CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG Com. Bunk of Nova Scotla Building Aurora Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 Wm. Clubine PLASTERING CONTRACTOR KING - PHONE TE. 3-5295 â€"- Philip Swan IEAETERED ACCOUNTANT Dahl & Son. Construction ‘ COMPLETE ALTERATIONS § CEMENT & STONE WORK s PLASTERING & CARPENTRY Terms Can Be Arranged F.I.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 4531/2 YONGE STREET BA. 5-470] Building Trades 3‘HARTERED ACCOUNTANT Teorge S. Edwards Bulldlnx Repair: a. Alterations CCOUNTANTS’ 95ml {CONTINENTAL H. D. Melsness, I).C. X-RAY CHIROPRACTIC cor; ~Wlndburst Gale & Bayvlew (1 block south Bayview Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 Deciantis-Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS Dr. P. R. M acf arlane DENTIST Gas Extractions 50 Yonge St. North suite 106. 7'! York St. THE LIBERAL D N “JLISIEIUIE‘J lll.‘ E T T TU. 4.23.21 “A YONG! ST. SOUTH Mable Plaza “Inst-1511 mamas mul AL. z-gsso Arthur G. Broad Homes or General Repairs TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill Dram md Concrete Work TU. 4-1483 L. E. Clark Dr. W. R. Redford Dr. J. M. Wachna DENTISTS 15 Yonge St. North Richmond H111 TU. 44601 FREE ESTIMATES » TU. 4-1215 G. Chassie BUILDER CONTRACTOR Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Dr. W. J. Mason, :1 Bedford Park Ave. Rxchmond Bill Tt'ruer 4-4251 Dr. J. Perdicaris ‘ "u" “7"â€5 ‘1 MEDICAL-DENTAL ; Beauty Salons CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA I Sellivood Salon BEVERLEY ACRES ‘ Former!)~ Bloor a: Yonge Sta PM"! Individual Attention OFFICE TU‘ 4‘35“ Hair 5mm: Permanent Warn TU. 4-182] EM. 3-1329 By Appointment 78 YONGE ST. 5. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1462 By Appointment DENTAL Gas Extractions Toronto Open EvenLngs Richmond Hill TU. 4-1177 Richmond Hill Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 7725 YONGE STREET Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Member - Florisrts' Telegraph Delivery Association ‘ 2518 YONGE ST. 76 YONGE ST. S. 7725 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL AV. 5.4442 Thornhill. 0111.5"1nternatlonally r Experienced HELEN SIMPSON LYN PITT Richvale Auto B‘ody‘E Body 8: Fender Repairs ; Complete Reï¬nishing If you haven't heard of our re- putation, enquire from your friends All work guaranteed 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St. Richule for appointment. ph. AV. 5-3631 ENGINEERING & ELECTRICAL General Business We personally handle all Iale? bills and advertising PHONE “(PHLICV 3311 1 Roy A'. Phillips†G0RMLE‘ ' ONT' lBus. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU. 4-3935 H ineman & M C! saac Insurance â€" Mortgages Fire, Auto, Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 Coaches for all Occasions ‘ FOR INFORMATION Telephone Coach Lines Ltd. Alvm S. Farmer Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Years Experience i‘l’IUIllallï¬ JCI Inc.) - F lowers ___,7 ‘ Lawlor & LeClalre :TRO WIDE DELIVERY : BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS mber - Florists' Telegraph ‘ 15 Yuma sum;t N. Delivery Association ‘ Richmond‘mu Ontario 2518 YONGE ST. PAINLESSLY DESTROYED TU. mm (at St. Clements) 1 by approved Sf-‘J-A- Men!“ 17 Queen Street E.. Suite 544 V .7 a ‘ -â€" fl â€" . .. 10RONT0 1" 0N1“ "mourn NATURAL SCIENCE hggl‘i’rzegnagm Ph. HU. 5-1145 SERVICE ‘ ‘ p \ Yonge Street. Oak Ridge: .-. ’1 - . n r' TU. 4-1701 i Hair Styling & (Offset and Letterpress) Invoices. Letterheads. Business Cards. Tickets. Wedding Stationery. Memo Pads. etc. ‘ 51 Palmer Ave. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 884-7451 SPECIAL MACEIN EB}! GENERAL REPAIRS Langdonk 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL SAND and GRAVEI. we". Crushed Stone ‘ Loam and Fill Re Individual Aflenuon 1 Hair Styling Permanent Wavins,Donald M, Findlay;i Dr. John. B. Wynne Air Conditioned Drvers ‘ . ‘ Q.C. . 