Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jan 1962, p. 3

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Start the New Year right 6' with Dry Cleaning you’ll Iikefi“ mm ' "it SHIN SERÂ¥.!..C:;.E..luuuuunm U M IT E D 198 Yonge Street N.. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-4411 SANITONE SOFT-SET® DRY CLEANING Richmond Hill Lions Hall MONDAY, JAN. 81h 20 YONGE ST. NORTH Discover all the "extras" you get with our nation- ally-advertised Sanitone Soft-Set® dry cleaning! Between-theâ€"fibres cleaning that flushes away every trace of soil . . . Soft-Setd9 finish that re- stores “body” to fabrics . . . special care of the buttons, belts, trim . . . a long-lasting professional press. All this for the same price as any quality dry cleaning. Call on us today for Sanitone service. *ALso CLEARING BOYS’ 8. MEN'S ALL WEATHER & CAR COATS 33.53%: R. J. CRAIGIE MEN'S WEAR mgflflm mm â€" It SHIRT Only during this event, and at no other time of the year, will you be able to buy a TIP TOP tailored to measure suit at a sale price. So choose now! From Canada‘s largest selec- tion of superb all-wool imported fabrics . . . in any style you prefer. Rememberâ€"only the price has changed. TIP TOP’S famous craftsmanship ensures superb tailoring for a truly personal fit! REGULAR S $69.95 [£55 20 °/o TAILORED TO MEASURE SUITS 0R FREE EXTRA PANTS ulylcl 20% FF *5? ‘ This ls the tlme ~ of year for pledges. _ ' We’re goingr to play 3‘ safe by sticking to the ones we've' made throughout the year. That is, 2% we promise to sell used cars as good" as honest recondi- tioning can make M-K-Beaf them at the lowest possible price and to spare no effort to help you get the maximum satisfaction out of your new car. This is the time of year whenl we should all add up our assets and count our blessings. Some of these are spelled ‘a$$et$‘ and some are spelled ‘assets'. The . ‘a$$et$‘, of course. keep a roof over our heads, but the other ‘1“ ‘aISSets’ of living in a free so- ‘ciety and being able to seek Ea happiness in our own-way make In. life under that roof worthwhile. “YOUR BLOOD IS THE GREATEST GIFT” is the ap- peal made for blood donations to the Canadian Red Cross. The local drive is being conducted under the auspices of the Cath- olic Women's League, Our Lady Queen of the World Parish, Richmond Hill East. There are a few operators in‘ our business who maintain that the honest approach in adver- tising doesn’t pay. The only technique that works is to out- smart the public with gimmicks, they say, and in so operating they encourage the public to attempt to outsmart the dealer. We're still going to go on dis- agreeing with that thinking. We'd like tn thank our many‘ customers for the confidence they have shown in us by buy- ing their car from us and let- ting us serviCe it. We’ll con- tinue to try to deserve that confidence. While some parts of our country may have temporary economic distress, the overall picture and future forecasts are very bright. ‘We need only to ‘work together to make them \come true. A NEW YEAR 1962 We wish a Happy New Year to you and yours. THE DODGE ONTARIO CAR CO. LTD. 5959 Yonge St. at Cummer Willowdale Richmond Hill 'l/l/Aat}. VOLU' Due to rush of the Christmas season, many operations are postponed until early in Janu- ary, which therefore means more blood is needed, and, as 250 pints is the quota set for Richmond Hill by the Canadian Red Cross -- anyone in average health between the ages of 18 and 65 years - who can spare approximately 30 minutes, in- cluding time for testing, regis- lUJD a.m. arm A p.111. ou luau seats available in the afternoon only. c1w27 It i It 1! JANUARY 8, Monday â€" 8 P.m. Vellore Euchre Club, will hold its 34th Anniversary Euchre in Vellore Memorial Hall. Every- body Welcome. Admission 50c. Lunch provided. c1w27 a- :- t 1- JANUARY 11 â€" Thursday. Blood Donors Clinic, Richmond Hill Public Library. Wright Street, 2-4 pm. and 7-9 pm. Donors urgently needed. Spon- sored by the C.W.L. Our Lady Queen of the World. c2w27 Thursday next is THE DAY -â€" January 11th â€" at the Richmond Hill Public Library, Wright Street, from 2.00 to 4.00 pm. and from 6.00 to 9.00 pm. on January 11th and be a donor‘ regardless of what blood type you may be. One thing to remember is “ANY TYPE OF BLOOD IS RARE -- 1F NEEDED, AND NOT THERE." It is hoped that all you red-blooded men and women in Richmond Hill area are planning NOW to change a pint of your RED BLOOD TO READY BLOOD. tration. rest and refreshments, are asked to come to the liprary United Church Women Constituted In January In early January. 