Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Nov 1961, p. 5

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On Sunday, November 5th at Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, Allan Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Day. Toronto, received the Sacrament of Bapâ€" tism, also James Nicholas George. son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Gregorash, 177 Duncan Road, Richvale. The children were presented with a Bible from the Sunday School. A number of friends attended the ceremony from distant points. presented with a Bible from the Sunday School. A number of friends attended the ceremony from distant points. It i It It At Richmond Hill Presbyter- in Church on Sunday, Novem- ber 5th at the morning service. Mr. C. Harper, 64 Cummer Av- enue. Willowdale was inducted into the eldership of the local church. Mr. Harper was or- dained an elder of the Thornhill Presbyterian Church some years ago where he did valuable work as Clerk of Session and trea- surer. His addition to the Ses- sion of the Richmond Hill Church brings a wealth of ex- perience in church matters to this important court. Perry. the hamster. was lost} Father preparing for trip abroad. Unpacking at a London hotel out pops Perry having made a comfortable air flight with first class meals. consisting of a tux and business suit. all through the courtesy of the traveller. Perry's new address. do a Lon- don hotel. England! It It * Ii! Mr. and Mrs. Victor O‘Mallcy left on Thursday by plane for Lisbon en route for the Span- ish Riviera where they are spending the winter. Mr. O‘- Malley retired for health rea- sons from the Dept. of Veteran Affairs where he was employed as settlement officer for Mark- [ham and Vaughan Townships for A question and answer per- lod will follow to enable resi- dents to avail themselves fully of the opportunity to “get the {actg of radiation. etc." first The next meeting of the Bev- erley Acres Home and School Association promises to be one of great interest to all residents of the town. A welcome is ex- tended to all to attend this meeting, which is being‘held at 8.15 p.m., Wednesday. Novem- ber 15th. at the Beverley Acres Public School. Major W. F. A. Preston, Em- ergency Measures Organization co-ordlnator for York County will be the guest speaker. Ma- jor Preston will speak on the plans being made by the county to provide protection in the ev- eni of a nuclear attack. hand HERBERT GOODHOOFD 63 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. Phone TU. 4-7851 Prop. BOOKINGS FOR SEA-AIR TOURS AND CRUISES STEAMSHIPS & AIRLINES N0 BOOKING FEES GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE FLOORS - WALLS - WINDOWS Also try our Floor Cleaners & Wax for sale to anyone - large and small quantities RICHMOND HILL COMMERCIAL CLEANERS II DERBOCK CRESCENT Broadloom Hall, Elevator Service, Inter Com System, Free TV Outlet, Private Park 2 BEDROOM WITH BALCONY $115 2 BEDROOM $110 1 BEDROOM WITH BALCONY $100 1 BEDROOM $95 1 YEAR LEASE. NO RENT TILL 1962. GARAGES AVAILABLE. For Information BA. 2-4015 â€" BA. 2-2916 (2 Blocks East of Bayview To Rean Drive South on Rean Drive To Derbock Cres.) BAYVIEW 8. SHEPPARD LUXURIOUS APARTMENT BUILDING DOMESTIC -â€" COMMERCIAL JANITOR SERVICES TU. 4-3714 Editor Margot Crack Saturday. November 4th saw ‘a very happy affair at St. Gab- riel's Anglican Church, for it was the day of the fourth an- nual Hollyberry Fair, sponsored by the W.A. Factors which con- !tributed to the success of this .bazaar were many â€" a sparkling iday, happy and generous cusâ€" 'tomers and the sincere words of Rev. R. E. McLennan. who opened the bazaar. For these things the W.A. are deeply grateful and feel that all the time and effort spent in prepar- ation were most worthwhile. _ Gerry Crack will be seen on the C.F.T.O. programme “Free and Easy" in the weekend pre- views section. on Friday at 1 pm. He will be discussing and showing photographs of the Cut- tain Club's current production “Quiet Weekend." Mr. and Mrs. Victor O‘Mallcy left on Thursday by plane for Lisbon en route for the Span- ish Riviera where they are spending the winter. Mr. O‘- Malley retired for health rea- sons from the Dept. of Veteran Affairs where he was employed as settlement officer for Mark- ham and Vaughan Townships for thirteen years. The beautiful oi1.painting by Mrs. C. Card of Ruggles Ave.. is now a part of the decor in the home of Mrs. M. Standing, 355 Browndale Cres. of Note programmes for High School students being presented in Richmond Hill, and the Chil- dren's Films of Note pro- grammes tn the Public Library. He gave details of the pro- grammes being presented this ‘year. and said that only by such local initiative as this, would the young people of smaller communities be introduced to till? good films that were avail- a e. The sincere thanks of the W. A. goes to all those who donated their time and talents to the bazaar. 