â€"MAPLE â€" RICHMOND HILL CARS 8. TRUCKS FOR RENT REXDALE CAR 8. TRUCK RENTALS R. R. 1 MAPLE (Sherwood Motors) PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE OPEN EVERY DAY TILL 6 PM “HIIRHDAY AND FRIDAY NITE TILI. by Popular uemana Richmond Hill Lions Hall MONDAY, JAN. 22nd We have been BY THE DAY â€" WEEK‘ â€" 0R YEAR ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS PONTIAC - BUICK - \‘AUXHAIL - ACADIAN - GMC TRUCKS Just South of Richmond Hill on Yonge St. AV. 5-1128-9 . 884-25 Heavy Duty Plastic Laundry Basket . . . Round Style With Handles. This Is A Must for Every Home. Pick from Red, Yellow, Pink or Turquoise. REG.$LZ9 SPECIALLY C PRICED We! Bruce Macdougall Motors are here to serve you! We have a fully equipped shop, as well as factory trained licenced mechanics to answer your every need. Our parts department is well stocked at all times with GM. approved and guaranteed parts and acces- sories. Our Body & Paint Shop is equipped to handle any accident large or small. Our body shop foreman, Mr. Frank Ritchie, with 25 years experience in his ï¬eld, is fully qualiï¬ed to give advice and free estimates on your body and paint requirements. Mr. George Anketell, service manager, and Mr. Jack Burke, assistant service manager, are tops in their ï¬eld and would appreciate discussing any of your motoring problems with you. In addition to the ï¬nest quality workmanship we offer for your convenience free courtesy cars by appointment while we work on your car. If you are dissat- isï¬ed with work done on your car by other dealers why not come in and meet George or Jack and let us prove to you that our best advertisement is a completely satisï¬ed customer. BRUCE MACDOUGALL MOTORS RICHMOND HILL - KING - MAPLE WILLOWDALE & SURROUNDING AR] LAUNDRY BASKET â€"0ur Motto-â€" “A TOP JOB AT FAIR PRICES" able to obtain a limited quantity of this item. ALpine 7-1461 COMPETENQE EXPERIEï¬ RELâ€"IKBILITY 9 RM JANUARY 19 â€" Friday 8 pmJJANUARY 23 â€"- Tuesday ‘at 81 Richmond Hill Naturalists. Thelpm. New Democratic Party, Library. Gordon Maclaren Roorn.'York North Riding. Nominating Everybody welcome. c1=x29lConvention, at The Library. * * * * Richmond Hill. Speaker: David JANUARY 22 â€" Monday. 8.15 Lewis. Q.C., Vice President N. p.m. Beverley Acres School‘D.P.. Candidate for York Y.W.C.A. members will meet!South. The public is most wel- rmnnpr tooling). Evervone welâ€" come. *lw29 JANUARY 22 â€" Monday. 8.15 pm. Beverley Acres School Y.W.C.A. members will meet (copper tooling). Everyone wel- come. clw29 JANUARY 22 â€"â€" Monday 8 pm. Richmond Hill Square Dancers, McConaghy School. New mem- bers welcome. c1w29 JANUARY 24 â€" Wednesday 2.15 pm. Kingcrafts genera] meeting. Panel discussion on Chronicle questionnaire. c1w29 01‘ Poor Servueimmm & FEBRUARH Wednesday and Thurdsay, Home Decorating Demonstra~ A good mechanic. like a EOOdltion - Curtain Club Theatre. 8.30 doctor. must primarily be an‘eondueted by Mrs. Lilla Tillson.‘ expert at dia‘émSiS- once he hasllnterior Decorating Consultant pinpointed the exact cause of‘ror Cdn_ wallpaper Mfrs†Span. trouble. the remedy is usuallyigored by lst Richmond Hill routine. lSeout Auxiliary. Admission 75c. Not only does Door prize. question period. re- ltrial and error fl'eshments. For tickets caii TU. .......... n.4, Anluv :' '- ‘ 4-1280 or 4-26in e2w29 The High Cost Of Poor Service Not only does trial and error guesswork delay .f the repair of a custimer's c a r, causing him un- znecessary incon- . venience, but it is ‘also hard on his,“ luocketbook, since lhe is essentially M. R- 383'“ ‘paying for an incompetent me- chanic‘s education. ‘ How expensive this can he was realized recently by the ‘owner of an expensive, luxury model car we came across. Only :18 months old, the car was burn- ‘1ng oil after 38,000 miles. a quart every 150 to 200 miles. The owner took his problems to two garages that told him‘ his engine would require re- placement of rings