1'91 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursï¬ay. pecembeg, 196} GET AN HFC SHOPPER’S LOAN Eldest gu HOUSEHOLD FINANCE and .\'lvj<, ;\\Hh hnbx- Amherst Window Cleaning 8. Maintenance CARS 8. TRUCKS FOR RENT REXDALE CAR & TRUCK RENTALS LTD. R. R. 1 MAPLE ALpine 7-1461 884-5602 Collect Make the season more enjoyable for your family and friends. and for yourselfas well. With cash from HFC. you buy lusl the right gifts to please everyone on your list . . . make better buys. . .shop at any store you wish . . .and avoid a mailbox full of bills. Simply re- pay HFC one low monthly amount mount MONTHLY PAYMENY PLANS afterthis expensive °’ '2 I 4.2., "3.35, season ls over. TORONTO RICHMOND HILL AURORA WA.3-3669 TU. 4-4968 PA.7-4743 (Sherwood Motors) Reduced rates on all residential and commercial windows. A Richmond Hill resident, Neal James Meehan, 43 Bed- ford Park Avenue, receives congratulations on being invested as :1 Serving Brother in The Most Venerable Order of The Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem from Governor" General Georges Vanier at a ceremony in Government House in Ottawa, at which the Governor General officiated. Mr. Meehan has instructed ï¬rst aid classes at the Bell Telephone Company in Toronto for the past 10 years, with two classes under his WINDOW CLEANING OPENING SPECIAL Fully Insured - Move With Care and Courtesy BY THE DAY â€" WEEK â€"- OR YEAR ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS 15 Yonga 5mm North 255A Muln Shea! Life Insurance available at low group rate. Agents for North American Van Lines MAPLE â€" RICHMOND HILL MOVING? Queen City Movers Ltd. WORLD WIDE MOVERS RICHMOND HILL NEWMARKE‘I’ $100 500 1000 1600 2200 2500 146 301 46‘ t1.46 8.93 Telephone TW 5-4554 Telephone AV 5-5012 46 S 6.12 30.01 44.13 'mnnl. hul‘do Ml nu .ul 41 .11 68 .41 94 ,05 107 Richmond Hill r‘. Ten tables of euchre weremunity and other gifts and played at Victoria Square Com-'cards from friends and relatives munity Hall last Friday. Prize They would like to thank every- winners were: Mrs. Olive Orr, one for remembering them. iMrs. S. Larkin. Olive Glover; W.A. (men, W. J. Muirhead. HermanI The Christmas meeting of the |Mortson, Alvin Caseley. |W.A. will be held December 13 [Club will be held in Buttonville’ Hall Saturday, December 9,E from 1.30 pm. to 4.30 pm. This party is for all children up to twelve years of age from the Gormley townline to No. 7 Highway, including the third,: fourth and fifth concessions of‘ Markham Township. Transpor- lt‘ation and adult supervision will ‘be supplied. White Gift On December 10. Sunday school and church service will‘ be combined for the annual, White Gift service. Children! and teachers are asked to meet in the Sunday school room by: 11 am. to march into the church.‘ ,Gifts of good. clean used cloth- ‘ing and canned food will be greatly appreciated. I W.M.S. 1 The last meeting of the W.; {MS of Victoria Square Unitedi Church will be held at the, ‘rnanse,_l)ecember 13. The meet- l ' Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Davis, Stouffville, were visitors at the church service on Sunday morn- ing. Later they had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett. Mr. Rolph Boyn-ton had dinner with them. Mrs. Wlm. Olarkson and son Arthur, Altona, had dinner lastl Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Mar- cus Jarvis. Mrs. P. Elward is home from the hospital following her recent fall. Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Binning- ton and Mrs. H. McCague visit- ed the Archives at the Victoria Library, Queen's Park, last week. Sympathy is extended to Mrs, G. Campbell in the passing of her brother, Mr. Lepper. Mrs. Campbell is lMrs. Jack Rumney’s lnother, who is now making her home with her daughter and; her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jack‘ Rumney. {silver candelabra by the com-jtally i Another euchre party will be held in Victoria Square Com; munity Hall December 15 at 8:15 pm. Children’s Christmas Party Birthday greetings to Harvey Collard for December 5; to Bar- bara Empringham, 12 years, De- cember 10. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols Lucky draw for a hamper of groceries was won by Mrs. Pat- ton. The last meeting of the W. MS. of Victoria Square United Church will be held at the manse, December 13. The meet- ing will be convened by Mrs. Harvey Collard. Every woman who has had some contact. with the W.M.S. through the years should plan to be present if pos- sible. ;C.G.I.T. Vesper Service The second annual children‘slspent the week-end with Mrs Chrismas party sponsored byiNichols' parents. Mr. and Mrs Victoria Square District Lions.Alex Baker. Smith‘s Falls, Club will be held in Buttonville : Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Davis Hall Saturday, December 9, Stouffville. were visitors at the from 1.30 pm. to 4.30 pm. Thislchurch service on Sunday morn- party is for all children up to|ing. Later they had dinner with u.u.i.'r. vesper service The annual C.G.I.T. Candle- light Vesper service with the Explorers assisting will be held in Brown's Corners Unitedi Church on Sunday, December» 17. at 7:30 pm. Infant Baptismm On December 24. at 11:30 a.‘ in. infant baptism will be held.- Interested parents should conr tact the minister immediately.. Sr. Women's Institute 1‘ The Christmas meeting of the Sr. Women‘s Institute will be: held December 12, at 8 p.m.. at' the home of Mrs. Gordon Mort- son. with Mrs. V. Weedon as convenor. Roll call - a gift for the Children‘s Aid. Christmas carols will be led by Mrs. J. Barker. A Christmas poem will be recited by Mrs. A. Frisby.l Guest speaker will be Mrs. J.: Wilkins of Butlonville. Hostess~g es: Mrs. G. Mortson Mrs. H.‘ Mortson and Mrs. W. Madill. Members should bring their‘ Canada Packers labels they are saving for the coffee urn pro- jecl. 25th Wedding Anniversary Correspondent Mrs. Milton Wells R. R. 3 Kingr - PR. 3-5239 The Temperanceville W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Wilbert Jennings on December 13 at 8 pm. The roll call will be answered by a personal glft for mentally ill girls. This may be cosmetics, writing paper or personal items. The program is in charge of the branch directors. Lunch committee is Mrs. Jack Macklin, Mrs. N. Rumble and Mrs. Clay- ton Beynon. Church News The Temperanceville W. A. and W.M.S. will hold their last meeting at the home of Mrs. John Umehara on December 14 at 2.30 pm. (Please note change of date! The devotional \vill'be taken by Mrs. Stewart Paxton. The roll call is "A Christmas Carol." Program convenor, Mrs. Wilbert Jennings; lunch committee, Mrs. J. Umehara. Mrs. Fred Boys. Please. bringtheholiday bags. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis entertained many friends and relatives last Saturday on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. and Linda Martin, Sharlene Hill, Judy and Wendy Hart, and Val- erie Rennie, nieces of the bride and groom. Mrs. A. F. Binnington, Vic- tqria Square. and Mrs. Clarence Stong. Weston, poured tea in the afternoon. In the evening. )Irs‘ Garnet Francy and Mrs. Harry Barber poured tea. Tea assistants were: Misses Marilyn and Linda Martin, Sharlene Hill, VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 ar t' presen Barbe weddi supervision this year, and as an installer with the Bell, has actively promoted interest in ï¬rst aid training among his co- workers. He is one of the few non-medical people to hold the title of lay examiner, which qualiï¬es him to examine and grade members of a class at the completion of their training, and has himself won 13 labels, signifying 16 completed exam- inations in ï¬rst aid. With him at the investiture were his wife Eileen and 7-year-old daughter Susan. heb was bride, . Mr. called Davie of Mr. 1t Mr. Other Wood- )1 The Christmas meeting of the W.A. will be held December 13, at 8 pm, at the home of Mrs. John McCague. Neighbourhood Notes The Temperanceville W. A. and W.M.S. will hold their last meeting at the home of Mrs. John Umehara on De'cember 14 at 2.30 pm. (Please note change of dateJ The devotional will‘be taken by Mrs. Stewart Paxton. The roll