unc uunuuu UUAIAEUI In all advertising media we are urged and cajoled to “move to an exclusive subdivision†â€" “a product for people who appreciate the ï¬ner things†â€"â€" “not for the average man, but for the discriminatingâ€. It all adds up to one thing, snob appeal, and, the good Lord help us, we are all guilty of snobbery to some degree. It is deï¬nitely a horse of a wrong colour to price some child out of learning to swim. It is a necâ€" essity with recreational overtones. Howard Whillans is deï¬nitely interested in get- ting a pool of some description built in Richmond Hill. He, like the majority of our citizens, wants a pool that will be open for the use of anyone with a small price of admission, a pool where non-swimmers in the adult age groups and school children, could be taught the simple art of self-preservation; a place where, on a scorching hot summer day, everyone who wished could go for a cooling dip. _ non CBBYAINI , l The possibility of a swimming pool for Richmond Hill was the subject of a recent meeting at the mum- cipal offices. Councillor Howard Whillans was the prime mover behind the meeting which was attended ‘ by some twenty interested citizens. l A representative of a ynited States corporation 1,2- ._..,..-.L nnnnllov‘ ‘ A chlcocuhauvc va. u, v........ _,, specializing in pool construction was his guest speaker. The American idea seems to be that families pay somewhere in the region of two hundred and ï¬fty dollars a year for swimming privileges. This payment makes the families with the money to join, members of an exclusive swimming club. ‘No others need apply’ sort of thing. This is certainly one way of getting a pool but it would be a far cry from a pool that would serve the majority of our citizenry. It seems to be the trend that if you make a thing exclusive enough (and a high membership fee guarantees exclusiveness) then it will be certain to succeed. Unfortunately this trend is all too true, because people keep on acting exactly like human beings. " 1 I 3A1AJ . ___ _. __,_70 If and when a swimming pool becomes reality, let’s not make it exclusive. Let’s have a place that we can all enjoy. And if anyone wants to feel exclus- ive and can afford to â€" then let them build their own private pool. Many Richmond Hill citizens already own pools, mainly because there just isn’t a municipal pool. If a pool was built it would take a lot of the pressure off private pool owners. People who own their own pools have to set up 1 rules for the use of the pool or be overwhelmed by g neighbourhood kids. It’s one thing to be a “nice? guy†but when your privacy suffers you just have to do something. After you’ve done that “somethingâ€, you’re a “kook†in a. lot of people’s books from then on. Just ask a private pool owner if he’d welcome a municipal pool! At long last a group of citizens is trying to do something to obtain a pool. Maybe it’s just talk right now but wait awhile. When enough people get inter- ested enough in talking about the how and the why of a thing â€" something usually gets done. Don’t hold your breath until the pool is a reality. You’d probably turn very blue in the process. -â€" but a deï¬n- 1ithe trnovement is afoot and we can all say amen to a . Ever wanted to learn to ski properly without having to take out a third mortgage on the roof over your head and having to head for some remote spot like Aspen or Squaw Valley? Well now, here’s just the chance you’ve always needed. The Toronto Ski Club is going all out to popular- ize skiing in this area at the Summit Golf Club