Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Feb 1962, p. 9

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There were eight tables of euchre players at the Victoria Square Community Hall last Friday. Prize winners were: ladies (1) Mrs. Meredith Ash. (2) Mrs. Almstedt: consolation, Mrs. John McCague. Men (1) Everett Vanderkooy, (2) Lloyd Beatty; consolation, Charlie Hart. Another euchre party will be held in Victoria Square Com- munity Hall, February 9. Messengers The Couples Club held a skat- ing party at the Victoria Square Community Centre, Saturday evening. Following the skating they returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Tyndall where refreshments were served. Jersey Breeders The Women's Institute cater- ed to the Jersey Breeders who Were honouring Don Matthews In the Community Hall Satur- cow In Don MattheWs herd In, just broken the all-time gimme Jgrsey record. Donhead The ’Hon. George Hees, min- ister of trade and commerce for Canada. visited the Mat- thews' farm and made the pre- nentatlon. Church New: Rev. G. Fltzpatrlck was in charge of the church service on Sunday morning. Youth Sun- day will be observed February On Saturday the Messengers (formerly called the Mission Band), entertained the Mes- sengers of Brown's Corners Church to a sleigh and toboggan pagtyuat _Cachret Country Club. Following the outing they re- turned to the Victoria Square Sunday School room where a short meeting was held. Several choruses were sung. Mrs. Bin- nington told a missionary story. Couples Club . Duchess Cosfiie gaVéifljBfiéf-S lbs. of milk an 768 lbs. of fat In 305 days. A panel discussion, “Thoi1ghts on Presbyterial”, was held be- tween Mrs. John McCague. Mrs‘ Heber McCague. Mrs. L. Mum- berson and Mrs. M. Jarvis. Mrs. A. Binnmgton was moderator. Guide: The 1st Gormley Girl Guide Company held a skating party at the home of Lynn and Susan Sherwood last Thursday. Euchre United Church Women The first meeting of the United Church Women was held in the Sunday School room last Wednesday: l. D. RAMER & SON - OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 4 P.M. Ii ¢“I“““I““I“I5I““Isl WHEN YOU NEED OIL, "WELL, MY. OH MY! WE GET IT THERE RIGHTQN THE FLY 189 CENTRE E' FOR QUICK RESULTS In 1960 there were more than RICHMOND HILL TRY A 8,000 patients treated for tuber- . u culosis in Canadian Sanatoria, TU. ‘LIBERAL CLASSIFIED 3,750 of whom entered a tuber- Phone TU- 4‘11” culosis sanotorium for the first _ OR AV- 5-3316 time- ’ ““‘“““““‘ “““““k‘ Satisfaction W LUAM B E Bjjgg! E VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS “The Best In Fuels" SHEPPARD 8' GILL LUMBER 71 Centre St. E. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE B. B. 2 Gomley â€" Telephone Gomley 5421 Guaranteed “EVERYTHING FOR BUILDERS” '- WILL MEASURE YOUR JOB AND SUBMIT FREE PLAN AND ESTIMATE YOUIIVI-IOIVIE DO IT YOURSELF OR HAVE OUR HOME IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT DO IT FOR YOU YOUR CHOICE â€" CASH OR BUDGET Mr. and Mrs. Donald Picker- lng and Mervyn. Mrs. R. Perkins called on Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Avison at Lansing Saturday. 1 Miss Gail Sanderson enter- tained her friends, Misses Mu- riel Mortson, Anita Orr, Susanne‘ and Lorna Hibbard, Johanna Kugler, Sharon Francis, Karen Chadwick, and her sisters Cathy and Linda Saturday, in honour Last Tuesday Mrs. L. Mum- berson, Mrs. H. McCague, Mrs. G. Joyce, Mrs. A. Binnington, Mrs. S. DeFoe, Mrs. R. Brum- well, Mrs. F. McRoperts, Mrs. C. Story, Mrs. S. Boynton. Mrs. ‘J. McCague, Mrs. M. Jarvis, ‘Mrs. E. Empringham and Mrs. G. Brands attended the inau- Vgural service of the York Pres- ‘byterial at Trinity United Church. Newmarket. About twenty relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard to help Mrs. Mary McMullen celebrate her birthday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur'Hewitt and family of New Jersey spent Saturday