Maple, Concord & "The Liberal†is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contri Our representative in Maple ls Mrs. Len Shore. ALplne 7-1150: in Edzeley and Sherwood. Mrs. letter, AV. 5-2375. Maple Notes Edgeley District buted by its readers in Maple. Concord & Edgeley districts. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1931; and in Concord. Mrs. Ruth ourable progress in hospital and charge of the service at Carr- vllie United Chttrch on Decem- ber 2. t'alcsccnt hospital. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday. December 7. 1961 .VVON Services Discussed I I Good Attendance Marks EMO Meetl Vaughan Ratepayers Representedi Vaughan Township ratepayer A qualified rescue instructor, associations were strongly rep- Les Brown. Crestwood Rd., Wil-‘ resented in the council cham-‘lowdale, mentioned during the: hers Thursday when the muni-‘questlon period following Mr.‘ clpality's new Emergency .\Iens- Pust's address. that everyone tires Organization liaison officer, trained would beneï¬t the com- )“ and Mrs. Ben Middleton Graham Pust. explained the munity. Having had rescue exâ€" 13 CARRVILLE Correspondent Mrs. Bert Middleton Phone AL. 7-8920 Howard Veals was Rev. in There is only one :; WELCOME Mrs. Clement is making fav- nay soon be moved to a con- brok n» in her foot! Sure commercialized Christmas has AlcQtini‘i'ie at. the NoycinbcrLadies' Auxiliary whose “win. "21:: unconï¬ioicogsgnumty liopeellt quickly as it will become. To most it seemed meeting V oi Maple L‘nited bot-s were the hosts for the 80 I - * mm") d "Hous slow up the Christmas shopping the ‘spontaneous spirit of giv- Church ii. A. on iIlc 23111. indies 1mm york summit D15. Association announce" 311,1 1? somewhat. ing‘ has somehow been lost. Mrs. N. i’iiync prc-sidcd for tract, attending the luncheon. Decoration coniffli nd Swift Small Boy, Big Spots The ‘real spirit' of Christmas the business pci'iOti. Open to all m A ape a It was not difficult to guess and the ‘reason' for Christmas The worship um given by , ‘ and Nancy visited on Sunday purpose of E..\i.0. 'l‘hirty-eight perience. gained in England dur- li 3'0" 1‘0 1“) HUXIIIMY "19m. “ml 311‘. and Mrs, Harry wai- people were in attendance in- log World War II, Mr. Brown be“ I’m†m 3â€â€œ"d our Chrm‘ ker and family of Newmarket eluding all cottncil members and volunteered his services to the WAGON be deed into three Classes _ that. if little Peter McConkey has been so pushed aside in our oration _ 5:33;?†,lf‘oujfigmgï¬iy 12)(Iidn't have much of a dose of hectitc scgï¬n’tlilc we have mild; ' - ' ' y ' ‘ chicken ox before â€" he sure tin o a 1‘season'-â€" spi-in , brightness, (3) Simpthty. Theie P {811‘ Chris‘mas and the winners has nowil Poor Petey is com- summer, Win be prizes for ad been winter! - ‘1 t k 1 pleter covered and h :gdnminjgcgggqiifl juigeesp‘svtclcl very sick with it as he had We all happened to VOW 3' scarlatlna along with it. Sis- gninst the early use of outdoor beJ$SCEni§de Sizing“ brigmenler Judy has since recovered decorating that leaves nothing h actual excitement , . . .. - _ UP our town for I happy “011‘ {20,211 her 693510“ 0f cmcmn to? ad‘tijuéiJ t lfel'ore Christmas.’ assistance during her two years Sick Together “‘1 several d3) 5‘ Conga, ,pugécï¬tgmlgfc(tinnioiï¬h regional (“motor 0f VON' 97" 30 5'05“ 0f expeflensio . day PerlOd- p ' Youngsters are so used to the in office as prcsidcnl. She hop- Three of the Plunkett young- lï¬llï¬ldoln {Kid Blumhel wan“): lév ‘osiromï¬m‘ ea probagle'tap aisggegoéhfggt priï¬g‘g’osgrï¬igï¬sl {augeran 500d Wm!