eie met on Thursday morning also the chief stewardship of- and followed their three fold ficer for the Diocese. programme of exercises. read- on Monday evening. January ing. and craft. Coffee was serv- 29th, the annual vestry meeting ed by Mrs. Jean Reid and Mrs. will be held. when reports of Georgie Reid. The girls finish- the church organizations will be ed their copper tooling and it given, also wardens and other will be on display at the vestry officers of the church will be meeting on January 29th. elected. A speedy recovery is wished for Nancy Appleby who is at present in Sick Children‘s Hos- pital, Toronto, where ‘she under- went surgery on Monday last. following a lobogganing acci- dent. Anyone wishing to make a donation to the Canadian Can- cer Society in memory of a friend or loved one may do so by getting in touch with Mrs. Mrs. E. Williams of Church St. is at present nursing a frac- tured wrist sustained during a recent fall. 0'. IE. wmiams, TU. 4-3798 or Mrs. H. C. Montgomery. TU. 4- 8775. Mr. C. H. Sanderson is 1:, Going to the sunny south? En- present a patient in Torontoltertaining? Celebrating? These General Hospital where he ls‘and other items all make inter- undergoing a series of tests‘ lesting reading - drop us a line * .2 * v.1 ‘ur call the editor Margot Crack Mrs. E, wmiams of Chm-chat TU. 4-1105..for inclusion in St i: If nrpcnnf nursing a frar-iuLife in the Hill-H St. Gabriel‘s Friendship Cir- WIN AN ELECTRIC BLANKET For each $25.00 worth of merchandise purchased during the period January 17 - February 14 a ticket, entitling you to a chance on the Electric Blanket, will be placed in a sealed container. The winning ticket will be draWn shortly after the contest closes. More information on this next week. THE PRIZE is an ELECTRIC BLANKET. value 34 YONGE S. ï¬ï¬‚od eatian ‘ \» mA'r SAVINGS . TULIP BRAND BAYVIEW PLAZA ROAST | SPECIAL C. NELS GAGE MARGARINE 2 Ibs 47c ROUND STEAK OR Editor Margot Crack Theological Sunday, January 28th. Mr. Ernest Barnes will be the special preacher at the 11.00 am. service at the church of St. Gabriel, Richmond Hill East. Mr. Barnes holds a special li- cence to preach in any Anglican Church in the Diocese. and is also the chief stewardship of- ficer for the Diocese. Charles (Teddy) Ward, 20. who was killed in a motor car acci- dent on January 14th was a for- mer student at Our Lady of Faâ€" tima Separate School. He wa: a resident of Downsview at the time of his death. Mr. Ward was northbound for Richmond Hill when the accident occurred at the intersection of Steelesl and Dufferin. ROAST 59c lb. SIRLOIN STEAK TU. 4-7691 AV. 5-3756 TH I The annual Vestry Meeting of ‘St. Mary’s Anglican Church will be held on January 29th, at 8 pm. in Wrixon Hall. This im- portant meeting of the congre- gation will include the election of officers for the New Year, a (review of the parish progress in Ilthe past year and the presenta- tion of a budget and plans for 1962. v The executive of the club consists of Harry Thomson, president; Don Bellamy, vice- ‘lpresident; Colin Robinson. sec- }retary and Ron Neill, treasurer. The Richmond Hill District Kinsmen Club, along with other such service clubs in the Hill. is presently preparing its 1962 ‘ agenda reports President Harry Thomson. The club is presently engaged in sponsoring a boys’ ‘club at School it also operates the El- .mer Safety League in all the local public and separate schools. The club has a Kinsmen representative on the executive of the Hilltoppers Boys' Band and is also hoping to sponsor baseball this year as in the past. ‘j To raise money to support ‘these prOJects the organization .15 planning a Stag Night for den Legion Hall in Willowdale. Tickets will be available to all men in Richmond Hill for the price of $3.00 each. Door prizes Will be given as well as the grand prize of $250. The club 15 also planning another carni- val such as they put on in for- mer years. Featured at this ev- ent will be children’s rides. games of chance and other a. :musements such as one might :expect at a fair or circus. The executive of the club consists of Harry Thomson, president; Don Bellamy, vice- McConaghy Public 81‘ January 26 at the Spring Gar-‘ school teenagers to join the group Sunday evenings at 7 p. m. at St. Matthew‘s Church, Crosby Avenue. ##ikl Deserving of recognition - a cup of young men known as “The Marquis Rod and Custom Car Club" â€" a member of whom one night last week, stopped to assist a motorist stuck on a snowbank. and unable to do it unassisted, collected other mem- ‘bers, enjoying a cup of coffee in a nearby restaurant. who. de- spite the extreme cold and a- brupt call, came, within seconds, to the motorist’s aid. The club is an organized group of young men dedicated to safe- ty and courtesy on the high- ways, bound together by a mu- tual interest in cars and speed sport on authorized drag strips. All members must stop for any motorist in difficulty and give assistance wherever possible. At present they