Rlchmond Hill DRY Harawooa {or nrepiace.'4_7767. chug AUTO PARTS countepman‘ we T. - 49. Ph n b tween 6‘“. -..e . l . _ mg! $255,111. Chang-1i: Meashinter. MARY MAXIM sweater. size 38.|ferahly “'“h some experlent‘e. - d - . AV’ 5_394 .vApply Part, Manager M. S. Mac- _._. _-. e *mfls'annque car ESlgn clwlsgiphcrson Motors Ltd. Aurora. 10.000 BALES straw. 200 tons maâ€" WA w m r iom. clw19 hay. 200 tons feed oats. Will BROADLOOM RUG. grey. 12 WOMAN for houseclcaning cv- deliver. AV. 5-2236. TU. 4-2236.‘X 15. with underpad‘ $75. TU.! y Tuesday. must be reliable “.319 4-3856. c1w19,†’ . w“.._ _. â€"â€"-â€"â€" â€"r â€" 7 7A a - » - and thoroughly expenenccd. NORGE oil space heater. per- SNOW FENCE: 50 ft- F0“ 59-25- AV. 5-5342. c1w19 { t n stove i 95‘ 100 {t- r0“ $18.00. 5 steel ’" " ‘ "' ' * . eggpgmubtgg and 200 gallgnpoil posts- 900 each. Phone TU. 4-‘ENERGETIC “mg m“ f‘" 5e“ vice station work. Must be re- jt‘mk' sacriï¬ce 565' TU' 4'1853' Effâ€"'Vâ€" u 7 due†liable. Preferably experienced. ._______..___,,_ _ #31313 21 table mOdel T-V- Setv new Apply in person to Cook's 13.13., STRAW. 50c bale delivered 10 Picture tube. 1960 $85-00- J. Elgin M1115. c1w19 _ _Fox & Son. Stop 24 Yonge -â€" m-â€" ‘ , m °5 Sigr'ng'mi 2553arii°e TH- - ErAépï¬ngfE.Sflgzmssesvzat Muhinter. *3w18 BEAVER coat. new. size 16-18; mg". Apply to Mr. Shields'gAV' BLACK 5; DEEIZ'ERV'alEâ€"rzéï¬- maternity dresses size 16- "ever 5-1154. David McLean Ltd., worn. Very reasonable. TU. 4- der and resenting machines. Less 7517. - clwereflAtgrs; c1w19 than n year old- TU- 4-305? _ I ~ 77 BREAD SALESMAN " wanted. .. nInI-nlynnn SEVEN fluorescent 49 inch four strip lighting ï¬xtures complete with bulbs. Thirty Westing- house 250 watt heat lamps. Rea- sonable. TU. 4-3835. clw19 LADY'S black coat 12-14, 2:? girls' 3-piece sets. 6 and 6x, 2 boys’ sports coats 10-12, boy's suburban coat 12. Excellent con-. ditlon. Very reasonable. Lionel train set and plywood. AV. 5- 5583. c2w19 PERSONALIZED Christmas cards with that smart distinc- tive look. York Office Equip- ment has a wide selection. 16 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. I (‘13le SMALL greenhouses for hobby gardens, all sizes. Come in and see the one on display in our showroom on Highway 7 West, 2 miles west of Highway 10. K. Faber. R. R. 2 Brampton GL. 1- 3837. No business on Sunday. *2w19 Street; TU. 4-1610. > 7 uWimcorner) Yonge at ENGLISH PEDIGREE carriage ENER'GEH‘IC_{( with sun canopy, excellent con- mm 23-40 for amen. $40.00. TU. 4-7185. pernganem' posit,- A “W19 salary $400 mon WESTINGHOUSE Hi Fi Stereo ther advances. Ni record player, with AM. and nerience necessar FM. radio. $189.00. J. ox & ing given. Applv Son, Stop 24 Yonge Str t. TU. writing to Box 32 4-1610. c1w19 CQNSTRUCTION equipment.‘ diesel air compressor, h"'1io‘ tampers. .1959 pick-up Volks-t‘ \vagen. pipe and small tools. Reasonable for quick sale. AV.l 5-4295. c1w19 \VESTINEHOUSE 'clothes drv- er -- wit free electric blanket. - Regular $139.00. sale $159.00. GQC'VA‘anrdmgg“ J. Fox & Son, Stop 24. Yonge DO YOU HAW c1w19 Emblem: A5: .r PERSC OLD, EIEDOWN Tablets help "pep of men, women HEAVY GAUGE steel rooï¬ng, 20 squares or over $10.00 per square: under $10.35 per square. Gormley Lumber. phone 5710 Gormley. ‘ c1w19 srï¬c’u’m’r. 7 n. arborlte topIW‘W "WSW “ulsemuh wllh stainless steel sink, swlvellTv and “mm†h°useh°ld 8“ .Itlclcs, good condition. reason- taps, {our drawers and cupboard,lab,le.