spread. For most of us in this area it's only a ten or ï¬fteen minute ride to Summit. When you get there you don’t have to be Olympic material to enjoy the hills. They are perfect for beginners and older skiers alike. There are hills suitable for instruction, gentle slopes for beginners, interesting runs for the more advanced skier and two good tows. What more could a skiing enthusiast want? A club house and snack bar? Yep! they’ve got those as well. And as we said, the price is right. A family mem- bership can be bought for $16.00. If you have sevenâ€" teen kids, that’s ï¬ne - still $16.00. A married couple can join for $11.00. a senior man’s membership costs $8.50, while an aspiring lady skier joins for $5.50. Teenagers get a real deal. If they are under 18 as of December 1st this year, the tab is only $3.00. This membership fee entitles a member to all clubhouse privileges, the use of the tows and all the skiing that they can handle. If you can get there seven days a week and the snow is right, then go and ski to your heart’s content! That's a real bargain in any language! ' To encourage people to come and have a look at the property and the tows. open houses will be held in January and February. The public will be invited to come and bring their skis and try out the layout. And all for free! So you don’t own skis, poles and boots? Why worry! On December 9th, the club is holding a ski equipment exchange. It works just like a skate ex- change except that the club doesn’t get 10% of each sale. If it's ski equipment you want then this is the place to go. And just in time for Christmas! With a set-up of this kind virtually on our own doorstep, with competent instructors available at the club, we've all got the chance to become aces of the waxed boards. Hey Grannie! Wait for me-e-eâ€"e! Mr. George R. Sweeny of 70 Highland Lane, ichmond Hill, is a director of the Toronto Ski Club nd the man who will answer any and all questions about Summit. Give him a call at TU. 4-1273 and get he ï¬rst hand story. A membership might just make ï¬ne gift for that person on .your list who already as Ieverything. It surely would be a most original ‘ . t ELUME LxxXh, NUMBER 23 .IBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU. 4-1105 Second Section SPORTS SPOTS â€" What with Bayview High1 Sixteen juniors were dressed School just having completed for the Richmond Hill - Au- their exams and Thornhill now rora game and thirteen of the busin writing, the sports scene Hill Juniors broke into the was drastically curtailed. Con- scoring column. High men were sensus of the Bayview students Art Archibald and John Per- ‘was that this was a rugged set kins with 12 points while Kirby ‘of examination papers. So good Brock hit for 8 points. Wells of luck to the students at the oth- Aurora was the best man on er schools! _ _____ the floor as he hooped 14 _-. . n,‘___‘ “_:_;- Richmond Hill High School entertained the junior and sen- ior basketball teams from Au- rora last Thursday. The visitors got short shrift from the Rich- bond Hill teams. The juniors won by a 52-34 score and the Hill seniors downed Aurora 45- This Was very close all the me 1110121115 auu VVliSUH RUSS we way, John Dunkley scored two lone goal for St' Mlkes' goals and Stephen Campbell one BANTAM LEAGUE for the Flyers and Tiger cubs Jr. Canadiens (Mi1_ls Roses) 2 two close goals were by hard Maroons (no sponsor) 2 hitting and fair playing Ken Goalies Larry Black for Max‘- Burditt. cons and Leslie Buchan for Can- PEE WEE LEAGUE ’adiens played well. Bill Hudson Bisons (Deciantis