80 Yonge St, south Barrister. Solicitor. Dr. Allen J Sinlth Richmond Hill ‘ Notary By Appointment SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS Leno‘s Machine Shop FLOWERS Print GARAGES Shorter Printing SODDING. SEEDING ROTOTILLING LOAM SUPPLY TU. 4-7295 AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITTING WELDING E. CHARITY Ontario, Thursday, Decanting: 28, 1961 Continued) TE. 3-5351 Richmond Ell] ‘ Beauty Salon In all phases of Beauty Culture 'xErnieBrock 8: Sent ‘ INSURANCE Humane Services SERVICE I Elocution. Public Speaking Yonge Street, Oak Ridge: I ma" orm Denortment PR- 3-50" ’l'. C. Newman, Q. C. Dramatic .m Receiving Hours: 8 mm. - 6 13 mp BAmus’rEn a; somcn‘on i "HOMEWOOD HALL!- or otherwise by appointment Sung 2‘ Lowflg Bu“de ‘ Thornhm â€" NO CHARGE â€"- ‘15 Yonge St. N.. Richmond 3111‘ Toronto Oflica - 18 Toronto 5!. , Phone EM. 3-5877 ; Every Thursday Afiemoon ‘i Mi TUrner 4-1551 i i i r' t r_______-_ nn 24 Adelaide St. W. Toronto EM. 3-0311 H errington, Insurance Agency Suite 2. Lowrle Buildinx 15 Yonze Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1551 For All Your Insurance Needs Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE TU. 4-1219 John S. Walkington COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Res. ALp'me 7-1224 113 King St Bank of Nova Sootia 3113., Aurora. Ontario BARKISTER, SOLICITOB AND NOTARY PUBLIC The Bank of Nova Scam Building AURORA. ONTAï¬lo Telephones Office: PA. 7-9488-3 Rem: PA. 7-5046 Corner Agency Limited HANS & EDITH TU. 4-7228 King City, Ph. TE. 5451 Phone TE. 3:55 5 2-5 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 re, Rutomobile. Plate Glass. Automobile Financing. etc. Oï¬ice 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill Complete Insurance Service GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY Floyd E. Corner, Q.C. Â¥ LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. GENERAL INSURANCE Roy V. Bick A. Burnett General Insurance LEGAL TE. 3-5283 Richmond Hill Do-o-u-MDLI Kin: City Stuart Parker, Q.C.~ AV. 5-1477 :«w‘onu and Mann. Ban-Istch Ind Solicitors 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 Kenneth A. Gan-lam BA. 5-1557 W. E. Neil Mann TU. 4-4618 ’. Rabinowitch, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 ‘ Richmond Theatre Block \ Rel. TU. 4.2117 BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. NOTARIES E. M. R. Stlver, Q.C. Joseph Vale. Q.C. J. M. Peppiatt. B.A. William Errlngton, B. Com. 195A MAIN ST. Pb. :TW. 5-4571, Newmarht, James H. Timmins Barrister, Solicitor 8; Notary ~I'ubllc 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Oflice TUrner 4-1780 Dr. CameronCowan ‘Dr. Jas. McKinnon Dr. J. P. Wilson 4 Church St. 8. Richmond Hill Stiver, Vale, ’ezmiatt, Errington Plaxton, Deane & Drew Norman A. Todd, Dr. D. A. McBurncy BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill Northern Building Oï¬loe: TUrner 4-3121 If no answer call PRospect 3-5327 Barrister, Solicitor. etc. RICHMOND HILL Dr. J as. R. Langstaï¬ THORNHILL Richmond H11] 06139 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhll] Oï¬ico AV. 5-1197 Residence TUrner 4-1863 By Appointment RICHMOND HILL 7 Duï¬erln St. (Continued) Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public MEDICAL AVenue 5-3165 THORNHILL Oflice Hours By Appointment TU. 4-44“ By Appoints-452* 30 Songs St. Wm #11“ TU. 4-1543 York County Council members nearly found them-t (c u _ d) selves in a contradictory position last week when they i on “9 debated the question as to whether all school trustees I should be elected. A considerable amount of confusion a Dr. H. SOCOI existed until it was pointed out that all trustees except { high school ones were elected - therefore the debate: ‘ (By Appointment) . obviously hinged on the question of high school trus-T 'Medlcal