0n the movie scene. last Sat- urday. (CBL 1.15 p.m.), Mr. Gerald Pratley, in the course of a general review of Canad- ian Films mentioned the Films The “Angry Silence" the first in the Films of Note pro- grammes shown at the Rich- mond Theatre on October 25/6 received an excellent response, ‘an indication that there is a ‘deflnlte demand for films of ‘thls calibre. uu. ulbllu use“ a v ..., -__ The Inner Wheel of the no. lowship of the" Metro Free ‘tnry Club of Richmond Hill held‘Methodist Churches last Mon- its annual Fall Tea and Sale ’ - ,Th address was W. on November 1st at the hometggybglgvkzlgs Ail-um, Directorg of of M"' D' Beaumont“ GueSts‘Toronto Youth for Christ. were greeted at the door by Mrs. A. McLatchy and Mrs. G.| * *, ‘ * . :Mclntyre. Mrs. D. Beaumont! on October 30th the Ladies convenor, assisted by Mrs. D.‘Auxiliary 375 to the Canadian Plaxton and Mrs. R. Johnston. Legion Richmond Hill held their was in charge of the tea, and 12th birthday party at the” Mrs-.R- Butler. assisted by Mrs. hall on Carrville Rd. Members of S. Pipher and Mrs. R. Rylandtthe branch presented a ‘Gay convened the sale table diS~‘Nineties Revue‘ written and d1- playmg handicrafts and confec- rected by Gloria Sandford, the tlonery made by members. 1singing, dancing and miming ‘ PreSidents from the Inner was enjoyed by an audience of Wheel .clubs of Willowdaleroo members from visiting Downsv1ew. Scarborough. Ar-ibranches which included Mrs. mour Heights and Leaside pour-lglsie Duffield of Apron-i, done _.I L__ H. _ Presidents from the Inner ‘Wheel clubs of Willowdale, Downsview. Scarborough, Ar~ mour Heights and Leaside pour- led tea and the many guests en- joyed sandwiches and cakes. Members of the Inner Wheel ,wish to express their apprecia- tion for the patronage of all who purchased tickets to en- ‘able them to further their wel- fare work. er. Mr. Edward Green, who pass- ed away on November 6th at his home in Saskatoon. out of the seven day run of "Quiet Weekend" the Curtain Club is running an additional evening on Wednesday. Novem- ber 15th. For tickets please call TU. 4-7845. Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston, Boisdale Ave., \‘rere Mr. and Mrs. Clem Robin of Robin Homes Construction 00.. Ottawa, who attended the Ontario Sunday School Convention with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston in CNE‘s Queen Elizabeth Building. November 23 and 24. Sold Out Owing to the comp out of the seven day "' * * " Entertaining at her home on Miss Catharine Farwell, Vale- Church St. on Friday night dicmrian at the RiChmond Hm following the Commencement High $011001 commencement Exercises at the Richmond Hill Exercises on Friday last, enter- High School was MiSS Barbara taiHEd at her home f0110Wiflg Southwell, honour graduate. the ceremonies. Miss Farwell is now in residence at Waning- now in FESidenCe at 5L Hilda'sv‘ford Hall. McMaster University. Trinity College. University of‘ * w it * Toronto, where she is taking an John Clement, son of Mr. and Art and AFChEOIOEY Course- [Mi-s. Lewis D. Clement has re- r a a e | Mrs. Bert Wolfreys accompanâ€" Elgln Mills Residents. ied by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parents of skating enthusiasts Wolfreys and them daughter. in the district have a wonder-iDonna, have just returned from ful opportunity of providing a very pleasant vacation at‘ Day- their children with an outdoor tona Beach, Florida. skating rink. Mr. Clarence Jonesi “ * * "‘ is supplying the location and. Barbara Jane Lennox celebrat' the water, but needs able bodied‘ed her seventh birthday on help for the preliminary con-.Thursday. November 2nd. by struction. A call to TU. 4-1662 inviting several of her friends will ensure the rink being ready along to her home on Mill St. ; for the children to enjoy a full for an afternoon of games. fol-: season of skating