Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Dec 1961, p. 12

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12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Qnt., Thursday, December 7, 1961 For Fast Service on Quality Printing OF ALL KINDS Consult “The Liberal” TU. 4-1105 and a. courteous representative will call Mrs. E. Percival Transportationâ€"AV. 5-3552 Mrs. C. J. Foran 239 Victoria Square Chairmanâ€"George Brand Gormley 5200 Thornhlll Women's Services-A V. 5-1839 Unlonvule Women's Services-Got. 5525 Mrs. C. Nichols Transportationâ€"Germ. 5540 Mrs. L. Mumberson For Information a; Service: Available. Call Richmond mu Mrs; N. Ritchie Women's Services TU. 4-3463 Mn. W. McDougall Transportation - TU. 4-4821 Mrs. W. J. Lennox Campaignâ€"Unlonvlllo 239 Mrs. G. Purves Mrs. Gordon Purves. phone Secretaryâ€"TUrner 4-2382 Although more research work throughout the world is being done on cancer than on any other medical problem, scientists still have not discovered the cause. FACT FOR THE WEEK: CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT UNIT The Medallion Symbol of Electrical Excellence MEDALLION ELECTRIC HOMES GIVE YOU: POWER CONDITIONINGâ€"a. 100 ampere main service entrance and a “full housepower” dis- tribution panelâ€"plenty of capacity for your electrical needsâ€"now and in the future. LIGHT CONDITIONINGâ€"another important feature in Medallion Homesâ€"adds beauty and safety both indoor and out. SIGN OF THE TIMES! VISIT THE FULLY FURNISHED, ALL-ELECTRIC GOLD MEDAL. LION HOME AT 69 ROUGECREST DR., MARKHAM, THIS WEEK- END. Before you buy 01‘ build a. new home or remodel your present one â€"- find out more about Medallion Homes. Call your electrical contractor or your local hydro ofl’ice. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR [They Help To Smooth Rough Paths 1 go-oréinated )Ngltate SYStEII1_AiSJS John Beverly Riou Eppes Dies Suddenly of Heart Attack at Age 51 Well known in local real eAs-‘erloo py the Rev. Larlders ond‘ Well known in local real es-‘erloo by the Rev, Lander; and tate circles, Mr. John Beverly Rev. Donaldson on November Rlou Eppes passed away sud-27th. denly in his 52nd year on Nov- ember 24th at Kitchener, On- r tario from a heart seizure. Son1 ' . of the late Major and Mrs. Da-iChrIStmas Busu‘ess vid Douglas Rlou Eppes, Mn'said To Be Perking ‘ Eppes attended Balmy Beachl and Williamson Road PublicL Christmas business began to m:“seawrrgzateesg*perk up last to w v , , _ (a number of Richmond Hill re- Commencing in the real es- tate business with Tuttle and Tuttle, Toronto. followed by a term with Keith Real Estate.‘ Mr. Eppes founded his own business. the Beverly Eppes Real Estate, which he conduct- ed for many years at Leaslde. ‘ Surviving. is his widow, Mrs. Isobel Jackson Close Eppes, four children, Douglas. Scarbor- ough: Suzanne and Elizabeth of Toronto and Richard at home. Another son. Robin, predeceas-‘ ed him. Surviving brothers and sisters are: William Randolph Eppes, Toronto; Mona (Mrs. H. G. Robertson) Richmond Hill; Miss L. Evelyn Eppes. Toronto; also by two grandchildren. Cheryl and Robin (children of Mr. and Mrs: Douglas Eppes.) Member of St. Andrew's An- glican Church, Kitchener, the late Mr. Eppes was interred at Egmundville Cemetery, follow- ing services conducted in Wat- Balmy fieiéfi until his marriage in 1936. BUILDER â€" GORDON PEARCE, CLAREMONT, ONT! Will Your Battery Fail You? It could happen. A weak battery just can not make the grade on a cold morning. Let us check and re-charge your battery for you. COOK'S BP Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 WALKER’S at one time. on the north side of Steeles Avenue immediately west of YOnge Street. The trans- action. handled by David Mc- Lean Real Estate, Ltd., included the building and a residence ‘ next door formerly owned by P. iMicha. Frontage of the two properties is 104 feet and sale price was in excess of $400 a front foot. While no informa- tion was immediately available, it was said that the property would be used for a large commercial development. It is