16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, ThursdayLJanuary 25, 1962 Town, Two Townships, Two Villages, May Ally Some Actions Southern Municipa ties At Crossroads, Says \Voodbridge urged _specd intchairman of the meeting at the Toronto. dealing with co-ordinating ofircoucst of Reeve Rutherford he assormdlcorviccs. “Let's decide on how "This meeting unites all of u: The date of such anllt emphasizes that “permissive recurrence could depend pri-‘lcgislation has been enacted to narily on our future 'housc-Lextcnd the authority of the prepared by Vaughan Town- need arises. cers to those who had put them hip. 0“ WhiCh the frleetihfâ€"i'5 Jrganization Outlined Inn ofl‘ice. “We have to stay close ‘iscussion was based. It pointed To provide participation of alltto the people," Co-ordination Accepted As Defensive Principle Co-ordination of municipal activities, where econ- ‘bmy and efficiency could be effected, were agreed to in principle by members of councils for York County’s iouthern municipalities at a meeting held in the Vaughan Township council chamber at Maple last week. Represented at the meeting by elected municipal heads, with a strong representation of other council members, plus municipal clerks, were the town of Richmond Hill, the townships of Vaughan and Mark- ‘ham, and the villages of Markham and Woodbridge. EA coâ€"ordinating committee Township, in principle and will .erns which could develop: a)The area might be partially annexed to Metropolitan To- ronto. b) It might be entirely annexed by Metropolitan Toronto. c) There could be complete delegation of authority to the County of York. 1(1) There might be uniï¬cation as a group to withstand any outside pressure. It listed several courses which the southern municipali-i ties could follow and recom- mended: (1) Pledging of support to the present County of York for municipal services now pro- vided at the county level. «ut that there were several pat- Elected members of Councils Of,"'l‘licy clcctcd us. be five municipalities the brief recommended: a) An area council to consist of all elected members of all councils of the ï¬ve partici- pating municipalities (b) The duties of the chairman of the area council to be performed by the mayor of‘ Richmond Hill. (c)A constitution or legislation committee to consist of the five reeves. (d) The appointment of commit- tees on garbage disposal. police, licensing by-laws, wel- fare and assessment. Each municipality would have one representative on each com- mittee and a dcputy-rccve of a Isponsihlc to them." that there was talk of adniin-‘l Iistering welfare at the county level but questioned what would happen if immediate help had Rccvc .\'orn Gari‘iock Correspondent Mrs. B. Lepkey Phone AVenue 5-3489 Birthday greetings to Evelyni Roy who celebrates her 8th birthday on January 19th. ‘ oilliard about your deadlines," upde “Our problem isn't withille gave Township Clerk James the money we control but \Vitle. and 13â€â€œ? money “'8 don't control," “It‘s not our desire to start Metro Problem war significant section of thc‘ iiiiakc peace among itirst,†said Mayor James Hag-tccivable that we may ultimately cart of Richmond Hill. who was‘bccome part of Metropolitan We are rc- long we are going to deal with in the southern part of York He said principles," he urged. “We have County exclusively for the first to get down to facts. ed out that some of the pro- I‘ihe county level would inevitâ€"itatives was the result of ion: to be given on a Friday night. ably ‘time," said Mayor Haggart. The brief which was submit- u He point- iects likely to be discussed atttcd to the municipal represen- iiicrease costs. “Think study by members of Vaughan lie,counc11. said Reeve Rutherford McDonald credit lactual compilation. for its but to' A ourselvesbricf declared that “It is con- in Newmarket, HIGHLAND PARK NEWS .ccping'. We can live peacc-' fully as neighbours for many .cars or wilfully jeopardize our p0sition, individually or collec- tively. and soon be absorbed in- Metropolitan Toronto. To in- clude vast acres of farm land. and community-niinded villagesI and towns in the Metro area atl this time would beneï¬t no one. While our integration into Metro may be gradual. our charâ€"1 .ictcristics are still too differ-, cut to blend peacefully with the} cxisting Metropolitan Toronto Sovcrnment.