Mr. S. C. Smith. presided over the 144th annual meeting of the congregation of Richmond Hill United Church. which was open ed by a period of worship con- ducted by the minister. Rev. J N. Hepburn. Mr. Harold Lemon was the secretary. ' Reports of the various organ- izations within the church re- vealed that 1961 had been a, year of growth both spiritually‘ and ï¬nancially. 4 R.H. Presbyterians Hold 144th Annual Congregational Meeting Featuring the report of the Sunday School was the presen- tation of a scrapbook dealing with the 150th anniversary of the school which had been cele- brated in 1961. This book was placed in the hands of the trus- tees for safe-keeping. a The W.A. reunitedâ€"that at the end of the year it had contrib- uted $1,000 to the building fund. The amalgamation of the W. A. and the Evening Auxillary at the ï¬rst of the year was an- nounced. -The Cemetery Board report- ed that there is now $14,500 in bonds in the perpetual upkeep fund and these funds are near- ing the point where the ceme- tery may be considered self- sustaining. out and a substantial balance left in the general account. In presenting the report of the Board of Managers. Mr. Ray Gemmill said that 1961 had been a year of “maintenance, recovery and consolidation“ He reported that the new stained glass circular window over the front entrance of the church will be dedicated on Sunday, February 18. The window was paid for by an anonymous donor, a bequest from the estate of the late Miss J. Moody and a donation from Mr. Elmo Snider. Clerk of Session H. H. Mac- Kay reported a present mem- bership of 324 with 80 new members being added during the year. 189 families plus 32 ad- herents comprise the congrega- tion. 25 baptisms. 7 weddings and 8 funerals were performed by the minister. Mr. Walter Wilson. retiring Highland Park district. Con- church treasurer, reported a gratulations- “trend In the right direction", New Liberal carrier for this pointing out that a deï¬cit in- district is Barry St. John. will curred in 1960 had been wipedybe glad 9!. new customers. Dlefsg .v p n.... p,,, The ï¬nest in floral designs‘ and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 Keele Street, Maple. Ont. B. W. MILLER ‘3 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ \‘ William Urr, Lem Mcnms. new I i‘ ï¬i“i'i“"‘uuii“hiii“ii' I Satlsfaction LLLMBER and - 3“i‘iii“"‘i‘"“‘j 7 OPEN SATURDAY UNTIL 1 P31. “““““‘“““!‘!!!!!!! GROWER â€" FLORIST After heiring the reoort of Young's B. A. Service Stationfl‘; Yonge & Benson ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER 71 Centre St. E. WASHING, POLISHING, GREASING TIRE REPAIRS, BATTERIES Since 1880 General Repairs to all Makes of Cars SID HUNT, Licensed Mechanic Guaranteed “EVERYTHING FOR BUILDERS†WE WILL MEASURE YOUR JOB AND SUBMIT YOUNG’S tannin-Io": DO IT YOURSELF FREE PLAN AND ESTIMATE TU. 4-0009 HOD YOUR CHOICE â€" CASH 0R BUDGET OR HAVE OUR ME IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT DO IT FOR YOU Lhe trustees about the sale 0 a piece of land on Yonge Street 1nd a lengthy discussion. tht majority of those present vote( to use the proceeds of :Ilis salt to pay off the small bamm'e ol the debt on the new hall tq in- {v'est $2.060 Viki bonds, and to transfer the balance to the board of manageljs.