and Rice) 3 [scored both tallies for the Mar- St. Mikes (Young; 3, A, Sta. cons and .a single for Richard tion) 0 Jones and Stewart Nicholls of the r Qanadiens. mi," ,,,; an,,,.,,# Bih Petes proved too much for the Marlies, just one of those days, Wayne Robbin, Allan Brooks, Harry Bryan and Wayne Pol- lard scored for the Petes with John Fitzpatrick getting Mar- Iie’s lone marker. Flyers (Victoria Lodge) 3 Tiger Cubs (Wilson-Niblett Mo- tors) 2 LOWa 3-2 victory for the Americans. Jim Aldred scored twice for 1 0 1Americans and Dan Shadoff /2 Manlonce, both tallies for Rangers thy up and coming Bob Jones. During the recent open phea-‘El'ugn: (Elmer and Baird Lum- sant season, 6,878 resident and' er , ‘ non-resident township licenceslned wmgs 035- MacKaY 5‘ 5°" were sold in sixteen regulatedlcontrflto“) 2 townships in the Lake Simcoe. Brums QUtplaYEd and ontscor‘ District. According to Senior‘Ed the wmgs- Brian MCGregOr ‘ l Conservation Officer J. S. Dor-‘tw° goals and one “Ch for Pat land, who has been preparing a.Madden and George Anders9n' report, this represents a de_rBob Johnson and Bruce Prid- crease of 10 per cent as cc.m_iham a goal each for the Wings. pared with 1960. The lzargest?1"‘mfs(I'mllidaymwls)5 . Hawks (Dynes Jewellers) 4 decrease in number of hunters was noted in the townships oxfl A very close game With Leafs , ‘ .edging out Hawks by one goal. Albion, 1n Peel County, and‘ King in York County WhereLeafs goals’ ROb Gropp and B ' n w l h n H there have been recent efforts wail éafalgozrfaealgawisdgoa‘l’; to reduce hunting pressure- [were bv Nelson Lund nmm ucurcnn: Ill llqulJUCf UL Hunters » A very close game with Leafs was. noted in the townships 0&1 edging out Hawks by one goal. Alblon, in Peel County, andlLeafs goals Rob Gropp and, King in York County where ’ I ' 1 ! there have been recent efforts Bnan two goas eaCh and HO" _ ward Cazaly one. Hawks goals - i to reduce huntmg pressure. were by Nelson Luna, Doug Lale'leesj During the hunt local conser-lFrazer, Warren Hurren and was h vatlon officers checked some 2,-1Burnle Jenkins. Rinks f 195 hunters in the ï¬eld. Based‘MIDGET LEAGUE say†Ow on these reports, Mr. Dorland Jones 3 and To said that hunter success aver-lTl-ailways 3 The gged .52 birds per hunter cover-i Jones swamped Trailways 8-3.;the fir mg 7.802 man hours huntmg and‘Rick Bradshaw got a Hat Trick went a a total take of 1.139 Pheasants- (3 goals). Burnie getting two skippec This represents a slight increasetgoals, singles by Pat Kennedy, tor, M: over the previous year. ;Peter Gates and Doug Nicholls. Mrs. F. Prior to the open season, aH:Trai1\K’ayS goals by 1301) Raw- H. F. C lwvu y:u_y\.u Bun-Au uvuu g. buy A campaign f°r funds is t°iscore was one sided. get under way, according to Pol-Honest Ews 7 ice Chief R. P. Robbins, its pur-‘R. H. Honeys o pose being to clean up existingl Om. boys played well but ldebts and prov1de funds for fu-were overpowered by Honest .tm‘e activities. Decals - or stick- Ed-S_ ers will be the item used to R. H, Hornets play Wood. recognize donations. these b61113 bridge at R. H. Arena. Friday SSPeCially GESiQed- They Will night at 8 o’clock. See you Icome in two Sizes and can be there, ;placed on car windows not BANTAM LEAGUE Windshields, warns the chief WNewmal-ket 3 on office and store windows and R, H. Bantams 1 similar places. Minimum price‘ Our Bantams played well but is 50 cents. as might be ex-‘Newmarket proved stronger. pected, larger sums would not Brian Jones opened the scoring be turned down. for Newmarket then Phil Dobbs Members of the two groups tied it up, Newmarket got two *will do the distributing, on aunassisted goals by Joey Mee- ‘communityâ€"vwido basis. lhan and Gay Mellameny. lFood Pl‘ Pheasant Hunter,Ra2.i::: man Average Is Low: 3-1 Jim Prior to the open season, ali:TrailwaYS goals by 1301) Raw- pheasants released in seven ofJinSOm D0113 Mills and Jim the lower regulated toxvnshiszSEewal‘L totalling 9,878 birds, were band-{Links 3 ed. District reports show 46 per‘Ao B: C- 2 cent of the birds taken by the. This was the first win of the 1.861 hunters in these townships season for Limes. 3 Wow Win were banded. This indicates a Over the Powerflfl A-B-C- 00â€" healthy, natural hatch and sur- 1GP"; Bant‘m is very “mm of 1vival durinv the asts rim and “5 Oys- iwimen g P p g igncmz sigg Alongs s The 35 in each group left the Hill by bus early Saturday morn- ing, their trip being sponsored by the Richmond Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce. The Majorettes also took part in the halfatime show. Both organiza- tions are sponsored by local pol- ice and service clubs. Richmond Hill played a part in the Grey Cup parade in Tor- onto Iast Saturday, the Major- et-tes and (he Hilltoppers - the police boys band - representing "Canada's rosegrowing centre." Majorettes, Band Are Parade Part 0n Grey Cup Day HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS NEWS MINOR BY BOB ROSS JR. Americans (Town and Country Food Plan) 3 Another close hard fought game with excellent goal tend- ing. Ken Chapman and Steve Graham scored a goal each for the Indians and Wilson Ross the lone goal for St. Mikes. BANTAM LEAGUE Dave Weir was the leading scorer in the senior game as he hit for 15 points. Hugh Cam- eron hooped 9 and Paul Samp- son 8. Scott, Oosterhuis and Rose scored ten points each for Aurora. St. Mikes tiou) 1 Rangers (Rotary Club) 2 Goalie Hanna let one too many shots by him which meant This was Steve Brown’s first night in the net, Good goal tending Steve. Chris Dunlop got two goals and Brian Oliver one for the hard playing Bisons. Bruins outplayed and outscor- ed the Wings. Brlan Mch-egor two goals and one each for Pat Madden and George Anderson. Bob Johnson and Bruce Prid- ham a goal each for the Wings. Leafs (Halliday Fuels) 5 Hawks (Dynes Jewellers) 4 This was the opening of the North York League. squirt di- vision. It was a well played game right down to the wire. Newmarket has a fine team. Goalie Doug Myers played the best game of his career so far. Three goals by Larry Young. Ritchie Chapman and Gerald Methe. Assists by Philip Clark, Jim McKengie anAd_Eddier Kay. C.F.G.M. Sing Alongs 3 Newmarket 2 Next Friday night at 7 pm. Bolton plays our Sing Alongs and Saturday afternoon Sing Alongs play in Aurora. Richmond Hill Homets 8 Unionville 0 Unionville played hosts to our “little champs" who lived up to their name. Dave Brod- erick got a hat trick, Wayne O’Brien had two goals. Harvey Gordon two goals and hard playing Rich Doucette scored one tally. It was a very fast, well played game even if the score was one sided. Honest Ed’s 7 R. H. Hal-net’s 0 PEEWEE LEAGUE RESULTS RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1961 (Young ii. A. Sta- “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity†Squirt League Standings As Of'Jim Hemphill November 25th. 1961 Team Flyers Te-e Pees Tiger Cubs Marlboros Biltmores Royals Petes Jr. Canadiens Top Scorers 'John Dunkley { ‘Phil Clark David Gross ‘Hal Murphy Gary Oliver ‘PeeWee League Of November 27th, 1961 Team ‘Aces Bisons Americans Indians Bears Reds St. Mike's Barons Top Scorers Roy McBrien Steve McKenzie |Ken Chapman 5 4 {MacDonald Smith 6 3 P W L T PiBantam League Standings 6 4 1 9 Of November 23rd, 1961 9 Team P W 7‘Black Hawks 5 4 6 Leafs 6‘Wings 6 Americans 3 Rangers 2 Canadiens Pts Maroons 8 {Bruins 6 lTOp Scorers 6 Mike Engleï¬ 6 iPeter Bird 4 6 'Allen Long Standings As Bernie Jenkins 5 Brian Havilland 3 P W L T P Midget League Standings 10 November 24th, 1961 9 Team P 8 A. B. C. 7 Jones 6 Littles 5 Trailways 2 Top Scorers llJackie Dubkowski G A Pts.