†The County Angle Another significant section of the brief deals with the rela- tionship of the ï¬ve southern municipalities with the county. county council to numerous services and the apparent trend in York County would indicate that piece by piece, local coun- cil responsibilities will gradu- ally be shifted to a committee of county council and the local authorities will provide the funds with negligible control of its operation. . . . To centralize control in Newmarket would not be advantageous to the five southern municipalities because problems of municipalities in the metro planning area differ from the other municipalities in York County. Administrative offices are too far rcmoved from the mass of the people to be served and authority and con~ trol of the services would be (2) Resistance to further exten- sion of municipal services at delegated to a committee not entirely responsible to the local elector. Mr. M. Holt is progressingi l‘ormerl r' ‘ - - ' - > V , y existed, with Rich study the matter of co ordma satisfactorily He Is stiffenâ€? CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. H. Harris. 39 Woodward Avenue and Hill and the two fown- tion still further. Each council Telephone av. 5-1889 Empty HOUSES Decline municipality would serve as a chairman of each committee, ips being represented. It will prepare a brief embodying the °°unty~leve1 of govern' With a municipal dork fl‘omtfm“ 1°“ “100d “Esme: a i the meinlieéi‘giillffofciiiéuhiiiiiiinig 616d some time ago. Because its views on co-ordination, send- merit] to melpqe “isles ï¬ve oaCh muniCipahtY 501‘\’i_n3 aSI Tillev For)??? ï¬feggbhgd Frank Barrott of Marple Real tee or controlling authority vaalPtTSL’mliiesp’lthsviihslidiTo htald ileeiiIiOIiIgIESOTOTISI‘ tidodiigili; oil: gérhiiii (3)TrillhieflligtemnhldldgiiiZntlio'uni- the secretary Of a committee. Earth-e 31111ng of hirs. Hardic. The “GWIY Organized Unitedibours enjoying thc lovcly win-tEsmtc reports that (“1mm thetWOhld 3150 he 11 hflhdicap". r ie c as v v ‘ i ' ' V County Position Discussed There was no intention to scuttle the present county setâ€" up, it was emphasized several times during the meeting. “There is no desire to jeopardize the future of the county. We must work on problems that affect us," said Reeve Floyd Church Women of Thornhill Un-lcr weather. with skating at the 1351 Year. the numbcr of vacant itcd Church are holding their “pond†and Henderson School lmUSCS‘â€_ihe Hillhas decreased first executive meeting January'and free sleigh rides at the“!v one'ilm‘d- 1†January. 1951- 231‘d. There was a good attcn-Ipioiiecr village on Steeles Av- more were HPDI‘OXimately 300‘ dance at last Tuesday's generalcnue. Vacant I‘CSidcnccs in Richmond meeting and this area is wellI Mrs. D. Dobson of Highland H111? this year the number has represented on the list of newiPark is confined to bed with ’ImlllJCd to appl‘oXimately 100. officers. 3 bad back, Two of the familics who have Henderson Avenue Home and' The local “March of Dimes" COIItl‘ibUted t0 the decrease in, Proctor Avenue, February 1, Roll call is “make and bring your favourite food". Lunch is in charge of Mrs. Drew, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Sim. Mem- bers are asked to bring a dona- tion to the Cancer Cupboard. March of Dimes fy some local municipal ser- vices by agreement of the ï¬ve municipalities. (4) Establishment of a represen- tative committee with ade- quate consultants to study a policy for further unification with possible legislation at a ( rider a former municipal gov- interchange of thoughts. This unment) which led to the break- is to be done by February 15th. 113g up of the ï¬rst committee, Municipal heads will then con- flld Vaughan's Reeve Albert sider all proposals and will then Rutherford, it had been under- arrange for a further meeting. hken to start revival of the Vaughan Presents Brief flovement. With the villages of “We now stand at the cross- arkham and WOOdbl‘idge. roads. What happens in the Crestwood Rd. News Correspondent which had problems simil . ' v ' - future date to su port the k'n 0f Richmond Hill, .3 Once again the army fJfISchool meeting is January 22nd.