‘ R. Fleming and A. Horwood were re-elected for a further term of three years and A. Ad- amson, T. Graham. G. Leonard and L. Nesbitt were elected for three years to the board of managers. Harold Lemon was named church treasurer ta suc- ceed Walter Wilson. S. C. Smlth and Frank Schisslcr were again named auditors. Correspondent Mrs. Fred St. John '15 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone AV. 5-3443 Brownie News 4th Thornhill Brownie‘s Mo- ther’s Group held their meeting on February 1 at the home 01' President Mrs Haddy. Mrs. Ruth Marges was elected as new trea- surer for the coming year. Plans were made for mother and ‘daughter banquet which is to be held in May. Birthdays cinï¬act him AV. 5-3443 [61' fast home delivery. Thornhill Holy Trinity Parish Guild is holding a rummage sale, February 3 in the church hall from 2 to 4 pm. Birthday Congratulations Barry'sf. thn celebrated his fourteenth birthday January 23. Mr. Dave Hayes celebrated Lynn Webster celebrated her tenth birthday January 22 with a skating party. Mrs. Alice Bradbeer under- went an operation this past week at Branson Hospital. Wish her speedy recovery. WEDDING Two former pupils of Powell Road School were married re- cently, Miss Carol Camden and Dennis Buckingham both of Highland Park district. Con- graiulations. Mr. Dave Hayes ceh his birthday January 24 School News Powell Road Home and School Association held its regular meeting January 22. Mr. Clarence Webb celebrated his birthday this week. Haspitalized The heetinngas a buzz ses- sion and several subjects were dealt with, including teen-agers. PHONE TU. 4-1361 Crestwood Rd. News inulmme‘g COMPANY LIMITED Richmond Hill "“‘-‘I“ â€"'S'te§ardsâ€"3 years. Richard ‘Frisby. Morley Ryan, William 2 , Hibbard. Norman Tyndall; ‘ years. Harvey Collard, George Brands, Herbert Nelson, Gordon Mortson; 1 year, John McCague, Earl Empringham. Reid Brum- well, Allan Chadwick. Church Ushers: Harold Hill (chairman), John McCague. Ar- nold Mortson; Herbert Nelson, Wayne Morts-o-n and Bruce Mortson. Treasurer, Wilbur Brumwell: Assistant Treasurer†Gordon Mortson; Secretary to‘ annual meeting, Earl Empring- ham. Lay Representative to, Presbytery, Lawson Mumber- son; board of trustees, Heber McCague (chairman), Stanley Boynton, Rolph Boynton, Louis Nichols, Herman Mortson, iFraser Gee, Frank Brumwell. iWilliam Orr, Cecil Nichols, Reid H... Y---.v- Followingrare the officials and committees of the church: Sessionâ€"5 years. Herman Mortson. Heber MeCague; 4 years, Cecil Nichols, Arnold Mortson; 3 years, Frank Brum- well, Harold Hill; 2 years. Clar- ence Steckley, Fraser Gee: 1 year, Percy Bennett. Gordon McWhirter. Dr. A. F. Binnvington was in charge of the meeting, with Earl Empringham as secretary. The treasurer‘s report showed a bal- ance of $1,503.66. Amount sent to missionary and maintenance was $925.95. Honorary}v Elders: Louis Nich- ols. Ralph dentï¬n." Stanley Boynton, William Orr. Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meeting of Victoria Square United Church was held on Jan- uary 30 in the Sunday School room. Richmond Hill VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS This car was in collision with a school bus at the corner of Bathurst Street and Vaughan Road last Friday afternoon and, in spite of its appear- ance, its occupants were only comparatively lightly injured. Driver was Kurt Matysek, 34, of Lot 16, third concession of Vaughan. who had a bruised chest; his wife Theodore, 32, and son Christian, 3. Mrs. Matysek had a cut left knee while the youngster had lacerations to the head. All were released after treatment by a doctor. The school bus was proceeding north on Bathurst Street, is said to have stopped before entering the Vau- ghan Road, and was proceeding across the Vaughan Road northwards when hit by the Matsyek car, travelling east. It was taking school children home at the time. None was injured. Bus driver was Harold Oscar Wilson, 67. of 1 Jackson Avenue, Maple. The accident is still under investigation, said Chief James Davidson of Vaughan’s police force. and so far no charges have been laid. (Photo by