Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Feb 1962, p. 16

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Special teacher training cour- ses are being held each Monday night In February in United Missionary Church. Mr. C. Woodbuurynf Bethesda had dinner Sunday with Mr. D. B. Corfield. _r~__- «. «- an.» ME. Allan Doner drove .home from Indiana to spend a few days with his family. There was a fine response for the recent request for used clothing, for Northern Ontario. If there are any more donations,i they may be left at United Mis- sionary Church, or contact the resident, Mrs. C. Mllsted, or rs. Murray Bennett, Mrs. G. Cajypeygr Miss G. Bruce. Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George French were Mrs Frank Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Landon Steckley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett and Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Vanderbent of Rich- mond Hill. Mr. and 7M}; Em spent an evening recently with Mr. mg Mrs. Elias Elliott. Mrs. Doner and Dale had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doner and family of Bethesda. Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott spent Friday evening with Mr.‘ And Mrs. _G_cprge French. Mrs. A: “Db-net. “Vavsuéuest speaker the Missionary Sunday l‘ngvlce at Dickson’s Hill Sun- day‘ V_ __-_,....... Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Empringham and boys in the passing of her stepmother, Mrs. Thankful Byer of St. Ann’s near Welland. Res- idents of the community attend- ed_t.he funpral Saturday. I Mr. anders. Herti' Moorhy hay; moved to Vandorf. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nichols] ‘ .‘I' " J and Kevin have moved to Sab- "C" Cub Pack lst Richmond Hilllwent up into Scouts, the cere- msVflle. Pa. A hike through the Haltonlmonies being conducted by the Mrs. John Bond is spending a County Forest on February 4th‘leaders, Scoutmaster Drummond few weeks with her son-in law was enjoyed by the “C” Cub Fraser, Akela (“A”) Alf. Clarke. and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Pack of the lst Richmond Hill Akela (“B”) Ken. Dawe. The Cecil Brown and lamily of Col- Scout Troop. This hike was or-'new Scouts were: Senior Sixer 11"8W00d- ganized by the‘TOI'OfltO Hiking James Fraser. Sixers David Mrs. Em Hunt was able to re- and Conservation Club, led by Duffy, Michael Weeks. Ian Ad- turn home on Wednesday, from Bob Kertson who has a. wonâ€" amson, Alastair Gorman. David‘ Toronto General Hospital. derful knowledge of Wildlife Armstrong and Paul O'Brien, all Syrnpathy is extended to Mr. and the nature of trees. Some Two-Starr Cubs, the highest in] And Mrs. Ralph Empringham points of interest were how the Cubbing. I and boys in the passing of her beaver works and how he de- 1). Miller was presented with stepmother, Mrs. Thankful Byer stroys some of the trees. _ his Acord and Camn Cook A. a; A . __A Correspondent Mrs. Chas. Mllsted Gormley 5421 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis have moved into Jos. Jones' house on the town-line. 16 BRUCE MACDOUGALL THE DEAI. YOU WANT! THE CAR YOU WANT! THE TiRMS YOU WANT! All business men and women of the town. w or professional activities in the municipality also cordially extended to those living in Iisewhere, for whom a membership class is For further information call:â€" TOM MILLS, Secretary, Steering Committee. TU. 4-7841 IS NEVER REFUSED AT BRUCE MACDOUGALL MOTORS Gormley News OF RICHMOND HILL . . . fiUSlNESS MEN AND WOMEN E'HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 8. 1962 Pontiac - Buick - USED CAR See For Yourself You’ll Be Glad You Did JUST SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL 0N YONGE Guest speaker will be Mr. J. T. A. Wilson, Director of Marketing, Davis arid Henderson Limited, Don Mills, who is a director of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2lst AT 8P.M IflE‘IA‘UDIITORIUM, Richmond Hill High School Wright Street A GENERAL MEETING REASONABLE DEAL ON A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Preliminary work leading to the establishment of a .ick - Vauxhall - Pontiac Acadian G.M.C. Truck Dealer for Richmond Hill has been completed. of all those interested will be held in Richard Lynn passed the test for his 2nd Star while Billy Rumble passed his shoe cleaning test and two others, hopping and time telling. The Duty Six this week were Tawny, and they did a good jobâ€"unlike the White Six the previous week - who left one Cub to do all the work. The meeting was closed with a‘ rousing “Grand Howl” led by Nieholl Brooke and taken by the Akela. 5th Richmond Hill Scout Troop "Going Up" marked the meet- ing of the 5th Richmond Hill Scout Troop when a number of Cubs from “A” and "B" Pack This Pack enjoyed an excel- lent meeting on Wednesday. January Slst. all playing well together, competing in a mes- sage shouting competition and a relay race with pies balanced on their heads, the training period was a busy one, with all members of the Pack working hard towards their Stars. v ‘ Over the Beaver Dam and down the 16 Mile Creek, many pictures were taken at this beau- tiful waterfall half covered with snowy ice. There were 48 per- sons in the Hiking Club and one spotted dog. As this club goes hiking every two weeks - an invitation is extended “to come on out - get acquainted - and enjoy some real good fun and exercise," just call TU. 4-7436. Many thanks from the Pack to ‘Messrs. Leno Tonnello and Doxee, who provided transpor- tation. 4th Richmond Hill Cub Pack YOUR LOCAL , whether engaged in industry, merchandizing ity are invited to be present. An invitation is in Richmond Hill but engaged in business ‘ is being provided. F. J. PICKING, Chairman, Steering Committee TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3316 Four scouts - Robin Derrick, Dennis Richards, Dave Mowatt and Nick Chapman earned their Camp Cook Badges -- also the high appreciation of all the cam- pers, as these four cooked ex- cellent meals for all the 37 presâ€" ent. J In zero weather -- 35 scouts practically the entire troop â€" engaged in the prescribed sur- vival practices, including snow- shoeing and setting of snares on rabbit runs. Unexpected practice was given to the res- cue and St. John Ambulance squads, due to a suspected frac- tured ankle sustained by the warden's son, who as a visitor was skiing. In addition to their regular practice and tests, the boys enjoyed tobogganingt and skiing. I “Winter and Survival Tests”-- conducted by the lst Beverley Acres Scout Troop during Janu- ary 26th to 28th at Oxtrail Scout Camp -- were voted a complete success by the troop and their leaders, Scoutmaster Norman Foster and Rover Skipper Graeme Gould. P. Miller was presented with his A-Cord and Camp Cook Badges were awarded to Robert Steele. Derry Kerslake and Pe- ter Miller. Leaping Wolf Bad- ges were presented to Roddy Loftus. Mike McMaster and Mike Hannah. Invested. after passing their Tenderfoot Test. were: Roddy Loftus, James Fraser, David Duffy, Michael Weeks, Ian Adamson, Alastair German and David Armstrong. lst Beverley Acres Scout Troop CUB and Riéhmond Hill MOTORS SCOUT NEWS l The W1. women are busy' Letters of resignation from lquilting again, and last week Mrs. S. J. EngliSh, choir leade 1Mrs. E. Hill was hostess when for many years, and Mrs. Don- quilts for neighbourhood aid ald Reesor, church organist. were made. Mrs. Russell Boy- were received. No decisio ington will be hostess to a sec- was xiade on these. Those pres ond quilting in the near future. em 1. errred that the problem Congratulations to Bob Wil- should be referred to the sea kins whose 18th birthday was sion. .5 There players at Buttonville W.I. Hall last Friday for the bi-weekly winter euchre series. Winners were Mrs. M. Barber, Mrs. Wes. Middleton, Mrs. J. Dewsbury, ‘Messrs. Walter Craig, Jim Juhl and H. Mizen. Walter Craig's ‘score was high at 104. Mr. Wm. Muirhead won the lucky draw, a chicken, and. freeze-out win- ners were Mr. Tom Wilcox and Mrs. Norman Denby against Mrs. Wm. Allen and Don Brodie. Hostesses were Mm. Gordon Purves, Mrs. E. Sherman and Mrs. H. Lak, who were unablel to be present, and Mrs. F. H. Leaf. assisted by Mrs. R. Boy- ington. Mrs. F. W. Baker and Miss C. Brodie. Quilting were 12%,. tables of DJ past year the 1961 the Sess ton ersh ness ially help and extei icati -servi May Goo: nate and with 1 Bro“ The W.I. women are busy quilting again, and last week Mrs. E. Hill was hostess when quilts for neighbourhood aid Nancy Brown was guest of then-our at two showers last (week. On Wednesday, a Button- Iville community shower was ‘held at the Leitchcroft auditor- ium, with Mrs. Don Reesor, lMisses Beverley and Sandra lBurr, Joy Fuller, Mrs. Russell “Burr and Mrs. Walter Craig as hostesses. Assisting with the opening of the gifts were Misses Beverley Burr and Lorraine Rutherford, bridesmaids. ‘ On Friday, neighbours and friends of the groom‘s family were entertained at the home of Mrs. Nicholas, Unionville, where Mrs. Reddy was co-hos- tess. Nancy and her fiance Jim Wolfe of Unionville, will be married in Brown’s Corners United Church February 24. Euchre Series I _ . v . v . . u . u, ;u.5. Vlawlviu, AU“ Tucker and Bruce Palmer as- sista'n'ts. The new M & M committee is .chaired by Mr. Ross Hord, a:- sisted by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Miller, Mrs. Ross Hard and Mrs. E. Fuller. Mr. John Brown, Mr. Walter ‘Craig and Mrs. Sadie Brooke are on the 1962 Cemetery comâ€" mittee, and the Christian Edu- 'cation Committee, chaired by‘ N. R. Reid, lists Mrs. John Brumwell, Charles Turner, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. W. Craig, Mrs. W. Turner. The building committee reâ€" mains static, with J. E. Brown. Wm. Hood, W. A. Craig, N R. Reid, treasurer, and H. L. Cole- m-an, chairman. Church trusâ€" tees are J. F. Donaldson, D. E Hmd and .T 12‘ Drnuvn Miss Grace Hamilton of the department demonstrated bed- making, bed-bathing, moving a patient, turning mattresses, and described liquid and invalid diets and the setting up of trays. Bride To Be Honoured Mr. and Mrs. William Mc- Gimpsey were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Grant and Miss Elizabeth French last Wednesday, the oc- casion being their 49th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. James Rodick were among the guests.1 i Among local women taking ‘advantage of a home nursing course sponsored by the De- partment of Agriculture, at But- ‘tonville W. I. Hall were: Mrs. ‘Russell Boyington, Mrs. John Wilkins, Mrs. James Rodick, ‘Mrs. Edgar Fuller, Mrs. Ken Stots, Mrs. Fred Porter, Mrs. Henry Harper, Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson, Mrs. Vincent H011- and, Mrs. Elmer Hill, Mrs. Francis McNab and Mrs. George Hooper who acted as patient, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brum- well are staying at the Charles Hooper home in the absence of Mary’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooper, who are on vacation in Mexico. Home Nursing Course Mrs. George Hooper was guest of Victoria Square Charge C.G» LT. at Brown’s Corners United Church last week. She demon- strated suitable make-up for teenagers. Earlier, Mrs. Hooper gave a demonstration to grade 9 students of Thomhill Second- ary School. ‘ Neighbourhood Notes When StormMeets Steel - Scaffolding Sways Shown from two different angles is the steel scaffolding surrounding a new apartment building under construction at Elmwood and Bayview Avenues, Richmond Hill, victim of a storm which worked up a sixty-mile- per-hour blow at the end of January. The top picture shows the polyeth- ylene tarpaulins which were hung on the scaffolding to protect workers inside, but which during the storm acted as huge sails and helped the wind to bend the scaffolding. At the extreme right is seen one of the cranes brought in as an emergency measure to hold the scaffolding until it could be dismantled. In the lower picture, which also demonstrates the way in which the steel scaffolding was twisted, a Richmond Hill Hydro worker helps to remove tarpaulins./ (Photos by Lagerquist) BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gonnley Phone AXminster 3-6188 alter Craig as’Craig and Mrs. Sadie Brooke :ing with theIare on the 1962 Cemetery comâ€" :s were Misses‘mittee, and the Christian Edu- and Lorraine'cation Committee, chaired by -___2.v_ [\v r. moving a New stewards are John Loh- »sses, and man, W. Middleton, Don Ree- i invalid sor, and Mrs. F. Leaf. Mr. Ed-‘ g up of gar Fuller, chairman of ushers, with John Rodick, Jim Hood, 1 Ross Hard, Reg. Crawford, Ron guest. oflltuoker and Bruce Palmer as- Dr. A. F. Binnih‘gton has been} pastor on this charge for four years, and in his message 10‘ the congregation he termed 1961 “A year to remember” In \the letter from the Clerk of Session, Dr. and Mrs. Binning- ton were lauded for their lead- ership and many acts of kind- ness during the past year,espec- MN "for wisdom and continual help to the building committee and court of session during the extension and planning of ded- ication services". Anniversary services in 1962 will be held May 6. and the candlelight and Good Friday services will alter nate between Brown's Corners and Victoria Square churches, with the Good Friday service at Brown’s Corners. The building committee reâ€" mains sta~tic, with J. E. Brown. Wm. Hood, W. A. Craig, N R. Reid, treasurer, and H. L. Cole- m-an, chairman. Church trusâ€" tees are J. F. Donaldson, D. E Hopd and J. E. Brown. The new M & M committee is chaired by Mr. Ross Hord, a:- sisted by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Miller, Mrs. Ross Hard and Mrs. E. Fuller. Mr. Elgin Sherman was nam‘ ed the new member of Session joining Messrs. N. R. Reid clerk; J. S. Donaldson, J E Brown, D. E. Hood, A. Stephen- son, Cline Burr, H. Stei‘fler, H Baldwin, C. Turner, W. Craig W. W. Miller and P. Walker. . Membership at the end of 1961 was 202, active and inacq tive, and 14 of this number joined the church during the past year. The board has budgetted for‘ $16,400.00 during 1962, and on January 31, the building debt stood at $26,500.00 as against the original $55,000.00 more they} a_yea‘_1fiago. Tot-a1 receipts received for‘ Brown’s Corners Church were $15,672.80 during the year 1961. land the M&M Fund totalled $1,752.82, according to a report presented at the annual meet- ing, held at the church last Monday. According to Treasurer Wali ter Craig, actual money raised by all organizations in the‘ church was $20,730.71. A rabid skunk at the farm of Charles Hooper is the reason the dairy herd is under precau- tionary quarantine. This is the closest the threat of rabies has come to this community for some time. Brown’s Corners Church last Wednesdayf Herd Quarantined Classic texturized styles in new fashion shades. First PULLOVERS LOVELY SWEATERS FOR MY VALENTINE CARDIGANS Make wonderful gifts. ‘Arnel’ & ‘Nylon Acetate’ full slips in Pink, Aqua, Lilac & White. Sizes: 32-42. VALENTINE FAVORITES BLOUSES FOR ‘HER’ Picture pretty styles in Swiss Minicare and newest material trends. White & colors. 14-20-35,; $1.97 32,97 HALF APRONS For the Valentine hostess . . . . in polished cottons and nylons. 98c Rayon Celasuede* briefs in white and paste] $1.47 SLIP & PANTIE SETS FOR VALENTHE Rayon Celasuede* styles in White and shades as fresh as the flowers of Spring. Each set boxed. *Reg. Can Celaln‘ese Tr. Mk, *uoxuuu cuauco. L'JLDD Quality. Sizes: 14-20. LLOVERS If,» \A $1.98 & $2.88 Give up to twice the wear of ordinary stockings â€" - Fluted Top - Regular $1.50 pair FIRST QUALITY SEAMLESS NYLONS WHILE'Q‘UANTITIES LAST Vaégntine Special! 67c OUR PRICE SLIPS LADIES’ PANTIES $4.77 pair (Home Improvement Division) Stop 23 Yonge St. Richvale AV. 5-4921 - TU. 4-1121 Evenings: Craig Bowden ‘ TU. 4-1668 1 BOWDEN LUMBER Co. BILL DING says: Contains: 10 sheets with 40 Valentines, 52 red sticker hearts and 40 envelopes. VALENTINES FOR THE ONE YOU LOVE JUMBO ASSORTMENT - 50 cutouts . . . . . . 49c CLASSROOM ASSORTMENT - 32 Valentines 39c BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT - 25 Valentines 25c VALENTINE GIFT WRAPPING PAPER, RED RIBBONS & BOWS, RED & WHITE TISSUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c CREPE PAPER & STREAMERS . . . . . . . . . . 15c VALENTINE PARTY GOODS NAPKINS . . . . 29c TABLECOVERS . . . . 39c RED & WHITE CANDLES . . . . . . . . . . . . 10c up SUPER VALUE ONLY . . A huge assortment with greetings for everyone .. Relative, Special Titles & Humorous aeo- Plans, Specifications and Tender Forms may be obtained from the Architects on Tuesday, Febru- ary 6th, 1962, upon deposit of a cheque in the amount of $50.00 made payable to the Architects. This cheque will be refunded upon return of com- plete plans and specifications in good condition within 7 days of close of Tender. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Separate Tenders for Mechanical and Electrical sub-trades will be received until 3 :00 p.m., Friday, February 23rd, 1962, at the Toronto Construction Association, 1104 Bay Street, Toronto. Only Tenders deposited with the Bid Depository will be considered for the Mechancial and Elect- rical sub-trades. - CHOCOLATE HOLLOW MOULD HEART SEALED TENDERS on a stipulated sum basis, plainly marked “Tenders for Addition to Bayview High School” will be received at the office of the Architects until 3 pm. EST VALENTINE PORTFOLIO VALENTINE PACKAGES YORK CENTRAL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ADDITION TO BAYVIEW MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, 1962 HIGH SCHOOL MARKHAM TOWNSHIP PAGE & STEELE, ARCHITECTS 72 St. Clair Avenue West Toronto 7, Ontario g 5‘ to 25¢ Open Every Day Till 6 pm. Thurs. & Fri. Nite Till 9 ,m 55 Valentines with envelopes. Make these yourself. 25: RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE CUT - OUT VALENTINE BOOKS

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