Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Dec 1961, p. 7

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES FqgnngéILE . 750 .f‘. .. ES. lat insertion 50 each word. min charge 'BALES 0F STRAW' TU. 4-2576. CASH RAT Second and “woodcut insertions unchanged. Ba per word, min. charge . . . . . . 650 i FOR 3011 NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 ‘ COMING EVENT NOTICE: 50 per word: min. charge 750 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. I! war-din: clw23 SWEATER. new. lady’s, size 16,. "skating pattern. AL. 7-2620. 1 clw23 GIRL‘S blile nylon snow suit. with hat, size 3X, seldom worn. AV. 5-2610. . . . 1.00 SEPTIC tanks pu 'aervice. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085 . 911123.153; MISCELLANEOUS MISC PAINTINGâ€"sf PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. “9 71111:, LlfihiltAL, iVlCIuL‘Uuu in... Wt... AlluAm'w ., #mc‘L.U51 t, ‘VVA ELLANE‘OUS (Continued: FIREPLACE WOOD Croshed limestone. sand and gravel. AV. 5-2703. tfc21 m'pEd. 24 hour tfcd BABYIT‘PICTURES ' the friendly Lagerqulst Stu» with the know how. TU “side Drive. 2nd house behind PAINTING paperhangin‘g.’ Free estimates. Colour samples A. Rolllhcon. TE. 3-6671. Ll GUSâ€"TOM Chilin sawing, reason-l ‘able rates. George Line. Brook-l each. AV. 5-4740. IRISH SETTER, male, 2 years -.old. Gormley 5598. iDOE fiB‘BITstall colours, rea- ms dy to breed. AL. 7-8091. nc1w23i DIACHSIIUND. fomble. 3 years 0 |TU. 4-1945 otters p.m. PETS FOR SALEi TWO puppies, pin collie. $5. MONEY avail clot-23 and second mortgages. reason- .able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and ‘LeClalre. TU. 4-7191. |,_ 7 . isOLlCITOR has client's funds available for nortgages at rea- gongble rates. Mr. Cooper. BA. -7 21. *21v22 d. pedigreed. black and tan. *1w23 ableifOr gnod first. be a smart sonic with the fashion gift she wants . . .‘ tfc2 ttcao ‘ Def memo“ - - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - ’ WDresscs floor length.'g791 “93 White Rose .xwzgfifi' ~~~ - -â€"~ - - â€"-- . , ' . N _., .. L _7-WA_ __A SHMLAND Sheepdog (minia- Chum“ .dvefllumen“ would b. in u at” m “'0 we“ in: T‘s:a‘hflEWTiIngnédTlflTTJacg: FRANK’S WELL DRILL‘NG STAND-AND GRAVEL. Crushed‘ture collie) golden sable, male upossiblo but not later than 10 am. on Wednesdays. 4;“ ° ‘ “ma Pump installed and serviced. stone, [Dam and mi, E Chaim puppy. The Wyke. R. R. 2 Aur- FOR SALE send “I; by mail and enclose payment. or telephone ‘ Frank Gerritz. R. R. 2 Aurora-Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. ora. PR. 3-5302. clw23 . I > _ _ PA. 745272. “339 {Ice '15" ’ ’ " ‘â€"‘â€"'7"' ‘ BLACK & WHITE. 9 year Old TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. _ .. W B AUTIFUL black minlature hm. - i v RICHMOND DELIVERY LANDSCAPING poodles. 8 weeks. females. ex-.° 1 5 WM“ Very gentle- saddle . To RENT SERVICE Pioughing. discing. final grad-icellent breeding. $125.00. 2603“ “1‘33.- A15°dlaggedslze Wes' ARTICLES FOR SALE __ ‘ Pickup 6: Deliver! ing and needing. TU. 4-1530. ‘Demaln-e Cres. Will hold for 3'“ I“ 5368“ H 19- Caz“ g - (C u d, HOUSE to rent. PR. 3-5920, al- Moms 8333319“! tfc14 groan-" _W__'_ "-10.23 0"“ 93’ 9 “Millet 01W 3 _ . ~ 1 to 3 yrs. FOR SALE L_L_n on one 1 $0 ter 6.30 pm. w A ciwza T . - m, SHEET METAL WORK :POOdDLES 8mg Macks. reg"; w '- ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"' â€"-*'~â€"â€"“" â€"’ PIANO. in good mod“ on. 1 0- ’_1§MENT d artment, 3 rooms. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-. â€"â€" tcrc , Tom C ampinn Olin . ' , ‘ ' " i 1001) 2-»;‘lt11eel4forTU. 4-4007‘ Clwzaégl?sconv€me:ge$ Av. 5-10.79. i ‘ _13ABY SITTING Eavestrough. new and repaured.1mes, Terms can be arrange-Ll Transportatlon . 191'. ' "a" 0 “y' ' ' 1' 23 fifiâ€"§-}E~'*-' t’ T7,]; ' 'ubic' clwzz Mothers Helper Service. Adult‘Heatlng. roof flashings etc. Free 5100,00 up, phone Gummy 7 7 fl , ‘ I. c w ' ' er’gem 0‘" 0 baby sitters only. Also Home- estimates. Work guaranteed. l‘U 5339. u-CZQICAR leaving Richmond mu 7 I“... u.” 4 to 6 yrs RAW. 1100 bale delivered 10i ialea or over. TU. 4-2549. Char-I ie Mashinter. caw21 .961 McCITAEY - EASY refr 1: erator, 12 cu. ft. Best 0091‘. T0. i-5747. ' clw23 .ARGEWi'ghiTn'ik' pedestal desk ind chair. After 6 pm. TU. 4a '074. clw23 TI‘IILD'TS record'rpl-ayemd rec-l irds: figure skates. mini-brlx et; lrl’s coat. Brownie uniform, etc. . 4-2902. clw23 L0.000 EALES‘straw.’ 200 tons my. 200 tons feed oats. Will leliv'ei'. AV. 5-2236, TU. 4-2236. iicio. ’IIIIMEDIATE’CLEARANCE rai’isistor radios. car radios, por- ' ble radios. record players. it IIERRIIJGE ELECTRIC TV A Nance Sales Repairs Parts 3 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-3211 c3w23 56V ‘ '5 bicycieTEnglish, Humber racer with 3-speed. pair skis for . i “m 50‘ shoulder pads, gellgaliilrogfumb" "'6 “"9 _-_. ........ boy 11-15, illrreasonab e. TU. 4-2400. clw23 lpeeds: wardrobe trunk. movie 001119“ and trig. TU. 4-1629. clw23 g ETEEL office “Clemco” type dealt. Regular pride $229.00 will tell for $150.00. York Offica a uipment. 16 Yonge st. R. It chmond 11111. 021.922 I‘READLE Singer sewing mach-; The. Boy's bicycle. 24" wheel.: Danadian Lynx fur collar. newl {Prize won at Richmond’ heights Plaza.) Valued at 085.. toll $10.00. After 4.30 pm. TU. F1995. clw23 ' n‘ "Aimâ€"rs be‘gAL‘foRâ€"lnew. $40.00 or offer. Girl’s bi- RENT New box trailers. all sizea $88. and up or $12.00 Weekly ren- tal. Rouse trailers for sale or rent. Call Oak Ridges. PR. 3- 11:1. tics EEAT Lâ€"OAM - Son SANDY LOAM SAND as GRAVEL Call Joe Hamprton Phospect 8-5022 or U. 435% c DRESSING TABLE with skirt ‘5. matching stool: painted chest of drawers $15; toy or sewing cupbcard; bedside table 53: Lawson Chesterfield; large doll carriage $7. TU. 4-1317. clw23 EKU'FY‘RflESTâ€"Mdâ€"réhalfslm- mona. Serta. Seely and other spring mattresses repaired. re- turned just like new. medium' firm, extra firm. Two-day ser- vice, Eiderdowns recoVeI‘ed. 011- tal'io Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All pular makes for sale in- elud ng new and rebuilt stand- ard ortabla and electric mod- els. pecial rental rates avail- able to atlldents. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ava. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 tfc49 SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT Heavy Duty - Snow Bird and Ariana 2 Sta 9 Snow Throwers. «It propelle forward and re- verse. 3 - 31/: - 6 H.P. Models. No drift too deep. Phone Gorm- lay 5413 for no obligation dem- onstration or see them at CARL WALKER SALES & SERVICE nylon rt dress. camel hair Don Mills Rd. Victoria scum coat, nixed. in wool lining. both “1”- Infiludes wa‘e‘“ heat-53g.