1962, ai new organization, The United Church Women, will be offic- ially constituted in The United Church of Canada and inaug- ural meetings will be held in thousands of congregations across the land. The purpose of the new local organizations} is stated in the constitution: “To unite all the women of the Church for the total mission of the Church and to provide a medium through which they may express this loyalty and devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellow- ship and service. ‘!__-11.. guan an... -...v- At the sam time, nationally, three new boards will come into being: a board of world mission, a board of home missions and a board of women. This organ- ization has come about because of emerging needs and chang- ing patterns of work both in Canada and Overseas. It rep- resents a trend toward increas- ‘ing co-operation between men and women in the work of the Chm-ch and a movement toward greater involvement of the laity i1 its life and mission. TU. 4 - 4291 We -’ 7 \coming Events ‘Archie Cameron Head l ' d SATURDAY â€" January 6; Rlc€vrrrlfltlcmidrews Films from the Chil- e u '400 pmgdren's Film Foundation git the Dim Richmond Hill Public Library. venom Euchre Club met in Chl'istmasilo-15 a'm: and.2 p’m' 30 rUSh Vellore Memorial Hall on Wed- “an arpiseats available in the afternoon mam, night» December 27th to be held on Monday evening January 8. at 8 pm, in Vellorc Memorial Hall and an open in‘ $50.00 $400 54 STARTING TIME-8 P.M. FULLCARDTOGO JACKPOT NUMBERS CALLED JANUARY 19, Friday â€" Dance and Euchre - 80th Annual - Vel- lore Old Boys in Vellore Mem- orial Hall, Hollingshead Orches- tra. Modern and old time danc- ing. Lunch Provided - Admis- sion $1.25. Alex Bishop, Presi- dent - Brit Plunk'ett. Vice Pres. Howard Plunkett, Sec. - Jack Williams, Treas. *2w27 Don’t Leave Money In Milk Bottles Warn Police Vaughan Council Closes Out 1961 The final meeting of the 1961‘ Vaughan Township council was held last Thursday in the coun- cil chambers at Maple. The only bwsiness dealt with at the meeting was the authorizing of the payment of accounts which lamounted to $55,222.48. The first meeting of 1962 will be held Monday, January 8. This year, because it is the second year of a two-year term for the present council, the usual inaugural meeting will not be held. The present council was elected to office in Decem- ber, 1960, and will hold office until the next election to be held in December, 1962. The members of council are Reeve Albert Rutherford, Deputy- Reeve Jesse Bryson, and Coun- cillors Mrs. Ruth McConkey, Maurice Windatt and Wilfred Keffer. Corresponden‘ Mrs. B. Lepkey Phone AVenue 5-3“! Home and School The next meeting of Thornlea Home and School Assn. will be held on January 10. Films will be shown on “Councillor Char- les Hooper’s Visit To Russla.” The January meeting of the Mark-Vaun W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Morrison on January 4. Roll Call is to be a; “Personal New Year’s Resolu- tion,” and Mrs. Jones is in charge of the programme for the evening, Historical Research and Current Events. Members are asked to bring an antique. Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Wilkins and Mrs. Thompson are providing the lunch. Young W.I. Chief R. P. Robbins of the Richmond Hill Police Department warned this week that milk money should not be left loose in milk boxes and bottles. People who leave the change in these places are leaving themselves wide open to petty thieves. One way to stop the problem of having money stolen from milk boxes, said Chief Rob- bins, ls to purchase milk tickets. The tickets are use- less for anything but buy- ing milk therefore thieves aren’t so likely to take them. The January meeting of the1 Young Women’s Institute will be held on January 10 at the home of Mrs. Bebty Pattison. The Roll Call will be “Sing Say or Pay,” and the programme will be in charge of Mrs. Ruby