pleasure. llowed by refreshmentshighlighfi * * * * ited by a gaily decorated birth- “Our fashion show today will‘day cake, Those joining in the feature ski and apres ski wear‘fun were; Kim and Kerry has. and the star Of our show is er, Ann Cover, Pamela Brown, Anne Heggtveit - Olympic GOIdiJudy Dick, Diane Boylan, Nor- Medallist and World Champion‘ Nico], Ma ie Lynn Stephens Skier" with these words Esther 3:1 Barbara gliginkley. Postlethwaite (Mrs. John of Ea- tons) introduced Anne Heggtveit * * "‘ * last Week. She says this greati Mr. Lloyd Hughes Sunday young Canadian is a wonder- School Superintendent, and fully natural girl and quite‘Vernon Archibald; Mr. Arthur charming. One of her pet hob- Dunn and two from his class ofl bies is antique hunting and she Junior boys - Wayne Palmer spent part of her visit to To- and Danny Ward; Mr. J. Wu ronto scouting round the an-iJohnston, adult Bible Class thue shops for her apartmentlteacher and his son David, all of in' Montreal where she livesthe Richmond Hill Free Metho- ‘With her hUSband, ROSS Ham-‘dist Church, were guests at the llton. ifather and son banquet held by i * i i ii - ' I the Light and Life Mens Fel‘ The Inn" Wheel of the 30' lowship of the Metro Free .tary Club of Richmond Hill held‘Methodist Churches last Mon- its annual Fall Tea and Sale flay night, The address was giv. on November 1st at the homeien by Wes Aarum, Director of 2a....Ml-ELARLABEEuTBPt';Elma?iToronto Youth for Christ. The sympathy of the commun-I It was decided at a Teen Town ity is extended to Mrs. Jack‘meeting held at the home of Pears on the death of her fath-;Wendy Hopper that the next er. Mr. Edward Green, who pass-‘dance to be held on November ed away on November 6th atIIB. will be a Beatnik Dance. A his home in Saskatoon, [prize will be given for the best t a m i costume. The Beverley Acres YWCA Neighbours held their Monday night meeting at the school where Miss Pat Bedford instruc~ ted the regular exercise class. and the millinery class contin- ued with their individual cre- ations. "“‘ "- ULDIILIIC.) v v A a n w . . A . . v . m u V _ . . _ V . . . mour Heights and Leaside pour-11.315 e Duffield of Aurora, Lone; The regular monthly business 9d tea and the many guests en- commander, Mabel Clark of‘ineeting of Richmond Hill Lions Joyed sandwiches and cakes. ‘Woodbridge, and Zone Comman-‘Club was held at the Lions Members Of the IPm”Wheellder Julia Sanders of TorontoJHall. Thursday, November 2nd, ‘31511 to express the“ apprfliaJA delicious buffet supper was‘with 42 members Present. “tan for the patronage Of 5'1 provided by ladies of the auxn Immediately after dinner ablo tiurChaSEd tickets .to en"illary and avery lovely birthdayJCharles Marple and Don. Cog- fm‘: we? *0 further the“ wel"cake donated by Phylis Stock-hill were inducted as fullâ€"fledg- or ' ,. * t * ‘hert was cut by President Au- ed Lions. Past President Dick Next wed d ‘drey Apperly assisted by M_rs.‘Edmunds .conducted the impres- 15th at 815nes ay, November Della Sparks and Mrs. Edith‘sive ceremony assisted by past Grade IX 't d"'”‘" Parents. 0f Titshall both chartered mem- President Bob Little and past mom! Hm h9g3!“ the mch- bers of the Branch. After sup- president Doug Boyd. the Opportunfit foo! .“1111 have per many beautiful birthday Reports of various committees school in 0rd yt o “smug the gifts were OPeHEd by the “5+ were read and received along at a Specifier o m_eet the staff dent finishing a Very enJOY-‘with the 1961-62 budget pres- .. .. reception- iable evening. Ipntpd hv nast President D. Fea- Since the high school’s Mid- Term Reports were sent home. this week. it will be an oppor-l tune time for the parents to discuss the present and future plans of their children. The parents will meet in the audi- torium and the programme will feature the very fine school‘ band playing music from the Broadway Musical "Wildcat." The hit tune, incidentally, was "Hey, Look Me Over," and that is probably what the 38 mem- bers of the staff will he say- ing when they are introduced ‘to_t_he parents. HUIU CVCulLlE. tit! Mrs. David Howard. presxded at the November meeting of the Harriet Taylor Auxiliary of.the W.M.S. of Richmond Hill United Church. Mrs. L. Clement took charge of the worship period. Mrs. J. Pollard, who had been one of three hundred and Sixty delegates to the first conference of United Church women at .Keswick on Lake Rosseau, Mus- koka in September, gave an in- spiring account of the three day proceedings for study. discus. sion and worship. There will be brief taLks by Principal, Wright Morrow, and his department heads as they outline the aims and objectives of the various courses that are available for the new student in high school. These informa- tive talks will be folllgwed by nun.