Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Feb 1962, p. 3

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FEBRUARY 9 â€"â€" Friday. Ops mg Dance at Melody La-ne Dan Pavilion (rear of Log Cat Grill, Oak Ridges). Rockâ€"a-Bi Band. Prizes. Admission 75c FEBRUARY 9 â€"â€" Friday at 8.15 poses. cawoa p.m. Euchre. in the Victoria a; a: c o Square Community Hall. clw32 FEBRUARY 16 __ Friday, 8 p_' ‘ ' * m. The official opening of Klein-i FEBRUARY 1,0 â€" Satursiay 2-4 burg School Addition by the pm. _St. Gabriel's Valentine ’l‘ea public School Board of the Bayvle'w 3‘ CNSby AVE» Ladlesv Township School Area of Vau- Mothers & Daughters, Bake ghan c1w32 Table - Hat Bar - Local Enter-1 , _ , , tam-mam. Children 150, ngn‘lfilSUNDAx EVE‘NING' 7.30 to "-H r :‘nnn'fl’ 35c FEBRUARY 12 â€"â€" At 8.15 p.m. Beverley Acres School Y Neigh- bour Group meets. (Copper- nova. \â€" - toohng). Everyone welconéei.W32 EVERY MONDAY. __ 8.15 pm. York Choraliers practice in basement St. Mary's Anglican‘ Church. Vacancies in all sec- . t I . FEBRUARY 14 â€" Wednesday, 1 pm. Richmond Hill United _ , Church women's VALENTINE tlonst .partlcularly men. Come LUNCHEON in the church hall. and 10m “5- Phone AV~ 5323372- ' " c w uuuv ....... FEBRUARY 14 â€"- Wednesday, 1 p.m. Richmond Hill United Church- Church Women's VALENTINE tlonst ,Pi LUNCHEON in the church hall. and 101" Speaker, Mi5s Dorothy Young. Tickets $1.00. c2w31 - ~ A - - r‘nN'I‘ES FEBRUARY 14 â€"â€" Wednesday. York North Liberal Women's Association Tea at the home of Mrs. Clarence Davis, 88 Spruce Street. Aurora, 2.30 - 5 pm. An...ol ' alll' W V ' V fiMnmmum " 5‘ SW" "waggumumuuu umreo I98 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Turner 4 - 44]] 51 Corvau' Uuswm OUU, uuLvum-u» um.» mission, radio, folding rear seat 61 Chev. 4 Door Belair Hardtop, 6 cylin- der, automatic transmission, radio, white- walis. wheel discs, windshied washers 60 Chev. 4 Door Biscayne V8. automatic transmission. radio, whitewails 60 Corvair 4 Door Custom 500. standard transmission 60 Chev. 4 Door Beiair, 6 cylinder, stand- ard transmission, whitewaiis, wheel discs, windshield washers WILSON - top, non/e; stVéerin’g,’power brakres, radio, whitewalls. two-tone 55 Ford 2 Door Fairla‘ne V8. automatic transmission, radio 55 Ford 4 Door Fairlane V8, automatic transmission. radio, whitewails, two- tone 55 Pontiac 4 Door Lauremian V8, stand- ard transmission, twoâ€"tone 54 Pontiac 4 Door NIBLETT. Richmond Hill Lions Hall MONDAY, FEB, 12m, 61 Chev. 4 Door Belair, V8, automatic transmission, power steering. rad-lo, whitewalls, windshield washers 61 Chev. 2 Door Impala Hardtop, 6 cylin- der, automatic transmission, power steer- lng~ power brakes, radio, whitewalls 61 Chev. 4 Door Impala Hardtop, V8. auboâ€" matlc transmission, power steering, power brakes. power windows, radio, whitewails ‘ 61 Pontiac 4 Door Strato. 6 cylinder, aurto- matlc transmission, two-done 61 Austin Healey Sports, wire wheels, Hardtop, two-tone -- - n, L_-_- 61 Corvair Custom 500, automatic trans- mission. radio, folding rear seat 61 Chev. 4 Door Belair Hardtop, 6 cylin- der, automatic transmission, radio, white- walls. wheel discs, windshied washers 60 Chev. 4 Door Biscayne V8. automatic transmission, radio, whitewalls 60 Corvair 4 Door Custom 500, standard transmission 60 Chev. 4 Door Belair, 6 cylinder. stand- ard transmission, whitewalls, wheel discs, windshield washers WHY SHOULD YOU BUY A USED CAR FROM WILSON - NIBLETT MOTORS LTD. O.K. used car warranty recommended by G.M. and backed by our policy of customer satisfaction. Low Cost G.M.A.C. Financing and M.I.C. Insurance. We Are Authorized G.M. Dealers Our modern facilities equipped to handle any problem are not obtainable from an unauthorized motor car dealer. 