VON Shocks, Gratifies, Cogfll Councillors sat in almost stunned silence when, in one of the ï¬rst requests of the year for money, they Were told at Richmond Hill Council meeting this week that the Victorian Order of Nurses would be satisï¬ed with a grant of a thousand dollars less this yearâ€" $2,000 instead of 1961’s $3,000. “But please don’t con- sider this a precedent,†they were warned. The VON was able to lower cases in Vaughan Township had its request because of greater been looked after and 108 in use of its nursing services and Markham Township. Altogether, consequently greater revenue, 267 cases had been cared for by the amount of $600 last year, outside of the town. It was councillors were told. $3,500 pointed out that these calls had had been anticipated from pub- come without any advertising lic contributions and $3,464 had of VON services. been received, it was said. During 1961 the VON had day on Vaughan Road at Arnold Street when a car driven by Joseph Ronald Gray of 16 Jones Court. Aurora, is said tohave backed out of Arnold Street into the path of another vehicle operated by Ralph Smith of 367 Markham Road, Richmond Hill.‘ Charges of failing to yield and careless driving have been laid against Gray. said Richmond Hill Police Chief Robbins. The second accident, which resulted in $200 damage, oc- curred at Centre and Beaverton Streets, January 31. A car dri- ven by Albert Pinkerton of South River is alleged to have} slid through a stop street and; Commenting on extension at paid 1,854 visits to homes, 1,207 ' services to neighbouring town- of them calling for nursing: ships, the report said that ef- care. The number was 243' forts had been made to have greater than last year. ‘ ratepayers associations take on Mayor Haggart expressed tl~ "ob of raising money. As gratitude of townspeople for 11 :tion had been taken, ser- VON services and complimented v to residents outside of the order on its desire to co- R .unond Hill had been dis- operate. “It‘s quite a thing to continued in all but one mdi- receive a request for less vidual case. ‘ money,†he said, with Reeve Many Township Cases Floyd Perk-ins joining him in One hundred and forty-seven felicltations to the VON. Request For Assistance Drops Thousand Dollars The rapidly expanding pro- Scholastic-TAB Publications gram for Canadian schools has moved to Richmond Hill in the newspaper this week. i led to the appointment of Mr September, 1960, and has al- These tires have carried the‘ W. A. C. McMaster as Managing ready doubled the size of its winner of the Monte Carlo rally‘ Director of Scholastic-TAB Pub- plant. to victory for the last six years lications Ltd. of Canada, Presi- Mr. McMaster comes to Scho- and, at the last rally at short dent M. R. Robinson of the lastic-TAB from the post of time ago, the winner was again parent company in New York Assistant Superintendent of Cur- equipped with them. The car in has announced. In this capa- riculum and Textbooks in the this instance wasa Swedish pro- city, Mr. McMaster will direct Ontario Department of Educa- duct, the Saab. 111 publishing activities for tion. During the past ten Years In the Canadian Winter rally Scholastic Magazines and Book he has served as Director Of which starts from Scarboro on Services in Canada. Mr. A. S. the English Department at Ry- Friday, and in which driversi Mahaffey will continue as busi- erson Institute, head of the W111 {lover 1,500 miles before re- ness manager of the company. English Department at Royal turning to their Starting POint with both officials making their York Collegiate Institute, and On Sundaygtwo company entries headquarters in the plant at Man-aging Editor of the Copp at least will ride on the Same 128 Industrial Road, Richmond Clark Publishing Company Ltd tir_es- British Motors, with its Hill. In 1945 he received his Bache- Pride 11de 0h 3 Flat. and the 101. of Arts degree in English Volvo entry will both be equip- factorily, Mr. G. J. Palmer told? Language and Literature and in W“ With vaillants- 1954 the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy from the University of Toronto. Markham Relief Cost Public Speaker C“--. “In..- u:..L Educationalist Named Expanding Business Is Cause Correspondenï¬ David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 Stephen Quilty, of Clarke Av- enue. celebrated his eighth birthday February 1. On January 30, at the Lions Hall, Richmond Hill, the Don- caster Community Ladies Club attended the public meeting to organize a hospital auxiliary. The Doncaster Community The Doncaster Community Ladies Club is holding 3 Val- entine card and game party for ‘the patients at the Villa Hospltal on Bathurst Street, February 12. Mrs. J. Greenshields. 161 Hen- derson Avenue stated that the sum of $101.68 was collected In the March of Dimes by mothers in Doncaster. Collecting under Mrs. Green~ shields the captain of the area were Mrs. C. Russell, Mrs. B. Moase. Mrs. E. Fox, Mrs. R. Kindness, Mrs. H. Flewwelling. Mrs. K. McKibbon. Mrs. W. Menzies. Mrs. F. Baxter and Mrs. J. Barbour. In the January 28 Hockey double~header. the Doncaster Royals defeated the Hornets 5â€"4 in the first game. With only a few minutes re-- maining in the game. the local boys faced a 4 to 2 deficit when suddenly Doncaster took over 5-4. Doncaster marksmen were Gary Wise. Pete Mackey, Tom Byberg. and Mike Mackey with the tying and winning goals. n_I__ . W. A. C. McMASTER mond Hill High School two iyears ago, has conducted courses in public speaking at the Cana- dian National Institute for the Blind and at the International Business Machines Company For two years he wrote the “Know Your Language" column ‘for the Toronto Telegram. He is the author of “Beyond Basic English" and co-author of two other books. “Creative English" and "Creative Com- position". ror ralr hrants York County Council extend- ed additional assistance this week to several organizations. Dealing with the report of its agricultural committee, council added to grants which are made; each year to Markham, Wood- bridge. Sutton, Schomberg. Aur- ora and Richmond Hill Agricul- ltural Societies. plus the Royal Winter Fair. The grants range from $500 to Markham, Wood~ bridge and Sutton to $300 for Schomberg, with $200 to Aurora, 1lzichmoncl Hill and the Winter a r. I County council added $100 to leach grant. Doncaster marksmen were Gary Wise, Pete Mackey, Tom Byberg. and Mike Mackey with the tying and winning goals. V Ho'rneYs scorers “:eEe Duly, Munce (2) and Ross. In the second game, the Rose- lawn Dairy Club romped to a 10-0 victory over the Rovers. Sheldon and Rice scored hat tricks, Hooper got 2, singles went to Snider and Cummer. Next Sunday the Royals. of Doncaster take on the Roselawn Dairy. In the second feature. the Hornets will meet the Newton- brook Rovers. This game starts at 9 pm. Avenue. has been conï¬ned to bed for the past four Weeks and expects to be confined for an- other 2 week; John R. Pennyfather (right), president of the Holy Name Society, treats Lloyd Milne nicely by handing him a Bell and Howell movie pro- jector and screen. The articles were prizes given at the successful Million- aires' Night staged by the society at the Lions Club hall. InL-L- I... T nnInIsnI'l:fl" No Millionaire - But Still Lucky! onï¬ned "mug 1961 the VON had':1:3";h;3agi,‘; geazs‘grgzt";,;a paid L854 “Sits to homes' 1307 struck another driven by Jane of them “mug for “ursm‘g McKechnie of 38 Rockport Cres- cm- The number was 243 cent, Richmond Hill. Charges grggvter than Vlasgyea‘r: ________ A are pending IV A- Scholastic - TAB Publications moved to Richmond Hill in September, 1960, and has al- ready doubled the size of its plant. Mr. MEMaster, who spoke at Commencement at the Rich- ruary 9th. Newmarket solicitor'UOuncu 3‘1“ Joseph Vale told the court that 'â€" ;he was acting on behalf of AURORA : ‘ iJames Murray. who was elected during the ‘to council for 1962 and was onelcanvass. WT of the witneï¬es scheduled tolin the total be head during the enquiry. ceed $1,200. _ A native of Winnipeg, Mr. McMaster has made his home in the Toronto area since 1930. AURORA : An enquiry into an incident in connection with municipal elections on Decem- ber 2nd, which commenced be- fore Judge G. H. F. Moore, has been adjourned pending a mo- tion quashng the hearing which will be heard by the Sn preme Court of Ontario on Feb in[Win Top Race Honours {[Hill Supplier States r§5New Line Of Nonskids (Photo by Lagerqmst) P'rior to February lst New- market topped - or bottomed - records in the immediate area. TWO Tl’afï¬c (faShes On January alst its low for the diiybwlas 12 beï¬ow. Aulrï¬iia'shuias ' l eow. Ric mond i c ak- Bl'lng Damage ed up nine below. Just outside . of the district Sutton and Kes- Plus Pohce Charges wick froze in a 29 below temo perature. with Pefferlaw drop- ‘ Damage amounting to $1,200 ping even two degrees below resulted from two separate ac- that. (Summer cottagers, who cidents in Richmond Hill last will be grousing about the heat week. The first occurred Tues- day on Vaughan Road at Arnold M Street when a car driven by Joseph Ronald Gray of 16 Jones Court. Aurora, is said tovhave [backed out of Arnold Street of AURORA : Citizens gave ed during the “March of ] ne canvass. When all retur The second accident. which resulted in $200 damage, oc- curred at Centre and Beaverton Streets, January 31. A car drl- ven by Albert Pinkerton of South River is alleged to have slld through a stop street and struck another driven by Jane McKechnie of 38 Rogkport Cres- 'v The Vaillant tungsten steel anti-skid tire which was describ- ed in "The Liberal†some weeks ago, and which is being distri- buted in North America by Speed Equipment Distributors Ltd, 68 Young Street South, Richmond Hill, is moving satis- factorily, Mr. G. J. Palmer told the newspaper this week. f: the federation, said that a ,- grant of $1,000.00 was needed. mCouncil added the extra $500. 1Generous County; Gives $100 More?3 ( l For Fair Grants‘é Welfare costs for Markham Township for January were over $1,700, council learned at a re- cent meeting. The amount, said Reeve Wilfred Dean, was the highest for some years, if not for all time. Even with the jump, Markham Is in a far better position than its neighbour, Whitchurch Town- ship, where relief costs for {January amounted to $4,748. Markham Relief Cost Scores Alltime High York County Council extend- ed additional assistance this week to several organizations. Dealing with the report of its agricultural committee, council added to grants which are made each year to Markham, Wood- bridge, Sutton, Schomberg, Aur- ora and Richmond Hill Agricul- tural Societies. plus the Royal ‘Winter Fair. The grants range ‘from $500 to Markham. Wood- Also a winner was the York Federation of Agriculture. The budget called for a grant of $500. Reeve Norn Garriock of Woodbridge succeeded in hav- ing a grant of $200 to the far- mers union cancelled but coun- cil added $500 $0 the federation grant. Frank Redelmeier of Don Head Farms, president of “March Bf Dimes" en all returns are is expected to ex- E smsoéé Yonge St. North Richmond Hill First Robin If there's anything to this in a few months. please note!) business of “winter nestling in And while all this was going on the lap of spring" it was de- the sissies at Brampton only had monstrated in Richmond Hill five below to contend with. and district during the last First Robin Seen week- It was a week which saw That “first red robin came the first robin stick its beak bob, bob, bobbin’ along†while into a Climate Wthhv at the arguments were still going on as same time, PFOduced one 05 the to whether the groundhog saw winter's coldest snaps. It was ms shadow last Friday. Mrs. 1v. 8 W881! WhiCh. While producing an Lindsay of Sussex Avenue. Winter, It was a week which saw a revival of the old argument as to which local place had the lowest temperature, with Auror- ians able to do a bit of boast-t ing - just as if it's anything to boast about. At 8 a.m. on Feb- ruary lst the official tempera- ture at the Ontario Hospital on the Pinnacle just south of Au- ora - one of the official tempera- ture recording stations - was 18 below zero. At the same hour. down south in the “banana belt" it was four below at the sewage - disposal plant at Richmond Hill, alnother official recording sta- t on. The Ridge: Wins Oak Ridges, however, captur- ed the pennant. With Aurora recording 18 below and Rich- mond Hill hitting a minus four at 8 a.m. on February 1st, the Ridges mercury dipped officâ€" ially to 20 below. Prior to February lst New- ' market topped - or bottomed â€" rnom‘de in the immediate area. I auguuu I In.) nu‘: l 159 Cases Heard! At Police Court†One hundred and fifty-nine cases were heard in Richmond Hill Magistrate's court Tuesday. This number represents the largest court docket since ses- sions were first held about a month ago. All charges were laid by Vaughan Township Police and of the 159 cases, most of them were traffic violations and 146 of these violations were speeding offences. One of the police officers present gave evi- dence in approximately 94 of the speeding cases heard. Be- cause of the large number of cases to be dealt with, Deputy Magistrate R. G. Pearse presid- ed in one court and Justice of the Peace N. P. Kelley presided in another. goine ofuthe 'season's'best ski- mg. also saw spring activities in the way of pruning get golng.| it Wis four below at the sewage disposal plant at Richmond Hill, another official recording sta- tion. The Ridge: Wins Oak Ridges. however, captur- ed the pennant. With Aurora recording 18 below and Rich- ‘mond Hill hitting a minus fo_ur ““““““““““““ E 54.39 Ga" 3% $12.00 1! KNAPP'S PAINT SERVICE WW “Alkyd Latex Flu!" 2 Door, Light Green, Most popular compact calf . . . ’61 FALCON DELUXE Fordor Wagon, radio, big engine, whitewalls. many other extras, Finished in Monte Carlo Red. Real Sharp. 2 Door. 6 cylinder, automatic, radio. two-tone maroon and white. completely reconditioned ’56 PONTIAC DELUXE Thunderbird engine, automatic, power steering, 2-tone blue and white with matching interior. Truly an outstanding car. ’56 FORD Ranch Wagon ’58 FORD 2-Dr. DELUXE 0 cylinder. with radio, new paint. one owner . . . Fordor. whitewalls, window washers, Corinthian White red and black interior. Driven only 8,000 miles. THE LAST OF OUR COMPANY DEMONSTRATORS ’61 FORD FAIRLANE 500 AV. 5-1105 You'll find more room on your budget for the things you and your family need and want, when you shop at these stores in Richmond Hill, where you can see wider selections, compare more prices and get better values in less time. IN RIBHMON “SHOPPER STOPPERS†SAVE 51000 R. D. LITTLE & SON , Cold Snag, Pruning, Share Stage W AVAVAVA'A'A" 036: m' m' mmm'xmmx'xmmm '1 I Spring During weekNew Families From Distance Make Hill Iheir Home Real estate movement in Ridl-lreports Frank Barrobt of Mar-l M "um/1 um “'13: mnrlm-nfnlv luauâ€"ml» R4121 Rttnfp with ï¬vn nmv‘r-_â€"â€"â€"â€" Vaughan Has A" 159 Cases Heard At Police Court When questioned as to the reason for the large number of cases, Vaughan Township Police Chief Davidson indicated that Tuesday was the first traffic court for his department in some weeks. As a result, all the charges that had been laid over the past two or three weeks were-heard at the same time paints- PA. 7-5001 5; $1895 $2195 $795 $895 $1145 Langstaff, saw one on Monday} February 5th. but modestly dis- claimed the honour of recording her sighting as number one for the year. Mrs. G. Simpson, also of Sussex Avenue, had told her a week before, while she was} collecting on the “March of Dimes" that she had seen one, reported Mrs. Lindsay. Skiing and pruning went on at the same time last Sunday. Many took advantage of gener-‘ ally excellent snow conditions,‘ one of them being a member} of Liberal’s staff. Another mem- ber of the staff started his season's landscaping at the same time. engaging in early :pruning. In the latter case. it is reported the Sabbath atmos- phere was somewhat shattered 315 a snow-white Samoyed. de- ciding to investigate, collected a faceful of black tree emul- sion. ’ Apple tree and forsynthla “'i{/fr."'c'ï¬me Evelyn of Em“ cuttings, taken lndoors some Mills mi west has just re- time previously, started showing turned home_ He and his son the first colour. And, on top Jack formerly of Elgin Mint wof it all, the calendar revealed now living in Agincourt have that the firs‘ day Of Spring 15 been visltlng 1n the Barbados. only approximately forty days Jack is pro. at the Tame- away as this issue appears. Shame,- Golf Club. vim An Outstgï¬aing Value With Leather Type cove, REGULAR 79cm†ONLY 50mm .1 nun-It'l- FAIIIHIIEIIT AV ‘. L“- i 1 7|. LHyII YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1!: Vnno‘p St. North TU. E: l: VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal Hall PHONE TU. 4-4101 V. O. N. :E‘VWe take your rush jobs in stride g! and keep our delivery promises 63 Yonge St. S. POCKET DIARY No matter how large your job is or how much in a hurry, you can depend on us to print it RIGHT and deliver it right on time. Our modern equip- ment and skilled manpower are geared for FAST action! THE LIBERAL iVancouver, Chatham, Red Deer Contribute Correspondent Mrs. W. J. Thompson Elzin Mills Road West TU. 4-1646 We are pleased to report that the ladies of Jefferson and El- gin Mills District were very suc- (essful in their collection for the March of Dimes. They had a very cold and blustery day for their door to door canvassing but collected approximately $135.00. Real estate movement in Rich- reports Frank Ban-out of Mar- mond Hill was moderately hea- ple Real Estate. with ï¬ve new vy during the last two weeks, families moving into the area. The Elgln Mills District is waiting for further word in con- nection with the water situation. we hope to have more news next week. Mr. Charlie Evelyn of Elgin Mills Rd. west has just re- turned home. He and his son Jack formerly of Elgln Mills. now llvlng in Agingouyt ‘have The Thompsons of Elgln Mills have had their son Bert, who is minister of the Church of Christ at Kingston visiting them over the weekend. He has been visit- ing several churches in Ontarlo and the United States. The Jefferson Community‘ Club Family Night originally planned for January 28th and postponed because of poor driv- ing conditions, will be held February 9th at Jefferson School from 7 till 10 pm. 7 __ Happy birthday to Robbie Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Burns, of Oxford Street. Elgln Mills, who celebrated his 5th birthday, January 2791. ELGIN MILLS & JEFFERSON NEWS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 8, 1962 is TU. 4-1105 4231 E 25 Yonge St. South Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lensen and n“; “magma/"gm" "enfugrytué family are moving from Gorm- m ‘9†- e 09’" a s u e" “ ley to 223 Elks Drive. Mr. Len- mmanuel C°nege' T°r°m°' sen is employed by York Metal Sleilhï¬de ' Spinning Co, Ltd. of Ripllmond “Carrvllle Sunday School 1! ,,q,,_ , ,I_JAIA_JJ_ _-_L.. “1-1. Mr. and Mrs. John Clifford! and family are moving into 377‘ Blue Grass Boulevard, although? they have been residents in the Hill for some time. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Atkinson are taking up residence at 332 North Tay- lor Mllls Drive. They have re- cently moved from Red Deer, Alberta. Mr. Atkinson is a cor- poral with the RCAF at Downs- View. E. G. Sandell, area supervisor for the F. W. Woolworth Co. Ltd. has moved into 10 Parks- ton Crescent. He and his family have moved from Vancouver. Mr. Sandell is making Rich- mond Hill headquarters for his area. which includes most of southern Ontario. H-ill. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gonzo‘ are also new residents in Rich- mond Hill. Mr. Gonzo is an or- borlst with the Ontario Depart- ment‘of Highways. The family has recently moved {Pom Chat- lham. Cottage Roofs Should Be Checked Those persons who have cottages in the northern part of the Lake Slmcoe district might be well ad- vised. according to the De- partment of Lands and For- ests. to go and take a look at them if possible. Heavy snowfalls, especially in the Severn area, have left con- siderable accumulations on roots which may prove hazardous. wv‘mm-vâ€"oâ€" â€"V_‘ EHNAL Cil'Eâ€"ARANCE E‘DRESSES , i 'SKIRTS ; 'SLIMS x 5.00 5.. $10.00 i RBIEEJ'EcIu'iBQEBt“? Thrifty Shoppers Men's Wear Specials 24B Yonge St. South TU. 4-296 m PENMAN’S SHORTS & BRIEFS, each .361! PENMAN’S r T-SHIRTS, each ............. 88¢ Specially Priced SKATES - GLOVES - PANTS STICKS - STOCKINGS - PADS SAVE 20% OFF SAVE 20 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill Al's Cycle 8. Sport PATTI-LU SHOP Correspondent Mrs. Bert Middleton Phone AL. 7-8920 Rev. Mr. MacDonald was in charge of the service at Carr- ville United Church Sunday. He invited Carrvllle congregation to attend the service at Thorn- hill United Church February 11, to hear H. de Boer, a student at Emmanuel College, Toronto. having a sleighride party Feb- ruary 10, at the Reay Farm on Bathurst Street. Ernie Bone will provide the sleigh.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Campbell last week attended the funeral of Mr. Campbell's eldest bro- ther. Clyde of Quebec City. Mr. Campbell was buried from the United Church at Carlisle, in the £1m11y plot at Bonaventure, Que- |bec. Mrs. Anne Clement has re~ covered sufficiently to be moved to St. Bernard's Convalescent Hospital on Flnch Avenue. Available most Wed- nesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Seating capacity, 350. Apply Mack Clement TU. 4-1606 CARRVILLE Lions’ Hall For Rent TU. 4-1213 TU. 4-2961