Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Dec 1961, p. 10

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10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont., Thursday, December 7, 1961 - _ Toronto Curlers Winners At Local Rink TRY “LIBERAL” CLASSIFIED AD Phone TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 Dates to Remember Bride-to-be Entertained On. Saturday, December 9.. Miss Mary Arnold. whose mar- the Victoria Square and Districtlriage to Leslie Rimmer took Lions will hold a party for all place in Woodgreen United neighbourhood children at But- Church. DecembchZ. was enter- tonville W.I. Hall. itained before her wedding. Sunday. December 17. 11:30 Mrs. Arnold Taylor. Sandringâ€" “ (Ten Pin Mixed League iMcGeachie is bowling a 230 Two name changes came up in average_ ‘a.m. - White Gift Service,!ham Drive. gave a kitchen show- the league during the past week. phil Blanchard showed the Brown's Corners Church (com-‘er. and miscellaneous showers Medhurst and Rose Garden Sup- way home last week mm 370 bined with Sunday School). Jun-lwere given bv Mrs. B. Routlisse Plles. qmte a large mouthful by!(312), In second place was An ior and senior choirs will singqus. John Anderson. a group any standard_ Is now Just plainiMcGeachie 729 (318). Scott 7:30 pm. Candle Light Service from Woodgreen United Church Rose Gardens. The unsponsored Parke rolled a 761, Jack Stan- for Victoria Square charge willjand a group at Brown's Corners Hi-Hopes have now been renam-‘ way 754' Larry Bishop 749' John be held in Brown's Corners United Church. POST OFFICE TEMPORARY drivers call us. Lloyd Harvey , piled up 26 points to lead the second place Rumble Trans-port team by 5 points. In third place.I are the Pin Finders with 18 points followed closely by Rose Gardens with their 17 points. 14 (38). Manufacturer-5' Life 12 tonville W.I. Hall, one week ear- (78), Dynes Jewellers 12 (61). ly. Please remember candy for Allencourt Lanes 7 (63), Canad- Ontario Hospital patients. lan Tire 7 (7), Rich Hill Auto, Friday. December 8 â€"- 8:00 Wreckers 5 (60). Tom HughesiD-m. Final game of the autumn Shell Service 5 (49), Allcncoui-tieuchre series at Buttonville W.I. say; and others from )vtiitoy, Pickering, Acton and Toronto. rx W RICE’S W Save with ed the G and G Hi-Hopes in hon- Nichols 743 and Mike Parrett church this year. a - State Famvs our of the new sponsors, George and Ed_ Beiiavance had 729 for! Tuesday, December 19 â€"iwe%$%:° fell?“ hilltllenadnlggwfp: low insurance Bunston and Garrett ’Richard- three games Brown‘s Corners Church Christ- John figm, Athens. onio- MrS'I R 5011- NOW eve_ryb0dys happy Standings in the league are: "P35 concert - songs» I‘ectta-‘George Ramsey. Rocheztdr V. rates for and complete With a sponsor. (series number 2_ first and W. tions. and the junior choir. ‘31; Mrs. mm...” can“: {sari 1 CFGM'1310 continues as 198-,erall score in brackets): Turn-l WCdneSdaYv December 13 â€" Colborne' Mrs. W. Abbott Lind- carefu gue leader. The radio squad has bull Groceries 14 (63), Nun-1.13m Buttonville W.I. meets in But- ' ' (Male and Female) Apply Nearest Toronto Office, TU. 4-2291 :1 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill FLOWERS Professional Bowling Services now have a 14 point total, Thrif- ty Shoppers have scored 12 Pharmacy 2 (42), Rothman’siH‘all. King Size 2 (33). Don‘s Esso Neighbourhood Notes Kent Clothes 2 Ben. Phone Gonnley 5369 Kenneth Shepherd Oflicc, TU. 4-2291 :1 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill In. Phone Markham 724 STATE FARM MUTUAL WINS INSURANCE COMM" Head Office, Toronto, Ont. sun Iun' & INWIAI‘C" My fincere jHanéJ TO THE CITIZENS OF RICHMOND HILL FOR RE~ELECTING ME TO THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR 1962. FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON. Margaret Southwell. The above rink from the Royal Canadian Curling Club in Toronto were winners, high for three games in the early draw at the recent Men’s points and are tied with Bun- ston Carpentry who also own 12 points. Thompson's Sunoco have hit for 11 points, Turner *Taxi 5 points and in last place G and G Hi-Hopcs, 4 points. Pam Graham is leading the ladies in the high average de- partment, trundling along at a 161 pace. Edna Maybury is cruising along at a 152 clip. Ted Wilson and his 170 average are NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Seerce 2 (27). Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brown (25). and Kathy visited Mr. and Mrs. The hardest working memberiNorman Wilson and Larry at of any league is the league sec- Orangevillc, recently. TO SERVE YOU l l 2 sronas i l RICHMOND HILL l retary. Long after the averagel Margaret Patterson and Shar- “Flowers For A“ bowler has finished with bowl-yon Rumble were among the Occasions" ,ing until the next season, thehThornliill H. S. cheerleaders I secretary is just getting started.,slimvn on TV last week when Phones )1 Individual averages are record-‘school events were featured. |ed, they have to he worked out’ Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkins first and that's a chore in itself were partying at the Boulevardi TU. 4-1812 TU. 4-7811 AT ALL HOURS 174 Spadina EM. 3-5991 118 Richmond W. EM.6-9192 Open Bonspiel at the Richmond Hill Curling Club. The members of the winning aggregation were (left to right) James Livingstone lead, Bob Donald second, John Bowes third, and Donald Heslop skip. (Photo by Lagerquist) Majorette Plans Told To Council By Police Chief The drum corps and majorette corps sponsored by Richmond Hill Police Association is re- ceiving increased public appre- ciation, and has ambitious plans for the future, Chief R. P. Rob- bins told Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night. He re- ported that the band and ma- jorettes had a cordial reception BEST WISHES Councillor-Elect. DOMESTIC FUEL OILS AND BURNER SERVICE HALL'S SERVICE STATION LTD. ,. TELEVISIONl "score seems to confuse an as- from Grey Cup crowds when There are now 60 girls in the they took part in the annualsen-ior majorettes, parade, but pointed out tliahanother 60 in the junior group. there are some financial prob- There are 39 in the senior band lems. “We now owe the bank and about 20 in the Junior Band. $1,300 and are starting a public Council members had praise appeal for $3,000 to meet our‘for the organization and en- needs for next year," said Chief dorsed the campaign for funds. Robbins, outlining plans for 3 “It’s a good thing for the town," drive to sell booster decals to said Reeve F. R, Perkins. “We motorists and business places. all were very proud of our boys The Police Chief said there‘and girls in the Grey Cup 93- are plans to broaden the activi- rade," said May-or James Hag- ties and it is proposed to in- gart, commending the Police augurate a five-year plan to Association for sponsoring the raise $6,000 for instruments. band and majorette corps. HOW TO BOWL FIVE PINS MAM By Bret Garside & Jim Hoult Chief Bowling Instructors Double Diamond Advisory Council Practise Your Scoring Skill For some reason, keeping tonishing number of people, in- cluding some who have been bowling for years. Basically, you the small square to help you, score the value of the pins you keep track of gamedetails. They knock down with three halls indicate an “error’ in not bow- for each frame. Under the Na- ling either a strike with the _ . tional Scoring System, value of first ball, or a spare with the cnael’s Gift Shop have 30 points. the ins is: second. ‘ p g 2 Frame 2: First ball knocks all 3 pins down for a “Strike.” Mark 3 X in small square. Next two‘ 5 balls bowled later will also The left corner pin must becount in this frame. knocked down in each frame. Mark small score for that frame. ,“Spare.” and about If left standing, there is no pins with two balls for algostofi 795, leading the men‘s division, one pin better than Ed. Patterson's 169. Leading lady on last week's action -â€" Pam Graham 510 (188). In second place, Sandy Richards 505 (199) with Edna Mavbury third 473 (188). Peggy Welde- man, sparing for the Pin