Centre Bayvtew mm tees and the method of naming them to office. ' Mdlmond mu- 0319- Opinions were sharply divid-lteachers' federation. Deputy; iOflice and Residence TU. 4-4040 ed. Newmarket's Reeve Sidney Reeve Caroline Ion felt that. Legge. for instance. declared members of the board would that. the system of appointment be h h h 1 h um I inda 1stronger position ‘ ‘of ig so 00 trustees s o eecte . Tie federation woul t Dr‘ Vl’Ctor ZuCk 1be continued whereas Deputy then know that trustees had a Dr. D. F. McGregor ‘Reeve Caroline Ion of the same mandate from the people. Sev- municipality made one of the era] other council members felt strongest speeches of the de- that many trustees would be a- 'l 3’ Appolmmem bate in favouring election of all>fraid to face elections or would l 353 markhm Rd' trustees at all levels. .not offer themselves. Eyes Examined J. C. Harvat,B.A.. 0.1) OPTOMETRIST ‘1 EYES Emung ‘umug‘m snouw De gum L * PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED‘DeI‘SOHS elected‘ m CONTACT LENSES Problem, Says Rutherford * OPTICAL REPAIRS Members of hlgh s boards were handicapped. Hours 9‘30 ‘ 5'30 daily Reeve Albert Rutherfor Closed Saturday Vau , - ‘ . . ghan To“nsh1p. They Evenings By Appomtment one of the biggest Noble] noon 205 LOWRIE BUILDING‘the province in dealing wit ‘ ‘ 15 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-4641 11130 Present Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Prescriptions Filled 8: Repairs :1 YONGE ST. NORTH Phone 'I‘Urner 4-3962 Marguerite Boyle By Appolntmcnt 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block west of Bayv‘iew) NOW AT 324.2 YONGE 51‘. In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre mm. to 6 11.111. Including Sat. EU. 8-8949 Evenings by appointment Ontario Land Surveyors 105 Willowdale Ave., Willowdale Ont†BA. 5â€"3031 ". L. Lowrie. 13.0- ulc1uuu;o Av. ...... - Very Successml banal" :SerSeam w- 39110"! 0‘ tINF:telelir'rl‘his was due to the flood-! A unique Christmas tree . . . . . . ' VETERINAR made or 13 medium H“! ztiszantrzgsgi“mites: mon tins was displayed. ‘ "Stoppmg distances are moremater ma'in insuliation and Rev. F. C. Jackson brought than twice as long when the . , , . Dr W Allan greetings again to the club. temperature is near the melt- gï¬gelorifgiï¬gfeguggï¬h Ian me! ‘ ' ; Favors of purse calendars. mg point than when lt gets Total amount Spem on m. VETERINARY SURGEON \booklets for shopping andl‘down around zero. So the <:lriv-,,.mn.le was 5126541713} T l h 1 St N1Christmas card records ~“enter who starts out early in the‘. . e 91‘ 0'10 47 You“ ‘ “received at the door. PlaSLIC hat morning, when its cold, and 0m“ covers and a few complimentarylfinds traction and stopping I‘U' 4-1432 Rmhmond Enlï¬d‘etg ‘EOI'DCOiifI‘gIe: E'erenpre' ability good, must rememberLKeep AShtrays HandY] iseme -V ‘ A er WW - ‘hat, 5 the tem erature rises . . _ . ‘ The Diagrach included the iater :1“ the day? the ice wi] ‘.' in 0 ms mas care 5. . . . ~n HOSPITAL Harding at the piano) become iai more tieacheious V - - . Keep plenty of noncombust- DR. CARL HEDER ‘and a ChrlStmaS dmnel game :ible ashtrays about your home was enJoyed. took charge of Takes Tape Recorder during the holidays and empty ‘ Mrs. Harding . TEMPLE 3-5401 jeuybean guessing contest them often, the Canadian Un- , . a o '. ‘ . . . ' _ 240 thG ST. KING CITY‘wh-mh was won by 311.5. §Peeq;iDraws Fme (Illegdrsltels Assoc1ation iecom 9.30 - 5.30 Weekdays Wednesday a; Saturday Anal-goons by appointment Open Friday Nights Res. George '1‘. Yates, 0.L.E 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2941 :\vua \rllJUJu TEMPLE 3,5401 ' Mrs. Kara-mg took charge of. In“) laps “cunuu o v . a jellybean guessing contest . ‘40 me ST' KBG CITYm'hich was won by Mrs. Steen;1Draws Fme Ellie donkey game led by Mr. J. ‘ ' '1man and Mr. F. Rose was Gordon Henry Harman of SummItVIewGardenS won by Mrs. W. Shearer and’Ne“market was ï¬ned $200 and Ch - - Mrs. Blake, while Miss‘JanetEwsts following a charge of rlstmas Parties Hall read poems of Miss Ewtheit laid by Richmond HilL _ H IBone. blind sister overseas of pouce‘ following the taking oï¬ summit “.ew Gal'defls Re’S"‘C)u1' member Mr. Bone. ‘a tape recorder from the store, taurant'experlenced a sllght de-| Th9 daughters of m; and of Richmond Hm TV, 34 Yonge: crease 1n the‘ number of ba'n-‘Mrs. D. R. Harcourt. Denise and street south. 