“ tfcarl size 8. White figure skates. size and pm“ Apply HU' 5‘ “dill 2. TU. 433.110. clw23 - g; "llili’iii igiiii 11-0 MOIgEL train lav-out con-.hfiifiiiuiiiiilmiii.£ial“ii‘iiri‘. ii 'IX '1: sisting o extensive trackage. ' ' 1:“ lg . h roadbed, electric switches. looo- $105; ifilczlfnnge Sgggig‘oé‘wég “.gfi motives. rolling stock and ac- beta“: eE'l tr. 11 1 fl X cessories. All in good operating a oom‘ 8° ma y equ 1" §§'§ condition. Phone TU 4-1703 99¢ 2 private entrance" A“ in)? x xx .flxxx§ ‘ nclw'zz 5-3229. After 6 pm. ticâ€"2% it. ixl‘xxixxixxx (El-mm SPECIAL RICHMOND IIILL RENTALS _ Your chud- 3 Ind 4 homel. ‘rom. ran and visit our tree farm. Sat- ' month . A large selection available. N0 TV urday or Sunday from 9 am. to Ca“ Av. 5_1951 REPAlR BILLS! IUYA NEW SET NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED XXX XXX XXXX XXXX X XXXX X X X X X X X X XXX X X X X X XXXX xx§ Tux §xx§ § § § § XXXX XXXX X X ioii 1w X X X X X XX X XXXX X X X X LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 4577 "‘50 was 0&8-2/11/60-Pmof 1‘ ‘I -' _ H L i I l I . 1" 1‘s. a USMC”) amaesfi 17" TV. gm; DS CCM tricycle heavy F100, san 8 hi lo and record player. 3 1104-4197. tractor. Reasonable. TU. 4-3846. _» feet, $45.00. TU. 4-7197. *1W23 FURNISHED â€"- rooms' ONE‘hea-Vy duty’electl-ic range. Street. north of Richmond Hill. Good condition. TU. 4-7010. Parking. TU. 4-7300. clw23 01W2357ROOM apartment. new. mo- dâ€"erED‘iiXCER. lights and dern a generator. $25.00. TU. 4460113352. h01W”iERorl'Tâ€"ofhousi- and garage. OdrTadelreasona-ble rent. 45 Carrvllle clw23 Stoufi-,Road. Richvale. ' 01Wz3TUNTURNISHED rooms. light,. separate en- clw23 STOVE sszD slat-{iii} fireplace chunks. Phone ville 204m. DRY HARDWOOD, cufi6"io’r;heat and water. hearth. mixed or birch. Deliver-trance. AV. 5-43147. _ _ éd- Phone TU-4-4519- WZZ'SANTA CLAUS suit for rent. COMBINATION‘ire’ezer "and‘Mark-Vaun W-I. AV. 5-3096- fridge - reasonable. PR. 3-5692.' ,, “W I NW2? AURORA. central 3 roomed mo- 8" TILT A‘REOR saw. planer and half h.p. motor._New con- dition 5100. AV. 11-3203. clw23 SIMPSON’S Homart water sof- tener. semi-automatic. TU. 4-.Langstai’f Young 7709. clwzaitute. AV. 5-3531 EOV’S hecke "skateswslze 7. {[133 “fteflp'm' girl's white__flgul-e skates. size‘a ROOM 3. AV. 5-31391 nclw23 private ERETAB'GARAGES irom 3299. adults- $55. PA. 7-9485 or PA. 7- tfcl4 Women's Insti- hoine. ‘ . . TU. 4-5446 after 10.30 “031 TOOLS FOR RENT saliva and jig-Saws and drills. ' $15.00. Hand sanders. clwzii drivers. AV. 5-1109. Gibsdniln 2 BEDROOM apartment on main bath in pink, hard- new condition. FREEZER. large size. 11 conveniences. TU. 4- Garden c2w23_ Chimneys built Free estimates. 23 Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. apmnTent‘liTâ€" lovely Richmond Hill. phone T self-contained. 5688. Yonge nakers' service. TU. 4-7253 tfc6 iNDUSTRIAL and Residential lawn and garden maintenace Gate Nursery AV. 5- 5942 or TU. 4-1172. £1045 meATING a. GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332. tic“! CHIMNEYS and repaired. Expert Work- Walker and manship. Phone tfc15 CUSTOM CARPENTRY , . lKltchens remodelled, bedroom OFFERING â€" plain and fancy demfiparimemi convemegfig‘land bathroom vanities, stemmsandwiches, a ' hi-fi. china cabinets. Free estim- Christmas shot-threads, Reason- ates. M. 0. Harrison. TU. 4- able rates. Phone AV. 5-1569. SANTA CLAUS SUIT. deluxe,‘2838_ > tfc15 MASONRY CONTRACTOR U. 4- tic23 ALUMINUM C1W2§Doorm windows. awning and 'railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4- tfcl3 1514.. V nail CARPENTRY-WORK. additions. tfcill renovations. garages, recreation rooms. tile floors. No. job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. 