~TU. +1629. “€19 walnut cedar chest, chlld's car; __,., _ _____ _ A doll's stroller. Bargain. AV. 5â€":ANTIQUE clocks and piano ac- 5045. c1w719lcotr)dlan. {II few oddments, small TRAILERSRng’; SALE on ice 1n tral er. TU. 4-1629. Clww E _,__ ._,_., n77, New box trailers, all sizes $68.|CUSTOM MADE entrance hall and u or $12.00 week! ten. table with planter; Kroehler “L HEUSe trailers for $19 orlchesterï¬eld, chalr and recliner. rent. can Oak Ridges. FR. 3.1Reasonable. TU. 4-3503. CIW19 5721; tfc3|BARB WIREâ€"$3700 Der roll while SMALL greenhouses for hobby gardens, all sizes. Come in and see the one on display in our showroom on Highway 7 West, 2 miles west of Highway 10. K. Faber. R. R. 2 Brampton GL. 1- 3837. No business on Sunday. ATTENTION DRESSMAKERs'delivered In We have dress-making forms I( from size 18 to 44. A bargain Landscaping a: for the woman who prefers toI Crushed Stc make her own clothes. TU. 4m SP] 5157, {Mushroom C01 | -__I xr-_..,, TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale In- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail~ able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. SPIES. Delicious. Talman Sweets. some hall marked. Bring our own container. $1.00 per bushel. Maurice Pike. Stout!- vllle R. R. 4. Phone 5676 6mm- ley. *6w15 SANDY LOAM SAND 5: GRAVEL Call Joe Hampton I’Rospect 3-5922 or TU. 4-2538 BEAUTYREST. Marshall. 51m.}USEI? CAR RADIOS and Sony mons, Serta. Seely and othcr'gglswtoalpoflablï¬ radios. mm. 5 tin mattresses repaired. re- 01‘ 1‘8 10 repairs. tsrnesi just like new, medium HERRIDGE ELECTRIC "I‘V ï¬rm. emra firm. Two-day ser- Appliance Sales Repairs Parts v1ce.Elderdowns recovered. On- 53 YOUR St. N.. TU. 4-3211 lario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. ‘ {1115 _‘ ‘ _ >Lfc44 EASY washing machine. wrina- AUTOMATIC WASHERS. New er type- 325-00: long six volt G.E.'s.and used units - sell nr 031“ battery. $5.00. 1951 Chev. rem (service included)_ we will yadxator and 1949 Pontiac rad- demonstrate at your home. WOT. 5.00 each: 1951 Chev. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV rear end. $5.00. 2 - 670 x 15 Appliance Sales Repairs Partsatlres. new condition $16.00. TU. 53 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-3211 4-2677. V c1w19 “€15 LOAM AND :nn FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator. 7.8 cu. ft.. small freezer compart- ment. in beautiful condition. AL. 7-1250. c1w19 STRAW. : bales or tween 6 ‘ Mashlnter DRY Hardvi/ood for ï¬replace. TU. 4-2549. Phone between 6 and 7 pm. Charlie Mashinler. *3w18 goou conuiuun. qu uncsocm. ,.‘...._,__u__,_ AV. 5-1817 after 6 pm. c1w19‘DEEP WELL PumPv motor 311dl TU. 4_2726 â€"‘â€"~ Ki . 'A. Atank. AV. 5-3084. c2w19 ARGE doll carriage. in good w A (‘3w18 ondition; McClary rangettc. RECORD PLAYER- g°°d COH' SHORTHAND twist {Jr legal U. 4-5662. c1w19'9LiEE’“ T†“569- “W†ofï¬ce in Willowdale. Knowledge WATER HEATERV'electric’ RIANOTupright. in good condi- of bookkeeping profcrred. BA glass lined. 40 gallons. $40-00- 4-1524. Cl‘W19 2-2531. (:1ng PR. 3-5739. 7 i c1\v_19,TUXEPO and tails. size 38, good CLEANING WOMAN wanted. IB'SON "1m ‘ 4 '{b‘ zicondition. Both $22. TL. - Wednesdays or Fridays. Close jack imputzmé’oodezonditi‘éneiea_ 4883. clw19 in transportation. TU. 4-1942. ' ' †clw19 sonable. TU. 4-4024. *1w19 PREFAB GARAGES from $299. , _ Call Loughlin Lumber and Sup- GIRL FRiDAY required for METâ€"“1“-“Ipï¬i'F car" ssweatg'?’ 