1 (111613 506181 functions Wlth Sharleen (the Rose of Richmond Harman was seen akin me‘ the passmg of the Christmas H111; and Patsy Whitefield sang d . b’ an m 3 . 335d†rEPOI‘LS Manager Lloydiand danced their way into the {ï¬gorsgre 3M1: ï¬oï¬gï¬mtï¬: El ' hail-1‘s Of me se.'1_lP_r_C_1.tÂ¥EeAS' M proprietors. He threw the ar- Last Thursday a Christmas party was held for the Leaside Board of Education with an at- tendance of 45 people. Anoth~ er Christmas banquet was held Friday. this time for the Rich- mond Hill Town employees. at- tended by 30 staff members; y... .4 .. .. ..___ Board of Edu 7" -‘ ' ‘ ' tendance of gaggogxléth 3:05;- w Follomng a dehghtiul pro- er Christmas banquet held plauâ€˜ï¬ 0f damn" sand- Friday. this time for the Rich-fl (75' mm cake‘ caches and mend Hm Town employees a“ ea \xere served by the soc1al‘ hustled by 30 staff membeï¬ â€™Efl’ilï¬â€œÂ§Â§' \Egs'AGMEmOLKï¬S' n saturda I -‘ J - A .-_‘ A ercer. A 55 Home Productsthgliaf Cheesman‘ Mts‘ C. Brown, dale held a Christmas-party for'ixif'sdmlen Andre“. Mrs. Ida 50 people. There were no ban-‘ 6\' ml and'omem quets or parties on Monday or R er 30 “‘6'? in attendagl‘oe. Tuesday but on Wedn=sdav a-s gpfesfltamï¬ fro'm hing Iwetidm' 3 reception “as ï¬eld'fol-Iaï¬glgslggtgiï¬bggd ‘glt‘ï¬o‘wale -owing the weddin- of “155le ° ' '5' D- E 119‘“- ‘N r 5 - ‘ .3 flormed Oak Rld es Semor | £31.31: Gallanger of Richmond gaze!†Club warag‘m attend~ COMMERCIAL AND DOMESTIC SERVICE Sealed Unit Repairs 17 Years’ Experience MEDICAL Refrigeration SURVEYORS H arold Patton KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 MUSICAL Yates & Yates Glasses Fitted 60 Cartier (ï¬res Richmond Hill . K irchen, R.0. 884-1640 Optical Repairs County Council Debates High School Appointments Inconsistencies Revealed As Trustees Named Reeve, Floyd Perkins of RJch- mond Hill was strongly in fa- vour of election of trustees. as was Deputy Reeve John :Bradstoclsi Reeve Perkins said that if the principle that coun- Icils and public school boards should be elected was right, then it was equally right that ’high school trustees should be elected also. He said that the claim that "better" people could be found for high school . boards if they did not have to run was fundamentally wrong. He questioned why such a state-- ment did not apply to other bodies such as councils and pub- .lic school boards. Reeve Clarence Davis of Au- Ponce Kept Bu†‘ 'rora agreed that if taxpayers' whue Markham Township 130. money was being spent there lice have had their quietest should be responsibility to tax- month this year, so far as break payers - yet voted against 61' and entry, and theft incidents ection of trustees when the are concerned, the bad Weather question was put. Deputy Reeve over the past two weeks has John Bradstock Of Richmond been the cause of many {bad ac; Hill felt that, with the large cidents. pormon of the tax dollar being On December 9 . l sudden ' ' h 1 t t S, - ESE?sï¬ï¬uï¬gï¬esiié’ftea.rҤeiie snow squall, brought 5.1x ml- u or Em: gamma mum bury‘ While agalnst eletfllon Oanna Hm: H-ri: meant that Off Deputy Reeve R. G. Hender- son of Woodbridge said that many councils were concerned over the fact that they had no control over spending bodies. He felt that there would be much more interest in second- ary schools if their manage- Eént‘G‘avshé'loéér {H'ihe'EéHS’li Put Perkins