TU. 4-1196 CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE EASY CREDIT TERMS â€"Open A C.T.C. “ INTENA'I'IONAI. CHARGE " N0 DOWN PAYMENT â€" NOTHING TO PM FOR 55 DAYS “B E A R" The Banner Of Safety When You Drive Voltage Regulafor Protect vour cars battery gen~ cram: and electrical system with III Autothe. DelcoRemy or Ford voltage regulator complete- ly rebuilt by experts to original manufar-Onrpr’s snnrlflraflon EXCHANGE PRICE (or most cars .. TORSION BARS Ugh! and L.“ ddo. Factory Rebuilt. 6 and lzvvon 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. January Original Equipment Quality Bonded Brake Lining FOR ALL 4 WHEELS And All These EXTRA Safety Features - I2,000-mlle er l-Yeev * Brake ehee action I‘- lining guarantee cleaned. freed and " . lubrica'ed * lnepeciien el hydraulic ‘ ""0", * Wheel hearing- inspected * Addillon 00 SA!- approvgd hggvydu'y Grease veialneu brake fluid to Ihe musâ€" checked fer cylinder 00 bring ll * Dvume inspected A- elu- nnnnnn l-v-I -- . INSTALLED * Addlllon 0' SA!- upproved heavy-duty hroko fluid to lho masâ€" h! :ylindev co bring it to ill. pvope: level Emergency cables checked Correct Caster, Correct Camber, Correct Toe-in and Toe-out FRONT WHEELS BALANCED 1Moto-Master FRONT END PARTS Save up to 40%! cm COUNCIL STRESSES NEED ma SAFETY e BELTS on ALL ems OLDSMOBILE 1957-58 1959 COMPLETE STEERING INSPECTION CHEVROLET and PONTIAC 1955-57 . . . . . . . . 1958-60 . FORD and METEOR 1955-56 . . . . ‘ 1957-59 . . . . . Here's what you get MAKE and YEAR Including Weights And 3.95 Dodge and Plymou‘HI "57-53. Each . . . .. Treat Yourself To Easier Steering And More Comfortable Riding * Wheel hearing: inspected Groan "Miner: checked Trade In vour old. worn-out (‘ar- buretor get 3 Moto Master ro- manufactured original a q u l p~ men! carburetor. Save as much a: 50% EXCHANGE PRICE 6 AS Low AS each - 90-day labour guarantee LOGO-mil. udius'menl. FREE CARBURETORS 11.20 10.25 Uppu Re»manu!a:tuua BALL JOINTS The Life You Saveâ€"May Be Your Own Tho grcaler the slrain the more securely this Approved Safely Boll Holdsâ€"Inslanl release, with a flick of the finger. Wide nylon slrlp will! improved alrcrafl type emergency buckle. Hardened stool floor brackets. Popular colors. 12.25 10.25 0.30 Lower SAFETY SERVICE Chrysler Windsor. DeSofo Firedome. I957-58. Each “BEAR†WHEEL ALIGNMENT Ch evrolel and Pontiac, Ford. Meteor Dodge. Plymouth with our famous 3.20 3.20 TIE ROD ENDS Gives vou thousands or extra miles of dependable service for a lot less monev than origInal equinment replacements or re bullts. Engineered for 50.000» mile: of troubleâ€"free oerfnrm- 2 80 \Q [OW AG ' \S LOW AS Brand New MoOo-Masfer FUEL PUMPS DO-IT- YOURSELF DISCOUNT PRICE EXPERT INSTALLATION 2.50 1 16.80 ‘ 15:80 18. 1962 COIL SPRINGS mos! MOS, most .69 ’49-'59 '49-'56 ’51-’58 TRUCKS. OUR SERVICE DEPT. IS EQUIPPED TO HANDLE EVERYTHING FROM MIN- OR TUNE~UPS TO COM- PLETE MOTOR OVER- HAULS ON ALL CARS AND NIGHT UNTIL 9 PM. NO NEED TO PAY CASH STORE 8. SERVICE DEPARTMENT NOW OPEN EVERY MONDAY Also Thurs. 8. Fri. Night Above Prices Include - Labour, New "Turbo- Fire" Spark Plugs, H.D. Points, Condenser, Rotor. 7 Point Tune-Up 4 Cyl. â€" $9.95 6 cyl. â€" $11.95 8 cyl. â€" $13.95 MUFFLERS 3. SAVE ON lONGER SERVICE LIFE â€" quality constructed throughout 2. SAVE TIME â€" Speedy, drive-in service SAVE 3 WAYS at CANADIAN TIRE 'l. WHOLESALE â€" Save up to 50% GUARANTEED BLOW-OUT PROOF QUIET O SAVE GAS lONG LIFE CUSTOM ENGINEERED FOR PERFECT "NEW CAR" FIT We Guarantee Easier Starting and Improved Performance With Our VOLKSWAGEN 1955.59, 4-cyl. 1949-54, 8-cyl. (exc. conv.) 1955-56, 8-cyl. .................. 1957, B-cyl. (exc. conv.) ,,,,, 1958-59, 8-cyl. (exc. conv.) FORD and METEOR 1949-52, 6-cyl. D32, 36, 3‘. (exc. conv.) .............. . 