are trying to rent a building big enough for four or five cars where the members may meet together and work on their cars, and build a competi- tion car as a club project - the latter to be financed by club dues and fines imposed for any January 22nd, the fourth Mon- day of the month, was the oc- casion of the first meeting in 1962 of the Ladies Auxiliary; Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 375. The meeting, held in the Legion Hall was presided over by Audrey A‘pperly the presi- dent. and many ideas and sug- gestions were put forward by executive members for means of raising funds for the coming year. Every member of the parish eighteen years of age and over is entitled to attend and vote at the vestry meeting. There were several new appli- cations for membership in the auxiliary. Six members volun- teered to distribute cigarettes to Sunnybrook Hospital. A draw was held and a cookie jar was won by Winnifred Heaton. A ‘supper of ham. rolls, cake, tea and coffee finished off an en- joyable evening. The inaugural meeting of thc York Presbyterial of the United Church Women was held at Trinity United Church. New- market on Tuesday. Mrs. A. S. Elson served on both the pro- visional and finance commit- tees. while Mrs. J. Pollard was a member of the nominating com- mittee. Both ladies are mem- bers of Richmond Hill United Church. A guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Celsie over the weekend was Mr. Stonewall Jackson of Nashville. Tennessee, one of Columbia‘s top recording stars. who on Sunday made a personal appearance at the Crang Plaza. Miss Sandra Celsle will also be appearing at the plaza this Sunday, and will be a guest on the C.B.L.T. T.V. pro- gramme ‘Country Hoedown’ on Friday, January 26th at 8 pm. The membership of the organ-iTony Carcone. assisted by Jim ization is made up of men be- Harvey as secretary treasurer. tween the ages of 21 and 40, and members Gerry Creswell, of which there are 26 at the Mike Oxley and George Fraser. present time. The club meets at These community minded young the Richmond Theatre Restaur- men are very worthy of sup- ant every second Thursday at.port- their aims and ideals to be 7 pm. 'highly commended. a puppet dramatization of Charles Dickens’ story “The Magic Fishbone", Admission is free and all children aged four and up are welcome. , Support the March of Dimes daying in Antigua. West Indies. Campaign on Monday night. * t t ' January 29th. when mothers‘ Miss Barbara Southwell, will be on the march fromdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. house to house. canvassing for;Southwell. attended the ‘McMas- funds to carry on the necessarylter Formal‘ held at the Shem- work of rehabilitation of han-iton Connaught Hotel in Ham- dicapped men and women in On- ilton on Friday last. She was tario- escorted by Mr. Peter Addison * * " “' 10f Paris. Ontario. - The Richmond Hill Library Puppeteer: are presenting an- other in their popular series of puppet shows. The show will be held January 27 at 10:30 am. in the auditorium of the library. A feature of the show will be At a recent afternoon Baptism * * * * in the Richmond Hill Presbytery With the exception of two ian Church. three daughters of grandchildren, all members of Mr. and Mrs. R. Phillips. 296 “The Langstaï¬ Family" were Boisdale Avenue received the present on Sunday last. when Sacrament of Adult Baptism. they gathered at "Country Ac- These were, Lorraine Isabel, res" in a “double event" to celeâ€" CarOI Ann. and Eleanor Joyce- brate the anniversary of Dr. * * "' * Rolph Langstaff’s 93rd birthday The Eichmond Hill Library on January 24th. and also the Puppeteer: are presenting an- January let birthday of his other in their gppular series Aof wife. Dr. Lillian Langstaff. Lucky winners of the Lion’si A party of students from the jackpot of $450 at the bingoIRichmond Hill High School last held on Monday night were. week attended the Crest pro- Mlss 1. Thomson, 261 Richmond duction of “Ceasar and Cleo- St. and Mrs. Amelia Patton, 139 patn". Mill St.. both of Richmond Hill, t y w .- who as partners shared thel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rabino. grand prize. witch and Mr. H. J. Calverley Refreshménts will lie served the; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rahino- witch and Mr. H. J. Calverley treturned last week from ho‘i- nes daying in Antigua. West Indies. Last week-end was certainly a busy one for the St. Matthew’s United Church Hi-C. Saturday night was the evening of the farewell dance for the retiring executive. to which the King City Hi-C Group was invited. The many games and activities including a twist contest and the excellent refreshments all contributed to make the dance the wonderful success it was. The auxiliary has taken the Curtain Club theatre, with its ideal stage. for the two evenings, and Gerry Crack of the Curtain Club, has consented to open the program with a short talk on the origins of the Curtain Club and of