For Election ï¬ll! tirrusyt'ees, felt ‘that much more thought should_ be given to the Members of high school boards were handicapped, said Reeve Albert Rutherford of Vaughan Township. They had one of the biggest problems in the province in dealing with the I30 Present For Senior Citizens Christmas Party The Senior Citizen's Club ofl Richmond Hill held its Christ- mas party on December 13 in the Education Building of the United Church. Mrs. D. Fettes‘ and Mr. A. E. Plewman. Past-‘ President presiding in the ab- sence of the President, Mr. H. Calverley. ; The hall was beautifully de- corated with lighted Christmas trees, velvet poinsettias and with even the manger scene resting on the mantle. The program and arrangements committee, con- vened by Mrs. C. Brown, in- cluded Mrs. Jack Sheahan, Mrs. C. Harding, Mr. F. Rose and Mr. J. Hillman. AuA. u .-.-..-._._. Mrs. J. Shearer volunteered to support Mrs. C. Brown permaâ€" nently on entertainment and program and Mrs. W. Skilhiter offered her services to Mrs. F. \Davis for telephoning. ,..L_ HUM-1:. Efake ié in the ’1‘ General Hospital and Mr Medhurst is much pette‘r, A Christmas card to the club was received from Mr. and Mrs. Timperon from Diverpool, Eng- land Lauu. Mrs. D. Strictland, for .the} Another car went out of con-l Mental Health Association’tvol as it rounded the Don Mills thanked the club for assistancetcurvg at the Gormley Road. in mailing letters and f01‘lBernard Leader of Newmarket Christmas parcel wrapplng. ‘was northbound when the acci- Mrs. F. Potter from Sudburyldent occurred. P. C. Kelly in. sent a message of thanks for vestigated, at 430 pm. the kindness she rece1ved from December 11_ sgL Shem-n {the senior Citizens 0f R‘Chmong was called to a three-vehicle' l Hill during her two years resiâ€" dence in the Hill. ‘ Mrs. G. Langley thanked the members for their help in a very successful Bazaar. Hill) and Patsy Whitefield sang and danced their way into the hearts of Lhe Senior Citizens. They were accompanied on the piano by Mr. Harcourt Followinz a delightful pro- uuy ae- u‘istmas md with resting‘ ram and e. con- »wn, in- an. Mrs. use and eered to perma- znt and Skilliter Mrs. F. Toronto vll'. Wm. >r. the club trol due to slippery conditions. Mr. Miller suffered head and back injuries, and his passenger. Mrs. Ethel Oakley sustained head injuries. Both were taken to Branson Hospital. Damage to the care was $1,000.00. An accident at a narrow bridge near the Anglican Church in Unionville cecurred‘ at 2:10 pm. en by John C. Fiegehen of Brad- gate Road. Don Mills. and Fred‘ ‘Zeagler of Unionville collided. 1 At 2:15 pm. Const. Dukes in- vestigated an accident at Don Mills Road and No. 7 Highway, when a south bound car driven when cars driv-. December 17. a vehicle drivl en by Christopher Shaw of Lorens Avenue, Toronto. hit slush on Bayview Avenue as it was passing another car, and went into the ditch, doing $70.00 dgmage. P. C. Kelly investigat~ e . An accident on the evening of December 16 at No. 7 and Don’ Mills Road was investigated byi Provincial Police. ’ Home Charges Up by Dennis G. Large of Rockport and Mrs.‘ )01. Eng- Crescent. Richmond Hill went iout of control and broke off a ‘sign post. Senior Citizens l iBy Over$36,000 put to the test. Reeve Davis of Pitt had Aurora proposed one name for ing a 5! his board - Reeve Hodgson of nominatn King Township proposed anoth- a repre er name for the same band. school t ,Council members would have town cc Deputy Reeve E. J. Norris of Georgina said that county coun- cil members were placed in a difficult position when they had Council l embers nearly found them-i sition last week when they whether all school trustees :rable amount of confusion out that all trustees except ted - therefore the debate: estion of high school true-‘1 ting them to office. ' .eachers' federation. Deputy; Reeve Caroline Ion felt Lhati members