Lagerquist) CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone Gormley 5421 ï¬nk Brumwellflï¬Ã© Vil Nichois. Rgiï¬â€˜l‘ai i i ‘ ‘ 'lSB sic [$1 It Id 51 '{01‘ leg It Took A Bunt At A Bus I: The church membership class for boys and girls 13 years of lage and over will begin at Vic- toria Square United Church, “February 11. This class is for ‘boys and girls from each of the ;three churches on the charge. ‘It is to continue for eight weeks. lFilm Night The family Film night spon- ‘sored by Victoria Square Dis- itrict Lions Club was held in Buttonville Hall Saturday. The ‘ï¬lm. “The Living Desertâ€. and some cartoons, were slimm, [Another family ï¬lm night will be held March 3. “The Secrets Iof Life" will be shown. A Euchre . A eucln‘e party will be held in Victoria Square Community VHalLFebruary 9. r i Senibr Women's Institute Thn Fokrâ€"nnrv mnpfina I The February meeting of the ‘Senior Women's Institute will lbe held on February 13 at the home of Mrs. David Houck. .Mrs John McCague will con- ‘vene the meeting. The motto \\'ill be given by Mrs. Harry ‘Barber. Roll Callâ€"“how did you meet your husband?“ A Idebate will also be held. Hos- tesses: Mrs.-D. Houck. Mrs. D. Rumney and Mrs. F. Donnelly. Dance The Victoria Square District [Lions Club is having a dance; in the Community Hall Febru- ‘ary 16. l A Messenger: A I Elie SIessengers (formerly the .Mission Band) will meet in the l I Sunday School room Februai‘yi 10 at 2 pm. All children in the community are invited. ‘ Girl Guides I A second year service star‘ was presented to Lynn Sher- wood ‘ Captain. Mrs. P. Rumney, at-‘ tended an area training and; camp-advisers conference at' Oshawa Saturday. Brownies On February 2. Brown Owl. Mrs. G. Hardje. enrolled six Brownie! into the First Gormâ€"l Highlights of ’61 of the Victor-. ia Square charge are: Baptisms, 21: weddings, ll; funerals. 9; new members. 27; total amount raised, $32,844.00 M & M Fund, $3,044.00; Toronto Home Mis- sion Church Extension Fund. $785.00; candidate for the min- ‘istry. Mr. Arthur Storey. iMembership Class Organist and Choir Leader: Mrs. J. Barker; assistants: Mrs. R. Perkins. Mrs. S. DeFoe. Nom- inating Committee: Fraser Gee (chairman). Allan Orr, Mrs. Reid Brumwell, Mrs. A. Bu- chanan, Morley Ryan and Dr. A. F. Binnington. Treasurer for the Victoria Square charge. Fraser Gee. Christian Educa~ tion Committee: Presidents of ‘all orlzanizations, superintendent ‘of the Sunday School. and Mr. Lawson Mumberson. Mrs. Heber McCague. Mr. Rolph Boynton‘ and Mrs. Stan Boynton. Bible Society representatives: Percy Bennett and Nelson Boynton. To prepare the annual reports in booklet form. Mrs. John Mc- Cague. Cemetery Boa-rd: Fraser Gee,Frank Brumwell, Rolph Boynton. Herman M‘ortson, Louis Nichols. Harvey Collard. Heber McCague. Richard Frisby and Wilbur Brumvwell. Church News Dr. A. F. Binnington was in charge of the church service Sunday morning. The installa- tion of the Sunday School staff was held. 'Rev. G. Fitzpatrick will be in charge of the service Feb- ruary 11.7 Brumwell, Harvey Collard (sec- retary), Carl Walker. Lawson Mumberson. M & M Committee: Herman Mortson. Mrs. F. Mc- RObEI'tS, Mrs. A. Buchanan, Mrs. N. Boyn‘ton. Mrs. M-adill, Gor- don Mchlirter, Mrs. M. Styr- mo. Mr. W. Orr. Auditors: Harold S. DeFoe. "lit ’the First Gormley Guide Company meeting last wegk an investiture was held. Sharron Leitch. Sharon Byer and Betty Cornelius were taken into the sisterhood of Girl Guides. Hill, Mrs On Monday, January 29, 5.5. No. 7 School defeated 5.5. No. 4 School in a 5-4 game. The game was played at 5.5. No. 4. Mrs. Farquharson and Mr. Moor- by provided the transportation. Another game was played on February 2 resulting in a 1-1 ‘tie‘ No. 7 scorers on Monday were: Robert Suzuki, 3 goals; Dale Heise. 