355 Yonge St. N. AV. 5-4991 - TU. 4-1194 Just North of Richmond Heights Centre CHEVROLET, OLDSMOBILE, F.85, CORVAIR, ENVOY, O.K. USED CARS ‘iday. Open- FEBRUARY 16 â€" Friday at Lane Dance 8.30 pm. Victoria Square Dis- Log Cabin trict Lions Club Old ’h’me and Rockâ€"a-Billy Modern Dance, in the Victoria asion 75c. Square Community Hall. with c1w32 Norm Burling and his orchestra. Proceeds for community pur- nA..hfl clw32 c3w30 COMING EVENTS MOTORS LTD. SUNDAY EVENING, 7.30 to 9.30 Richmond Hill Library Auditorium. New members wel- come. phone TU. 4-1435. I ".90 CONTEST â€" Win a self-imâ€" provement course. Make-up. Poise and Posture. Exercises. Groups interested have classes in your own clubroom. Call Audrie 285-4889. Contest ends February 3. c4w28 Friday at 59 Chev. 4 Door Bela-it, 8 cylinder, auto- matic transmission, turbo-glide, wind- sh-ield washers 59 Olds. 2 Door Super 88 Hardtop, auto- matic transmission, power steering, pow- er brakes, two-tone, whitewalls, radio 58 Chev. 2 Door Yeoman V8, Automatic transmission. radio. two-tone 58 Pontiac 2 Door Laurentian V8, awtomatic transmission, two-tone 57 Dodge 4 Door Regen-t. 6 cylinder. auto- matic transmission, two-tone 57 Buick 4 Door Special H-ag‘dtep, power ciw32 *1w32 {Vaughan Will Examine' :- iSidewaIk Possibility‘g SUNDAY NIGHT - Live couytl'y Ellâ€"06¢ 3n stage every Sun day night at York Farmers’ Mat ket, Thornhlll. Show start_s a 8.30 pm Acting on a suggestion of a member of the township school area board, Vaughan Township council has decided to look into the possibility of having side- walks constructed along heavily travelled highways to provide safe means for children to get to and from school. The sidewalks, if constructed. would probably be put along such highways as 7 11 and Keele Street or any area where complaints had been received about children having to walk on the highway. Council decided to obtain in- formation from the Department of Highways relative to sidewalk‘ construction, particularly with respect to the department's po- glicy in subsidizing such pro- jects c4w29 :fi‘éiéNew Concept 0* RoadM‘i‘PéQSNQ'lt Shuttiéiedx Vaughan It's a new approach to road planning for the continent. 01-i- ginated by the National Asso- ciation of County Engineers in the United States, it has been adapted and refined for use in Canada by the Ontario Depart: ment of Highways. Vaughan and North Dal-Chester, if they adopt the new concept officiallyâ€"and it is almost certain they willâ€" will be among leaders on the North American continent in the new and practical approach to road management. By F. J. PICKING Within a short time a plan revealing a new con- cept in the development and maintenance of township roads will be studied in detail by Vaughan Township [A The plan calls for no elabo- rate engineer-ing formulae. In- deed. if a formula had to be developed. it might almost read â€"V‘V‘Arlten-ryear Elan, plus ma- terials, plus balanced financing. plus commonsense. divided by needs." Decisive Factors Count It is based on a complete study of the existing road sys- tem and a traffic analysis, to- gether with an expert evaluation of the condition of the roads‘ as they now are. Traffic counts and related studies reveal what each road in the municipality is carrying at the present time, together with what it is likely to have to carry in the future. ;The study is projected on a ten-year basis. - ,d-‘ .. _, ......... Study of the roads reveal their condition, their bases, their drainage, their general fit- iness for the type of job they u nun-“d . Despite the strong cold wind, the Guides enjoyed the skating and being pushed by the wind. Mr. Newman kindly permitted the group to make use of the kit- chen to make warm refresh- ments and Mr. Garland, school janitor, whose assistance was ap- preciated. The Guides all enjoy- ed the informal outing and the meeting was brought to a close at 9.00 pm. Girl Guide “Camp Adelaide" lst Richmond Hill Girl Guides Reported by Guide