4-1006. “353. DACHSHUND puppies. pure-‘ TCHILD STUDIES bred. can hold for Christmas. A, SEFCIALTI‘Y . The Wyke, R. R. 2 Aurora. PR. IMAGE!!ng T‘s: SITUDIO 3-5302. *1w22 . - '19 l “c3 BEAUTIFUL pure white Sam-. -â€" oyed. one female. spayed. 192‘ PLUMBINGTIIEATING A. MILLS a SON LTD James D. Stewart years. $35. Also two males, 9 months. blood lines. AV. 5-1972. Registered. Champion tchl *a.m. for downtown Toronto, re- turning 4.30 pm. TU. 4-4669. BUSINESS woman transportation. Edgar Avenue to subway. 7.30 to 7.45 am. AV. .1- 5929 after 6.00 pm. WANTED‘leovlng to Dufierin and Eglinton district. clw23 desires $1.49 '7 to 14 years 31.91%12911" Ladies pr. clwza Boisdlale Ave. TU. 4-2201 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€". - ._ ' . _ ’ “C‘s‘gEAUTJFIfi white male come, working hours 9 15. TU. 4338213 I â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 7 l mont s. so sable and white. â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_ - Egmsrh’gfig‘ggATJgS and white and gold collies. Re - REQUIRED from 09“ Ridges" T I ior andgexteI-Tor Free estimates. istered' AV' 5'1972' tic 1 Twill-mat YTngae'ierpiogi-l I R o . . . - ' . . e v . Work guaranteed. TU. $720351 gclwzaii w. ,.__- . WANTED from-Essex andTPal- - a ' mer to Spadlna and College. ! Yonge St. So RIChmond cakeS. cookleS. Working hotlrs 8.30 to 5 p.m. m. . m _- _ 4-4389. clw23 ’ -_ _ clw23 and AV‘ 5‘,Stonework, Fireplace. etc. WM calvzZjOStergaaI-d 148 Yonge St. 8.. HELP WANTED . LTCENSEDâ€"mechanlc. Apply .Neal's Garage. 61 Yonge St. S. 'Rlehmond Hill. TU. 4-7301. tfc23 iCAPABLE woman forlhouse- work, one day or two half days a week. For two adults in Thorn- hill. one block from Yonge St. Av._ 53066. clw23 Tfidgggvdaltlon. like new, $19252); item;i :ipiec‘c$95 00 C m n. h AV 5_3653 “€28 __'_._.' 'L 0”” W°° . 00”" ‘ ' an r is "F " ILADY for womanArec'ov’erlng 1951 RICAA- Portablé TV. 3 £34321 ' Avf 5'3761‘ sza KING CITEOWEIrfIfiPumLINGHrom paralysis, Iii/chin. new‘ months old. $100. AV. 5-5632. :3 {lamentâ€"apartment clw23 in new home. furnished. rent reasonable. TU. 4-5985. clw20 __ c1w23 LARGEâ€"WARM room; kitchen- 2LADIES’700 ts, 'e n 5_ r' ette, near-“Yonge Street and $10. size 14, T118115; jeacifet’ busos. Suit business person. AV. iui- collar. PR. 3-5884. c1w23.§;4.19°' -,__._.. czwza m ' “ i 5 Roonhous‘e. R ITOMAT knitting mach1ne.heated' $100 monthly. 1305595-! CHILD'Sâ€"item 4 Massey-HarrisI 7| ' 36 Standard table madfl' nearly Sion December 10. For informa- cycle. Av. 5-5939. clw23‘tlon‘0_811_BAA._22801. _c1w23 EUYIiTG a musicâ€".1 *instmmemc BEDROOM bungalow in Elon- for Christmas? Check our prices mond Hmi Storms. ggreehsbofi‘ 1-- they will be the 10west. PhilTheati flag? ":1. fog/l rflfs- R581. .Barhes, TU. 4-5317. c4w32 AV- - . . u p y â€"â€"-.â€"- ~~ ~ Estate. clw23 FIREWOOD _ RORA. a-room, se aratelself- my hardw°°d l." 12" and 16h'éxotlitained apartmentpwith mo- ‘engl’ll Denver?