1 goal; Danny Farâ€" quharson, 1 goal; Gordon Berta, 2 assists; Dwight Henderson, 1 ley Brownie Pack. The new Brownies are: Dianne Francis. Roberta Johnston. Mar- tha Mulholland, Karen Taylor. Barbara Miller and Everille Davidson. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to: Mrs. Nelson Buchanan. February 8: Larry Ryan. 3 years, February 9: Mrs. Stanley Boynton, Febâ€" ruary 11; Norman Gee, 12 years. February 12; Terry Hart. 12 years, February 13. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empring- ham and girls had Sunday din- ner with Mrs. L. Knapp and Irene. Community Centre assist Mervyï¬ Kelly was the scorer {or No. 7 Friday. At his home on the 5th Con- cession, Maple, Vincinzo (Jim) Curdia died suddenly on January 29, 1962. in his 42nd year. A meeting of the Community Centre directors and anyone interested in the Community Centre will be held in the Com- munity Hail February 14 at 8 Hockey ea, LUVH. u. u... -_..,. J-.. 7 Born on his family’s farm in Etobicoke 'Township. Ontario, August 28, 1921, the son of R0- saria (Ganci) and Andrea Cudia, he moved to the farm, near Maple, eight years ago, where he continued farming. He was one of four children Nick, Jenny and Nino who are left to mourn his loss along with his wife Evelyn Ruth (Woodhousel and children - Ros. anne aged 9, Jamie, 8 and Vin- cent 5. The funeral service was held on January 31, at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Rich- mond Hill. and was conducted by Father Breen with interment at Holy Cross Cemetery. Vincinzo Cudia Neighbourhood Notes Buckingham tthe former Carol Last Friday evening saw a fairCondon) who was entertained by number of supporters at Varsity‘her family on Grandview Ave..- Arena for P.Y.C. hockey night.‘Lynn. David and baby Vicky are Thornhill pee wee team was de-lnow residing in Toronto. having feated 2-1 by Riverdale United.ymoved from Port Carling for The highlight of the eveningtthe winter. Donna Ross held a [was autographs given by Edlparty _an_d ‘ invited‘ _fourteen Team captains of the mothers march would like to express their thanks to the marchers and all who contributed. and to everyone for the welcome re- ceived on such a stormy night. On the sick list this week are Mr. G. Davis of Woodward Avenue. hospitalized for sur- gery. Devin Gilbert of Wood- ward Avenue has chicken pox. and Barbara Huha has measles. Bantam teams were outstand- ing. a good clean game ending in a 3-3 tie and an award to a no:- iceably good defenceman. Shack of the Toronto Maple Leafs. Bill Harris was the winner of a pair of "blue" tickets to Sat- urday night's game at Maple Leaf Gardens. The games played were all ï¬ne examples of a good type of hockey. Mrs. A. Foster is suffering from shock and bruises as the result of an accident on Elgin Street. Thornhill. last Sunday. There was extensive damage to both cars but no one was ser- iously injured. Birthdéys celebrated this past week include Mrs. K. Welland of Woodward Avenue, Mrs. D. CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. H. Harris. 39 Woodward Avenue Telephone AV. 5-1889 SELECTED . POULTRY GOVERNMENT GRADED BEEF 02 3 young masters, 2 cut up Lean ground beet 10 “03- fryers, 131/; lbs. (Chicken Wing, Sirloin. T-Bone, Porterhouse wings, 10 lbs.) steaks, 15 lbs. Lean shank stewing beef, 10 lbs. FISH Prime Rib, Short Rib. Blade, Sir- , } 10in Tip, Rump, Round, Boneless 1' Pot Roast, *2 pkgs. ground beef, 30 lbs. PORK P1 Loin Roast, Butt Roast, smok~ ed Cottage Roll, 7 lbs. Pork Chops, 20 lbs. P4 Pork Shoulder Chops, 10 lbs. P17 Vacuum packed bacon, 3 lbs. Weiners - Fearman’s Skinless, 6 lbs. Sausages - Fearman’s Pure Pork, 6 lbs. Cooked meats, Combination Pack: L3 6 Grape 4 pkgs. Chicken Loaf, 4 pkgs. Tangerix Macaroni & Cheese Loaf. 2 ‘ pkgs. Delicia Loaf, 2 pkgs. [(-E CREAM Pickle & Pimento. 