Margaret Hanson The fifth meeting in 1962 of the 1st Richmond Hill Guide Company was held on Monday evening, in the form of a skaLâ€" ing party under the leadership of Captain Munsey, Lieutenant Willis and Patrol Leaders Doro- thy Wood, Judy Todd, June Pyatt, Margaret Finn and Judy lBunker. .. ., The generous gift of $10,000 by Mr. R. S. McLaughlin of Oshawa, towards 'the develop- ment of the Girl Guide “Camp Adelaide” at Haliburton is won- ‘derful news for all Guides in‘ Richmond Hill, Thornhill and surrounding districts comprising the York Central Division of which Mrs. P. D. McTaggartâ€"Co- awan is Division Commissioner. ‘ The purchase of the site of} Camp Adelaide was made pos- sible by the inspiration of the late Mrs. McLaughlin, and later Gormlley Farmer Owns Champion DON MATTHEWS Owner of “Don Head Duchess Connie," which has broken the all-time Jersey record for pro-‘ duction, Mr. Matthews has farm- ed on the Don Mills Road, just north of Victoria Square, for the last fifteen yearsL His cow’s‘ pro; en on L118 UUu AVLAAAJ L‘vuu’ J--. 7 north of Victoria Square, for the Elizabeth Burgess received a last fifteen years. His cow’s pm- Little House Emblem. To qualify duction was 16,898 pounds of for this emblem, a Guide must milk and 768 pounds of fat in pass the six homecraft badgeS; 305 days. Connie's twin sister Cook, Child Nurse, Needlewo- broke four records as a twoâ€" man, Laundress. Homemaker, year-old. and Hostess. The house on this Hon. George Hees, Minister of Emblem, is a replica of the cot- Trade and Commerce for Can- tage presented to the Queen and ada, was a recent visitor to the Princess Margaret when they Matthews farm, with many oth- were children. The Queen gave er visitors, who later attended her consent and approval for the annual Barn Meeting of the the awarding of this badge. York County Jersey Club at the At the conclusion of the cere- 1farm. Breeders, their families many. games were enjoyed by and 4«H club members were a- all present. The meeting was mong the guests. (Lagerquist) closed with Brownie Taps. duction was 16,898 pounds of‘ milk and 768 pounds of fat in 305 days. Connie's twin sister broke four records as a twoâ€" year-old. â€"_ --. .AHV‘, Township Among First 0n Continent $50.00 $350 52 STARTING TIME-8 PM. FULLCARDTOGO JACKPOT f NUMBERS CALLED ,GUIDE AND BROWNIE NOTES are likely to be called on to do. The two factors interact to give the road a priority rating. In simple illustration. a narrow gravel road with a poor base and bad drainage. on which traffic flow was increasing rap- idly because of the establish- ment of new factories or similar; projects. would be given a high priority. Its priority would de- termine where it would fit into the general pattern of a ten- year plan. Establish Backlog Critical factors in the estab-l lishment of road ratings, or pri- orities, would be speed, width, surface. Roads which were eval~ uated as deficient for present needs would form the township's backlog. to be taken care of‘ first. Roads with a lower pri- ority would, obviously, take their place lower in the scale. Bridges and railway crossings would form important segments of the studies. Type of use would be another important fac- tor, the nature of the service required being a consideration. The estimated cost of reme- dying the deficiencies would be established, over a ten~year period. Road expenditures would then be made according to the plan or, in other words, accord- ing to needs. _ » ;,,:____1 .A All- ..v “v--.” [While the plan is designed to cover ten years, it would be reviewed constantly to keep It gifts of money were given by Mrs. McLaughlin’s daughters in honour of their mother. The camp was formally opened on July 9th, 1960, located on a beautiful spot, just east of Hal- iburton Village, on Black Lake, the lake frontage encircling half the lake, plus two points of land jutting