1953-54, 6-cyl. (exc. conv.) 1955 to 1959, 6-cyl. ........ PLYMOUTH 1949-52, 6. DODGE 1949-52, 1953-54, 1955-59, CHEVROLEf PONTIAC 1951.53, 6-cyl. 20, 22 1954, 6-cyl. 20, 22 ‘ 1955-56, 64¢. 20, 22 (exc. conv.) 1957-59, 20, 22, 70 MAKE AND YEAR SINGLE EXHAUST PASSENGER CARS ONLY 1949-53 (exc. conv.) 1954-58 (exc. conv.) I959 Similar savings on oiher passenger cars, including imports. lllg discouni: on Molo-Masier Exhaust Equipment for commercial vehicles. Brackels for (all pipe insiallaiion (extra, where needed), Clamps, each .19 CHEVROLET, CAN. PONT FORD and METEOR 1949-51 ‘ . . . A . . 1952-56 . . . . . . , 1957-59 std. susp 1960 ml. susp. EXPERT INSTALLATION â€" 1.80 to 3.80 per pr‘ Similar savings on other can, including imporh Big Discounts for commercial vehicles DODGE and PLYMOUTH 1951-54 ‘ . . . . . . . . . 1955-60 . . . . . . . . . . SHOCK ABSORBERS GUARANTEED I FULL-YEAR or 15,000 MILES 1949-54 (en. Corvette) 1955-57 (exc. Corvefle) 1958-60 std. susp. (exc. For safe, smooih driving! MOT0=MASTER cushion Gomfarl PASSENGER CAR MAKE and YEAR ‘exc. Corvair, Corvette’ SAVE UP TO 50%â€"on "NEW-CAR" QUALITY 6-cyl. P18, 20, 22, 23 coan ....................... 6-cyl. (exc. conv.) 6-cyl. .......................... Installed 6.45 D32, 36, 39, 40 .20 $8.40 9 3a 939 "DO-lT-YOURSELF†DISCOUNT PRICE Front, pr‘ CHEVROLET AND PONTIAC (MOST) 1949-53 "Do-ll-Your- self" Muffler Discount Price 9.95 005 121.2 .m&&& DO-IT- YOURSELF DISCOUNT PRICE MUFFLER INSTALLED DISCOUNT PRICE 15.95 m.» ~l~l~l VI’JI’J'I , v AND MAKE DOLLARS GO- FARTHEI 20 times faster than hand sawing The "Jack-of-all-Jobs†6†Elec‘ Sturdy, lightweight. THU-GUIDE fea- ture ensures accurate cutting, safe- guards against binding or jamming in the wood. 6†Combination blade. easy- grip handle, trigger switch. 5-amp. rated universal motor. No-Ioad speed 3,500 r.p.m., full-load speed 2000 r.p m. pepth of cut 1%" at 90°, 11/2" at 45‘. Was $16.75! Delivers 30% more work- ing torque than similar priced models. 1/4" capacity in steel, 1†in hardwood. Full 2-amp. rating . . . no-load speed 2000 1.11m, full load 1400 r.p.m. Light- w e i g h t. Complete with cord, 2 plug and key I 1A1†ELEG. DELL Wiih cord and plug ....... Wm, H... mm “W my..- w e i g h t. Complete with cord, 1 2 plug and key .. . 3% “k7 . . to Complete his Work-Shop POWERSANDER 17.50 m snw Portable â€"- Fast Action Comparable value $22.50! Speeds up homecraft finishingâ€"4,000 orbits per minute produce a satin-smooth surface without effort . . . has big 7x35/s" sanding surface. Comfortable hand grip with conveniently located onâ€"off switch. Powerful 2-amp. 115-volt motor. Complete with 9 sheets sand- paper, lambswool pad. C A S H B O N U 5 DISCOUNT COUPONS ~+DEDUCT EXTRA 5% DISCOUNT SAW 29.95 An “extra capacity†drill. Die-cast aluminum con- struction. Locking type instant-release trlgger switch. Siurdy 3/8†POWER DRiLI. 2.5 amp. 115 volt motor. Vivra- tionâ€"free performance. With cord, plug and key . V WITH YOUR 36-Pc. Electric DRILL KIT Features 1A†geared-chuck drill with a full 2-amp. motor. No-load speed 2.000 r.p.m., full-load speed 1,400 rpm. Has up to 30% more working torque than comparable models. Improved cooling fan, and is dynamically balanced for quiet operation and long life. Com- plete with tool box and many needed aCCESSOI‘IES‘ Rugged â€" Multi-Purpose Comparable value $22.50! Cuts holes. patterns or straight lines. Sturdyâ€"cuts 2 x 4'5, whips through plywood, plastic, metal with ease. Well balancedâ€"light- weight die-cast housing. Comfortable handle and speedy on-off switch. Full 2†cutting depth, adjusts to 45'. 3 spare blades and wrench screwdriver siore in handle r. Vivra- IVith cord, 1 8 . I ‘ FROM ALL PRICES SHOWN 17.50