of the board would be in a stronger position it elected. The federation would» then know that trustees had a1 mandate from the people. Sev- eral other council members felt that many trustees would be a- fraid to face elections or would not offer themselves. Deputy Reeve E. J. Norris of Georgina said that county coun- cil members were placed in a difficult position when they had to vote for people whom they did not know in the slightest degree. Only a few minutes later his observation was nearly put to the test. Reeve Davis of Aurora proposed one name for his board - Reeve Hodgson of King Township proposed anoth- er name for the same board. members would have been placed in the difficult position of voting for an un- known individual. Reeve Davis solved the puzzle by withdraw- ing the name of his candidate. Councillors then proceeded to. vote for a number of countyl council nominees for high. school boards. most of them: completely unknown to the men; who were voting on them. The; secret of the opposition to el- ections became apparent when members of county council star- ted making nominations of trus- tees for appointments. Richmond Hill Nominee > Reeve Floyd Perkins of Rich-‘ mond Hill was consistent. He' voted in favour of election of trustees rather than appoint- ment, but was forced by condi- tions to nominate a representa-‘ tive of county council for the York Central District High School Board. He named Tho- mas Pitt of 427 Crosby Avenue to replace Trustee Mrs. Barbara Langstaff who, he said, had in-, dieated to him that she did not wish to be reappointed. ‘ Inconsistency of the whole situation of naming trustees was revealed by the fact that Mr. Pitt had, at town council meet- ing a short time earlier. been nominated by Reeve Perkins as l n f l C C n C F C f I i i a representative on the high school board, to be named by town council. Another person had also been nominated and. at a later meeting, town council would have had to vote on the two men, plus others who might have been nominated in the On December 9 l sudden snow squall brought six acci- dents in 21/; hours. With only three men ordinarily on duty at one time. this meant that off duty officers had to be called in from their homes to help handle the situation. ; At 1:50 pm. of the same day, ers. Rita Wilson of Whitchurch ‘Township was driving south at the same point when her car {went out of control and skid- ded into the wall of Stephen- son’s Mill. Mrs. Wilson suffered back injuries. Five- hundred 'dollars damages to her station wagon resulted. Const. Barry McWhir-ter investigated. At 2:10 Const. McWhirter at- tended another aceident at Gornil‘ey, on the Don Mills Road. when a vehicle driven by Wm. Miller of Castle Frank Road. Toronto, went out of con- trol due to slippery conditions. Mr. Miller suffered head and back injuries, and his passenger. "Mrs. Ethel Oakley sustained head injuries. Both were taken to Branson Hospital. Damage to 'the care was $1,000.00. At 1:30 pm. on Saturday, 21 Richmond Hill Police officer Const. Fuelling, who lives at Gormley. was driving south on Don Mills Road when his car went out of control near the Buttonvilie bridge, hit a guard post, and did considerable dam~ age. P. C. Dukes investigated. Harman was seen taking the recorder by another person in the store. who informed the proprietors. He threw the ar- ticle away but. after its re- covery. admitted taking it. later pleading guilty to the charge. WILLOWDALE â€" North York secondary school teachers have presented a brief to their board asking for 1 sweeping upward revision of salaries. They have asked that the lowest salary of $4.500 yearly be increased to $5,000 In the income bracket of 57.900 2 year they ask for a jump at $1,100 to 59,000 m- anally. Holiday Memo ! BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. B. 2 Gormley Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 