the theatre itself. The scout mothers are hoping their show will start a trend of ex- pert decorators in the Hill. Going steady was the topic of discussion for the regular Sun- day night meeting. It was the group’s honour to have Mr. Thompson, a member of the staff of Bayview High School as a guest. Under his able direc- tion and the assistance of the group counsellor, Rev. W. W. Patterson. a stimulating discus- sion developed, which all the \gmwp agreed was extremely \ thought-provok in g. Mrs. Barbara Wilder announ- ces that let Richmond Hill Scout Auxiliary is sponsoring what what they believe to be a “ï¬rst†for Richmond Hill on January Slst and February lst. It is a home decorating demonstration, conducted by Mrs. Lilla Tillson, an interior decorating consul- tant. Mrs. Tillson is very exâ€" perienced at giving these shows. during which she welcomes questions from the audience. and is adept at helping solve those “do-it-yourselfers†decor- ating problems. Mrs. Sylvia Thiel. secretary of the auxiliary, and Mrs. Joy Madden are hand- ling tickets, and Mrs. May Walk- er is convening the refresh- ments. St Matthews’ inv-ites all high school teenagers to join the group Sunday evenings at 7 p. m. at St. Matthew‘s Church, d V _ . V _ _ _ . . . _ . o .. . __-___. _ Those PW?th at the Party school for clergy in preparation Included their son. Dr. James for his ordination this Spring. Langstaï¬â€˜ and Mrs. Langstaf’f.l * * * it their son-s Bruce and Miles. Of special interest is the Jan- ‘daughter Elizabeth; Mr. and uary 25th meeting of Walter Mrs. Bruce Davis of King (son-Scott Y.W.C.A. Neighbours. Ov- in-law and daughter of Drs.‘erseas guests from Ghana, Sierra Langstafl’) and their sons Ashel,ILeone and Trinidad will be on Ralph and Tim; Mrs. Helenihand to demonstrate dances Brown. Toronto, and Miss Edna with representative music. Izzard of Richmond Hill. E Continuing the self-improve- Six of the grandchildren were present. with two away â€" Miss Judith Langstaff. student at Al- m-a College, St. Thomas â€" and Bill Davis. who is at present living in England. Deserving of recognition - a group of young men known as “The Marquis Rod and Custom Car Club" â€" a member of whom one night last week, stopped to assist a motorist stuck on a snowbank. and unable to do it unassisted, collected other mem- bers, enjoying a cup of coffee infractions of traffic or clubgthe more energetic teenagers. laws. President of the club is After a hard fought contest the Tony Carcone. assisted by Jim five judges picked Bill Meraska Harvey as secretary treasurer. and his partner Barb Richards and members Gerry Creswell, as the winners. When ‘hey de- Mike Oxley and George Fraser. monstr ted the twist as it Should These community minded young be don none could challenge men are very worthy of sup- their twisting ability. The next port- their aims and ideals to be Teen Town will be held on highly commended. February 3rd. ‘ Before their departure Sir Robert and Lady Watson-Watt spent a few days in New York. staying at the Carlyle Hotel, where they held a reception ‘celebrating the publication of his new book. Man’s Means to His End. An expression of congratul- ations and best wishes was sent to the Pastor’s wife. Mrs. Naomi Myers, who just gave birth to a baby daughter. Betty Harvey. president. con- ducted the business. It,was de- cided that funds currently in the bank, received entirely through ‘free-will offerings should be dis- ‘bursedas follows: (1) daily de- lvotional booklets are to be pur- chased for all the families in the congregation. (2) A Life Mem- bership is to be secured {or Pastor Tubbe who was the first1 Pastor of the Mission in Rich-i mond Hill and is now serving in C'hesley. (3) a donation should be given toward the purchase of the church property on Bay- view Ave. A joint executive meeting of Women‘s and Men's Progressive Conservative party was held at the home of Mrs. M. Harrison. Women’s president. After formal organization of the congregation on January let the ladies group will he- come members of the United Lutheran Church Women and will work hand in hand with Lutheran women in other coun- tries to further the work of God’s Kingdom. Enjoying a pleasant change from everyday routine were Mrs. F. Emma and Mrs. J. Hunt. who spent the weekend in New York shopping and attending several shows. Plans were made for future activities. the final being the annual dinner. February 21. An enjoyable and informative ev- ening was had by all. Refresh- ments were served by Mrs. E. Savage and Mrs. Harrison's daughters. Mrs. Peggy Critchley will be on hand to register those infer- ested in working with driftwood as decorative home items, and classes will continue from Feb- ruary 8 for four sessions. Openings are still available‘ for the Parent Education Course in child study which starts| February 8th. Advance registraw tion and inquiries .will be taken at TU. 4-2442. | The women of St. Paul's Lu- theran Church held their Janu- ary meeting at the home of Mrs. J. Miller. 