FRIDGE. Hotpoint, $50; single bed, metal ends, $15. both suit- able for cottage. TU. 4-1022. c1w29 10,000 BALES straw, 200 tons hay, 200 tons feed oats. Will deliver. AV. 5-2236, TU. 4-2236. tfc19 LEAVING COUNTRY Chesterfield $25.00, bed $15.00. stroller $5.00, large Westing- house trig. with meat keeper. $55.00. TU. 4-3454. c1w29 COMBINATION coal or wood 4~burner electric range. heavy duty. Fully automatic, with clock. AV. 5-2451. I"1w29 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 CORNER cupboard with glass door. 2 matching arm chairs, bookcase - room divider. sliding glass shelf door, good condition, reasonable. TU. 4-4884. c1w29 quick sale, reasonable, like new. TU. 4-4916. *lw29 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, also 760x15 tire. 285-1378. PEEFAB GARAGES from $299. Call Loughlin Lumber and Sup- ply. AV. 5-LO9; tfc31 POTATOES, $1.25 a bag. Also dry hardwood for ï¬replace. TU. 4-2549. tfc24 INFANT'gleB and high chair, good condition, reasonable. AV. 5-1489. c1w29 are priceless when taken by the Lagerquist Studio, TU. 4-2791. tfc3 Dry hardwood in 12" and 16" lengths. Delivered free. Any quantities. AL. 7-883L “(:14 lengths. Delivered free. nleOUNG MAN or sales ladyth quantities. AL. 7-8831. tic“ work in Gun shop. Interview mag}: Thursday after 7 pm. and all _ . day Monday. Apply 44 Leven- W,1tz 40, t f gm mm njw' 51:: 33;. “2’5; dale Rd. after 7 pm. clw29 Norfolk Avenue. v c1w29 DAIRY QUEEN ‘25 ACRES. very scenic property, sell or exchange part or total for property closer to Richmond Hlll, 2 building permits avail- able. Caledon Hills. TU. 4-5714. *2w28 ITAâ€"ï¬Y’S winter coat, size 18, in good condition. TU. 4-2870. c1w29 red, cost $30, ne7w condition, $12. TU. 4-4269. CIW29 hearth. mixed or birch. Deliver- ed. Phone TU. 4-4519. 6022 GE RAL' Electric refrigerator. U ad condition. Best offer ac- cepted. TU. 4-2756. c1w29 DRY HARDWOOD, cut 16" for BRAND NEW 3 pc. bedroom suite, double dresser, chest. bookcase bed_ only $99. Chrome et, table and four chairs. hard- y used only, $24.50. Murray Upholsterlng, TU. 4-5776. c1w29 18. Beautiful condition. TU 4994. cl' GIRL'S coat set. agiedi‘i-s’ryear ENGLISH baby cmiage, like new. TU. 4-1972. c1w‘29 BROWN muskrat’jriacrlafrsirziei 16- QTRAWT 50c bale delivered. ten bales or over. TU. 4-2549. Char- lie Mashlnter. tfc24 15 CUTEIE'FT. Freezer. for TRAILERS FOR SALE OR RENT ew box trailers. all sizes $68. nd up or $12.00 weekly re:- 1. House trailers fur sale or cut. Call Oak Ridges, PR. 3- 721. tfc3 RESSURE TREATED Osmose oles. posts and lumber for pole ms and other structures re- ulring (weather Protection). ateliff Bros. Ltd.. Lumber 8: ldg. Supplies, phone Stouï¬ville 04W]. c1w29 BEAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- nons, Serta. Seely and other Ipring mattresses repaired. re- ;urned just like new. medium firm. extra firm. Two-day ser- Iice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- :ario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tic“ 349.95. Thor wringer washer, 39.95. HERRIDGE ELECTRIC TV lppliances. Sales, Repairs, Parts For all domestic appliances #3 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-3211 c3w29 I VOLCANO upright boilers. with burners rated at 2 gallons er hour. boiler gauges and 1%" ipe-size oirculators. To be sold 5 they are. Boilers can be seen t Klelnburg School, 8-5 pm. eek days. 9-11 am. Saturday. c1w29 ‘TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer 11 popular makes for sale in- uding new and “ebuilt stand- rd portable and electric mod- pecial rental rates avail- students. L. H. SIMS 8 Baker .31 Hill T . 