and valves. Fortunately. he decided to check‘ with an ignition expert. who‘ quickly put his ï¬nger on a‘ faulty fuel pump vacuum that ihad been Sucking oil into lhis carburetor. Ho thereby avoided a nedless repair bill ,of two or three hundred dollars. While most cases of inaccur- ‘ate automotive failure diagnosis ‘are not so obvious. examples of unnecessary work performed and wasted time and money are commonplace. lllbllt. V The hest place to look for . . . properly trained mechanics is“ Gwan m9St-0f1the credit to in the service department of aware“ 5' prmmpa -and {exper- f n h, d de l r At DODGE lenced teachers. MISS Kmsella 6;;Agfo ana seeévice work ex marvelled 1att the unanimity of _ ' . - 'purpose tia saw more than 9611‘: :11 Elusisualfeltcumstanwswlsoo interviews processed smoo- ls a-I‘ae at 30 011V mlmï¬n‘thly through administrative, 11?}: 3:1; axes; amaze entire _ . o iscuss constructively the periodic. factory refresher cour- strengths and weaknesses of in- ses_ W1“: rtl‘l}‘e.mgst. efgevagccd dividqal students so tgat their equipmen. eu- xp ' n ,alenergies may e gui ed into collective total of 150 years. is those channels which will pro- your assurance of quality serâ€" duce the highest academic re- vice work. turns. n..- -1 LL... hut-in“ {mnrnceivo THE DODGE ONTARIO CAR CO. LTD. 5959 Yonzer St AREAS COMING EVENTS \ge St. at Cummer Willowdale 884-2864 JANUARY 25 â€"â€" Thursday 8 pm. at the Lions Community Hall. Richmond Hill Horticul- tural Society. Speaker. Mr. Don Wain "Living With House Plants". No admission charge. Everyone welcome. clw29 4-1280 or 4 FEBRUARY 3 â€"â€" Saturday 2-4 pm. Thornhiii Holy Trinity Parish Guild Rummage Sale. H SUNDAY NIGHT - Live country music show on stage every Sun- day night at York Farmers‘ Mar- ket. ThornhilL Show starts at 8.30 p.m‘ _ c4w‘29 CONTEST â€" Win a self-im provement course. Make-up, Poise and Posture. Exercises. Groups interested have classes in your own clubroom. Call Audrie 285-4889. Contest ends February 3 500 Inierviews Held To Guide Pupils At‘N Bayview High School “The Bayview High Schooli community again demonstrated its dynamic community spirit by outnumbering the teaching staff more than 20 to one." said the nearly exhausted head of the Guidance Department, Miss Ruth Kinsella. last Wednesday night. One of the most impressive aspects of the evening was the friendly. efficient secretarial and reception service rendered by more than forty students ‘from the middle and upper school QQit’s my favorite dress and The sheath is brocade, the trim satin and chillon. It's a dress that needs particular care in cleaning to assure that each fabric keeps its own special lus- tre and finish. Stretching, or shrinking, or careless pressing of even one of the fabrics could spoil its carefully moulded lines. It's safe with Sanitone, our nationally- advertised dry cleaning service Call on us today for Sanitone service and judge for yourself. 198 Yonge Street Richmond Hill TUi‘ner 4.71m preserves its timeless smartness! I Sanitone dry cleaning __.J - - giggjgggg‘Canadlan En5|gn To Fly c3-w29 ICIDCD.’ " - 135595 Rev. C. G. Higginson of Rich- cau mond Hill United Church. of- ends fered the opening invocation of “wzg the year and, in a brief address. expressed the goodwill of the community and thanks of cit- izens to trustees for the work leld they were doing "a 5mm SERWEENHHHHHM “M'TED‘ 6 qt. bskt. 59C {HIRichmond Hill TUi‘ner 1-1111 I for $50.00 $450 56 STARTING TIME-8 PJ FULLCARDTOGO JACKPOT NUMBERS CALLE “Student Rehuegts - Board Agrees Members 01' Richmond Hill Public School Board unanim~ ously decided at their firsl meetâ€" ing for 1962 that Union Jack: now in use at town schools will be replaced by tho Human-u Ensign as they wear out. ‘ The decision was made fol- [lowing consideration of a let- uter from a high school student, Outside Public Schools {Er rfi-Bm a high school student, Craig Peterkin, 382 Sugar Maple Lane, Richmond Hill. It said: “I am a student in grade ten; at Richmond Hill High SchoolJ I.feel that the flag of Canadal is the Canadian Red Ensign andl should therefore be flown on the school grounds of our public schools. The flag flown at this time is, as you know, the Union Jack which in my opinion is 1Great Britain's flag. 