immediately across the street from one of the entrances to the new Sayvette store. Old Hotel Property 0n Steeles Is Sold ’For Commercial Use Those engaged in the clothing'gre business fell into the latter cat- the egory, declaring that snow and C1" cold weather were needed to un- K“ cork buying. Jewellers declared.the that business had shown a sharp‘mo upturn, with one stating thatl 1‘ already buy-ins was far ahead of re? last year and that higher-priced we articles were being called for. Last Saturday. normally con- sidered top day, ran second place to Thursday. according to a considerable number of re- tailers. particularly in the down- town area. Property transfers in the area include the sale of a well-known old building, la1d_to be a_ hot_el Residential sales had been a little above normal, David Mc- Lean told “The Liberal.” Seven houses had been sold in Rich- mond Hill recently. The num- ber of houses being rented was steadily increasing, he said, con- firming statements made by other realtors in recent months. Christmas business began to perk up last week. according to a number of Richmond Hill re- tailers. A snap review by "The Liberal" revealed the situation to be spotty. Some merchants were glowing â€" others were gloomy. LUWIl (11 ca. Turkey orders were atartlng’l’mg to roll, suppliers dean-MAW“ lnnnk LKER’S ELECTRIC, MIDLAND, ONT. APPLIANCE CONDITIONINGâ€"provides am‘ ple circuits and outlets. A modern, fast re- covery, two-element water heater is installed in every Medallion Electric Home. A “GOLD MEDALLION” home is ALL-ELEC- TRIC INCLUDING HEATING. V tuation :chants were lothing er cat- rw and . to un- eclared I sharp g that lead of -priced d for. iy con- second iing to of re-j slown- tar-ting elated. 'ping is eliminated. h: When those baskets go out they will carry with them not only the goodwill of the distrib- uting group but also Christmas greetings from the Lions Club, the Rotary Club. the Civitan Club. the Kinsmen Club, the Kinettes. the Rotary Anns and the Senior Citizens Club of Rich- mond Hill. All those organizations are represented in the Co-ordinated Welfare and Counselling Serv- ice. In eifect. that body is the “clearing house" for welfare ac- tivities of the town's service clubs. ensuring that maximum help is given to those in need quickly and, on the other hand, that the bug-auboo of overlap- It is com- posed of two members from each of the sponsoring organi- zations. Groups Contribute l MC‘ :luded- dence by P. two 1 sale 400 a ornia- liable, )perty large It n street res to een a :1 Mc- Seven Rich- num- d was I, con- .e by onths. During the past year the ser- vice assisted 47 families, some of them more than once. Last year it distributed 43 hampers to those whose Christmas would have lacked the warmth and plenty which is supposed to go ‘with the season. without them. This year, officers say, the need is expected to be about the same. A grant of $300 given by the town will help to fill the need. Unlike a number of On- tario towns, Richmond Hill does not put on a drive for funds for ‘Christmas baskets. Welfare money raised during the year, plus a town grant. is used in- stead. Aids In Emergencies The welfare and counselling service isn’t by any means a flowing fountain far those look- thnn cash or goods. In such cases help is equally prom-pt â€"- and free. Lawyers, doctors. bankers and other people co-operate runs along those lines. The Co-ordinated Welfare and Counselling Service has its own investigating committee, to en- sure that needs are genuine. But its members believe in the old adage that “He gives twice who gives quickly.” and does all in its power to meet legitim- ate needs â€" with a minimum of red tape and delay. While avoiding overlapping within the town, the group also attempts to avoid overlapping other service clubs or similar groups outside the Richmond Hill area. For that reason it ullva-vA . to a minor-complaint. At the next week's meeting. the club will be visited by its! with the group when the needigtlgggst governor’ Henry King'i Nine House Permits 1 Issued In November ‘ Nine residence and alteration permits accounted for $127,000 in November, members of Mark- ham Township Council learned at a recent meeting, when the building inspector’s report for that month was presented. Ac- cessory buildings accOunted for another $6,710. Largest item on the report was a $90,000 addi~ tion to Woodlands Public limits its activities 50 an area School. 