collision in which no one was injured. but more than $1000.00 damage was done to two trucks and a new Oldsmobile sedan. ‘This accident occurred 1/2 mile south of fourteenth Avenue on Don Mills Road. Trucks involv- ed were a milk transport driven by Earl Anderson of Claremont ($600.00 damage); a truck driv- en by George Gajdos of John- ston Avenue. Willowdale $350.00 damage), and the car was driv- en by John W. Rhodes, Midland Avenue, Scarboro ($400.00 dam- age). On December 16 Sgt. Bob‘ Hood apprehended Freeman King of Ravenshoe on a charge of impaired ability, and on De- cember 17 a road grader clear- :ing snow from Bayview Avenue unear Proctor Avenue and a car ' driven by Garry Essex of Rich- : mond Hill were in collision. The ' road grader operator was John 'Metherell of Elgin Mills. A December 14. a car driven by Mrs. Samena D. Sissons and a truck driven by Ross Greener of Pickering, sideswiped each other at a narrow bridge near Cedar Brae Golf Club on Steeles Avenue. P. C. Kelly investigat- ed. There were no injuries, but $525.00 damages resulted. At 5:00 pm. on the same day. at the corner of Henderson Av- enue and Grandview, cars dri- ven by John H. Garlick of Wil- lowdale and Jacob Ceschiutti of Florence Avenue. Toronto col- lided. There were 'no injuries but $500.00 damages were caus- ed. P. C. Denby investigated. _ Expenditure on the home ran $36,216.18 over the original es- timates. county council was told. This was due to the flood- ing situation and. as well. land acquisition. sewer connections. lwater main installation and other features which ran over the original budget. An unexpected flow of water‘ into the basement of the newl'WAl York Manor building - the coun- .' . .‘ ty's home for its aged citizens JFeal'mmg lalge 4.0 Impeual resulted in an additional cost‘Gallon Tank, With power of $16,448.25, York Countylpacked elements at top and Council was told at its last: bottom. meeting. The- inotallation of a 2“ PIPE “'35 531d ‘0 "931° a‘There’S nothing like having perm“??? cure- .. . iPT.F‘.NTY of hot water for C.U.A. points out that one out of every four fires is caused by matches and smok- gui’stsf'ï¬â€˜ak:":ure“3:55Wm: HYDRO . Eucmc bedrooms as well as the living room, dining room and kitchen! are well stocked with ashtrays, And- when mu (may mash-:35 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-3511 tray" inake shre no'fire is in TORONTO RICHMOND HILL AURORA WA.3-3669 TU. 4=4968 PA.7=4743 Fully Insured - Move With Care and Courtesy Agents MOVING? Queen City Movers Ltd. s for North American Van Lines WORLD WIDE MOVERS ’é‘ouiÃ©Ã©ï¬ REPAIRS meantime. Mr. Pitt. would Lhere- fore have had to take his chance of being elected. Be- cause of the fact that he was nominated by Reeve Perkins in county council - a nomination practically certain not to be opposed in any way â€" he had a free run on the York Central District High School Board. When put to a vote, those favouring election of high school trustees in preference to their appointment lost. Guesswork ls Ellmin'ated ' NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD “CHECKED†Electronically, WITH THE STROBOSCOPE AL PYLE If no answer at ’I‘U. 4-3614 dur- ing daytime. call TU. 4-1105 or Av 5-3318 PAID TUNING 1Sure you can with a New. Low-Cost. completer auto- matic ELECTRIC :WATER HEATER BIG WASH? FAMILY BATHS? ALL THE SAME DAY? There’s nothing like having PLENTY of hot water for laundry, dishes and family baths â€" whenever you need it. Enjoy all the hot water you’ll ever need with no waiting. Rent a fast, econ- :omical COMPLETELY AU- TOMATIC ELECTRIC WA- TER HEATER. It’s cheap- :er! FREE CHOOSE FOR YOURSELF 600. 800 or 1,000 Watt Element Size ONLY $1.75 per month (plus cost of power) Let: Us Discuss Our Hot Water Service With You RICHMOND HILL HYDRO - ELECTRIC COMMISSION 5 BEAVERTON RD; TU. 4-3614 ESTIMATES REPAIRS