call is “A Christmas Carol." Program convenor. Mrs. Wilbert Jennings; lunch committee, Mrs. J. Umehara. Mrs. Fred Please bring the holiday bags. The slate of officers for the new “United Church Womens" organization will be presented. A questionaire has been giv. en to those on the visiting com- mittee and each lady in the community visited is asked to please co-operate in filling these out. It is hoped many of the young women in the district will become interested in the new organization. Sunday School the Tempe School party December 10 is White Gift Sunday. A special service will be held for the Sunday school pupils and their parents. The children will be asked to bring gifts of clothing toys. books or food for the Fred Victor Mis- gifts of clothi food for the sion. Temperanceville ember 10 a small box w used in the church for t se of the conzregati bu ember 15 is the date of Temperanceville Sunday ard making : s for the men 141 [st At the end of the course those who wish to do so may become members of the County Radiolo- gical Service. r51 of] ' In Local Course ‘ As part of York County‘s pre- perations for survival in case of a nuclear attack. a radiation monitoring course is to be held in Richmond Hill. It will com- mence on January 17th, 1962, and will occupy two hours every Wednesday evening thereafter for eleven nights. ‘It will be conducted by a resident of Rich- mond Hill who is fully qualiï¬ed to give instruction â€" Mr. V. H. Munro. He is the radiological officer of the Metropolitan Tor- ;onto Emergency Measures 01‘- ‘ganization. the course at any one time is an 'T‘hncn \xlithinu fn urn-n" man The maximum number taking, ‘ In view of this threat dog own- ers must keep their pets under control at all times, he said. This means that dogs cannot be allowed to run unattended un- der any circumstances. If this law is ignored the owner is taking two chances â€"- ï¬rstly, if a dog is seen running loose hv Ithe canine control officer it will be picked up, not to punish the ,dog but to remind the master there are by-laws prohibiting Ithe running of animals, and sec- .ondly, if a dog is bitten by a ra- Lbid fox, the animal may not show isigns of rabies for some time â€"â€" up to six months. During this period the dog is in constant contact was people, particular- ‘ly children. thereby exposing them to rabies. The maximum number takingi the course at any one time is 30. Those wishing to enroll may‘ do so by getting into touch with: Emergency Measures OrganizaJ tion headquarters at Newmark- et' _. TW. 5-8081. They can also leave their names at the “Lib- eral†office â€" TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 â€" and they will be forwarded to the proper author- ities. There is no fee for the course. Those taking it are given protection under the Workman’s Compensation Act in case of accident. also with- out cost. Last Saturday lst Langstaff Scout and Cub Mothers Auin- iary members participated in a successful bazaar. The weather was delightful and people turned out to sup- port Scouting and to purchase delicious home-made candy, baking and unusual gifts. The tea-room was well-filled with adults and the Scout Den was filled while movies were shown to the children. Christmas Tree Bazaar Thirty-seven couples from Thornhill High School were dri- ven by bus to the CBC studios, Monday. to tape the Dance Par- ty program for the following nights' showing. Radiation Group Will Be Trained In Local Course Students enjoyed the hour preliminary work-out Spears and Janet Alcock prizes in the spot dance. The Prom Queen and the head of B. O. S. S. were inter- viewed by Mike Darrow. Fall Conference > As usual, lst Langstaff had the most m'embers representing their group. with ten ladies at- tending the fall conference of Five hundred and thirty dol- lars were raised to further Cub- bing and Scouting in the area. Thornhill on T.V. York ’Summit District Ladies Auxiliaries at the Maple Com- munity Hall on November 30. After the roll call, Mrs. Amos reminded the group that Indian and Eskimo boys need second- hand uniforms and asked that they be sent to Mrs. W. With- erall, Toronto. ' It was explained that Scout- ing has become national and all books, pins and literature would be the same across Can- ada. which results in a few changes for Ontario. The new past-presidents‘ pin is gold-fill- Chairman Mrs. M. Amos. in- troduced members of her exec- utive as the meeting got under- way. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. E. SPEARS 25 Roosevelt Drive â€" Phone AV. 5-3116 RICHVALE NEWS ‘....° skit “Percival goes to Camp." half Socials Bob' Mr. Roger K. Lewis, Chicago, won spent the American Thanksgiv- ing week-end. with his brother, the Clyde Lewis and his wife. m,“ Roosevelt Drive. bel Dogs bitten by foxes proved lor.,to be rabid should be destroyed. theIHowever. if the owner wishes aregto, he may have the animal isol- the‘ated for six months. During the Act‘isolation period the owner must ith-‘see that a rigid set of rules [governing the isolation of sus- oselpected rabies cases are followed, me It is much easier to see that )10- pets are properly controlled, said Mr. Ryan. Rabies 0n Jump « I ‘Control Urgent PHILIPSéJ For Local D095 CONTINFNTAIV 1 Home and School The regular monthly meeting of the Henderson Avenue Home and School was held in the au- ditorium. November 27th. A brief business meeting concern- ing purchase of gymnasium equipment was followed by a social evening. Mr. Allen Fos- ter was master of ceremonies for Scottish country dancing. Box lunches provided by the ladies completed the evening. The rink is being made- ready for skating and hockey. and only the co-operation of the weather man is required to produce ice. The school has already taken delivery of the mats. other e- quipment is expected. and a full programme is planned for this winter. Hockey Thornhill United Church has three teams organized for hoc- key. The younger lads are play- ing in the inter-church league and a minor midget team in T.H.L. under P.Y.C. On Wed- nesday night the boys travelled to Stouffville to play against Holy Trinity Anglican Church. It was a great game in spite of the transportation worries, but Holy Trinity won 3-1. Neighbourhood Notes Television’s channel six fea- tured Thornhill Secondary School recently and several young folk from this subdivi- sion, Bob Mason. Bonnie Barnes. Jill Iddon, and Terry Yuzwak were recognizable. Mumps have invaded the school. Steve Williams. Mary Munroe. her sister Wendy. and their mother on Woodward Av- enue and Jimmy Walker on Steeles Ave. are just a few victims this past week. Rabies in York County is inâ€" creasing, with five cases being reported in two Weeks. said Canine Control Officer James Ryan this week. Mr. Ryan cited two cases of foxes biting dogs in the past week. Both cases occurred in built-up areas, indicating that rabies is not restricted to rural distnicts. its building-fund When National Headquarters was formed Mrs. Standing was appointed assistant commis- sioner. She received the silver acorn in 1956. Guest of honour Mrs. A. E Standing. was introduced and those present heard that she started in Scouting in 1932, when the auxiliary that sup- ported her boys’ troop was formed. She became Honorary Field Commissioner, was presi- dent in 1938, received the me- dal of merit in 1942 and in 1948 received the bar to the medal of merit. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are spen- ding this week-end in Ann Ar- bour, Michigan, with their son Don. and his family. Mrs. J. B. Maver spoke to the group on “Symbolism‘s in Scouting.