“ free- A“? dern bath. 1 block from shop- quammesgjujx 7i3831' _ m“ ping. $45 monthly. Information t1900-t1l920drCOS'I‘UkligiES. roarlnltg call PR. 3-5412. thI4 I we" es “593' 5 “5' far con ' APARTMENT self-contained, 3 ‘muffi hatsv em PA‘ 7'46'59- rooms and bathroom. Heat andl -â€"~â€"__. -91'W211hoi water supplied. Central. GOOD used furniture for sale..Klng City. Adults. TEmple 3-’ Call Frank's Movers and Storâ€" 53114. clw23 555% 20 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- BRIGl-IT warm basement apart- condition. Price $200.00. Phone TU. 4-7774. Richmond Hill Tree Service and Forestry Co. clw23 ONE brand new Lane cedar chest. blonde; one white gold diamond ring. small size, 5250. value for $150.00 or $75.00 each. lAV. 5-3669. clw23 ELECTRICâ€"coffee percolator, electric hair dryer. drapes, hail runner, chairs and end table day season. AV. 5-3756 l c4w22; FURNISHEDâ€"liparimenthl-lghtl separate entrance. parking. Bus- iness adults, $20.00 weekly. Au- li‘ora. PA. 7-5597. _tfcl4 lAPARTMENT.’ 3 rooms' and lbathroom furnished or unfurn-. .and other household articles ished, equipped kitchen. separ- .Av. 5.1360_ clw23. to entrance, large grounds. Bus- ALMOST NEW 2 door combin_lness adults only $20. weekly ation frid and freezer Freezer MSSQLHOT 150 poun‘fi storage capgcity and OLD PRESBYTERIAN Church. automatic defrost. In perfect Thornhill. Building suitable for condition. Tu 4- 4371_ c1w23 religious congregations, athletic " 7 â€"-â€"s We - clubs, dance hall. etc. Also §?wpinlgnifi;nb1;fger ogggnugfg newly renovated store at 50 dressed. also barn timbers and WWE hardwood lumber. York Log- APARTMENT FOR RENT ging Co. AV. 5-5701. clw23 one living-room. bedroom 33;; ‘ “."”' ’ ’ large kitchen and bathroom. GIRLS red velvet and white Yonge Street South. Richmond 5 pm. Beautiful Primed Blue Scotch Pines. Your choice of any size $1.50 each. Also Pine Boughs 50c bundle. Bert Snells ' Charles Marple Real Estate tf022 Pump equipment installed an i3-5321. fill, top soil and black in Prompt irates. J. B. DeFerI-nrl. Maple,‘The Liberal. N lchvale. oil-lALpine 7-8876. d serviced. George Adams. Box l92 King City. Phone King {This t cl CALL US for your sand, gT'aveT. am. ble delivery. Reasona tfc'l CONCRETETMASONRT CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS I‘OOm . Building, alterations & repairs. prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 ‘ CARPENTRY - DECORATING PAINTING Recreation rooms. etc. Large or small jobs. Prompt service. Webb 8: Ennor. AV. 5-2546. ifc3 DRESS ALTERATIONS hOme. Maple; week-ends free. Box 419, Maple. Phone even-i ing‘s. AL. 7-1387. clw23 MALE - average $2.50 hourly -i part time. need 3 neat appearingi me‘n, 24-39 for route work, 8 to 16 hours weekly. Apply Box 48. c3w22 ‘EITHER student or older wo- man to live in. Board and own in exchange for light housekeeping and companion- ship. TU. 4-7804. *lw23 RECEPTIONIST - typist, geneT-V a1 office work. female. G. M. “03 Dealership. Employee benefits,jtion Army. Av. 5-5126. I5-day week. A ply Wilson-Nib- lett Motors. V. 5-4991. Mr. Nesbitt. clw23 lURGENT â€" Girl 01‘ elderly lady required immediately to watch three children while mother works. Can arrange room and board. Please call Mrs. Harris, First class work. Carolyn Bar- AV. 5-4703 after 6-00 DJ“- E vale. AV. 5-1591. PEAT LOAM room. Wal papers, drapes. etc.