out from the adjoining shore, which lends itself admir- able for o‘gernigrh-tr camping” The canip is 280 acres in' ex- tent, easily reached by‘highway and close to doctors and Red Cross Hospital, with a small lake, ideal for boating and can- oeing. .One project for the fu- ture has been consideration of a chapel, on a hillside where hum- dreds of silver birch trees a- bound. The girls could holdl their “Guides Own" in this beautiful setting looking right through to the lake. 7th Richmond Hill Guide Com- Dally Reported by Guide Elizabeth Burgess On Wednesday. January 17th., the 7th Richmond Hill Guide Company, and the 5th and 9th Brownie Packs held a Fly-Up Ceremony 'at Beverley Acres Public School. The meeting was opened con- The meeting was opened con- jointly by the Brownies and Guides. The Guides then form- ed the traditional horseshoe while the Brownies looked on. iOolouT Bearers for this cere- ‘mony were Sylvia Inglis and Gloria Smart. The following badges were presented by Mrs. Pat Gregg, Brown Owl of the 9th. Pack and Mrs. Barbara Firman, Brown Owl of the 5th. Pack; Needle-‘ worker to Margaret Inglis, a Golden Hand to Joanne Crock- er, and a Golden Ladder to Pam- ‘ela Stirling.” The Fly-Up Ceremony then commenced. After receiving their wings from their Brown Owls, the following Brownies “flew” up the golden path to Guideland, Leslie Fournier, San- dra Smith, Joanne Cracker of the 9th Pack, and Jane Dean of the 5th Pack. They were receiv- ed by their new Pat-r01 Leaders and Captain Inglis. Susan Ow- ens and Pamela Stirling of the 5th Pack, “walked-up” and were received in the same manner. Although gaining all necessary badges. Pamela Stirling was un- able to “fly-up" because she had not been a Brownie for the required two years. _ The next part in the proceed- ings. was the enrollment of re- cruits from the 7th Guide Com- pany. Arlene Haggart, and Kath- erine Smith, of the Bluebird Patrol and Lynn Aitken of the Scarlet Tananger Patrol were welcomed into the “World Wide Sisterhood of Guides" by Cap- tain Jean Inglis. The plan will have many ad- vantages from a township coun- cil point of view. Its members will be working with facts in- stead of guesses and will be able to make informed deci- slons. It will prevent hit-an-d-miss work on the tawnship's road system by allowing work to be done on the basis of well-de- fined need. It will eliminate the doing of work in unnecessary places through pressure (such things do happen) while other parts of the municipality, where needs are actually greater, g9 short. Better planning will be pos- sible, even down to the pur- chasing of road machinery. Prob- lems and their magnitude can be identified and modifications made if and when needed. Development of the township fitting in with the official plan will be simplified at least inso- far as roads are concerned of i‘oad maintenâ€"ance without taking away the right of inde- pendent decision. In short, the plan is an at- tempt to takerthe guesswork out The plan has been arrived at after months of study by the provincial Department of High- ways and township officials, C. R. Wilmot, planning and re- search engineer of the Munici- ‘pal Roads Branch of the On- tario Department of Highways, explained the new concept to. “The Liberal” recently. Sitting in with him on the discussion were Township Clerk J. M. Mc- Donald, Keith Hopper of Dun- can Hopper and Associates Ltd., the township’s consulting engi- neers; Robert Saunders, account- ant of the township’s road de- MOLEY'S FOODLAHD c 29 YONGE“ 51. s. of 7904’ 3910/?” Richmond Hill CHOCOLATE Nestle's STOKLEY’S FANCY Tomato Tea Bags LYON’S ECONOMY Le & Breasts + $49“ Betty Crocker Fancy Grade 6 qt. bskt. Snow White CAULIFLOWER HEA029< (5 Quick 2|b.tin 85c Effie/S’awhyc 20 oz. tin 12C Time and again Mr. Wilmot and Mr. Hopper declared that a controlled road construction program was the main objec- tive, with the others agreeing. All saw the plan taking guess- work out of road management. Speed of the project, it was averred. would depend upon the amount of money which town- ship council felt could be made available each year. New Roads Involved No new roadsâ€"that is. roads which. figuratively. sprang 0 coming into existence where no them out of the blue. roads were beforeâ€"are involved The Department of Highway: in the planning, The township’s it was said, was studying th road grid already exists and has Vaughan and North Dorchese done for many years. The build- projects with extreme interes ing up of the present roads is AS the first of their kind 1 the backbone of the plan. Pro- Canada, it was possible th: vincial or county roads which they might be very lmvportai might happen to come into the in opening a new door on mun township would not be its re- cipal road management. )‘I“““‘-!-_“Ii CAKE MIXES BAYVIEW PLAZA BAYVIEW AVENUE & ELGIN MILLS ROAD “““ggn‘I_‘I‘I‘ They hold 2 regular washer loads for 35¢. We also have big Commercial Dryers that fluff dry your clothes ever-so- fast. You can put 4 to 5 regular washer loads in one big dryer (deposit 10c for each 10 minutes required). Several dimes may be deposited at one time. We now can offer you your choice of the regular automa- tic washer of either the Big Inglis Washer or the‘Easy with the Spiralator Action. They both do a very clean wash. (Come and See for Yourself) All Those Blankets, Bed Spreads, Drapes, Scatter Rugs, Sheets, Playsuits, Overalls, etc. In our Big New Double Load Washers COIN LAUNDRY THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, February 8, 196L§ McIntosh or Spys pkg. of 100 NOTICE PET STOKLEY’S FANCY HONEY POD PEAS 215m35 REGULAR 0R CHUBBY Kleenex 2 vkos- 29 COTTAGE ROLLS Sweet Pickled 1/2 Cryovac lb PORK LIVER FRESH suceo Ib.29c FLORIDA, NO. I Size 36's sp01 White or Chocolate pkg Large Stalks cat pupa-u“ ‘ But we wo pare those I inventory c‘ spending 1 moval and This is good used from us y< been relia give you your right. Rememb amine lux Hill Unite: I I I I I I ‘ February 1 I I I I .I THE D CA 5959 Yo: Every motorist who has had to have his car thawed out after a Winter storm, ice and snow washed off and the car dried before taking it into the cold again, knows what an expensive and tiresome job it can be. Now do the same thing for anywhere from 10 to 51) cars or moreâ€"one at a ' timeâ€"and you have an idea of Just one of the special prob- lems car dealers" face in Winter. lavc Ill "uncl- M. R. Ben It normally costs $3.00 per day to a dealer to keep a used car on his lot, counting lot up~ keep, depreciation, washing, li- cence fees. etc. In Winter, batâ€" tery recharges. anti-freeze, more frequent washing and starting problems add another $2.20 per day, making a total of $5.20. r Depreciation isn’t too impor- tant in Winter because it levels off in late November and doesn’t drop significantly until Spring. This is essentially a customer benefit since depreciation loss is the biggest single item of owner expense. A used car bought now will lose little, if any value, in the next three months. .THE USED CAR SEASON During all seasons. Dodge 0n- tario sells quality used cars at what we believe to be the low- est possible net price anywhere. But we would frankly prefer to pare those prices and keep our inventory down in preference to spending money on snow re- moval and battery recharges. This is the season to buy a good used car. If you buy it from us you can be sure it has been reliably reconditioned to give you the satisfaction it is your right to expect. Remember the Woman's Val- entine luncheon at Richmond Hill United Church. Wednesday. February 14. at 1 pm. THE DODGE ONTARIO CAR CO. LTD. 5959 Yonge St. at Cnmmer Willowdale 3 lb. pkg. .49: ‘. 33C

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