'I am a Canadian citizen. born in Canâ€" ada, and I think our country is a great one. Unix .3, no JV“ ....... , u... .0 Jack which in my opinion isT "Because I feel 50 Sll‘Onglyl Great Britain's flag. '1 am a on this subject I have discussed Canadian citizen. born in Can‘it with many people. not only ada, and I think our country is those of my own age but also a great one. adults. I haVe found that most “I have many reasons for of them agree with me. i have thinking that we should fly our been told that the board may be own distinctive flag. Inside purchasing new flags in the near the schools we have both the future. Would you please con- Union Jack and the Ensign. sider the Canadian Red Ensign They are placed there with when doing so, Thank you.†Gavel Farewell Gift Sanderson To Head School Board Donald Plaxton Made New Member Richmond Hill Public School carries an inscribed plate re- Board. starting its 1962 actiyi- cording his service on the school lies, engaged in a variety of ac- board. tivities not usually associated During the board‘s inaugural with its work. ceremonies the chair was occu- Rev. C. G. Higginson of Rich- pied by its secretary. Mrs. Do- mnnrl Hill United Church. of- rothy Street. A new member of ihe board} Donald Plaxton. Richmond Hill lawyer, took his seat following selection by board members fol- lowing resignation of former chairmanL. D. Clement. who has been named to the York Central District High School ‘Board. Mr. Plaxton is a former lmember of town council. Outstanding event of the ev- ening was the election of the board's former vice-chairman, Harold Sanderson, to the chair- manship for 1962. A vice-chair- man will be named at the board‘s next meeting. The board, ‘which has seen an abnormal number of changes in recent months through resignations for various reasons. now consists of the following members. in addiâ€" tion to Chairman Sanderson: Mrs. Irene Worrell, Joseph Rab- inowitch, Mrs. Irene Castle. Ronald Firman. W. H. Hutchin- son, J. Knott, Donald Plaxton. Given Gavel Former Chairman L. D. Cie- ment was welcomed, during the board session. The gavel which he has wielded during his three years in the top chair will re- main in his possession, but with an addition. Presented to him on behalf of the board, it now ade ten SchooL Canada lill equal importance and meaning.| m- But outside it is only the former etâ€" which flies on the flagpole} ck: Could not the Ensign be put; vill there in place of this? The num-l I.-.. xher of Canadian text books in‘" our schools is increasing. The fol-[pupils are taught Canadian ma-‘ let- terial, in Canadian schools. by ant, Canadian teachers yet the Brit- plelish flag is raised every morning. " ,Both the post office and the ten municipal buildings use the Red ool. Ensign. Why then can‘t the ada schools do the same? As far as and the outside world is concerned on the flag is the Ensign. It is blic this flag which is accepted by this the United Nations. Town council of Richmond‘ Hill this week gave tentative approval to a request from the public school board for ï¬nanc- ing of debentures of $195.000. estimated gross cost of a nine- room addition to the Crosby Heights Public School. [‘OU'LV bll‘Gel. School Plans Get 0K Town council of Richmond Hill this week gave tentative approval to a request from the public school board for ï¬nanc- ing of debentures of $195,000, estimated gross cost of a nine- room addition to the Crosby Heights Public School. Approval of Vaughan Markham Councils will now be sought. as both municipalities have an interest in the Hill‘s school area, small parts of each township sending pupils to its