- - Richmond Hill TV, 34 Yonge 5. Harry Bargem' 9018 Yange St" seeks part time correspondent experienced ln complete set of Richvale. AV. 5-1591. tf â€"MOVING a. STORAGE Frank's ed service anytime. Picku 2613, AV. 5-5101. SPECIAL 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99 sired. A. Smith. Upholstery phone AV. ‘5-1682. BOOKKEEPING’R ACCOUNTING SERVICES 49 The Liberal. TELEVISION SERVICE The best in service on your TV III-Fl; RADIO or TOR. Tubes and parts in stock. LTD. Richmond $2115.34 Yonge S. 53” You" sue", c4w22 WILLOWDALR TREES ARE OUR BUSINEEI _ RICHMOND HILL TREE lFormerly Gralnger Adanacc 1 SERVICE AND FORESTRY . COMPANY W§ICHMOND “1&4KMED 3% 0 ED AND OPE . BY IIAROLD VAN DYKE USED CARS TELEPHONE 884-7774 Free Advice UPIIOLSTERY ‘Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi 31.0 miles above the Village of W King on 4th Concession. Keel Street. c2w2§_ AT LAST â€" a 51109 guaranteed {N the vicinity of Taylor Mills to wear - wear and wear. The and BaYVlew. brown and black. Lambert Brown Elk Oxford. part collie. 5 months old; Cindy. Size 8% to 3 m D width. can Reward. Phone after 6.00. TU. be worn by girls or boys. Wea- 4â€"5733. Clwza ther roof soles cannot be dam- 'l""‘ as by water. Durable - soles are welded to uppers. will not separate. Style â€" a beautiful dress shoe - a perfect play shoe. BEAGLE, tan and whlief Kingl Township. vicinity 7th and 8th. Concession. Ansxvers to DudleyJ Reward. TE. 3-5126. TE. 3-6878. RELIABLE MOWER 553 "CE “329‘ .dence. business. AV. 5-5345. ent. 9018 Yonge St. at Rich- “‘36 INCREASED Chesterfield sets recovered â€"- 5 year; guarantee. Tel-ma if da- 1.1043 Income Tax and other Govern- ment returns. Reliable, experi- enced personnel. Full or part time. For further details Box nc2w22 TRANSIS- Free Estimates LICZ topi Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced clw23 Fill Business necessitates placing women imâ€" mediately. Real opportunity for tfcil -- - -#__ ment, 3 large rooms. 3 piece “CKED Up on DELIVERED ‘BABY PICTURES bath, private drive andlLoading on east side of Yonge thlose 1&th qualifyi‘herte Dis- ‘arc priceless when taken by the entrance. TU. 4-4884. St, Richvale. Richmond 50d ct anager. ss Ziegler, Lagerqulst Slum. TU- +3753}, 7 clwazlLandscape Contractors Ltd.. AVJBOx 635.3 09151.11?- aw” "L _ ___ , °_ ‘ " 5-1938. tfc42‘ iHYDRO CRAIN'E. one ton. with PORTABLE TELEVISION â€"1?AINTER"&‘DECORATOR cogfigngnfim mounting bracket, excellent Rent a portable TV for the holi- For good flees see our show-National daily trade journal for steady win-k in Richmond “6 Hill area. Write Box 50. "The Profit & Loss statements. Grad- Liberal.” clw23 Moving & Cartage. ’ A "â€" ‘ ‘ ' ‘tute C ' ' - and warm. Equipped kitchen,'packing and storage. Experlearilcé Iv‘véayis f3:rio%f:l?ety;?ng“giggihem. curse m cream Manage . tial delivery Good rams“ T fé statistical Work. State salary ex-l c _ pected. Replies confidential. AD-. - some bookkeeping and ply B03549 Maple. c1w23’ Aâ€"OUALIFIED MAN to work on fiberglass production. Must have adequate education to be FACTORY WORKERS Men for full time general fac- tory Work, experience necessary. Apply in person, Friday after- noon. December 8. 