300 S. Taylor Mills Dr. In charge of the pro- gram for the evening were Ev. Miller and Barbara Barth, who gave a vivid description, in dia- logue form. of conditions in South America and of mission work presently being carried on there. Sir Robert and Lady Watson- Watt, formerly of Thornhill, who recently moved to Sterling Forest, Tuxedo, N.Y., are spend- ing the winter in Santa Barbara, Calif,. where Sir Robert is a consultant to the Centre for the Study of Democratic Institu- tions. Continuing the s ment theme. Mrs. I man’s topic will b and colour analysis The many friends of Mabel Robertson will be delighted to hear that she is now at home - progressively learning to navi- gate in her walking cast until it is removed in late April. Mabel has been a patient in Toronto General Hospital and St. John’s Convalescent Home since Sep- tember of last year. The Richmond Hill Lions kindly provided a hospital bed and she is entertaining visitors daily. Next Sunday, January 2811]. St. Mary’s Anglican Church will observe Theological Education Sunday with Mr. E. Paul Morley giving the address at both mom- ing services, Mr. Morley is well- known to the community as the son of the Reverend and Mrs. Edward Morley and has been for some years layreader in the parish and active in the work of young people both in he Church and the community. He is, himself, receiving theol- ogical training at the diocesan school for clergy in preparation for his ordination this Spring. Entertaining on Friday was Mrs. G. Langley, who held a tea at her home on Lucas St. in honour of Dr. Lillian Langstaff’s birthday which she celebrated on Sunday. Among the guests were Mrs. B. L. Anderson. Mrs. R. Little, Mrs. 1. Grant, Mrs. P. Addison. Miss Edna Izzard and Mrs. G. Farwell. By Mike Donahue A good crowd turned out for teen town last Saturday night and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun dancing to the popul- ar records of Gary Anthony. The feature of the evéning was a twist contest which was particularly enjoyed by all of Teen Town RICHMOND HILL self-improve- Helen Good- be wardrobe Standards of white gladioli and Chrysanthemums accented by evergreens decked St. Basil‘s Roman Catholic Church in To- ronto for the marriage of Miss Judith Margaret Heard, daugh- ter of Professor and Mrs. John Frederick Heard, and Mr. Barry King Cutler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacKenzie Cutler. Rev. P. H. Johnson officiated at the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jackson and their son David drove to New York on Thursday last, where they saw Mrs. Annie Weller and Mrs. Alice Weller, who have been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hunt, Richmond Hill for the past few months, embark on the ‘Queen Elizabeth’ for their return trip to Hastings, England. Sightsee- ing in New York, including Greenwich Village and Radio‘ City, preceded a pleasant drive home on Sunday. ‘ Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a gown of white peau de soie with a portrait neckline appliqued with guipure lace. long tapered slee- ves and a belled skirt with cha- No honours, no pensions, SPONSORED IN THE COMMUNITY INTEREST BY no parades. nor subsidy can replace the wish of every person who has known disability, to live and work in dignity, in free and open competition with all the world. TOWN 8: COUNTRY FOOD MARKETERS RICHMOND HILL ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cutler are seen cutting their wedding cake following theierarriage at St. Basil's Roman Catholic Church, Toronto. Both bride and groom are members of the 1962 grad- uating class in medicine at the University of Tor onto. They plan to intern at St. Michael’s Hospital. Judith Margaret Heard Bride 0f Barry Cutler pel train. Her bouffant veil of French silk illusion was gather- ed to a circlet of guipure lace and she carried a bouquet of {vhite roses and variegated 1101. Y. After a reception, held at the faculty club of the University of Toronto. the couple left for a honeymoon trip to Scottsdale Arizona. The bride and groom are both members of the 1962 graduating class in medicine at the University of Toronto, and on their return will interne at St. Michael’s Hospital. Miss Martha Heard was maid of honour, and bridesmaids were Miss Janet Heard, Miss Diane Cutler and Miss Lavina Lickley. Their gowns of cherry red velvet with bertha collars and bracelet length sleeves mat- ched their headbands of velvet and veiling, and they carried white satin muffs with red car- nations and variegated holly. Mr. Robin Humphreys was best man, and ushers were Mr. Joseph Anderson, Mr. William Baldwin, Mr. Peter Ben-t2 and Mr. Michael Robinson. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. January TI HERBERT R. ‘B‘UTT R Richmond Hill 3 TUrner 4-1312 :a' INSURANCE 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill DEPENDABLE Telephone SERVICE Toronto, Ontario EMpire 2-3456 112 Yonge St, Toronto‘~ 198