‘drive is to be held January 29th. Vacant houses are those 0ft Mrs. Fred St. John the other three, being inclaiideiil iiiediildhgrtpliighalfgi- tyrgsrsmiii unification p Tgikl 5County Commissioner. marching mothers Will be lntThis is father's night and sports Mrs. Dickehson of Woodward Charles Jackson and Mr. H. H. 75 Crestwood Road In the “new deal". Municipali- come. Are we to drift phleg- 5)Provision for the continuâ€" Reeve Albert Rutherford of operation during the week of are the subject, I ‘Avenue, and Mrs, D. Darley‘of Arause. The Jacksons have: wmowdale “95 present at the Maple meet- natically and apathetically int' ance of the study to expand Vaughan, also a county commis- January 29. Give ias generously School hockey IS'We11 Uhderï¬lghlond Park are team captath meed from ‘VlndSOI‘ and are ‘ lug agreed to adoption of a re- 1 state of confusion or face th' the unification of services sioner, stressed the responsi- as you can t0 “115 worthwmlc way \Vlth the best 106 ever I‘e-tiol‘ this al'oa- ' ~3klng up rCSidence at 296 TBIeDh‘me Av- 5'34“ "M “0°3de by Vaughan ssues at hand?" said a brie from time to time as the bility of elected municipal ol‘fi-causc. 0 901‘th at Henderson Avenue‘nort‘culturalsome†Essex Avenue- MI" JaCkson is Brownie News School. The first game was held. The regular monthly meeting Thursday at Woodland Schoolqof the Thornhill and District ‘Ron Simpson scored two goalsfHorticultural Society was held _' and Bill Harris and Rod Snider January 16th at Thornhill one each for Henderson. while School. Mr. Peters, who was to John Gillies scored Woodland'sthave addressed the meeting on ; lone marker. “evergreens,†was unable to at- Neiglibourhood Notes tend. We were asked to try to The Trudel twins celebratediinterest our younger generation ' their first birthday on January in gardening and the worth- 8th. |while things of beauty in this Mrs. Trudel senior was here‘world of ours. The emphasis this for her usual Christmas visitmyear to be on our juniors. Mr. Kohler entertained with a representative of International Playing Card 00- Ltd- their first enrollment for this Mr. and Mrs. Ara'use andiyear. There were four tweenies famlly are movmg Into 5051who became brownies by re- Lynott Crescent from Chalk ceiving their tics and pins on Rlvel‘. Ontario. Mr. Amuse is Wednesday, January 17, Bernice employed with the Department‘St. John, Debbie Beckett, Lous- of Lands and Forests at Maple. anne Barrett, Betty~ Dyshart. â€" Games were played, leaders in charge, Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Barrett. Tea and toast was serv- ed to Mrs. St. John and Mrs. Beckett by Joan Peters and Ly- dia Buchanan. 4th Thornhill Brownies held :3, V ! The enormous dictionary you've “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDSâ€" GET RESULTS JUST PHONE "‘4... A = She spent four weeks and left E. 3‘ last Sunday. She had “grippe†slides of the hospital grounds, AV. 5_3316 Birthday Congratulations while here. Edwards Gardens, and his trip To patricia Jarvis who (-918. Last Sunday saw many neigh- to SWitzerland. TU. 4-1105 mated her mm RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Open Every Day Till 6 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. Nite Till 9 mm. SCREWDRIVER SETS Sturdy plastic handles on these four useful screw- drivers. Come in a handy plastic case. REG. $1.50 VALUE always dreamed of owning DICTIONA O ALMOST A FOOT ‘HIGH 0 NEARLY 2,000,000 WORDS " 0 1,800 ILLUSTRATIONS C HANDY THUMB INDEX Never before has so much vital information on so many subjects been presented in a single volume But . . . here in this beautiful, mammoth refer ence work is the information and knowledge you need on any word or subject - - - all presented in a concise, easy-to-understand manner. Just think what this factâ€"packed volume will mean to your entire family . . . especially school-age children! Loaded with plus-features and crammed with drawmgs, photos, diagrams, art reproductions! Dictionary entries provide simplified pronun- ciations, deï¬nitions, parts of speech, derivatives, plurals, synonyms, and antonyms, plus . . . im- portant encyclopedic facts about persons, places, things and events. Thumb indexed for easy ref- erence! Packed in individual units that can be quick- ly put together with a simpliï¬ed binder kit (also included). Simulated leather covers and spine, beautifully embossed! LOWNEYS' BRIDGE MIXTURE Always fresh at Kresge’s. REG. 59c lb. , lb. COTTON DUSTERS _ Wear belted or loose . . . with short sleeves, collar and 2 pockets. Blue or Red Floral prints. ‘ S-M-L. January Special January Special Set SAVE 51c A whole world of educational information for the entire family! January Special $1.87 m FRY PAN Shiny Chrome plated with super finish. 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