†A question and an- swer period followed. lst Langstaff presented their skit “Percival goes to Camp." Our principal. Mr. R. Brrmn. is getting more than his share of illness lately. With his wife convalescing from pneumonia. he rushed his daughter Sharon to the hospital Sunday with ap- pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ball. Den ham Drive enjoyed several day‘ in New York last week. More Illness Charles Hewitt New. The posture campaign was carried on at school this week. in assembly Friday the £3110“- ing were crowned Prince and Princess by last year's Prince and Princess, Robbie Hall and Nancy Marquis; Eitle Mair and Donna Doyle. The King and Queen were Michael Paterson and Beverley Markle. crowned by last year's winners Linda Nelson and Bob Thompson. Police Association has 1 51.000 to the Newmarket trict Retarded Children's sociation. NEWMARKET Highland Park Correspondent Mrs. H. Harris 39 Woodward Ave AV. 5-1889 Steve Williams. Mary her sister Wendy. and :her on Woodward Av- d Jimmy Walker on Ave. are just a few his past week. es_0l_1]ump 3 York if}: RICHMOND HILL TV h WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY that the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill in-l tends to apply to the Legis-l lative Assembly of the‘ Province of Ontario at its present Session for an Act to authorize the Council of‘ the Town of Richmond Hill to provide by bylaw that' the Council shall be com-l posed of a Mayor. 3 Reeve,I a Deputy Reeve, to bel ' elected by general vote and . four councillors. one coun-» cillor elected by the electors . of each ward of the Town. DATED at Toronto this‘ 22nd day of November, . 1961. J. D. LUCAS, Q.C., C 6 Adelaide Street: East, . Toronto. Ontario, â€"â€" Solicitor for the Applicant. AV. 5-3756 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THE PROFESSIONAL- T,YPE RECORDER AT A lmhudget PRICE! CONTINENTAL '200 TAPE RECORDER o qubing facilities A housewife in Hamilton youngster in Yarmouth . . . a fa Fruitvale? Frankly, we'd just be guessing. Thls year our total customers soared above the three-million mark. But which new customer in our nehsork of 875 branches was the one between 2,999,999 and 3.000.001, we have no way of knowing. But we do know our 3-millionth cus- tomer will probably use the B of M in many ways . . . to save for the things he wants. to ï¬nance his automobile at low cost, to pay his household bills and to keep his valuables safe. Pushbutton operated 4-Track, recording doubles regular tape time Plays almost'round the clock on one tape Exceptionally light- weightand portable $19995 easy terms 34 YONG-E S BANK OF MONTREAL Md 3m MY BANH" 70®MIZUON (ANAD/A/VS Who is our customer? LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-GetResults-TU.4-1105 a farmer in Make sure your snow tire treads are good. Carry tire chains in your trunk. Have brakes balanced and make sure the steering system's in shape for winter. Install anti-freeze. Check windshield wipers to make sure you’ll see where you're going. Heaters and defrosters should work properly; so should headlights and tail lights. And do you recall any news stories about carbon monoxide poisoning? Check your exhaust system for leaks. Get your car in shape for winter now. You might save yourself the inconvenience of an accident. Highway Safety Branch ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT OF AN ACCIDENT THE INCONVENIENCE SAVE YOURSELF Driving conditions are worse in winterâ€" winterize your driving as well as your car Town & Country's food-and-freezer plan assures you top-quality name-brand foods at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. TOWN & COUNTRY FOOD PLAN If your weekly} food bill is now $30 . . . .I. . $35-$40 .. PHONE COLLECT 210 Markham Rd. - - RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-5401 â€"â€" AV. 5-5402 â€"â€" WA. 1-1445 Han. H. L. Rownl/ee, Q. C., Min/slal- COMPARE mm $20 If he is a businessman. he might use Canada's ï¬rst bank to ï¬nance his day-to- day operations, to pay his employees, to collect and remit money the world over . . . if he is a farmer. "MY BANK" might be called upon to ï¬nance new trucks. modern barns and labour-saving electri- be called upon modern barns 2 cal equipment. He‘s very important to us, that 3- millionth customer. Never before in our long history have we been privileged to serve so many. We number with a good deal of pride those three million expres- sions of trust from people who call the Bank of Montreal “MY BANK". . . . . . . $13.40 . . . $14.65 . . . $18.00 . . . . . . $20.00 HF! SINC!1817 Uflr our plan it will be only ESTAB. 1950