Man- 01 who will conduct a Beauty Counsellor cosmetic demonstra- tion. Mrs. Verna Ablett and Miss Carol Suter will supply the re- freshments. Skating Due to the consistent efforts of Mr. Cleve Burton and some other local men a skating rink will once again be in opera- ‘tion in Boyle Park. A schedule ‘is being made up so as there will be time allobed for skating ‘as well as hockey playing and ~to allow the small fry a bit of enjoyment. Special thanks "are extended to Mr. Russ Evans lfor his help in levelling the trink. ISocials Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lusher spent Christmas at Grand Bend. Ont. visiting their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. G. Kingston, David and Gail. lll“a|.uu uuvlu uuu v..-" o v Mr. Lepkey is expected home from hospital on Saturday but must rest for a time even though he is making excellent progress. , ;,,,1L lANGSTAFF and THORNLEA NEWS .vn_ _, Mr. W. Glassford was admit- ted to St. Michael’s Hospital, Friday of last week, following another heart attack. Mr. Glass- ford has now been confined to his bed for the past nine Weeks but seemed to be improving. "'{Ivé'Eii'Iu-i's'h ’hiin ‘a full' and speedy return to good health. Vellore Euchre Club met in Vellore Memorial Hall on Wed- nesday night, December 27th, with 13 tables playing. Winners were for the ladies, Mrs. Neil Malloy, Mrs. John Orr. Mrs. Tom Reid and Mrs. McMahon. For the men, the winners were William Orr, Mrs. Les Glass. George Robson and Mrs. John Julian, with Mrs. Glass and Mrs. Julian playing for the men. After the serving of lunch, el- ection of officers for the ensuâ€" ing year took place, the follow- ing being elected: President Archie Cameron; Vice-Presiâ€" dent George Robson, Secretary Joan Orr. Treasurer Elmer Gar- row, and Committee Mrs. Les Glass. Mrs. Frank Harrison and ‘Alex Bishop. Vellore Euchre Club was first organized on January 11th. 1928, and has carried on every winter since that time. The first ofiicers were George Brownlee. president; Mrs. Jack McNeill, 1st vice-president; Mary Con- stable, 2nd viceâ€"president; Mrs. Roy McDonald, secretary; and )Stewart Rutherford, treasurer. Players attend from Thorn- hill, Lansing, Woodbridge. Tes- ton, King City. Aurora. Victoria Square and Richmond Hill. The club meets every two weeks and the next meeting is scheduled EEEVE LEVELS CHARGE } Reeve Norman Goodhead of North York has levelled charges of maladmin-istration and irres- ponsibility in the parks departâ€" ment of that township. Parks ‘Commissioner Douglas Snow has been relieved of all but routine duties after council or- dered a full-scale investigation into qepartrn-ent operations. Auditbrs have Already been engaged to check operations of the department. M o ~ # L E Y 's IHIIEIRES Efi‘éflt‘fl MOUNT ALBERT FIRST GRADE Creamery CLUB HOUSE KRAFT MARMALADE AYLMER MORLEY'S INSTANT Coffee 602.iar79t YELLOW RIPE KRAFT DINNER SAVE-ALL WAX PAPER WING â€" T-BONE â€" SIRLOIN FANCY GRADE McINTOSH 6 qt. bskt. of our! Low, Low PRIcEs RICHMOND HILL TOMATO SOUP PEANUT BUTTER to be held on Monday evening. January 8, at 8 pm. in Vellore Memorial Hall and an open in- vitation is extended to all in- terested in euchre. This club is noted for the genial friendly atmosphere which prevails at its meeting -â€" this being its ‘34th Anniversary Euchre‘ Are Carrying On Business As Usual Mr. V. B. Macdougall Sr. THERE HAVE BEEN N0 CHANGES IN MANAGEMENT 0R STAFF AND THEY ALL WILL CONTINUE TO GIVE THE SAME QUALITY SERVICE SO WELL KNOWN TO RICHMOND HILL RESIDENTS. Wishes- To Announce BRUCE MACDOUGALL PONTIAC - BUICK - VAUXHALL DEALERS RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 4, 1962 3 Under his direction with Mr. Lloyd D. Davis Sales Manager as Executive Assistant MOTORS lIMITED CARS 8. TRUCKS FOR RENT i REXDALE CAR 8. TRUCK RENTALS LTD. R. R. 1 MAPLE ALpine 7-1461 (Sherwood Motors) LEAN “Smtmewing BEEF lb. 53c PREMIUM Swift's DONALD DUCK â€" 48 oz. tin Orange Juice tin FLORIDA MARSH, SEEDLESS BY THE DAY â€" WEEK -â€" 0R YEAR ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS MAPLE - RICHMOND HILL iiPIFRANKs lb. 39; 16 oz. ice box jar 100 ft. roll 10 oz. tins looz.iarsl.l9 9 oz. jar packages jar 23c ins23

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