‘Frank Pirri ‘10 1 11 1Bruce Sim 5 5 10 Ken Crook 8 1 9 Brian Allen 3 2 I 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 G 1 6 1 6 1 6 2 6 - 6 - 6 1 6 - Amuummm 1 Hunt-4c uI-‘HIH 4 3 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 5 G A 7 1 6 .. . 5 1 5 1 2 5 4 3 usuNH>*ww“NHHHr r' AHNhHHH ? 5 5 5 5 mmmma¢>ma I [19570993659 mewNNNHn HNHNHIHN W 4 - 2 2 - l - 2 G A 13 2 3 4 6 - 5 1 4 2 Ladies' Bonspiel The first ladies open bonspiel was held on November 29. Rinks from Barrie, Orillia, Lind- say,_ Owen Sound, St. Catherines and Toronto were in attendance. .uu 'AhIaVLJ- “v. ..- . ._..- The three game winner on'- - "'"T Em. A", 611,501], the first draw with 33 points ;;%035°633§PM.S_5R, Chandler, went to a Toronto Cricket rink lead_ ’ skipped by Mrs. R. H. B. Hec- tor, Mrs. F. Frank Hull, vice;; The runner-up, with 29% Mrs. F. H. Crispo, second; Mrs.’points was another Toronto H. F. C. Lount, lead. Cricket rink skipped by Mrs. D. The runner up, with 30 points J. Sinclair; Mrs. M. E. Cunning- went to a Barrie rink. Mrs. John ton, vice-skip; Mrs. Dan J. Sin- Ough, skip; Mrs. John Webb, Clair, second; Mrs. A. L. Mac- vice skip; Mrs. J. Hickling, se- kay. The runner up, with 30 points went to a Barrie rink. Mrs. John Ough, skip; Mrs. John Webb, vice skip; Mrs. J. Hickling, se- Minor Hockey League Standing llake Simcoe District BUTLER 8. BAIRD SPONSORED BY MAPLE LIONS CLUB SHUR-GAIN FARM MAPLE SAT. DEC. 9th I P.M. F 12 Gauge Shotgun - Shells Supplied 9 i,†TU. 4 - 1125 AV. 5 - 3506 I91 YONGE ST. N. - RICHMOND HILL [UMBER lIMITED For Your Building Materials FINE QUALITY MATERIAL AT FAIR PRICES President Horace Calverley (centre) of the Richmond Hill Senior Citizens Club receives the Mayor’s Trophy from Mayor James Haggart. Looking on is League Secretary Jack Sheahan. The new trophy donated by Mayor Haggar’c will be emblematic of supremacy in the Senior Citizens Bowling League. (Photo by Lagerquist.) TURKEY SHOOT Mayor Haggart Donates Bowling Trophy 8 1 9 Brian Allen P W L T P Midget League Standings As Of 6 4 - 2 10 November 24th, 1961 6 4 1 1 9 Team P W L T P 6 4 2 - 8 A. B. C. 5 4 - 1 9 6 3 2 1 7 Jones 5 2 2 1 5 6 2 2 2 6 Littles 5 - 1 4 4 6 2 3 1 5 Trailways 5 - 2 2 4 6 - ‘ 4 2 2 Top Scorers G A Pts. 6 - 5 1 [Jackie Dubkowski 13 2 15 G A Pts.‘Frank Pirri 3 4 7 '10 1 11 \Bruce Sim 6 - 6 5 5 10 Ken Crook 5 1 6 4 2 6 T1112 . .1 . L11223345A1.112 W44323311G76554 P66666666 (By W. H. Kirkpatrick) ‘cond. Mrs. E. Norris, lead. 87764332$ t66655 .11 . .11 .P 11123334A123 .2 43332111G54353 5555555‘ 1 The townships in the Lake‘! T P Simcoe district were open toriiéi - 8 deer hunting this fall and hun- !! 1 7 ters enjoyed success in most of‘ . 