4-1745 ‘ENDIX Eitomatic washer 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontggif), Thursday, January 18, 1962 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion 50 each word. min. charge 75c Second and subsequent insertions If wording unchanged. 5c per word, min. charge . . . . . . 65: FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word: min. charge 75c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE FAB}! PICTURES FIREWOOD TU. 4-1745 tfc49 s". c1w29 c1w29 LICENSED mechanic for old es- tablished Ford dealer. All em- ployee beneï¬ts. Unlimited earnâ€" ings. A chance for the righ man to earn $100 and better per week. Apply Service Manager, AV. 5-1105. c1w29 TRANSPORTATION wanted. Richmond Hill to Eglinton and Yonge arriving at 8 a.m.. return- ing at 5.15 pm. Apply TU. 4- 7715. I*1w29 EXPERIENCED ha’i‘rdressierffuill or part time. TU. 4-2113. c2w28 CASHIER, female. full time. Apply Mr. Smyth, Red and White Stores, King City, TE. 3- 5113. c1w29 OPENING for one real estate salesman, Mr. Shields, TU 4- 3805. David McLean Ltd., Real- tors. c1w29 WILL exchange $90.00 for 40 hours per week. Write Box 56, The Liberal. c4w27 WANTED, 2 men to work in greenhouse. Concord Floral Company Limited. Concord. AV. 5-1137. c1w29 SECRETARY Dictaphone typist for large ï¬rm locating in Maple. Call WA. 5- 4561, Mr. Collings. c1w29 9 PIECE WALNUT'diniï¬g’Fï¬ suite. $65.00. Phone TU. 4-5436. c1w29 W‘IDOWER with own home would like lady pensioner or widow as housekeeper-companâ€" ion. TU. 4-5040. c1w29 DAIRY QUEEN Woman manager required, good salary. Evening TU. 4-5542, or write Box 68. The Liberal. OPENING for counter man at Dads Drive-In. Must be Rich- mond Hill resident and have re- ferences. Apply to Mrs. Couv- rette at 255 Yonge St. S. NIGHT FIREMAN and general helper wanted, two room cot- tage on premises for rent to applicant. Joy Valley Green- houses Pine Grove. Phone AT. 8-0432. c1w29 450 BALES of second cut alfal- fa hay. 425 bales of straw. King area. AV. 5-5036. *2w29 TWO men to work?!) to 9 pm. daily. $50.00 per week. Write Box 57. The Liberal. c4v~27 OFFICE HELP IMMEDIATELY Typing, statistical and some re- ception work. Modern office in Maple. Health plan available. Apply C.O.C.B.A. Box 549 Ma- ple. clw29 AVAILABLE. Car leaving Richmond Hill at 7 am. for vic- inity of University and College. Returning at 4.30 pm. TU. 4< 4669. c1w29 LARGE SIZE crib and mattress. $10.00. TU. 4-5314. c1w29 DINING ROOM SUITE, inclddl ing buffet and china cabine:. walnut. AV. 551300. clw29 CAPABLE womanito help in a nursing home. Mus-t be single, live in, good working conditions and salary for the right person. Gormley 5315 before 9 pm. TRANSPORTATION wanted to Golden Mile area or Main and Danforth area. Arriving 8.30 am. Call after 5.30 pm. TU. 4- 3813. c1w29 EXPERIENCED clerk-stenc- grapher. Must have shorthand. References. Salary according to qualifications. Richmond Hill area. Transportation provided. Write Box 67, The Liberal. 2 GIRLS require transportation from Richmond Hill to Bloor and St. George. Leaving 7.30 am. returning 5.30 pm. TU. 4- 7554. 02w28 TAB_LE gaw. bahyflé’ï¬iage in good conditibn, other items_. TU. 4-3987. c1w29 AVAILABLE, leaving Yonge and Markham Road approxim- ately 6.50 a.m.. to Eaton‘s, re- turning approximately 5 pm. TU. 4-4317. clw29 YOUNG lady requires transpor- tation to Young and Eglinton. Hours 8.15 am. - 4.45 pm. TU. 4-3664 after 5.30 pm. c1w29 RIDERS to alternate, or as pas- sengers. Palmer-Bayview Aven- ues to Leaside. 