with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Binnington. Mr. Hewitt has been transferred from his business in New York to Toronto. Birthday greetings to Mrs Haber McCague, February 5. _ PHONE TU. 4-1361 The Victoria Square and Dis- triot Lions Club old time and modern dance will be held in Victoria Square Community Hall, February 16. Sunday School Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davie have returned from a two-week holiday in Jamaica. Mrs. Gertrude Wilson and Mrs. Steockel of Toronto and Mr. Rolph Boynton spent last Wednesday with Miss Mabel Sanderson. of her ninth birthday. After the birthday supper, they went to Markham to see the movie, “Babes in Toyland". The Sunday School Superinâ€" tendent, Mr. Percy Bennett. has called a meeting of officers and teachers for February 2 at 8 p.m., to be held at the home of Mr. Rolph Boynton. Nelghbourhood Notes Miss Olive Williams spent a week recently with Miss Mabel Sanderson. Discussions will continue at the regular Institute meeting February 13. 5 Lions Dance Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Siberry are the proud grandparents of a grandson. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Hammers- ‘ley (Mary Siberry). The C.G.X.T. will meet Feb- ruary 5 at 7 pm. in Headford Church. The film, “The Living Desert”, sponsored by Victoria Square and District Lions Club, will be shown February 3 at 8 pm. in Buttonville Hail. Junior Choir The junior chair will have a practise in the Church, Febru- ary 3 at X p.m. Farm Forum The farm forum spansored by the Women's Institute has been cancelled owing to the First Aid course which is being held Feb- ruary 5. 4, with Dr. A. F. Hamilton in charge. The junior chofir will give special music. The Installation of officers and teachers for Sunday School will also be held. C.G.I.T. COMPANY LIMITED Born at Hornings Mills, On- tario, in 1895, the son of Wil- liam and Eva Wrigglesworth, Oscar Wrigglesworth moved to Honeywood at an early age, where he attended public school. He married Ella Jane Campbell in 1918 and they made their home in Toronto for 17 years, later moving to Thornton and Dundalk, where he farmed in thoSe districts. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Oscar Wrigglesworth and family in the loss of a dear husband and father. Mr. Wrig- glesworth was custodian at the Jefferson Public School for many years._ Late Wm. Oscar Wrigglesworth Following an illness of six months, William Oscar Wrig- glesworth died at the home of his daughter. 244 Demaine Cres- cent, Beverley Acres, January 20, 1962. Funeral rites, con- ducted by the Rev. C. G. Hig- ginson of Richmond Hill United Church, were held last Wednes- day at the Wright and Taylor Chapel of the Plpher Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. Interment was in Richmond Hill Cemetery, and pall bearers were John Whalen and Dave. Barber. Richmond Hill; Hubert Renm‘ck, Toronto; Harvey Mc- Kinnee, Orangeville; Arnold Rogers, Bond Head, and Milton Betheridge, Thornton. Mr. H. Blaschke. Elgin Mills Rd., West has recently returned from visitlng his family in Ger~ many, Mr. Blaschke's father passed away, while he was visit- ing there. Our sympathy is ex- tended to Mr. Blaschke. Happy birthday to Robbie Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mills who celebrated his 5th birthday, January 27th. The Rev. Mr. H-lgginson paid tribute to his klndliness and steadfastness to duty, in a chapel filled with floral tributes to a quiet man, in an ordinary walk of life. Mr. Frank Evison of Elgln Mills Side Rd. West is progress- ing favorably, but still suffering qulte a lot of pain. we hope he will soon be well again. In 1951 the family moved to Richmond Hill and Mr. Wrig- glesworth became the custodian at Jefferson Public School. where he was a trusted and well-liked employee until he became seriously ill last sum- mer. He was on leave of abâ€" sence from his work at the time of his death. Surviving are his widow and bwo daughters, Harriet (Mrs. Ross Miller). Toronto, and Ma- bel (Mrs. George Hav-iland), Richmond Hill; also 10 grand- children. Two daughters, Elea- lnor and Dorene, pre-deceased their father. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lavender, Elgln Mills Rd. West, who are celebrating their 15th anniversary on Feb. lat. Their friends and neighbors wish them a happy day. “The Liberal" joins his friends and relatives In express- ing sympathy to the bereaved family. In 1960 there were more than 8,000 patients treated for tuber- culosis in Canadian Sanatoria, 3,750 of whom entered a tuber- culosis sanotorlum for the first time. ELGIN MILLS 8: JEFFERSON NEWS Richmond Hill Correspondent Mrs. W. J. Thompson Elgin Mills Road West TU. 4-1646 @hituarp ii A-I USED CARS !.':'? High School library Club Plans Wm Show For February 7 and 8 "The Idiot" (part 1) from the novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky will he the next film shown by the Richmond Hill High School At St. Mary’s Anglican Church Vestry meeting held on Janu- ary 29th, the following were appointed or elected to hold of? fice during 1962: Rector's War- den Mr. H. Charles Peacock; People's Warden Mr. E. Monroe Ashkanase; Warden Emeritus Mr. H. Stanford; Treasurer Mr. J. D. Brodrick; Vestry Clerk Mr. A. Clayton; Envelope Secret- ary Mr. H. C. Montgomery; Church School Superintendent Mr. K. C. Huffman; Chief Sides- man Mr. W. Donald Ross; Con- venors of'Sidesmen: 3 am. Mr. D. P. Monk; 9:30 a.m.: Mr. J. .McRae; 11 am. Mr. W. E. N. Mann; 7 p.m.: Mr. A. F. Dunn. Parish Tribunal: Messrs. G. L. Lewis and R. T. Hutchison; Rec- tor’s Appointees to Advisory Council: Messrs. C. R. Williams, A. W. G. Farwell, C: K. Twidale. Vestry appointees to Advisory Council: Messrs. W. J. Lennox, S. F. Tinker, and W. J. Leish- man. Lay Delegates to Synod: ‘Mrs. R. D. Little, Mr. R. D. Douglasâ€"Crampton and Mr. W. .J. Leishman. Alternates: Messrs. J. 0. Graham and W. T. Charles; Auditors: Messrs. W. S. Pock- nell and D. M. Fettes. Appoint- ees to Great Chapter: Dr. W. R. Bedford, Dr. R. H. Painter, Messrs. J. C. Orme, S. J. Gads- by and D. W. Higgins. Commit- tee chairmen of advisory coun- This is the story of a good man in a corrupt society and readers of the novel will delight in see- ing its characters realized on the screen wlth a sense of period and skill of portraiture. Returning from Switzerland after a long and serious illness, Prince Myshkin meets Parfln Rogozhin, a rich and boorlsh miller on the train. Rogozhin describes his infatuation for Natasha Filipovna, the mistress of a wealthy landowner. Arriv- ing in St. Petersburg. the Prince finds the household of his dis- tant relative, General Yepan- chin. distressed by Natasha's proposed marriage to Ganya Library Club, at the Richmond Theatre, February 7 and 9.. Das- toyevsky is one of the origina- tors of the "psychological novel” and he nas been called 3 "Chris- tian Existentialist." : “Alkyd latex Flu!" : : $4.39 Gal- 3 GAL $12.00 : ! KNAPP'S PAINT SERVICE ! :““““II“““\1 St. Marys Reports Busy Year Christian Service V8, Fordor, Standard Transmission. A Real Bargain At 21 Yonge St. North Yonge St. North Richmond Hill AV. 5-1105 PA. 7-5001 ’57 METEOR You'll find more room on your budget for the things you and your family need and want, when you sh0p at these stores in Richmond Hill, where you can see wider selections, compare more prices and get better values in less time. RICHMOND HILL’S OPPER STOPPERS" “S ‘ 4 door sedan, automatic ordor’ Standard radio, power steering: power brakes, finished in silver grey with red and S745 ?é%2i‘ior $2095 R. D. LITTLE 8. SON ransmission. eal Bargam At cil: Finance - Mr. R. D. Little; Missions-Mrs. A.M. Loughridgefl Parish Life - Mr. L. T. Wain- wright; Stewardship - Mr. D. J.