13:: To. 352%?6107 913" AV. $1109. llcflliConcord sales office. Duties inâ€" Av, 5.3991_ *1w19 BENDIX combination washer- CJUde WPmÂ¥~ genera] 03‘“ T0"- â€"â€" â€" -'â€"‘-â€"ldryer. used lightly 3 years. TU. “'19- AV- 5‘3441- C1“'19 REY . {IEFS‘WOBS’ fort ï¬ffPECEH-WGT c1wl9 AUTOlPARTS counter-man. pre- SIâ€"NGLEWBED and mattress.‘ 'â€" good condition. two dressers. a§k for JaCk AV. 5-1817 ft 6 ‘ . 1v19 DEEFWELI *Lcr pl“ C‘ tank. AV. 5-: TRGE doll carriage, in anod‘ w # .ondition; McClary rangettc.jR_E.CORD P U. 4-5662. c1w191wn. EU. CASH RATES. lst insertion So each word, min. charge 75c Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 5c per word, mln. charge . . . . . . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERSan extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word: mln. charge 75c CARDS OF' THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . LUU Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. PEAT LOAM â€"â€" SOD THE RESALE SHOP 12 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES TU. 4-1145 53 Yonge St. N. tic-19' IT'S All. IN THE clw19 c1w19 [17" TELEVISION. light wood. iConsole. needs new picture tube, -2538‘otherwise in good condition, Ltcso‘ssono. AL. 7-1390 after 5:00. V19 FIREWOOD >~lDry hardwood in 12" and 16" 7-sllengths. Delivered free. Any Irt‘ quantities. AL. 7-8831. mu m; WESTINGHOUSE 48"â€de1uxe c1w19 21 . 21ENGLISH PEDIGREE carriage s with sun canopy. excellent con- ,_ dition. $40.00. TU. +7185. ELECTRIC RANGE, 21â€, in good condition. space heater. 4-6 room, good condition. PR. 3-5503. c1w19 GOOD used Iurniture {or sale. Call Frank's Moves and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4~ 2813. Uc3 range, automatic timer. etc.. like new. Reasonable. 285-3632. clw19 PIANO upright, refrigerator, TV and numerous household ar- ticles, good condition, reason- able. TU. 4-1629. Vt£c19 ANTIQUE clocks and piano ac- cordlan. a few oddments. small cabin trailer. TU. 4-1629. c1w19 CUSTOM MADE entrance hall table with planter; Kroehler Chesterï¬eld. chair and reclinen Reasonable. TU.» 4-3503. c1w19. BARB WIRE $6.00 per roll whilel they last;v6 foot steel posts, 90c each. Norm Bone. TU. 4-1443. tfcl7' ____ 7 H__i BABYâ€"PICTURES are priceless when taken by the Lagerquist Studio. TU. 44791.3. tfc 17" TELEVISION, light wood. Console. needs new picture tube. otherwise in good condition,‘ $50.00. AL. 7-1390 after 5:00. clw19 ENGLISH PEDIGREE carriage with sun canopy. excellent con- AHL... nan nn mvv . run- PART TIME - 2 responsible wo- men or girls over 18 years to work 4 hours daily, alternating afternoons and evenings. in var- iety store. Richmond Hill. Apply Box 34. The Liberal. c1w19 STENOGRAPHER Required for automobile dealer- ship. Knowledge of bookkeeping preferred. Usual company bene- fits. Apply to Box 39 The Liber- al.. c1w19 MEN for full time general fac- tory work, experience necessary. Apply in person. Friday after- noon, November 10 between 2 and 5 pm. Grainger-Adanac Ltd. 5382 Yonge St., Willlow- dale. c1w19 SAYVETTE LTD. requires girls for cashiers and sales. full-time and evenings 6-10, for its new Willowdale Store. Apply in per- son 9 am. to 9 pm. to Sayvette Ltd. (6300 Yonge. south-west corner) Yonge at Steeles. tfc15 ENERGETIC young married man, 23-40, for local business. TV and ntimérous houseï¬old