7.30 a.m., re- turning 5.00 pm. TU. 4-5309 after 6.00 pm. c1w29 HELP WANTED Transportation FOR SALE (Continued) 02w29 c1w29 *1w29 c1w29 c2w28 FURNISHED room. in Scottish home. 884-3390. c1w29 BACHELOR apartment. stove. frig supplied. TU. 4-2273. nc29 KOOMS f8:- men only, private kitchen and bathroom. TU. 4- 1629. “027 HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, all con- veniences. PR. 3-5370. tfc2'7 dern, all 3352. BAYVIEW - Highway No. ’7. Seven room home, ï¬ve acres. Available February 15’ch, $115. AV. 5-4415. c3w29 3 ROOM basement apartment, dry, half block from Yonge St. Business cowple preferred. No pets. $50 monthly. AV. 5-5152. tfc28 adult home. gentleman preferr- ed. Parkrlng, $8.00 weekly. TU. 4- 3801. *1W28 2 BEDROOM ultra modern house, every convenience. $75.00 month, lease desired. Long drive but jeep provided for snow. 3 car garage. AL. 7-1353. 2 ROOM apartment. furni“ Private entrance. Map‘ Richmond Hill'. $75 monthly. TU. 4-7191. c1w29 mediate rent on Yonge Street. $75.00 monthly. PA. 7-9488 and PA. 7-5046. tfc28 Floor sanders, saws and drills. manship. Phone W I-AIarnd sanders, jig-saws and nail‘Mitchell. AV. 5-25264 BEAVERTON-CENTRE FURNISHED ROOM in t FURNISHED bed-sitting-room with complete kitchen suitable for two. Apply 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clark's Drug Store at Yonge. *2w28 mommaom apart: ment. electrically equipped. 36 Church St. S. Richmond Hill. $110.00 monthly. Phone PA. 7; 5319. Available January 1. 5 ROOM $90.00. 2 Bedroom apartment, main floor, near Yonge. Modern conveniences. AV. 5-1321. AV. 5-3761. *1w28 BED sitting room and breakfast. $8.00 weekly. Vicinvity of Mark- ham Rd. and Bayview. TU. 4- 7710 after 5 pm. *1w29 EIGHTiROOM ’house for 1m- $60 a month, 3 bedroom, 3 pce. bath, heated by stoves, North of Lake inlcox on Bayview. PR. 3-5228. *1w29 3 BEDROOM brick bungalow near schools, shopping, bus, rec- reation room. Oil heat. Mr. Crowthers. AV. 5-1164. David McLean Ltd. c1w29 HERB SILLS LTD. Members of Toronto Real Es- tate Board AT. 8-1143 Woodbridge R0. 9-49“ 2 BEDROOM apartment. stove and frig supplied. Apply Super- intendent. 50 Benson rAve.. Richmond Hill. tfc29 drivers. AV. S-i 109 72 Yonge Street South, bright, selfâ€"contained store, $75 month- ly. Mr. Shields, TU. 4-3805. David McLean Ltd. Realtors 2 bright offices for rent with Yonge Street windows. Reason- able rental. Mr. Shields, TU. 4- 3805. David McLean Ltd. Real- tors. c1w28 HOUSES WANTED for sale or to rent. Call AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy Real Estate. tfc15 TOP CASH for your home. 0. H. Pratt. Realtor HU. 9-1851. evenings. Mr. Tyson, TU. 4- 2432. c7w24 BA. 2-2548 ATTRACIIYE 3-hegggom house, close to Richmond Hill. oil heat, freshly decorated, available abâ€" out January 20. Don Head Farms. AV. 5-1992. Evenings E. Redelmeier, TU. 4-2220. c1w29 PORTABLE TELE\’ISTdNâ€" Rent a portable TV Reasonable weekly or monthly rates. Delivery and Pick-Up Richmond Hill TV. 34 Yonge S. AV. 5-3756 One living-room, bedroom and large kitchen and bathroom, 34B Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill. Includes water, heat, light and power. Apply HU. 5-5035. tfc21 3 and 4 bedroom homes, from $90 a month A large selection available. Call AV. 5-1951 Charles Marple Real Estate tfc22 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT RICHMOND HILL RENTALS HOMES. FARMS, BUSINESS PROPERTIES URGENTLY NEEDED LIST NOW MR. B. G. PALMER APARTMENT FOR RENT REAL ESTATE WANTED uDROOM ypartment. icen_t1:a1 ROYAL TRUST CO. Real Estate Department TOOLS FOR. RENT TO RENT SMALL STORE apartment, new. mo- conveniences. TU. 4- PR. 3-5102 in quiet c1w28 c1w29 you. NORTH YORK: Council turned .ence down a $6,000,000 housing de- velopments for Leslie Street 1 Es- proposed by Gustav Schicke- danz. The plan called for some a 40 foot lots and ï¬ve township hy-laws do not all lots smal- uclaller than 50 toot fr use. tfc27 tfc21 tfc24 tfc12 tfc28 nv . U'lldt) Lfc39 ! EDUCATIONAL , DOROTHY S. DODGSON ,Teacher of Speech and Public . Speaking. Private or Class Les- ) 1 PAINTING papernanging. Free estimates. Colour samples. A. Rollinzan. TE. 3-6671. tfc15 SEPTIC tanlï¬umpéd. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085 tfc4 BABY PICTURES the friendly Lagerquist Stu- ulo with the know how. TU_ 4- 2791. m3 FIREPLACE woon i Crushed limestone. sand and gravel. AV. @2703. V tfc21 Pump jrnstarlled and serviced Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and MISCELLANEOUS Frank Genitz. R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfc50 SAND AND GRAVEL. crushEd stone, loam and fill. E: Charity. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. EXCAVATING_ a? GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 5-5332. £11343 Kitchens remodelled, bedroom and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-fi, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. M. 0. Harrison. TU 4- 2838. Bell! ‘3-6321. ' ' 'tfc13 CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple, ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 "g "‘j“ f"“‘“?' ‘ ‘_“ "‘“z; AURORA 7' M o Hams“ Tch15§ull plaice $7.900. yum jusé hâ€" â€" r 1400 own for this roome RALPH ELMS DECORATING 1% storey stucco home on 1/; Pamtmg, paper-hanging, mter- ior and exterior Free estimates acre 10L -New furnace‘ sun work guaranteéd' TU‘ 44902- - porch, carrles $67.00 monthly, on “cal one mortgage. MASONRYâ€"CONTï¬CTOR_ EARL v. STEWART Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard 148 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- 5688. uc23 CARPENTRY WORK. additions. renovations. garages. recreation rooms. tile floors. No. job too small. Free estimates. '1‘. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192 King City. Phone King VT“). CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRAC“nRS Building, alterations & repairs. prompt service WALKER 8; MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 PAYNE CONTRACTING General concrete work, sewer changeovers, swimming pools. No job too small - free estim- ates. CARPENTRY - DECORATING PAINTING Recreation rooms, etc. Large or small jobs. Prompt service. Webb & Ennor. AV. 5-2546‘ UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- dence. business. AV. 5-5345. CHAIN SAWS Service At Its Best Major Repairs - Tune Up: New Chains, Plugs. Files Pocket Chain Breakers 2 Cycle Oil. Chain Oil. Etc. “Authorized Dealers†Pioneer & Homelite TU. 4-1124 RELIABLE MOWER SERIICE Free Advice DRESS ALT First class work gent 9018 Yong vale. AV. 5-1591 vale. AV. 5-1591. tfcï¬j PAINTER & DECORATOR For good prices see our show- room. Wallpapers, drapes. etc. - Harry Bargent. 9018 Yonge St., Richvale. AV. 5-1591. LllbllVfllC. n v . MOVING & STORAGE Frank’s Moving & Cartage. packing and storage. Experienc- ed service anytime. Pickup and u'LuUl. LLL'U delivery. Good rates. TU. 4- 2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc16 SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 TREES ARE OURâ€"BUSINESS. RICHMOND HILL TREE SERVICE AND FORESTRY COMPANY RICHMOND HILL OWNED AND OPERATED BY HAROLD VAN DYKE TELEPHONE 884-7774 OWNER SAYS “SELL†Attractive home with Living room 14x19 with raised hearth open fireplace. Broadloom and matching drapes. Separate din- ing room, adequate kitchen, 2 well-planned bedrooms. Divided basement comprises finished re- creation room with fireplace, 2- piece powder room, studio, laundry