3-5 pm. ' BRUNSWICK or CANADA '54 HILLMAN convertible. new good mechanical shape, needs bodywork. $45. HUdson 5- ‘0401. clwza 56FD’ODc-E 6f A-lucondition. on Scandinavian furniture. Free $37500- Own" drmng c9m' . . pany car, reason for selllng. . estimates. Reasonable prices. ‘ TU. +1403. clw23 ‘* 1947TCHEVfcach Lfc44 GMC truck engine. $25.00; and CHAIN SAWS Service At Its Best Major Repairs - Tune Ups New Chains. Plugs. Files Pocket Chain Breakers 2 Cycle Oil. Chain Oil. Etc. “Authorized Dealers" Pioneer 8: Homelite TU. 4-1124 "W bassinette size crib. $2.00. AV.i 5-2206. cleB E59 ROOTES Humber Super- Snipe. excellent condition. .13:- gundy-cherry colour. leather up- holstery. reclining bucket seas. lwhitewalls. etc. Mr. Atwell. EV. 6-7712 or AL. 7-2606. Shoes will be replaced absol.‘ Clwzz. “913' Free if soles wear out or.WILL party who was given a sh0es do not live up to this blue “John lilaclntosh” man's claim. Guarantee is for full overcoat in error for similar three months. Introductory coal at Lions Hall. Wednesday. Price $3.95. Gray's. Maple Plaza November 29th, please phone. Phone AL. 7-1071 or Write Box TU. 4-1796. 004. Maple Ont. clw23. ‘lw23 PAYNE CONTRACTING General concrete work, changeovers, swimming pools .\'0 Job too sma ates. AV. 5-1153 tfc39. be disposed of. sewer ‘ LEGAL SS Finne M, Secher col- . UNLE ll - free estim- lects articles left at 114 Rugglea Ave... Richmond Hill, before De- jcember 15. 1961, the same will DAY CARE given. Mrs. Grab- ham. AV. 5-5617. “WORK WANTED'witth tonl trained for independent work .1 in whole operation. AV. 5-5661. f C1w23 - with '52 ; c2w23 ‘ clw23 I *2W23 pickup truck. TU. *lwztll DAY CARE for children. Aski 001‘ Mrs. Hewitt. AV. 5-5528. 1 clw23; STAKEâ€"trink-and driver for hire for haulage of any kind. TU. 4-2677. ' clw23 DAYâ€"orTweekly care available,1 any age child. 884-4634. c2w23 DUTCH girl wants d‘fi’woik,‘ Mondays and Wednesdays. AV. 5-5087. clw23 DRESSMAKING‘ and altera- tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TU. 4- 5_0_5_7. tfc21 EXPERIENCED clerk stenogra- pher available part time. AV. 5- 5069. clw23 PLUMBER wishes sm‘allplumo- in-g repairs. reasonable rate.| Phone TU. 4-7328. c2w22“ DAY CARE or baby'sltting in my home or yours. 165 Baker Avenue. TU. 4â€"7610. c1w23 YOUNG “MEN, 16-19._looklng for work. Anything considered.‘ Can you help ' us. Call Salva-. ___~‘_Vi rtfcszi EXPERIENCED shipper - re- ceiver - warehouseman. can type. also excallent driver, pre- sently employed. desires posi- tion near home. AL. 7â€"2064, ev-‘ enlnga. c3w2_31 YOUNG MAN AGE 18 - WILLING TO WORK HARD. SOME EXPERIENCE IN WAREHOUSE AND FACTORY WORK SEEKS EMPLOYMENT PHONE PR. 3-5198 clw23 * MALE BOOKKEEPER - Ac- countant seeking position in Richmond Hill or vicinity. Fully books, including Operating and uat'e of Canadian Credit Insti- Oflice management ex- perience. Box 49 The Liberal. nc2w22 SOMETHING WANTED TRY A "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIED Attractive color. ed prints avail- able. 89c each 3 for $2.27 Week days 1 to 5 and 7 to 9. Saturdays 10 to 12, l to 5, 7 to 9. , SAYVE’I’I‘E CITY YONGE, and STEELES _ the discount department atom STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10 PM. to 10 PM. SATURDAY '9 A.M. to 10 PM . .o i i i 1 $10.00 RELIABLE MOWER EQUIPMENT “SALES AND SERVICE." BEFORE DECEMBER 31, l96l WILL ENTITLE YOU TO A CREDIT OF $10.00 ON ANY NEW UNIT PURCHASED + iAWN MOWERS RELIABLE MOWER EQUIPMENT TU.4-1124 H s1 si.o TO BRING THIS AD INTO + CHAIN SAWS Y S.N h Mimi. iii Tu.4-1124 Owned and operated by Mock Bros. 1 COPY PER CUSTOMER $10.00

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