Find- ers hit for 457 (172) as Marlon :Bl-anchard rolled 442 (166). Garrett “Big Daddy” Rich- ardson topped the men with 541 (217). Ted Wilson carded a 532 (200) and Joe Boyer 526 (188). Andy Jensen 518 (208) and Ed. Patterson 498 (179) fin- ished in fourth and fifth spots respectively. ABC Major A reminder to all interested parties that the initial 60 ball tournament of the season goes Saturday, December 9th at 2.30 pm. Some minor changes in the format of the tourney this year should create a great deal of local interest and a large entry is anticipated. The first four teams in the league standings are so closely bunched that a small handker- chief would cover them. Davis and Day and Macdougall Pon- tiac each own 64 points. ABC No. 2 with 63 points and Dynes Jewellers with 601/2 complete the tightly bunched group. Li- quiflame has scored 52 points, AB‘C No. 3 51 points and ABC No. 1 47 points. Dobby’s Sports and Cycle have counted 46 points, Hall's Fuel Oil 38 points, John's Boys 36 and Turnbull Groceries 32, Mi- ‘Bowen Bombers 28%, Frank’s Movers 23, Sports 19 and last but not least, Albion Construc- tion and their 18 points. King of the Week was Tim Saul and his 813. Court mem~ Frame 3: Joe knocks down allbers were Bill Jackson 809, Bill Jim Cairn 792, . Squaremrank Munroe 761 and Henry The rules of scoring and the with “/". The 15 pomts from Knuckey 759' symbols were explained in an these pins are added to the Tim Saul leads with an aver- earlier column. But to illustrate earlier 15 in frame 2, for a‘age of 235, followed by Jack how the system works, here is frame 2 score of 30. For frame smmvay with 233. All Richard. a sample game. The count forl3, he’s entitled to 15 plus the‘son has a 231 average and Bill each individual frame is indi- count he gets on next ball. Smith a 229. Henry Knuckey is cap and the same for individual bowlers. Handicap allotment also falls to the hard working secretary. As well ad these chores they also try to bowl in their own behalf. A good secretary is a real find and the leagues in Rich- mond Hill are unusually well blessed. We’d like to pay trib- ute to these secretaries who do so much to ensure the success of their leagues. So herewith a. salute and a thank you to Dot Boyer of the Richmond Hill Ten Pin Mixed League. to Madge Nicholson of the Thursday Af- ternoon League, to George Nioh-i olson of the Eastsiders, to Bill Jackson of the ABC Major Lea- gue and to Stan Shadoff of the Allencourt Major League. We hope that league members ap- preciate your efforts! A short while ago we ran a story about 79 year old Frank Gilbert and his bowling prowess.‘ Now Mr. Gilbert’s position is, being challenged by 83-year-old Edward Attridge who bowls in the Richvale Men's League at Allencourt Lanes. What makes Mr. Attridge un- ique despite his age, is the fact that his son bowls in the lea- gue with him, while grandson bowls in the Allencourt Junior League. Three generations of bowlers active at the same lanes! Sunday at Brown‘s Corners Un- ited Church. Next Sunday the junior choir will sing. Mr. and Mrs.‘Garnet‘ Francey motored. with friends, to Can- ton, Ohio, for the American Thanksgiving week-end. Mrs. George Kelly attended a meeting at the home of Mrs. Schuyler Snively, Glen Lonely, York County women planned campaign services for the new hospital soon to be built at Rich- mond Hill. . Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stephenson visited friends in Hamilton re- cently, while the children stayed with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson. Mrs. Olga Denby, who has not been well lately, is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Nelson Boyington of Queensv-ille. Mrs. Wilfred Turner is the new teache" of junior grades at Buttonville School. Mrs. Helfen- stein has moved to school sec- tion No. 4 where she will teach a newly formed auxiliary class. Mrs. Rae Donaldson and Mrs. Sam Snider, with Mrs. John Storey, attended a leaders’ con- ference at Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Strike at- tended