“- --_:__, fl J a press conference-ster ques- tion period, whereby the par- ents can have some of the as- pects of secondary education that have puzzled them. solved, with the assistance of the staff. After the question period, the parents can meet with their child's teacher and. if need be, arrange an interview at a future mtglxally acceptable date. ~ The hssehiBifWianZn ad-li".' figfifiié:u\'ég "He'a'd ‘ Journ to tour the building, aud‘F. Davis. The meeting to visit the cafeteria for coffee. with 3 500131 half 130111" the complete sell Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sander- son spent a few days in an York prior to attending the four day convention for the “Federation of Societies for Paint Technology" held in Washington on November lst. Mrs. Douglas Wallace from Winnipeg is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. J. Beresford Anderson. Centre St. Magistrate James Butler will be speaking in the City of Brantford on Sunday evening next when he will address a rally of families in the Green- brier Presbyterian Church on the subject “Home or Service Station". John Clement. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis D. Clement has re- turned home from Northwestern Hospital where he underwent treatment for an eye injury sus- tained at his home two weeks ago. and Barbara mmuey. School buildings. said the a a: 1‘ wk bOard’s chairman, were looked M . L10 a flu hes. Sunda 0“ by the: board as provigiing an Schgol Syuperinglendent, ang opportunity for commumty bet-a Vernon Archibald; Mr. Arthur termePt- He detailed _the use‘ Dunn and two from his class ofEt° Wthh theYfiVeFe Put In extra: Junior boys - Wayne Palmer CWNCUMI‘ acthitleS. and Danny Ward; Mr. J. W; Many problems‘,bfséussed Johnston, adult Blble Class teacher and his son David, all of i n... n:-hmnaa “HI Ire-an Illnflun- Many subjects were covered n the open discussions follow- per many beautiful birthday‘ gifts were opened by the Presi- dent finishing a very enjoy-I able evening. ‘ tilt! Mrs. David Howard presided at the November meeting of the Harriet Taylor Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of Richmond Hill United Church. Mrs. L. Clement took charge of the worship period: Mrs. J. Pollard, who had been one of three hundred and sixty delegates to the first conference of United Church women at' Keswick on Lake Rosseau, Mus-‘ koka in September, gave an in- spiring account of the three day; proceedings for study. discus- sion and worship. Splendid reports on various phases of the work were given by the different secretaries ~â€" Mrs. S. Elson, on Christian Reports of various committees were read and received along with the 1961-62 budget pres- ented by past President D. Fea- therstonhaugh which indicated close to $15,000. would be spent on service work in Richmond Hill during the coming year. Funds will be raised from, bingo games, elimination draw and various other activities. Listed as important contributions are hospitals $3,000., health welfare $2,100., boys and girls $1,800., scholarships $600.; Crippled Children $1,500. Lion Reg. Williams. Chairman of the Activities Committee. re- ported $25. tickets for the elim- ination draw were selling fav» wishing to, bly. Anyone hase a ticket may do so by TU. 4- oura purc phoning Lauder Glass 1211. Pickfair Restaurant, the couple lgft on a honeymoon to Flor- 1 a. Teen Town RICHMOND HILL By Mike Donahue The popular tunes supplied by Gary Anthony combined with the vocal and instrumental styl- lings of many hit tunes by the Summets proved to be the in- gredients for a fun filled even- ing of dancing at Teen Town last Saturday night. The prizes for spot dances also provided an extra attraction. E Mrs. Earl Howard, a member 'of the Dominion Board of the United Church, addressed the ,,, _ ,u..- -1 LL- Splendid reports on various phases of the work were given by the different secretaries â€" Mrs. S. Elson, on Christian Stewardship; Mrs. M. Hellman, on Christian Citizenship; Mr. W. Rainer, on the work of the younger groups, and Mrs. W. Dodds as Corresponding Secre- tary and the Baby Band. u.c.......u...,., ................ on Christian Citizenship; Mrs. The Walter Scott Y.W.C.A. W. Ramer, on the work of the Neighbours are pleased to an- younger groups, and Mrs. W. nounce that Miss Pat Belt. phy- DOddS as Corresponding Secreâ€" sical education teacher at the tary and the Baby Band. Bayview High School will com- As this was the second last mence her activity programme meeting of the Woman’s Mis- with this group at their next sionary Society before it joins meeting on Thursday, Novem- the new organization “United her 9th. The popular XBX air Church Women." 3 review of force exercise programme will the work of the society from constitute the exercise portion its organization in 1893 until'and as Miss Belt is interested in 1930. which had been prepared teaching folk dancing, some time by the Archives Secretary Mrs. will he spent in this capacity. F. Rumble, was read by Mrs. Daphne Straumann will also be F. Davis. The meeting closed present with slides of her in- with a social half hour. teresting world travels. Trustees, Principals And Parents Trade Ideas In New Type Meeting Explaining the reason for the~of each topic. Commanding a meeting. held in Pleasantvilie special amount of attention was School. Chairman L. Clement‘the homework question. Should said that it was not good for‘it be started in grade five and the board to be isolated. Helintensified in upper grades to felt that home and school made‘develop regular work habits a good place to start the dis-‘before the child enters high cussion of mutual problems and‘school? Opinions were mixed. to promote good relations be- Some felt that the discipline tween 5011001 board, teachers imposed was of value. Others and Parents- held that there should be no School buildings. said the infringement on the child's right‘ board’s chairman, were looked t0 Play-time and “St'time' F1? on by the board as providing an nal dec1s_1on was _to have the opportunity for community bet- matter dlscussed 1!‘ home and terment_ He detailed the use school meetings. With advice to ito which they were put in ex-tra- the Publlc 5°h°°1 board as to lcurmcular activities. opinions by the end of January. - ' Did report cards communicate Many "oblems‘bfimssed sufficiently well between schools Many subjects were covered and parents? Here again opin- in the open discussions follow-[ions were slightly divided, with Board Isolation ls Threat - Clement ing the éhairman's presentauon'the consensuE bélng that 'there Deanne Mar-ie Mungy, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mungy, was marriedto Ronald Meraska, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meraska of Richmond Hill, in‘ Westminster United Church. An event unique in Richmond Hill’s educational was 1 historyâ€"and said to be rare in the provinceâ€"took 313?: place last week when public school trustees, executives A of home and school associations and school principals there sat down together to discuss angles of the problem claSSE close to every one of themâ€"the education of Richmond 512;“: Hill’s juniors. Also present were School Superintendent learni Gordon McIntyre and Business Administrator Kenneth from Turton. that 1 Deanne Marie Mungy ls Bride Michael Meraska Den Doings Students congratulated students at Richmond Hill High School last Friday, at the 38th annual Commencement exercises. From the left in this picture are Charleen Smith, vice~president of the Student Association and Edward Addison, president of the same organization. They are seen making awards to Barry Boeckner, who scored 83 per cent marks and Catharine Farwell, who made 85 per cent. The latter couple also won Ontario Scholarships of $400 each, which were presented by Dean A. J. Earp, M.A., M. Litt., of Trinity College. Boeckner also won the Mary Banting Izzard Scholarship for proficiency in English. Students Congratulated By Students Eileen Hemberger, in gold, No decision was reached as to was maid of honor, and other future meetings but. after the attendants were Mrs. Irene meem’g, Chairman Clement in- Currie, sister of the bride, June dicated that it was IikEIY that a Slobodian. Dianne Murri and permanent pattern would be Mrs. Marion Goldblatt. Their .established for similar meet- dresses were emerald greenlmgsv even though these might vpeau de soie. Wh-ite lace jack-lbe hem only at fairly