schools. and‘ "Traffic rules are always changing and older drivers are not able to keep abreast of these changes. The old story ‘I have driven for thirty years without {getting a ticket or summons' Idoes not necessarily make a better operator," he declared. “I find that younger people some- times drive better than ones who have been driving for much longer." he added. In a number of cases he sus- pended sentence, with the of- fenders being “invited†to at- tend the traflfic clinics which will be held in the council chambers at the municipal buil~ ding, starting on February lst and 15th. MAPLE LEAF A WHITE SWAN â€" White or Coloured ToiletTissue 4 DR. BALLARD’S CHAMPION Dog Food 415oz McINTOSH or SPY SHORT RIB AND BLADE SWANSON'S FROZEN PIES feel so strongly TURKEY, Ch."'fEN 8: BEEF 311v morning, Councillors approved. with ce and thefthe exception of Deputy Reeve; use the Rcleom Broadhurst. who was afraid‘ i can‘t the that operation of the line would‘ ?? .\s tar as‘adversley affect earnings of the is concerncdiYonge Street busses. nsign. It is; On the same evening Mark- acccptcd byiham Township Council members ;. were given a similar report by‘ Reeve Wilfred Dean. accepting 50 Strongl-Viit unanimously. we discussed The T.T.C. is to submit a proâ€" ule, not onlylposal covering extensions of the age but alsop’onge Street bus line to Elgin id that most‘Mills, making use of a loop i me. I havescrvice which would be created )oard may bciif Enford Road is extended :5 in the nearinorthward to Elgin Mills Road please con-‘East. This. members of council Red Ensign pointed out, would provide a ank you.†lservice to the industrial area, lthe curling club and the gener- iai Elgin Mills area. in the Hill‘s parts of each pupils to its E2 pkgs. 4;: 9C IBus 0n Bathurst rTo Be Unopposed No objection to the operation of a bus service by Traiiways of Canada Ltd. of Richmond Hill. running from half a mile west of Yonge Street on the El- gin Mills Road. down Bathurst Street to Toronto, will be offer- ed by the three municipalities ‘owning the Yonge Street bus :line. or by the Toronto Transit lCommission acting on its be- ;half, Councillor John. MacDiar- mid of the transportation comâ€" mittee told member; of Rich- mond Hill Town Council at the ‘regular meeting this week. Older Motorists Not Necessarily Best - Magistrate Magistrate R. G. Pearse. con- ducting court at Richmond Hill this week. appeared to contra- dict the generally accepted idea that younger citizens were the least responsible drivers. £04m Blade Bone Removed THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, January 18, 1962 3 lb. 59c roll pkg FOODLAND .tins 45¢ 49¢ RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Richmond Hill 25% on: on All. COLD WAVES VIENNESE BEAUTY SALON Richmond Heights Centre TU. 4- 502] Now You Can Wash .JANUARY .. «w SPECIAL They hold 2 regular washer loads for 350. We also have big Commercial Dryers that fluff dry your clothes ever-so- fast. You can put 4 to 5 regular washer loads in one big dryer (deposit 10c for each 10 minutes required). Several dimes may be deposited at one time. We now can offer you your choice of the regular automa- tic washer of either the Big Inglis Washer or the Easy with the Spiralator Action. They both do a very clean wash. (Come and See .for Yourself) SHIRRIFFS LUSHUS Jelly Powders 4pkgs SILVER STREAM MEDIUM Grade JUBILEE PURE PORK All Those Blankets, Bed Spreads, Drapes, Scatter Rugs. Sheets, Playsuits, Overalls, etc. In our Big New Double ngxd Washers BAYVIEW PLAZA BAYVIEW AVENUE & ELGIN MILLS ROAD COIN LAUNDRY FLORIDA MARSH, SEEDLESS MAPLE LEAF LIQUID CALIFORNIA SNOW WHITE 31201.tins Cauliflower Sliced or by the Piece “3.2 9 lLHllllHtNS ‘A' EGGS NOTICE Opposite Loblaws South Block SAUSAGE 'l‘l SHOP at. 29 YONGE ST. S. Richmond Hill I lb. tray-pat I doz. (tn. CLEARANCE BOYS‘ SIZES Infant to Size 10 SALE GIRLS‘ SIZES ENDS JANUARY 31 lnfant to Pro-Teen 14x Head iar 29 c 39< 35 85