graduation exercises at Convocation Hall, when Mr. Strike received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the Univer- Can anybody top this fie? Skiing Safety Codes Already Observed Here The Federation Internation- ale de Ski, body for skiing, was recently criticized by the Ski Club of Great Britain for concentrating too much on competition and ignoring the vast majority of, recreational skiers, particularly in the matter of safety. The lat-. ter organization suggests that, international rules of the road sity of Toronto. Mr. Strike is a graduate of the university at Hull, England. Don and Dorothy (Hood) Ree- sor brought their new son, Ger- ald Winford, home from the Scarboro General Hospital last Monday. The baby arrived Tues- day, November 21, and weighed. 7 pounds, 6 ounces. Miss Della Stephenson and world governing Mr5. Wm. McGimpsey have both‘ been on the indisposcd list of) late. Fair Board Dinner Buttonville W.I. membens ea~ tered last Thursday when Mark- ham and East York Agricultur- al Society held its annual ban- quet at Button-ville W.I. Hall. recently, when a group of south. MW WWW Telephone TU. 4-1650 “I! successful candidate. .1... TO THE ELECTORS 0F WARD 11 MARKHAM TOWNSHIP I wish to thank all who supported mo in' the recent Markham election. Congratulations to Mr. Charles Hooper. the ' Yours sincerely, Stewart Rumble. â€"â€". team high triples, with and Club, last Friday. we Deliver 538 Coxwell 110.1‘9471 without handicap, . high team Mr. Jack Cough and daughter, Toronto & Surrounding 2968 Dundas W. R0. 3-3611 Singles With and Without handi- Mrs. Ray Grant, sang a duet on Districts 1 t NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS i d A ROGER PROULX PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given 62 Crosby Ave. RICHMOND HILL WINTER WORKS PROGRAM Richmond Hill Tree Service and Forestry Company V Save I0 to I5 °/o Phone TU. 4-7774 We have the latest equipment Therefore we can offer the lowest rate ever Trees removed or trimmed cated by the figure in bra-ckets;l Frame 4: First ball picks out bangng out a 223 average game _ Rev, Donald R, McKnncan, Tree Culture and suroer STEREO HI-FI “‘9 c‘imu‘afive score by the headpin- Mark “5P” m smalllwi-th Bob Hudson and Frank applyigg “a 51“ “635,52”?ng B-A-n B-D-v Dean 0f Knox 0011936 Tree stum s removed3 with latest model machine» 8 P RTABLE large figure. lsquare; add 5 paints to framelmunroe sharing 226 averages. create an promote y ' ‘ ' and former pastor of St. And- p u r RADIO 0 Frame 1: Joe knocks down all‘3, for frame 3 count of 20. The Some of the rules of a code, rewys Presbyterian Large trees transplanted Thursday Afternoon League Church, RECORD PLAYERS TAPE RECORDERS TRANSISTOR RADIOS ADMIRAL ELECTROHOME RCA VICTOR SPARTON MARCONI PORTABLE TV’s FOR RENT Expert service on TV, Hi-Fi and Radio TV TOWERS, 40 ft., complete with all wave an- tenna, erected for $60.00 RICHMOND HILL TV AV. 5-37 56 34 Yonge S. CW pins with three balls. Score 15.‘other two balls knock down all If you wish, a dot and a horiâ€" except the right corner pin.l zontal line may be placed inlCount 13. and in the corner of “To- tal” space. Frame 6: Joe's first ball takes out No. 5 and both No. 3 pins, 10 ms: Eaaaaaaaa Frame 5: A11 pins down with and No. 2 pins. Called a “chop- lfirst ball for another Strike.‘off,” marked “c.o.” Add 10 to ‘But Joe’s foot skidded past the‘frame 7, for a frame 7 count. ,foul line, and he’s charged with'of 25. Other two balls knock ‘a foul. Mark X in small squarefldown remaining pins for frame 8 score of 15. Tie E 6641:) I67 Frame 9: A strike. Frame 10: First ball knocks down No. 5 and one No. 3 pin, Only two scores over the 600 mark were turned in by the la- dies last; week. Irene Everatt was top banana with 715 (302) followed by with a 636 (281). Eileen Jackson rolled a 270 single, Ida Madill 232 and Jean Nugent 232, Marge Black and Dot Webster hit for 231’s fol-, lowed by Sally Wilson and her. 220. Sonia Gradeen and Gerry Stewart managed 212 each, Jean Smith 209 and Ellen Parrett (208. Pat Jordan and Bev. Brock- ‘lehurst' shared 203's with Gladys Rogers recording a 201. Eastsiders Margaret Ingles and Don Rob- Molly Freeman| endorsed by the Toronto Ski Club, listed below, show that in Canada such safety codes alrea- dy exist. Skiers approaching each oth- er across the hill should pass to the right to avoid collision. Ov- ertaking skiers shall warn the skier ahead, stating audibly “on your left” or “on your right”. The skier highest on the hill is responsible for avoiding the person below him. Skiers emery ing from the side of a trail. should stop before entering, then proceed without interrup- ting t‘he passage of skiers al- ready on the trail. Skiers in mo- tion are responsible for avoid- ing a prostrate skier either in Markham, was the guest speak- er. Among local guests were Reeve W. R. and Mrs. Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark, Mr. and Mrs George Barker, Charles and Elizabeth; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bell; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dea- con, Ken Russell, Mrs. 0. Brooke, Mrs. K. Stots, and Mr. I: and Mrs. Don Hoshel. Parents’ Club . Parents of Buttonville School children gathered at the school' last Wednesday to see their‘ children’s work and hold a club meeting. Principal Howard Atkinson anteed Prop. Harold VanDyke Free Advice Trees of your choice supplied, plan-ted and guar- i h t ’R fire casualty. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS Free Estimates S’“fifilfliflififiifiifitflWEEKK'SKKIKKRPEIEIEIEISIEKKRHHKW‘KWW' A Pre-Christmas Message There are many ways to get your name in the news, but the way not to do it is through thoughtlessness or carelessness and end up a introduced Mrs. Wilfred Turner, who replaces Mrs. Helfenstein. Past president Mrs. Bernard. Venus gave a report of her visit to the School for Retarded Now that the winter season has arrived, it is just plain common sense we should be more alert to the dangers of fires. The heating equipment in all buildings should leaving two corner pins stand- called 3 "split." marked "5" in erts are {he .IUCkY Winner? 0f lift-line or trail. A striking ing .. called “Aces Up_u Mark small square. Second balllthe league 5 hidden score prizes. skier is responsible fol- personal “A” in small square. Next two‘knOCkS down N0~ 2 counter 9111- Shirley Thompson. W1th a 62linjury he causes by lack of con- 1 I Ad 1 1 {Add 10 to frame 9 for a frame‘triple and a 251 single game, troy Wilful negligent conduct in balls miss entire y d to a 0 9 count of 25. Final ball knockslled the ladies on the play fol- the use of skis or poles, cans. TO THE ELECIORS OF I' 11 to strike in frame 5, for RICHMOND HILL ter pin was left standing in This is a “blow,” indicated by two diagonal lines across frame. (frame 6, he gets no score here.l Total: Score for game would be 184 points. But the foul in lframe 5 means 15 points are frame 5 count 25_ Because coun- down remaining pins for framellowed by Lyn Lepper 619 (248). 310 count of 15. lEllen Parrett rolled a 607 (210). {while Joni Brent finished with Ia 605 (235). Bill Jones and his 694 (254) ing personal injury constitutes‘ assault. Skiers must not stop in any location which would ob- struct a trail or impede the normal passage of following) Children. As a result of her findings the men and women of the Buttonville School Club will commence a craft programmel to create articles which will aid: but more economical. mm: be checked and cleaned â€" not only will it be safer With Christmas just a few short weeks away and preparations for the decorating of stores and o Frame 7: All pins down with subtracted from this" Final game topped the men with John Al- skiers. lretarded children in learning as homes taking place 'ust remember that hot elec- it I thank the people Of RlCh' two balls for a Spare. Count Score 15 169' . 