and fruit storage rooms, double heated garage, paved driveway. AV. 5-1905. MAKE AN OFFER Lovely brick ranch style bunga- low with garage. Open stone fireplace in living room. Gra- cious dining room. large kitchen, three spacious bedrooms; ma- hogany panelled recreation V-nnm uth kn“ .....I an“... A':..;.. SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. txc43 MOVING & STORAGE Frank’s Moving & Canage. packing and storage. Experienc- ed service anytime. Pickup and delivery. Good rates. TU. 4- 2613, AV. 5-5101. tfc16 FRANK’S WELL, DRILIZINGi PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD PAIMING a; PAPER HANGING R. n. Dunn. TU. 4-2793 CHILD STUDIES A SPECIALTY LAGERQâ€IST STUDIO TU. 4-279] A “13 CUSTOM CARPENTRY James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 CHIMNEYs' AV. 5-1153 ALTERATIONS work. Carolyn Bar- Yonge St. at Rich- Free Estimate: tfcz tfc15 with attached garage. Central tfc39|hrall plan with vestibule en- â€"trance, lots of cupboards and twin stainless steel sink in a large 131/: x 10’ kitchen, 3 large )N bedrooms, all twin bed size. ublic Large fenced lot, professionally Les- landscaped with lots of flower- tfc27 ing shrubs and trees. Close to â€" schools, shopping and public med transportation. To make this I de- lovely home your home contact treat Mr. Clouter. TU. 4-7758. ‘ tic“ tfc8 Lfca Lfc8 rtc3 ?'44 $10,900 one mortgage back, L. lovely two bedroom frame bun- galow with partly ï¬nished baseâ€" ment and attached garage on a I 50 x130’ lot, well treed with ‘ blue spruce, fruit trees and large shade trees. Close to 2- Yonge St. near Steeles Ave. Separate, public and high schools close by. C. Clouter, TU. 4-7758. :02: $311,500 51,500 down, a room, 11% storey on large 60x210’ lot. wer‘close to schools and shopping. ols.!c. Clouter. TU. 4-7753. Nursing home, the best In com- fort and care. Quiet, spacious. modern. Registered nurse in reSIdence. 5307 Yonge St.. Willowdale Member of Toronto Real Estate Board ‘ uwzol HOUSE north of Richmond Hill. Steps to Yonge St. bus service. 5 rooms. Full price, $7,500. Low down payment. PR. 3-5845. $500. down story and half, 3 bedroom, 3 pce. bath. frame, on lot 150’ x 150’. Good well. Bay- view North of Lake Wilcox, full price, $6000. PR. 3-5228. PRIVATE SALE Pleasantville, executive type. split level, large living room, open ï¬replace with raised hearth. floor to ceiling windows. large ï¬nished family room, 3 bedrooms. two bathrooms, doub- le garage, large patio. Profess- ionally landscaped. N.H.A. mort- gage at I'll/4%. Low down pay- ment, attractive terms. AL. 7- 2415. tfc28 Price $11,900: Attractive 7 room home on fully serviced lot, 4 rooms and bath on main floor, 3 rooms with kitchen facilities and wash room on second floor. One mortgage. Mr. Keffer, AV. 5-1156. $82,800 full. $56.00 carries 516% N.H.A. mortgage. in Richmond Hill. Threeâ€"bedroom rancher, oil heat. Call AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy, Broker. clw29 EARL V. STEWART Real Estate & General Insurance 21 Yonge St. N., Aurora Phone PA. 7-5076 I ACRE FRUIT TREES $12,500: Sparkling white ranch bungalow, breezeway and gar- age, close to Yonge St. low taxes, a real investment. Mr. Keffer. AV. 5-1156. $61 MONTHLY 51/:% N.H.A. $13,900: Well cared for brick bungalow. carport, 18’ living room, fireplace, Hollywod kit- chen, aluminum storms. Mr. Keflfer AV. 5-1156. NURSIIW 136 Harding Blvd., Richmond Hill, Ont. Price $14,900, bungalow style, fully landscaped, reasonable low down payment accepted. Call TU. 4-2943 and week-ends TU. 44609. tf024 MARKHAM VILLAGE Large 4 bedroom solid brick older home, living room. dining room