ar- ticles, good condition, reason- ab'le. TU. 4-1629. tfc19 BABY PICTURES are priceless when taken by the Lagerquist Studio. TU. 4-2191. tfc3 FREE NEW ELECTRIC BLANKET This rose coloured. double bed, single control electric blanket is yours free with the purchase of a new electric clothes dryer anywhere. Buy a 6.15. Dryer from loads. Landscaping and grading - Sand Crushed Stone and Gravel SPECIAL Mushroom Compost. Peat Loam and Manure, $7.00 per load. MEL'S HAULAGE BA. 5-2781 my†(ngtinued) 7 BOYS bicycle. 28". good condi HERRIDGE ELECTRIC "I‘V Appliance Sales Repairs Parts 53 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-8211 tfclS EASY"wailingâ€"mébhineï¬ï¬iï¬c- HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV Appliance Sales Repairs Parts Good ï¬nancing available FOR SALE LOAM AND SOD min. charge 75c small and half TU. 4-3211 tfc15 1.00 c2w18 tfcll ~13 Auk, UJ uvu v‘. .y....v and thoroughly experienced“. AV. 5-5342. clw19 ENERGETIC young man for ser- |vlce station work. Must be re- liable. Preferably experienced. Apply in person to Cook’s B.P.. Elgin Mills. c1w19 REAL ESTATE salesman want- ed, opening for one energetic man. Apply to Mr. Shields, AV. 5-1164. David McLean Ltd.. lRealtors. c1w19 'BREAD SALESMAN wanted. [Brown‘s Bread Company, No. 7 Highway and' Don Mills. AX. 3- '3241, AV. 5-2766 after 6:30. nu CHIMNEYS built and Free estimates. Expert manship. Phone Walker and MitclreerV. 5-2526. tfcl5 TYPING & COMPTOMETER SERVICES Comp-tometer work done in your own office or at home. TU. 4- 1537 or TU. 4-7915. c1w19 CUSTOM CARPENTRY Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, 'hi-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. M. 0. Harrison. TU. 4â€"‘ 2838. L£c15 repaired. work- Chimneys : HELP WANTED ‘ FREE furnished or unfurnished apartment for couple (no child- ren) plus good wages for wife's services, char kept. Downsview area. Information, TU. 4-3835. c1w19 THE BIG earning season is here. We have openings for ambitious women to service AVON cus- tomers. Write District Manager. Miss Ziegler, Box 635, Oakville. c1w19 (“mmâ€) FIREPLACE woon FIIiEWOOD:ft)-r saleJdr'y elm, Crushed Stone, Sand. Gravel, cut and splt. Apply Douglas and Loam. AV. 5-2703. um Gee. Lot 24, Concession 3, Mark-‘ -w ham. Phone G-ormley 5468. \ PAINEXS.& PAPER clw19 “NC I R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. lChesterfield sets recovered â€" ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"12 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- _ 7_ 7 sired. A. Smith, Upholstery, OLD, RUNDOWN‘! Ostrex Tonic 92116 AV. 5:163? 4 “043 Tablfls 1191? “Pep-UP" thousands Radio Repail‘i General Repair of men. women past 40. Only Safety Glass Collision Painting 699. At all druggist‘s. c1w19 Rebuilding Welding D’ ' YOU" AVE ' Dr-nking TRUCK & AUTO BODY Pgblem'.’ Alta. mava help: you. 37f“ Maple A‘le†R‘Cllvale' Ont‘ Contact Box 84 The Liberal. me“ P- Jongkmd 2851533; Permanent position. Starting salary $400 monthly with furâ€" ther advances. No previous ex- nerience necessary. Full train- ing given. Applv in own hand- writing to Box 32, The Liberal. 02w18 2 CHOICE LOTS. 45' x 241' 300' off Yonge Street. 4 roomed cottage on one lot. For quick sale. Apply 20 Spruce Avenue. AV. 5â€"3670. c4w17 SNKVCK bar help required. TU. 4851. clw19 BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE XXX xx'x’ XXX PAY '5.