1611 scoring 579 (251)- Stan 5143- Remember. the man Whose Simple Procedures 0f ordinary y tric bulbs against ’6er Christmas tree branches 0 . . i We hope this example helps dofi’ r d d 6 (23 ) d’ h h 1 life. 19’ _ mond for the“. ex reSSlo of 15 plus score on next ball. , . U .f. ecor e a 71 5 an life you save may avet e ony lg can ver easfl cause a fire fid _ . D l 11 d “a? 8, Firstfbgu dknocks may hilcvoerini.f dblofllcufiglgg,?riiold Price 662 (27612Fralnkbottie-opener within miles. One item which will heip'g,t If iéhristéas trees an; to be erected keep _ ‘ own 0. 5 and le t an No. 3 . ' , . . . . orrest Scored 657 (25 ). ic e these children to learn to dress I can enc‘? In me In my re e ecuon I3:15thfigdgroée?offilgsaggggg; Palmer 639 (280) and Art Mc- Lles Hurt Hours themselves is a zipper Sewn to; them away from doorways, supplied with plenty as COHIICIIIOI' for 1962. forv bowlers wd be DEM to great;ng 638 (267). Joe Jens hit ,heavy cotton and attached to a'E of water, and turn the lights off when leaving the Q v o N hear from you. Write us care of 631:; (2207;2ignafigszgg 5:13:03; ANlcholasr Nakeoff, Mornin-ggide i’i‘zirdsiliifinéhaitt t3? 333’ (112,13: g building or going to bed. ~ this newspaper. ' .‘ venue, oron c, was pinne in _ - I assure you Of my continued 3 . . . NEXT: FOUR WAYS TO AIM, Â¥ll1tglmgci35 angled dand aliailglhls car for 11 hours last Sunday Oltllerfitems 0“ the llst Inelude u ossifi‘l‘letafi]; [8:51 (.31; Of the house as soon as best efforts on behalf of our To VICTORIAN ORDER 01“ â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" Sf 290 m” e a g “‘9’ it h“ 3 "9e and P‘”““““’ ts ° W°°d “hm” fit “393‘th p S as" - wn’ NURSES NORTH YORK c1 i ' th I‘Igiilgficgurt Manr 25 feet d°wn an embankment hthdllalfnghlirgelihltsramled r‘OCRtllilg " TOO many Merry Chrlsmases are turned into â€" a mag a -, . c es in s, ' ' and extend to one and all Best their position was "useless,"l JOhn _Allen_ was the heavy 3: All: fiaHichIWSyFtazgiggtgi-afi project may contact Mr. Jack?! tragedles through ChnStmas tree firFS' Wlshes for the Festlve Season. â€" RICHMOND HILL the eighteen members of the ‘Sugal' Wl’uner in the “Beat Your a mile from the Bond Lake 0n. Stewart. lg Wlshmg Everyone A. Fire Free BRANCH Recreagog Cortn‘mittee, Elinhad- fiveralge icczifitest With Terry tam, Provincial pence office, ‘ During the business discus-:3; Christmas visory o y to e counci, ave ogerson n e runner-up SPO- Miss E. Woodbyrne tendered their resignations en Arne Skretteberg is leading in A provincial police officer sion it was announced that twofg spotted the car shortly before skating rinks will be made at‘g ‘masse. They claimed that theirthe high average race with 247 . ‘ noon Sunday. Nakeoff had ap- Buttonville School this year -â€"l! ideas were not being acted on followed by Stan. Shadoff With‘ . _ _ . parently been northbound at one for skating and one for 5 by counc11. DiscusSIOn was de- 240. Bill Jones and Larry Blsh-‘the time of the accident. hockey. The men of the parents'ig Hall -glong ferred for two weeks to en- op are sharing 236's. Jack Shad- He was taken to Scarborough club will do the work and the! PHONE TU- 4'4101 abdle counciltmgmbers to con- 306’ has a 234 going for him withGeneral Hospital with head and school board has promised fiu- g FIRE CHIEF' ‘ ' ' ' - - - - i - - a i - _â€"lsi er tieir San . iTim Saul at the 233 mark. Art back injuries. ancial assistance. Igflun’zflhzmmx;“mammammzahgig.yzmzmummxmxzha qufluxmuflfltmmxammxwxux«text: xaknnzagnzrstsmsas‘szags aksnxegnzsnistaie’amkmsénmseaEasement“:“mnzmswmmmuluneuxamxiammm:lumenannulmentattainment“znzeunmctammimtmwnisannualauuum » SCOTCH PINE R ‘ SPRUCE LOBLAWS PARKING LOT ' 'ALL PROCEEDS IN AID OF LOBLAWS PARKING LOT Yonge St. N. at Levendale Yonge St. N. at Levendale NOTE: ONE LOCATION ONLY Evenings and all day Saturday "7 - v y v v p r v - - - r - r - v - i y « r ~ 4 v v - ~ - v v - - v - - - > - ' a v ‘y'v,-'r'-">"~‘v'rr‘v'r ‘r"’v"r'v""' r I- v 4 r V! ,. .,.,.,, Richmond Hill Municipal J4/ Wife . i r r y c , . . . - . , y - . ~ p > . . . . , , r i r . . . . . . . . , , y . y . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . , . . .

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