MUST ATTACH SALES SLIP to your entry. It’s a good idea to attach a Sales Slip to all your entries then you are assured of being eligible for that extra $20.00 Bonus someone will get every Fifth Week. .m'U ‘Betty Causton 287 ‘Boyington 283. game. long to Barb Boyington at 185 and Alice Sidey with 181. High triple honours belong to President Jones with a 735 fol- lowed by Barb Boyington with 669 and Lil Hudson and Jean Currie with a pair of 668's. Pat Jones also rolled the high single with 290 followed by and Barb {1 My. Teams 1-7-8 are tied with 40 points each with team 9 in sec- and place with 35 points. Team 10 is holding down No. 3 spot with 29 points. Only two weeks of action remain in the first Other high averagg; be“ Fiskand Wildlife staff in me Lake Simcoe District have com- pleted reports on hunter success during opening day of the duck season in the Holland Marsh area. Five hundred and ninetv- eight hunters were hacked by Conservation Officers and 1ther Department personnel with a total bag of 506 ducks during 344235 man hours of hunting. This averages .85 ducks per hunter and 6.8 man hours hunt- ing per duck. Mallards and blacks made up most of the bag with green-winged v and blue- winged teal next in line. Qulre a few pintail and woodducks were also taken. Aooroximate~ Lil Hudson is the unwilling leader of the race to be Head Pin Queen. Lil has clipped out 28 head pins to date, five more than Shirley Price with 23 and six more than the 22 belonging to Joan Rutter. Allencourt Ladles' League Fred and Annette Gardiner became the parents of Rich- mond Hill’s newest figure skater last Friday. Diane Stephanie Gardiner made her debut at Newmarket Hospital at 9 o’clock on Friday morning and weighed in after the main event at 7 lbs. 7 015. Presentations were made to the bowlers and a special pres- entation was made to the de- throned monarch, Bob Weeks. He was presented with the right corner pin that stayed up on Friday night to give him a 448 count instead of the perfect 450. Will he keey it or burn it? Only time and Mrs. Weeks will know the answer! New Figure Skater Has Come To Town Fireplaces FOUNTAIN'S SERVICE STATION USE OUR LAYAWAY PLAN FREE DELIVERY Phone TU. 4-5701 HARDWARE CHRISTMAS Air-Conditioned General Repairs And Service TU. 4-0009 Yonge & Benson Bayview Plaza TOYS 7 Hours Hunting Per Single Duck Shown Necessary with green-winged and blue- winged teal next in line. Quue a few pintail and woodducks were also taken. Approximate- ly 169 ducks were not retriev- ed and 31 dogs were used by hunting parties in the marsh du_ring_ opgqing day. In the Matchedash Bay area Department personnel checked 172 hunters with a total bag Europa.; of 143 ducks. This averaged 83 in the Ne“ ducks per hunter represenlmg Soccer Lea 6.1 man hours' effort per ducklmympia 3. Lesser scaup accounted for Richmond 23.8% of the bag, blue-winged‘ mallards 11.2%. Em“ the and nnncnm Local Curling Notes 2nd The winners of the 9 am. high two game were Jean Butler, Jean McLeod. Muriel Savafle and Cecile Colwell. The second high two game winners were, Pat Thompson, Ada Garfat, Helen {3231-1- and Mary Barrow. The high one game winners were: Phyllis Richards, Mary Bornhold. Muriel Clarke and Eileen Peck. The high two game losers were: Florrie Smith, Blanche Reid, Kay Hall and Vi Meyatchy. High one gamé winneré were: Marion Brotherhood, Isobel Da- vis, Ruth Charity, Win Simp- son. High two game losers were: June Morgan, Jessie Grainger, Lorraine Waters, Helen Jam- leson. Winners of the 11am. draw high two game: Doris Vance, Marg Paton, Kay Copeland. Sec- ond high two game went to: Malsie Gibson, Joan Webb, Ger- trude Robertson, Jo Haynes. TRY A “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIED PHONE TU. 4-1105 Amherst Window Cleaning 8. Maintenance 884-5602 Collect Richmond Hill (Continued from page 9) Reduced rates on all residential and commercial windows. TU. 4-5511 WINDOW CLEANING OPENING SPECIAL Mrs. Pat Street, 142 Markham Rd., Richmond Hill. Mrs. H. Giasson, 188 May Av... Richmond Hill. ’ FOR THE LATEST IN HAIR STYLES CONSULT us Mrs. Doreen Marks, 44 Thorn- ridge Dr., Thomhill. Mrs. J. C. Morris, 25 Gosling Rd., Maple. Mrs. L. R. Keating, Lake Wilcox. 16 YONGE STREET N. Telephone TU. 4-4231 YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT WINNERS - 10“ DISCOUNT VOUCHERS THE HOME OF MODERN BUSINESS MACHINES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE CONTINENTAL Beauty Salon HANS & EDITH STATIONERY IN RICHMOND HILL Re - Elect Ed Butlin ‘62 Lawn Bowling Head 'President Ed. Butlln will a- gain head the Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club in 1962. Mr. Butlin was elected to a second term at the clubs annual meet- ing and banquet held last week at the Summit Vlew Gardens. Other executive officers serving with Mr. Butlin during the com- ing year will include. Vice- President Nick Hellman, Secre- tary, Russell Lynett. Treasurer, Ted Mansbridge. and Directors. Ed Lane. Hugh Yerex and Den- nis Lamb. A highlight of the enjoyable evening was the- presentation of both the Stephens and Yerex Memorial Trophies. Plans were made for another successful bowling season in 1982. Europa Captures Soccer Crown By Trimming Maple Olympia fielded a wellâ€"drilled team but Europa refused to be beaten and fought every inch of the way. V. Andrew and Enrico Cimino were the Europa goal- scorers with Clmino netting two. The winning goal was scored by Cimino on a play that was ex- ecuted in brilliant style and would have done justice to a professional. Europa, Richmond Hill entry in the Newmarket and District Soccer League, defeated Maple Olympia 3-2 last Saturday in Richmond Hill. The win glves Europa the league champlofiship and possession of the Newmarko et 3nd Dist‘ripg SocceruTgophy. Presentation of the trophy was made by Mrs. Jean Thom- son, recreation director of Rich- mond Hill. Weather conditions were absolutely Ideal and the warm November sun was en- joyed by both players and spec. tators alike. . Canadian Legion .. Richmond Hill Branch 375 REGULAR MEETING Second Monday of each month at 8 pm. One Block west of Yonto 80. All Veterans Welcome LEGION HALL Carrville Road DIDN’T

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