Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jan 1962, p. 11

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l KING CITY, OAK RIDGES “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. in King City ll Mrs. TEmple 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Eleanor Charuk, Bayview Ave. North. phone PR. 3-5854. LAKE WILCOX King City Notes Nobleton academy. made at an executive meeting January 22 at the home of Mrs. Glenn Sawyer. New Resident Mrs. James Hopps of Wood-‘ ville has moved into the King Street household of Miss Jessie Gellatly to live with her great- niece. Miss Beth Gellatly. Mrs. Cancer Group Mrs. Douglas Scott, Elizabeth‘ Grove. was hostess when 22 members of King City and Dis- trict Cancer Unit met at_her home to make cancer dressmgs. An educational film on cancer of the bowel and rectum was shown. .Ian Gilchrist was named Hopps is a life member of the ald M. Findlay and Mr. Jack "We Vwcrc vcry wcll l'CCClV-H- 0 Mr. Martin R if‘ ( ,‘HOS ital in Toronto amwu h=gFamm€ _ ' - canleesnor of a committee which Women's Institutes. which she Hamilton were on hand and out-led in lung City and were cn- Olfonpi'appnng and gadnfiiâ€"flgmm Ems. return every day {avails “5&3; Stléflcggnlgl}; will arrange a social meeting joined in 1911. of-town guests were Tony Mar- couragcd to campaign for. the!were enjoyed and following HHS trcaLmem' devevlo ment of various use February 5. Final plans will be Visitor . land of Schomberg. Jim during its next drive. refreshments were served. The A Speedy recovery is wished . lg h _ . d _ A former resident. Mrs. ward and Bob Reeves. who were Mrs. Rcdman told "The Lib-1.Club iq hum, designing a creqttfm. Mrs. Shirley 0N9“ who has @635. 683 95. chngc anf $31113 â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- James Rock from Malton. spent home from school at Guelph. :eral.“ and m‘embo‘rship cards and M} lreccnm, been discharged afternng groudn s. a mlim er 0 ud . a few days at the home of After bowling, the party re-t Canvasscrs included: Mrs. Archie ROSS is negotiating withia Stay‘m the York County hos_ IDES an extens 0115 are un er ' l RICHMOND HILL 8 DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY For Information 8: Services Available. Call ‘ Richmond Hill Secretaryâ€"TUrner 4-2382 Miss Jessie Gellatly and visited several of her friends around the village. Mrs. Rock was a guest at the meeting of King City Women’s Institute last: week and is a W. 1. life member. When she lived here. Mrs. Rock was libâ€" rarian at King Memorial Li- brary. Bowling Night Mrs. N. Ritchie ~ - . , . w . , _ Twent -five young people Class. lxcndry, Mrs. James emyss.. I, . _ Women’s Services TU-4'3453 took parbt in the bowling party Hospitalized ‘Mrs. l‘cter Robertson. blrs.$é2;19;11(‘l‘al’q11i: ééglllle'i‘sdoglznsnuecd Mrs. W. McDougall arranged by King City United High school student JolllllHarl'y Ballard and Mrs. J. G. along the sa‘mé lines including Transportation - TU. 4-4821 Church Bible Class at the Tetley. eldest son of Mr. and‘Pettigrew. pipers, Scottish comedies and Mrs. W. J. Lennox C(grliigtn Iggieli’ialwaile‘l‘fl Camera Club an orchestra. For further de- y P - tails please contact. either Mr. Campaignâ€"Unionville 239 Mrs. G. Purves Thornhill 1 Women's Services-AV.5-1839 ' Mrs. E. Percival Transportationâ€"AV. 5-3552 Mrs. C. J. Foran Former Reeve Of King Elton Armstrong Sick One of York County's best- known figures. Elton Armstrong. former reeve of King Township. suffered a stroke recently and is in York County Memorial unlonvme reports are that his condition Mrs- Gordon Pmesr Phone is improving slowly" although 239 visitors are not being admitted yet. Mr. Armstrong. wliOSe is on Yonge Street north of Au- rora. Victoria Square Chairmanâ€"George Brand Gormley 5200 Women's Services-Gar. 5525 Mrs: C. Nichols Transportationâ€"Germ. 5540 Mrs. L. Mumberson judges at horse shows. home. . BODY SHOP Expert Auto Body. Collision, Repairs and Repaintlng FREE ESTIMATESâ€"G.M.A.C. FINANCING C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. King City G.M. Dealer TE. 3-5301 t J. L. Forster acts as secret- Estlised 1878- Phone 285-1073 Town & Country’s food-and-freezer plan assures you top-quality name-brand foods at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. If your weekly . Under our plan food bill is now: it will be only: $20............$13.40 $25 $14.65 $30 $18.00 $35-$40 $20.00 PHONE COLLECT ESTAB. 1950 TOWN & COUNTRY FOOD PLAN 210 Markham Rd. - - RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-5401 â€" AV. 5-5402 â€" WA. 1-1445 Soft Water unlimited with a quality softener by CULLIGAN VOI‘l-Zl leaders in the industry. SPEClAlll The “Culmatic” a semi-automatic softener. 30,000 grain capacity. offered now at the amazingly low price of $189.00 for a limited time only. CENTRE OPENING DESIGN for faster flow with more capacity with less salt dosage PUSH 1BUTTON AUTOMATIC bypass va ve SINGLE LEVER ACTION 10 YEAR GUARANTEE POLICY LOCAL AFTER SALES SERVICE Your choice:â€" No down payment - 6% financing or Rent for as low as $3.85 per month Deal with confidence with the best known company in the business in Canada -â€" U.S.A. -â€" S. Ameri- ca â€" England â€"â€" France -â€" Belgium and Holland. ‘26 years of ethical business practices â€"- Our customers are our finest Salesmen â€" ask your neighbour â€" then call us at l TU. 4-7041 control WWW William J. MOak Rid Mrs. Terry Whitehorn. Brown Owl of the First Oak Ridges Brownie Pack which meets Saturday mornings at St. Mark's Chapel. Yonge Sll‘Ct‘l. Oak Ridges announces that there are a few openings in her pack for "'l‘wccnics”. The first Oak Ridges pack also boasts of a new leader. Mrs. Dianne Meyer is the new Tawny Owl lending a hand to Mrs. Whitehorn and Mrs. Mary Crittenden. l The first. Lake Wilcox Pack ‘are holding an enrollment this afternoon. chn Club Our news correspondent Houston. telephone lAllen Sheath. Mrs. Redman be- .by Eileen Newstead who rolled About twenty-seven members tion visiting relatives. The firstEWInter works Program THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. January 18. 1962 11 ges Lake Wilcox Socials 3 l three games Tom Biso‘s game‘Street. Oak Ridges entortalncdl of 287 and total of 678 justla few young friends at the squcakcd by Charlie Ransome‘slhome of his parents on the oc-l high of 267 and total of 677.‘casion of his birthday. With1 Len Dion placed third with ahirn were Randy Cook. Teddy high of 232 and a total of 654. Warden and Christopher Orton. The ladies honours went to Brenda Gibbs for her high of 229 and total of 648 followed Mrs. Joan Seagcr of the North ‘Road Lake Wilcox was the ‘Gucst of C.F.T.O. Channel 9‘ a 211 to achieve a [0131 of 592. last wcck when she discussed The [ml-d place went to Maryher ideas of children and music Laney who roped a 213 to to.‘lessons. a subject on which her“ ltal 538. thumorous article appeared in a l‘Abnut people l‘wcll known Canadian magazine Mrs. Leslie Neil and daugh-fll‘Pcenlly- tcr Robyn of Woodlands Park.. South Road. have recently re-: turned from one months vaca- Sharon Smith had highest c ladies' score and Robbie Tetlcy. the highest for the men. Top team included Robbie Tetlcy. Tony Marland. Lee Scott. John Lacey, Fay Hayward and Mr. Howard Hayward. . Bible Class leaders Mrs. Don- t and refreshments. the class. which has had skating party. turned to Mrs. Findlay‘s homeFrank Phorson. Mrs. Wilson Mc- on Fisher Street for dancing.William. Mrs. Frank Ladouc-eur. ers. Douglas C. Leavens. Mrs. Each month the teachers trleenncth Gibson. Mrs. George to arrange a social outing for Mann. Mrs. J. wlener roasts and a scavenger.Mrs. Robert Hollingsworth. Mrs. hunt. Next in the offing is 8 Ted Digcl. Mrs. Ronald Bolton, Mrs. About twenty-five girls Mrs. boys form the Sunday Bible Elmer Dohson. Mrs. Warren Mc- ame 1 Church‘ small. study period under the dircc-‘ John's Anglican a 01's. the Aurora Arena to secure ice‘ time to try out the newly fortn- ed hockey team. A hayride is in Plans have been finalized for the “Burns Night Supper“ which will he held in the Mas- onic l'lall. Richmond Hill. Jan- uary 27 at 7.30 pm. Last years Gilchrist. Mrs. John Henry Smollct. Mrs. Ian ‘ci i'l mcmSlCd. m me [eaChmg were pl‘CSC‘IIl last week [or the‘two weeks or. retard“ Chlldren “l Tlmm' first meeting of the new year Mountain hill. through her mothcr-m-law at the Oak Ridges and District of Mrs. Dwayne Graham andt Mrs- 14' 1' Rc‘lma“ 0f Cnncord' Tom Club who hold \vcekly‘last two weeks in Prescott att “'1”? was ham” orgamzef and.mcctings Monday evenings athome of Mrs. Lyall Hodge. until recently on the 'lhorn- qt haven School Beard 0f Dirac-JCUMSOR. Following head home Mr. Jimmy Carter of Mu Crescent Bond Lake from the Sunnybro pital. Newmarket. Fire partially destroyed t home of the Meyer family on g M the offing and will probablythe North Road. Lake Wilcox ‘ D. . colt. PS. take place nus Saturday; on December 28th. While the two Jean Jenns. Mis. Ralph Loncy, Bums Dinner greater part of the damage was confined to the living room and kitchen dense smoke was edited with keeping amcs in .thcse rooms. was spent at South‘ Ontario at the home the‘ Until helUnderway Prov. Parks he. . . Department of Lands and For- 1F'.ests staff are presently engaged 15‘in an active winter works pro- Ok' in several provincial construction. access roads be- ing improved and a special pro- ject for better sewage dispos- al at Sibbald Point is being un- dertaken. hei Work is underway. at the pre- sent time. at the following Parks: Springwater. Bass Lake. Sibbald Point. Earl Rowe. and l H.000 Head Cattle Sanitary Contractor SOld T0 (Ulla ln ‘6] 1 Septic Tanks Pumped Agricultural officials. com- menting on the selling of Can» adian livestock to Cuba during the past year. said they thoung it was a good thing. giving a market that otherwise would not exist for the surplus of cal~| tle. They also thought that reâ€" cent sales to Iron Curtain coun- "tichnmnd Hill TU. 4.1245 tries were also a good thing for Canadian farmers. Iâ€"_ Some observers assume that â€" the Cuban Government is using _ Canada as a supplier of live- TENDER tit. Drains Cleaned 8; Repaired C. STUNDEN stock for its farms. not only to feed the Cuban people but to make of Cuba's agricultural de-' velopment a show-window dis-l play for other Latin-American countries. . Sales to Cuba are made through breed associations with . the Cubans being most intcrcst-‘ Oak Ridges Public School ed in Ayrshire Cattle and York-.requirm tenders for fuel oil shire Swine. Shur-gain Farms ati 1 ‘ d 1.. . d t th Maple has shipped both pigs.t0 )9 e 1‘ “9 o e and turkeys. ‘school. Quote price per gal- ” is estimated that abanllon. Tenders to be accepted 12,000 head of cattle. mostly toriby the undersigned not llater than January 27, 1962 breeding purposes were shipped to Cuba during 1961. Mrs. E. HARRISON. Box 40. Oak Ridges, USS. No. 1 KING 14 WHITC‘HURCH During the first eight months of this year the value of Canad- ian exports to Cuba fell just short of $21,000,000. For the full year Canada's exports to Cuba may come close to 930.000.000. This is a great deal less than the $150.000.000 that a Cuban. trade mission predicted Havana‘ would spend in Canada. follow- ing Washington's embargo on Ont. or Telephone PR. 3-5572 the house was put in shape for them to return to it they were the guests Slxmile Lake. Work is also plan- ned at. Wasaga Beach. In ad- dition to developing and enlarg- ing a number of park facilities United States exports to Cuba. Nevertheless. it is a sharp rise over 1960. when Cuban imports of Mr. and Mrs. before Mrs. and daughter. was market. last week for an appen-i dectomy. Returns To Village ‘ Mrs. Violet MacLean has re-t turned to make her home with her son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson" in their home on Dew Street. l MacLean her brother. Mr. Charles White. he passed away Fredericton, New Brunswick. Aid Thornhaven A willing group of two do- nursing near' King Camera Club members enjoyed a program of films when they met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Craig. Yonge St. Oak Ridges. Mr. Ach Knight showed a film on how movie cameras were made in Switzerland. An- other movie borrowed from Mr. Ray Marshall of Kettleby show- ed views of his yacht at Lefroy ‘harbour. Lake Simcoe. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Knight. Mrs. Norâ€" Mr. Bill Orion. PR. 3-5610. St. Mark‘s Women's Auxilary l installation took place last nigh Doug Nash. Vice-President. Mr Appleton and Treasurer. Mr L. Hopkins. Charlie Swan at. PR. 3-5417 or There have been no changes in the executive officers of the Women's Auxiliary of St. Mark's Anglican Chapel and their 1962 The officers arc. President Mrs. R. Sayers, Secretary. Mrs. W. S. Among the items of business. George Whitehorn and familyl neighbours on the North Road. Mrs. Shirley Tutt of Bond Avenue Oak Ridges has been discharged from Branson Hos- pital where she has been a patient since December 16th, when she and her husband ware involved in a motor acui- dent. on the Elgln Mills Side Road. She is convalesclng at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Swan. Aubrey Avenue. Oak Ridges. A skating rink has been op- ened at Oak Ridges Public School much to the delight of all youngsters is that district. for the benefit of the large number of visitors expected a- gain in 1962. the present pro- gramme is providing jobs for a number of unemployed residents in the areas concerned. KESWICK -- At the inaugural meeting of North Gwillimbury Township council Reeve Joe Dales promised a year of ac- .tion. In his inaugural address he said: "We know the Job. We have a good working coun- cil. Let‘s get at it. Action will be I. S. S. from Canada amounted to only $13,000,000. It is interesting to note that no wheat was sold to Cuba. al- though flour sales jumped from $100,000 in 1960 to about 5750.000 in 1961. Newsprint sales have dropped to virtually nothing. observers believing by Communist-block countries. pattern seems to indicate an in food. The change in Cuban import. effort by the Castro regime to broaden the economy and bring Cuba closer to self-sufficiency that this need is being supplied If someone ‘ you know is moving... A friendly call It? the WelcomeWagon och. -will help them feel at has been a prominent farmer for many years and is one of the county’s outstanding Mrs. Armstrong has also been ill and had recently returned "the new two-roamed - financial records. 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill -' tired after completing his three " year term and serving a total zen volunteer canvassers raised $525 to aid Thornhaven School and the establishing of a work- shop to train retarded people for employment. Mrs. L. J. Redman organized the door-to-door collections in King City, with the aid of Mrs. man MacMurchy. Mrs. Charles was the fashion trend show Bruce Howell, Son of Mr. and the byword of this year's coun- and NIiSS Margaret “rhich is planned for some time IVII‘S. Randy Howell, George CII.’y â€" “I . I. in April. Last years show prov- “ “as deemed 1“ Commue ed a great success. This evenâ€" meetings the second Monday each month. the club open to these interested in photography as a hobby. ing the ladies are catering to the dinnerâ€"meeting of the men‘s club and all men are welcome. Group Committee New Trustees Named A rise in the school section’s mill rate was forecast at the an- nual meeting of Eversley School; Board. The increase was expected in order to start payments on the twenty-year debenture financing school. which opened last fall. Fifteen ratepayers attended and heard yearly reports affect- ing the two schools. School Board Chairman Stan Roots was reâ€"elected for another three year term. He will serve with E. B. Phair. who completed his first year of.a three year term, and John Bakerfi who has one more year to complete a two year term. ary and Gerald Walker keeps Strange Ian Baxter was named new‘ trustee at the annual meeting ' of Strange School Board. He suc- ceeds George Forester. who re- of six years. New chairman of the boardl will be Aubrey Glass. who has‘ King School Boards Hold Meets School Boards 1 ' year. The January meeting of the Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox Group Committee will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sea- ger. North Road, Lake Wilcox. It is expected to be a most im- portant meeting and a repres- entative of the York Summit 1 Headquarters has been invited to attend. All fathers of Cubs are particularly resucsted to lend their support. Lake Wilcox Bowling League Last weeks second place Pin Packers moved up one notch to joint the Untouchables in a two- way tie at the lead of the Lake Clelland has completed his first Reports \vere prepared by the secretary-treasurer, Marvin Hunter. Deputyâ€"reeve Norman Mac- Murchy reviewed interesting ev- ents in connection with the school’s past. Mrs. MacMurc‘hy George McEwan Chosen President & commuriity’s‘traditional - i - a i’ltfiii‘fi‘htl‘ti; on: Oak Ridges Trade Board 62 Onedeevweuietpumo as... a... .. ... .. families you know who Board of Trade dinner meeting M- Thompson Will serve 35 8"" held at the Ridge Inn. twenty business George McEwan was named Davies and Gerald Day. OAK RIDGES president with John Larkin. Gordon Rowe was commend- P b]. S h 1 Werner Bloehm and Richard ed for his year of outstandâ€" u m c 00 Bull as first. second and third ing service last year and will PR. 3-5572 viceâ€"presidents respectively. serve on the 1962 board as the Ronald Norman was re-elect- immediate past president. â€". Joinin carrying on our one 20 gal. pres-sure tank, one shallow well pump, one1 ditor. Directors for 1962 will V ' be Joeeph Lendle. Owen Barr. 500 gal‘ gal amzed Storage] attended- The Kjell Styrmo. S. Bolsonello.tank, was elected. Mrs. Betty Fitzsimmons. Ross are moving. TU. 4-2951 , At the annual Oak Ridges ed secretary-treasurer and W. OI..OIIIOOIOIOOIOOOOIOOOCI0.0.1. men 962 executive chaired the meeting, after which the gathering enjoyed a buffet supper at the nearby home of Mr. and Mrs. McClelland. Kinghorn Two new trustees. Gordon Lavis and George Bodi, were elected at the annual meeting of Kinghorn School Board. They succeeded Chairman John Agnew, who completed six years on the board. and William Curran. who resigned a few weeks ago in order to be elig- ible for election to King Town- ship Council. Mr. Curran would have been board chairman this year, after serving two years. Instead he is the only new member of this year’s township council. Annual reports indicated a drop in the school section’s taxes was likely for this year. A cement playing area around the school was proposed under Wilcox Bowling League with 27 points while the third place Roughriders move up one notch to fill that vacancy in second spot with 25 points. Moving up from fifth place last week, Bills Bouncers take over th-ird posi- tion with‘ 23 points while the Skunks and the Blowers stand pat in fourth place with 20 points. The seventh place Screwballs move up to fifth place with 19 points as the cel- lar-dwelling Corner Cutters ex- change places with the Bronco‘s to take over half ownership of sixth place where they join the Corner Cutters with 17 points. The Broncos trail with 15 points. In the mens high total of Mrs. James Armstrong Mrs. James Armstrong South Keele St.. who lived in of -( he installed officers of the new" ; United Church Women’s Organ-planned for Tuesday evening. ' -‘ izatiion at services in King Citleanuary 30. when a panel dis- 1 served two years,' Donald Mc-lnew improvements. United Church Women On New Path ’1_History-making Ceremony Held For Womens New Organizations Rev. Martin R. Jenkinson con-‘the year. ducted two unique services in entertainment for ~ King. Sunday, January 7. when organization. ' and Laskay Churches. .cussion will examine the theme, with programs and the entire The next general meeting is King City for the past 12 years, died suddenly at her home after a heart seizure. Rev. E. H. Costigan conducted the funeral service in Alli Saints’ Anglican Church and in- terment was in King City Cem- etery. strong was the daughter of Mr.‘ and Mrs. James Crawford of Albany Street. She married in. 1923. ‘ She served on the executive of the Maple Leaf Assembly of the Canadian Daughters' League and since moving to King. was. a member of All Saints’ Church Born in Toronto. Mrs. Ai‘m-, I I-I--l"(lMtMl-H-U-fl.fl. . -u-u.0-0-0-t I-tl-u-_o-u-t _ The previous Thursday even- - ing more than fifty women at- tended the organizational meet- .' 3. ing in King City United Church, »'".' when Mrs. Donald Hadwcn was named president. The slate included: first vice- president. Mrs. Glenn Sawyer; second vice-president. Mrs. Donâ€" ald Findlay; third vice-presi- dent. Mrs. Ed Poulin; recording secretary. Mrs. George Harvey; corresponding secretary. Mrs. Gordon Orr: treasurer. Mrs. Au- brey J. Gordon; assistant treaâ€" surer. Mrs. Verdun Gordon. Christian citizenship and social action, Mrs. Douglas C. Incorporating:_ ship and visiting. Mrs. Blyth AUTOMATIC FLOW CONTROLS ghi‘aii’igs‘ighgymgiffafiSlight? PLASTIC LINED TANK Emerson Wallace; finance. Mrs. S. Allen Cooke; flowers, Mrs. John Dew; literature and com- munications. Mrs. J. F. Swayze; membership. Mrs. William T. Heaslip; nominations. Mrs. Jack Parsons; United Church Obser- ver. Mrs. Warren McKendry; ‘press and publicity, Mrs. C. E. .Underhill. 1 Mrs. Irving L. Scott is in ‘charge of programs; Mrs. Ewart Patton. social functions; Mrs. Quentin Hardy, stewardship and .recruiting; Mrs. Laurence Scott. .supply and social assistance. Members decided to form four gunits with the organization. each meeting during the month. so that all could be accommodated. The two afternoon groups will meet the first Wednesday and second Thursday. Evening units will meet the second and third Tuesday evenings. In addition to these work and study meetings there will be at: general meetings during "s Henderson; community friend-l “Where Are We?" W’A- . . At Laskuy Church new offi-' 1,3951‘195 her. husmndv {OUT ccrs were installed during the Chlldre“ survwe‘ MFS‘ James .inaugural service, which fol- Stewart iRhea) of Toronto; Mrs. .10“de the order prepared bylAllan Small (Virginia) oft. ‘Rcv. Noah L. Hughes. M. A” Brampton; Mrs. Ronald Marsh D.D.. Pli. D,. and issued by tFay) of Nobleton; and Clifford the Interim Board of Women. Of Stl’eetSVllle- . President of last year’s â€"*â€"‘â€"‘â€"i W.M.S., Mrs. Clyde' Cairns was‘ ‘named the new president. Mrs.éT96| construction 135$? MggltEiasrldirikiwlgfesgdgdhl For King Township Total $2.l8l.765 Nice-president; Mrs. Glen Dooks.! recording secretary; Mrs. Pear- son Smeltzer. corresponding secretary; Mrs. Aubrey Glass.‘ treasurer. l New construction valued at . Forming the committee are§$2.181.765 during the past year‘. Miss Marjorie McMurchy.Chris-‘was reported by Building In-t ‘tian stewardship convenor; Mrs. spector Donald McCallum to Norman‘ Bryson, community‘King Township Council. l friendship: Mrs. Norman Bry-; The building department 15-, 5011 arid MISS. ‘HEIBH HllIlteF.,sued a total of 287 permits for flowers 311d i'lsmng: MI‘S. All-the following; new dwellings; brey (“355‘ Chl‘iStian educationil88; additions and repairs. 67: Mrs- Jesse Bryson' misslonary service stations, 3; dairy bars. education; Mrs. Marvin Hunter? antique Store 1. schools andl and Mrs. Aubrey Glass. finance;la'dditions 3. cfiur'ches 1. firel Mrs. Donald Barker and Mrs.lhau' 1;’ p'rivate garages" 45; Earle Lowe. cards; Mrs. Jesse . - - . Bryson. Mrs. Ross Folliott and gigghgfigggsogy Mrs. James Hunter literature" - r .. . -. . ‘ . > ' permits for septic tanks. etc.. 40. Mb" 0“ do caum‘ Mls‘ G10” Two of the three service star .\ .. . v s ‘. . L33i2r8\131.E.f:;‘itions granted permits were erâ€" l ‘ l Mrs. Martin Jcnkinson and Mrs, “132123961; . d f .01 t' Jesse Bryson. nominations: Mrs. 91ml 5 “me Issue or 8151 l Charles Clubinc. pl‘CSS and pub- houses "me than in 1960' .The lic;ty: Mrs. Fred O‘Brien. Mrsdga 9.9mm? “"9 fl." dweumgs Gco‘me Forester. Mm Charles in King City. 18; in Nobleton. Hately and Mrs. Louis Marwood. 53 59honlb9rg- 11 Oak Ridge-S social functions: Mrs. Scott “93. 8; Holland Marsh. 6; gen- Smcltzcr, Mrs. Archie McDon- “31 IOWHSIIIP. 50- am. 311-; Hamid Docks and Exclusive of land values. 34 Mrs. Tom Walker, supply; 11135 of the new homes were in the' Marjorie McMurchy and Mrs. 510000 ‘0 513.000 bracket: 35L Norman Bi'yson. pianists: Mrs. ranged 813.000 to $15,000: 15. Effie Bath. Mrs. Norman Ether- in the 516.000 - $25,000 bracket: idge and Mrs. Pearson Smeltzer. and three were valued between‘ programs. 1540.000 and 565.000. EP THEIR SAVINGS IN A BANK? HOW MANY KE Probably all of them / There are 10 million savings deposit accounts in the chartered banks, by far the most popular type. They are used by all sorts of people â€" businessmen, housewives, farmerg students â€"who know their-money is safe, earns good interest, and is available whenever needed. And they like the efficiency and courtesy of the men and women who serve them/Your nearest branch is the place for your savings â€"and the one place you can do flyour banking. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY

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