Arrangements were made for the annual sectional meeting, to be held in May at Nashville. Travelling Library King Memorial Library now In: the additional service of the Provincially-arranged travelling ibrary. So far. one box of forty books is in circulation at the local library. King Township Council has altered its midâ€"month meetings. Therefore meetings are sched- uled for the first Monday after- noon each month, and the third Mrs. Donald McCallum, presi- dent. and Mrs. Fred Curtis re- presented St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church \V.M.S. when leaders of section 3 auxiliaries meï¬ recently in Woodbridge. A Books are loaned for four months and then are collected by volunteer librarians. Municipal Meetings The twins, who arrived at York County Hospital. bring the total of grandchildren up to 17 {or Mr. and Mrs. Earl Camp- bell of Kinghorn. Auxiliaries Meet Older mémbers of the family are Vivian, Brian, Paul, Glen and Leslie. vunun. .0... _. Mrs. Ewart Patton conducted evenings. the worship service. Mrs. Quen- Committees Named tin Hardy, spoke on “Steward- King Township Council mem- lhlp." bers have been appointed to the _ Unit leaders, Mrs. Leonard following committees for the Appleyard. Mrs. Allan Smith. year: Mrs. Warren McKendry and Fire and Police Committee - Mrs. Gregory Paul. gave brief Councillor Gordon Cook, chair- teviews of their unit meeting man; Deputy-reeve Norman during the month. MacMurchy. MDBIIKMOYI A M _ . "ï¬gad; and ‘Bridges -- Reeve King City Llons' Club presi- dent, Ray Love, and his wife, of Kinghom. have decided to call their new twin daughters Jean Ind Janice. United Women Monday evening. Thirty members attended the Planning board meetings, un- itrst general meeting of the der the chairmanship of Mr. United Church Women in the Bruce Davis. are being held ev- United Church. ery second and fourth Monday Mrs. Ewart Patton conducted evenings. flu- wnrkhin service. Mrs. Quen- Committees Named 12 Mrs; N. Ritchie Women’s Services TU. 4-3463 Mrs. W. McDougall Transportation - TU. 4-4821 Mrs. W. J. Lennox Cunpaignâ€"Unlonvllle 239 Mrs. G. Purves Richmond Hill Secretaryâ€"me 4-2382 Thornmll Women's Services-AV. 5-1839 l'or Information 5; Services Available, Call Mrs. E. Percival Transportationâ€"AV. 5-3552 Mrs. C. J. Fox-an Unloavlllc Victoria Baum-o Chairman-(home Brand Gormley 5200 Mrs. Gordon Purves. phone 239 - STOUFFVILLE 9 PHONE STOUFFVILLE 108 Please contact your Local Home Delivery Carrier LARRY CRITTENDEN Lake Wilcox Road South PR. 3-5512 RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY KING CITY, OAK RIDGES "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridge. Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corresm in King City is Mrs. Wiiliam J. Houston, tele 'I'Emple 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 8, 1962 REPAIRS - RECORES EXCHANGES FOR CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTORS RADIATOR REPAIR PHONE .108 EVERY JOB GUARANTEED AND RATE - 0 - FLO TESTED FAST PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Mrs. Kathleen Smith of Las- kay, mother of Mrs. Allan 0'- Brlen of Patricia Drive, is pro- gressing well after being in Doc- tors' Hospital, Toronto. where she underwent eye surgery. High School Hop The “Twist†was featured at the "Beachcombers‘ Dance" held at King City Composite School recently. Card Party The playground equipment fund received a substantial boost as a result of a euchre party held by Kinghom Par- ents’ Association at Kinghorn SchooL Drainage and Development - Councillor Jack Rouble. chair- man; Councillor William Curran. Permits and Agreements - Counclllor William Curran. chairman: Reeve William Hodg- son. Welfare â€"- Councillor Gordon Cook, chairman; Deputy-reeve Norman MacMurchy. Property and Garbage Dis- posal - Deputy-reeve Nor- man MacMurchy, chairman; Councillor Jack Rouble. All members are on the fin- ance committee and Reeve Hodgson is a member of all other committees. Hospitalized The first item members hope to purchase for the schoolyard is swings; The ï¬arty night was stormy and Jack Williams was pleased with the appropriate glft he Roads ahd Bridges -- Reeve William Hodgson, chairman; Councillor Jack Rouble. Fire and Police Committee a Councillor Gordon Cook. chair- man; Deputy-reeve Norman MacMurchy, l. D. RAMER 8. SON IT ISN'T FUN TO err Auo FREEZE, OUR OIL Will Ill-347' ON DAYS LIKE \\â€"\ flHESE- .6 J, 189 CENTRE E. RICHMOND HILL “The Best. In Fuels†King City Notes Two petitions covering the son Avenue, taking in Joicey'a‘ supply of water to residents on Point. Some ï¬fty names were the eastern side of Oak Ridges said to be on this petition. were presented to Whitchurch A second petition contained Township Council at its last 36 names. While not opposed to meeting. One, with its sponsors the installation of a system, it being Jack Blyth, Jim Smith objected to it if the cost would and Betty Fitzsimmons, asked be as prohibitive as that ascer- council to examine the cost of tained last year. It was present- installing a water system cover- ed by Mrs. Flora Dunn and Mrs. ing an area east of Yonge Street, Samuels. on the north. would have its Township council. fearful that limits at a point opposite the present taxes might be about Oak Ridges Building Supply es- all that many residents could tablishment; on the south, at handle, decided to have a sur- the southern boundary of the vey of tax arrears in the dis- Log Cabin restaurant and on trict made before taking any x the east would run along Ben-lfurther action. The rash said he had ac- cepted the resignation of Mr. Jack Barraclough as warden. Mr. Barraclough has moved to Rich- mond Hill. Mr. Costigan reported church attendance and receipts had in- creased by twenty per cent over the previous year. King City United . Reports from various church organizations were received. 7 It was announced the advis- ory council would consist of all church officers, who would likely meet three times during the coming year. It was announced that special arrangements were being made for the February 14 Valentine euchre in the fire hall, when the flremen's women's auxili- ary will arrange extra prlzes. King City W. I. Mrs. Ross Walker. . King Street, will be hostess for next Tuesday evening‘s meeting of King City Women's Institute. Ghest'speaker will be Mr. Charles Boyd, who will outline the growth of York County Hos- pital. Mark Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harry McBride celebrated their thirtieth wed- ding anniversary beginning wifh a dinner party at the home of ‘Mr. McBride’s sister, Mrs. \Charles White of Maple. won as door prize - a snow shov- el. His lucky night. Mr. W11- llams also won men’s second scglje p1:12_e. _‘ __ __ Mrs. John Stanley and Mr. Ed Robson won top score prizes. Miss Myrna Livingston had se- cond highest ladies’ score. Mr. Cardy Nelson won the consola- tion award. New Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Facey but of Banner Lane received a baby _'1 girl at York County Hospital. 510‘ Newmarket, a sister for David Mr and Mary Jane. 31“ Flremen’s W.A. Euchre Mrs. George Robson and Brian Knight won prizes for highest scores, consolation awards going to Mrs. Luesby and Mr. Al La- Plante at a party in the fire hall recently. Travelling prizes remained with Mrs. Tom Monk- man and Brian Knight. Officers elected were: Mr. T. J. Colbourne, rector’s warden; Mr. Jack Cargill, people’s war- den; Mr. Harold Clapp and Mrs.‘ Ian Baxter. deputy wardens; Mr.‘ Raymond Burt, chairman of sid- esmen; Mr. Robert Sillcox and Mr. J. K. Crawford, auditors; Mr. William B. Cook, treasurer; Mrs. Cook, assistant treasurer; Mr. William G. Pate, convenor of parish hall bookings; Mr. Ian Baxter, lay delegate to Synod, and Mr. Frank Baker, alternate lax delegate. Later in the evening the Mc- Bride daughters, Mrs. Peter Su- therland of Schomberg and Miss Mary McBride, entertained forty friends at a surprise party. [Arrival Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sill- cox are celebrating the arrival of their new daughter, born at ‘Toron-to General Hospital on ‘January 28, a sister for Donna ‘and Scott. Westry Meeting Rev. E. H. Costigan presided over a gathering of 50 members of All Ss‘nts' Anglican Church at the am Vestry meeting. Another successful year, with expansion in all departments, was Indicated by reports pres- ented at the annual congrega- tional meeting at King City Un- ited Church. Rev. Martin Jenkinson counted 8 church membership of 260 in the past year, with 36 newcom- ers. The parish includes 156 families and 618 individuals. The church was the scené of 29 baptisms, two weddings and ten_ funeral gerviceg during 1961. Revenue from all sourcEs was reported as $17,090, of which en- velopes and gifts accounted for $11,217 and collection plates, $773. “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish ltems of in- terest regardlng people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City in Mrs. William J. Houston, telephone TEmple 3-5457: and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Kn. Eleanor Charuk. Bayvlew Ave. North. phone PR. 3-5854. Total contributions to mis- sionary and maintenance fund came to $5,112. Investments in- cluded $1.454 toward the organ fund; $268 for construction of the chancel, stairs and lighting; $1,571 for installation of new vestibules and stairs. The Women's Missionary Soc~ lety report noted $312 Sent to Presbyterial. The Mission Band contributed $24. The C.G.I.T. raised $119 and the Young People’s Group had a $5 balance. The WA. treasury totalled; $1,796. Members spent $1,273and reserved $490. The closing 1‘ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cunning. ham were praised for their work in maintaining the church and grounds. Water System Costs Are Sought By Eastern Oak Ridges Citizens Petitions Presented To Council would have its Towns’hlp council. fearful that flat opposite the present taxes might be about [ildlng Supply es- all that many residents could on the south, at handle, decided to have a sur- boundary of the vey of tax arrears in the dis- ‘staurant and onltrict made before taking any men The Sunday School showed a balance of $416 after $1,075 was raised. The board of stewards num- bered 16, including those newly- appointed. Mr. Donald Hadwen. Mr. Gordon Orr. Mr. Jack Gab butt and Mrs. Irving L,Scott. The 15-member board of ses- sions Includes new members, Mr. Howard Hayward, Mr. Ron- ald Fraser, Mr. Allen Smith. Mr. M. Dunlop. Mr. Art Rosslter and Mr. Ted Munroe. @hituarizs o: W.A. books meant the trans- fer of $3,000 reserve to the new 1962 group, United Church Wo- Mr. Warren McKendry was re-elected Observer representa- tive. Mr. Emerson Wallace, Mr. Douglas Renninson and Mr. Kenneth Branston were added as ushers. Mr. Ray Love and Mr. Art Rosslter undertook auditing du- ties. Named the building com- mittee were Dr. Glenn Sawyer, Mr. Irving L. Scott. Mr. John Dew and Mr. Aubrey J. Gor- don Mr. Wiles had several close friends around King City and Laskay. He was born at Laskay on Lot 15 of the Sixth Conces- sion, and built many of the barns in the area. _ Mrf’Wilérsmwas in' exceuént health until a few days before his passing. ‘ Mï¬Ã©iflMaurlce Zeidman ’con- ducted the service in the Earle Funeral Home at Dovercourt and Bloor. A few weeks before his nine- ty-third birthday, a native of King Township, Robert Wiles, died in Toronto and was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. "MEIDWile's, {he forâ€"met Agnes Graham, died two years _§go_. He sold his Laskay house to William Ham. When he retired, he and his wife moved to To- ronto. Their only daughter died as a child. Mr. George Brown of King, Cjty lg a pephew: A farmer on King Townships Fifth Concession all his life, Al- bert Richards died after being 111 several months with a heart condition. ' He virdrked as a threshex- until he moved to New Hamburg in 1916. There he and William} en'riis 6f Kettleby manufactured threshing machines as the New Dominion Thresher Company. Considered a sociable bache- lor by a host of friends, “Ab†Richards took leading roles in numerous plays presented in different halls throughout the community years ago. ‘ He and his brother, Jesse, were among entertainers at Laskay, Aurora, Buttonville 1S)chomberg, Vandorf and Klein- urg. Rev. Martin Jenkinson con- ducted the funeral service at Aurora parlors and interment was ianingA City Qegetqry._ Less than a month after en- tering hospital with a heart condition, Mrs. John Dixon of the Fourth Concession, King Township, passed away at T0- ronto Western Hospital follow- ing a second attack. Surviving are a sister, Miss Maysie Richards. and a brother, Jesse Richards of Aurora. Widow of John Dixon, the former Agnes Murphy was bur- ied in King City Cemetery after the service at the Thompson Funeral Home in Aurora which was conducted by Rev. Martin R. Jenkinson. Acting as pallbearers were John Dew, Laurence Scott, Nor- man Taylor, Walter Davis. John Whalleyr and William Ingram. Acting as pallbearers were two nephews, Roy and John Richards as well as Stanley Kerr. Laurence Scott, Lorne Scott and Charles Robson. Born in Glasgow, Mrs. Dixon married forty years ago. She and her husband made their home in King Township for 25 years. returning once to visit felzgives in England and Scot- an . Among surviving relatives are her only son, Donald, and five grandchildren in Aurora; her sister-in-law, Mrs. D. Traviiss of Willowdale, and a niece, Mrs. M. Perkins of Toronto. WHUeV served as a trustee of Kinghorn Schoo1_§oard. Officers in the church for the. g 1 coming year are: Clerk of Ses- sion, Melvin Weliman; members. son Avenue. taking in Joicey's Freeman Barker, George Barker, Point. some ï¬fty names were Stewart Rumble, Merrill Johnâ€" sald to be on this Eamon, son. To the Board of Stewards. A second petition contained for three years: Mrs. William 36 names. While not opposed to WeILman. Charles Barker. Wes- the installation of a system, it ley Clark. Elmer Leek; for one objected to it if the cost would year. Miss Cora Brodie. Mrs. W. be as prohibitive as that ascer- Clark. James Curtis 51".. Cum- talned last year. It was present- mel‘ Lee: for two Yeaâ€. DOD ed by Mrs. Flora Bunn and Mrs. Brodie. Douglas Calder, Harry Samuels. Burton, Ben Terry. For ushers: Township council. fearful that Charles Barker, Don Brodie. present taxes might be about David Rumble, and Albert Leek, all that many residents could with Melvin Wellman senior handle, decided to have a sur- usher. Treasurer. Don Brodie, vey of tax arrears in the dis- Organist and Choir Leader.).1rs. trict made before taking any Stewart Rumble. Observer rep- ‘further action. presentative, Mrs. Harry Burton. vey of tax arrears in the trict made before taking further action. ALBERT RICHARDS MRS. JOHN DIXON ROBERT‘ WILES Last week’s meeting. held on one of the coldest days of the! year, saw nearly perfect attend- ance at the First Lake Wilcox Brownie Pack meeting. Brownies agreed to forego their usual Valentine party in favour of an outdoor meeting, February 15. Brownie News At that time they will meet at the home of their leader. Eleanor Charuk. It has not been decided whether they wlll skate, toboggan or just ramble. Cubs and Scouts The Group Committee of the} First Oak Ridges Cubs and‘ Scouts announced the re-form- ing of the scout troop which has been inactive for nearly a year. The committee has secur- ed Tony Gorman of the King Sideroad as scoutmaster. The ï¬rst meeting will be held February 13th. 7.30 p.m., in Lake Wilcox Public School. Legion Briefs Mrs. Lillian Windsor. prele dent of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Branch 570, Royal Canadian Le- gion. announced recently that the executive meeting scheduled for February 12th had been cancelled. The executive has been asked to meet one half hour before the general meeting February 19. The chlendar for 1962 will be planned at the February 19th meeting. St. Paul's United Church At a recent meeting of the United Church Women's Assoc- iation tentative plans were made for 1962 activities. Included are a spring fashion show. bake sale and luncheon, a cooking demon- stration, two rummage sales, one In May and the other in Octob- er, and the annual Christmas bazaar, scheduled for NoVember 3rd. The association also started work on its overseas bale, a yearly project consisting of baby layettes and afghans. The ï¬rst meeting of the re- cently organized Oak Ridges Home and School Association was held February 5th. Guest speaker was Dr. N. Emerson, former president of the organ- ization, and professor of anthro- pology at the University of Toronto. Bethe! Gospel Church A ï¬lm on family life was shown by Mrs. Gordon Winch. Home and School Guest spéake; last Sunday at the Bethel Gospel Church was James Lewis of Newmarket. A The annual meeting of the‘ Headrford United Church was held in the home of Mrs. Nor- man Brodie, January 31, 1962. Dr. F. A. Binnlngton was In the chair and, following the reading of last mlnutes by Clerk 01 Ses- sion Melvin Wellman, the re- ports of the year’s work were read and approved. A_ Headford United Church At the close of the meeting a social hour was enjoyed when the hospitality of the- Brodie family was appreciated. Chairman Ben Terry of the board of stewards reported an active year with the installation of propane gas furnace and stove, insulation of church, caulking of windows and doors, and repair of doo_rs. The resu_lt is a warm church. The former women's associa- tion reports a worthwhile active year and they expressed in their report appreciation of the co- operation from the choir, the board of stewards and the Hi-C group, and especially to Dr. Binndngton for his spiritual and technical guidance during the period of change. There are twelve associates members of ;the Victor Home Mission, with ‘Mrs. Binnington their represen- itative. Contributions to the mission- ary and maintenance fund were received from the Sunday school, rally day service, white gift service, women’s associa- tion, as well as Easter, Christ- mas and Thanksgiving special offerings. The treasurer, Mrs. Ben Terry, reported that ten families used the M and M en~‘ velopes to the sum of $192.86. Total receipts, $365.41. A juniorâ€"choir was organized under the leadership of Mrs. Stewart Rumble. A new interest developed in the church when the Hi-C teen- age group was organized. This enthusiastic young group has decided that the church needs an organ and plan to make that their big project, promoting inrterest in the idea and spark- ing ways and means. Twenty- seven meetings were held as well as a Valentine party, a corn roast. and a visit to a maple sugar bush to see the process of ‘sap to sugar'. They have assisted at special services In the church. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek are counsellors for the group and in their report they‘ recorded their gratitude to Mrs. Cummer Lee and Elizabeth and Charles Barker for their assistance. Treasurer Don Brodie report- ed all expenses, local and cir- cuit as well as premium for addltlonal insurance, had been met, leaving a balance in the bank of $394.59. HEADFORD NEWS Oak Ridges lake Wilcox Socials and comfortable graduate of the Bob Jones Col- lege, California, he showed a ï¬lm connected with the founding of the college. Bowling League Last Week marked the end of the second series of the Lake Wilcox Bowling League. A re- shuï¬ling of the pack marked the conclusion of the series. The Pin Pickers stood thein ground and picked up seven points to ï¬nish in top spot with 41, as the Roughriders took over sole possession of second place with 39 points. also on a 7 point victory. Bill's Bouncers pulled out of their fourth place tie with the Screwballs and un- seated third place Untouchables as they also added 7 points to‘ total 35. The Screwballs took 5 points to ï¬nish with 33. The Blowers, who were tied for sec- ond place. failed to add to their 32 point total and dropped down to ï¬fth place. Similarly the Un- touchabies dropped from third to sixth adding nothing to their 29 points. The Broncos, who dropped from ï¬fth. picking up 2 points on last week's 27. The‘ Skunks dropped from sixth to seventh. picking up 3 points to total 27, while the last place Corner Cutters move up one notch on a 4-point gain to total 26. The Hillbillies fell back to capture the booby prize when they too added nothing to their 24 points. In the men's high total for three games it was Tom Biso, ï¬rst, with a single of 323 to total 791, Ken Fullerton, second, with a single of 268, to total 722, and Ray Hunter, third, who rolled a 230 to ï¬nish with 672. The ladies mixed it up a bit} in the high total for three hon» ours. as Marion Hunter's total of 593 bettered Lil Ateheson's 571. despite the fact that Lil topped Marion’s single of 239 with her 234. Jan Nichols placed third when she toppled 230 pins to total 550. Next week the slates are wiped clean and the third series begins. Mothers March Mrs. A. Gibeault, chairman of} the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox March of Dimes, extends thanks to her captains. canvassers and the general public for their generous contributions of time and money. First reports from the Bank of Nova Scotia indi- cated that the ï¬gure would reach well over $300.00. It was later estimated that when all receipts were in and totalled the ï¬nal ï¬gure would be approx- For the Christian education committee: Mrs. Elmer Leek, Stewart Rumble, Mrs. Stewart Rumble, Mrs. Cummer Lee, Freeman Barker. Mrs. Wesley Clark, Merrill Johnson. Missionary and maintenance commit-tee: Mrs. Ben Terry, Mrs. George Barker, Mrs. Elmer Leek. The church membership is forty active and twelve non- active. Five Sundays during the year had a special missionary signi- ï¬cance when Mrs. Lee, convenor! planned a story or ï¬lm on the subject of missions. The social activities for the year included ‘a Christmas concert. skating party, Hallowe’en party and picnic. Under the leadership of Sup~ erintendent Stewart Rumble the Sunday School carried on a happy and successful year as re- ported by the secretary Charles Barker. The treasurer, David Rumble reported a balance of $146.27. Sunday School was held 48 Sundays in the year with an avn erage attendance of 36.5, teach- ers and students. Mrs. Harry Burton has a roll of seven in the kindergarten; 14 members in the primary department with lead- ers Mrs. Cummer Lee and Miss Elizabeth Barker; 12 junior boys and girls with leaders John Rumble and Miss Cora Brodie. and the Hi-C group under Coun- sellor Mary Leek. Four special days were ob- served by the Sunday school, family day, convenor Miss Cora Brodie; rally day, convenor, Mrs. Cummer Lee; White Gift Sunday, Mrs. Harry Burton; and anniversary Sunday. Vacation School for Victoria Square Charge was held at Headford Church and the pub- lic school July 17 to 21. Aver- age attendance, pupils 103, lead- ers 27 with a top attendance one day of 139. Dr. Blnnin-gton expressed his gratitude to all who had helped with the services and the work of the church and he closed his message to the charge with an affirmative hope, “Let us put Christ and His Church at the centre of our lives. May new motivations be found to stir the careless and indifferent. May we grow in spiritual depth and influence. So may Christ have the pre-eminence." "LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS JUST PHONE AV. 5-3316 TU. 4-1105 Due to the absence of Mr. '"'"'""' Martin Reif at last week's meet- Changed lit ing, Rev. Mr. Michell was in have gradually charge. Plans were made for a ground by Kim sleigh-ride and Wiener roast to Company, be held February 3rd. The annual Congratulations to Mr. and company, held Mrs. Frank Warden, Schomberg Masonic Hall, 1 Road, Oak Ridges, who were ago family plo married recently in Toronto. large enough Mrs. Warden is the former Edna four to eight I: \Legare of Toronto. In those days imately $450.00 Teen Cldb be held February 3rd. The annual meeting of the’contemplated at the moment. Congratlflations to Mr. and company, held at King City Mr. Laurence Scott szs re- Mrs. Frank Warden, Schomberg Masonic Hall, noted that years elected president of the board. Road, Oak Ridges. who were ago family plots were usually Mr. Allan Gellatly is Vice- married recently in Toronto. large enough to accommodate President and members include. Mrs. Warden is the former Edna four to eight members. Andrew McClure and Donald Legare of Toronto. In those days King Township Hadwen of King City; Marshall Miss Wendy Taylor. daughter families were more likely to McMurchy. Aurora; Fred Boys. of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Taylor is keep in closer contact as the Oak Ridges. William Bryson of progressing favourably at York young people grew up, married, the King-Vaughan townline County Hospital, Newmarket. and settled near the family Edgar Bone and Gordon Murray Jimmy Carter of the Gorm- homestead. of Teston. Jimmy Carter of the Gorm- 1ey Road is back in Sunnybrook Hospital, as the result of a sev- ere heart seizure. Released from hospital just before Christmas, he was making regular routine visits regarding another ailment. Sandra. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Charuk, celebrated her tenth birthday at the home of her grandmother. Mrs. Lil- lian Robertson. Willowdnle, re- cently. When Mr. and Mrs. William 5m] Campbell of Aubrey Avenue, t 5 Oak Ridges, were invited to cel- eth ebrate their twenty-ï¬rst wed- o A ding anniversary at the home of nee Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Empring- or ham, Gormley, they had no idea gri‘ that they were to be the guests sec‘ of honour at a surprise dinner Th, and shower. When they arrived are they found ï¬fteen other guests p10 had been invited. r Mr. Frank Killlck was forced to take a week in semi-retire- ment at the request of his doc- tor to ï¬ght the miseries of the flu. to take a week in semi-retire- ment at the request of his doc- ;or to ï¬ght the miseries of the u. Mr. Ken Ash reports a good catch. the result of a weekend of ice fishing on Lake Simcoe. Mrs. Gladys Taylor of Glen- El-Tee Kennels again won at ‘the dog show held recently at ‘Farmers‘ Market, Thornhill. Her collie pup, Glen-El-Tee's Gold- dust. placed ï¬rst in open fe- male. winners female, and best Canadian bred pup in breed. Her second entry. Cris-Enas Eight board members attend- ed the company‘s 75th annual meeting. “Perhaps people do not understand. it is really the plot holders who hold the meeting and all of them are welcome to attend," Secretary-Treasurer Mr. Jack Walkington told “The Liberal.†The opinions and sug- gestions of owners are sought. He said the only problem a- rising is finding a new secre- tary-treasurer. After serving 1.8 years in that capacity. Mr Jewel. placed sehond In open female and won reserve winners female. Will Your Battery Fail You? It could happen. A weak battery just can not make the grade on a cold morning. Let us check and re-charge your battery for you. COOK'S BP A TORONTO-DOMINION BANKING SERVICE: THE SAVINGS ACCOUNT T°B9NT9'P?'.‘.’E¥¥'°" m Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 '07? our p_e_qp_l_e make the diï¬erence Each member of our staff is trained to consider banking from the customer’s point of view. We know that dealing with money often makes people uncertain . . . and we realize that many people think of banks as cold and austere plac. So we believe that our most important function is to offer intelligent, friendly, interested help This is the ï¬rst account most people open at The Bank. And for the wise ones, it is the last that is closed. Not too many years ago the Savings Account was a general catch-all where you deposited money and paid it out by cheque at the end of each month. Today, the Personal Chequing Account does this job -and the Savings Account should be used for savings only; savings at interest! Get in the habit. Save for the rest of your life. Open 8 Savings Account at The Bank . . . and to keep our experts working constantly to improve our banking facilities and remove inconveniences. That’s why we say that our people make the happy diï¬â€˜erence in banking. We’d like to prove it to you. P. DYSON, Manage: Where people make the diï¬â€™erenoe Earl Campbell was re-appoin- ted cemetery caretaker for an- 1 other year. Ample ground to take care 01"- needs for years to come was re- i ported. Of the six acres com- prising the cemetery, thc newex section covers nearly two acres. Three-quarters of the newer area has yet to be divided into plots. Changed living conditions have gradually altered sales of ground by King City Cemetery Company. The annual meeting of the Changing Times Smaller Family When ground is purchased. thirty-five per cent of the cost Is set aside for perpetual care of the grounds. Now that families tend to scatter, the trend is to lmaller, twoâ€"grave plots. King City Cemetery Board is the largest it has ever been, 11 members, with the latest addiâ€" tion, Mr. Robert Gillies of the Sixth Concession of King Town- ship. _ During 1961 there were 34 in terments. _ Phone 285-1073 King C19: Expert Auto Body. Collision. Repairs and Repalntlng FREE ESTIMATESâ€"VG.M.A,C. FINANCING nu“ a» . .m- of M. LESLIE. bibTo'R" 'ti'R'oDUCTs LTD. BODY SHOP Richmond Hill Branch Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill GM. Dealer Walkington admits welcome a successor No changes or improvements in the cemetery grounds are contemplated at the moment. Mr. Laurence Scott szs re- Brings Trend To Cemetery Plots Sanitary Contractor Drains Cleaned & Repaired CARL E. HILL. M.D., MO.“ ivhmond H i" '1‘". to choose a variety of loads from all four food groups to furnish the necessary nut- rlents to maintain good nu- tritional health. To omit foods from any single group weakens the diet. Sweets and desserts make up 23 per cent of the home- maker's caloric intake which could make her the poorest fed member of the family. Septic Tanks Pumped DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK C. STUNDEN It Is Important TE. 3-5301 (.19‘5 would