00mle»: BY F. J. PXCKING, Nev" Editor Members of the Cooordlnated Welfare and Counselling Service of Richmond Hill are preparing for the distribution of Christ- mas hampers â€" an annual "la- bour of love". "nun-v uuu v ........... b a-.. ice. In effect. that body is the “clearing house" for welfare ac- tivities of the town's service clubs. ensuring that maximum help is given to those in need quickly and. on the other hand, that the bug-a-boo of overlap- ping is eliminated. It is com- posed of two members from each of the sponsoring organi- zations. Groups Contribute Funds for welfare activities come from the various clubs, based on their membership. In simple terms, the central body looks after all welfare work. do- ing it on money which other- wise individual groups would expend. The contributing groups get their money in the first place from their own mem- bers or from the public through fund-raising activities. The service specializes in di-. recting those needing help to the right place to get it. when- ever possible. It might be found,I for example, that a person or. a family needing help is prop-i erly entitled to get it from the municipality. In that case. if urgent help was needed. it would be given and the ones in; need channelled into the hands‘ of the municipality's welfare tained with that welfare officer. Norman Lewis. in order to see that those needing assistance get it in the best possible man- ner and that there is no over- lapping. ‘ Counselling Given Not infrequently the central organization. acting for all the service clubs. runs into cases ofi‘icer. A closel.1alsonisxnain.:allmellts. He said that in the ‘ness to one of major impor- ‘behalf of the Rotary Club, Ro- where advice is needed, rather â€"- 11"“- Heart Ailments Cures Richmond Hill Rotary Club had as its speaker Monday. Mr. Charles Lennox, a volunteer worker with the Ontario Heart Foundation. Mr. Lennox explained the role of the Foundation in work- ing against heart disease both in prevention and cure of heart t to E i if a q ten years the organization has been active. heart disease has been reduced from a fatal ill- tance. In thanking Mr. Lennox on v tarian Ron Ryland said if the ' heart foundation has reduced. the seriousness of heart diseasel in only ten years. possibly inl another ten it will be reducerl‘ t g E t Both Donors 8: Recipients Of Help m; Not infrequently the central ,m- organization, acting for all the [Eh service clubs, runs into cases where advice is needed, rather er. than cash or goods. In such cases me help is equally pram-pt â€"â€" and ast free. Lawyers, doctors, bankers ers and other people co-operate um with the group when the nee'tl md runs along those lines. ing for handouts. And that does not mean that its operation is lacking in charity or human- kindness in any way. It is re-| cognlzed that. in spite of all the steps taken in this day and age to see that citizens running into hard luck are helped. there will always be emergencies. That's where the organization comes into the picture â€" to help meet those emergencies which. for some reason or other, cannot be taken care of in nor- mal ways or cannot be taken care of fast enough. A bad fire which left a family homeless with its belongings gone. for; instance. would spark immed- iate assistance. ‘bounded by No. 7 highway in the south, the second concess- ions east and west and the township lines near Jefferson to ‘the north. 2 So, with efficiency and speed. ‘but with humanity, decency and dignity, the service clubs of Richmond Hill do their best to hold out a kindly helping hand to those who have run into rough spots on the road of life, And the hand they hold out â€" that performs their kindly actions for them â€"- is the Co-ordinated Welfare and Counselling Ser- vice. ‘Pnhrianc Hoar Aim"! ELE 69 ROUGECRESI DRIVE MARKHAM Manning to build or buy a new home? Want to add an extra touch of tomorrow to your present home? Then, he sure to visit this amazing all-Electtohome home for ideas galore! Now for the first time you can see thewonderful world of Electrohome under one roof. See the surprisingly wide range of quality products developed and crafted by Electrohome â€" Canada’s leader in superb stereo and quality furniture. An Electrohome representative will be there to answer your questions. e seaboard heating «the clean, silent, modem way to heat today's home. 9 The Springuiro a the convenient, portable air purifier that removes tobagco smoke, cooking odours and pollen. Traps and kdls air-home bacteria; See them may Eledrohom products for modern living See modern electrical living at its best! Sponsored by Dominion ELECTROHOME Industries Limited Thugsday through Mendey December 7. 8. 9, 10, “ll new": “‘“W- I A nominating committee can- gel 50, with efficiency and speed,sist1ng 0f Mrs. Wm. Turner, ‘t0}but with humanity, decency and chairman; Mrs, A, H, van N03- 1'9 dignity. the service clubs of trand and Mrs. A. E. Starr, was is. Richmond Hill do their best to named. on hold out a kindly helping hand The treasurer reported re. to to those who have runinto rough ceipts of $500.00 for the bu. es 5130“ 0% the maid“ iue- an? ant held November 18. 31‘. the han they ho ou â€" m )r- performs thiair hkirédly gctictmgabengldDggeggegggfeu“ win ED for them â€"- s t e o-or ina e ____.____~..__i_.‘ 1‘9 Welfare and Counselling Ser-ixmm““‘““mm ess vice, i A _ _ _ _ > . At the next week's meeting. the club will be visited by its! district governor, Henry King-; stone. l to a minor complaint. 99 a In thanking Mr. Lennox on v behalf of the Rotary Club, Ro- tarian Ron Ryland said if the ' heart foundation has reduced. the seriousness of heart disease in only ten years, possibly in another ten it will be reduced‘ to a minor complaint. WK‘W‘K I vvcualc «nu uuuuacuuns at: Rotarians Hear About Heart Ailments Cures KKKEKKKKK'C' IDEA HOME! 2 9.11:. 39 10 pem. in co-operofion wifh {he Onfario Hydro The handicraft convenor. in an effort to increase the supply of materials used in craft work, asked all members to bring in used nylons. Christmas cards, odd-shaped bottles and beads. The regular monthly meeting of the York Manor Women's Auxiliary was held in the au- ditorium of the home on Nov- ember 24. bengldpggemegggj‘feunfl ‘Vm‘éfimwMmMM~>WVWN~mWNNwaW5 gunmmumwwx kimflkfimumuummummi“Immunean E WEST SIDE OF YONGE ST. :3 v. MILE NORTH RICHMOND HILL Av. 5 - 5‘ i7gnmmxuzmnmmmmnwammmnmmmmamwummmmhhm Auxiliary Of Manor Gets Bazaar Report OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9PM. December m “ u ‘ \MAWWW W I __ “u “wee” 3 w ligxxmmwxmxxmmxxmw o 11:. Humiduim ends the health-hazard of dry winter homes» 0 lighfing axiom that combine superb good taste mad the ultimate in efficient lighting. 6 Radio with intercom in every room including bathroom and at the outside doorways too. Learn how Electro‘ home Intercom saves time and steps-adds convenience in a hundred ways. 0 TV and Slum Perception Module: advanced design for the contemporary home and the finest in sound and picture reproduction. Unqueationably the world'- most modern sound 'system. - Manhl ladies that are beautiftu compact but 050: I fidelity of sound reproduction that will truly um» you. 0 Doilaofl Mimi styled and crafted by the fine fumiâ€" ture division of Electrohome. You’ll admire it; bean}! and learn the Menace that. add up to qualzty. ’3‘ ' fl DI A KITC f Y r K ) 5% z: 3 § TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM ELECTORS OF WARD I j/lall/25 :70!“ Mour Jon/[Jena ALLAN R. SUMNER HWY. .40! AV. 5 - 5122 imammmnmmnmnm gfll'l'liflflfl‘l KKIHWINKKIMMI y’f Fresh Cut CHRISTMAS AZALEAS, POINSETTIAS CYCLAMEN, MUMS GREEN PLANTS Pottery Planters of alITypes TREES-$1.94 PLANTS

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