“ OFF WITH LOW-COST. LIFE-lst PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Xxxi xxxx MONEY T0 LOAN FoRfSKEEâ€â€™ MISCELLANEOUS THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA XXX XXX HAIR STYLIS’I‘ TU. 4-2726 XXXX XXXXXX X XX XXX xx xx xx xx XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX LOAN nu uuuuuu :"e AVON cu‘giKING CITY WELL DRILLING strict Manage“ _C0. LTl). I 635, oakviue. Pump eqmpment Installed and clwlg serVIced. George Adams, Box ,. _ V ,,__ 192 K‘ . Ph K' TE. responsible wo- 3.63211.ng City one mgtfclfl Eifyvlguï¬igsï¬gg CALL USAfor~youfwsaIId, gravely, _- - _fill. top soil and black loam. Ezralrhgï¬'llggglrv Prompt delivery. Reasonable ‘eral 'Clwl‘g rates. J. B. _DeFerrari, Maple, ' IALpine 7-8876. m7 LAPHER * i - ’CO’NCRETE '- MASONRY LT‘Ltgéikdeealfxf'ICARPENTRY CONTRAcw‘nRs mmmm, gnyleuilding, alterations_& repairs. RED c1w19 ‘tfc19 ‘CARPENTER. alterations. addi- cswlsgtions, ki‘tqhen‘sfland, recreatio mvv A IAll items may be picked up at [our location by Truck. Car or f delivered _ ELGIN MILLS LOAM 8: SOD ‘ CO. LTD. ‘ AV. 5-1514 I UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- ‘dence, business, AV. 5-5345. lhi-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. M. 0. Harrison. TU. 4â€" ‘2838. Lfcl5 . _MASONRY CONTRACTOR SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085 tfc4 Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V. Ostergaard 148 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 5688. tfc23 ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awning and railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4- 1514. tfc13 Free Advice unfurnished. central, for mother RICH BLACK PEAT LOAM Iand teen-aged daughter. Rea- spEchL Mlx lsonable:flï¬_5-4129. c1w18 RICH BLACK SANDY'LOAM‘EARAGE.vicinityBedford Park WELL ROTTED MANURE IAvenue. Call Mrs‘ Pickering. TOP SOIL AV 5â€"4201. tfc18 ORDINARY SANDY LOAM " "ï¬g‘ . 'V ' A* son. SEED. PEA-r MOSS APARTMENT “anted by teach- FILL er-musician. over store preferr- {ed. central Richmond Hill, rea- An “ems may be picked up at- sonable. Mr. Watson, 884-5272. . ,. _. m-.._l. c2w19 ,A L (1-- -â€" TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY COMPANY RICHMOND HILL OWNED AND OPERATED BY HAROLD VAN DYKE TELEPHONE 884-7774 Christmas gifts by Avon. Full selection in catalogue. Telephone 5-5209. W :21le INDUSTRIAL and Resldential lawn and garden maintenace Garden Gate Nursery AV. 5- 5942 or TU. 4-1172. tfc44 ‘EXCAVATING & GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 545532â€. CARPENTRY - DECORATING PAINTING Recreation moms. etc. Large or small jobs. Prompt service. Webb & Ennm‘. AV. 5-2546. MOVING & STORAGE Frank’s Moving .& Cartage, packing and storage. Experienc- ed service anytime. Pickup and delivery. Good rates. TU. 4- 2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc16 _ SPECIAL "’ Ploughing, discing. final grad- ing and seeding. TU. 4-15381 r A FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pump installed and serviced Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora PA. 7-5272. tfc5( RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Pickup & Delivery Moving a Specialty TU. 4-7632 rooms 7155 BABY SITTING Mothers‘ Helper Service, Adult baby sitters only. Also Home- makers' service. TU. 4-7253. QUALITY DOES COUNT WHEN YOU BUY CUN°"E‘L ‘ MABUN‘" '53 FORD. good running condi- RPENTRY CONTRACmndeion. new battery and t-ires, $100 ‘Iding, alterations & repairs. _ prompt service ¢E§hLA7V“5 5129' _ “1W1? WALKER & MITCHELL PICKUP TRUCK, 1956 1/2 {on AV, 5.2526 _ Fargo, rebuilt motor, good con- tch dition, $495.00. TU. 4-7258. DONCASTER LADIES LANDSCAPING 1-3929 'or TU. 4 Free Estimates tfc2 ‘53§ï¬â€œâ€œâ€™ “"DUTCH UPHOLSTERY {fen Henry Cannoneyer. 