1 7 the area. More- bear were shotiu - 6 in northern townships than in - 4 previous years and one lynx - 1 3 the first to be reported in the 1 3 district 'in a number of years -- - 2-was shot south of. Southwood. Pts, Deer hunter success in Camp 6 ‘Borden, where the season was s iopen for 3 days, was down con- 6 gsidera-bly from the previous 5 ‘year. In the south half of Wood 5 Township, open for the first v As Of time in 1960, hunters again had ;fairly good success. T P? Approximately 1200 hunters 1 9 were checked by Lake Simcoe 1 5 District Conservation Officers - 4 4 during the progress of the hunt 2 4 and obtained weight data, sex . Pts. ratios, ages, number of days 2 15 hunted and deer taken. IV I w IV Iâ€" ' KKKKWK’KE‘K’E’Z‘EEWï¬KSK‘K-ï¬iï¬‚ï¬ WK iï¬aw Fairly Good Hunt NEWMARKET â€" A private “commuters club" is being formed which will carry com- muters/to and from Toronto in : 17-passenger Mercedes-Benz us. ; m‘lï¬ï¬ï¬'fllfll THEY HOLD 2 REGULAR WASHER LOADS for 35c We also have big COMMERCIAL DRYERS that fluff dry your clothes ever-so-fast. You can put 4 to 5 regu- lar washer loads in one big dryer (deposit 10c for each 10 minutes required). Several dimes may be deposited at one time. We now can offer you your choice of the regular auto- matic washer of either the Big Inglis Washer or the Easy with the Spiralator Action. They both do a very CLEAN wash. WE NOW! HAVE THE CLEANEST com LAUNDRY IN RICHMOND HILL In Our BIG NEW DOUBLE LOAD WASHERS 'All Those Blankets, Bed Spreads, Drapes, Scatter Rugs, Sheets, Playsuits, Overalls, etc. MORE SPORTS ON PAGE 10 COIN LAUNDRY BAYVIEW PLAZA HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 PSINGLE COPY 100 NOW YOU CAN WASH Bayview Avenue & Elgin Mills Road (Come and See for Yourself) Local sportsman Ted Terry sponsor of the Richmond Hill Midget Hockey Club was very pleased with their effort Friday evening of last week in New- market, when they took to the ice against a much larger and stronger team and came out with a 3 to 0 win. Dave Day made the first strike at the II minute mark of the first period on a fine pass out from Wayne Shewell. The Newmarket Club were pressing furiously in the third period when Shewell again made a fine pass. this time to Sim who plunked it behind the Newmarket net minder.. The A concerted and extensive patrol to check reports of Sun- day. hunting in Simcoe County was carried out November 26. Conservation officers were as- sisted by a number of deputy game wardens, members of the Barrie and District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club, who volunteered their services. No infractions were discovered. Sunday Hunting Is Under Check Hunters are reminded that it is an offence under the Game and Fisheries Act to hunt on Sundays. Fish and Wildlife staff will be continulng such investi- gation from time to time. Local Blueliners Start Current Hockey Season With Shutout Win Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired C. STUNDEN r{ichmond Hill TU. 4-1245 ii I humaawmmmmmamznmaawaxanmm @ï¬lï¬ï¬‚lï¬mï¬ï¬l 63 YONGE ST. S. Opening In ‘62 For Information And Brochure FOR A MERRY A CHRISTMAS GIVE A MEMBERSHIP Our Wide Selection of Gay Christmas Cards. MANY LOVELY SCENES “THE lIBERAI." In The New RICHMOND HILL GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB MWKKï¬â€™IKKKKKMKP/l Drop In Today and See Call AV. 5 - 5469 last marker came from the stick of J. Booth on a play en- gineered by Paul Jackson. Day received a misconduct which could have been costly. but for- tunately the Newmarket Club were unable to score, as goalie Bob Ritchie was unbeatable in the Bluoliners nets. Peter Hiscott played good two way hockey all night and was easily the best man on the 1c. from both clubs. azzmezauxxlmkfmfl 7*†' ‘ STUDENTS l. PARENTS ll 10-DAY TOUCH- TYPING COURSE EDUCATOR-APPROVED SMITH - CORONA PORTABLE YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT 16 Yonge St. N Richmond mu TU. 4-4281 WITH ANY TU. 4-1105