and den downstairs, $13,- 900. Mr. Brown. AV. 5-1156. H. KEITH LTD. REALTORS MRS. D. CARTER RICHMOND HILL - AV. 5-1905 51.73900U1ayge_ ranch bungalow MAKE AN OFFER Lovely brick ranch style bunga- low with garage. Open stone fireplace in living room. Gra- cious dining room, large kitchen, three spacious bedrooms; ma- hogany panelled recreation room with bar and open fire- place. Located in select distnict of Richmond Hill. Owned by widow returning to Scotland. Must be sold. For further partic- ulars, AV. 5-1905 $1,000 DOWN â€" REAL VALUE J. A. WlLLOUGHBY & SONS LIMITED REALTORS RICHMOND HILL $15,900 Terrific 4 bedroom 2 storey brick home. Open fireplace in living room, 2 bathrooms. oil heating. paved driveway. Close to Yonge Street. AV. 5-1905. 646 Davis Dr; Neivrharke't Phone TW. 5-5921 W. L. NIXON, REALTOR REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE Whitfield House HOMES\ PETS FOR SALE clw29 *1w29 c1w29 c1w29 c1w29 tfc27 ing to run. Registered TE}- 5670. V c1w29 COLLIE PUPS, tri-colour. $10. Innoculated. AV. 5-1972. tfc28 to choose from. Males aï¬a'féi males. TU. 4-2854. c1w29 BEAGLE, 18 months old, start- AMERICAN eskimo pups, pure white, smaLl, intelligent. Also Samoyed pups. Innoculated. AV. ‘5-1972. tch8 LOQKING for a puppy? Eleven CANARY, ’gooq singer, with copper cage and staï¬d $20.00. PR 3-5214. CIW29 ,___ aâ€-.. ...u.~5u5\.a, ncuauu- POODLES, small‘blacks. regiflable ratesiMedcof. Lawlor and tered. from champion blood LeClaire. TU. 4-7191. “C2. “"95- Terms 03" be arrangemisï¬mcnoa ha; cli'en't'sâ€"funds' $100.00 up. Phone Gonnle 5’ available for nortgages at re:- 5339. “329 sonable rates. Mr, Cooper. BA. *\ 5'7321- “Mn 'DOBERJMAN PUP for sale, ab- out 7 to 8 months, cropped, will make a good watch-dog. 257- 1412. c1w29 WHITEVS’lamese cat, black face, paws, tail, blue eyes. Richmond Hill. Child's pet, reward. Any knowledge please call 884-7682. c1w29 pick-up truck and chainr SEW seeks odd jobs or full time em- ployment. TU. 4-3989. 2w29 tions. Mrs. MacDonald. TUf‘i- 5057. tchl DAY CARE for pre-school child- ren. Reliable woman, 14 Elm- grove Ave., Oak Ridges, PR. 3- 5226. c1w29 RESPONSIBLE party wants to rent large house in Richmond Hill, with 3 or 4 bedrooms. TU. 4-7522. nc3w29 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€"- pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid. Call Frank’s Movers and Storage. TU. 4â€"2613. AV‘ 5-5101. tfc7 pRESSMAKLNG and altera- DAY CHE available for pre- school age children. TU. 4-7367. MAN experienced in wood- working, carpentry and machin- ery maintenance. Phone 257- 8715. *1w29 RELIABLE dgicare available, Beverley Acres area. 884-2376. RELIABLE man with half ton YOUNG MEN, 16-19. looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. AV. 5-5126. dcsz 1959 FORD 1/2 ton V-8 engine, 13,000 miles. fourâ€"wheel drive. with snow-plough and hoist. All heavy duty equipment, asking price $2450. Phone Unionville 278. c1w29 1960 Austin Healey Sprite $950. 1954 Pontiac $350. 1961 MG. Midget Demonstrator, 12 months guarantee $1895. 1958 Austin A 55 $675. Also new Mini-Minors in stock, $1345.00. Richmond Mo- tors, 75 Yonge St. S. AV. 5- 2994. c4w27 SHIPPER-warehouseman, live in Maple, employed, desires per- manent position in vicinity. Re- ferences. AL. 7-2064 after 6.00 1954 CHEV. excellent "mechan- ically. Good economical car. Asking $250.00. TU. 4-2372. ENERGETIC young man, 18. de- sires permanent work. Willing hard worker who wants an op- portunity to learn. Two years high school. Phone PR. 3-5374. 1954 BUICK, sz'Slates, excel- lent condition, $325.00. TU. 4- 2154. c1w29 53 PONTIAcï¬our-door, AV. 5-2380. 