‘ Ashworth; Building and 'Main- tenance - D.C. Smith; Planning and Development - J. M. Lang- ton; Hall Rental - B. w. Wark;‘ Board of Christian Education - G. D. McCartney. Area Stew- .ards: (Sub-Chairman) H. C. Smith, Messrs. E. Cover, D. M. Fettes, S. K. Appleby. F. Stap- ley, W. Niddrie, W. J. Lennox, A. C. Reeder, M. D. McTaggart, N. McLellan. R. E. K. Todd, K4 Turton and A. A. Lander. The rector and churchwar- den's reports recorded a year of advance and growth in 1961. The budget was fully met and was the highest in the history of the parish. By the 89th An- niversary, last December, the total building fund debt had ‘been discharged at the bank. Plans are now afoot for the fu- ture development of the parish tproperty. The Rev. J. F. O’Neil \expressed his gratitude for en- ‘thusiasm and support of the congregation in the fulfilment lof their responsibilities. Ivolgln, the general's secretary. This is being arranged by the landowner, Totsky, to avoid scandal, so that he can marry into the generals family. The Prince stays at the house of Ganya, where he meets Natasha, and predicts that the proposed marriage will be a disaster. Ro~ gozhin arrives and offers more than Totsky has agreed to set~ tle on her, if she will marry him. The climax of the film is her birthday party that evening. at which she decides which of the three she will marry. A 16 mm. programme will be shown in the auditorium of the public library on February 18th at 8 pm. It will be devoted to an exploration of the film as an art. The feature film will be a modern re-telling of the story of Orpheus by Jean Cocteau. "ORPHEE" is almost unique in being a film made by a poet, and is one of the best demonstra- tions of what possibilities the film as an art form, possesses. - World Health Organization es- timates there are 5,000,000 deaths from tuberculosis, year- ly, throughout the world. ’60 MONARCH TU. 4-2819 '1 "I Farmers of the community attended the ORFEDA display at the Exhibition last week (On- tario Retail Fed. of Equipment Dealers Ass’n.). Jim Miller was one of those attending the showing of large and small agricultural equipment. Grants on Winning Rink ‘ For the third time, Andy Grant and his son Ray were ‘members of a rink (skipped by Ray) which brought the Ontario ‘Sllver Tankard to the Union- ville Curling Club. This was at the Ontario Curling Associa- tion’s premier double rink curl- ing event. at the Granite Club last week. The other rink of the winning pair was skipped :by Don Van Luven, with team members Bun Sellers, Carl Sell- ers and Gord Brown. Keith Hewitt and John Grant Jr. were the complement on the Grant iteam. Brown's Corners United Church Junior Choir, under the direction of Mrs. George Hooper, sang during the morn- ing service last Sunday. Dr. Binn-ington preached a special Youth Week sermon. Miss Joy Fuller played the organ. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephen- son and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller were guests of Mr. and ers. Norman Bell last Satur- ay. ' Mrs. Harold Steffler enterâ€" tained at luncheon last Friday when members of the central executive committee of Brown's Corners United Church Women met at her home. Correspondent Mrs. F. H. Leaf R. R. 2 Garmley Phone AXminster 3-6188 ‘ Mrs. Wm. Rodick and Mrs. Harold Stefi'ler attended the York Presbyterial annual meet- ting at Newmarket last Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sher- man and Mrs. Jean Cook vlslted relatives in Niagara Falls last Sunday. Mrs. Morrison Sellar of Brantford has been a guest at the Rodlck home this past week, while her brother, Jack Rodick, has been in hospital. Mr. Rodick is reported to be making good progress. Gordon Brumwell’s rink, of which George Hooper is a mem- ber, were not so fortunate at Oshawa, where the Governor- General’s award was decided. More Road Widening? For the past several months surveyors have been active on Don Mills Road, and last week York County announced its in- tention to proceed