12 6 oz. ICl 2 12 ga pkgs. choc, 1 Ont. Lamb shoulder chops, 5 gal. butt lbs. Ice Crea LUNCHEON MEATS There Is A Plan For Every Food Bduget Unconditional Guarantee Total Cost for Above Food and Freezer â€" ONLY per wk. HIGHLAND PARK NEWS ‘Uxbridge Food 8: guests to help her celebrate her first teen-age birthday last Sat- urday night. Mrs. Elsey Hhe former Betty Taylor) who is spending a week with her parents on Meadow- view Avenue informed "The Liberal" that her sister Mari lyn had a daughter last Mon day. United Church News The following children “'erc‘ baptized at a morning service recently: Catherine Elizabeth! Bainbridge. daughter of Mr. andl Mrs. D. C. Bainbridge; whimâ€"â€" Stuart Smith Ellis. son of Mr.‘ and Mrs. W. .1. Ellis; Lori Ann ’ Gordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gordon; Timothy David Killham and Elizabeth Susan Killham. children of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Killham; Mardi‘ Lynn Schildroth, daughter of \Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Schildroth. ‘ At the evening service guest preacher was Rev. Richard Da- vidson. B.A.. B.D.. Th.M.. of Fairlawn United Church, who spoke on the meaning of bap- tism. Following the evening serâ€" vice, the annual meeting of the church was held. Food & Freezer Provisioners_ THE KEY TO BETTER llVING 7697 YONGE ST. THORNHILL, ONT. WE ARE AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE AV. 5 - 2165 '285 - 2165 SAMPLE 3-MONTH SUPPLY QUALIFIED CONSULTANTS ALWAYS READY T9 SERVEVYOIAJ A family of 4 or 5 spending $25 â€" $30.00 per week on all food ca‘ the items listed below and a brand new Uxbridge Freezer for only $15.81 per week. GUARANTEED SAVINGS THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. February 8. 1962 11 reasons why you should open a savings account at National Trust VEGETABLES V1 4 lbs. green beans. 71,; lbs. corn kernels, 5 lbs. fancyâ€"peas, 71/; lbs. diced carrots, 5 lbs. mixed veg., 29 lbs. JUICES J1 24 t FRUITS Fl 9 pkgs. Strawberries, 9 pkgs. Peaches, 9 pkgs. Raspberries, 27 pkgs. ‘ Haddock ï¬llets, 5 lbs. Sole ï¬l- lets, 5 lbs. 2 12 gals. vanilla. 1 Mg gal choc, 1 1/2 gal. straw, 1 Lg gal. butterscotch, 1/12 gal. Neap Ice Cream. 24 tins Orange Juice, 6 Grape, 6 Grapefruit, 6 Blended, 6 Tangerine, 48 6 oz. tins. 2 You get more interest on your savings. 3 Interest starts immediately you open your account. 41> You can save by mail. Postage pro-paid. 1] Free chequing privileges on a reasonable number of cheques 5) Chen later on week daysâ€"Thursday and Friday evenings, all day Saturday. R Richmond Hill 5' INSURANCE |-l HERBERT R. BUTT SI‘I““““““‘ f““““uuuu““\u TUrner 4-1312 24 Elizabeth St. N. NORTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE DOMESTIC FUEL OILS AND BURNER SERVICE HALL'S SERVICE STATION LTD. Richmond Hill “I. 4 - 4361 $30.00 per week oniall food can get all A LIFETIME 0F SATISFACTION Unconditional Guarantee PICS-11 ICE CREAM 102 12 of each Ice Cream Bars, Drum Sticks, Orange Juice Sticks 100 Ice Cream Cones GROCERIES Non-Frozen Items: Tea â€" VIother Parker's - 250 bags Instant Chou, 5 1b. tin Coffee - Mother Parker’s Reg. 6 lbs. Variety Jam Pack, 11 flavours 12 Jars DESSERTS Jelly Powders - Cherry, Lemon, Lime, Straw, 3 each, 12 lbs. Farmhouse Quality Frozen Pies: 2 apple, 1 cherry, 1 blueberry, 1 pumpkin, 1 mincemeat, 6 pies DAIRY PRODUCTS Fresh Creamery Butter, 5 lbs. Margarine, Blue Bon., 12 lbs. Shortening, Schneiders, 6 lbs. DEPENDABLE SERVICE Telephone Toronto. Ontario EMpire 2-3456 112 Yonge St. Toronto