35 years ex- ' . Recover and rebuild- .LING Perle"? 3rvicedLng. BA. 2-4352. clw18 Auroml SHEET METAL WORK tfcso Eavestrough, new and repaired. Heating. roof flashings etc. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-1006. tfcso SRY c4w19l 3. Ont 5-5334 c3w1i c2w19 [£044 fly t. tfc9 '[fcs Paintirzg. payer "60‘ RENAULT Dauphine, 50 miles per gallon. Radio. A-1 ;condition. TU. 4-7977. (:1le 1956 CADILLAC Eldorado, con- vertible, white with black top, l$1.500. Phone after 5.00 pm. TU. 4-4013. clw19 ;1960 PONTIAC. Parisienne, 4- 1door hardtop, automatic trans; power equipped; low mileage. ‘Will take trade. Phone AV. 5- 2462. c1w19 lFOR SALE to close estate, 1958 (Continued) PAINTING'paperhanginZ Free estimates. Colour samples. A. Rollinmn. TE. 3-6671. tfcl5 SAND‘AND GRAVEL: crushed stone, loam and fill. E, Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. MECELLANEOUSV T0 RENT" BABY PICTURES try the friendly Lagerquist Stu die with the know how. TU. 4 2791‘ ï¬g; IN RICHMOND HILL area, 3 bedroom house. Reasonable rentA PA. 8-2139. Barrie. c2wl§ 2 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Service At Its Best *†7 7’; ' Major Repairs _ Tune Ups FURNISHED bedroom, full New Chains, Plugs_ FHPS housekeeping privileges, suit- , - able for elderly lady, close to 2 Sacheeijï¬hgï¬bgrgï¬erétc city bus line. very reasonable. “Authorized Dealerb" I 39’: ,35, T_he,,,1;iberal' Clww Pioneer & Homelite MODERN two bedroom apart- TU. 4-1124 ment, electrically equipped, 36 RELIABLE MOWER SER (ICE‘Church St. 5., Richmond Hill. tf229,$110.00 monthly. Phone PA. 7. General concrete work, sewer changeovers, swimming pools. No job too small - free estim- ates. WANTED TO RENT '49’FORD. $50 or best offer. 331 11931 Driv_¢, evenflirngi. tfc18 1950 MORRIS Minor. A-l condi- tion, $125. AV. 5-2368. MECHANICS BARGAIN 1952 Austin. black. leather up- holstery. Bodywork in excellent condition, needs mechanical skill. AS is â€" $40. TU. 4-1105 - after 5 pm. TU. 4~2528. CARPENTRY WORK. additions. renovations, garages. recreation rooms. tile floors No‘ job mo small. Free estimates. T, Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 Loading 0n east Side 0‘ Yonge contained apartment with mo- St.. Richvale. Richmond Sod (Iern bath. 1 block from shop- Landscape Contractors Ltd., AV. ping. $45 monthly, Information 5-1938. tfc42‘ca-11 PR. 3-5412. tfc14 'Stormsf' Screens"& Awnipgs w3ABEDR0bMibEickWbungaloï¬ Aluminum Storms our Specmlmaluminum storms and screens, F01“ Prompt SEFVICG 03†low rent. easy to carry, stove in- BAYVIEW eluded. Box 37 The Liberal. WINDOW CLEANERS C1w19 & FLOOR SPECIALISTS nnnxnmmn'iudufl. L4-“ Chev. tion, Redfe 5691 2 19557 PEAT LOAM PICKED UP 0R DELIVERED owned feet cc good ( PAYNE CONTRACTING CHILD STUDIES A SPECIALTY LAGERQ"IST STUDIO TU. 4-2'191 Proprietor A. J. Cook 1960 Yonge St. HU. 8-2666 ' CHAIN-SAWS area. Will pay up to 5 month. Call TU. 4-72 00H USED CARS 2d, body a: condition. condition zrn, : after Delra 31.000 WANTED TO RENT HEV South h AV. 5-1153 to ay standard, p and motor I, also 1950 )n. AV. 5-5 ) close e sedan original .