“ I Toulh Brenk some Seasonal“: T110115“! sights and sounds of Christmas ed thcy would still support the siers Paul. Patrick and Karen . ’19] ‘0 "g Spenuluoluseu :1 gét area Shm'lm have a pm_mond Hm bicg‘l‘lse the “1' mugmm“ “1111110th I We understand Mrs. Bernice Several friends and I were that the actual day is almost an executive in the new organiz~ were all ahcd sick at the same sicâ€. ("316 on ,0" ‘f D5 f" mack pl'an that is R phn to I. i l ‘ I d b N" ' i A Torrence took an uncalled for discussing our various reactions anti ctimax_ ation, to be inaugurated in time, Their brother Michael {1- i) ‘lfri’g' (llglreiégrghngvgd “ ece-g- 1mm whim-ears in ï¬lm-1‘8 and it; ‘SIUPBEF if he: Yf “3 For information on I fancy step OVer her vacuum to the present day Christmas- Let's hold back a little on the January. 1962 as “United gured there was too much fuss “ï¬ver a". c "g a ' rescue ms dut, was to‘ act ast 11 t d T“ an as mm serfs w°1°°m0‘wfl°no Dhon. that ended in I fall and two What bugged us mOSIIY was hOW outside trimmings and give Church Women.†replacing the and confusion, â€"- he'd wait 5 y- - - 3 130 90 9 mm P8 ems. e 4 { . .. more time to the real reason - I - I I - - - - - - I I "mm. a “Chrismms... Surely m Ithis day and age we would ' gall gain something from the simple old fashioned celebra- . v o u N G ' s Ition of the birthday of the :"Man of Peace." WASHING, POLISHING. GREASING TIRE REPAIRS, BATTERIES Sunday Afternoon Skatingr The seemingly accepted thing ‘for anle's skating types. is to enjoy an afternoon of indoor skating at Woodbrldge Arena on Number 7 Highway west. If you don’t know about. it as yet, - the arena is open Sunday af- ternoon to the public from 3.30 to 5.00 p.m. A most. competent skate exchange is on hand and several folk have organized car pools to take the young folk over - some older folk as well. Background music has be- come such an accepted thing that very few of the skaters seemed conscious of the music. General Repairs to all Makes of Cars SID HUNT, Licensed Mechanic Young's B. A. Service Station Yongo & Benson Richmond Hill TU. 4-0009 GOOD USED LUMBER All Kinds Must Be Sold For Quick Sale PRICES GREATLY REDUCED Also Plumbing & Heating Supplies Including 8-piece Toilet Sets or Separate At Greatly Reduced Prices Marion Dougail and Ray pic on the ice skating moderns! ‘New Democratic Party ,future plans of this new group ltended, was most enthusiastic 65 DUNCAN ROAD RICHVALE gardens,_was given by Mrs. J z Iâ€"i-s E‘: 1:5 9-3 3. § 8 H 3 full- size features! arr/trim Bump-absorbing ride! a Gamay morons vuua YOUR CHOICE OF THRIFTY Generous comfort for 6 ADULTS! You’ll love it! Choose from COME TODAY/ COME SEE! COME DRIVE] -. \\ heads B-pasangw station wagon The new-size beauty With family-size economy. . . a! your ACAD/AN dealer'sâ€"today! Be sure to as "THE TOMMY AMBROSE SHOW" on the CBC TV network on Friday evening: Check your local listing for channel and time. Bruce Mocdouggll Motors IUrner 44864 2 STOP 24 YONGE SIREEI. RICHMOND HIL - down from Calgary, AI-j ~â€"â€"â€"'~--- â€" (berm to be about the only couâ€" with crossed arms and making use of the music. The young folk spent Cub News most of their time chasing each, _ (Other around the rink! Ah these its annual Christmas party on President, Tillie Diceman; Vice-‘ November 27 at the home of President. Mona Bell; Secretary.I ‘ Despite the heavy rain fal- illng several folk interested in ,the recently formed New De- mocratic Party, met at the home of the Thompson’s on Welton Street where Ray and Ilse led ‘a discussion on the aims and i This was a fact finding meet: Mg and though “Ot largely at'it-V the “Wt “191Ԡwas qlmetdone with the Concord Cubs. I The election of an executive ’ A very interesting demon- . lstration on indoor miniature Mrs. E. Birch, assisted by Mrs. December 13 ll Crooks and Ali's. McIntyre, with the theme “My Father's World." Miss M. mas party 50“ Cres. Also scouts and cubs and lea- Evans conducted a docs are reminded of their par- COIll0\l. on homes of flowers. iy in the lions' den. Decem- ’I‘his being the final W. A. her 12 at 7:00 pm. There will meeting