long inter- ets topped their gowns~ vals.' He felt that the first Best man was Dino Marcuz meetmg justified a continuance. Best man was Dino Marcuz and ushers were the bride’s brother. Michael Mungy, Terry and Bill Meraska, broth- ers of the groom, and Kenneth Smith. After the reception at the Pickfair Restaurant, the couple left on a honeymoon to Flor- ida. Escorted down the aisle by her father, the bride wore a white lace gown with bouffant skirt falling to a chapel train. A tiara of crystal beads and seed pearls held her veil and she carried orchids and stephan- otis. ' Mrs. Earl Howard, 3 member of the Dominion Board of the United Church. addressed the regular monthly meeting of the St. Matthew’s Women’s Federa- tion on Tuesday evening. Her topic was “The New Organiza- tion" to be known as the United Church Women. Guests were present from Maple, Headford. Victoria Square. Brown‘s Cor- ners and Richmond Hill United Churches. The programme for the De- cember meeting will include a shower of toys. The toys, col- lected will be sent to the Group's Missionary for Prayer in Toronto, who will distribute them to children in the 6-8 yr. age range. ’ ( Photo by Lagerquist) No clear-cut decision was reached on the question as to whether it was desirable to teach French in pwblic schools. There were definite problems. it was said. Pupils were already busy on many other things. Big- gest problem of all was the lack of teachers of the right type. There was a real scarcity, said Superintendent McIntyre, of teachers who could teach on a high grade in two languages. was no particular demand for a change. More Opportunities Coming? A question as to whether there were plans for special classes for the gifted child, as compared at the other end of the scale to the classes for slow learners. brought the assertion from Superintendent McIntyre that the aim of the local system was to do as much as possible for children on every level. As it grew there would be more groupsâ€"hence more specializa- {tion and more opportunities. Turning from the mental to the physical, shoes were dis- cussed. Necessity of preserva- tion of floors made the use of running shoes necessary in gym- nasia, it was said. Some parents failed to provide theSe shoes. There was a suspicion that in some classes the fault lay with youngsters anxious to dodge physical training, now a definite part of the curriculum. Home and school representatives back- ed the board solidly in its con- tention that these shoas should be provided by parentsâ€"not taxpayers in general. Where necessary, some H & S repre- sentatives said, parents could take the matter up with them and the solution would be found privately. Shoes Are Problem 5 P' Ch _K!f3+ew.r3'3? $3450 Murray Upholstery & Furniture Table and 4 Chairs 53 YONGE ST. SOUTH OUR LOW OVERHEAD IS YOUR SAVING LOW PRICES â€" HIGH QUALITY THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 9. 1961 4 SEATER 2 Pc. CHESTERFIELD only $139.50 PRE' CHRISTMAS SALE FURNITURE RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Proudly Presents D. ALBERT BROWN COIFFURES “The time fore-ordained unto the peoples and kindreds of the earth is now come. The promises of God, as recorded in the Holy Scriptures, have all been fulfilled. The sovereign remedy and mightiest instrument for the healing of all the world is the union of all its people in one uni- versal Cause, one common Faith." . . . Take Advantage of Our Mon. to Wed. Specials SHAMPOO & STYLE $2.00 STUDENTS $1.75 ADDRESS ENQUIRIES TO Box 9 THE LIBERAL Audrey of LuBette DeParis Coéfiietics and welcomes the return of Wieners BAYVIEW PLAZA PORK ROAST lb. 55: LE AN LOIN LOIN . END CUTS 3 to 3% lb. average PORK CHOPS lb 59c SMOOTH TOP MATTRESSES only $27.50 Wood eatina gs: A'l' sAvmes! TO BE HELD IN Richmond Hill Council Chambers SAT. NOV. llth 2 to 5 pm. WEDNESDAY 15th. NOVEMBER BARBARA ANN THE CURTAIN CLUB ANNOUNCE AN ADDITIONAL NIGHT 0N For Tickets Phone TU. 4-7845 BAHA'I WORLD FAITH Due To Complete Sell Out of Tickets For “QUIET WEEKEND" CRAFTS, PANTRY SHELF, WHITE ELEPHANT, DRIFTWOOD, ETC. Senior Citizens . NELS GAGE For appointment Phone 285-4889 Bring In This Ad And Save 5% BEDROOM SUITE 3pc. Double Dresser, Chest, Bookcase Bed Richmond Hill clb Bacon lb 69: Baha'i Writings. Rindless Side 4dr.UNPA|NTED C HES T only $35.50 TU. 4 - 5776 TU. 4-7691

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