‘ v. Parisienne‘ automatic tra 3d; low mile: e. Phone AV ake miles. Rd. PR 5-5353 privately r in per- 0 Dodge, hmond :110.00 :58. c2w18 c1w19 *1w19 clw19 c1w19 tfc39 lw19 Lfc8 tfc3 HOUSE FOR RENT, 2 bedrooms.‘ ‘C°"“"“ed’ iEï¬EE to 1 PR 3-5032- Cle TWO llouéékéEping ronmsipark; Six weeks HOUSE FbR RENTEiuTï¬tEE ing. AV. 5-1903. clw19,_4_:2§17o n call after 6 o'clock. PR. 3-5023.IKPKRTMENTflï¬ooms and€BOXER *1W19;bath. Self-contained, heated. TU.‘Fred Nie éiBEDROOM apartment, many 4-165}; v77 Cl‘Vlg Street M extra conveniences. central. TUNNiEE furnished }00m to rent ______ 4-3352. :‘3Wl8 nn Vnngp Strpet. TU‘ 4-2255 PART SI extra coniver’liexiées.cehirhlfTU.1NICE7erf-lished rroom to rent Czwm 4-3352- :3WI8 on Yonge Street. TU. 4-2255. PART SHEPHERDâ€"a'nd‘cmne MO'DVERrNâ€"ériroom Abungalow, 7 clw19 Pupples. Part Boston puppy. also with rec. room, immediate pos- SEF'CONTAINED ï¬mmished PaPt Beagle and 1 Part COCker. 5553109 Cl“'“Iapartment. suit one or two. TU. 5117511972; _ ROOM T0 RENTf’m’miéhed, 4-5309. clwlg‘gllAlé/IIIQSE skitltén;t c$l;%mpiol? heated, light housekeeping. TU.;FOUR'r‘dom’él ï¬tment with all 00 "195' >93 Dom S.‘ M" . 4'2196' __ _,HA ,_tf013icity convenienies. Jane Street, males and female' Av' 5'19â€- aA‘MmA r41 AVI‘VYC _..:‘ t-.. ..-_.L|nnil“\ at Kb. '1 A‘I R,An90 FURNISHED apartment. bright and warm. Equipped kitchen. separate entrance. parking. Bus- iness adults. $20.00 weekly. Au- rora. PA. 7-5597. tfc14 FURNISHED bedroom, full housekeeping privileges, suit- able for elderly lady, close to ci-ty bu‘s line. very reasonable. Box 35 The Liberal. c1w19 MODERN two bedroom apart- mentpelectrically equipped, 36 5319 available Nov. 1. tfcll NEW three-room basement apâ€" artment, very warm, Couple with baby welcome. Reasonable rent to reliable people. Avail- able immediately. Mrs. Cooper. TU. 4-5868 after 6 pm. c1wl9 Lfc18‘ CENTRE STREET WEST fw’o‘four.room ’ homes with Five room oil heated brick bun- shower and washroom. Hot and 910‘" With 3,3â€â€˜59- drapes and cold running water. $50.00 mon- broadloom lncmded' $11530 thly. Suitable for' small family. monthW- Telephone Mrs- D- J ck Bl th, R altor, Oak Ridges.‘carter- AV- 5-1905- Pa 3-5%“. 9 chm J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. REALTORS AURORA. 3-1‘oom, separate self- contained apartment with mo- dern bath. 1 block from shop- BEAUTIFUL Pleasantville Gar- dens. Richmond Hill, $150 a month, 3-bedroom ranch bunga- low, finished recreation room, 2 car garage. oil heat. Exclusive area. Call BA. 1-3411. W. C. McLAUGHLIN LTD. OFFICE and yard for rent on No. 7 Highway. Concord. AV. 5-3481 or AV. 5-4177 evenings. c1w19 APARTMENT, 3 rooms and bathroom furnished or unfurn‘ ished. equipped kitchen, separ- te entrance. large grounds. Bus- iness adults only $20. weekly Aurora. PA. 7-5597. tfc7 $130.00 a month. 285-3389 I“ RICHMOND HILL RENTALS 3 and 4 bedroom homes. from $95 a month Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Real Estate NEW 3-BEDRO0M APARTMENTS Completely Self-Contained Early Possession Call CHARLES MARPLE REAL ESTATE AV. 5-1951 WILSON-NIBLETT MOTORS LTD. Yonge St. North â€"- Richmond Hill â€" TU. 4-1194 - AV. 5-4991 Every part of your car inspected and tested by our 4factory trained Techni- cians with the best in equipment. Included is a SCREEN TEST for your car with the allâ€"new SUN ENGINE SCOPE and TESTER. You receive I copy of the analysis and a copy goes in your ï¬le. WINTERIZE YOUR CAR THE RIGHT; WAY WITH A BUMPER T0 BUMPER 92 Item Complete Auto Analysis At The Low Price of I area. FURNISHED bed~sitting. equip- 9. pcd kitchen, bath. parking; 16 clwlm Lorne. lst house east of Clarke‘s _‘ * m on‘Drug Store at Yonge. 2w19 . AVI’ZVBEDROOM apartment. trig ,ningsfland stove supplied. Apply sup- fqwm‘eriniendent. 50 Benson Ave. mo. SMALL apartment in Richmond shop- Hill. 11/2 storey. modern con- ationwenicnces. suitable for three. tfc14‘$60 in advance. Apply Box 30 810; The Ebergl. *1w19 gens, TWO bedroom apartment. self- 79 in- contained. Close to transporta- 11. tion. Business people preferred. 1w19 AV. 5-1714. after 6.00 pm. Uch Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Corvair, Envoy apartment. suit one or two. TU. 4-5309. c1\v19 FOURV {domiapartm-ent with all city conveniences. Jane Street, south of No. 7. AV. 5-4089. BEAVERTON - CENTRE FULLY furnished, 2 room bach- elor. private bathroom, parking, in quiet adult home. $15.00 weekly. TU‘ 4-3801. *lwl7 FURNISHED bed-sitting. equip; LARGE bed sitting room. kit- chen with stove and fridge, din- ing area. Furnished or unfurn- ished. Adults only. TU. 4-1204. c1w19 APARTMENT. furnished. 3 large rooms. Electric stove and frig. Completely private. Out- side entrance. verandah. Park- ing. TU. 4-5269. clw19 FIVE room bungalow with gar- age. oil heat. near school. shop- ping and bus. Landscaped yard with barbecue. Apply 61 Hunt Avenue. Richmond Hill after 7 pm. or phone Mr. Manley. CH. 1-3822 5 - 6 pm. c1w19 LUXURY lower duplex, $120 a month. 2 bedrooms, electrically equipped. handy to everything. Located in the centre of town, Richmond Hill. Call BA. 1-3411. W. C. McLAUGHLlN LTD. Specialists In Custom Ee- covering and Repairing at a reasonable price. Easy Terms. No job too small. FURNITURE CO. FREE ESTIMATES 53 Yonge St. South Satisfaction Guaranteed At M U R R AY Upholstery TU. 4 - 5776 TO RENT Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, November 9, 1961 7; and c1w19 02w18 c1w19 [£019 568330111 22 Industrial Road Richmond Hill TU. 4-5368 BOXER pups, S Fred Nielsen. R. Street. Maple. AV DON ANDREWS PEï¬TS FOR 'SXITE WUSTC TEACHER For a Wonderful World of Warmth YOUR (£550)HEATING 12 Yonge St. S. SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS Men’s sizes 6 to 11 EQUIPMENT DEALER Fm ALL THE FAMILY good home. beautifirl old female puppy. TU. $4.99 CALL solid colours. . R‘ 1 Keele V. 5-4094. First Quality Rubber Overshoes, wool lined, with shearling cuff, child’s size 7 to boys’ and girls’ size 3 c1w19 Big Boys’. up to size $3.39 SPANISH lessons. beginners. conversaiion and coaching, Ex- perienced native teacher. AV. 5- 2964. c4w17 BA. 2-2548 We are nearly sold out of prop- erties. houses. lots. acreage. farms. businesses. gas stations. Buyers waiting. some with cash. others with good down pay- ment. Prompt efficient service. Ngine salesmen to serve you. 2 years Real Estate experience. HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real El- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge R0. 9-4901 HOMES. FARMS. BUSINESS PROPERTIES URGENTLY NEEDED LIST NOW MR. B. G. PALMER PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION TU. 4-4596 TRUMPET - TROMBONE FRENCH HORN Np] Real Estate Department PROPERTIES WANTED $4.49 54.99 p" Richmond Hill -2548 PR. 3-5103 ROYAL TRUST C0. TUITION pair c4w16 tfclO tfcl2