as such. Mrs. Payne be no other meetings that week thanked all the ladies for their for A and B packs until it much later date, prob- ably till after Christmas, if he was going to get sick, â€" that way he'd be the only one and; could receive all the attention. for himself! Paul has had an extended time in bed so we hope when this issue comes out. he'll be up and around again. Would Enjoy Visitors Mrs. Arthur Gale of Maple is in a nursing home in $1.01th- in the church parlor. ville. When Mr. and Mrs. Ro- Menu 3 Success land Keffcr and their daughter When Andre). Mugge- as SOC, Mrs. Rita Moore of King visited in] convcnor, handch out thr- 16 1191‘ ICOFNIY. She said that She recipes for 1w,- cassemto to he would like to have some visitors. used for the district indies aux~ Sympathy iliarlcs fall conference lun- Neighbors and friends of Mrs. cheon. November 30. at the Charles Lepper express their community hall a she couldn't dccp sympathy to her in her have guessed what a hit. they'd bereavement. i make. In fact they were so deâ€" Bake Sale and Tea ‘licious we sold the recipe to Here‘s your chance to stock existing women’s programs. A provisional committee ls working to make sure that. the new program will incorporate majority interests and concerns. The Rev. Harold Davies is chairman of this committee for [‘uitod Church Women. Joint ('liristmas Meeting The W. A. and W. M. S. of Maple Unitcd Church are hold- ing a joint Christmas meeting on December 19. at 8:00 pm. Guess we're 01d fashionerl'but several of the guests, therebyjup on Christmas goodies â€" See we noted Fran Robson's Sister adding extra pennies to the Coming Events for St. Andrew‘s husband kittv of lst Maple Boy Scout. W. A. and W. M. S. CONCORD SOCIALS the installation of officers took The Mothers' Auxiliary held place. The new officers are? Mrs. Tori McCIymonl, BaldwlnLois Nordin and Treasurer Bert Avenue. The recreation room§RoaclL Plans for the cubs' was gain decorated for the 00- Christmas party were discussed. casion, complete with tree. The An auxiliary teaspoon was party was, as usual, a dinnerpre-scnted to Elva Whaley who party. and was described as “voting moved to Richmond Hill .the “special dishes" of thosemg the cub emblem was pre_ - members who were responsible‘semed to Karen Whaley in re_ {0" Pr°"1d1“g supper. 5° 1“ “331‘ membrance of the work she has -“‘good luck." Several members Karen is now with the lst Bev. could be seen next. day nervous- erley Acres pack Richmond gist them over “m†we“ 13’ fingering their calorie charts Hill. 1r 5 "‘35- nd ad'u‘t'n the bathroom . _ Maple United Church w. A. (Scam J M g i The motheis had a gift ex- change and joined in a few games to round out a very pieiu ‘sant evening. Socials Congratulations to the Bur- llngtons on the arrival of a new daughter last week at Bronson Hospital, a sister for David, Gerald and Katherine. ;. Mrs. Audrey Boron, Mrs. Lois Nordin and Mrs. Bert Roach attended the York Summit Dis. ,trict Scout Mothers Auxiliary ,Conference held last week at ‘Maple. A short business meeting i'ol- .tlowedthe dinner at which time rounding districts will regret ed and loved citizen, Mr. Laur- ance Gilbert Keffer of R. R. l, tillaple. In his 7lst year, Mr. 'Keffer died in Branson Hospital on Saturday, November 25th Ifollowing a lingering illness of lnine months. 