1956 MERCURY hardtop, power steering, power brakes, automa- tic. Asking $600.00. 285-5985. 49 FORD. reasonable, 1E. 717-9855 after 5.30 pm 1953 FORD, $225 or best offer. 884-3635. c1w29 EMPLOYMENT WANTED WHO ELSE WANTS A NEW CAR! USED CARS BUY IT NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFEJNSURED WANTED TO RENT XXX ixx THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA WANTED PRIVATE’SALE' ixxx LOST XXXXKX LOAN nc3w29 c1w29 c1w28 c2w29 phone nctf29 c2w28 radio. c1w29 rlw29 CERAMICS Instruction in ceramics. Learn this fascinating and useful craft. Day and evening classes. Mrs. S-ands. AV. 5-1914. clw28 FRENCH lady, graduate of Paris University, will give tui- tion in French, individually or groups. Conversation. transla- tions. AV. 5-4542. c3w27 21 Dundas Square, Toronto EM. 3-6251 24-HR. PHONE SERVICE INCLUDING WEEKENDS Real Estate Loans Arrang- ed In One Visit In The Fol- lowing Areas: Richmond Hill King Maple Gormley Unionville Stouffville Concord Oak Ridges Thornhill Richvale Lanlgstafl‘ lst & 2nd Mortgages Low Interest Up To 20-Year Terms No Hidden Bonuses Loans On Frame, Insul and Brick Homes We Do Not Put A Chattel Mortgage On Your Car or Furniture Phone, Come In or Write ASK FOR MR. CLEMENS FORD-FALCON FORD BRITISH Yonge St. North Richmond Hill AV. 5-1105 . PA. 7-5001 Custom 2-door, 6 cyl., ec- onomy. é’fï¬? $535 1960 Anglia Deluxe. Tutone ' paint. New tires. 1954 Pontlac Deluxe 4-door. Recondi- tioned. Original paint. Spotless throughout. SALE PRICE Custom 4-door, radio, low mileage, one owner. 1960 Frontenac Deluxe 2-door, spotless one owner. Convertible. Finished in yellow _with black top and whitewalls. 33%.; $425 1956 Ford 1955 Hillman 1960 Rambler Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers’ Association YOU HAVE HIDDEN MONEY IN YOUR PROPERTY To Pay Your Bills A-l QUALITY HOME OWNERS I.I1"I'I.E Gt SON SALE PRICE MORTGAGES SALE PRICE SALE PRICE C. BEBER LTD. TUITION $1684 $1640 $799 King Gormley Stouffville Oak Ridges BA.\meals optional. TU: 4:1555‘Vévf-tâ€"e'r' “c409 p.m. tfc28 LARGE attractive room, witm without board. AV. 5-3270. MOTHERS’ HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters. home- makers' service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. tfc29 ROOM & BOARD available in Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5113. FURNISHED ROOM. central ROOM & BOARD available for! gentleman in Richvale area. 4V. 5-2230. tfc23 ROOM and BOARD BABY SITTING SIMPSDN’SDRY GOODS 12 Yonge St. S. $9.99 $14.50 Men’s Wool Suburban ‘ Coats, reg. $16.95 for Men’s Coats, 100% Nylon coated with Neoprene, waterproof Reg. $29.95 for Boys’ Chino Car Coats quilted lined Reg. $6.95 Ladies’ Wool Dress Coats Reg. $24.95 to $34.50 Specialists AUTOMATIC 0R STANDARD - REBUILT 0R EXCHANGE Phone RAPID AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION DEPOT Babysitting Service BA. 5-1056 After Hours TU. 4-7274 Teens Wool Dress Coats Reg. $24.50 for Ladies’ Wool Car Coats Reg. $19.95 for FREE TOWING â€" 24 HOUR SERVICE â€" FREE ESTIMATES AT FACTORY PRICES CLEARANCE KEN - ELLEN 787- 5731 $9.99 ea' $9.99 ea' $8.88 8“" $9.99 ea' $3.98 ea‘ 3595 Bathurst St. (at 401), Toronto 6 Months or 6000 Miles Warranty TRANSMISSION *lw29 c2w29 £15028 WANTED small type business. could be handled by one or two persons. Anything considered. Give full particulars. Box 66 The Liberal. *IW29 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Specialists in Custom Re- covering and Repairing at a reasonable price. Easy Terms. No job too small. FURNITURE C0. FREE ESTIMATES 53 Yonge St. South M U R RAY Upholstery TU. 4 - 5776 Richmond Hill Richmond Hill and