with further work this spring. BUTTONVILLE YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT 16 Yonge St. North In a variety of colors REGULARLY $1.29 FOUNTAIN PENS GENUINE c EA. "At Presbyterial 1Women'sMeetingianfi (Over 600 Ladies" ‘ The ‘York Presbyterial United Church Women was held on January 23rd in Trinity United Church, Newmarket, with over 600 ladies present. Rev. N. Peck of Markham, chairman of the provisional committee presided for the morning session and led in the worship using the hymn. “The heavens declare Thy Glory. Lord," as his theme. Rev. Fred Smith and Mrs. Arnold of Newmarket extended us a we1~ come to Trinity United Church. Mrs. James Pollard of Richmond Hill, as chairman of nomina- tions. presented the slate of of~ ficers - president, Dr. Margaret Arkinstall. Newmarket. vice-preâ€" sident, Mrs. S. Jones, Uxbrldge; secretary, Mrs. W. Hodgson; Kettleby and treasurer. Mrs. A. M. Wood of Stouffville. inaugural meeting of' Walter Hill. Mrs. Olive Williams spent the week-end with Miss Mabel San- derson of Victoria Square. Mrs. Beulah Jones was mov- ed early this week from York County Hospital. Newmarket, to Briarbush Hospital. Stouffville. Miss Ruth Hoover spent the Week-end with Miss Reatha Bril- linger of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brilliner welcomed their fourth grand- son. born to Mr. and Mrs. El- don Brillinger early Monday morning. The Christ Crusaders will hold special services at Heise Hill Church, February 4. Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Pye. mission- aries from India, are guest speakers. Rev. E. Prosser and several students of Emmanuel Bible College, Kitchener conducted nu. Banivi'nn -3 trauma nlr:-_:..___..l occasion. This service is printed Recent visitors of Mr. and in eight languages for use this Mrs. Geo. French were Mr. J. R. month across Canada. Rev G. M. Steckley, Miss Miriam Steckley. Morrison, associate secretary of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steekle)’. the Board of Home Missions and Mr. Lei/i Steckley. was the guest speaker. with his1 Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott had remarks based on Acts 16 and dinner Monday with Mr. and Philippians 4. Mrs. J. Brillinger of Bethesda. Mrs. L. Wilson and Mrs. D.C. St. John of Newmarket sang. Rev. Donald McLean led in the dedication of the executive. The newly-formed Markham Township School Area No. 3 set up two committees of the whole, a finance and a property com- mittee at a recent board meetâ€" ing. Chairman of the finance committee is Stanley Patterson of former section five and Stan- ley Richardson of former school section seven is chairman of the property committee. Melvin Wellman, a former trustee of ‘Headford School. was appointed vice-chairman of the board. The new school area No. 3 was formâ€" ed at the end of 1961 by the amalgamation of the old school sections three to seven of Mark- ham Township. local hydro and the W. A. of St. Gabriel Church. The prizes were provided by hydro. The evening’s show was a grand suc- cess with a large turnout of lo- cal ladies enjoying the proceed- ings. The prizewinners were, Mrs. William Whitman, 105 Cartier Crescent, mixette, Mrs. Bert Douglas, 50 Avenue Road, Richvale, fan heater, Mrs. Ble- vin Jackson, 430 Fernleigh Cir- cle, steam iron, Mrs. Robert Cubitt. 28 Rockport Crescent, percolator, Mrs. Edward O’Neill, 99 Rockport Crescent, electric can opener, Mrs. Peter Ginn, 12 Bridgeford Street, toaster. Rev. R. McNaught - chairman of M. M., presented the 1962 allocation as $20,700. The sup~ ply allocation was presented by Mrs. W. Hodgson. -.. ..-........°... W m- of M. M” resented the 1962 Mrs. A. Doner was guestlDoner. allocation 8: $20,700 The sup. speaker at Banfield Memorial Drs. W. C. and M. Arkinskfil ply allocation was presented by W. M. S. in Toronto Monday. and Miss C. Bates of Newmar~ Mm w. Hodgsm Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott andket spent Sunday with Mr. and - Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Heise had Mrs. C. Milsted and Charleen. Rev. Donald McLean presided dinner Tuesday with Mr. and for the afternoon session. usinngrs. Clarence Doner of Stouff- the order of service for this‘vllllle. t t f ’ occasion. This service is printed ecen visi ors 0 Mr. and ‘ in eight languages for use this Mrs. Geo. French were Mr. J. R. Llons New School Section Swings Into Action TELEPHONE LIST FINDERS Easily Installed To Bottom of Your Phone and Hidden from View RE GULARLY $1.39 Specially Priced THE LIBERAL, Richmgnd Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 1, 1962 9 " I'll U ‘I‘l‘ TU. 4-4231 ! 25 Yonge St. South (EA. United Mrs. Olive Williams spent the Monday. am on week-end with Miss Mabel San- A bale of used clothing, par- “ derson of Victoria Square. tlcularly good used children's United Mrs. Beulah Jones was mov- clothing is going to be packed h over ed early this week from York for Mattawa. Please leave any I. pecleounty Hospital. Newmarket, to donations with Miss G. Bruce. of trhe‘Briarbush Hospital. Stouffville. Mrs. M. Bennett, Mrs. G. Cam- MQMM Miss Ruth llqover spent the pey or Mrs. C. Milsted. :56 lucky Ladies â€"{Hydro Winners Six lucky ladies won lovely modern electric appliances at last week's cooking show held at St. Gabriel Anglican Church,‘ Richmond Hill East. “Showtlme"l was jointly sponsored by the local hydro and the W. A. of St. Gabriel Church. The prizes were provided by hydro. The evening’s show was a grand suc- cess with a large turnout of lo- cal ladies enjoying the proceed- ings. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brilliner welcomed their fourth grand- son. born to Mr. and Mrs. El- don Brillinger early Monday morning. Rev. E. Prosser and several students of Emmanuel Bible College, Kitchener conducted the service at United Missionary Church, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lilley and family, Vineland, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. The Christ Crusaders will eria hold special services at Heise Chr Hill Church, February 4. Rev. IV and Mrs. Arthur Pye. mission- Mo] aries from India, are guest ken speakers. 1V iTEeETVEIue! 1 mm-.. E HOSIERY 'fiBEIZngq‘u‘ififiéfii 24B Yonge St. South Specially Priced SKATES - GLOVES - PANTS STICKS - STOCKINGS - PADS SAVE 20% OFF SAVE Al's Cycle 8. Sport CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILst Telephone Gormley 5201 PATTI-LU SHOP EVENING SHEER Seamless Mesh Regular $1.50 pr. GORMLEY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harvey and family had dinner Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. Miss Ethel Byer spent Sunday with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Housser of Stouffville. Musical numbers were pres~ ented by Mrs. Lloyd Bolender. Mrs. M. Bennett and Mrs. R. Elliott. A special feature was the play- ing of a tape made by the W. Hunlcing family in Mokwa, Nig- eria. which was sent home at Christmas for their families. Miss Ruby Wilson, also a! Mokwa..ngerla. was guest spea- Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Montgom- ery and boys of New Dundep visited his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Cuber. Monday. The cobalt bomb, which was developed by Canadian scientists. has proved to be one of the most useful tools in the radiation treatment of small, deep-seated cancers, according to the Canadian Cancer Society. The Society provides money for 'expeti- mentation on further uses of the cobalt unit and for the training of radiologists to use it. Available most Wed- nesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Seating capacity, 350. Apply Mack Clement TU. 4-1606 FACT FOR THE WEEK: CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit Lions’ Hall For Rent TU. 4-1213 TU. 4-2961 - Pr.

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