7. Born in Edgeley, ,Keffer was a descendant of the Beaumont 4-Doov Seda- Lauranco from Somerset ounty. Pennsy ~ ivania in 180§, and from whichfof the Plphe ) O ' ' original Keffer family who emi-‘srs. Roland and Ross Kernel-J a e grated to Vau han Townshi ,The late Mr. Keffer rested at a the Wright a d Taylor Chapel ttlme to the Ihas been continuously farmed. Engaged in mixed farming, . . . . at for dinner and at night had sup- municipal staff members. “ Gidt‘mel‘lc‘m home 0" cmn‘ per with Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon attendance ï¬gure. the largest tion. Walker and ‘ Mrs. .lcssc Dewsbcrry were also nicipal meetings of this type. lted their daughter Gretta who of nuclear attack. MICK" Admin-V it con-‘i-“te‘l 0‘ and a set of six teaspoons bear-‘ the passing of a highly respect- present, this land where, on November 28th ser- Thc Emergency Measures Organiza- famiiy. Mr. and to date in York County for mu- Expansion of services of the Victorian Order of Nurses into Vaughan Township was discuss- ed Miss Catharine Maddaford. present. indicates a great deal of inter- Mr. and Mrs. Middleton vis- est In civilian training in case has been in York County Hospi- Gretta Middleton is making 3 "Spark-Plug" t0 DUI the Plalilsaid the fees alone were not favourable progress in hospital, in motion. To emphasize theilarge enough to pay for a nurse w. A. fact that In the period follow-and a car and that grants from The December;- meeting of the ing a nuclear attack. organiza-‘Ithe municipal government were Can-vine w, A. Wm be hetd tion was of the utmost lmpor- necessary; however. these grantsj at the home of Mrs, Jack Me. tnnce, he showed a ï¬lm entitled could only be given if the VON. Ewen. Bathurst St. at 8 pm. “The Hydrogen Bomb". was working throughout the,‘ December 13. This is the Christ- Throughout the film one pointiwhole township. . mas meeting. Mrs. MacDonald was brought forward mnny‘ Council members decided to‘ is to give a talk and Mrs. L. times. that being the need for investigate the possibilities of Morris will read the scripture. persons trained in first-aid and having VON services extended, The executive of L.O.L. 91 rescue operations and methodsfllnto Vaughan. held a meeting on Monday ev- ening at the home of Jack Bar- on. The Christmas cake ladies of the WA. had a pleasant day with Mrs. R. Kirk, when more cakes were made and next day some of the ladies went and wiilghed and wrapped them for sa e. OOOOQDOOOIOOCOOa.ooooaooooooioo-oooioooo. .‘ICIOOIIQOIOIIIIICOOOIII. A _... A,..-.. I | WELCOME WAGON ANNOUNCEMENT T0 ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE i MEMBERS IN THE RICHMOND HILL, THORNHILL, MAPLE, . KING AND OAK RIDGES AREAS Effective December 1st, All OML Members Requiring Emergency Road Service Are Asked To Call This Central Dispatch Number 884-4565 BY 80 DOING, ALL OML MEMBERS WILL RECEIVE FASTER EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE THE CO-OPERATION OF ALL OML MEMBERS IN CALLING THE ABOVE TELEPHONE NUMBER WILL BE SINCERELY APPRECIATED ONTARIO MOTOR lEAGUE ~ ..W DONCASTER Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 Friends and neighbours help- ted Mrs. G. Orser. Sprucewood ‘Drive. make a grand day. on :November 18, for her mother. Mrs. Minnie Miller. of the same address, who reached her 80th year. , Linda Bresnehan, Clarke Av- ,enue, and Keith Wintherspoon, lwe-re married at the Presbyter- Iian Church, Maple, on Novem- ber 25. Alexander Bencic, 113 Hen- derson Avenue celebrated his 13th birthday on November 30. Mrs. C. Morrison, Proctor Av- enue, entered hospital on Nov- .em'ber 21. for surgery. She is progressing well. i Mrs. H. Garvey. Henderson Avenue. held a baby shower in .honour of Mrs. Wm. Mann on ,November 23 at the latter's home. i Six guests attended. VAN-DORE: Whitchurch Town- ship Clerk Jack Crawford told ’ council that he had received 35. letters from summer cottagel dwellers at Musselman's Lake asking for the area to be retain- ed for summer use only (EMERGENCY ROAD SERVICE DEPARTMENT) (in 2 CARLTON ST. TORONTO I 'Late Laurance Keller Is Laid To‘ Rest In Zion lutheran Cemetery“ Residents of Maple and our-Icommunity affairs. He was I {former school board trustee, member of Zion Lutheran Church. Maple, and a member of the Pioneer Bowling Club. Surviving the late Mr. Keffer is his wife, Mrs. Gladys Line Keffer, two daughters, Mrs. Warren Bone (Edna) and Mrs. Floyd Dice-man (Elsie), two sons.’ Messrs. Gilbert and Kenneth‘ Keffer, also two brothers. Mes- Funeral Home,‘ vices were conducted by the Rev. Norman Wagner of the \ . \\ \\\\\\\x m‘ : ' .\..: : 2 - c : ; For top gasoline economy, ; Acadian emphasizescomplcte - You'll appreciate Acadian‘s : : choose the 90 hp Econofiame . car comfort. There‘s ample : exam-smooth, noise free ride! ~ . 4. For extra get-up-and-go I legroom and hiproomâ€"front 2 Mono-Plate rear springs, 2 ; choosethelthpI-Zconoflame ; and rear. And many comfort : high-coil front springs and I ; 6._ Both engines thrive on a : "extras" are standard ; double-acting shock-absorb» : i die! of regular gas. : Acadtan equipment. : us give superb suspension. 1 a n a ' Acadian is exciting â€"- new 5 refreshingly different. 2 great seriesâ€"thrifty Invader or elegant Beaumont. I‘Laurance Keffer's life was oneIZion Lutheran Church, Maple,‘ Iof activity -- growing wheat and assisted by the Rev. Brofe of raising livestock -- noted prizec‘Agincourt. Interment followed winners throughout the districtiln Zion Lutheran Church Cem- Past President of Woodbridge etery, Maple. The pallbearers Fair, also a member King -‘were Percy Ash, Stan Baker, Vaughan Plowmen’s Association, Pearson Neal. Pete Craib, Roy Laurance Ker-fer was active lntKeffer, Jim Darlington. I York Summit Ladies Auxiliaries: Stage Fall Conference At MapIeI I With the largest attendance to date, 80 members of York Sum- plying the answers. mit District Ladies Auxiliaries, Members of the Langley Aux-‘ attended the annual fall confer- illary presented a skit entitled, ence held at the Maple Com-I“Percival Goes to Camp." _ - munity Hall, November 30. l lst Maple Ladies Auxllary ' . _ . - , The chairman, Mrs. M. Amos. was the hosteSS group for the Acadian brings you new drtv~ ; ' introduced the district executive luncheon. . lug pleasure. Parking is a - and conducted an open discus- The guest speaker. Mrs. cmchwnhhghtAcadianstecr- I ‘sion period followed by ques- Standing, is national committee ing. Powcrglide automatic‘ : tions directed mainly at the‘chairman and assistant provin. is available Wml either4or 5 . Iguesi. speaker, Mrs. A. E. cial _commissloner for ladies cylinder ens-mes_ Standing. As an auxiliary mem-‘auxiharies, also president of the bet for nearly thirty years, Mrsfxiecéutlve board for Toronto dis» ‘ r c . I In a witty but down-to-earth imanner she inspired each and Ievery one to make that extra . .‘effort to do all possible by way Fouowmg a “W days mnessv of assisting the bovs in becom- Mr- Charles Leppel'v Graming better scouts 'and cubs so Street. Maple, died in Toronto as to be bener men .East General Hospital, Novem- ' ber 28. 1961. With his retirement from the Toronto Water Works Depart- ment. he and his wife. the for- mer Miriam Harper, moved to Maple two years ago. His great enjoyment came from his gar- ‘den where the flowers. during the summer. were in glorious, profusion and hundreds of tu- liips had been planted this fall. 1 Left to mourn their loss are [Id/fl fl/Mï¬lf lW/Dl/M? plus the ease of “POWER'EOUIPMENII coon-.- o o o JStanding was competant in sup- pun 'Opilonal in am: can. 8 sparkling models in B. w. MILLERI GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 in»! The ï¬nest in floral designs his wife: his son Stanley; his daughters Miriam (Mrs, Md and bedding plants‘ James) and Joan. and .3 grand- 9305;; children . , l- - â€" ~ Â¥ V The funeral SQI‘UCC was con- Ames 7'14“ ducted by Dr Ramsay Armitage‘ K9919 Street Maple. Ont; at St Stephen‘s Anglican: ‘ A Church. Maple. with lntermenti t in Maple Cemetery. L =- AVenue 5-1128 Build your bank balance . . . Build your, peace of mind Til/if BUILDS GANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE Over-1260 branches commons: